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The American Ruling Class

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  • Rick

    When listing 'unfunded liabilities', you left out a BIG one; the medical care 'we' provide to (current) members of the military and their families, and the ongoing medical care 'we' are obligated to provide to veterans. With all the veterans of Iraq, and Afganistan, this is a HUGE amount of $, over the next 30 years, and it is difficult or impossible to even estimate how much it will be. Just the current benefits being provided is swallowing up an ever increasing 'share' or Defence dept. funding, and its only going to go up.

    I COULD be wrong, of coarse. My 'take' is that the gun control 'legislation' (specifically 'assault' weapons 'ban', and High capacity magazine, aren't intended to pass. To do so would benefit Repubs, and hurt Dems. I THINK they want to propose the legislation, but have it defeated. THEN they can 'blame' the defeat on Repubs. Problem is, if this legislation actually comes to a vote, many Dems will feel they have to vote against it, or lose in their next election. I'm wondering if this might not be a case of hubris, on the part of Dems, and they will have to find some procedural way of NOT having the legislation actually come to a vote; I THINK its all about trying to use the issue, to give them an advantage in 2012, and I'm hard pressed to see how they benefit, from a vote they lose because 'too many' Dems vote against it.
    Its ALL 'political manuevering', from both sides. Now they are all starting to 'make nice', as they have decided neither can benefit from continuing to 'deadlock' on financial issues. And, they are looking at some kind of compomise on immigration, as well.

    Oh, and isn't another option in your scenarios, where the gov't just continues to make the debit cards 'good', by 'printing'more $, leading to hyper-inflation?

    And what about 'creditors' finally moving away from the $, leading to a debt 'crises', for REALS? Just so many ways 'we' (Washington) can F*CK ourselves!

    5150; I guess I'm more inclined to 'passive' resistance; if the sheeple 'wake up', all they need to do is agree to stop participating in the 'system', and the 'system' will collapse. There ain't enough cops or soldiers to go door to door, and force everyone to go to work. If as little as 25-30% of people went 'on strike', it can bring down any Gov't in fairly short order. Gov'ts are PREPARED for armed citisens 'storming the gates', but there is little than can do to address such a 'passive' resistance, refusal to 'participate'. Jim

    Flush twice, its a LOoong way to D.C. Jim


    • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
      Rick I read your response to mine and had to think long and hard on it. I just don't see any real action being taken [by] people against the government [which] is clearly against the people.
      I have shown you examples of current ongoing citizen actions being taken against an out of control and oppressive "government," and have made many posts in prior months and years urging others to take similar actions. If these actions don't appeal to you, then please explain what you believe would constitute a valid and "real action."
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • An analogy?

        (Rick and 5150)
        All the fish in the ocean, p*ss in the ocean. So, in a sense, you could say that COLLECTIVELY, they ALL contribute to 'creating the ocean they swim in.

        And yet, each INDIVIDUAL fish has fairly little 'control' over the nature of the ocean he swims in; he just has to do the best he can, to avoid getting eaten by BIGGER fish, while eating smaller fish; he didn't CREATE this situation, he's just doing the best he can, given the situation he finds himself in.

        And thats all of us, even the 'sheeple'; we're all 'stuck' in this world, and just doing the best we can. We each view the world thru our own 'distorted' perspective, and try to do the 'best we can', based on OUR 'world view'.

        Has the 'situation' passed the 'tipping point', where there is NOTHING anyone can do, to prevent the whole 'mess' from eventually collapsing? I THINK it has, but I could be wrong!

        Are 'THEY' deliberately manipulating the situation, in order to bring about the coming collapse? I don't THINK so; I THINK they are trying to continue to 'prop up' the current structures, (which is about as productive as putting a band-aid on a severed artery), while perhaps they are beginning to see that the structure IS ultimately destined to collapse, and so are (maybe) making SOME plans for what to do when it DOES collapse.

        But again, I COULD be wrong. Anyway, to each his own. I THINK its fine the Rick is TRYING to 'spread the word' about what he sees going on, in hopes of stirring the masses to bring about a return to Constitutional Govt. But,...I must confess I really THINK its way too late for that. And, with that pessimism, I can well understand 5150's view, that SINCE its going to collapse ANYWAY, I might as well do what I can, to 'speed' the process of collapse. Personally, not sure anything WE can do, is going to make much difference, one way or the other; other than 'prepping' (on an individual/family basis), for what we 'see' as coming, each in their own way, etc.

        We ALL have 'chrystle balls', but NONE of them is 'clear'; we get some 'glimmers' of what we THINK is happeneing, and going to happen, but we can only 'know' after the fact, when it has happened. Anyway, thats my thoughts. Jim


        • We have a "Shift" on a grand scale getting ready to happen:

          This video is public. The Great Horse Manure Crisis of the 1890's - SHIFT HAPPENS


          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            Has the 'situation' passed the 'tipping point', where there is NOTHING anyone can do, to prevent the whole 'mess' from eventually collapsing? I THINK it has, but I could be wrong!
            Jim, it all depends upon the viewer's perspective. Sure, it does look bad. Barry got another 4 years to complete his mission of destroying our nation, the Democrats retained control of the Senate and are plowing full speed ahead to implement Barry's Ruling Class agenda, and the Republican party might as well be counted out in any future election because the only thing they are doing now is trying to become more like the Democrat party in hopes that the public will be more accepting of them. And the true Conservatives and Libertarians, there just aren't enough of them to change what's going on. So yes, it does look really bleak, and could easily be mistaken for a situation that is beyond fixing. The truth, though, is that the entire situation could be overcome within a week's time if Congress wanted it fixed. All they need to do is the following, and our nation would be out of crisis tomorrow and on the path to prolonged prosperity:
            1. Repeal the Federal Reserve Act, abolish the Federal Reserve system and IRS, declare all tax schemes now in existence (both federal, state, and local) to be null an void, nullify any debt claimed owed to the Federal Reserve and IRS, declare all wealth which the Federal Reserve has gained as being illegally and unconstitutionally gained, subject to immediate confiscation, and deposited in the United States Treasury.
            2. Have the US Treasury begin printing "greenback" currency in denominations of $1, $5, $10, $100, $1,000, $10,000, $100,000, and $1,000,000, which requires no borrowing and therefore no repayment to any entity of principal or interest.
            3. Use the greenback currency to replace all Federal Reserve notes now in existence, to pay off all national debt bonds held by foreign nations, to fund all federal and state government expenses, and to give a $10,000 REAL stimulus payment to each and every American citizen (a family of 4 would get $40,000 in greenbacks).

            All of this could be accomplished in less than a week's time if Congress wanted to do it, and what do you think would be the result? A near instantaneous shift, from financial crisis and oppressive taxation, to a thriving economy, unimaginable business and jobs growth, and an era of American prosperity and opportunity such has never been seen before.

            So why then isn't this exactly the plan that Congress should be proposing and implementing instead of standing idly by as we approach utter ruin? It isn't because they are too stupid to know that there is a real and simple way out of this mess. There's only one logical answer to that question, Jim, which is that THEY prefer to stick to THEIR plan to destroy our Republic, strip us of all our rights under the Constitution, and implement a New World Order single world government, and a one world currency, along with a society under which THEY are in complete control and we are but mere and expendable slaves having no say and no rights whatsoever.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Rip Currents (Rip tides, undertow)

              The key to surviving a rip current is to swim out of it, not against it.
              This is done by swimming parallel to shore.
              Since rip currents are fairly narrow you will be out of the “rip” in no time.
              You can either swim back to shore or let the waves help you back in.

              Rip Currents - Everything a swimmer needs on just one page



              • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                Tings are so out of control with the government that its hard not to see the government as the enemy and the evil int he world that needs to be eradicated. I just home the government implodes on itself before anyone has to resort to drastic measures.
                I know it can look bleak out there and that no one seems to care. But not everyone is part of the mass of sheeple that are being carefully lead around by the MSM and believe whatever it tells them. There are those that recognize that there is a problem and each is doing something in their own way.

                For example the militia movement has been growing in the last few years. It is these individuals coming together and forming groups that according to the constitution have the finial responsibility of keeping the country free.

                There is a new group that has just come onto the scene in the last few months called OPPT. (The One Peoples Public Trust) They are claiming that we all are free and independent sovereign citizens. As such no one has the right to rule over us unless we give them the permission to do so. They point out that our republic form of government was long ago taken over and converted into a corporation. Which is true. Thus just as in any corporation it is the owners of company that make the rules not the workers. Naturally the sheeple have not been made aware of this and still think they are in control. Yet when push comes to shove it is the elite owner/controllers who will get whatever they want.

                What OPPT has done is to use the corporation’s rules against them by claiming their sovereignty and they are no longer bound to or follow the corporation’s rules. They are starting to make some waves and this is all well and good but it one thing to claim you are a sovereign citizen and another to be willing to defend that claim. So we will have to wait and see what happens next. Something about he who has all the guns makes the rules. Do you think might have anything to do with the governments push to ban guns?

                And then there is a guy named Neil Keenan who is about ready to reintroduce his law suit against the FED. It was filed about a year ago but he pulled it to make some changes and it is now apparently it is about ready to go. This suit is for “trillions” of dollars in “misused” funds. It will bankrupt the FED. It will also free up trillions of dollars that were supposed to have been used for humanitarian project, but ah somehow got sidetracked.

                So yes there is lots of stuff going on and I’m sure you haven’t heard about any of this from the MSM. Will at least not yet.




                  I don't know if this has been posted in this thread. Apologies if it has been discussed already.




                  • I'm assuming,

                    (and you KNOW what they say about 'assuming') that Alihoa's post on 'riptides' is an analogy; and a very prescient one it is; Don't go out alone, and don't try to swim against the tide, just 'go with the flow' until you can get 'free' of it, etc.
                    And YES, Rick, I DO believe 'they' (Congress) are too stupid, and distracted to know what is 'right' to do; They (Congressmen) spend MOST of their time, raising $, and much less time doing 'their job'; they staff out much, and live in an artificial world in which perception IS reality, etc.
                    And, they ARE 'Politicians', which is a genetic mutation, to begin with.

                    I note Senator Reed 'decided' NOT to put the 'assault weapons ban' as part of the Gun control legislation, as (it was reported) that any attempt to do so would probably doom any Gun Control legislation to which it was attached, and lamestream media 'blamed' Repubs.
                    But hold it! DEMS 'control' the Senate, so OBVIOUSLY there were too many DEMS who would have voted against any legislation containing an AWB.
                    But, of coarse, only peoiple who follow politics, enough to KNOW who 'controls' the Senate, will realise this; the vast majority of sheeple, and all those who 'favor' GC will 'buy in' that it was theose bad old repubs who 'killed' an AWB.
                    So, Fienstiens efforts undoubtedly raised $, for 2014 campaigns, and maybe 'fired up' the liberal base, while NOT 'firing up' Gunowners to vote against Dems next time,and NOT 'forcing' Dems, (particularly those from Southern states), to actually vote. Strategically smart, and what I expected.

                    So much for "They deserve a vote!"; yet another lie, from the mouth of the master liar! This is just the kind of convoluted manuevering that is the mindset in D.C., and I THINK 'they' are all so caught up in such manuevering, and short term thinking, that they don't have any time/mental capacity to seriously contemplate world domination.

                    And, I THINK the Powers that be PROFIT from the status quo, just fine, and are trying to preserve it; they NEED 'active' consumers, and 'active' producers, in order to make their profits; how do they benefit from enslaving mankind? WHO would BUY the products produced by the slave labor, if ALL (but a few) are enslaved?

                    So, I THINK some give far too much credit to THEY, but I COULD be wrong,...

                    We all see the sh*t thats happening, we just see how/why its happening, and exactly what will happen next, i.e. what it leads to, where it will go, differently, depending on our individual perspective.

                    Also none of us can know, with accuracy, the timeing; at what point will the sh*t ultimately hit the fan? Certainly, it COULD be any day now, or the inertia/momentum COULD keep this 'ship' plowing forward, for some time yet.
                    We all SEE its going to crash, and no one with the ability to change coarse, doing anything to actually change coarse, but beyond that, its all speculation.

                    We'll see,..Jim


                    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      I note Senator Reed 'decided' NOT to put the 'assault weapons ban' as part of the Gun control legislation, as (it was reported) that any attempt to do so would probably doom any Gun Control legislation to which it was attached, and lamestream media 'blamed' Repubs. But hold it! DEMS 'control' the Senate, so OBVIOUSLY there were too many DEMS who would have voted against any legislation containing an AWB.

                      So, Fienstien's efforts undoubtedly raised $, for 2014 campaigns, and maybe 'fired up' the liberal base, while NOT 'firing up' Gun owners to vote against Dems next time, and NOT 'forcing' Dems, (particularly those from Southern states), to actually vote. Strategically smart, and what I expected.
                      Actually, Jim, Feinstein has known all along that her assault weapons ban would probably never see a stand alone vote on the Senate floor, or be introduced with other gun control measures. She has already been given word from Dirty Harry Reid that he will allow her to insert her ban within other legislation as an amendment. Such legislation will of course be something that both Democrat and Republican legislators want to see passed, and won't want to kill it just to kill the amendment. It will likely be amended to a defense spending bill, or to a budget resolution that would prevent a government shutdown. So don't think for a moment that the assault weapons ban is a dead issue.

                      Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      This is just the kind of convoluted manuevering that is the mindset in D.C., and I THINK 'they' are all so caught up in such manuevering, and short term thinking, that they don't have any time/mental capacity to seriously contemplate world domination.
                      Are you referring to Congress as 'THEY,' and as synonymous with TPTB? If so, you are looking at the wrong group. Congress, and everyone in Barry's administration, are merely puppets of 'THEY' who actually do have control of everything. While what you say about those in Congress being short term thinkers is mostly so, the real 'THEY' are experienced masters of long term thinking and planning, and so far everything is going along according to plan. We are now entering the final stages of 'THEIR' planning for a New World Order in which 'THEY' will have absolute power.

                      Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      I THINK the Powers that be PROFIT from the status quo, just fine, and are trying to preserve it; they NEED 'active' consumers, and 'active' producers, in order to make their profits; how do they benefit from enslaving mankind? WHO would BUY the products produced by the slave labor, if ALL (but a few) are enslaved?
                      That did work just fine for TPTB to steal away nearly all of the world's wealth and resources. But now that they have accomplished that, while becoming unimaginably wealthy and ensuring their own safety and needs are met for centuries to come, there is no longer any reason to delay an end times scenario for the general population. You have to keep in mind that 'THEY' consider that a population decrease to around 10% of current world levels is an absolute necessity. 'THEY' have said this over and over, so think about it, Jim. 'THEY' don't need masses of consumers. 'THEY' could care less about manufacturing items and selling them to consumers. The slave labor would be used to manufacture whatever 'THEY' want, and to farm the land to produce food for their masters. There would be no need to have any more slaves than the number required to perform these labors, so aside from raising up the next generation of slaves all others would be expendable.

                      Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      So, I THINK some give far too much credit to THEY, but I COULD be wrong,...
                      Yes, I agree. You could be, especially if you equate Congress to 'THEY.'
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Here is a list that I found quite interesting.
                        It is titled as-PROOF of mass arrests, resignations & retirements of elite.

                        It is world wide, but if you scroll down to USA you will find over 600 in the U.S. I can see that many who are in these high positions might be ready for retirement, but why so many resignations? Perhaps so as not to land on the arrests list!!!

                        The number of arrests does not surprise me but should IMHO be many more.
                        The SCUM always floats to the top.

                        FDIC secretly settling bank cases-FDIC Secretly Settling Bank Cases For Years With ‘No Press Release’ Clause: Report | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

                        Last edited by gene gene; 03-20-2013, 10:46 PM. Reason: add a link


                        • Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post


                          I don't know if this has been posted in this thread. Apologies if it has been discussed already.


                          Yes, this was posted months ago when the Arpaio investigation team first released the information, but it's definitely worth a second look. Barry's "certificate" is just as fake now as it was on the day he first showed it. Some folks would say it is unbelievable that, given all the knowledge that proves his certificate is faked, Barry was allowed to be placed on the ballot in all 50 states and become reelected. That's because it is hard for most people to understand why the media didn't jump on this story and run with it, exposing Barry for the fraud that he is. One has to understand, though, that this would not be in the interests of media, or the journalists who work for mainstream media. True investigative journalism died long ago. An excellent documentary titled Shadows of Liberty, which is currently airing on LinkTV, exposes how all mainstream media is controlled by just a few powerful corporations, and how several journalists who wanted to air programs that would have exposed corrupt corporate practices and government lies soon found themselves out of a job. It's all about censorship, cover-ups, and corporate control. If you miss seeing this on LinkTV, you can watch the full documentary on the Internet beginning April 4th. Go to the above link for details.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Internet Tax Mandate petition

                            Word is that the US Senate is preparing to vote shortly on a National Internet Tax Mandate. Don't waste any time signing on to the petition found at this link:

                            The bill in question is S-336, which was mis-labeled as the "Marketplace Fairness Act" when it was introduced in mid February. If passed, this legislation will be a tax increase to all Americans, and will threaten the very existence of the Internet as we know it. And this is only the beginning of what the statists have in store for the Internet. Just a few months ago, the U.N. drafted a new "Telecommunications Treaty" to impose restrictive regulations, global CENSORSHIP, and a massive new tax on all Internet operations. If ratified by the United States Senate, the United Nations' "Telecommunications Treaty" - designed to take effect in 2015 - could give control of the Internet to U.N. bureaucrats.

                            Sign the petition now to tell the Senate "Hands Off the Internet!"
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
                              Here is a list...
                              It is world wide, but if you scroll down to USA you will find over 600 in the U.S. I can see that many who are in these high positions might be ready for retirement, but why so many resignations? Perhaps so as not to land on the arrests list!!!

                              Yes I’m aware of that list and it is an interesting. Undoubtedly a number of them simply retired or just wanted to get out of the business, however it is a very long list and its the shear numbers that are what should raise ones curiosity.

                              As far as the FDIC settling cases with a “no press release” clause why doesn’t that surprise me? It doesn’t matter that total of all fines paid are totally insignificant to the total amount of money earned. To these banks these fines are viewed as nothing more then the cost of doing business. However the last thing the TPTB would want is for the sheeple to see all these law suits and start to lose faith in their banking system and worse perhaps begin to ask questions about what is really doing on.

                              There are already a number of groups working behind the scene doing just that, imagine what would happen if the sheeple also woke up and started to ask questions.


                              • Cyprus bailout:
                                'Trust in our banks has evaporated.
                                It can only get worse'

                                Hundreds of protesters vent fury before key parliamentary vote on levy of up to 10% on all bank deposits to pay for rescue plan.

                                Behind the banners reading "Hang the banksters, hands off our savings", "Who is next Spain or Italy?" or simply "**** Europe", Andreas Constantinou stood outside the Cyprus parliament, with a grim look on his face.

                                "It's just unfair," he said. He had cut short his family lunch to mark the first Monday of Orthodox lent, a bank holiday when Cypriots usually descend on parks to picnic, fly kites and celebrate. Instead, as Cypriot politicians held emergency talks before Tuesday's parliamentary vote on the controversial levy of up to 10% on all bank deposits, hundreds joined the street protest against the seizure of a chunk of everyone's savings to satisfy an EU rescue plan.

                                Cyprus bailout: 'Trust in our banks has evaporated. It can only get worse' | World news |


