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The American Ruling Class

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  • Well, tomorrow is the day. It will be time once again for most Americans to choose and vote for their globalist puppet leader. So the question to ask is will it be globalist puppet A, or globalist puppet B? In other words, just ask yourself which management team from Slavery Incorporated would you prefer to run our country into oblivion for the next four years?

    Not much of a choice, is it? In fact, it's no choice at all. But we do have a valid choice that we can make. We can choose not to participate in this sham election, or we can choose to vote for one of the alternative candidates. You could probably safely bet your paycheck that none of those alternative candidates will win, so really it amounts to a protest vote, or vote of conscience, but it's a good thing to vote your conscience rather than voting for the lesser of two evils. There are four alternative Presidential candidates this year, and any one of them could get elected if enough people said that enough is enough and voted against the establishment candidates. The four alternatives are:

    Gary Johnson, Libertarian Party

    Jill Stein, Green Party

    Virgil Goode, Constitution Party

    Rocky Anderson, Justice Party

    Kind of refreshing, isn't it, that each of these parties has a name that would appear to inform you as to what their main focus is. For the first three in the above list, this is actually the case. The Libertarian Party is concerned with restoring and expanding liberties, the Green Party is concerned mainly with environmental issues and sustainable living, and the Constitution Party's objective is a return to a strict adherence to the principles outlined in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and the Bible. As to the Justice Party, though, it could be said that one man's justice is another man's injustice. The Justice party is a strong advocate of a single payer healthcare system, which is eventually what we will have if Obamacare is not repealed.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • 2 years worth of study, and documentation.....
      Finally culminating in the proof needed to show anyone ,
      that indeed our weather professionals are KNOWINGLY pulsing storms
      with high frequency from ground based stations (such as NEXRAD RADAR stations), to have an effect on the weather.

      11/5/2012 -- Hurricane Sandy Weather modification -- Frequency pulses to control weather - YouTube



      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
        Well, tomorrow is the day. It will be time once again for most Americans to choose and vote for their globalist puppet leader. So the question to ask is will it be globalist puppet A, or globalist puppet B? In other words, just ask yourself which management team from Slavery Incorporated would you prefer to run our country into oblivion for the next four years?

        Not much of a choice, is it? In fact, it's no choice at all. But we do have a valid choice that we can make. We can choose not to participate in this sham election, or we can choose to vote for one of the alternative candidates. You could probably safely bet your paycheck that none of those alternative candidates will win, so really it amounts to a protest vote, or vote of conscience, but it's a good thing to vote your conscience rather than voting for the lesser of two evils. There are four alternative Presidential candidates this year, and any one of them could get elected if enough people said that enough is enough and voted against the establishment candidates. The four alternatives are:

        Gary Johnson, Libertarian Party

        Jill Stein, Green Party

        Virgil Goode, Constitution Party

        Rocky Anderson, Justice Party

        Kind of refreshing, isn't it, that each of these parties has a name that would appear to inform you as to what their main focus is. For the first three in the above list, this is actually the case. The Libertarian Party is concerned with restoring and expanding liberties, the Green Party is concerned mainly with environmental issues and sustainable living, and the Constitution Party's objective is a return to a strict adherence to the principles outlined in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and the Bible. As to the Justice Party, though, it could be said that one man's justice is another man's injustice. The Justice party is a strong advocate of a single payer healthcare system, which is eventually what we will have if Obamacare is not repealed.
        Rick, your so right but I have to add some of my thoughts about the unions and their effects with the collective bargaining they have and it's results on the United States.

        Being born and raised in Oregon near the "Willamette Falls" during the early 1900's was the premier location for Paper Mills and there were two of the largest supplying paper products and newsprint for some biggest News Papers in the country. At the time Oregon like most states were with unions so the paper mill workers belonged to the Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers . Back in the 1960's they went on strike at both mills and it was brutal for any local union worker there was five additional unions employed at each mill and they picketed everything. I remember we had to go shopping for groceries in another city because of lack of paper products ( bags, boxes, etc. ) and they were taking names of anyone crossing a picket line, it wasn't to long after that madness Oregon went to a "right to work" state, limiting union controls ... we thought.

        I was reminded about union controls when a electrical lineman crew from Alabama drove their service rig to help hurricane "Sandy" victims in New Jersey and was told to "GO HOME" because they were non-union that came from a "right to work" state and New Jersey were only excepting union help .... so they went to New York. As a fully licensed non-union commercial electrical contractor myself with the same qualifications checked and it was true New Jersey only wanted UNION help. New Jersey Turns Away Non-Union Relief Crews For Sandy Cleanup WAFF-TV 48 News - YouTube

        My point being is irregardless of which political affiliation you belong to you should be concerned with the unions and their control of the government, businesses and personal life's. The pandering for power is just not a CEO or it's corporation but the union organizations that supply the collective bargaining laborers for those business, services and government jobs.

        I made a small listing of the major union organizations that mostly effect us all and you can see from the list it covers all facets of employment, if your a non-union worker in a "right to work" state you know the drawbacks to a even playing field or being even hired by a union member for work. I really don't know the answer on how to stop the progress of the unions taking over everything but it's like the national debt and isn't slowing down, stopping or going in reverse. If a democrat is elected for president in this election and job stimulus money is for education, schools, roads, bridges, state / county and city buildings or infrastructure construction is all UNION labor, and workers of any other description or type that's "non-union" is thrown under the bus every time.

        Air Line Pilots Association
        Air Line Pilots Association, International

        Amalgamated Transit Union
        Amalgamated Transit Union | AFL-CIO/CLC | Freedom Through Organization

        American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)
        Home | AFGE

        American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
        AFT - American Federation of Teachers - A Union of Professionals

        Association of Flight Attendants
        Never Forget

        Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
        Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen

        Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees
        BMWED - Home Page

        Communication Workers of America (CWA)
        Communications Workers of America

        Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics, and Allied Workers International Union
        GMPIU: Home

        Graphic Communications International Union (GCIU)
        Graphic Communications International Union (GCIU) | National Legal and Policy Center

        Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees (HERE) International Union
        Organize Here. Win Here. UNITE HERE!

        Independent Pilots Association
        Independent Pilots Association

        International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts (IATSE) [ " NEWS MEDIA " ]
        Home | IATSE Labor Union, representing the technicians, artisans and craftpersons in the entertainment industry

        International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Ironworkers

        International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)
        Welcome to IAFFonline!

        International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
        Labor Union for the 21st Century: GOIAM

        International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
        International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers - Int'l Office

        International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
        International Brotherhood of Boilermakers | The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Helpers, AFL-CIO

        International Brotherhood of Teamsters
        International Brotherhood of Teamsters | International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT)

        International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU)
        ILWU — International Longshore and Warehouse Union

        International Union of Operating Engineers
        International Union of Operating Engineers | Washington DC

        International Union of Police Associations

        Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA)
        Laborers International Union of North America

        Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU)

        Operative Plasterers' & Cement Masons' International Association
        OPCMIA - Home

        Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
        SEIU - Service Employees International Union

        Sheet Metal Workers International Association
        Sheet Metal Workers International Association > Home

        Union Communication Services

        Organize Here. Win Here. UNITE HERE!

        United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA)
        United Association Homepage

        United Auto Workers (UAW)
        Home | UAW

        United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America

        United Electrical Workers (UE)
        UE - The USA's Independent, Rank-and-File Union

        United Farm Workers (UFW)
        UFW: The Official Web Page of the United Farm Workers of America

        United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW)
        The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) | a VOICE for working America

        United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)
        UMWA in Action | United Mine Workers of America

        United Steelworkers of America
        USW | United Steelworkers

        United Transportation Union
        United Transportation Union

        Best Regards,
        Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 11-06-2012, 07:33 AM. Reason: added term "paper products"
        Open Source Experimentalist
        Open Source Research and Development


        • Hey Rick,

          I forgot to mention to you, members and guests that the above posted labor UNION website links, when accessed you can see most have which political party they support on their "home" page shirt sleeve. It's kind of scarey if you think about the voting blocks (millions) amongst the other things these unions use at their disposal through collective bargaining demands, lobbyist to laws passed.

          Open Source Experimentalist
          Open Source Research and Development


          • Just wanted to say, im from ohio and my mother and I voted Romney.

            Anyone is better than Obama. Whats most important to me, is that my president comes from america, grew up in america and loves america. I would even vote for hilliary clinton before voting for Obama. Obama has never been qualified to be the President of the Unites States.

            We wanted Ron Paul, but without him being on the Republican ticket, I dont believe he has a chance. Voting for him now would be a vote for Obama unfortunately.

            Also..the polling location here was nearly empty. Maybe 20 people....I didnt even have to wait. Its really sad, the number of people who dont vote and dont care.

            GO VOTE
            Last edited by jdodson; 11-06-2012, 03:18 PM.


            • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
              Rick, your so right but I have to add some of my thoughts about the unions and their effects with the collective bargaining they have and it's results on the United States.

              I made a small listing of the major union organizations that mostly effect us all and you can see from the list it covers all facets of employment, if your a non-union worker in a "right to work" state you know the drawbacks to a even playing field or being even hired by a union member for work. I really don't know the answer on how to stop the progress of the unions taking over everything but it's like the national debt and isn't slowing down, stopping or going in reverse. If a democrat is elected for president in this election and job stimulus money is for education, schools, roads, bridges, state / county and city buildings or infrastructure construction is all UNION labor, and workers of any other description or type that's "non-union" is thrown under the bus every time.
              I'm right with you on unions, Glen, and although I may not have mentioned it here before I have been an advocate of the Right To Work ideal all my working life. I always preferred working for myself whenever it was possible, or working for a non-union employer, but did have two jobs over the years in which union participation was expected, and in which those who chose not to join the union were treated quite badly. My first experience was at General Electric, where I worked as a machinist. The union expected that all their demands would be granted, and if not then they were quick to strike and stay out for a long period of time. One strike lasted over a year, and any worker who dared to cross the picket line became a victim of violence. Those who tried to return to work, or become new hires, were roughed up and their automobiles trashed. In the end, of course, the union was granted the pay raise they sought, but the 25 cents per hour raise (from $3.00 to $3.25 at that time) only amounted to a $10 per week increase, which was not nearly enough to make up for the $120 per week of lost wages during the strike duration. I vowed never to work at a union shop again after that experience, but many years later found myself working for the US Postal Service. Nearly all of the Postal Service's 750,000 employees were union members, and new hires were repeatedly approached by union members and stewards who would tell you all the reasons why you should join the union. At first it was "friendly advice," but it progressively became uncomfortable intimidation and coercion. At the same time, I had reported several unsafe working conditions to management, and to safety office staff, and was being ignored by them, so finally relented and joined the union thinking that they would back my efforts to make the workplace safe. Well, you would think that worker safety would be their #1 concern, but it wasn't. I kept filing detailed reports (37 in all) of unsafe working conditions and OSHA violations, and not one of those was corrected. Instead of fighting to get these conditions eliminated, the union hierarchy used the reports as bargaining chips to get management to refrain from disciplining or firing lazy employees, or to get suspended employees restated with back pay for the time they were out. Since the union did nothing to back my efforts, I decided to get out, but found that I had to wait until a narrow "window of opportunity" at my membership anniversary date. They make it easy to get in, but hard to leave. Kind of like Hotel California - "You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave." After getting out, I kept pursuing my safety violation reports with management, and of course management didn't like that. In fact, I was approached by one supervisor who verbally threatened me if I were to persist. I was denied promotion to jobs that I applied for, and for which I was far more qualified than the person awarded the job. At the same time, the union took no action to protect my unionized coworkers from hazards, even though I had succeeded in having all workers at my operation, on all three shifts, sign a petition calling for action. The union was really ticked off that a non-union worker had organized such an effort, and labeled those workers as "whiners," while referring to me, the organizer, as a "scab." But I stood my ground and kept fighting for worker safety until I retired. So I spent my time with the Postal Service literally being "between a rock and a hard place."

              Another reason, and one of many why I left the Postal union, was that I disagreed with the use of union dues being used as PAC funds to promote a political candidate, especially when I was opposed to that candidate. I was all for promoting and electing Perot, but the union focus was on Clinton, and always on whoever the Democrat candidate happened to be. The unions have long made their back room deals with Democrat candidates to get them elected and reelected in exchange for promises to fast track union demands for costly and unsustainable increases in benefits and pensions for state and federal workers, and this is largely what has caused those states to teeter on the edge of bankruptcy.

              A lot is at stake for workers who just want to work and not be harrassed by union thugs. For a while, the Right To Work laws became adopted in several states, but for the past decade there was no further advancement until Indiana became the 23rd state this year. The unions have made it clear to their Democrat candidates that they want forced unionization, and compulsory union dues for non-members legislation passed, and the Democrats have been complying and attempting to push these through. If Democrats retain control of the Senate after this election, such legislation is almost a certainty. RINO and "moderate" Republicans are quite likely to play along with these efforts to destroy workers rights, so we can only hope that many of them will be booted out and replaced with true conservatives. We'll see soon enough.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • French Bulldog chases Romney and Obama!

                Watch as the left-right paradigm is demonstrated.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                  Generalize when it suits

                  White's Racism Towards Blacks Worsened in Last 4 Years, Study Shows

                  In all, 51 percent of Americans now express explicit anti-black attitudes, compared with 48 percent in a similar 2008 survey. When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election. In both tests, the share of Americans expressing pro-black attitudes fell.
                  These test results are dubious at best. For example, the implicit reaction test involved flashing a picture of a black person for an instant, and then showing a Chinese person, or other person thought to be of a neutral ethnicity, and asking the viewers how they perceived that neutral character. The subliminal reaction to the black person was thought to trigger a racially motivated negative reaction to the neutral person. The test made no allowance for considering how the participants actually reacted towards the supposedly "neutral" person.

                  I'd like to see the results of the same tests conducted on black people, and other people of color, to determine how racially they perceive whites, and I'd bet that the results would probably be the same, if not higher. Blacks have their own magazines, such as Ebony, Essence, and Jet, which seldom have photos and stories about white people except when the story is derogatory. Certainly that affects and reinforces the views of readers. And what if a magazine publisher put out a magazine called Ivory, which almost exclusively had photos and stories about whites? The only difference is that this would be deemed a racist magazine, just for the name alone. Or how about if white folks formed an organization called the National Association for the Advancement of White People? There again, such a group would be deemed racists, especially if they chanted "white is beautiful" while marching together. And what if a President said that we should institute a White History Month? That, obviously, would go over like a lead balloon, and hordes of people would be screaming "racism."

                  If white people have in fact developed a more negative perception of blacks during the past few years, as the study suggests, it may have nothing at all to do with an increase in racist attitudes. It may have much more to do with what whites see and hear on TV, and in newspaper and Internet stories. Many people watch those TV crime shows where probably 8 out of 10 of the stories feature black perpetrators stealing cars, robbing homes, dealing drugs, or killing someone. And what of the recent stories concerning black mob violence against whites? Google that, and you get 3,460,000 results. Then too, a lot of white people have been unfairly passed over for a job promotion because the job was awarded to a less qualified affirmative action claimant. There are numerous reasons why a white person's general perception of blacks could become negatively influenced, but it does not mean that person so influenced would not associate with blacks and have black friends which they regard highly. It also does not indicate that they would actively discriminate against black people, that they are racists, or that they have even one racist bone in their body.

                  Anyways, as I said before, there's no chance that Barry could have become elected in 2008 if whites were racially motivated enough to consider Barry's color a strong enough factor to avoid voting for him, so that whole theory flies right out the window. Those who support Barry are quick to call anyone white who opposes him a racist, as that's the only defense they can come up with. What about blacks who oppose Barry? Are they racists too, or are they labeled Uncle Toms instead?
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Well, I just went and voted. At mid afternoon it was quick and easy. I was pleasantly surprised that the elections crew was asking people, after giving their name, to say their birth year and street address as a means of verification. I suspect that they would have asked for further verification, such as a driver license, if either of the answers didn't match what they had on file. In years past, there was no questioning to determine that the person was who he or she claimed to be, and I always protested that in no uncertain terms. Evidently many other voters did the same.

                    Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were the only alternative candidates appearing on the Maine ballot, so I voted for Gary and felt good about doing that. I didn't even hesitate, or wonder if my vote for Gary might improve Barry's chance at being reelected. Instead, I voted for a People's President, and for Liberty.

                    In Maine we use a hand marked paper ballot so that if it becomes necessary the ballots can be recounted accurately. The ballots are then fed into a tallying machine which supposedly records the votes as they are written. The lady standing in line ahead of me placed her ballot into the machine feeder and it was kicked out onto the floor. She hadn't realized that until it was pointed out to her. She reinserted the ballot five more times, and each time it was kicked out again. Finally it fed in. Mine too was kicked out on the first couple of attempts. Kind of makes you wonder how well the other functions of this machine are working.

                    As usual, I voted against all local and statewide bond issues, no matter what they were for. We just can't afford to pile on more debts. I voted for an Independent Liberty candidate (Andrew Dodge) in the race for Olympia Snowe's US Senate seat, and voted for Republicans wherever all the other choices were just Republican or Democrat. Interestingly, several county-wide positions were running unopposed, and two of the local municipal positions had no candidate listed. For those two I did write-ins for Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. I figured they could probably do just as good of a job as anyone else who might end up in those positions.
                    Last edited by rickoff; 11-06-2012, 08:25 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Them's alot of words...
                      Generalize when it suits, it's all subjective Eh.

                      and... OF COURSE
                      Be honest with yourself, we ALL from birth are prejudiced. This is one nature of the homosapien.

                      All President Obama needed was 40%


                      • Instead, I voted for a People's President, and for Liberty.
                        Which is far from what you'll get in Obama. I get it, any other year I'd agree with you. However, when we have a president with a muslim name, a fake identity and forged birth certificate...My only priority, is getting that guy out. Unfortunately, which really is sad, you very well helped him stay.

                        There should be no debate without every single person who was on the ballot being present at that debate. The Democrats and Republicans have a monopoly. Which is a real shame, and a disservice to the country.


                        • We ALL from birth are prejudiced. This is one nature of the homosapien
                          To a degree, thats absolutly true.

                          I live in the inner city, and we have entire specific neighborhoods which are majority black. Its illegal to discriminate in the housing market, so no one is forcing them to live together, they choose to. For a 12% ratio how is it possible so many end up in the same area? thats where they want to be.

                          I'm not racist, I have black friends, and mixed relatives, but I would feel most comfortable having white neighbors. Just as they feel more comfortable having black neighbors. Its simply a matter of being different. When there is something different about you compared to everyone else you would feel less comfortable. A black person would feel more comfortable in a black crowd and vice versa for a white person. Simply because neither would be different or singled out. Its really not racism at all, you can call it prejudice but its just a matter of wanting to be the same as your peers.

                          Thats also a reason for example a kid in high school, who has friends that smoke, probably will also end up smoking...simply to blend in and not be singled out. Thats why its critical to know who your kids friends are in school.

                          We recognize skin color every bit as much as hair color and eye color ect, and generally the different person in the group gets singled out. Weather its a white person in a black crowd, or a blonde in a brunette crowd of girls. Its all the same.

                          Which is also why, stopping racism is impossible. Its human nature to feel more comfortable around similiar peers. That is within all of us, of every color. Thats also perfectly fine to a degree. Its only when you allow that degree of 'prejudice' to become big enough that you hate people you dont even know. I think the super majority of society is far past that point. Which is very good.
                          Last edited by jdodson; 11-07-2012, 05:13 AM.


                          • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                            Be honest with yourself, we ALL from birth are prejudiced. This is one nature of the homosapien.
                            Of course all people are prejudiced from the start. When we pick and choose things in life, like what we prefer to eat, or what clothing we want to wear, or what persons we want to have close associations with, we are exercising prejudices. Nothing wrong with that. And neither is there anything wrong with discrimination in its basic form. If we didn't discriminate then we wouldn't understand how to shop for the highest quality items at the lowest prices. It is only when people discriminate against other people because of their ethnic origin, or color of their skin, that they can properly be called racists. I am not a racist. My wife came here from the Philippines, which is certainly a different ethnic origin than mine, and her skin is just as brown as Barry's. I have many friends of differing ethnic origins and skin colors. I oppose Barry only because he is a liar, a usurper, a Constitution shredder, a Ruling Class puppet, and is in no way qualified as eligible to be President. I have amply shown the proof of that in this thread, and have never derided him for being a man of skin color different than mine. So don't you think it is about time you gave up on your racist rant? Go back and read my posts concerning Barry's ineligible status. Examine the evidence and facts that I presented. Do you not reach the same conclusion? If not then say so and explain why instead of pursuing this senseless racism ploy.

                            Originally posted by minoly View Post
                            All President Obama needed was 40%
                            I assume you mean 40% of the white vote, right? But why was that? Is it because he had the black vote locked in? If so, then why is it that nearly all black voters voted for Obama, and will vote for him again? Do you suppose it could have anything to do with the color of his skin causing them to overlook his eligibility status, his radical ties, his hidden records, his Communist/Marxist upbringing, his many lies, and his NWO Ruling Class agenda?
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              If there were no truth to Barry's documents being fraudulent then I might agree that those calling him out as an illegal usurper might possibly be racially motivated. But since the evidence clearly shows that the documents are faked, and that Barry obviously knows this, what in your mind justifies a charge of racism against the messengers of truth?
                              You are missing the point. I am saying that this astroturf campaign to out him as a foreigner will, with 100% certainty, attract racists and that the charge would not have been so strong without that factor. And you come back denying he is black because he has a white (very recent) ancestor.... like a massive proportion of "African" Americans.

                              You know, sometimes conceding a minor point can help win an argument. As it stands you make it look like all "constitutionalists" are really KKK members with that rubbish.


                              • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                                I live in the inner city, and we have entire specific neighborhoods which are black. Its illegal to discriminate in the housing market, so no one is forcing them to live together, they choose to. For a 12% ratio how is it possible so many end up in the same area? thats where they want to be.
                                Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                                we have a president with a muslim name
                                Very revealing.

