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The American Ruling Class

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  • Sheriff Joe Arpaio talked recently on a radio show about his investigation results, and how the mainstream media has all but totally ignored the findings.

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio speaks up

    Sheriff Joe has received several death threats for his involvement in the investigation of Barry O's forged birth certificate. One person, a Tennessee man described as an Obama “fanatic,” has already been identified, tried, and found guilty for posting a threat saying, "'He will be filled with 1,000 bullet holes before the year is out." Read more about this here.

    The investigation turned up far more than was revealed at Sheriff Joe's early March press conference, and much of this is discussed in this video. Quite interestingly, a postman has now been interviewed and has signed an affidavit stating that he delivered mail to the home of Bill Ayers' parents, and that Mary Ayers had told him that she was helping a foreign student from Indonesia to get through college. The postman later met that student at the Ayers home, and it was Barry. That was 1989, and the postman remembered Barry matter of factly stating, "I'm going to be President of the United States." This would have been at the time that Barry was attending Occidental College. Interesting, huh? View a video of the postman interview here.

    In another note of interest regarding Barry's highly suspected Selective Service registration, sheriff Joe Arpaio has given the U.S. Selective Service Director Larry Romo 30 days to investigate and release Barry's original Selective Service form for forensic document examiners to analyze. Speaking about this, Joe said, “Failure to register or otherwise comply with the Selective Service registration process is a serious offense. The law says a person who fails to register can end up with a $250,000 fine, five years imprisonment and is ultimately prohibited from holding any job in government.” Read more here.

    A further note regarding Barry's forged Selective Service registration:
    Sheriff Joe said that although he has forwarded the above noted request to SS director Romo, he doesn't expect much will come from that, seeing as though Romo was appointed by Barry, and that even if Romo takes thge matter seriously and hands it over to the Department of inJustice, Holder is unlikely to pursue this with any real investigation if at all. And that is exactly the same as I see it.


    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Why no charges against these crooks?

      "Too Crooked To Fail": Matt Taibbi says bailouts, fraud are the secrets to bank of america's success.
      Watch this.
      "Too Crooked to Fail": Matt Taibbi Says Bailouts, Fraud are the Secrets to Bank of America’s Success



      • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
        If he was one of 'them', you would think that 'they' would not have to worry about him getting elected. Why is the election fraud against RP becoming more and more rampant?

        Whatever the case, he has started a revolution that will be VERY hard to stop.

        I think the establishment Republican machine has amply demonstrated that they aren't about to let Ron Paul win the nomination fairly and squarely. The only way they will let Ron take the nomination at the convention is if establishment Republicans expect it would guarantee a second term for Barry. I know that sounds a bit weird, but it would make sense if one realizes that both parties are operated by the Ruling Class elites and actually have the same goals. By having the media thoroughly brainwash the public into believing that Ron Paul is a nutty old kook, and that his foreign policy objectives would prove to be a disaster, most folks would believe that Barry emerged as the winner after the November elections. Of course all the public opinion polls have shown that RP is the candidate who could most likely be expected to defeat Barry, but since the public has an attention span much like that of a mere gnat, not many in the public realm will remember those polls come November. On the other hand, I do think the establishment Republicans take note of these polls, and you would think that because of it they would be pushing for Ron Paul to win the nomination if they really want a Republican in the White House. So do they or don't they? Romney certainly is unlikely to defeat Barry, because he is too much in line with Barry's Ruling Class agenda. Why change faces, when that's all you are changing? That echoes the same way for Gingrich and Santorum as well, and we already know neither of them can win the nomination. That was well established before the primary season got underway, since both had failed to get on the ballots in several states. So if you ask me why they are still in it I would have to say that the only logical answer is that the Republican establishment definitely wants this to go to a brokered convention, and needs Gingrich and Santorum for two reasons:
        1. To draw votes away that would otherwise go to Ron Paul.
        2. To have the appearance of drawing enough votes away from Romney to ensure that he can not win the nomination before the convention.

        Of course I still think the true Republican candidate will emerge at the convention, and be none of those who have campaigned thus far. I also believe they will insert Marco Rubio in the VP slot, even though they are well aware that Rubio is just as ineligible as Barry, since neither of his parents were American citizens when he was born. Their tactic, of course, is to ensure a landslide win of the Latino vote. Jeb Bush has already endorsed Rubio, and we know that Florida has a huge Latino population. Latino voters are fed up with Barry's broken promises, and what Lation would not vote for a ticket with Rubio knowing that he could very likely emerge as President in another 4 to 8 years, if not sooner.

        I also think that RP must stay in on the ballot as an independent, paired with a great VP candidate like Judge Napolitano. Those of us who have supported RP will surely demand it.

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Rick

          I don'tknow WHAT the Repub party is doing, or why. It DOES seem like they are intent on loosing, by the way they are pushing so hard for Romoney.

          I do think a couple of things; many 'party leaders' don't REALLY believe the conservative ideals they express, they just pay 'lip service' to mollify repub voters. In particular, since the country is, and always has been a "center-right" country, I believe that any time a conservative, capable of clearly and competently expressing conservative views goes against the liberal, the conservative will win.THEY don't have such confidence, however.

          They look at polls showing an increasing # of 'independents', and believe they have to have a moderate candidate, capable of getting these independents, and even some Dems to vote for them, in order to win. Hence Romoney. They pay 'lip service' to Reagan, and yet these same party leaders, or their predesesors, did everything they could to beat him, in the 76 primaries. They forget about "Reagan Democrats", I guess.

          In addition, I guess, back when they were doing their planning, it SEEMED like the economy would be THE issue, so they THOUGHT they could put forth a 1 isue candidate, with phony 'strong' economic credentials, and that would be enough. In short, while you think they are being very clever and devious (and you might be right) its also possible that they are a bunch of idiots. Or, at least made decisions 2-3 years ago (Presidential planning starts, for next campaign, during lead up to inaugeration) which SEEMED like a 'good idea, at the time'.

          Certainly we can agree they are either a bunch of idiots, or they planned this thing to loose.

          I'm ready to resign my membership in Repub party, and if RP runs as an Independent, would gladly sign on. Would join Tea Party,if they would make clean break from Repubs.

          But, I try to remind myself this is all like football or soccer; you 'root' for your team, get frustrated when they fumble, but you don't go out and riot if they loose; its JUST a game. Its for 'entertainment', and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Jim

          In addition, all politicians are for sale; they sell themselves for votes, or $ with which to campaign. Romoney obviously spread the $ around, 'buying' endorsements, and 'support'.

          In the big scale of things, yeah. Their 2 sides of the same coin; Dems vs. Repubs. But, party that controls the White House means LOTS of cushy jobs, for 'leaders' in that party. Ambassadorships, for instance. Head of executive depts, etc.
          Leadership of either house of Congress means appointing members of 'your' party to head committees, where the $ gets doled out (pork). So, each party does want to 'WIN', so they can take their turn, screwing the American people and personally profiting from same.

          Anyway, both parties are all *#*#ed up, thats for sure. And, I wouldn't bet, at this point, that B.O. won't get elected to a second term. NOT saying thats what I want, just saying it certainly MAY happen.


          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            Certainly we can agree they are either a bunch of idiots, or they planned this thing to loose.

            But, I try to remind myself this is all like football or soccer; you 'root' for your team, get frustrated when they fumble, but you don't go out and riot if they loose; its JUST a game. Its for 'entertainment', and shouldn't be taken too seriously.

            In addition, all politicians are for sale; they sell themselves for votes, or $ with which to campaign. Romoney obviously spread the $ around, 'buying' endorsements, and 'support'.
            'In politics, nothing happens by accident.
            If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

            Franklin D. Roosevelt

            Obama is a puppet of the Banksters, but the Office of the President itself
            is being transformed into a dictatorial command and control system.

            Obama Implementing Martial Law Coup! - YouTube



            • Yeah, well MAYBE

              I just think 'THEY' are going to come up with some pretty elaborate and complicated plan, to effectively turn the U.S. into a dictatorship. Too many "when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers" types in the populace, for "THEM" to get away with it. But, as such a person, maybe thats just me.

              Anyone bought a quart of OIL, lately??? News is all about the price of CRUDE, (per barrel) and price of gasoline, per gallon. But when crude goes from say,....$80 per Bbl to $140 per Bbl, and Gasoline goes from $3.00 per gal. to $4.00, why is it that a quart of motor oil goes from (roughly) $3.50 per quart, to $5.50-$6.50, per QUART! Yeah, we know all about manipulation, speculation,etc. but COME ON!!!WHAT a racket!!!Jim


              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                Anyone bought a quart of OIL, lately??? News is all about the price of CRUDE, (per barrel) and price of gasoline, per gallon. But when crude goes from say,....$80 per Bbl to $140 per Bbl, and Gasoline goes from $3.00 per gal. to $4.00, why is it that a quart of motor oil goes from (roughly) $3.50 per quart, to $5.50-$6.50, per QUART! Yeah, we know all about manipulation, speculation,etc. but COME ON!!!WHAT a racket!!!Jim
                “No, Oil gets dirty but it does not wear out.”

                Myth #1

                Frantz Construction



                • Amsoil

                  I buy only American made synthetic oil from Amsoil.

                  It can cost $6-8 per quart but you can get the 10k or 25k oil filter from Amsoil - for me, I can change my oil once a year - and depending, you can just replace the filter and just top up any oil that is needed without doing a full oil change.

                  More expensive up front but save money in the long run and is American made.

                  They even have the filters that clean the oil so well it is like having an oil change while driving your car/truck, etc... the coil coming out is 99.9% analytically clean.

                  Can put it in a big semi for example and the oil is good for 100k miles!

                  Petroleum oil for lubricating purposes in engines is junk and is very bad for performance and engine life. Synthetics are the only way to go.

                  Amsoil prices have keep very stable for the last 8 years or so that I've been using it.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                    I buy only American made synthetic oil from Amsoil.

                    It can cost $6-8 per quart but you can get the 10k or 25k oil filter from Amsoil - for me, I can change my oil once a year - and depending, you can just replace the filter and just top up any oil that is needed without doing a full oil change.

                    More expensive up front but save money in the long run and is American made.

                    They even have the filters that clean the oil so well it is like having an oil change while driving your car/truck, etc... the coil coming out is 99.9% analytically clean.

                    Can put it in a big semi for example and the oil is good for 100k miles!

                    Petroleum oil for lubricating purposes in engines is junk and is very bad for performance and engine life. Synthetics are the only way to go.

                    Amsoil prices have keep very stable for the last 8 years or so that I've been using it.
                    Hi Aaron
                    Same here we only buy American oil. We are fortunate to have two refinieries within an hour's drive of here. Plus we are just a45 minutes from Drake's well south of Titusville where the first American production well was drilled. We only by American made gasoline from kwikfill. In fact some of the oild actually comes from my dad's wells in Elk County!! When I buy gas from out of the area while we are on trips I can tell my truck doesn't run as well. So I think I am getting a better gasoline at a slightly cheaper price.
                    Smile it doesn't hurt!

                    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      This seems to be the Drake mentioned before.

                      Not anonymous but Thomas Drake, a NSA whistleblower -
                      same Drake?

                      NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake Prevails in Unprecedented Obama Admin Crackdown - YouTube
                      Hi Aaron, It is Drake Bailey of Patriots for America, as noted on RMN


                      • oil price

                        I was just trying to point out how disproportionate it is; Gas goes up by approximately $1 per gallon, and motor oil goes upby $2-3 per QUART.

                        Just another way we're getting screwed! Hey, at least they are using 'LUBE', right!

                        Yeah, I know about better oils, and filtering it; can still get those filters that use toilet paper rolls; they started making them, again. Pretty pricey, wish I'd bought a bunch of them when I was a kid.

                        Again, I was just commenting on how disproportionate the increase in price has been. Jim


                        • Update on the rigged caucus here in Missouri:

                          There was a meeting held a few days ago where Brian Spencer, the organizer of the caucus, admitted to rigging the caucus in order to be "fair". He claims he did it so the "Ron Paul People" would not take over. The meeting was secretly filmed and put up on youtube, link below. This is complete fraud he is admitting to and he is acting like its no big deal. Both Brian Spencer and Eugene Dokes should be thrown in jail. Below is a petition you can sign to have them removed from their positions. Im sorry but if the majority of the people at the caucus are there to vote for Paul, then Paul wins. Thats how this works.
                          Thankfully the caucus has now been rescheduled.

                          Bryan Spencer Speaks about Rigging St. Charles Caucus - YouTube



                          • arresting criminals in govt

                            Originally posted by yoyo View Post
                            Hi Aaron, It is Drake Bailey of Patriots for America, as noted on RMN
                            Thank you!

                            I'm just trying to find any public evidence that there are arrests of govt officials planned. I'll break out some campaign if that is the case.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                              I'm just trying to find any public evidence that there are arrests of govt officials planned. I'll break out some campaign if that is the case.
                              We're watching for that too ... :-)

                              Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse | March 21, 2012 | Sonoran News

                              Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio (l) and Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo will hold a press conference on Saturday, March 31, at 1 p.m. at the Church on the Green to present their findings and updates regarding Obama’s fraudulent Selective Service System registration form and Certificate of Live Birth.

                              SURPRISE – While the media blackout continues over the largest story in American history, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is stunned, but undaunted, and said his Cold Case Posse will continue to pursue its investigation into President Barack Obama’s fraudulent Certificate of Live Birth as well as his Selective Service registration, both of which it has deemed forgeries.

                              Arizona's Politics: LISTEN: Joe Arpaio Will Make Arrest On Obama Birth Certificate Once He Figures Out Who Forged Documents

                              LISTEN: Joe Arpaio Will Make Arrest On Obama Birth Certificate Once He Figures Out Who Forged Documents


                              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                I was just trying to point out how disproportionate it is; Gas goes up by approximately $1 per gallon, and motor oil goes upby $2-3 per QUART.

                                Just another way we're getting screwed! Hey, at least they are using 'LUBE', right!

                                Yeah, I know about better oils, and filtering it; can still get those filters that use toilet paper rolls; they started making them, again. Pretty pricey, wish I'd bought a bunch of them when I was a kid.

                                Again, I was just commenting on how disproportionate the increase in price has been. Jim
                                the subject of your post was "WHAT a Rocket!!!".
                                Connecting dots shows that the "space ship" is gigantic,
                                not only inflated petro-dollars and unnecessary 3k oil service
                                but also "hazardous used oil disposal make
                                "Change 2012".


