Originally posted by aljhoa
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The American Ruling Class
Once again Putin has bitcched slapped Obama with a huge political move that was just too classic (and too easy).
I bet Obama is still licking his wounds and will be for a while. That’s four times in two months Putin has handed Obama his ass on a plate, the first time being with the Snowden situation and refusing to return Snowden. The second time when against the threats by the Obama Administration Putin granted Snowden asylum. Now this entire Syrian situation Putin once again hands Obama his sissy ass on a plate twice in three days.
I bet Obama’s speech writers are pulling their hair out trying to keep up all the last minute changes in Obama’s speech that he’s suppose to give tonight. I’m sure Obama has forcibly had to re-write his speech from a “why it’s so important the US strike Syria” to now “how democracy and cool heads will prevail as the people speak” type of speech.
Obama and his staff all know he was just handed his ass BIG TIME on the national stage and has been exposed as the weak inexperienced president many people have known him to be all along. I am sure Putin’s poll numbers continue to climb as he looks much more posed as a real professional world leader than that silly fake community organizer who’s own Chicago land couldn’t organize a one car parade much less keep the murder rate down.
Obama is an international embarrassment on the highest level and his failures are multiplying faster than the numbers of attendees at a free welfare handout program.
Good thing that Jimmy Carter is still alive and able to see (and enjoy) history quickly removing his name as the largest political failure of the last century.
At this rate, by the time Obama leaves office, the history books will be rewritten and Obama will go down on record as the largest presidential failure in history of the USA.
In short order I even predict a new term being added to the urban dictionary something along the lines of
Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.
Sign the National Petition to exempt America from ObamaCare.
Tomorrow Congress will vote on the Continuing Resolution to fund government operations, and this is their last chance to completely defund Obamacare. Make your voice heard now!
Note: This petition is aimed at the establishment RINO Republicans in the US Senate, such as McCain, Graham, and Burr, who violated their promise to fight against ObamaCare, and who are now actually working to save it. Senators Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul are leading an effort to defund ObamaCare, but Burr decried their effort as, "the dumbest idea I've ever heard." Graham said dismantling Obamacare was "a bridge too far," and John McCain says it's a "nonstarter." It's time to let these RINOS know that we're on to them.
Petition to: Republican Members of the U.S. Senate
Whereas, Obamacare is destroying our economy and will ruin America's healthcare system;
Whereas, this healthcare takeover is widely unpopular among Republicans, independents, and a growing number of Democrats;
Whereas, this horrible law goes into effect on October 1st;
Whereas, refusing to fund Obamacare in the upcoming spending bill that will keep the government from operating is our best chance to stop this law before October 1;
Therefore, Be it Resolved, that I do hereby demand that Republicans in the United States Senate refuse to continue spending on Obamacare in the upcoming spending bill when the Senate returns from vacation.Last edited by rickoff; 09-11-2013, 04:16 PM."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Today, of course, is the 12th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 events. It seems that every mainstream media TV station is putting on their 9/11 special programming, which will no doubt dominate the airwaves for the day. The main focus will be individual people stories, since that is what people can best relate to on an emotional level. Very noticeably absent from all of this will be any investigative news reports to delve into what really happened on 9/11. Instead, anyone watching will simply have their spoon fed notions about the "official" 9/11 story reintroduced and reinforced by the media.
There is so much compelling evidence to refute the "official" story that a real and independent investigation is certainly called for, but I doubt we will ever see that happen other than in 9/11 Truth circles. And of course the groups in those circles will always be condemned as tin hat conspiracy theorists by those who are either unwilling to seek the truth, or who know the truth and don't want it known by others.Last edited by rickoff; 09-11-2013, 04:18 PM."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
On O'bummercare; I agree the 'old guard', RINO Repubs such as Graham and McCain have discredited themselves with their 'support' of O'bummercare, (as well as positions on Sria, etc. I think they are probably right on defunding O'bummercare. Its going to defund itself; if enough young healthy people decide its preferable to pay the fine, that buy insurnce they can't afford, and don't think they need, and SOME 'older' Americans make the same decision, and many companies make a similar decision, i.e. pay the 'fine' (oh, but its NOT a fine,...er,. well its a tax, er,...well SORT of!) anyway, it was never intended that O'bummercare would be funded from these fines, they were just viewed as a way to force people to sign up. The whole system can't work, UNLESS companies AND individuals, pretty much ALL, comply. So, the American people, or at least a significant enough portion of them, are going to 'vote' to de-fund O'bummercare, with their feet, (or wallets).
Yes, its true, the fine starts at $95/year, OR 1% of annual income, and increases, but these 'young healthy people who are the most resistant to signing up are mostly making low wages, and will look at cost of insurance premiums vs. fine and decide NOT to sign up. After all, youngsters are more prone to taking risks, and thinking they are invulnerable.
In short, WE, the people, (I THINK) WILL defund O'bummercare, without the B.S. of going thru the Congress.
On Syria, what a royal cock-up! He convinced no one, and no one believes this was intentional; his incompetence is there, for all to see. Amusing to see his spokespersons making public statements that the U.N. is 'worthless', and a 'toothless tiger', something conservatives have been saying for years.
And yeah, 5150, I visualise Putin saying to O'bummer, "O.K., a**hole, now you owe me, bigtime, for pulling your ass out of the fire, on Syria.
No one is fooled by Reid suspending plans to vote, 'due to the diplomatic efforts'; if you HAVE the votes, you vote. He didn't have the votes, and if this Putin thing didn't come up, he would have had egg all over his face, instead of now, where he's only got it over 1/2 his face!
5150; do you think the A.P. will put it togewther, that Carter was the most liberal President, in recent time, until O'bummer? i.e. Liberal= poor, innefective President? When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn?Jim
Originally posted by dutchdivco View PostThe whole [ObummerCare] system can't work, UNLESS companies AND individuals, pretty much ALL, comply. So, the American people, or at least a significant enough portion of them, are going to 'vote' to de-fund O'bummercare, with their feet, (or wallets).
Yes, its true, the fine starts at $95/year, OR 1% of annual income, and increases, but these 'young healthy people who are the most resistant to signing up are mostly making low wages, and will look at cost of insurance premiums vs. fine and decide NOT to sign up. After all, youngsters are more prone to taking risks, and thinking they are invulnerable.
In short, WE, the people, (I THINK) WILL defund O'bummercare, without the B.S. of going thru the Congress.
The best, and quite possibly only hope of eliminating ObummerCare is the current effort spearheaded by Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul to defund its implementation. In regards to that effort, I have been told that the petition has succeeded in waking up the GOP. Problem is, though, John Boehner is scheming with establishment House Republicans to make it look like they are on our side when in fact they plan to defeat the TEA party effort. It is said that Boehners scheme involves allowing the House to vote to defund Obummercare, but then having a separate vote on the Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund government. Then both bills would go before the Senate, where "Dirty Harry" Reid would arrange a vote against the defunding measure while voting to approve the Continuing Resolution. Thus, it would appear that the House tried to do what they could do but was defeated by the Senate's refusal to comply, and the CR would go straight to Barry's desk for his signature and "business as usual." Folks need to realize what is going on and demand that the House leadership not bring a separate CR up for vote. Folks also need to demand that their representatives vote against any and all proposals for a CR which do not explicitly require defunding of ObummerCare. If we don't get enough people to do this then we are going to be stuck with Obummercare for years to come. It's as simple as that.
[/quote]"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Originally posted by rickoff View PostIf we don't get enough people to do this then we are going to be stuck with Obummercare for years to come. It's as simple as that.
like in voting it doesn't matter how many people show up and vote or who they vote for it's all rigged and the people never get what they voted on.
You could have 20 million people march on DC to defund Obama care and it would still get funded
I am sure the people will be stuck with Obama care for a long time and even though many companies and individuals are already seeing how destructive the Obama care bill really is their only recourse is not to participate.
I am one that will refuse to buy into it no matter how much they levy or tax me and even the fines I will refuse to pay. Lock me up and spend more tax payer money but then I will get free healthcare in jail.
Both sides Democratic and Republican have sold the people out and DO NOT serve the public's best interest. The entire government is a cluster f8ck beyond comprehensionObamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.
Good news for today....
Today the House vote on defunding ObummerCare was delayed until next week. Republican House leadership was forced to postpone the vote because of the overwhelming conservative backlash against it! More and more conservative Representatives are making it clear that they will not vote on any Continuing Resolution to fund government that funds Obamacare, or allows the Senate to. No doubt the delay was set to next week to allow time for some heavy arm twisting of those who stand in the way of defeating the defunding proposal. And when arm twisting doesn't work, you can bet that some sweet deals will be offered which will be tough to refuse by anyone other than a true patriot. While it looks as though our own form of arm twisting, through angry petitions, was successful in getting the attention of our Representatives and causing the delay, this certainly isn't the time to count this as a victory of any kind. Instead, we need to hammer home to our Reps the realization that a defeat of the defunding effort is not acceptable and will ensure their unseating in the 2014 election. In other words, we need to make it clear that a vote against defunding, or a vote for a concurrent Continuing Resolution allowing the Senate to save ObummerCare, is a vote against freedom, and against We The People.
"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Originally posted by gene gene View Post
Judge Andrew Napolitano · 300,469 like this
August 4, 2012 at 7:50pm ·
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you're not allowed to criticize."
Good point, Rick, its not JUST the 'fine', but the penalty for failing to pay the fine.
The assumption I've been hearing is that once the unnaffordable care act is 'rolled out', and it becomes an 'entitlement', there will be a significant % of the population that will 'like' it, and so it will be 'too popular' to undue; I'm not convinced, tho.
Perhaps I'm naive, or my opinion is 'colored' by my own opinion, but I just don't see it as ever being popular, and the more people experience it, (I think) the LESS popular it wil be.
Still, in this battle over the Repub party, I'm FOR Paul, tc. and against the 'establishment' pols like McCain and Graham, just not sure in the long run it will make much difference. Every time 'they' are beaten down, they seem to find a way. It mut be those 'powers that be', behind the scenes, that your always talking about. Just waiting for the whole thing to finally blow up, and get it over with!
In the meantime, I'm trying to get my life in order, so I can have a good seat, to watch! Jim
The above image, which was cleverly crafted by Mother Jones staff, was used in a news story telling how the NSA disguised itself as Google in order to attain information on Google users. NSA used a technique known by hackers as "man in the middle" (MITM) in which the NSA acts as an undetected go-between function between Google Users and the Google server. In other words, user inputs at Google, such as passwords, are relayed by NSA to Google servers, and the NSA then utilizes user info to glean information on users from the Google servers. Edward Snowden released a document diagram explaining how this had been done by NSA. The same technique can be used on any websites, including social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and to gain access to bank accounts at financial institutions.
It has long been known that Google, Facebook, and several other popular websites willingly respond to government agency requests for data and info regarding users, but the MITM technique takes NSA spying to a much higher level. Search engines such as Google are frequently used by nearly everyone with access to a computer, and the information about users and user search requests contained on such servers is a goldmine of information. If using a search engine, one would be better off using one of the anonymous search engines, such as DuckDuckgo.com, but in reality one should not expect that anything which they do on the Internet can be considered "safe," or "private.""Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Originally posted by dutchdivco View PostGood point, Rick, its not JUST the 'fine', but the penalty for failing to pay the fine.Last edited by rickoff; 09-14-2013, 01:15 AM."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
As I reported in post #4614, the House leadership was forced to delay a vote on defunding ObummerCare until next week. At least 42 House Republicans have now stepped up to demand of House Republican leadership that no Continuing Resolution (CR) be brought to a vote that does not specifically defund ObummerCare and prevent the Senate from making changes. This has obviously ticked off Dirty Harry Reid, who is now saying that, “We’re diverted totally from what this [CR] bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over. They’ve taken over the House, and now they’ve taken over the Senate.” Dirty Harry makes it clear who these "anarchists" are, saying, "People who don’t believe in government — and that’s what the TEA Party is all about — are winning, and that’s a shame.”
It's nice to hear Dirty Harry acknowledging that the TEA Party is winning, but labeling constitutionalists as "anarchists" is so ridiculous that it is totally laughable and should be seen as so by any sane individual. Constitutionalists do believe in government of the type that is defined by our Constitution. And that is a limited and responsible federal government. Harry should have inserted the words "big and tyrannical" before the word "government" in his statement if wanting to say something truthful.
Ever since the 2010 election the leadership of both major political parties has attacked and blamed the TEA Party for anything and everything that makes Congress look bad. It's hard to understand how anyone would adopt that kind of mentality, but I know a lot of Democrats, and some Republicans, who apparently have done just that. I do believe, however, that there is a large portion of Republicans who are totally dissatisfied with the way the party is going, especially since the 2012 elections. Even once staunch Republican supporter Rush Limbaugh now calls out the party leadership on a daily basis, and even refers to the Ruling Class frequently. Republicans were once "Conservatives," but the two terms are no longer synonymous. The TEA Party strategy was to infiltrate and take over the Republican party, and while they are still a long way from accomplishing that they are definitely shaking up government and waking up the People. If the TEA Party wants to take over in 2016 then I'd say they need a new strategy, which should be to offer voters a real alternative to the two-party system by becoming a registered political party. I can definitely see a lot of Republican voters bailing on their party to vote for TEA Party candidates, as well as a lot of disillusioned Democrats who are now sorry they voted for Barry and aren't thrilled about the prospect of Hillie for President. If the TEA Party makes the move, they shouldn't waste any time doing so, as 2016 is not so far away."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
$1,000,000,000 Found
Thanks aljhoa for the facebook link,
One of the comments there led me to this very informative 5 min video.
CPA Caucus Finds Massive UW System Slush Fund - YouTube
Being from Wisconsin I am glad to see that info contained in these CAFRs (comprehensive annual financial reports) is finally being looked at and perhaps more people will become aware of the trillions of dollars being held in these slush funds. It's to bad MSM doesn't do a show on this, or at least on PBS.
This billion dollar fund is being held by our university of Wisconsin system and our governor was about to hand them $180 mill of our tax money.
We now have 4 young CPA's in our legislature and I hope that this just the beginning of what will come to light soon, because there is money like this to be found in every branch of our huge government tree.
If this stirs things up enough here I believe other states will soon follow.
Regards, Gene