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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    National Rifle Association (NRA) leader Wayne LaPierre, who is also a New York Times bestselling author, has written a book exposing the U.N.'s secret plan to impose gun control inside the U.S., despite the Constitution.

    It's called "America Disarmed: Inside the U.N. and Obama's Scheme to Destroy the Second Amendment."

    About 50,000 of these books have already been distributed by the NRA, and it is said that only 300 copies are left, so if anyone here wants to obtain a copy they should click the link above and get one while they are available. It is said there will be no further printings.

    The perfect opportunity to create a socialist 1 world dream out of the ashes of America and isn't that the plan? Obama knows he cannot fix this so he might as well capitalize on it.
    TerrierToughGuy 3 days ago

    Why not default on the debt to them Federal Reserve and then abolish them? They were created in 1913 to bankrupt your country and they have succeeded nicely. They are owned by the richest families in the world that want world domination so they can control everyone and everything. Start with that, and NO MORE WARS THAT DON'T CONCERN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
    MrAkamkk 2 days ago

    United States Budget Dilemma.wmv - YouTube



    • As we get closer to November, I believe that political ads like this one will be the norm, rather than the exception, as radical leftists and all establishment candidates attempt to sway public opinion in their favor by making outlandish claims and smearing true, liberty loving, constitutional conservatives. This particular ad is now running in Minnesota, where Kurt Bills is the Liberty candidate, and is scheduled to be run by Fox News during broadcasts of the Sean Hannity Show, and the O'Riley Factor. As you can imagine, what better place could there be for a smear campaign to run than on widely watched, and so-called, "conservative" TV shows. Both Hannity and O'Riley have done their very best to demean Ron Paul, Ron Paul supporters, and any candidate who stands with Ron Paul rather than Mitt Romney, so it is no wonder that they would allow such an ad to air on their shows. My hope is that this ad will backfire, disgust most level headed viewers, and erase all credibility of these talk show hosts, but then again I'm probably hoping for too much. Regular viewers of these shows have already been thoroughly indoctrinated to believe the establishment line that these men promote.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • If you haven't done so already, please take a moment to view and sign the Internet Freedom Manifesto, which demands that Congress cease and desist from further Internet regulating, taxing, and erosion of online privacy.
        Last edited by rickoff; 08-08-2012, 11:30 PM.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • At a time when we have more than $15 trillion in national debt, American taxpayers are set to give away over $110 billion to the oil, gas, and coal industries over the next decade.

          He has the balls to talk the truth, which is very rare this days. He is real patriot.
          awaretechno 4 days ago
          Too bad it wont matter. Like he said his friends will get on in a minute and say the same old ****ing thing, they're concerned what teh **** ever. There is no way out of a system like this but bloody ****ing revolution.
          GoatSC in reply to awaretechno (Show the comment) 3 days ago

          Sen. Bernie Sanders ( ILLUMINATI EXPOSED AT THE U S SENATE ) - YouTube



          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            As we get closer to November, I believe that political ads like this one will be the norm, r
            You know ads like that just might be a good thing. It is so far over the edge that that it might just wake up some of the die-hard establishment types. While at the same time it telling us absolutely nothing about their candidate.

            Why not default on the debt to them Federal Reserve and then abolish them?
            There was a law suit filed against the FED for the payment on bonds that they made long ago and now have come due. These bonds were issued in return for large amounts of gold that they received. Now it would seem that, for some reason, the owners of that gold would now like to have their gold back plus interest. But the problem is the FED does not have enough gold to pay back these bonds. Like oops we have a problem here, the FED is broke! These people want gold not more worthless paper with fancy numbers printed on it.

            Currently this lawsuit has been recalled so that more information can be added. So the FED has gotten a brief reprieve but this suit is not going away.


            • What constitutes usury?

              Wörgl, a small town in Austria with 4000 inhabitants, introduced a local scrip during the Great Depression. By 1932, unemployment in Wörgl had risen to 30%. The local government had amassed debts of 1.3 million Austrian schillings (AS) against cash reserves of 40,000 AS. Local construction and civic maintenance had come to a standstill. On the initiative of the town's mayor, Michael Unterguggenberger, the local government printed 32,000 in labor certificates which carried a negative 1% monthly interest rate and could be converted into schillings at 98% of face value. An equivalent amount in schillings, deposited in the local bank as cover for the certificates in case of mass redemption, earned interest for the government. The certificates circulated so rapidly that only 12,000 were ever actually put into circulation. According to reports by the mayor and economists of the day who studied the experiment, the scrip was readily accepted by local merchants and the local population. It used the scrip to carry out 100,000 AS in public works projects involving construction and repair of roads, bridges, tanks, drainage systems, factories, and buildings. The scrip was also accepted as legal tender for payment of local taxes. In the one year the currency was in circulation, it circulated 13 times faster than the official shilling[citation needed] and served as a catalyst to the local economy.

              The heavy arrears in local tax collection declined dramatically.
              Local government revenue rose from 2,400 AS in 1931 to 20,400 in 1932.
              Unemployment was eliminated, while it remained very high throughout the rest of the country.
              No increase in prices was observed.

              In spite of the tangible benefits of the program, it met with stiff opposition from the regional socialist party and from the Austrian central bank, which opposed the local currency as an infringement on its powers over the currency. As a result, the program was suspended, unemployment rose, and the local economy soon degenerated to the level of other communities in the country.

              Local currency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



              • Regarding Romney and the presidency, Emmett cites a bit of Mormon lore called the White Horse Prophecy that has floated around since the time of Mormon founder Joseph Smith. It suggests that Mormons believe a time will come when the U.S. Constitution is eroding and Mormon leaders will save it and usher in a new theocracy with Mormons in charge. Emmett’s great-great-grandfather talked about it. In a discourse from 1855, Young wrote that "when the Constitution hangs, as it were, upon a single thread, they will have to call for the 'Mormon' Elders to save it from utter destruction; and they will step forth and do it."

                Exclusive: Brigham Young’s Great-Great-Granddaughter on Mormonism and Mitt Romney - The Daily Beast


                • Mitt Romney and the Mormon Mafia

                  Book review: Mitt Romney and the Mormon Mafia

                  Paul A Drockton M.A. is a Mormon Insider who has first hand experience with the real Mormon Mafia. His Investigative Journalism is considered breathtaking and groundbreaking. In this e-book he exposes some
                  of the dirtiest dealings of the corruption that is the political base for Mitt Romney's Presidential Campaign.

                  Famous names like Mitt Romney, Jack Abramoff, George Bush, Howard Hughes, and Bain Capital all have ties to the Mormon Mafia. Most Mormons (98%) were not even aware of its existence until Paul Drockton started writing a series of exposes. Now, they seek control of the US Presidency to increase their power over the masses. Paul Drockton is the only man that truly can prevent this from happening.

                  This book is a must read for anyone that wants to know about Mitt Romney and his Mormon Mafia friends.


                  • marionette strings dangerous things

                    A brief and crucial history of the United States

                    Every single word of this cariamatic voice, is a drop of wisdom and Heal for our Mind. Every image, is more telling than any museum art work.
                    And... particularly, for the people of the United States.
                    When unplugged Neo could have dae. He was "all most too old" to bare it .
                    Morpheus apologized to Neo:
                    Most people are so inured, so hoplessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. ( Matrix 1999 )
                    Nasi P.R. 3 weeks ago

                    Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine - YouTube



                    • Subject: 2011 tax return
                      I just received my tax return for 2011 back from the IRS. It puzzles me!!!
                      They are questioning how many dependents I claimed.
                      I guess it was because of my response to the question:
                      "List all dependents?"
                      I replied:
                      12 million illegal immigrants;
                      3 million crack heads;
                      42 million unemployed people on food stamps,
                      2 million people in over 243 prisons;
                      Half of Mexico;
                      and 535 persons in the U.S. House and Senate."
                      Evidently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.
                      I KEEP ASKING MYSELF, WHOM DID I MISS?

                      NESARA- Restore America - Galactic News: 2011 tax return



                      • Rep. Kelly's rousing floor speech receives standing ovation & chants of "USA"
                        He says so much in 5 minutes.


                        sorry here's the link Rep. Kelly's Rousing Floor Speech Receives Standing Ovation and Chants of "USA!" - YouTube
                        Last edited by gene gene; 08-13-2012, 08:30 PM.


                        • Oh but they are not supposed to chant, yell and clap, it’s not dignified.

                          But I wonder how much yelling they will do about this?
                          Could this be the end of the dollar as we know it?


                          China Launching Gold Backed Global Currency! | Alternative
                          By Mark Brander

                          Sunday, August 12, 2012 17:14

                          There can be no doubt that the US dollar will soon be history. China is recasting all of their gold reserves into small one kilo bars in order to issue a new ‘gold backed’ global currency. This is surely a strategic part of their recent push to sign new trade agreements with Russia, Japan, Chile, Brazil, India, and Iran. The cat is now out of the bag, the US will be given the ‘bums rush’ by the largest trading nations in the world and the dollar will go down in flames. GATA now estimates that 80% of the gold that investors believe they have in allocated accounts is long gone, the majority of it probably wound up in China.

                          Here is an excerpt from Jim Willie’s ‘Hat Trick Letter’

                          Jims recent article starts out with…

                          Many are the events, signals, and telltale clues of a real live actual systemic failure in progress. Until the last several months, such banter was dismissed by the soldiers in the financial arena. But lately, they cannot dismiss the onslaught of evidence, a veritable plethora of ugly symptoms of conditions gone terribly wrong and solutions at best gone awry and at worst never intended in the first place.

                          CHINA RECASTS GOLD BARS

                          China is well along an ambitious plan to recast large gold bars into smaller 1-kg bars on a massive scale. A major event is brewing that will disrupt global trade and assuredly the global banking system. The big gold recast project points to the Chinese preparing for a new system of trade settlement. In the process they must be constructing a foundation for a possible new monetary system based in gold that supports the trade payments. Initally used for trade, it will later be used in banking. The US TBond will be shucked aside. Regard the Chinese project as preliminary to a collapse in the debt-based US Dollar system. The Chinese are removing thousands of metric tons of gold bars from London, New York, and Switzerland. They are recasting the bars, no longer to bear weights in ounces, but rather kilograms. The larger Good Delivery bars are being reduced into 1-kg bars and stored in China. It is not clear whether the recast project is being done entirely in China, as some indication has come that Swiss foundries might be involved, since they have so much experience and capacity.

                          The story of recasting in London is confirmed by my best source. It seems patently clear that the Chinese are preparing for a new system for trade settlement system, to coincide with a new banking reserve system. They might make a sizeable portion of the new 1-kg bars available for retail investors and wealthy individuals in China. They will discard the toxic US Treasury Bond basis for banking. Two messages are unmistakable. A grand flipped bird (aka FU) is being given to the Western and British system of pounds and ounces and other queer ton measures. But perhaps something bigger is involved. Maybe a formal investigation of tungsten laced bars is being conducted in hidden manner. In early 2010, the issue of tungsten salted bars became a big story, obviously kept hush hush. The trails emanated from Fort Knox, as in pilferage of its inventory. The pathways extended through Panama in other routes known to the contraband crowd, that perverse trade of white powder known on the street as Horse & Blow, or Boy & Girl.


                          • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post

                            But I wonder how much yelling they will do about this?
                            Could this be the end of the dollar as we know it?

                            operacion - de wolfram recuperación
                            What the Chinese uncovered:

                            Roughly 15 years ago -- during the Clinton Administration [think Robert Rubin, Sir Alan Greenspan and Lawrence Summers] -- between 1.3 and 1.5 million 400 oz tungsten blanks were allegedly manufactured by a very high-end, sophisticated refiner in the USA [more than 16 Thousand metric tonnes]. Subsequently, 640,000 of these tungsten blanks received their gold plating and WERE shipped to Ft. Knox and remain there to this day.

                            Gold Bars in Fort Knox Are Fake!

                            el patrón oro

                            The most famous case of hyperinflation is the one that occurred in Germany during the Weimar Republic (el patrón oro), from January 1919 until November 1923.

                            One can't help but wonder how the people whose wealth evaporated in Germany during this time felt. In effect, they were robbed by the government - they were on the losing end of a massive transfer of wealth. Of course, there are two sides to the story, as those who held significant amounts of gold and silver were the recipients.

                            Could the US experience a wealth transfer like the one that wracked the Weimar Republic? While the federal government and most so-called economic "experts" dismiss the notion, the economic data suggest that it's already started.

                            Does Gold Keep Up In Hyperinflation? | Jeff Clark | FINANCIAL SENSE



                            • Check out Whistleblower Magazine's August cover, which depicts some of the ways that
                              Barry's reelection campaign will use voting fraud in an attempt to retain power.

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                Check out Whistleblower Magazine's August cover, which depicts some of the ways that
                                Barry's reelection campaign will use voting fraud in an attempt to retain power.

                                Now Rick lets be fair to Komrad Obama.... I am certain that all the dead people, criminals, illegal aliens and alien aliens will be legally registered to vote and .....IF there is any hint of voter fraud I am sure his buddy Eric "I-don't-give-a-crap-about-the-constitution" Holder will be the first one to investigate, just look what he is doing to...I mean for Pennsylvania. He is helping us understand that our voter registration law is unnessesary even though we feel otherwise.

                                To fix the problem you will need either ballots or bullets...I am ready for both
                                Smile it doesn't hurt!

                                Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27

