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The American Ruling Class

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  • Quotable quotes of the day.....

    “The commander in chief will go to the Vietnam Memorial Wall and will put on his community organizer, ACORN, Van Jones, gangland, Chicago, gangster-politic scam best and pretend to show respect for 58,000 heroic American military warriors who gave the ultimate sacrifice fighting communism. And then President Obama will go back and appoint members of the Communist Party as his czars. He will continue to associate with communists, publicly admitted communists, after visiting the Vietnam Memorial Wall. It doesn’t get any more arrogant. It doesn’t get any more dishonest, and it doesn’t get any more anti-American than this president.”

    “If you try to argue that the Chicago, Mexico, Washington, D.C., Rwanda gun-free zone is somehow desirable, then you are either as equally evil as the murderers that slaughter innocent people in those gun-free zones or you are opening the door and rolling out the red carpet that is red because it’s saturated with the blood of innocent victims that are piled higher in gun-free zones than anywhere in the world.”

    “I see a positive reaction. I see people waking up out of the embarrassing doldrums of apathy, and I see people re-emerging and participating in this sacred experiment in self-government and becoming engaged. I think that increased engagement is going to cleanse our soul. It’s going to upgrade the quality of life in America. I see great, great leadership out there, but we’ve got to make sure they make policy and not acquiesce to the gangsters in the White House.”

    The above quotes are the words of Ted Nugent

    Last edited by rickoff; 02-08-2013, 07:11 PM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Cop Punches Victim (US Soldier) for Complaining It Took Them 45 Minutes to Respond

      This cop was so unprofessional as he walked up and got in the guys face and then after he dropped the guy he said "you're talking to a US marine" (he didn't say I am a police officer)

      I mean the punk kid deserved it for his mouth but the cop was way out of line.

      The goal with any police interaction is not going to jail so when talking to pigs you have to kind of let the pigs play their macho game knowing that the only thing that protects them in such encounters is their badge. Sad reflection but it also demonstrates the the tensions out there on the street.

      Cop Punches Victim (US Soldier) for Complaining It Took Them 45 Minutes to Respond to His Call (Raw) - YouTube

      I bet that cop was bragging for days after that how he dropped some punk who couldn't apologize enough to him after he got set straight.
      Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


      • The federal government is currently in the process of trying to get rid of tens of thousands of tons of radioactive scrap metal it has accumulated over the years from various nuclear testing and wartime activities. And a recent proposal made by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) would lift existing restrictions on the recycling and reuse of this nuclear waste, allowing it to be formulated into everyday consumer products like belt buckles, silverware, and even surgical devices used by medical personnel on ill patients

        "A Department of Energy proposal to allow up to 14,000 metric tons of its radioactive scrap metal to be recycled into consumer products was called into question today by Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) due to concerns over public health," wrote Rep. Markey in a recent news brief about the issue.

        U.S. government to allow radioactive waste metals to be 'recycled' into consumers products like belt buckles, silverware

        Health problems associated with depleted uranium
        DU is a potential health hazard if it enters the body, such as through embedded fragments, contaminated wounds, and inhalation or ingestion. Simply riding in a vehicle with DU weapons or DU shielding will not expose a service member to significant amounts of DU or external radiation.

        Depleted Uranium - Public Health



        • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
          I mean the punk kid deserved it for his mouth but the cop was way out of line.
          Let’s see the guy was attacked, victim of an attempted robbery he calls the police it takes them 45 minutes to respond is it any wonder that he might have been a bit “upset”? Then he is attacked by the very ones who are supposed to protect him because he didn’t immediately bow down and kiss the ground they walked on.
          That cop should be instantly fired as he has shown that he does have what it takes to wear the uniform.

          Unfortunately many cops seem to think that their badge makes them some sort of demigod thus we are to obediently do whatever they say.

          I suspect that there is more to the story about the LA cop that supposedly went on a shooting spree. Apparently he blew the whistle on a fellow officer's misconduct, and if his fellow officers are anything like the guy above they are not about to let any good deed go unpunished. I’m sure there is a lot more to this story that we haven’t heard.

          As Rick mentioned a CNN report didn’t say anything about why he started this shooting spree. An article in my local paper followed the same line. The MSM has it boiled down to ex-cop goes on shooting spree killing other cops, end of story.


          • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
            Let’s see the guy was attacked, victim of an attempted robbery he calls the police it takes them 45 minutes to respond is it any wonder that he might have been a bit “upset”? Then he is attacked by the very ones who are supposed to protect him because he didn’t immediately bow down and kiss the ground they walked on.
            That cop should be instantly fired as he has shown that he does have what it takes to wear the uniform.

            Unfortunately many cops seem to think that their badge makes them some sort of demigod thus we are to obediently do whatever they say.

            Sure I understand his frustration the police took so long to get there but maybe they had other calls. I also understand he was a victim of an assault and attempted robbery however if you watch the video after the cop stepped up to him the kid challenged him and got into his face and chested up to the cop with a "Know who I am" attitude while running his mouth.

            The cop was out of line for punching him and I am not surprised the cops didn't simply take him down and arrest him.

            After the cop laid him out the cop kept saying "Do I need to keep introducing myself" which was a clear indication the cop was ready to go further and inflict more criminal bodily harm. I agree the cop needs to be sent to anger management or something but remember cops are not the smartest people out there. They are often hired for failing basic psychological profiles and have a certain neanderthal "mentality" the forces are looking for.

            I say the punk kid got his ass served to him and rightfully so, but the cop also crossed the line in how he did it.

            I cannot feel sorry for the punk
            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post

              As Rick mentioned a CNN report didn’t say anything about why he started this shooting spree. An article in my local paper followed the same line. The MSM has it boiled down to ex-cop goes on shooting spree killing other cops, end of story.
              Where have you been? The MSM sold out long ago and it amazes em how many people in this thread even mention the MSM or what they report. We should all be supporting alternative news and sending the news ourselves.

              if more people simply ignored the MSM and called it sold out news then it will eventually fall to waste as it should. The problem is too many government paid psych ops out there working overtime to discredit the alternative media.

              There truly is an underground war being waged on the feeble minds of the populace
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • infringe-to encroach or trespass. Meaning of "encroach" first recorded c.1760.

                The owners and makers of assault-style weapons could soon be held legally liable in Colorado for crimes committed with their guns, if sponsors of a new gun-control package have their way.

                Republicans say the gun liability measure would effectively ban those weapons because manufacturers and retailers would be afraid to sell them.

                Colorado Democrats want gun manufacturers held liable for crimes committed with their guns | Fox News



                • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                  This cop was so unprofessional as he walked up and got in the guys face and then after he dropped the guy he said "you're talking to a US marine" (he didn't say I am a police officer)

                  I mean the punk kid deserved it for his mouth but the cop was way out of line.

                  The goal with any police interaction is not going to jail so when talking to pigs you have to kind of let the pigs play their macho game knowing that the only thing that protects them in such encounters is their badge. Sad reflection but it also demonstrates the the tensions out there on the street.

                  Cop Punches Victim (US Soldier) for Complaining It Took Them 45 Minutes to Respond to His Call (Raw) - YouTube

                  I bet that cop was bragging for days after that how he dropped some punk who couldn't apologize enough to him after he got set straight.
                  That incident seemed to be the direct result of a pissing contest over who is
                  more deserving of respect based on their violent jobs and their own bloated ego's.

                  The COP is a fat liar he is not acting professionally. And the kid had no reason
                  or need to do what he did either, In this case the bully with the badge on
                  won based on him being able to break the rules of the game.

                  Both meat heads and both got what they deserved.

                  The kid learned a lesson, don't brag.... period.. The Cop just needs to learn
                  the same lesson now, he didn't brag until after he acted, but it still made him
                  sound just as silly as the kid. He stinks of bully to me.
                  Pair of kids. I'm this, Oh but I'm this ! I'm better ! OMG, Really

                  There is a match for the cop and better if we're just going on king hits and
                  pins. He just hasn't bragged at him without his badge on yet.

                  Sack the cop, tell the kid to watch his mouth or get locked up, then
                  investigate the kids claim of the robbery and assault..

                  The cop seemed more concerned with some potty mouth than with a crime.

                  Everyone grow up and try to stay off the grog (booze) no one like's to help a drunk
                  arrogant person.


                  P.S. When the seconds mean the difference between life and death the Cops
                  are only minutes away ! But that isn't their fault.

                  Last edited by Farmhand; 02-09-2013, 05:40 AM.


                  • [QUOTE=5150;224349]
                    if more people simply ignored the MSM and called it sold out news then it will eventually fall to waste as it should. /QUOTE]

                    Yes that is exactly the point I was making. The MSM would love to have the “feeble minds of the populace” believe that this was just a cop gone crazy, end of story.
                    They certainly don’t want the populace to look into it, because if they did they just might start questioning what is actually going on. Things like why would they shoot up the truck of the two woman delivering newspapers without first determining who was in it. Is this now acceptable behavior for the police?


                    • the American ruling class

                      Now this is rather lovely -Applicable to the ruling classes more particularly Australia's own Julie Gillard and Federal Prime Minister. Now Julie is a law grade from a certain Melbourne Uni - but she aint strong on the law or perhaps her mouth aint attached to her brain (Julian Assange legalities!) Recently Its been noticed that Julie has been pattin children etc so its assumed she has been on some sorta trainin course - who paid for that?
                      The Green's Wheelbarrow - just in (Aussie Politics) - AusWaThai


                      • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                        They [the MSM] certainly don’t want the populace to look into it [the Dorner case], because if they did they just might start questioning what is actually going on. Things like why would they [the Los Angeles police] shoot up the truck of the two women delivering newspapers without first determining who was in it. Is this now acceptable behavior for the police?
                        Yes, MS, there was scant mention of these women, and instead of expressing outrage that they were targeted and shot by the police, the MSM focused on the fact that their vehicle "looked like Dorner's," as if to say it was a pardonable mistake that these women were shot. For Pete's sake, why is it that the cops didn't, at the very least, check the license plate to see if it matched Dorner's before even thinking about taking a shot at the vehicle. Furthermore, since two people were in the vehicle, shouldn't they have thought that if one of them might be Dorner then the other might possibly be an innocent hostage? One of the woman took a bullet to her hand or arm, while the other was struck in the back. Firing so indiscriminately is not just inexcusable, it is criminal negligence. But you watch and see, those cops will somehow be cleared as being justified in their actions, and will later be promoted, just as the ones who beat on Rodney King were.
                        Last edited by rickoff; 02-09-2013, 03:50 PM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Here's a link to a 4 part quiz on ObummerCare. Each quiz is only a few questions, and while I think most readers here will get most of the answers right, I'll bet that most of you will be surprised at the correct answers to some. In other words, while most of us realize that ObummerCare is a really bad thing, we probably don't realize just how bad it is. Lawmakers didn't know either, as they never read the proposed legislation before voting to approve it. Instead, they appeared to have simply accepted Nancy Pelosi's reasoning that, "We have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it." How idiotic!
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • DID see

                            mainstream news, last night, that the officers who shot the women HAVE been assigned to a desk, pending an investigation, although we will see where THAT will go.

                            And, on PBS Newshour Friday night, saw an interesting 'exchange' between David Brooks and Mark Shields, (their 2 'political conmentators). They were summing up, having discussed, A) the recent 'drone policy' revelations, and B) recent revelations that O'bummer 'over-ruled' the advice of The Defence Dept., CIA AND State Dept., in deciding NOT to arm the 'rebels' in Syria.

                            They seem to agree that the 'concentration of POWER' in the WH is 'troubling'. You can probably view the exchange on the PBS website, its towards the end of the segment.

                            Only point I'm making is that EVEN 'Lamestream media' are starting to talk about, and question, O'bummers 'power grab'. The extraordinary use of executive orders, the forcing of O'bummer care 'down the throats' of the people, Drone attacks and kill lists, etc.

                            And is it any wonder? We are TOLD that, in addition to being a Politician, he's a 'former Costitutional Law professor', AND that he greatly admires and wants to model himself on FDR;so is it any WONDER that he's wiping his feet on the Constitution? Jim


                            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              And is it any wonder? We are TOLD that, in addition to being a Politician, he's a 'former Costitutional Law professor', AND that he greatly admires and wants to model himself on FDR;so is it any WONDER that he's wiping his feet on the Constitution?



                              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                We are TOLD that, in addition to being a Politician, [Barry was] a 'former Constitutional Law Professor', AND that he greatly admires and wants to model himself on FDR;so is it any WONDER that he's wiping his feet on the Constitution? Jim
                                The truth of the matter is that Barry never served as a Professor. He was a lecturer at the University of Chicago, not a Professor. Actually, Hillie Clinton made that clear in a campaign press release titled, "Just Embellished Words: Senator Obama's Record of Exaggerations and Misstatements," when she and Barry were vying for the 2008 nomination. Of course the Professor scam is just one of Barry's many lies. Here's a video of a speech in which Barry lied 7 times in less than 2 minutes.
                                Last edited by rickoff; 02-10-2013, 03:13 AM.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

