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The American Ruling Class

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  • Now that's a video I would like to see shown on the evening news. Although fat chance that would ever be allowed.


    • Ron Paul update

      Ron Paul supporters won a majority at both the Nevada and Maine state GOP conventions last week, which is something you probably did not know if you relied upon mainstream media for your news. Of course this didn't go over well with GOP establishment, and Romney supporters, and they are banking on the national GOP to overturn these delegate wins. I wouldn't be surprised if that is exactly what happens, and I somewhat expect that the 6 upcoming state convention battles in the next few weeks will prove to be very hostile to Ron Paul supporters, and that the GOP will pull out all stops to prevent Paul from winning. This could include some hastily adopted procedural rules aimed at fending off any Ron Paul delegate takeovers. Here in Maine, the sore losers in the Romney camp are calling foul and demanding that the national GOP overturn the convention results based upon what a Romney lawyer claimed to be inappropriate actions by Ron Paul supporters. Time will tell the rest of this story, of course, but it is not difficult to imagine what lengths the GOP establishment and mainstream media will go to in order to discredit Dr Paul. Hear Ron tell you the story himself.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Rick

        Sorry if I'm repeating myself, but this is almost "Deja Vu", for me; Up till 2004, I (naively) believed tha in the U.S., we had a good, transperent systm for voting, that 'every vote counted', etc. Then I was disabused of that foolish notion.
        But, I still (naively) thought that the delegate system was a 'fair, honest, transperent' system. Now, as a result of seeing whats happened with RP I realise, once again, how rigged the system is.

        Wondering when RP is going to just say to hell with it, and announce as an Independent? He's TRIED working 'thru the system', (and in the process, showed how corrupt it is), and I believe, shown it is NOT 'fixable'.

        Just announce and be done with it; he's not going to be able to do anything of consequence at the convention, unless it is a 'repeat' of the '68 Democratic convention; a 'riot', etc. which will hand BO a victory.

        Again, hoping I'm not repeating myself, but RP is the ONLY Candidate that can appeal to BOTH 'Tea Partiers' and 'Occupiers'; that alone should be enough to cause people to give him a second look. Jim


        • For Ron Paul,

          Imagine Foreign Policy

          Ron Paul 2012. New Ad Campaign will blow your mind.flv - YouTube



          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            But, I still (naively) thought that the delegate system was a 'fair, honest, transperent' system. Now, as a result of seeing whats happened with RP I realise, once again, how rigged the system is.

            Again, hoping I'm not repeating myself, but RP is the ONLY Candidate that can appeal to BOTH 'Tea Partiers' and 'Occupiers'; that alone should be enough to cause people to give him a second look. Jim
            I'm sure many people would give him a second look if only the PTB through their control of the MSM would allow them to have a first look. But obviously they are terrified of him and his message.

            Until we have a truly open and transparent voting system this will continue. We need to go back to paper ballots that are hand counted where anyone that wishes to watch the counting is free to do so. Whenever the counting is done in secrete or by machine there is a greater potential for cheating.


            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
              Until we have a truly open and transparent voting system this will continue. We need to go back to paper ballots that are hand counted where anyone that wishes to watch the counting is free to do so. Whenever the counting is done in secrete or by machine there is a greater potential for cheating.

              Darren Farris - Psychopathic Issues (album version w/intro) - YouTube

              The Bolsheviks Killed Millions part1 - YouTube



              • Sorry, No

                Whenever you have a voting system, which detirmines who will get 'Power', there will be people who will try to 'cheat', and/or 'game' the system.

                ONE of the 'strengths' of the US system, was the 'freedom of the press', which enabled the Press to investigate and publish exposes on Gov't corruption.

                So, 'THEY' simply bought all the major press outlets; 'Problem' solved', for 'THEIR' point of view.

                Another 'strength' of the 'system' was the IDEA of citizen involvement, but 'things' have gotten so complicated, public educaction so 'dumbed down', and the struggle for life so difficult, that we end up with Sheeple; again, problenm solved.

                Overall, ALL of the institutions have become corrupt; there is no 'answer'; i.e. "If we could JUST do THIS, then things would be 'right'. The only answer I can see is to scrap the whole thing, and start over again.

                We're just plain screwed. Jim


                • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
                  That's a good video, Gene. One of the lamestream media's tactics has been to bash Ron Paul on his foreign policy ideas, and make him look like some kind of nut because of what he says. Of course everything he says makes perfect sense, and also abides by the ideals that the Founding Fathers promoted, but the lamestream media will never point that out. They want to ensure that we spend ourselves into bankruptcy maintaining over 900 US bases on foreign soil while at the same time overstaying our welcome in those countries and promoting a world view of Americans as intervening imperialists. And as long as the media can convince millions of sheeple that we must at all costs maintain the status quo, this asinine foreign policy will continue.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Did you know that the Federal Reserve banksters "purchased" 61 percent of the US debt issuance in 2011? Of course they "purchased" the bebt bonds with worthless fiat currency that they themselves issued out of thin air. Thing is, though, what they gain from this transaction is a larger slice of the US debt pie, which is simply a promise to pay that is carried on the backs of all taxpaying US citizens. The debt cannot be repaid, and the Federal Reserve knows this, so why would they buy up the debt bonds in such huge quantities? The answer is really quite simple. When the bonds mature and the debt cannot be repaid, the Fed will be holding all the cards and can then demand payment be made in something of real value, such as millions of acres of federal lands which are rich in water, oil, timber, and mineral reserves. Think about it. That's quite a windfall to a group of banksters who have absolutely none of their own assets at risk, and have invested literally nothing to reap this colossal gain.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      Whenever you have a voting system, which detirmines who will get 'Power', there will be people who will try to 'cheat', and/or 'game' the system.

                      ONE of the 'strengths' of the US system, was the 'freedom of the press', which enabled the Press to investigate and publish exposes on Gov't corruption.

                      So, 'THEY' simply bought all the major press outlets; 'Problem' solved', for 'THEIR' point of view.

                      Another 'strength' of the 'system' was the IDEA of citizen involvement, but 'things' have gotten so complicated, public educaction so 'dumbed down', and the struggle for life so difficult, that we end up with Sheeple; again, problenm solved.

                      Overall, ALL of the institutions have become corrupt; there is no 'answer'; i.e. "If we could JUST do THIS, then things would be 'right'. The only answer I can see is to scrap the whole thing, and start over again.

                      We're just plain screwed. Jim
                      Andrew Joyce
                      May 8, 2012

                      By the end of Alexander II’s reign, disillusionment with the government’s policy at handling the Jewish Question was widespread. The vast majority of Jews had stubbornly persisted in the unproductive trades, continued in their antipathy to Russian culture, and refused to make any meaningful contribution to Russian society. An air of resignation swept the country. Some newspapers even advocated abolishing the Pale, if only to alleviate that region from bearing the burden of the Jews alone. Other papers opposed this “fearing for the welfare of the peasantry at a time when the cultural level of the peasantry made them an easy target for exploitation.”[29] Meanwhile Jews were beginning to swamp higher education establishments. In Odessa, there were reports that in school after school, Jews were “driving Christians from the school benches,” and “filling up the schools.”[30]

                      On the eve of the assassination of Alexander II, Russia’s Jewish Question remained unanswered. Decades of legislation had done little to change the nature of Russian Jewry, which remained ethnically, politically, and culturally homogenous. The new Jewish intelligentsia had turned on the hand that fed it, failing to encourage the adaptation of their fellow Jews, moving instead to defend them and advocate for their interests. In terms of educational and social opportunities, Jews had been given an inch and taken a mile. They had swamped the schools, and added to a group of emergent Jewish capitalists. In 1879 Russian authorities were being lobbied by a Rabbinic Commission for full emancipation, an ominous prospect for those concerned about the well-being of Russian peasantry.

                      Revisiting the 19th-Century Russian Pogroms, Part 1: Russia’s Jewish Question | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

                      Andrew Joyce, May 11, 2012
                      Myth and the Russian Pogroms, Part 2: Inventing Atrocities | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

                      Andrew Joyce, May 13, 2012
                      Myth and the Russian Pogroms Part 3 – The Jewish Role | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture



                      • New voter fraud video

                        Check out this new voting fraud video made by Project Veritas.\, which exposes rampant fraud in North Carolina.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Hacking Democracy


                          Watched Hacking Democracy the other night which gives a good insight to electronic voting scams.

                          During the 2005 UK election I was an election agent and we were showed a machine to count postal votes - the council official didn't like security questions about the system being asked and got a bit excited. In fairness to the company who produced the machine, (they were there as it was a trial) they seemed interested in making the system un-hackable, which of course they should be.

                          Hacking Democracy - Full Length - YouTube




                          • America is not a democracy it is a Republic. Democracy is mob rule!
                            PatrickRohr1 2 months ago
                            republic, democracy, big deal, it is owned no matter what you call it.
                            alux666 in reply to PatrickRohr1 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

                            Hacking Democracy - Full Length - YouTube

                            Ron Paul has been silent with all the proven voter fraud up till now!
                            Ron Paul finally speaks about the election fraud against him - YouTube

                            Message from Ron Paul 5/14/2012
                            As I reflect on our 2012 Presidential campaign, I am humbled by the supporters who have worked so hard and sacrificed so much. And I am so proud of what we have accomplished. We will not stop until we have restored what once made America the greatest country in human history.

                            I hope all supporters of Liberty will remain deeply involved - become delegates, win office, and take leadership positions. I will be right there with you. In the coming days, my campaign leadership will lay out to you our delegate strategy and what you can do to help, so please stay tuned.

                            Message from Ron Paul 5/14/2012 | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012



                            • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                              [COLOR="Blue"]America is not a democracy it is a Republic. Democracy is mob rule!

                              republic, democracy, big deal, it is owned no matter what you call it.
                              Yes the PTB have got their finger into our government and have lots of control but not total control. Thus being a republic is a big deal.
                              The average sheeple thinks that when he goes out and “votes for say O’Romney” that he has actually voted him, however the reality is he has voted for a delegate who says he will vote for that candidate. But with some exception these delegates can vote for whoever they feel is the best candidate. So at this stage of the game it actually makes sense for Ron Paul to concentrate his resources on the people who will be doing the actual voting, the delegates, rather then trying to get a few more points in a popularity pole.

                              What he is doing is playing the system rules against the system, will he win? Don’t know, but with all the stuff that’s been going on under the MSM news there’s is no question that they’re running scared.


                              • Ron says he will stay in it all the way to the Republican National Convention, but what about afterwards? We've known all along that he didn't stand much of a chance at becoming the Republican nominee, and he admits that his strategy now is to use his delegate powers to make some arm twisting deals at the Convention. With Romney less than 200 delegates shy of winning the nomination before the Convention, Ron's delegate power won't have much effect, especially if Santorum throws his delegates to Romney in return for a promise of high office, such as the VP role, or Secretary of State. Perhaps Ron should be cutting a deal with Romney now in return for a promise to seat Ron as Federal Reserve Chairman, instead of hoping to get some promises later. What do you think?
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

