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The American Ruling Class

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  • Recently the Maryland legislature passed some sweeping gun control legislation, deceitfully titled the "Maryland Firearms Safety Act of 2013," which banned 45 types of ordinary rifles and magazines which could contribute to the common defense of the People of that state, along with requiring law abiding citizens to submit to licensing fees, background checks, fingerprinting, and renewal fees. To stand up against this tyrannical and unconstitutional Act, the People of Carroll County, Maryland, through their Board of Commissioners, has presented, debated and adopted a resolution known as the “Second Amendment Preservation Resolution”. This resolution, among other things, declared Carroll County as a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County”. The People of Carroll County were joined in this action by County officials, including the Board of County Commissioners, the States Attorney, and the Sheriff, who all believed that this action was necessary to counter the General Assembly's passage of "pretended legislation." The Resolution further declares that all unconstitutional provisions of the act will not be enforced in Carroll County.

    Such actions by the People, to protect their liberty and rights from over zealous, Constitution shredding legislators at both the state and federal level may very well be the best legal recourse that can be taken to reaffirm and protect gun rights, and should perhaps stand as a model for grassroots action and involvement. Think seriously about getting a similar action started in your county, using the Carroll County Resolution as a frame of reference.

    Go here to read the actual Second Amendment Preservation Resolution.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Last edited by rickoff; 05-29-2013, 02:53 PM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Rick

        Good un, in a way, for those County officials who stood up to overbearing State officials. On the other hand, I fear this may cause some to get confused, and think Gun Control is a STATE issue, or even a local jurisdiction issue. Despite naming it a 2nd amendment preservation 'law'.

        I guess I live in a 2nd amendment sanctuary state, Az. so I don't think I can do anything to further this effort. Would LIKE to see similar efforts made in places like Colorado, though!

        Overall, O'bummer, Bitem etc. wasted political capitol, although they undoubtedly raised $, and this 'new' lobbying effort isn't going to go away.

        WE, the people who favor gun rights, WILL have to continue to be vigilant, and fight against Bloomberg, et al; the 'mayors against gun violence', (or whatever its called) are STILL running ads against jeff Flake, here, (because he voted against the 'expanded' background check. They are definetly NOT going away, and are running these ads, even tho J.F. doesn't come up for re-election for 6 years. They are attempting a 're-education' (re-programming) of the sheeple.

        And so far, such re-programming is going unanswered.This fight definetly isn't over, thats for sure! Jim


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          WE, the people who favor gun rights, WILL have to continue to be vigilant, and fight against Bloomberg, et al; the 'mayors against gun violence', (or whatever its called) are STILL running ads against jeff Flake, here, (because he voted against the 'expanded' background check. They are definetly NOT going away, and are running these ads, even tho J.F. doesn't come up for re-election for 6 years. They are attempting a 're-education' (re-programming) of the sheeple.

          And so far, such re-programming is going unanswered.This fight definetly isn't over, thats for sure! Jim

          Flagship Riots
          Published on May 27, 2013

          In this commentary Henrik Palmgren analyzes the recent civil unrest and
          rioting in the immigrant dense suburbs outside Stockholm, Sweden.

          Why Sweden is not the country you thought it was - Red Ice Commentary - YouTube



          • Quotable quote of the day......

            “I think we have 60 votes. Remember, we start out at 55 Democrats. I think the most I’ll lose is two or three. Let’s say I wind up with 52 Democrats. I only need eight Republicans, and I already have four [half of the 'Gang of 8'], so that should be pretty easy.” - Dirty Harry Reid, Senate majority leader, on prospects for passing the Gang of Eight's freedom crushing "Immigration Reform" legislation.

            Unfortunately, I think that Dirty Harry may be right in his assessment. Nearly all the Democrat senators will vote the party line, and there are several RINO and establishment Republicans who will be easily persuaded in backroom deals. The only hope of preventing this freedom crushing, gargantuan piece of legislation from becoming law is a defeat of it in the House of Representatives. Many may believe that is the likely outcome, but I'm not feeling assured it will go down that way. After all, both parties are knocking themselves out to appear to be the ones championing amnesty for illegals in hopes of grabbing the Latino vote. It seems like every time we turn the radio on we hear an ad by Senator Rubio telling us how fair and strict this legislation will be, but it is all lies. Truth is, this legislation is all about amnesty NOW, and putting fairness, enforcement, and border security on the back burner for the next decade. It is all about allowing 33 million new immigrants to become legal residents and compete with the more than 20 million Americans who are currently unemployed or underemployed. If there aren't enough jobs to go around now, then it stands to reason that we will end up with over 50 million people who have little to no job prospects, and who therefore will have no recourse but to live off welfare payments, thereby putting the final nail in the coffin of an already unsustainable and overwhelming burden upon taxpayers.

            A 'NO' vote in the House being our only possible chance of defeating this legislation, we must be relentless at hounding our representatives to vote NO, and reminding them that their actual roll call vote will be remembered at election time in 2014.

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Soap Opera
              Barack H. Obama Foundation, Form 990-EZ

              NEW YORK – Funds contributed in the United States to a 501(c)3 foundation run
              by President Obama’s older half-brother, Abongo “Roy” Malik Obama,
              have been diverted to support Malik’s multiple wives in Kenya,
              an expert on Islamic extremism has charged.

              Obama half-brother uses IRS status to fund polygamy?



              • If you are outraged, as you should be, at the IRS's admitted targeting of political and patriot groups and individuals, you should be equally or more outraged at how the IRS fast tracks applications for tax-exempt status when they come from "well connected" groups or individuals and ignore the illegality of such claims.

                Two cases that serve as examples of such abuses are the Barack H Obama Foundation, operated by Barry's half brother and confirmed wife-beater Malik, and the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation, operated by Barry's step-grandmother in Kenya. These "foundations" solicit donations from US corporations and individuals on the Internet, and claim to use the donated resources for aid to the impoverished of Kenya, while in fact supporting a lavish lifestyle for Barry's relatives. The Barack H Obama Foundation claimed to be a 501(c)3 tax exempt charitable organization from 2008 until 2011 when it was discovered that the IRS had not issued any such authorization. To cover the "foundation" for that illegal activity in Barry's name, the IRS then wrote a highly irregular retroactive authorization. Nearly all of the funds received by Malik Obama through the foundation donations are used by Malik to carry on his regal lifestyle, which includes the support of a dozen wives. The "foundation center" building where Malik houses his wives is actually a hotel and restaurant which plays upon Barry's name to attract paying patrons.

                Mama Sarah's tactic is to use 90 percent of the donations she receives in order to to send Kenyan students to the top three most radical Wahhabist madrassas in Saudi Arabia. There is no evidence whatsoever to support the Mama Sarah or Barack H Obama foundations' claims of using donations to construct housing for widows, orphans, and HIV-AIDS victims. It is all a documented farce which has been granted approval by the IRS simply because of the scam's well-connected participants.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Well researched

                  As usual, Rick, and the kind of thing we probably WON'T see on the evening 'News'. Unfortuantely, I reached the point a long time ago, where I am no longer 'Outraged' at anything this admin does!

                  Announce 'new' Drone policy, just days before using them again, 'fast and furious', and other Hold'em screw ups, Benghazi, and Hillies "what does it matter?' rant, the list just goes on and on.

                  At a certain point, your 'outraged' meter gets 'pegged', for so long your sensor looses its sensitivity, know what I mean? The lies just keep on stacking up! Jim


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    At a certain point, your 'outraged' meter gets 'pegged', for so long your sensor looses its sensitivity, know what I mean?
                    Yes, I know exactly what you mean, Jim. There's so much administrative corruption and wrongdoing going on that ordinary folks feel overwhelmed by it, and after a while tend to accept it as "normal," or just "the way it is." That leads to a dangerous situation whereby citizen action to fight administrative corruption and wrongdoing, for the most part, tends to fall to the wayside. I guess that's why I feel compelled to point out stories of such abuses, and now that I'm thinking in that mode here is another zany story that will make you shake your head in disbelief:

                    An Illinois high school social studies teacher has been reprimanded with "a written warning of improper conduct," and had his pay docked for that so-called "improper conduct." His transgression? After receiving drug and alcohol use survey forms in his inbox which had student names printed on them, and which he was told to distribute to the students in his class for completion, the teacher informed his students that they could exercise their Fifth Amendment right to refuse answering any questions on the form which could tend to incriminate them.

                    I'd say the teacher did the right thing. If the survey was simply about gathering data on student drug and alcohol use then student names should not have been printed on the forms. Printing their names made the survey into a personal fact finding quest. And what the teacher told his students should have been printed at the top of the forms in bold-faced letters. But no, the teacher gets reprimanded for thwarting the school administration's highly improper plan.

                    Read more about this here. And if you agree that the school administrators and Board of Education acted improperly in disciplining this teacher then please take a moment or two to let them know what you think of their actions. Feel free to use anything I have said here in the body of your message to them. They may just delete or toss your message in the "circular file," but believe me, you will feel better for having taken this action. Here are their e-mail addresses:

                    Lisa Hichens, Principal:

                    Cathy Dremel, Board of Education President:

                    Dr. Jack Barshinger, Superintendent:

                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Rick

                      This isn't the first, and certainly won't be the last time something like this has happened. Students, (minors) are not percieived, by administrators, as being protected by the Constitution. Illlegal sech and siezure is common, strip searches, etc. Also lack of 'due process'. And the STUPID excesses of '-0- tolerance' are legend. When students actually persue legal recourse, the courts have invariably 'slapped down' these administrators, but they just don't learn.

                      The educational system is, and has been for some time, going the same way as all the other institutions we originally created to serve us; now WE are serving the institutions, and the institutions are serving us poorly.

                      Financial system, educational system, medical system, food supply system, and the list goes on. In fact, try to name a major institution in our society the IS serving us, and doing it well! I can't think of one, off hand.Jim


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        In fact, try to name a major institution in our society the IS serving us, and doing it well! I can't think of one, off hand.Jim
                        I become confused when I hear the word "Service" used with these agencies:

                        Internal Revenue 'Service'
                        US Postal 'Service'
                        Telephone 'Service'
                        Cable-TV 'Service'
                        Civil 'Service'
                        Federal, State, City, & public 'Service'
                        Customer 'Service'

                        This is NOT what I thought 'Service' meant.

                        But today,
                        I overheard two farmers talking, and
                        one of them said he had hired a bull to 'Service' a few cows.
                        BAM!!! It all came into focus.
                        Now I understand what all those agencies are doing to us.

                        You are now as enlightened as I



                        • GOOD un,

                          Al!! NOW I understand why I've been so upset! I've been getting too much SERVICE! Jim


                          • A matter of trust

                            And another good reason why schools should not be "gun free" zones.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Egypt:
                              Court rules legislature illegally elected

                              According to Wikipedia, “James Anthony Traficant, Jr. (born May 8, 1941) is a former Democratic Representative in the United States Congress from Ohio (from 1985 to 2002). He represented the 17th Congressional District, which centered around his hometown of Youngstown and included parts of three counties in northeast Ohio’s Mahoning Valley. He was expelled [from Congress] after being convicted of taking bribes, filing false tax returns, racketeering, and forcing his aides to perform chores at his farm in Ohio and on his houseboat in Washington, D.C., and was released from prison on September 2, 2009, after serving a seven-year sentence.”

                              In fact, many people believe that Mr. Trafficant was ultimately tried and sentenced in A.D. 2002 for having made an extraordinary speech in A.D. 1993 to Congress. In that speech, Congressman Traficant alleged 1) the U.S. government is bankrupt; 2) the federal government was dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act of A.D. 1933; 3) the “receivers” of the US bankruptcy were the “international bankers via the United Nations”; and 4) the US monetary system was a fraud.

                              As I said, this was an extraordinary speech. He was lucky to have merely been jailed; he might’ve been shot.

                              According to Wikipedia, “James Anthony Traficant, Jr. (born May 8, 1941) is a former Democratic Representative in the United States Congress from Ohio (from 1985 to 2002). He represented the 17th Congressional District, which centered around his hometown of Youngstown and included parts of three counties in northeast Ohio’s Mahoning Valley. He was expelled [from Congress] after being convicted of taking bribes, filing false tax returns, racketeering, and forcing his aides to perform chores at his farm in Ohio and on his houseboat in Washington, D.C., and was released from prison on September 2, 2009, after serving a seven-year sentence.”

                              In fact, many people believe that Mr. Trafficant was ultimately tried and sentenced in A.D. 2002 for having made an extraordinary speech in A.D. 1993 to Congress. In that speech, Congressman Traficant alleged 1) the U.S. government is bankrupt; 2) the federal government was dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act of A.D. 1933; 3) the “receivers” of the US bankruptcy were the “international bankers via the United Nations”; and 4) the US monetary system was a fraud.

                              As I said, this was an extraordinary speech. He was lucky to have merely been jailed; he might’ve been shot.

                              Nevertheless, in A.D. 1993, while the speech was remarkable, the underlying idea that the U.S. government was bankrupt and in the process of reorganization seemed unremarkable or even false. Everyone who bothered to study “patriot” issues back then already knew the US government was bankrupt, but most assumed that government would simply continue to function forever in that condition.

                              It wasn’t until A.D. 1997 that I (at least) began to suspect that Traficant was right–sometime after A.D. 1993, the U.S. government had gone through a “reorganization” and, astonishingly, may have ceased to exist. I based my suspicion primarily on the A.D. 1997 publication of the 7th Edition of Black’s Law Dictionary which deleted the three definitions of “United States” (declared by the US Supreme Court in the Hooven & Allison v Evatt case) that had appeared in Black’s 4th, 5th, and 6th editions, and added a completely new definition of “United States of America” which had not been defined in the 4th, 5th and 6th and which was completely different from the Hooven & Allison definitions. I can’t prove it, but I believe that the reason “United States” was missing from the 7th (and then 8th) editions of Black’s Law Dictionary is because the “United States” had, in fact, ceased to exist. The impossible had taken place. The U.S. government had been executed in bankruptcy–exactly as Congressman Traficant had predicted or implied 4 years earlier in his speech to Congress.

                              There are other reasons to suspect that the U.S. government may have ceased to exist:

                              1) About the same time Black’s deleted the term “United States,” the apparent US gov-co issued a new-and-improved currency that had a completely new design. The alleged purpose was to “thwart counterfeiting”. However, I know that, at bottom, “counterfeiting” is a copyright violation. I speculated that the real reason for issuing a newly designed paper dollar in the 1990s may not have been to “thwart counterfeiting” but rather to create a new bill and a new copyright owned by whatever new entity replaced the former (now “executed”) United States government. If the “old” United States had owned the copyright to the FRNs and had been executed in bankruptcy, the “new” United States would need a new copyright which would require a new-and-improved design.

                              2) Federal court cases that had previously been styled “United States vs Smith” were suddenly styled “United States of America vs. Smith”. We seemingly had a “new-and-improved” plaintiff with a different name.

                              3) More recently, if you visit you’ll find a list of over 63 million private corporations. The data for these listings is provided by Dunn & Bradstreet. If you enter terms like “The White House,” “House of Representatives,” “Internal Revenue Service,” and “Barack H Obama” into the search engine, you’ll find those entities listed as private corporations. We’ve found courts and state agencies also listed as private corporations. It appears that the constitutional governments of the United States and of the States of the Union may have been supplanted or replaced by a conglomerate of private corporations.

                              4) The term “United States” (missing from Black’s 7th and 8th) has returned to Black’s 9th and is currently defined as “see UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”. In other words, today, “United States” and “United States of America” are being defined as synonymous. If that’s so, the earlier Supreme Court decision in the Hooven & Allison case was completely absurd

                              The Bankruptcy of the United States; James Traficant’s Speech | Adask's law


                              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                                3) More recently, if you visit you’ll find a list of over 63 million private corporations. The data for these listings is provided by Dunn & Bradstreet. If you enter terms like “The White House,” “House of Representatives,” “Internal Revenue Service,” and “Barack H Obama” into the search engine, you’ll find those entities listed as private corporations. We’ve found courts and state agencies also listed as private corporations. It appears that the constitutional governments of the United States and of the States of the Union may have been supplanted or replaced by a conglomerate of private corporations.
                                Bingo! And this was done very stealthy so that the average sheeple was not made aware of what had happened.
                                When the average person sees the words “United States” or the “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” they are falsely lead to assume that they are referring to the same entity. Not true. United States refers to the original United States. If you happen to be a lawyer the all capital letters in “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” screams to you that this is a corporation!

                                Our country has been stolen from us and very few are aware of what has happened.

                                If you search you will find that all state and local governments have been converted into corporations. As such we all have become unwitting participants in these corporations, we are their human resources.

                                So seeing as how he are now working for these corporations they then have the right to tell us what we can and cannot do. No quite what the founding father had in mind but certainly what the power-that-be want.

