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The American Ruling Class

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  • The politicians and public all want to be all tough on criminals and sh*t but then when the prisons get full and they have to pay a sh*t load more money to build more prisons and house all those people through higher taxes all then all the people then change their song and dance

    3 hots and a cot is Cadillac so I guess that’s why they are putting our asses back out on the street

    California may lead prison-reform trend, ease '3 strikes'
    Voters appear poised to approve measure to let nonviolent offenders out faster

    More than a decade after California set a national trend toward longer sentences for habitual criminals with its three-strikes law, crime in the Golden State is down, prison costs are up - and voters are poised to soften the hardline stance.

    A California ballot measure that would let some nonviolent offenders out of jail faster is the most high-profile example of what Adam Gelb, a criminal justice expert at the Pew Center, calls "a sea change across the country in attitudes on crime and punishment."

    While the main financial backer of the campaign to pass the measure is a liberal billionaire, it has drawn support from religious conservatives, fiscal hawks and a broad array of constituencies who have supported "tough on crime" policies in the past.

    California isn't the first state to revisit policies that have caused an explosion in inmate populations and in some cases jailed people for many decades over relatively minor infractions. In 2007, Texas faced more than $2 billion in new prison costs and chose instead to plow $240 million into alternatives such as treatment-oriented programs for nonviolent offenders.


    California may set trend easing '3 strikes' law - politics | NBC News
    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


    • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
      The politicians and public all want to be all tough on criminals and sh*t but then when the prisons get full and they have to pay a sh*t load more money to build more prisons and house all those people through higher taxes all then all the people then change their song and dance

      3 hots and a cot is Cadillac so I guess that’s why they are putting our asses back out on the street
      Hi there, 5150. I'd be interested to hear your story, and to learn what an "insider" like you would do to alleviate California's problems caused by prison overcrowding and the unsustainable expense involved. Were you in for 3 strikes? If so, do you worry about going back a 4th time, and what do you think would be a fair penalty for a 4th time offender? Also, how many offenses do you think a person should be allowed to commit before that person is determined to be incapable of being effectively rehabilitated and released?

      It's no secret that California is in deep financial difficulty, and that her cities are beginning to fall, like dominoes, into bankruptcy. One major driving force that has lead to this is the unsustainability of paying lavish state worker pensions. Another enormous contributing factor is California's vast illegal immigrant population, and the costs related to not only allowing this problem to go unabated, but rewarding this illegal activity by offering sanctuary cities. On October 5th I posted some information about the actual costs of harboring illegal aliens that bear repeating here: " The total cost of illegal immigration to Los Angeles County taxpayers alone exceeded $1 billion in 2008. Approximately $200 million was spent on public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $450 million to welfare and food stamps. And consider this: In California alone, immigration is responsible for more than 45% of the state's school children. This huge influx costs California's taxpayers more than $26 billion each year."

      In California's prison system, somewhere between 17 and 30 percent of jailed or imprisoned persons are illegal immigrants, depending on what source is cited. And, in recent years, the prison population has exploded to at least double what its planned capacity was. California cannot afford to construct more facilities to house this ever burgeoning inmate population, so there remains only two alternatives:
      1. Deport all illegals now jailed or imprisoned in California. This would immediately alleviate much of the overcrowding, as well as the expense of housing these inmates. The only problem with this solution is that ICE has determined that roughly 70% of deported criminal illegal aliens are found to reenter the United States soon afterward, which means it is highly likely that they will commit further crimes and once again require incarceration, either in California or other states.
      2. Dramatically increase the penalties for committing crimes, both for illegal aliens and citizen criminals. For example, anyone who has committed a violent crime would be executed. For non-violent criminal illegals, send them to a tent city bordering Mexico, where they would be put to work earning their keep while constructing an impenetrable border fence. When the fence is completed, release all prisoners of Mexican origin to the other side.

      Real problems, like impending bankruptcy, require realistic solutions. If a state is going bankrupt it is only because they are spending more than they take in. Thus, the first step towards solvency is to prohibit any further deficit spending. The next steps necessary are to identify how state funds have been spent in recent years as compared to a time when that state had no deficit spending. Once the offending spending has been identified, you determine what caused the increases in those areas, and you remedy those causative factors. For some reason, California has refused to take these obviously necessary remedial steps. Perhaps it is because they expect that the federal government will offer a massive taxpayer funded bailout that will keep them going on their present course for a few more years, until the next unavoided and sure to come crisis. After all, California is probably considered "too big to fail," right?
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
        Hi there, 5150. I'd be interested to hear your story, and to learn what an "insider" like you would do to alleviate California's problems caused by prison overcrowding and the unsustainable expense involved. Were you in for 3 strikes? If so, do you worry about going back a 4th time, and what do you think would be a fair penalty for a 4th time offender? Also, how many offenses do you think a person should be allowed to commit before that person is determined to be incapable of being effectively rehabilitated and released?

        It's no secret that California is in deep financial difficulty, and that her cities are beginning to fall, like dominoes, into bankruptcy. One major driving force that has lead to this is the unsustainability of paying lavish state worker pensions. Another enormous contributing factor is California's vast illegal immigrant population, and the costs related to not only allowing this problem to go unabated, but rewarding this illegal activity by offering sanctuary cities. On October 5th I posted some information about the actual costs of harboring illegal aliens that bear repeating here: " The total cost of illegal immigration to Los Angeles County taxpayers alone exceeded $1 billion in 2008. Approximately $200 million was spent on public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $450 million to welfare and food stamps. And consider this: In California alone, immigration is responsible for more than 45% of the state's school children. This huge influx costs California's taxpayers more than $26 billion each year."

        In California's prison system, somewhere between 17 and 30 percent of jailed or imprisoned persons are illegal immigrants, depending on what source is cited. And, in recent years, the prison population has exploded to at least double what its planned capacity was. California cannot afford to construct more facilities to house this ever burgeoning inmate population, so there remains only two alternatives:
        1. Deport all illegals now jailed or imprisoned in California. This would immediately alleviate much of the overcrowding, as well as the expense of housing these inmates. The only problem with this solution is that ICE has determined that roughly 70% of deported criminal illegal aliens are found to reenter the United States soon afterward, which means it is highly likely that they will commit further crimes and once again require incarceration, either in California or other states.
        2. Dramatically increase the penalties for committing crimes, both for illegal aliens and citizen criminals. For example, anyone who has committed a violent crime would be executed. For non-violent criminal illegals, send them to a tent city bordering Mexico, where they would be put to work earning their keep while constructing an impenetrable border fence. When the fence is completed, release all prisoners of Mexican origin to the other side.

        Real problems, like impending bankruptcy, require realistic solutions. If a state is going bankrupt it is only because they are spending more than they take in. Thus, the first step towards solvency is to prohibit any further deficit spending. The next steps necessary are to identify how state funds have been spent in recent years as compared to a time when that state had no deficit spending. Once the offending spending has been identified, you determine what caused the increases in those areas, and you remedy those causative factors. For some reason, California has refused to take these obviously necessary remedial steps. Perhaps it is because they expect that the federal government will offer a massive taxpayer funded bailout that will keep them going on their present course for a few more years, until the next unavoided and sure to come crisis. After all, California is probably considered "too big to fail," right?
        Wow dude you wrote a book but that’s cool, let me try to respond.

        Well if I was able to oversee the prison system I would reduce the prison population to almost nothing. Yes I'd let most of them out

        I would let out all the drug users and non-violent offenders. That would clear up a great deal of space. Then I’d look into the low level violent offenders. People like me who were put in when they beat the sh*t out of someone who deserved it. Meaning I’m not the really violent type of people that go off shooting up movie theaters and sh*t like that.

        I don’t worry about going back, like I said 3 hots and cot and sitting on my ass while the tax payers feed me is Cadillac. As for what would a fair penalty be for future offenses, well that depends on what I did. I mean if I beat the sh*t out of someone again I think if the beating was deserved then I shouldn’t have to do any time. Now if I kill the guy maybe like 3 months in the joint until his family has time to bury their loved one and a little time to accept he got his ass handed to him. So I guess what I’m saying is it all depends on the crime. You know the old saying if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime.

        As for how many chances a person should get, well that too is subjective to a point. I mean I am out and I break at least 50 laws every day. You know how many laws there are on the books, man you can’t keep up with them all. I’m probably breaking laws I don’t even know about so how can you say I am rehabilitated or not when I am breaking laws that I am not intending to break or even know about.

        In regards to illegal’s, well I have no problem with them and the real reason they are needed and allowed and even encouraged is to keep the economy from totally collapsing. I mean those “tacos” as we call them are some hard working MF’s. Yea they have babies like rabbits but I can’t blame them as sex is great. Anyway my point is that illegal’s get lower paying off the book jobs and basically work as slave labor and that’s actually helped the economy. You also have to agree that most of the costs to tax payers in regards to these Olympic Swimmers (AKA “Wet backs” but me and my homies call them “Olympic Swimmers” as in the joke why doesn’t Mexico have a an Olympic swim team, and the answer is because all their good swimmers are in the USA) ..where was I

        Oh yea the money that these swimmers cost tax payers are almost all in welfare programs or free health care. If you eliminate the welfare for everyone and make people work then that solves that problem for all classes of people including these Olympic swimmers. As for health care look at Mexico, they are one of the poorer countries yet they have a free health care plan for all their people and from what I hear it’s much cheaper than any program in the USA and it’s also pretty good. Why can’t the USA do the same, well that’s because the big pharm companies are in it for the money and they care more about profits than people.

        In terms of education, well the people again are getting screwed by the government. I mean I didn’t finish school and had to get a GED. I didn’t even fill in half the test and I still passed. Leave it to the government to spend billions on education and I can get an education paper just by drawing stick figures and doing some addition and subtraction problems. Don’t hate the player, hate the game!

        Oh and these off spring from these Olympic swimmers (their kids) and getting a free education, I think that’s great and if the schools were properly run there would be any issue. I mean look at Latin America in the poorest dirt poor communities where the people live in shacks their children have school uniforms and have about the same education as the kids in the USA and it doesn’t cost billions. Again don’t hate the players (the illegal kids) but hate the game.

        In response to your “1. Deport all illegals”

        As for deporting these illegal criminals and ICE estimating that 70% return, well again don’t hate the player but hate the game. The US cannot close its borders and leaves it open purposely so that these people can reenter. This is because it’s all a money making racket they perpetuate . Ask yourself how the US government can close area 51 with such top notch security and keep the media and people out and even planes from flying over that area but the same government cannot figure out a way to close a border???? See my point? Again who is to blame? The US government

        In response to your “2. Dramatically increase the penalties for committing crimes

        Ok so executions are ok in your eyes, that’s cool I guess. I mean free country and all right? As for the longer sentences well again in no time the jails will be full and we will be back at square one. Only in Texas are they executing people left and right, hell they installed an express lane there and Texas has the largest prison population only behind California and so that theory of executions isn’t working there. I mean look at the free world population, its like doubling every 5 years now

        I think the solution is population control and so do the people running the world. If we kill of a bunch of people then maybe things will run smoother. The question then arises who are the people that get killed off. I think it should be the pansy ass MF who are crying about crime and new laws and all that kind of stuff and if we let the criminal element live then they will too kill off others and even further reduce the population, then nature can once again rule with the survival of the fittest as it does in nature. Do away with all the pansies and that would solve so much. This of course is just my opinion and like a**holes we all have em

        As for balancing budgets that too is super easy but again it’s the handouts that cause the problem, the high pensions of government employees wanting to Cadillac at the tax payers’ expense. Yes people have to stay in line with spending so government and states should too.

        And No California is not too big to fail as is the USA and both will eventually fail and very soon simply because a bunch of eager to please politicians (that’s who needs to be executed) who are spending way too much money and pocketing as much as they spend. They are the real criminals. Put me in the ring with a few of them and Ill straighten them up real fast.

        Legalize all the drugs would also help too as well as decrease the police forces and remove some of their funding. I could go on but like my criminal record its not too popular with the status que folks who seem to have all the answers while pointing their fingers of blame at everyone but themselves for continuing to allow their government to get away with it all
        Did I answer all your questions?

        Respectfully yours,

        “The Insider”
        Last edited by 5150; 10-14-2012, 04:55 PM.
        Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


        • Basic Premise of 'Human Behavior',...

          For what its worth.
          A+B=C, where A is me, B is any other 'entity' I am interacting with; My spouse, child, parent, co-worker, boss, neighbor, company, Government, ,....My fricking Dog.
          C is the RESULT of my interaction with them.
          If I am unhappy with C, I need to change the formula.

          Basic reality; I CAN'T change other peoples behavior; we humans TRY it all the time, but it doesn't work! There is only ONE persons behavior I CAN change, and thats my own. BUT, if I change my behavior (not easy, but unlike changeing others behavior, at least possible) others WILL respond to me differently, and C; the RESULT of my interaction, will be different.

          So, A squared plus B will NOT eaqual C. On the other hand;
          A+B=C,A+B=C,A+B=C, etc. is a pretty good definition of insanity.i.e continueing to do the same thing, over and over, while expecting different results.
          And, continueing to play the BLAME game, keeps us in the insanity; we're blaming B, instead of recognising that WE need to change OUR behavior.

          I used to be like, and think like, the previous poster; When I encountered a C who was an 'assh*le', I re-arranged his face, or at least wanted to. And, I spent some time with 3 squares and a cot, courtesy of the taxpayers.

          Then, I developed a different way of 'looking' at things; a 'bullet' I kept in my pocket.When I would encounter such an entity, (assh*le) I would THINK, (but NOT say) "Gee, fella! You'll NEVER get hemmeroids, cause your such a perfect assh*le!" As I would think that, it would be all I could do, to keep from laughing at the person! I would smile, and WALK AWAY.

          We can Blame "olympic swimmers" (good one, by the way), but if our area was one of extreme poverty, and we could move 200, 500 or even 1000 miles away, and KNOW we could find jobs paying 10 or 100 times as much, MANY of us would move; look at the 'Booms' currently (Oil BOOM up North), and in the past (Gold Rushes, etc.).

          We can blame the Gov't, and Business, but we either passively or actively participated in the development of our current system. If people are 'Gaming' the system, we are allowing them to. AND, most importantly, WE CAN'T CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR; only our own.
          Sure, we COULD kill them, and that WOULD change their behavior, but they'd just make more!

          For instance, people BLAME, and complain, about the 'GREED' of Big Business; Banks,Big Tobacco, Big Pharm, Big Oil. And yet, the greatest amount of stocks are held by IRA's,401K's and Pension Plans. And, as stockholders, companies that give a return on investment are rewarded, and those that don't are penalised.

          Remember in 2008, when people were so upset at seeing their 'retirement account' balances drop? They were saying they WANTED these Companies to continue to be greedy!

          Majority of stock in BP, Gov't pension plans in England.And they invested in BP, because it gave and gives steady, high return on investment; and it has a long history of 'cutting corners', PRIOR to the Gulf spill, which is WHY it was able to give these high yields!

          Everyone is crying about the 2008 crash, but no one was complaining, prior; no one complained at low interest rates, or having their house 'value' go up $10,000 or more every year, or being able to 'flip' houses for a profit, etc.

          "I have seen the enemy, and he is me!"

          YES, politicians are corrupt; but we reward them for their behavior. We SAY we would like an 'Honest' Politician, but if one were REALLY honest, we would not vote for them.Politicians are giving us exactly what we reward them for, so WHO is to blame, and, more importantly, who's behavior can we change?

          The problem is NOT with the politicians, its with the electorate; We have gotten the system we deserve.Jim
          Last edited by dutchdivco; 10-14-2012, 05:58 PM. Reason: syntax


          • Wow Dutch that’s a deep post and you have some very valid points but I don’t agree with all of it but hey we are entitled to disagree right? As long as we do our disagreeing respectfully

            I consider myself a real nice guy but at the same time I’m not some floor rug that people can walk all over. Meaning that yes I am in control of my behavior and outlook in life and I make sure my A+B is always as harmonious as possible so that I can enjoy the C with relaxed pleasure. However the reality is that there are always some jerkfu*k who don’t care about the A=B or the C of it all and when they come into my space I have issue setting them straight

            As for the people wanting the 401ks and the corporations to remain greedy so they can profit is because people for the most part are inherently greedy, selfish and hypocritical. This is why it’s impossible to have a rational discussion with most people because when you point the truth out to them they have a hard time accepting reality.

            Jim you are right, we have the system we deserve and asked for, and you pointed that out and that’s what I was trying to do in my post above when I was saying don’t hate the player, hate the game if you really want to get down to it. The game is what the people want and then they complain about it all the time.

            This is why I prefer to smoke me a god joint and just sit back and take it all in and say WTF at life.
            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


            • @5150: There are some points that we completely agree upon, such as government failure to enforce existing illegal immigration laws being the prime factor in our country being overrun by hordes of illegals. I also agree with you that government welfare programs should largely be eliminated because too many people milk them for all they are worth. What's the point of paying someone hundreds of dollars per week in unemployment compensation, for example. Why not assign that person to a work detail where they will be employed until they can find a better job? Let them work for what they receive. For that matter, why aren't such programs being carried out in the prison system? In "the good ole days" prisoners were assigned to work details such as manufacturing license plates and other goods, or working on road repair crews and such. Evidently this has all changed, because you say that, "3 hots and cot and sitting on my ass while the tax payers feed me is Cadillac." Sounds more like a hotel than a prison, except that when you stay at a hotel you must pay for your room, bed, and meals. Let me ask you this - did you prefer things that way, or would you have preferred being assigned to some job detail where you could have done something constructive and earned your keep while perhaps learning a useful trade that you could rely upon for income after being released?

              On some things we definitely disagree, such as illegal immigration. You don't appear to think it is a problem, and seem to think that it actually results in some kind of financial benefit. It doesn't, and it has been documented that Barry's amnesty for illegals is actually going to cost 70 times more than the cost of enforcing existing immigration laws and deporting these illegals. And if the Mexican government is providing their people with free healthcare that is as good as ours, as you say, then why in the world are Los Angeles County taxpayers being saddled with $400 million in annual costs for providing healthcare to illegal immigrants? It's insane.

              You appear to think that I "hate" illegal immigrants, and their offspring, but that is far from true. I'm not a hateful or spiteful person, and believe that everyone should be afforded the opportunity to better their own and loved ones lives. Many people want to come to the US to chase after that opportunity, and that's understandable, but there's a right way and a wrong way to do this. The US already admits nearly 1.5 million legal immigrants each year, and I have no problem with legal immigrants. My wife is one of them, having come here from the Philippines. She waited in line for nearly 3 years, paid all the fees, and did everything the right way. It's hard enough to find work for legal immigrants at a time when 23 million Americans are unemployed. Allowing illegals to stay here, work, and take advantage of a wide array of welfare programs is creating an enormous and unnecessary burden on US taxpayers who are already way overburdened, and is totally unfair to all those immigrants who followed the rules to come here legally.

              I do agree that it is the fault of the corrupt and greedy politicians who made all of this possible, and I also agree with Jim (dutchdivco) that it is the fault of the people who have elected and reelected these politicians. I would totally agree with you that nearly all state and federal politicians are criminals and should be doing time in prison for their treasonous, destructive, and unconstitutional behavior. With them making the laws, and forming their own ethics investigation committees, though, that's not a likely scenario. As I've repeatedly been saying in this thread, voters need to get smart and kick out all these bums, and do it often.

              Have you been able to find work while staying at the halfway house? I hope things will improve for you, and that you will not find it necessary to return to prison. You do seem to recognize that most, or perhaps all of your stays resulted from overly aggressive acts that you willfully participated in. Yes, there are plenty of a-holes in this world, and surely many of them probably deserve a good whupping, but why go to the places where these people are likely to hang out and get in your face? They aren't likely to show up at your residence, unless you have invited them, and aren't likely to be at your workplace either. You definitely have a choice as to the people you want to associate with, and I hope you make the right choices from here on out. I wish you all the best.

              Last edited by rickoff; 10-14-2012, 09:59 PM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Rick

                Well when I was inside my attitude was if the tax payers wanted me here then they can pay for my ride which they did. They also paid my health care (which sucked) and provided me with hygiene items and legal items. Also I wasn’t anyone’s ***** and that included the tax payers so I wasn’t about to work for slave wages and be taken advantage of. For me personally it was better to sit in administrative segregation lock up which is a single cell lock down type of situation and sit on my ass all day.

                There were benefits to this. One it allowed me to sit on my ass all day and not work so I could read books all day. It allowed me to avoid others and keep me out of fights which made my time go by better and I didn’t catch new cases which would prevent me from getting out earlier. And it helped me stick it to the man and the tax payer because these single cell housing situations by far are the most expensive in terms of the amount of money they take per inmate opposed to the old dorm style housing units.

                I think the officers like this too as it requires less staff to manage and the inmates are more controlled, but the tax payer hates it because like you said they can’t work us in slave labor jobs and take advantage of us.

                Now would I feel better if I could have worked a trade or learned something new, well in all honesty what can you learn today to help you find a job. I mean the jobs out there for us with an X on our backs are all about the same. I can find work at any fast food restaurant or car wash or a number of similar such places so there really isn’t any “training” I could have received inside that would have helped me “better” myself as so many are under the illusion can happen. Prison is basically now just a place to warehouse people and nothing more. There are some exceptions such and long timers (lifer) who get to make bird houses and sh*t like that in special shops / programs but heck those programs cost tax payers more than any gain there is from them apart from keeping those men a little more occupied so they aren’t shanking each other.

                I could go on and tell you about so many other things in the prison system that were just a waste of time and tax payer dollars. Such as the geriatrics wings where it seemed there all these old fu*kers who were not a threat to society and yet they were housed in prison and those guys got better medical care than us younger ones. I saw men who were in wheelchairs and stuff and I was like WTF are they doing here.

                In regards to illegal immigration, I didn’t say it wasn’t a problem but at the same time I don’t think it’s as large of a problem then certain uptight people make it out to be. Sorry not trying to be a d*ck saying you’re uptight but at the same time I see you have the same thought process of those types.

                We can agree that the government can make anything simple very complicated and cost ten times what it should and Amnesty is no different. Some will argue that allowing these swimmers to have papers will help build the tax basis but many people don’t seem to understand that these swimmers are already paying a lot of taxes every day and only when it comes to income taxes and those social programs which we already talked about that the problems would be solved if they were given papers.

                You might say what taxes do they pay? look they pay taxes on all the items they buy such as cigarettes, gas and all the consumable items and certain food they buy. There are taxes the moment they get up each day. The apartments they live in (the owners have to pay local property taxes) and without the renters then these taxes don’t get paid. There are all sorts of other examples but to say these swimmers don’t pay any taxes or help generate taxes is misleading.

                Look by giving them amnesty they can then be more productive, come out of the shadows so to speak and they can then move around more and that would help productivity. If the social programs were cut then that would remove a great deal too. I’m all for social programs as I get my free cheese (government check) each month so I can’t complain.

                As for me appearing to believe that you “Hate” these people, well you can try to sugar coat it or lie to yourself but you clearly blame them for all these taxes and breaking the laws and all. Your own words come off and hate and anger. Just saying

                I laugh at the argument of “there’s a right way and a wrong way”, because there is no easy way and the government has placed so many road blocks on immigrants from south of the border that it’s just easier for these people to come here illegally. People like you wife have a much better chance of getting papers than a Latino.

                As for the unemployment, well that too is the government fault for how they have crippled the work force with restrictions and regulations while shipping good jobs over sees. That’s why the only work most can find is fast food type of jobs.

                As for voters getting smart, if they were smart they would stay home on Election Day. Voting for either party won’t fix anything it’s all rigged and a scam regardless of who is in office. That’s like asking me who would have been a better warden where I was and I would say does it matter as I am still behind bars.

                As for work nah I’m soaking up SSI and riding the system. Don’t hate on me, but the way I see it is I can get a check and it helps me buy some beer and sh*t. Part of my release is to stay at a half way house which is stupid as it slows down the process. I have one more month then I get a government funded apartment paid for by the SSI and the housing department. Yea it sucks but with so many restrictions on me and all the BS there is no way to really work enough to pay for it all if I follow the rules. I mean if they think I am safe enough to be out on the streets then they need to get off my back so I can make it. So until that time I’m riding the system.

                I do have to work like 10 hours a week but they give us these work release jobs like cleaning empty lots or community work. Most of the time we sit on our ass in a back section of the building where the program is since they don’t have their sh*t together and its easier and cheaper for them just to give us credits than to actually work us. We just sit there and shoot the sh*t with each other then get our credits and go home. I think I will get a job at McDonalds when I’m in my own apartment as I already talked to the manger and have it lined up. Just too many restrictions on me right now to work a real job

                As for being aggressive, well I just don’t take sh*t off people and often call them out to their face when they are running their mouth. Actually I find myself defending myself more than anything and then when I beat a MF down for getting in my face is when I have issues. It’s not like I’m fighting every day or anything like that but one time at the mall I got into it with a guy then at another McDonalds and in other places so it’s not where I hang but rather how people treat me or interact with me.

                I have changed a lot though because the first two times I was down (in jail) I was really kind of a d*ck. I enjoyed turning out the weaker white boys and thought it was fun. Looking back on that it was wrong as was the man rape I did. You know most people can’t understand the difference of what gay sex is and man rape. Also out in the free world I have found the chicks like bad boys like me but what’s really messed up is a lot of gay dudes do too. I’m not down with all of that gay sh*t but at times I do feel like turning out a guy. Do you know what that is?

                I really appreciate you wishing me well and that means a lot. Honesty at first I thought you were kind of a self righteous d*ck but I’d probably have a beer with you now.
                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                  and I also agree with Jim (dutchdivco) that it is the fault of the people who have elected and reelected these politicians.
                  not guilty by reason of insanity legal definition of not guilty by reason of insanity. not guilty by reason of insanity synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

                  Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  For instance, people BLAME, and complain, about the 'GREED' of Big Business; Banks,Big Tobacco, Big Pharm, Big Oil. And yet, the greatest amount of stocks are held by IRA's,401K's and Pension Plans. And, as stockholders, companies that give a return on investment are rewarded, and those that don't are penalised.

                  Remember in 2008, when people were so upset at seeing their 'retirement account' balances drop? They were saying they WANTED these Companies to continue to be greedy!
                  HOW THE STOCK MARKET WORK - YouTube



                  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                    In California's prison system, somewhere between 17 and 30 percent of jailed or imprisoned persons are illegal immigrants, depending on what source is cited. And, in recent years, the prison population has exploded to at least double what its planned capacity was. California cannot afford to construct more facilities to house this ever burgeoning inmate population, so there remains only two alternatives:
                    1. Deport all illegals now jailed or imprisoned in California. This would immediately alleviate much of the overcrowding, as well as the expense of housing these inmates. The only problem with this solution is that ICE has determined that roughly 70% of deported criminal illegal aliens are found to reenter the United States soon afterward, which means it is highly likely that they will commit further crimes and once again require incarceration, either in California or other states.
                    2. Dramatically increase the penalties for committing crimes, both for illegal aliens and citizen criminals. For example, anyone who has committed a violent crime would be executed. For non-violent criminal illegals, send them to a tent city bordering Mexico, where they would be put to work earning their keep while constructing an impenetrable border fence. When the fence is completed, release all prisoners of Mexican origin to the other side.
                    Around 16% of inmates in California are in for possession of drugs. Portugal decriminalized possession of ALL drugs in 2001. The bottom line for them at the start was that it costs less to treat than to imprison and, contrary to scare-mongering at the time, is now enjoying a massive reduction in drug addiction (and drug use overall) and associated healthcare costs, for example a decline of STDs from prostitution and sharing of needles etc etc.

                    So decriminalization of possession of all drugs would free 16% of the prison population right away, just 1% off the (more sane) figure you quoted for illegal immigrant prison population. Decriminalizing the sale of marijuana would bring that figure up to 17.6%. And of course this would bring down the 17% figure too.

                    Certainly spending $50,000 p.a. to imprison someone for 25 years to life just because they get caught with $10 of drugs with the 3 strikes policy is fiscally (and morally of course) crazy.

                    As for violent crimes, as we get older it's easy to forget the maelstrom of testosterone and young adult social posturing/positioning we had to deal with. Violence is part of nature and when you look at how violent adolescent dolphins or monkeys can be (for example), you can see we are not alone.

                    It's easy to pontificate as we get older and as these memories fade, but I wonder how many of us would be doing life in California if we were unlucky enough to get caught for every stupid thing we ever did as kids/young adults?
                    Last edited by Regster; 10-15-2012, 12:47 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Regster View Post
                      decriminalization of possession of all drugs would free 16% of the prison population right away, just 1% off the (more sane) figure you quoted for illegal immigrant prison population. Decriminalizing the sale of marijuana would bring that figure up to 17.6%. And of course this would bring down the 17% figure too.

                      Certainly spending $50,000 p.a. to imprison someone for 25 years to life just because they get caught with $10 of drugs with the 3 strikes policy is fiscally (and morally of course) crazy.
                      Hi Regster. Good points you make. I too think that decriminalizing all drugs is the way to go, and this has always been one of Ron Paul's stances.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • My take on the prison system, I have not personally been down but have a brother that has spent most of his life doing hard time, and my son done a two year stint.
                        I personally believe they use the prison system to indoctrinate young men and women, they send them down into a place that breads hate, hate for anyone that is not your color, they allow gangs, this bleeds out into society after they have been indoctrinated and released.
                        They keep us fighting amongst ourselves while they quietly rob us blind of our country and our liberty.
                        Its time to wake up.
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • Marshmallows

                          In the late 50's, a researcher (into Human Behavior) developed a simple experiment, which has been repeated 1000's of times.
                          A room, with a child sized chair and table, several toys scattered around the room, and a camera to record what happens. They bring in a 3-4 y.o. child, have them sit down, and place a marshmallow on the table. They explain to them the 'rules' of the 'game'; the child can eat the marshmallow any time they want,...BUT; the researcher is going to leave, for a few moments; when they come back, if the child hasn't eaten the marshmallow, they will give them a second marshmallow,and the child can eat BOTH. Then the researchwr walks out and closes the door.
                          SOME children eat the marshmallow before the door latches. Some resist eating the marshmalow for as much as 15 minutes. And some, (the most entertaining to watch, LOL) agonize, even beating their heads against the table, or with their hands etc. before finally succumbing, and eating the marshmallow.
                          In a follow-up study, they asked the chldren who had been able to succesfully resist eating the marshmallow "How they did it?", and (summarising) they pretended the marshmallow was a cloud, or a piece of Liver, or that it wasn't real, or that it wasn't there at all.
                          Many of them didn't LOOK at it, they looked everywhere else, or even got up and played with the toys.
                          On the other hand, the kids who couldn't resist looked right at it, and even seemed to be 'fighting' with it, looking at it with mean expressions, etc.

                          They continued to follow these children, thru adulthood. It was found that this test is a more accurate predictor of the childs future than I.Q., socio-economic background, single vs. 2 parent household, or any other predictor.

                          Something like 80% of those who 'failed' (to resist eating the marshmallow) also 'failed' to complete high school, or go to college, and over 60% ended up incarcerated.
                          On the other hand, 80% ofthose who 'resisted' (eating the marshmallow) completed 4 years of college, and only 2% were incarcerated.

                          Based (in part0 on this experiment, there is a 'theory' of human behavior; in any situation, there are 3 parts; 1) we 'percieve' the situation. 2)We 'think about' the various options for how we will respond to the situation, and 3) we form the WILL to respond in a specific way. This whole process can take less than a second, such as how we react to a traffic situation. Or, it can take some time, as we, for instance, consider making a major purchase,like a car or house.
                          Now, during the 18th century, the emphasis was on the 3rd step; 'Victorian' moral thinking said if you had 'Good moral character', you resisted the temptation to engage in certain behaviors; eating or imbibing to excess, adultery, whatever. THAT didn't work very well, as not only did many parishoners engage in such behaviors, but the priests who were 'preaching' did, as well.
                          During the 19th century, the emphasis was on the 2nd step; it was the 'age of REASON and LOGIC, (DeScartes, and the french enlightenment).
                          The idea was that you used LOGIC to 'control' your behavior; you didn't participate in certain behaviors, because you knew the consequences. "Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time", etc. Also a dismall failure, as our high incarceration rate shows.
                          So, Behavioral scientists, after 50= years of research, now say that step 2 and 3 are very 'weak' tools, for detirming behavior. The key, that these children who 'passed' the test have figured out, is in step 1; in the percieving, which is much more than what our eyes 'see'; its what our mind sees.
                          As an example; I'm going to assume we are all males, and none of us are pedophiles, (for the sake of this example).
                          If we 'see' a 5, 10 or 12 y.o. girl, we don't 'see' her as a sex object; as someone to have sex with. The idea never occurs to us. And yet we KNOW there ARE men who DO see such a child that way.
                          So, WE don't have to try to 'rely' on step 3; 'Knowing' that 'its wrong', nor do we have to 'rely' on step 2; "If I do this, I might get caught, and will be a social pariah, spend many years in jail, etc.
                          We 'address' the issue at step 1; our initial perception. And, as these children learned/knew, we as humans CAN control HOW we percieve something, and even CHANGE how we percieve something.
                          There was a time when I 'Saw' pharmacies as a building to break into, to steal the drugs to sell and use. Now, I 'see' a pharmacy the way the 'straights' do; as a place to get Rx.'s filled, and buy pampers, etc.
                          There was a time when I saw assh*les as a THREAT, and HAD to re-arrange their face; NOW, I 'See' them as clowns, to be laughed at, or even pitied, as i 'KNOW' they are going to ultimately hurt themselves far more than they hurt anyone else.
                          It DIDN'T happen over night, and it required a LOT of work, but I am much happier now, and snuggle up at night next to an accomodating wife, who is working WITH me to accomplish our goals, instead of having 3 squares and a cot.
                          "He made me so MAD, I njust hadda re-arrange his face!".....Well, no, not really. He engaged in behavior that was bullying, obnoxious, whatever. But, you CHOSE how to 'see' that behavior, and THAT choice led to your responce. You can hit him, or laugh at him, based on how you 'see' him, and his behavior.
                          Try it with something simple, as a start. Then work up to more complex things.
                          If you 'see' white guys as something to be 'punked out' than 'resisting' the urge to do so requires a LOT of work; if you CHANGE the way you 'see' them, than its EASY. The 'trick' is in the 'seeing', and THAT requires re-wiring your brain, and thats NOT easy; and takes TIME. Much les time than the time it'll cost you, if you don't, tho!
                          You and I don't see some things so differently, but we 'see' some things very differently; in large part, because I've made a conscsious effort to see things differently.
                          And I DO appreciate your stated perspective, that we can 'agree to disagree', and I wish everyone posting on these various threads and sites could retain that demeanor. Jim


                          • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                            They keep us fighting amongst ourselves while they quietly rob us blind of our country and our liberty.
                            Its time to wake up.
                            you said it, and its true.
                            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                            • Thinking Errors List

                              In my opinion, Dr. Samenow is one of the best resources to assist those that have had errors in their thinking and ended up in jail/prison. This applies to all even though they may not have been caught:

                              Biographical Sketch of Dr. Stanton E. Samenow
                              Biography of Stanton E. Samenow

                              Concept of the Month
                              Concept of the Month

                              Thinking Errors List:

                              Credit where it is due: The concept of Thinking Errors was originally introduced by: Samenow, S. & Yowkelson, S. (1977). The Criminal Personality.

                              Thinking Errors List
                              1- Blaming/Making Excuses Putting your problem off on someone else. Saying things like " But - she made me mad” or “But - he was flirting with me".
                              2- Smoke Screen (Side Tracking) This Thinking Error is used when someone is trying to talk to you about something you don't want to hear - so you change the subject.
                              3- Denial Saying "I didn't do it" or “It wasn’t me” when you know you did.
                              4- I'm Slick Thinking you can get away with negative behavior and not get consequences. Many times this involves sneaky behavior and lies.
                              5- I'm Special When an offender plays the I'm Special game, he thinks rules do not apply to him, or rules are not for him. He also thinks he should not get consequences for his behavior.
                              6- Playing Dumb Saying "I don't know" when you really do know and don't want to try. Not trying hard enough to find the answer.
                              7- I've Got A Secret (na-na-na-na boo-boo) Keeping secrets because you think it is fun. Sometimes you might keep a secret because you want to be friends with that person. Making your victim keep a secret.
                              8- Poor Me (Victim Stance) When you use this Thinking Error, you want people to feel sorry for you. You might do this when you are trying to not get consequences.
                              9- I Want It Now (Entitlement) Thinking you should get something without working for it. Asking for something over and over again instead of waiting patiently.
                              10- I don't care about you (No Empathy) Not caring about other people. Only caring about yourself. Not caring about the things you do to other people and how it hurts them.
                              11- It's no big deal (Minimizing) Thinking like something is not a big deal when it really is. Using words like ONLY or JUST when talking about your behavior.



                              • @ Indian Boys

                                Man what a crock of ... you know what!!!

                                Do you actually buy into all that BS you posted and the Dr who subscribes to such nonsense?

                                My response is in red

                                Thinking Errors List
                                1- Blaming/Making Excuses Putting your problem off on someone else. Saying things like " But - she made me mad” or “But - he was flirting with me". He got in my face and threatened me as he began to hit me, so I took care of business. So is that blaming others or simply calling it like it is?

                                2- Smoke Screen (Side Tracking) This Thinking Error is used when someone is trying to talk to you about something you don't want to hear - so you change the subject. I change the subject when the person who is trying to tell me something I don’t want to hear is actually full of it and is trying to push their flawed beliefs unto me. I know since they are not going to change my opinion its best to change the subject

                                3- Denial Saying "I didn't do it" or “It wasn’t me” when you know you did. That’s called CYA and not admit to anything that will further get you into more trouble or time. Politicians are masters of this. Bill Clinton-“I did not have sexual relations with that woman”

                                4- I'm Slick Thinking you can get away with negative behavior and not get consequences. Many times this involves sneaky behavior and lies. Who hasn’t done this even in the smallest ways.

                                5- I'm Special When an offender plays the I'm Special game, he thinks rules do not apply to him, or rules are not for him. He also thinks he should not get consequences for his behavior. When the laws are stacked against them or if the rules or laws are not honest in the first place then why not think they are above such laws.

                                6- Playing Dumb Saying "I don't know" when you really do know and don't want to try. Not trying hard enough to find the answer. This is simply another tactic politician’s use but there is also good reason for it, by playing dumb you avoid admitting to something that can get you in trouble by those who wish to persecute you.

                                7- I've Got A Secret (na-na-na-na boo-boo) Keeping secrets because you think it is fun. Sometimes you might keep a secret because you want to be friends with that person. Making your victim keep a secret. As in classified information or Top-Secret or better yet Confidential on the basis of national security which the government engages in all the time. Also a secret in other situations can be either bad or good

                                8- Poor Me (Victim Stance) When you use this Thinking Error, you want people to feel sorry for you. You might do this when you are trying to not get consequences. I see many people play, they play the victim role as an excuse and I can spot these people a mile away. They are weak in my book too.

                                9- I Want It Now (Entitlement) Thinking you should get something without working for it. Asking for something over and over again instead of waiting patiently. This too is very common these days, way too many people think they deserve what they want and they want it right now.

                                10- I don't care about you (No Empathy) Not caring about other people. Only caring about yourself. Not caring about the things you do to other people and how it hurts them. So it’s not ok to be selfish or not care about others when others are the same way in return? or say the US is over in other countries killing innocent people and Americans play off the empathy as cold blooded rationalization as it being "collateral damage".. ok yea right

                                11- It's no big deal (Minimizing) Thinking like something is not a big deal when it really is. Using words like ONLY or JUST when talking about your behavior. Yes I feel this way many times, and another example is people who smoke pot, they say “man it’s not a big deal it’s just a natural plant”

                                To me all these things are all basically ways or trying to get people to conform and to comply. For me I say to heck with rules or laws if I feel they are wrong so yes I am willing to break a law if I am willing to suffer the consequences.

                                I mean for me the bottom line is that all the laws and policies and even what I call this psychological mumbo jumbo which is posted above is all designed and propagated to control the masses and make them comply and submit to authority. I’m just a rebel in that regard so oh well if you guys want to fall prey to it go ahead but Id rather live honestly and live free than to be subjugated to so many rules and laws and these stupid "one way" thinking errors that some self proclaimed expert came up with.

                                BTW I am not personally attacking you but rather just posting my opinion and observation and how I am totally counter to the thinking of your post. I have no beef with you and will engage in a debate so don't take my words as a personal attack because they are not ...Ok.. good!
                                Last edited by 5150; 10-15-2012, 08:57 PM.
                                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.

