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The American Ruling Class

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  • Aaron

    ANYONE can have a good idea, even the French! LOL

    Saw an interesting interview, last nite, on PBS Newshour. It was of a Conservative author, didn't get the name, but I'm sure its on their website.

    He's written a book, where he postulates that their are 2 classes of people in the U.S, and that the upper class still has certain values, but that the middle class has lost those values. For instance, in 1960 80+% of middle class were married,as were 'upper' class, today still 80% of upper class, but down to 40 something percent of middle class. Anyway, I reject some of his premise, as he seemed to say that middle class needed to re-instill values which upper class has retained.
    But, he said upper class ( American Ruling Class?) are 'out of touch' with 'reality'; they go right from college, to a job where they manipulate #'s, or people, (think Wall street, Lawyers, or even "Devil wears Prada"), married someone like themselves, live in a Mcmansion inside a gated Community, and engage in excessive consumerism.

    He included a set of 'test' questions, to detirmine which class someone is in. They only mentioned ONE question in the interview, but its very telling; "Have you EVER worked at a job, that made a body part hurt at the end of the day?" Great question. I Think the people he was describing are Romoney voters, and it describes Romoney and his wife, as well.

    Where he's off, in my opinion, is in his assertion that these people have retained certain values; No, they are sociopaths, who have worked the system without conscionce, for their OWN benefit. Think Bernie Madoff, Jeff Skilling, the people working at Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, etc. and clearly, Romoney himself; evolution has 'favored' the sociopaths; there is an evolutionary advantage to not having a conscionce, in 'civilisation', and their #'s and influence are past the tipping point; The inmates ARE 'in charge' of the asylum!
    The people he describes in the 'working class' who he says have 'lost' these values, and are producing kids out of wedlock, etc.; lower I.Q. sociopaths. For instance he uses statistics from the 1960's, showing 90% of men 30-40 were either working or looking for work; today its something like 40%, (i FORGET THE # HE QUOTED, BUT IT WAS SIGNIFICANTLY LESS).

    My belief is that civilisation is inevitably going to fall, of its own weight, but this increasing percentage of sociopaths, and their disproportionate influence is speeding the fall. Just wishing the thing would go ahead and collapse, and get it over with, while at the same time doing what I can to prepare for the inevitable chaos that will inevitably result. And, trying to laugh, cause it sure beats the alternative! Jim


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      ANYONE can have a good idea, even the French! LOL

      Saw an interesting interview, last nite, on PBS Newshour. It was of a Conservative author, didn't get the name, but I'm sure its on their website.

      He's written a book, where he postulates that their are 2 classes of people in the U.S, and that the upper class still has certain values, but that the middle class has lost those values. For instance, in 1960 80+% of middle class were married,as were 'upper' class, today still 80% of upper class, but down to 40 something percent of middle class. Anyway, I reject some of his premise, as he seemed to say that middle class needed to re-instill values which upper class has retained.
      But, he said upper class ( American Ruling Class?) are 'out of touch' with 'reality'; they go right from college, to a job where they manipulate #'s, or people, (think Wall street, Lawyers, or even "Devil wears Prada"), married someone like themselves, live in a Mcmansion inside a gated Community, and engage in excessive consumerism.

      He included a set of 'test' questions, to detirmine which class someone is in. They only mentioned ONE question in the interview, but its very telling; "Have you EVER worked at a job, that made a body part hurt at the end of the day?" Great question. I Think the people he was describing are Romoney voters, and it describes Romoney and his wife, as well.

      Where he's off, in my opinion, is in his assertion that these people have retained certain values; No, they are sociopaths, who have worked the system without conscionce, for their OWN benefit. Think Bernie Madoff, Jeff Skilling, the people working at Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, etc. and clearly, Romoney himself; evolution has 'favored' the sociopaths; there is an evolutionary advantage to not having a conscionce, in 'civilisation', and their #'s and influence are past the tipping point; The inmates ARE 'in charge' of the asylum!
      The people he describes in the 'working class' who he says have 'lost' these values, and are producing kids out of wedlock, etc.; lower I.Q. sociopaths. For instance he uses statistics from the 1960's, showing 90% of men 30-40 were either working or looking for work; today its something like 40%, (i FORGET THE # HE QUOTED, BUT IT WAS SIGNIFICANTLY LESS).

      My belief is that civilisation is inevitably going to fall, of its own weight, but this increasing percentage of sociopaths, and their disproportionate influence is speeding the fall. Just wishing the thing would go ahead and collapse, and get it over with, while at the same time doing what I can to prepare for the inevitable chaos that will inevitably result. And, trying to laugh, cause it sure beats the alternative! Jim
      Hi Jim
      Don't get me started about the French

      Anyway I agree I think civilization as a whole will collapse in on itself. I believe that the moral decay not only in this country but around the world goes beyond any class lines, the moral decay is universally spread across national and economic borders.
      I belive that as man evolves and advances he looses site of God and when that happens man looses the moral authority which God has over us. And when man has no authority to obey or follow he feels he can do anything he wants. In some cases that is good, ....creativity innovation. Unfortunately in most cases that is bad becuase man as a civilization feels it can also get away wiith anything it deems moral... depravity, rape, lies, theft etc...These things have always been around however now society tries to justify some acts as normal whereas before as a nation under God they would never be accepted.
      They took God out of the school and we now have school shootings.
      They force God out of the main stream and the mainstream fills the void with ....well I won't get into it here but you get the picture.
      If you want a lasting nation bring back God, if you want a moral and caring nation bring back Jesus.
      I am sorry I stepped way off base here but those are my humble thoughts
      Smile it doesn't hurt!

      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


      • sociopaths are the metaphorical reptilians

        Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        evolution has 'favored' the sociopaths; there is an evolutionary advantage to not having a conscionce, in 'civilisation', and their #'s and influence are past the tipping point; The inmates ARE 'in charge' of the asylum!
        I would make a distinction here -

        These sociopaths are not evolved so this isn't about evolution. They grow their control through predatory behavior because they are operating from pure survival mode in the reptilian part of their brain that we all have. These people are not evolved but are genetically, mentally and spiritually degenerated or de-evolved. These are the metaphorical reptilians that rule by fear and it seems to be bred into their children, children's children, etc... through many generations.

        When there is fear, the reptilian part of the brain kicks in and the rest of the brain shut down. These sociopaths are simply operating from perpetual fear.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
          Hi Aaron
          Back in the late 90s there was a lot of concern of Clinton declaring marshal lawif Y2K actually hit. There was also concern about him doing the same at the request of the UN.
          There were several sherriff orginazations and several military orginizations who warned of such illegal presidential actions. It also explained what they shoudl do in that case.
          If I remember correctly the conferences were titled "vampire slayer 2000" I have looked on line but see no refernce to it. I know I still have some of the documents from a meeting I attended regarding this. I will have to look around for it.
          However if there is no other online refernce to it, it is either defunct or "cleaned up"
          Drake seems to be anon, but some interesting comments were made on their previous youtube video, suggesting confirmation.

          Google this:
          The Original "Officer Friendly" Jack McLamb - "Police and Military Against the New World Order" - "Vampire Killer 2000".

          Jack has been severely suppressed:
          Jack McLamb - Police & Military Against the New World Order
          Taking our oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution" seriously. * Aid & Abet 115 Patrick Henry Ct, Kamiah, Idaho -


          • Originally posted by yoyo View Post
            Drake seems to be anon, but some interesting comments were made on their previous youtube video, suggesting confirmation.

            Google this:
            The Original "Officer Friendly" Jack McLamb - "Police and Military Against the New World Order" - "Vampire Killer 2000".

            Jack has been severely suppressed:
            Jack McLamb - Police & Military Against the New World Order
            Taking our oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution" seriously. * Aid & Abet 115 Patrick Henry Ct, Kamiah, Idaho -
            hi yoyo
            you are right!!!
            Vampire killer 2000 not slayer.....
            This is exactly what I was referring to. These are frem the series of conferences, rallies etc in the mid 90s to warn real Americans about the potential of constitutioanl abuse by the president. They are very germaine today.
            Smile it doesn't hurt!

            Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


            • responding

              Bizzy, Once again, I am in complete accord, but (Like you?) I have been hesitant to bring God into this discussion too much as i have no desire to 'take on' the atheists, etc. that may b lurking out there, spoiling for a fight.

              Aaron; perhaps i didn't express myself very well; there is plenty of scientific evidence (PET brain scans, etc. ) to indicate sociopaths are biologically different; their brains are wired different, and that this is a genetic mutation, just like many others. The thing is, in a pre-civilisation society, (hunter/gatherers) where Co-operation was pre-eminent, and competition virtually unknown, such a mutation would have not 'taken hold', and advantaged the individual, and resulted in offspring.
              In a "Civilised" society, where there is both some co-operation, as well as a large dose of competition, sociopaths have an advantage, and so are steadily increasing, as a percntage of our society. And, even at current #'s, they have a disproportionate impact ON society.
              The 'irony' is that while ther genetic mutation IS 'advantageous' to their individual survival, and therfore opportunities to propogate, the long term effect of their behavior is NOT beneficial to the survival of the species, quite the contrary.
              As Bizzy has said, I think this 10,000 y.o. 'experiment' (of Civilisation) is doomed to failure, and collapse, and certainly moral decay is a contributing factor. So too, I believe is this factor that civilisation 'favors' sociopaths, from an evolution standpoint. This contributes to the morl declin, AND contributes to the collapse of civilisation in other ways, as well. Jim


              • parasite reptilian sociopaths

                Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                Aaron; perhaps i didn't express myself very well; there is plenty of scientific evidence (PET brain scans, etc. ) to indicate sociopaths are biologically different; their brains are wired different, and that this is a genetic mutation, just like many others. The thing is, in a pre-civilisation society, (hunter/gatherers) where Co-operation was pre-eminent, and competition virtually unknown, such a mutation would have not 'taken hold', and advantaged the individual, and resulted in offspring.
                In a "Civilised" society, where there is both some co-operation, as well as a large dose of competition, sociopaths have an advantage, and so are steadily increasing, as a percntage of our society. And, even at current #'s, they have a disproportionate impact ON society.
                The 'irony' is that while ther genetic mutation IS 'advantageous' to their individual survival, and therfore opportunities to propogate, the long term effect of their behavior is NOT beneficial to the survival of the species, quite the contrary.
                As Bizzy has said, I think this 10,000 y.o. 'experiment' (of Civilisation) is doomed to failure, and collapse, and certainly moral decay is a contributing factor. So too, I believe is this factor that civilisation 'favors' sociopaths, from an evolution standpoint. This contributes to the morl declin, AND contributes to the collapse of civilisation in other ways, as well. Jim
                Their "survival" certainly goes beyond survival where enough is never enough. The moral decline is because the agenda of this: The Communist Manifesto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia has been strongly adhered by to by virtually every administration for many decades now since it is desired by the communist bankers. Namely destroying the family by the inflation tax forcing both parents into the workplace, etc...

                I don't know that civilization favors these parasites, inherently. Just my opinion but I think it is that most people are sheep and are always looking for leadership and they would rather blindly go along with people that take a strong position as a leader even if they are a parasite rather than wander aimlessly about. Most people simply need to be told what to do and what to believe - it is human nature as sheep. There are more of these parasites that come from a position of strength (apparently) to the masses that seem to be strong leaders than there are leaders that come from not just a position of strength but also integrity or benevolence.

                If more people for truth, justice, etc... stepped up to the plate as leaders, there is probably more of a likelihood that people the masses in "civilized" society will gravitate towards them. This trend is happening but very slowly.

                One word sums them up: Parasite
                parasite (ˈpærəˌsaɪt) — n 1. an animal or plant that lives in or on another (the host) from which it obtains nourishment. The host does not benefit from the association and is often harmed by it 2. a person who habitually lives at the expense of others; sponger 3. (formerly) a sycophant [C16: via Latin from Greek parasitos one who lives at another's expense, from para- 1 + sitos grain]
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                  I don't know that civilization favors these parasites, inherently. Just my opinion but I think it is that most people are sheep and are always looking for leadership and they would rather blindly go along with people that take a strong position as a leader even if they are a parasite rather than wander aimlessly about. Most people simply need to be told what to do and what to believe - it is human nature as sheep. There are more of these parasites that come from a position of strength (apparently) to the masses that seem to be strong leaders than there are leaders that come from not just a position of strength but also integrity or benevolence.
                  I agree. Frequently when talking to people about politics I find that their eyes will glaze over and they will revert to simplistic answers, like I support this party because it is what my parents believed in. They simply have no interest in trying to follow or understand what is going on around them. They just want to be left alone to live their lives as they chose. Of course by doing this they fall prey to being controlled the parasites that will use their inattentiveness as a means to gain complete power over them.

                  Then when bit by bit as their right to be left alone is slowly eroded and they become confused and assume it is perfectly normal to be irradiated and sexually grouped just to be able to fly on a plane.


                  • Parasitic,yes

                    Reptillian? Aren'twe all; that is to say, we ALL have the 'repptillian brain, within our human brain; right at the brainstem, itis responsible for all 'subconscious'behavior, such as breathing, heart beating, etc. which we (normally) do,without conscious thought.
                    I FEAR, that in a political contest between a sociopath, and someone with integrity (as your describing) the odds would be with the sociopath winning; The sociopath wouldn't have any scruples, whereas the honorable candidate would.
                    This is an exampleof what i mean, when i say that, in our modern 'civilised' society, sociopaths have an evolutionary advantage.Think of the advantage to a Lawyer, for instance,in having no scruples. A Wall Street Banker,...Or,most certainly, a Politician.
                    We would LIKE to think that the masses would 'see through' a Politician that obviously has no moral scruples,will say anything to get elected, distort the record of his opponents, engage in a massive negative ad campaign BASED on such distortions. And of coarse go along with his minions engaging in vote tampering, in order to win.
                    And, if presented with a clear alternative; a principled politician who ACCURATELY comments on the record of his opponents, and who's own record is impeccable, would clearly be the choice of the populace.
                    So, Ron Paul should be the clear, obvious nominee for the repub party, and Romoney should never have gotten passed the first series of primaries. I rest my case; being a sociopath, in our current 'civilised' society, imparts certain advantages.
                    Have you SEEN "The Devil Wears prada"? It IS a clear portrayal of a Sociopath, and howthe lackof a consciounce CAN,in this society, be an 'advantage', in terms of our current value system. And so is the current republican nominating process.Jim


                    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      And of coarse go along with his minions engaging in vote tampering, in order to win.

                      So, Ron Paul should be the clear, obvious nominee for the repub party,

                      "In politics, nothing happens by accident.
                      If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

                      -F. D. Roosevelt

                      Is RP MD suicidal?
                      Ron Paul: Member of Illuminati - YouTube

                      Why both RPs are allowed "farm flock" management?

                      Following JFK and RR track record, will the third traitor be a charm?



                      • By the way, Al

                        Saw something awhile back, (although, AS USUAL, I'm afraid I can't provide a reference). It stated that estimates are that there are 500 million sociopaths, worldwide. Sounds like a big #, although as a % of the world population of 7 billion, its not THAT many. Unfortunatly, they can have an effect on the population disproportionate to there actual #'s.

                        Think how ONE thief, can adversely effect 100's of peoples lives, during the coarse of their life as a 'career criminal'. Think how someone like a Bernie Madoff, or jeff Skilling, can (similarly) adveresely effect 100's or even millions.

                        Think how an unscrupulous Liar (Lawyer), and a Sociopathic Politician, etc.

                        And, because it (being a sociopath) DOES impart several advantages (from a 'survival' and 'propogation' or survival of the genes point of view) there #'s, as a % of the population, are steadily GROWING!

                        As to RP, not sure what you are saying, with your previous post. I really find it hard to believe that RP is REALLY one of 'them', and is secretly going to get the nomination.i.e a 'phoney' . Jim


                        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                          As to RP, not sure what you are saying, with your previous post. I really find it hard to believe that RP is REALLY one of 'them', and is secretly going to get the nomination.i.e a 'phoney' . Jim
                          If he was one of 'them', you would think that 'they' would not have to worry about him getting elected. Why is the election fraud against RP becoming more and more rampant?

                          Whatever the case, he has started a revolution that will be VERY hard to stop.



                          • More on Drake?

                            This seems to be the Drake mentioned before.

                            Not anonymous but Thomas Drake, a NSA whistleblower -
                            same Drake?

                            NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake Prevails in Unprecedented Obama Admin Crackdown - YouTube
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • R.P. Illuminati Video=Bull S**t

                              (written, researched & edited by Joshua Skye) I wonder how much this guy was paid and by whom, for putting this BS video together?

                              Come on Ron Paul shaking Ronald Reagan's hand, so what!!

                              To put the fear of GOD in the hearts of the people world wide all you would need is someone who really knew who B.O. has shook hands with (especially behind closed doors) and list them on a video. Including his college days, Ill. mafia buddy's, up until present since rubbing shoulders with many of the true world ruling class.
                              IMO the list alone would cause many sleepless nights.
                              No need for doomsday background music.



                              • Yes,

                                my sentiments exactly. 'They" are expending mucho bucks, and vote tampering, etc. to force Romoney down our throats, knowing we will gag, and all the while their 'real' plan is to offer up the candidate they REALLY wanted, all along i.e. RP. And, they are appearing to do everything they can, to suppress RP, just to 'fool us'? B.S. They aren't that clever or complicated, nor do they have to be.
                                So this is B.S.!!
                                As for RP shaking Reagans hand; so what???Every Republican politician gives (at least) lip service to Reagan, now, and at one time figured a picture of them, shaking his hand was worth 1000's of votes. They STILL calculate that way. What a crock!!! Jim

