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The American Ruling Class

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  • It's no wonder, of course, that establishment politicians could not allow Ron Paul to fairly win the nomination, because he then would have gone on to win the election. Ron would have had a tough job at the White House, because he would not have received any cooperation from the establishment politicians running the Congress. And anything substantial that Ron would have pushed to accomplish, like abolishing the CIA, FBI, and the IRS , auditing and ending the Federal Reserve, ending the federal Departments of Education, Agriculture, Energy, and Commerce, closing the more than 900 unnecessary US military bases in foreign nations and bringing our troops home, would have either never been considered by Congress, or voted down. The despicable and unconstitutional acts that Congess would continue to bring up and pass would be crafted in a veto-proof manner. If attempting to accomplish his Liberty agenda by running around Congress and issuing executive orders like Barry has done, you can bet your boots he would have been found in contempt of Congress and the Constitution, and forced to either resign or suffer impeachment and removal.

    Ron would only have had one avenue of influence over national and international affairs, but that actually would have been a very powerful one, and this is why he could not be allowed to fairly win the nomination and the election. He would have been able to schedule regular appearances on nationally broadcast TV where he could have directly addressed the American people and educated them as to what must be done to save our nation. He could have used this influence to hammer away at Congress, and expose their dirty dealings while also exposing the people behind the curtain who operate this puppet show that we call (incorrectly) our "government."
    Last edited by rickoff; 09-01-2012, 03:13 PM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      The effort by the GOP establishment, all along, has been to minimize or eradicate Ron Paul at every turn in the process, and that effort has been blatantly apparent. What a sham this has been, from the very beginning. Total corruption.
      So true but hopefully by now even the most brain dead individuals can see that all we have here is a walking dead elephant.


      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
        Ron would have had a tough job at the White House, because he would not have received any cooperation from the establishment politicians running the Congress. And anything substantial that Ron would have pushed to accomplish, like .... bringing our troops home, would have either never been considered by Congress, or voted down.
        CFR's Lindsay notes the tough calculus involved in Congress challenging a president's ability to act militarily.
        Lindsay writes in his blog, The Water's Edge:
        "Congress can stop the president only by passing a law that commands him to do so.
        But that law is subject to a presidential veto.
        As long as a president can get thirty-four senators to back him,
        and almost every president can,
        he carries the day even if the other 501 members of Congress are opposed."

        Presidents can also use their bully pulpit to maintain support for a military mission.

        Balance of War Powers: The U.S. President and Congress - Council on Foreign Relations



        • I was away from home all of yesterday, so didn't get to watch any of the Wednesday goings on at the RNC, and even if I had been home I probably wouldn't have tuned it in after becoming so thoroughly disgusted by the earlier RNC shenanigans. I was alerted today that the RNC did in fact show a 4 minute video tribute to Ron Paul yesterday, so I watched the video to see how it was pieced together. I really don't think that the RNC had anything to do with producing this video, because it looks more like a Ron Paul campaign video than anything else. In thinking about the reason why RNC officials allowed this video to be shown at the convention hall, it seems to me that they reviewed the video and felt it would be a good opportunity to use it as a tool for the purpose of quelling the anger and resentment of Ron Paul supporters that was so evident the previous day. RNC officials knew that unless they could somehow bring Ron Paul supporters on board the movement to elect Romney, they would probably lose the election. They couldn't allow Ron to speak his mind at the convention unless he would promise to toe the party line and endorse Romney, which is something he refused to do. But allowing the video to be shown posed no problem since it neither presented any negative statements concerning Romney or the GOP, and never went into any deep or meaningful discussion concerning Ron's ideas for ending the IRS and Federal Reserve, or massively reducing the size of federal government by eliminating unconstitutional Departments. Instead, it was just a brief tribute to Ron himself. While the showing of this video surely must have made Ron Paul delegates and supporters feel a little better, I hope that none of them fall for the RNC's ploy of using this presentation to gain their trust and their vote for Romney. Frankly, though, I doubt that will happen.

          If you listen to the narrative of the first 15 seconds of the video, you might very well tend to think this video is about Barry, rather than Ron Paul:

          "It's the American story. Charting your own path, ...... forging your ways forward."

          Barry certainly forged his way forward into the White House, using blatantly forged documentation to claim his right to be there and remain there. Could anyone in Congress, the RNC, or the DNC for that matter, really not be aware of these facts at this point in time? And yet here we go again, with the obviously ineligible Barry poised to be reelected for another 4 years unless Romney can somehow edge him out, which is seriously doubtful. And even if Romney could, then what would be gained when he is little different than Barry and would only be a different face applied to a Ruling Class manipulated puppet?
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • The government is the market

            Hi all,
            I just watched this video "The Biggest Game InTown" about the Government CAFR wealth shell game - YouTube
            If this was posted before I apologize.
            According to Walter J. Burien we should not be paying taxes but should instead be receiving a dividend from the gov.
            It appears that this movement started back in 1998. Has anyone here been following this, has any progress been made in any state?
            Thanks, Gene


            • Rick and Bizzy

              Re; Post 3256. Valid points, and a 'weakness' in our system; we ALL tend to focus on the Presidential election. Look at the #'s of voters who vote every 4 years, compared with 'off year' elections, etc.
              And yet, so much of what goes on that effects us goes on in Congress, behind closed doors.Congress authorises spending $; not the pres. Theoretically, at least, the president can't do ANYTHING, if Congress refuses to authorise the $. For example, look at how none of the detainees has been tried in Civilian courts, on U.S. soil, since Holder tried to do it with khalid Sheik whatever; Congress specifically refused to authorise any $. Not wanting to get into a big discussion of that, just using as an example; WE, 'the people' are SUPPOSED to be the ultimate deciders. We all say "Congress is rotten, corrupt, and out of touch" etc.; BUT, we continue to vote, year after year, for 'our' Congressman; look at the advantage of incumbency.

              For bizzy, and any who share his views regarding Romoney, heres a little mental excercise; Imagine for a moment that mcCain HADN'T gotten the repub nomination in 2008, Romoney had. Now further imagine he had won the election.Looking at his record as gov. of taxechusettes, how different do you think things would be, now? Do you honestly think he wouldn't have gone along with TARP? Wouldn't have had a massive 'stimulas' program?
              His 'signature' accomplishment as govenor was his medical care overhaul; do you honestly think he wouldn't have tried to repeat that 'success' as president?
              Look at the 'views' he expressed, back before he started to run for president, on cap and trade, etc. Before his flip/flops, as THAT indicates his true 'thinking and views'.Same old wine, in a brand new bottle!

              My Dad used to say "Listen to what I MEAN, not what I SAY" (He was being humorous).But seriously, listen to what Romoney MEANS, not what he SAYS. Then, listen to what Ron Paul says and means; as listed in a previous post by rick; shutting down the Fed, etc. And cast your vote accordingly, as will I.Jim


              • The Election of a "Puppet President": High Stake Outcomes Based on Non-issues
                Whether you vote Republican or Democrat, the oligarchs will win

                by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

                The election of the next puppet president of the “world’s only superpower” is about two and one-half months off, and what are the campaign issues? There aren’t any worthy of the name.

                Romney’s other issue is to blame Obama for America’s unemployment caused by the offshoring of the US economy by Republican corporate CEOs. In order to enhance their compensation packages, the Republican CEOs sent millions of America’s best jobs to India, China and elsewhere. The lower cost of labor in these offshore sites means much higher earnings, which drives up share prices for shareholders and drives up performance bonuses for management, while wrecking US employment, GDP growth and tax base and driving up the deficit in the balance of payments.

                America’s main economic problem--the relocation of the US economy offshore--is not a campaign issue. Therefore, the US economy’s main problem will remain unaddressed. 'I'm sick to my stomach': anger builds in Illinois at Bain's latest outsourcing plan | Business |

                The real issues can nowhere be found in the campaigns or in the media. There is no mention of the Bush/Obama destruction of the US Constitution and its legal protections of citizens from arbitrary government power. Due process no longer exists for anyone who the executive branch suspects of being connected in any way to Washington’s chosen enemies. US citizens can be thrown into dungeons for life on suspicion alone without any evidence ever being presented to a court, and they can be executed any place on earth, along with whoever happens to be with them at the time, on suspicion alone.

                Last May federal district court judge Katherine Forrest ruled that indefinite detention of US citizens is unconstitutional and issued an injunction against the Obama regime using this police state measure in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Obama regime gave the federal judge the finger. During the week of August 6-10 the Justice (sic) Department’s Brownshirt lawyers refused to tell Judge Forrest if the Obama regime is complying with the injunction. NDAA on trial: White House refuses to abide with ban against indefinite detention of Americans — RT The position of the Obama regime is: “we are above the law and do not answer to federal courts.” One would think that Romney would be all over this, but he isn’t because he wants the power himself.

                The Obama police state will shop around and find a federal appeals court dominated by Republican Brownshirt judges and get Judge Forrest’s ruling overturned. All those Republican federal judges we had to have to save us from liberal Democrats will now complete our deliverance to a total police state where all power rests in an unaccountable executive branch.This is what the Republican Federalist Society has wanted for years, and they are on the verge of obtaining it.

                That the United States has degenerated into a police state in the short period of ten years should be the campaign issue. Who would ever have thought such a thing possible. Yet, there is no mention of the destruction of the rule of law in the name of a hoax “war on terror.”

                The Bush regime created the propaganda that “they (Muslims) hate us for our freedom and democracy,” but how can Muslims hate us for what does not exist? The arbitrary unaccountable power asserted by the executive branch is totally incompatible with freedom and democracy. Yet, neither Obama nor Romney makes this an issue. And neither does the media.

                There is no war on terror. There is war on countries that are not Washington’s puppet states. Unaccountable Washington is currently slaughtering thousands of Muslims in a variety of countries and is preparing Syria as its next holocaust. Washington, taking advantage of the splits between Sunnis and Shi’ites and between Islamists and secular Muslims, has organized a rebellion in Syria in order to overthrow a government that is not a puppet of Washington and Israel.

                Don’t expect the packaged political campaign of the next couple of months to deal with any significant issue. Americans are oblivious of their fate, and so apparently is the rest of the world.

                The selection of the next president of the US will depend on one thing alone--which of the two candidates financed by the ruling private oligarchy has the most effective propaganda.

                Whether you vote Republican or Democrat, the oligarchs will win.

                The Election of a "Puppet President": High Stake Outcomes Based on Non-issues



                • And on the lighter side of things......

                  Here's a video from Asheville, North Carolina's annual Asheville Topless event, which was organized by a group of women to protest the fact that men are allowed to go topless in public areas, but women suffer rude comments and possible harrassment for "indecent exposure" if they do the same. Baring the breasts is not actually against any Asheville ordinance, as current laws only restrict views below the waist as being termed indecent. The women actually applied for and received a permit to go ahead with this event, even after last year's topless displays garnered a considerable number of negative comments. Now I'm certainly for equal rights of women, and mostly against any authoritarian figures telling us what we can and cannot do, just as long as we do no harm to others. But judging from some of the breasts seen in this video, I would have to say that some at least bordered upon what I would consider indecent, or at least better not to be seen, and very few were of the caliber you might expect to see in a best-fleshed-breast contest (if there is such a thing). There was some decorative breast painting going on that in some cases looked rather colorful and appealing, and which also helped to conceal the fact that these were bare breasts, but on others where a few words had been drably painted on there was no semblance of artistic endeavor present. Those who had words painted on would have done much better, in my opinion, to have had something like "VOTE RON PAUL!" applied in colorful and well adorned letters. At least that would have been a meaningful message that probably would have been applauded by viewers rather than scorned upon. To be honest, some of the breasts almost hurt my eyes to look at, sorry to say, so it's difficult to say what I would prefer to be the rules or guidelines, if any, regarding such public displays. Any one else have any thoughts in that regard?
                  Last edited by rickoff; 09-01-2012, 01:57 AM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
                    Hi all,
                    I just watched this video "The Biggest Game InTown" about the Government CAFR wealth shell game - YouTube
                    If this was posted before I apologize.
                    According to Walter J. Burien we should not be paying taxes but should instead be receiving a dividend from the gov.
                    It appears that this movement started back in 1998. Has anyone here been following this, has any progress been made in any state?
                    Thanks, Gene
                    Hi Gene,

                    Yes, we discussed this considerably in 2009, and Walter himself actually joined in the conversation. Go here to read the posts. Walter has not posted any updates here since that time, but you can go to his website to learn what's new. The most recent link there points to a July 20, 2012 article appearing in the Los Angeles times, a portion of which I'll post herein for your convenience:

                    State parks had $54-million hidden surplus, officials say

                    Los Angeles Times | July 20, 2012 | 0:22 PM

                    California's state parks system secretly stashed away $54 million even as it was cutting services and threatening to close parks, officials announced today. The department's director, Ruth Coleman, resigned, and her second in command was fired as the hidden surplus was revealed. The state attorney general's office is conducting an investigation.
                    The announcement means the department has plenty of cash, even though it has been soliciting hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations in what was thought to be a desperate scramble to keep parks open.
                    Officials from the agency that oversees the parks department said the department has under-reported tens of millions of dollars for the last 12 years.

                    For the full story and latest information go to California parks department discovers $54-million surplus -

                    Last edited by rickoff; 09-01-2012, 03:46 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Eric Holder's inJustice Department has dropped a criminal case against sheriff Joe Arpaio. It's not part of a "deal," as Joe says that he isn't going to quit his probe into Barry's criminally forged documentation.

                      Read more about this here, and listen to an audio clip of sheriff Joe.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • I'll say it again

                        I've said it before, and I'll say it again, and this probably won't be the last time:


                        Thanks for your efforts. This is an amazing thread and your dedication to it is a huge reason I keep coming back to EF at all!

                        Cheers man
                        Alberta is under attack...

                        Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


                        • Check your local theater listings, and if you get a chance to see 2016:Obama's America then by all means go for it. This movie goes deep into revealing Barry's past, something that Democrats, Republicans, and the mainstream media all avoid. It also shows what will likely be the result by 2016 if Barry wins reelection to another 4 year term.

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • OK the DOJ has dropped the charges against sheriff Arpaio, and that is good news. But no reason was given.
                            We know that the sheriff has been a real pain in the butt for the administration, and they want him gone. So why did they drop these charges as that would be counter to their goals.
                            Could it be that Holder, as I have been hearing, was offered an deal he couldn’t refuse? Like you will drop the charges or a whole bunch of your dirty linen will be hung out for public viewing!


                            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                              OK the DOJ has dropped the charges against sheriff Arpaio, and that is good news. But no reason was given.
                              There actually was a reason given, as DOJ said there simply wasn't any conclusive evidence against sheriff Joe. This case had been brought against Joe charging that he had improperly used state funds to carry on his investigations. This was because he had an armed deputy accompany his lead investigator, Mike Zullo, to Hawaii, and the deputy legally had to be paid from Maricopa County funds. The Maricopa City Council refused to accept reimbursement of those expenses from donations that had been made to the investigation into Barry's forged documents. But even without such reimbursement, Joe had done nothing wrong. He had initiated the investigation at the request of an Arizona citizens group,
                              and the trip to Hawaii became necessary in gathering critical evidence. Since Zullo was not a member of the sheriff's department, he could not go to Hawaii in an official capacity nor carry a firearm. Thus it was necessary for an official deputy to travel with Zullo in order to protect him and to make any official requests that were deemed necessary.

                              It should be noted that while this case was dropped by DOJ, they are still carrying on their witch hunt investigation into so-called racial profiling by Joe's sheriff department, and will likely keep this issue alive until after the November elections so that they can keep claiming that Joe's investigation into Obama's documents is just a reprisal for the fact that Joe is under investigation by Barry's DOJ. What they won't tell people, though, is that the DOJ investigation was initiated after Joe had begun investigating Barry's fraudulent documents.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                It should be noted that while this case was dropped by DOJ, they are still carrying on their witch hunt investigation into so-called racial profiling by Joe's sheriff department, and will likely keep this issue alive until after the November elections so that they can keep claiming that Joe's investigation into Obama's documents is just a reprisal for the fact that Joe is under investigation by Barry's DOJ.
                                What they won't tell people, though, is that the DOJ investigation was initiated after Joe had begun investigating Barry's fraudulent documents.


