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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
    Never mentioned. We KNOW, (because its right there, in the 'precautions' on many of these drugs) that SOME of them can cause 'suicidal depression' in people who otherwise wouldn't BE suicidal.
    For instance, Lyrica is NOT a drug Rx.'d for depression; its for Peripheral Neuropathy, a nerve condition resulting from Diabetes, causes tingling and needle feelings in feet and legs.
    However, it IS a 'psychotropic' drug, as are Rx. meds to help people quit smoking. And they have precautions right on the lable, saying they CAN cause people to have ';sudden mood changes, including suicidal thoughts'.

    And, these drugs are in the same 'family' as SSRI 'anti-depressents' which ALSO have such precautions. IF a medication can cause someone who previously had no thoughts of suicide to have such thoughts, its certainly POSSIBLE that they may give someone the idea to do a 'mass shooting'.

    And, since most of these guys have a history of obvious mental problems, someone SHOULD be going back and seeing what meds they were on, prior to their 'spree'. In fact, these meds causing suicidal thoughts is in a small subset of patients, most commonly,......Young MALES, 18-24!

    Is ANYONE looking at this? Well, ARE they? The drug companies 'suppressed' admitting this suicidal side effect, particularly with young people, until they were forced to; IF they 'realised' their drug was causing people to go on shooting sprees, do we really think they would admit it????Jim
    I have personal experience with the anti depressant "Endep" I have a chronic
    pain issue because of bulging discs and have had a double ACDF proceedure
    which is to remove ruptured discs and insert implants in the neck C5-6 and
    C6-7. I have since re-injured my neck and my upper back so I require quite
    strong pain relief because of the unrelenting unbelievable pain, the pain is bad
    enough some times I go into shock and turn pale, heart palpitations, feel like
    blacking out ect.

    Anyway I get prescribed opioids as it is the only thing that can help, they
    make me sleepy and tired all the time so I asked if there was anything else I
    could take instead, I was prescribed "Endep" which is an anti depressant and
    works to alter brain chemistry to control pain, it does work to relieve pain
    quite well and I was impressed with that but after only two days of taking
    them I felt very calm but seemed to take on an attitude of if a problem exists
    and is troubling me I should not stress about it either ignore it or deal with it
    in a way that ends the stress from that problem. I keep animals which is
    stressful at times and difficult when affected by continuous pain or dopey pills
    on the second day of taking the "Endep" I had several problems with things
    around the farm and was having to deal with problem goats, but i didn't feel
    stressed out or worked up I just felt that if I killed all the animals my problems
    would be manageable, and did consider it. Luckily for me and them my
    instincts came through and I realized it was the pills. I felt no emotion
    towards animals that I really like and care for every day. I was ready to end
    them without emotion, because of the pills. And I wasn't taking them for
    depression it was for chronic pain, the dose for chronic pain is I think four
    times less than for depression.

    Bottom line is, These types of drugs are DANGEROUS big time, I know from
    experience. It can't be underestimated what these drugs do the thought
    processes of the brain, a depressed person would see themselves as the
    problem and so would likely want to end themselves but a stressed person
    see's other people as the problem and want to end them
    , they would feel
    relatively emotionless until the drugs wear off which could take some time
    and the thoughts a person has while affected by the drugs stay in memory
    and remain an option even after the drugs have worn off.

    They don't just cause suicidal thoughts they cause HOMICIDAL thoughts as
    well. Suicide is self Homicide in a way.

    The scary thing was that I was considering cutting the throats of a herd of
    goats and felt no emotion, no empathy at all.

    I think these "Endep" type drugs turn normal people into psychopaths, with no
    feeling. My guess is they do to the brain what is normal in a psychopath.

    I hate to think what could happen if a person was given the drugs and then
    also given reason and encouragement to do heinous things.

    If you take "Endep" or other related brain chemical changing drugs or know of
    a person who does, be careful not to annoy them or give them reason to see
    you as a problem.

    If you are offered them for chronic pain, be very careful, don't take them if
    you are in a stressful situation is my opinion.

    I informed the doctor of the problem and my concerns of the effect it might
    have on others and he quickly wrote me a prescription for a powerful opiate
    pain relief. At least they just make me tired, and not an emotionless drone.

    They are really against prescribing the opiods which just make people sleepy,
    but they are very ready to prescribe Endep type drugs which cause people to
    suicide and or become psychopathic killers.

    I am willing to testify to the effect of these drugs on thought processes to anyone.
    I think these types of drugs are extremely dangerous and very scary.
    If I was a young guy or depressed I might not have realized the bad thoughts
    were because of the pills.


    P.S. Considering what those Endep tablets do to peoples brains and the
    effects that can have I think it is reasonable for the public to want to know
    who is taking them it should not be considered as something that needs to be
    kept confidential, those drugs are more dangerous than guns.

    This does not mean I think they all act alone, I think they patsies. The person,
    the drugs prescriber's and the handlers can be blamed but not the
    rifles/firearms or the drug itself they are things they don't do crimes.
    It's people doing the crimes.

    If a gun can be blamed for a death then I can blame my pencil for a spelling mistake.

    Last edited by Farmhand; 02-10-2013, 03:53 AM.


    • @Farmhand

      I had surgery on my jaw and was prescribed liquid morphine.
      I didnt really need it so I kept it for awhile. A few months later my girlfriend broke up with me.
      We were together for years, I was losing my mind at night while laying in bed feeling depressed.
      I took a small dose of the morphine hoping it would help me sleep. I didnt know if it would help at all...
      It did help surprisingly. It completely calmed my nerves and cleared my mind.
      I had no idea it would have such an impact mentally. This person that I cared for practically didnt matter anymore.
      It was just much easier for me to unattach my emotions and fall asleep.

      I never wanted to hurt anything but I can definitely understand how your emotional response basically gets blocked or screened which is scary because being emotionally connected is what prevents good people from doing bad things.
      Last edited by jdodson; 02-10-2013, 04:50 AM.


      • Well it's not the morphine type drugs I see as a problem I take them all the
        time and they actually just make me sleepy i still have emotions.
        I would say you got the benefit of the sleepy effect to allow you to calm
        down and sleep some.

        Both opiates and the anti depressants have a calming effect but it is caused
        by a different process. Opiates dull pain but the anti depressants work on the
        brain to alter brain chemistry so as to block the pain signals from the brain,
        I'm not familiar with all the terms, but SSRI's comes to mind.

        Endep is Amitriptyline. Even the name is evilish.
        Amitriptyline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Amitriptyline acts primarily as a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, with strong actions on the serotonin transporter and moderate effects on the norepinephrine transporter.[13][14] It has negligible influence on the dopamine transporter and therefore does not affect dopamine reuptake, being nearly 1,000 times weaker on it than on serotonin.[14]
        Amitriptyline additionally functions as a 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, 5-HT3, 5-HT6, 5-HT7, α1-adrenergic, H1, H2,[15] H4,[16][17] and mACh receptor antagonist, and σ1 receptor agonist.[18][19][20][21] It has also been shown to be a relatively weak NMDA receptor negative allosteric modulator at the same binding site as phencyclidine.[22] Amitriptyline inhibits sodium channels, L-type calcium channels, and Kv1.1, Kv7.2, and Kv7.3 voltage-gated potassium channels, and therefore acts as a sodium, calcium, and potassium channel blocker as well.[23][24][25]
        Recently, amitriptyline has been demonstrated to act as an agonist of the TrkA and TrkB receptors.[26] It promotes the heterodimerization of these proteins in the absence of NGF and has potent neurotrophic activity both in-vivo and in-vitro in mouse models.[26][27] These are the same receptors BDNF activate, an endogenous neurotrophin with powerful antidepressant effects, and as such this property may contribute significantly to its therapeutic efficacy against depression. Amitriptyline also acts as FIASMA (functional inhibitor of acid sphingomyelinase).[28]
        Adverse effects

        The main two side effects that occur from taking amitriptyline are drowsiness and a dry mouth. Other common side effects of using amitriptyline are mostly due to its anticholinergic activity, including: weight gain, changes in appetite, muscle stiffness, nausea, constipation, nervousness, dizziness, blurred vision, urinary retention, and changes in sexual function. Some rare side effects include seizures, tinnitus, hypotension, mania, psychosis, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations related to sleep paralysis, heart block, arrhythmias, lip and mouth ulcers, extrapyramidal symptoms, depression, tingling pain or numbness in the feet or hands, yellowing of the eyes or skin, pain or difficulty passing urine, confusion, abnormal production of milk in females, breast enlargement in both males and females, fever with increased sweating, and suicidal thoughts.[8] The Indianapolis Discovery Network for Dementia (IDND) [9] rates amitriptyline as having definite anticholinergic effects. A side effect of many commonly used drugs with such effects appears to be to increase the risks of both cognitive impairment and death in older people, according to new research led by the University of East Anglia (UEA).[10] Amitriptyline can induce hepatotoxicity.[11]
        Morphine is gold standard pain relief. The only side effects are addiction,
        which is not a problem for me, physical dependence (causes withdrawal symptoms)
        which is only a small problem for me. And tolerance which is not a big problem
        for me because I only take them when I really need them because I like to
        stay awake and alert when possible. I've decided I can live with the side
        effects of the opiates because the alternative is so damn scary.

        Morphine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        People on morphine don't go on killing sprees. I don't know of any. People on SSRI's do go on killing spree's.

        A strung out heroine addict is totally different to a chronic pain sufferer who
        doesn't even like to take them. A stung out heroine addict may do crimes but
        usually it is when they are not on the drug.

        It is interesting to note that one of the adverse effects of Amitriptyline
        can be "depression" which is a concern as well.


        P.S. If anyone wants to watch an ACDF operation
        Anterior Cervical Fusion: 3D Medical Animation - YouTube

        Last edited by Farmhand; 02-10-2013, 05:55 AM.


        • Quotable quote of the day......

          “U.S. school shooting incidents prove that proclaiming gun-free zones at learning institutions does not prohibit homicidal maniacs from entering these premises. In fact, expecting such an individual to honor a law prohibiting firearms is sheer utopian fantasy. History and common sense prove that gun-free zones are dangerous. Do mass shootings ever occur in police stations, on shooting ranges, or at gun shows? Mass murderers select soft targets for their acts of violence. Declaring gun-free zones risks leaving potential victims defenseless. Gun-free zones merely make the working environment of the criminals safer.” - Charl Van Wyk, who in 1993 carried a gun to a St James church service in South Africa, shot back at terrorists bent on mass slaughter, and ultimately was credited with saving hundreds of lives.

          The terrorists, armed with fully automatic weapons, succeeded in killing a dozen churchgoers and wounding several more in what became known as The St James Massacre, but fled when Van Wyk started firing at them with his handgun, wounding one of the terrorists. The commander of the church attackers, Letlapa Mphahlele, later said, “There we thought that the church was a ‘gun free zone,’ but boy did he (Van Wyk) have a surprise for us!”

          So here's a case where four terrorists bent on killing as many people as possible entered a church where hundreds of people were in attendance, and started firing at them with machine guns. The terrorists chose this place for their attack because they believed it to be a gun free zone, where they could inflict mass casualties with impunity. Despite the fact that the terrorists were so heavily armed, and obviously outgunned van Wyck in terms of their numbers and sheer firepower, the cowardly terrorists were quick to end their rampage and flee when Van Wyck began returning fire. All it took was one man, among hundreds, armed with a handgun.

          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • On medications

            Opiate derivatives, such as morphine, are often described as 'pain killers'; thats a 'short-hand term', and like most such terms, is actually innaccurate; you still feel the same amount of pain, the morphine just efects the part of the brain that CARES that you are feeling pain. This is, on a technical level, how it works. So, in fact it ALSO effects 'brain chemistry'.In fact, opiates actually key in to endorphin receptors, endorhins being 'natural' substances produced by the brain.
            So, to SOME degree, Morphine CAn effect such areas as 'caring/concern'; My Dad had a Heart attack, and was in the ICU, on Morphine. He watched, passively, as the guy in the next bed 'coded', and they 'worked the code', and wheeled him out. He felt no emotion, as he watched this guy die, which, (given his medical condition) was probably a GOOD thing.
            SSRI's are a whole different ball game, however, and I agree with the previous poster on SSRI's vs. Opiates, both for pain relief, and more generally.

            Only 10% of Seratonin is USED in the brain, where it effects mood and cognition. The other 90% is udes in the gut, where it plays a KEY role in regulating digestion; it regulates the timing of the muscle contractions of the intestines, which pushes food down and out, (called Peristalsys).

            Seratonin is MADE in the brain, during REM sleep, which is usually the LAST sllep stage we go into, before waking. It is made from the amino acid Tryptophan, which is then converted to 5htp, and then to Seratonin.

            Taking tryptophan, as a supplement, induces sleep, and gives us the 'raw material' we need to make seratonin, assuming we are also able to get REM sleep. About 10 years ago, a 'bad batch' of tryptophan supplements, from china, came into the U.S., and several people got sick; It was quickly detirmined that it was nothing having to do with the tryptophan, it was 'adulterated' with another substance, which made the people sick. Despite this, FDA 'banned' ALL Tryptophan supplements from being sold in the U.S., for over 10 years. However, supplement makers 'got around' the ban, by marketing 5htp supplements, which had the same effect. The ban has only recently been lifted. Interestingly, this ban was in place at the same time that Drug companies were engaged in a major marketing campaign, to push these SSRI medications. Coincidence???? You can't PATENT Tryptophan, or 5HTP, because they are 'naturally occuring' substances. So, as there research showed the way Seratonin works in the body, they (Drug companies) had to come up with a more complicated way of approaching the symptoms of low seratonin, hence SSRI's.

            Because 90% of Seratonin is used in the gut, they TRIED to make a SSRI to address "IBS", but had to take it off the market, after itkilled a bunch of people,and caused permanent disability to others.

            Yet another aspect of SSRI 'use'; even the researchers who initially developed these drugs, admitted they don't know HOW they work, ecactly, and stressed that they were developing them to be used TEMPORARILY, to stabilise patients with severe, suicidal depression, so they would be receptive to counseling and other methods to deal with their depression. It was never the intention to simply put people on these pills indefinetly. And, of coarse, the drug companies have done everything they can, to make the maximum return on the research investment, by finding as many uses for them as possible, like stopping smoking, pain relief, etc. Much as they have with Statins, even as long term studies of Statins has shown they have NO effect on 'patient outcomes' (i.e. the # of peopledieing fromheart attacks/strokes).

            Also, to start taking them, and suddenly stop can ALSO cause severe and sudden mood/personality changes. A patient needs to be tapered off, gradually. And yet, many patients say they don't LIKE taking them; yes, they don't feel sad, but they also 'lose'the ability to feel happy; its like "Your dog died" responce, (without any emotion) "Oh" and also "You just won the 10 million dollar lottery!" responce "Oh!", (without any enthusiasm). So, patients often just quit taking them, suddenly, rather than 'tapering' off as is reccomended.

            But wait, there's more! One 'side effect' of SSRI's,that SOME people experience is listed as 'anorgasmia'; an inability to achieve orgasms; doesn't happen to everyone, but DOES occur with a certain 'subset' of the population, both Men and Women. Specifically, it 'causes' you to be REALLY horny, but unable to 'get off'.

            Now, Dr. Rx.'s this medication to an 18-24 y.o. male, and after several weeks this young man begins to experience this side effect; do you think he is going to A) recognise this is being caused by the drug, and B) 'Discuss' this with his Dr.? For MOST young people, in particular, (and even many older people) this is something they are going to be too embarrassed to discuss with ANYONE, let alone a Dr.!

            Is it any wonder that SOME, experiencing this, may 'explode' with rage, after weeks of experiencing this side effect?? The Drug companies fought including anasmagoria, as a side effect, and admitting that for a 'subset' of the population, (particular young people) SSRI's could actually CAUSE depression, and 'suicidal ideation', for as long as they could. (profits).

            One side note; you cannont tale tryptophan (which has only recently been 'u-banned' by the FDA) or 5HTP, WHILE you are taking any SSRI; it causes too much Seratonin, and you will sleep 23 hours a day, and REALLY mess up your brain chemistry; you need to get totally OFF the SSRI's, and allow yourself aperiod of time OFF them, say 3-4 weeks, before trying the 'herbal' approach.
            But get off them you should, as they are POISON! MMJ is a much safer, 'better' alternative, and CAN be bred for sleep, MAJOR pain relief, OR to allow a person to 'still be able to function', and in those states where it IS 'legal' breeders have isolated different strains fordifferent medical conditions.Jim


            • manifesto from christopher-dorner

              While reading through the comments left on his manifesto page one thing that keeps standing out is how upset so many people are that Dorner is killing innocent people who had nothing to do with his case. They are outraged at this yet the hypocrisy of their comments are lost to the fact that their own police and government are doing the same thing EVERY Day and often times its celebrated as heroic or a call to duty. These same people who are calling foul with Christoper Dorner are often times the same who support the troops and the government is keeping the homeland safe regardless of who has to die.

              here is a response left on the comments of Dorners manifesto page

              He’s murdering innocent people for f*ck sake. The minute he crossed that line he prevented any chance of being a activist for a cause. I read the account and whether he had legitimate beefs with LAPD or not, nothing justified this.

              We must ask how many innocent women and children have died at the hands of the US military overseas in just the last year alone? Are these lives not any more important than the ones lost with Dorners one man war on justice? All I can say is that the American people need to take a real deep look into their hearts and look to see if by supporting their own government’s wars around the world or their local police forces who shoot innocent people are no different than Dorner.

              The problem is the truth is hard often too hard to accept. These people Dorner is killing are simply casualties of justice and war. I mean isn’t that what the government tells us when they kill people around the world and we accept it?

              All the people on Dorners list are now under police protection for the time being but man id hate to be on that list as even after Dorner is killed there are people who are willing to take up the cause and finish Dorners work. He has turned out to be the catalyst of the revolution and its only just started.
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • So

                If U.S. authorities 'capture' an 'enemy combatant', IN THE ACT of trying to commit a terrorist attack, (on U.S. SOIL)with underwear smoldering, or car bomb fizzling, they must Mirandise him, before they ask him who helped him, etc. Regardless of his citisenship.

                BUT, even if he's a U.S. citisen, if he's on Foriegn soil, the U.S. can 'Target' him, (and anyone AROUND him) for a drone strike. No 'due process' etc., and the definition of 'imminent' is really murky, etc.

                Gee, we 'know' the terrorists are 'adaptable'; doesn't this incentivise them to make attacks on the U.S.?

                One has to wonder; suppose they 'located' this Dormer guy, with a Drone, and he was in a location where it would put a lot of officers 'at risk' to try to 'capture' him; would they label him a 'domestic terrorist', and take him out with a drone strike? Suppose he was at his daughters wedding, and surrounded by people who either would support him, or that he could use as a human shield?

                Suppose he was in a fast food restaurant, wit 'only 5-0 innocents' around him? Would this be deemed 'acceptable losses'?

                And finally, what happens when say, Iran, detirmines that an 'enemy of the state', (for them) is 'hiding' in the U.S., (like say,..Salmon Rushdie),and so THEY use a Drone strike to 'take him out'? How would WE 'feel' about that, as this is JUST the kind of thing WE are doing, now, in other countries? Makes ya think,....Jim


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  But wait, there's more! One 'side effect' of SSRI's,that SOME people experience is listed as 'anorgasmia'; an inability to achieve orgasms; doesn't happen to everyone, but DOES occur with a certain 'subset' of the population, both Men and Women. Specifically, it 'causes' you to be REALLY horny, but unable to 'get off'.

                  Now, Dr. Rx.'s this medication to an 18-24 y.o. male, and after several weeks this young man begins to experience this side effect; do you think he is going to A) recognise this is being caused by the drug, and B) 'Discuss' this with his Dr.? For MOST young people, in particular, (and even many older people) this is something they are going to be too embarrassed to discuss with ANYONE, let alone a Dr.!

                  Is it any wonder that SOME, experiencing this, may 'explode' with rage, after weeks of experiencing this side effect?? The Drug companies fought including anasmagoria, as a side effect, and admitting that for a 'subset' of the population, (particular young people) SSRI's could actually CAUSE depression, and 'suicidal ideation', for as long as they could. (profits).

                  One side note; you cannont tale tryptophan (which has only recently been 'u-banned' by the FDA) or 5HTP, WHILE you are taking any SSRI; it causes too much Seratonin, and you will sleep 23 hours a day, and REALLY mess up your brain chemistry; you need to get totally OFF the SSRI's, and allow yourself aperiod of time OFF them, say 3-4 weeks, before trying the 'herbal' approach.
                  But get off them you should, as they are POISON! MMJ is a much safer, 'better' alternative, and CAN be bred for sleep, MAJOR pain relief, OR to allow a person to 'still be able to function', and in those states where it IS 'legal' breeders have isolated different strains fordifferent medical conditions.Jim
                  Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  Now, admittedly, the 'revolution' was/is a sham, and the same people are desperately moving, behind the scenes, to preserve their control. This ALWAYS happens, and even when a revolution succeeds in ousting ONE set of such pariahs, it only means a new set move in to take their place. Thats WHY they are called REVOLUTIONS; cause they keep going round and round.

                  Guess I'm just 'argueing' TACTICS, or perhaps STRATEGY, once the sheeple DO 'wake up'; still need to GET them to wake up.

                  While it may seem 'Noble', or Patriotic, to "Die for your Country, or principles", its actully a lot more prudent to LIVE for them. And, dieing is not really neccesary, although SOME undoubtedly will.

                  Yeah, Barack O'bummer; the only person to ever win the Nobel peace prize, who ALSO has a 'kill list'. Wonder how the guys in Stockholm feel about THAT one, huh? Little egg on their face, no doubt!

                  For many years, EVERY President has 'extended' the executive powers, and as that trend continues, it can only lead eventually to dictatorship.Welcome to the Brave New World! Jim
                  Ida Corr - What Goes Around Comes Around - YouTube



                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    what happens when say, Iran, determines that an 'enemy of the state', (for them) is 'hiding' in the U.S., (like say,..Salman Rushdie),and so THEY use a Drone strike to 'take him out'? How would WE 'feel' about that, as this is JUST the kind of thing WE are doing, now, in other countries? Makes ya think,....Jim
                    Perhaps Iran will do just that, using the US drone which they captured. Barry asked them to give it back to him, but they said no. Just imagine the satisfaction they would get from using that drone on a US target. Of course they would probably prefer to build several drone replications rather than expend the only one they have.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                      Perhaps Iran will do just that, using the US drone which they captured. Barry asked them to give it back to him, but they said no. Just imagine the satisfaction they would get from using that drone on a US target. Of course they would probably prefer to build several drone replications rather than expend the only one they have.

                      Iran has every right and justification to use that drone on ANY and all Americans they see fit. What the American government has done to Iran over the years has been criminal and to hear the MSM spin it Iran is the bad guy.

                      I hope Iran takes the technology and not only uses it it but sells it or gives it open source to the world. The fact Obama asked for it back and was denied is so laughable and goes to show his grasp or international affairs.

                      watch and see it will come back to bite him
                      Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                      • Here are some points from the video:
                        • NYC Mayor and media billionaire Michael Bloomberg immediately got on board with the PR campaign to exploit Sandy Hook and pledged to finance the attack on the 2nd Amendment the way he attacked the cigarette companies, which was 600 million.
                        • The public relations campaigns and new organizations are being funded by Bloomberg.
                        • Obama has enlisted his campaign organization. They are being driven to create grass roots support for attacking our 2nd Amendment rights.
                        • In a recent Rasmussen poll 65% of the American people said that the purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to protect the people from the power of a tyrannical government.
                        • The 2nd Amendment was not written to protect sporting firearms.
                        • There are 80-90,000 active duty police on the NRA roles. Most cops support what the NRA is trying to do.
                        • Obama supports citizens of other countries to rise up against tyrannical governments but not the rights of his own citizens to rise up against even criminals.
                        • This is an ugly struggle, but we are all relying on the common sense of the American people.
                        • Anti-gunners don’t want to blame individuals for crime. Consequently they blame the gun. For this reason they have virtually refused to prosecute firearms crime.
                        • In Chicago, the murder capitol of the United States. They are rated 89 out of 90 in federal gun prosecutions.
                        • Instead of prosecuting the criminal under existing gun statutes on which they could face a separate prosecution for the gun, in Chicago the politicians have instead created a killing field.
                        • Contact your legislators now. Tell them that we will support them if they support us, otherwise we will unseat them.
                        • Non-NRA members have to step up now. 4 million of us NRA members represent 90 million gun owners and the rest of you have to act now.
                        • Democrat congress members in gun friendly states are under enormous pressure right now. We have to contact them and tell them we will stand up for them.
                        • There are going to be votes, on this legislation and on funding the executive orders. We will be watching to see who stands up for us, and we will support you.
                        • Bow hunters and fishermen boycotted the 1.2 million people strong Harrisburg show. It wasn’t just gun owners, it was everyone who shut down that show.
                        • Gun ownership saves lives every day. As many as 2 million times per year a gun thwarts a crime, including over a dozen mass killings a year. Usually the gun doesn’t even have have to fire.
                        • Mass killers are not looking for a battle. They are looking for an easy kill, and private firearms can stop them.
                        • The NRA used to not endorse candidates. The political side of NRA was started by John Dingle, a partisan Democrat, who asked them to step up and stop the destruction of the 2nd Amendment.
                        • Gun ownership represents individual responsibility and American values.
                        • A monopoly of power in the hands of government is for elites, who always have protection. That we need protection is foreign to them.
                        • Women lead the growth in firearm ownership because guns empower people.
                        • Bloomberg allowed chaos to reign during the Sandy disaster rather than let retired police officers and the National Guard guard the people and protect children.
                        • The Obama administration is attempting to increase the prohibited list of who cannot own a firearm.
                        • The issue of “mental health” isn’t so clear cut. President Clinton tried to prevent 67,000 veterans from ownig firearms because they had sought counseling at some time.
                        • The federal government is attempting to ban anyone who has gotten a medical marijuana prescription from owning a firearm. They did this to 27,000 medical marijuana users in Montana.
                        • The goal of “closing the gun show loophole” isn’t to do background checks. It is to shut down gun shows.
                        • All of these things are to drive out the marginal shooter. Hardcore shooters will put up with the nonsense.
                        • The goal is “sit on the couch and I’ll put on a video game.” Reducing the overall “critical mass” of people who are familiar with firearms and the 2nd Amendment marginalizes the 2nd Amendment down the road.
                        • In other countries, including the European countries, there already aren’t enough people who care about guns, and even hunting, to have a voice in the laws. Hunting is a rich man’s sport in foreign countries, as is personal self defense.
                        • The NRA supports background checks, but the system is horribly broken, and the effectiveness of the system is being misrepresented by President Obama.
                        • On a yearly basis, a couple years ago 77,000 people were denied a firearm by failing a background check. Of these 40 were prosecuted and 13 convicted of lying on the form. Meanwhile tens of thousands of people were denied a firearm who could legally own one.
                        • Harry Reid is a typical democrat from a gun friendly state. The NRA donated $5,000 to his primary, not his national election.
                        • When President Obama came to office 65 democrats signed a letter telling him that they would abandon him if he brought anti-2nd Amendment legislation to the Congress.
                        • The NRA stands behind politicians who stand behind gun rights.

                        The 2nd Amendment vs. Bloomberg’s Money & Obama’s Campaign



                        • Some major events are about to take the world into the depths of hell

                          Just some thoughts!

                          I predict that once the authorities kill Christopher Dorner there will be others who will step up and continue his rage but against the actual police and authority.

                          Venezuela’s currency reevaluation is another big deal that will have a domino effect that will wreck markets and cause huge issues.

                          The Pope resigning is also a evil indicator of things to come

                          What are others thoughts on these events?
                          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                          • Tim Minchin - The Pope Song - YouTube



                            • Ex-LAPD officer accused of killings thought to have fled to Mexico

                              Ok the authorities actions regarding Christopher Dorner have gone way too far. I have been following the story and it just amazes me the money and man power spent to get this guy. Sure they will eventually get him but in the mean time they have done more harm to their own image than anything they could do to Dorner.

                              The fact so many people have made comments on social media or news articles that say “kill more cops” or all the support for Dorner indicates just how upset a large portion of the population is with the police state and the corrupt government. The LAPD has more egg on its face today that at any other time and rightfully so.

                              I have read comments by other former LAPD officers who verify Dorners complaints and share their own. Sure they haven’t gone out on a killing spree but one former officer said he understood Doners actions and told him to do what he felt had to be done.

                              In regards to the authorities actions I am amazed that after 5 days Dorner has been able to elude the various federal agents this long. I mean after all how many 6’5” tall well rounded black men are there out there with a jovial smile who look like a celebrity clone?

                              Then with information that Dorner was possibly already in Mexico or heading that way the US customs and Immigration departments set up checkpoints well before the actual border crossing in hopes of catching Dorner before he escaped into Mexico.

                              U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers check vehicles approaching the U.S.-Mexico border in San Ysidro on Saturday.

                              I think there is a treaty between the USA and Mexico that states Mexico will not extradite any criminal back to the USA who is facing the death penalty. Meaning it’s a smart move for Dorner if he gets to Mexico as he is then guaranteed he will not face the death penalty. All he has to do is get caught across the border anywhere by Mexican authorities or turn himself in and presto he will have one-upped the US Authorities once more.

                              You have to give the guy credit because so far he has proven to be a worthy adversary to the LAPD and the Feds. I just personally wish there were more people like him standing up and setting the police and government straight.

                              I know if there were any way to help Christopher Dorner, such as provide him a place to hide out or food to eat or even more weapons and transportation I would. I would chalk it up to the revolution that I feel is needed to rid the US of criminal corruption throughout all levels of the government from state to federal level.

                              The irony is Dorner was one of the best trained soldiers and officers and has used that training against the US authorities almost the same way the rebels and other foreigners who are trained by the US military then use their new training to turn on the US.
                              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                              • DHS engages 'Constitution free' zones around US border

                                According to the US Department of Homeland Security, anyone who is within a 100 mile radius of the US border is subject to the search and seizure of any and all electronic devices for no apparent reason. These zones known as "Constitution free" zones have many privacy advocates speaking out against the new policy and fear that this new procedure is a violation of civil liberties for American citizens. Kevin Gosztola, blogger for FireDogLake, sounds off on the latest from the DHS.
                                DHS engages 'Constitution free' zones around US border | XRepublic

                                If these are truly "Constitution Free" zones then the gloves are off while inside these areas and the killing of federal agents through sniper rifles will then ensue. I can just see this happening with every over-reach the government is undertaking and how upset many people are.

                                There should not be ANY "Constitution Free" zones on US soil or anywhere an American is. The fact the government has even suggested this should be a call for a civil uprising against the government IMHO
                                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.

