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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post

    Just not convinced that "They" (The Ruling Elite, whatever you want to call them) who have been; making/breaking, and where necesary assasinating) Kings, Prime ministers and Presidents, "Buying/Owning" Congresses and Parliaments, having Laws written or circumvented, manipulated public opinion, medias, and markets, started wars etc. all for their collective profit/aggrandisement, around the world and for generations, is going to STOP such activities, and 'roll over', because 537 people show up in D.C., on November 23rd, 2012, and declare THEY are the 'True, Constitutional representatives of the people. EVEN if these 'representatives' DO have the support of the military.

    I do not see 'THEM' as 'going quietly into that good night'. 'THEY' will only give up power when it is wrested from them, I suspect.
    That could be the case, but what chance will they have of holding on if the military does as they have said they will?
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      Most of the faces in that picture were instantly familiar to me, and I'm sure that I should know who the fat cat serving up a slice of the world to David Rockefeller is, but for some reason it escapes me at the moment.

      Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      He has kind of a WC Fields look about him, without the usual hat worn by Fields.

      $500,000,000,000 Giveaway, left side-parted hair.

      Last edited by aljhoa; 07-02-2012, 01:59 PM. Reason: Pic deleted upon request.


      • Sheriff Joe Arpaio has scheduled a July 17 press conference, at which time he will release new information obtained during lead investigator Mike Zullo's trip to Hawaii. Concerning this new information, Zullo said, “I can’t disclose to you what we’ve discovered, but it’s going to be a shocking revelation at our press conference.”

        Zullo has said that he and his investigators have reservations about a letter stamped with Onaka’s name that was sent to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett as "verification" of Obama’s Hawaiian birth. Zulllo said the letter fails to list Obama’s birth date, and it’s merely stamped with the registrar’s name, while another set of initials – not Alvin Onaka’s – appears next to the signature. Since Onaka did not sign the "verification" letter, he cannot be said to have verified anything, and of course no other employee at the registrar's office could be authorized to use his signature stamp. And according to Zullo, there are allegedly Mike Zullo: There are allegedly several stamps bearing Registrar Alvin Onaka’s name “floating around” inside the Hawaii Department of Health.

        It is idiotic that Arizona secretary of state Ken Bennett would have found this "verification" letter to be acceptable as positive evidence of Barry's eligibility to be on the Arizona ballot, but of course he was looking for an easy way out of the spotlight. That way out, though, may prove to have been a serious mistake after the July 17 press conference.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Gene Burnett - Jump You F*#kers (A Song For Wall Street) - YouTube
          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


          • Rick


            That could be the case, but what chance will they have of holding on if the military does as they have said they will?"

            I obviously don't know, BUT; The US is just ONE country, although obviously a very important, perhaps even crucial one, in THEIR overall plan. Certainly seems like nothing ELSE has been able to succesfully resist 'THEM'.

            Didn't THEY use the military, in their whole 911 'operation'? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.MAYBE even THEY will incorporate this INTO their plan; paint it as an attempt at a military coup, and use it as justification for suspending, well, EVERYTHING, and 'taking over'?

            I can certainly see how Media could 'spin' this as a coup, or could use dicredit technique they used with R.P., and (earlier) with Perot.

            On Arpaio; he's NOT going to 'go away', or get 'bought off'. And, they ain't going to kill him; he's had numerous attempts, over the years. But, he DID just have his 80th birthday, eventually (I'm sure THEY are hoping sooner, rather than later) he will 'leave the scene'.Until then, he IS going to be a real 'thorn in their side', and while I bet the LSM won't cover the press conference, it will be interesting to see what the local media says. The last time, they (localmedia) DID (grudgingly) agknowledge that he DID seem to have very compelling evidence. Jim


            • [quote=dutchdivco;200257]Didn't THEY use the military, in their whole 911 'operation'?

              Yes, but not as co-conspirators. THEY used a call for extensive military exercises (mostly air operations) in order to:
              1. Draw away nearly all of our fighter jets that day to participate in simulations, including "invasions," from the north, over Canada and Alaska.
              2. Confuse air control facilites, both civilian and military, who thought that reports coming in about "hijackings" were just part of the scheduled exercises, because that was part of the scheduled exercise plans. From the several tapes made at air traffic facilities you can see that these people were terribly confused.
              3. Ensure that what few fighter jets remained were too far away to reach their "target" in time, and those that could have intercepted were sent out over the Atlantic - the opposite direction - to waste time.

              To pull all of this off, it only required two or three individuals to be well placed at the right time, and having the authority to make sure things were flubbed. Remember the call to the military asking for a decision on intercepting a "hijacked airliner," and the person answering the call saying that he couldn't personally make that decision, and that "everyone else has left the room?" You see how easy it is to set up that kind of situation so that a timely decision and response is not possible? The person in charge, who could have made a decision, simply left the room when the call for help came in. He took a "lunch" or "bathroom" break, or whatever, and left no one with authority in charge.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                Didn't THEY use the military, in their whole 911 'operation'?

                Yes, but not as co-conspirators. THEY used a call for extensive military exercises (mostly air operations) in order to:
                1. Draw away nearly all of our fighter jets that day to participate in simulations, including "invasions," from the north, over Canada and Alaska.
                2. Confuse air control facilites, both civilian and military, who thought that reports coming in about "hijackings" were just part of the scheduled exercises, because that was part of the scheduled exercise plans. From the several tapes made at air traffic facilities you can see that these people were terribly confused.
                3. Ensure that what few fighter jets remained were too far away to reach their "target" in time, and those that could have intercepted were sent out over the Atlantic - the opposite direction - to waste time.

                "Humongous" Smoke and UFO
                call me nuts but why does a jet come into the screen at 1:55 when at 10 and 11 seconds in u can clearly c the begining of the smoke plume which means it did just happen probably under a minute before the tape starts...this would mean the jet would have had ample time to shoot down the supposed jet that hit the pentagon and they have said that jets were 10 minutes away from the pentagon at the time of impact
                andrew lance 2 months ago

                Unreleased Pentagon 9-11 Footage - YouTube



                • The "government" is once again promoting the idea of “those who are reverent of individual liberty” being terrorists, using a new study funded by the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) to back that claim.

                  The study, and related data, was recently produced by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, or START, at the University of Maryland. START began with a $12 million grant from DHS and is recognized by the organization as one of its “Centers for Excellence.” In December, DHS announced that it was renewing START’s funding with another $3.6 million.
                  START recently released a study titled, “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970-2008.”

                  Examples of what START considers to be “right-wing” include “groups that believe that one’s personal and/or national ‘way of life’ is under attack, and is either already lost, or that the threat is imminent.” The report also describes right-wing “terrorists” as those who are "reverent of individual liberty and suspicious of centralized federal authority." Note that under such a definition, the Founding Fathers themselves might have been considered right-wing terrorists, and that this is exactly how the Ruling Class British viewed them. What all of this means, of course, is that if you believe in upholding and defending our Founding Documents - The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, and love the individual liberties that these documents promised us, your federal "government" considers you a terrorist, and a threat to their big government and centralization of powers agenda, a.k.a. Agenda 21.

                  Tomorrow we celebrate Independence Day, which is a celebration of our independence from the tyrannical rule and taxation that the British imposed upon us. Now we are being equally, or perhaps more oppressed, by a Ruling Class who seeks to control every aspect of our lives, and to completely annihilate the few freedoms and liberties promised by our Founding Documents which still remain to us.

                  Last edited by rickoff; 07-03-2012, 03:36 PM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                    Tomorrow we celebrate Independence Day, which is a celebration of our independence from the tyrannical rule and taxation that the British imposed upon us. Now we are being equally, or perhaps more oppressed, by a Ruling Class who seeks to control every aspect of our lives, and to completely annihilate the few freedoms and liberties promised by our Founding Documents which still remain to us.

                    Hi Rick
                    I agree 100% that we are more oppressed now than 236 years ago. No matter who wins in November we will still be an oppressed people. The only way to stop the cycle of tyranny is to water the liberty tree as Thomas Jefferson described... (edited because Big Brother watches)

                    God Bless America and God Bless our troops
                    Smile it doesn't hurt!

                    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                    • Bizzy and Rick

                      Based on the view our Gov't has of us, as described in Ricks post, I doubt very seriously your editing, (Bizzy) was sufficient.
                      SOMEONE is probably reading over our shoulder, regardless. And, someone is probably planning SOME way to neutralise the 'plan', for restoring a Constitutional Gov't. as outlined by you, Rick.

                      I don't know HOW, but something tells me they will find a way; don't they always? Perhaps we're just screwed, and there is nothing we can do about it? Once again, I end up being the pessimist! ;-( Jim


                      • Ron Paul on Obamacare mandate

                        Back in 2010 it was reported that as many as 16,500 extra armed IRS agents were being hired to harass Americans into complying with the new mandates.

                        Congressman Ron Paul responded to this news by asking why so many armed agents were required to enforce a law that the Obama administration has promoted as being so beneficial to the American people. “16,500 armed bureaucrats coming to make this program work – if it was a good program and everybody liked it, you wouldn’t need 16,500 thugs coming with their guns and putting you in jail if you didn’t follow all the rules,” said Paul.

                        So right, Dr Paul!
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                          Based on the view our Gov't has of us, as described in Ricks post, I doubt very seriously your editing, (Bizzy) was sufficient.
                          SOMEONE is probably reading over our shoulder, regardless. And, someone is probably planning SOME way to neutralise the 'plan', for restoring a Constitutional Gov't. as outlined by you, Rick.

                          I don't know HOW, but something tells me they will find a way; don't they always? Perhaps we're just screwed, and there is nothing we can do about it? Once again, I end up being the pessimist! ;-( Jim
                          Yes, Jim, I'm sure that THEY know about the plan to restore an original jurisdiction government, and also know it is already close to succeeding. So what would you do if you were one of THEM? You would probably attempt to run and promote a false candidate in each state, and hope to garner enough legitimate votes to elect them, thereby thwarting the efforts by true patriots. That's why it is so important that each of us, and all the friends, relatives, and neighbors we can convince, must get behind the effort and take the steps necessary to make our votes in the original jurisdiction election count. It would probably be the first time in your life that your vote actually did count, so isn't that alone a cause for enthusiasm and optimism? If you think that there is nothing you can do to bring about positive change, and you don't vote in the original jurisdiction elections in your state, you will only have yourself to blame if a non-legitimate governor succeeds at taking the reins. So don't think that way. Get busy and make sure you know the correct procedures for voting. Contact the person who is now the legitimate o.j. governor, or running for o.j. governor in your state, and ask what you can do to help him or her gain or retain office. Talk to people you know and explain what the effort is all about, why it is needed, how it can be accomplished in 2012, and what it will mean for us. And for each person you awaken, ask them to try their best to awaken 5 others who will join with you in ensuring a successful vote. Don't just assume that someone else will do what is necessary. "Someone" probably will, but that someone could very well be one of THEM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            I don't know HOW, but something tells me they will find a way; don't they always? Perhaps we're just screwed, and there is nothing we can do about it? Once again, I end up being the pessimist! ;-( Jim
                            Well they certainly have in the past, but can they continue to do so in the future? Particularly as more people are waking up to the fact that something is not quite right. On the plus side there are people and groups working to bring this cable down. But that’s like trying to get hold of a greased pig in that they have lots of money to throw at any problem, so we need to go after their money.

                            And this is happening as there is a lawsuit going on against the FRB that could bankrupt it and just today we are seeing the Bank of England (their version of our FRB) is coming under heavy fire for “misconduct”.


                            • It is so sad what we have become.

                              Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              Based on the view our Gov't has of us, as described in Ricks post, I doubt very seriously your editing, (Bizzy) was sufficient.
                              SOMEONE is probably reading over our shoulder, regardless. And, someone is probably planning SOME way to neutralise the 'plan', for restoring a Constitutional Gov't. as outlined by you, Rick.

                              I don't know HOW, but something tells me they will find a way; don't they always? Perhaps we're just screwed, and there is nothing we can do about it? Once again, I end up being the pessimist! ;-( Jim
                              Hi Jim

                              Unfortunately you are correct. And I am not just saying this a member of an extreme right movement. I know personally one of the minions, who watches. And they see more than you can imagine. It is so sad what we have become.

                              I am not a facist or a socialist in any way BUT I would honestly feel safer in Nazi Germany with the Geheimnis Staaten Polizei following me than the FBI in today's US watching our every move. Our government puts the flag of freedom around themselves as a cloak and say they are protecting us, when they are actually looking for the smalliest thing they can use against thier own taxpayers. This country has fallen from grace. It is so sad what we have become.

                              We allow our government to tax us without restraint. They make the tax code so confusing that no common man can understand it. But in its confusion are shadows for the goverment to continually increase taxes without us knowing. Like the frog in a pot of cold water that is gradually heated until it is boiling the change in the tax code was so subtle we never knew what it was becoming until it became the behemoth it is now, yet they tell us it is too big to change. It is so sad what we have become.

                              This is not Airstrip One and my name is not Winston Smith but I honestly feel we live in Oceania. We may no longer express ourselves openly. Free thinkers who were once the driving force and foundation of our success are now ridiculed and mocked as radical lunatics. Free thought is supressed in the name security. This very forum of free thinkers is thought of as a pack of far right extremists who should be silenced. It is so sad to see what we have become.

                              Sixteen years ago a young hillbilly once wrote in a radical news paper "in the coming election we have two options to use the ballot or the bullet. If one fails the other is necessary." Although we may have over reacted in the past I fear those words may be all too true this November. There are many frightened people out there. And they are not afraid of islamic terroists, they are not afraid of a Chinese invasion or Russian nukes. They are afraid of thier own government. This is wrong because our founding fathers meant for the voters to be the fourth branch of government to keep the other branches in check. The founding fathers meant for the government to fear the people so as not to run wild. It is so sad what we have become.

                              On this our 236th birthday our founding fathers would be appalled to see what we have become. Thomas Jefferson would be screaming from on top of the White House for a 2nd revolution. Thomas Paine would probably be arrested by now for protesting the very government he helped spawn. And yet we the sheeple allow them to heard us to the slaughter! It is so sad what we have become.

                              Smile it doesn't hurt!

                              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                              • A little Workshop at rendering a Ferrari.

                                Real-Time Rendering - YouTube

                                Just shows, that basically anything is possible, when you want to create Objects like Planes or anything else, moving around or whatever. Regarding on 9/11.
                                You actually cant trust any Videos anymore.
                                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

