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The American Ruling Class

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  • Rick

    I DID see a BRIEF story on this, on NBC evening news. Showed 2 20-30 sec. 'soundbites of Kerry, saying this wouldn't do ANYTHING to effect the rights of U.S. citisens to own guns, and OF COARSE, the administration wouldn't sign any treaty that would limit the rights of U.S citisens, as guaranteed under the Constitution.
    Said 90 countries have SIGNED the treaty, but takes 50 countries ratifying it, only 6 have done so, so far. They said it will have major hurdles, to get it through Congress. NO WHERE did they say whats actually IN the treaty.

    So, its another case of "Trust Us, we know whats we're doing, and whats in your best interest!"
    Wouldn't happen to have a link (not video, PLEASE!) that tells whats actually IN the treaty, would you? NOT that I don't believe kerry, understand. Just want to "Distrust and so verify", know what I mean? Jim


    • quotable quote of the day...

      "Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State." - James Jesus Angleton, Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954-1974

      Undoubtedly, the most offending examples of government deception are false flag events. The CIA and MI6 are masters of deception and the use of false flag events. After World War 2, and continuing through the "Cold War" era, they set up, trained, financed, and directed false flag terror campaigns throughout Europe in a program known as Operation Gladio. After being exposed in a 1992 BBC documentary, Gladio was claimed to have been closed down, but there is considerable evidence suggesting otherwise.

      Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator who left the FBI in 2002, talks about the continued CIA involvement in Gladio under the direction of top CIA operative Graham Fuller. She points out some very interesting facts about Fuller in this video, Including the fact that Ruslan Tsarni, the uncle of the Tsarnaev brothers, married Fuller's daughter, and lived with Fuller. I'm sure that you all remember how the uncle was all over the MSM news after the Boston bombings, saying that the brothers had become radicalized, etc., but of course the MSM never made any mention of Tsarni's CIA link.

      Sibel is very knowledgeable about CIA involvement in clandestine operations, and has an informational website, BoilingFrogsPost which is devoted to exposing much of this, along with government malfeasance in general. It is said that Sibel wanted to expose information she knew about government involvement in the 9/11 incidents, but that a gag order prevented her from doing that.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        Wouldn't happen to have a link that tells whats actually IN the treaty, would you? NOT that I don't believe Kerry, understand. Just want to "Distrust and so verify", know what I mean? Jim
        Yes, here's a link to all documents pertaining to the UN Arms Trade Treaty, a.k.a. the gun ban treaty. Note that an "[E]" signifies the English text version of any particular document.

        Caution - a quick glance can make you think that our rights are protected, but that isn't the case. It is only States rights that are protected, not the constitutional rights of individuals. The wording does state "individually and collectively," but this is in reference to individual States and States that act together. For a better understanding, go here.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Rick

          Regarding the 'false flag' 'programs; isn't that an old 'trick'; when such a program is 'exposed' to the light of day, it is 'shut down', with a 'paper-trail' to SHOW its been shut down, and is blamed on previous management. Then, the 'program' is started up again,under a new name.
          With the way the 'intelligence; agencies are funded, and the limited ability of Congress for oversight, such 'games' can be played, indefinetly.

          Regarding the U.N. arms treaty, similarly, (from reading the links you provided, THANKS!) it appears the Gun Controllers in the U.S. are trying a 'different' tack; instead of directly passing U.S. laws, to restrict guns, they want to sign a U.N. treaty, and then say 'Ooops,hey, we're under an obligation, having signed the treaty, to enforce it.

          Even the media proponents are anticipating difficulty getting it ratified by Congress, but I see a # of G.C. advocates saying they are just going to keep plugging away, trying one thing and then another, to get rid of our guns.

          Like the magician who says 'nothing up my sleeves', so you look at his sleeves, and don't see what the assistant is doing behind his back, they keep using deception, as ONE of their 'tactics'. Another is the 'if you keep repeating a LIE, over and over, a certain % of the people will 'buy it'. Another is to discredit the opposition, by making them seem 'crazy'; "Birthers", '911 conspiracy fanatics', 'Gun fanatics', "tea partiers', etc.

          Another is appealing to emotion, over logic, and that is used a lot, too. "If you have the LAW on your side, argue the LAW! If you have the FACTS on your side, argue the FACTS! If you have neither, BANG you fist on the table!"
          (Law Professor quote), which is basically saying "If you can't make your case using logic, appeal to the emotions of the jury."

          And, unfortunately, they keep using these tactics because, at least to SOME degree, they work.

          I'm not 100% convinced all of whats coming is being deliberately manipulated by TPTB. As you know, I think to SOME degree it is inevitable, a result of 'human nature', and the unsustainability of civilisation.

          But I AM convinced that TPTB 'see' whats coming, just like (almost) everyone else. (I find ALMOST everyone I talk to, friends, neighbors, relatives, total strangers) ALL are convinced the 'end times' are here, regardless of their religious beliefs, and that SOMETHING; financial collapse, end of civilisation, 'something' is just over the horizon.

          And, I'm eaqually convinced TPTB are making plans, and manipulating things, to try to 'manage' it, whatever it is. And of coarse, they are all about 'control', and want to maintain their positions of power in the 'New Order'.

          I just don't think they will be able to; there are some things you CAN'T control. And, I THINK, being human, they are engaging in a certain amount of denial, and self-delusion. They can't imagine events spirling out of THEIR control, to the point that they will no longer have their perks, and trappings of power. We'll see,.......

          Again, thanks for the link, explaing what this U.N. treaty is REALLY all about! It DID occur to me, when I saw the brief 'sound-bites' of kerry, adamantly saying how the Treaty would do NOTHING to infringe on the rights of U.S. citizens, etc. that "me thinketh you protesteth a little TOO much"; if the treaty didn't effect our rights, why the need to SAY so? Why not just release copies of the treaty, to the press, and say "read it yourselves"?

          Which, of coarse, gets to 2 more 'tricks' they use; things written in 'legalese', so the average person can't understand them, and 'comprehensive' laws, like the Un-affordable care act, which are 20,000 pages long, so they can bury things in them. Ah,...they've got LOTS of tricks, much good it will do them!


          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            I'm not 100% convinced all of whats coming is being deliberately manipulated by TPTB. As you know, I think to SOME degree it is inevitable, a result of 'human nature', and the unsustainability of civilisation.
            Judge Napolitano Compares Syrian Gas Attack to Clinton's Attack on Waco - 9/12/13 - YouTube

            US Government Used Chem. Weapons on Own Citizens Killing Over 70, Including Children - | Intellihub News



            • Naming the names of the traitors

              Today the Senate foisted some treacherous trickery on the American People. First, the Senate held a cloture vote to see who agreed that debate on the defunding ObummerCare should come to an end. Twenty five traitorous Republicans voted for cloture along with Democrats. These 25 knew full well that a vote for cloture was really a vote for Obummercare, because it allowed Dirty Harry Reid to strike out the defunding measure and bring the CR up for a vote with only a simple 51 majority needed to pass, rather than the 60 vote majority that would have been needed by Reid if the Republicans had stood firm and refused to vote for cloture. To make it look like these Republicans stood against Obummercare, they all voted against the final draft, knowing full well that the vote would be lost. They used this trick just so they could say to their constituents that they tried, but lost. I told you awhile back that they would be doing this, and now they have done it. Here's the list, and I see that my Senator, Susan Collins was one of the guilty. She had sent me a letter a few days ago saying she was all for defunding ObummerCare. My other Senator is supposedly an independent, but has sided with Democrats on every issue so far. He says ObummerCare will be great for Mainers. I'll be lambasting them both for sure. If you see that one or more of your Senators is on the list, please take the time to do the same. Call and let them know that their treacherous trickery hasn't fooled you in the least.

              Alexander TN (202) 224-4944
              Ayotte NH (202) 224-3324
              Barrasso WY (202) 224-6441
              Blunt MO (202) 224-5721
              Boozman AR (202) 224-4843
              Burr NC (202) 224-3154
              Chambliss GA (202) 224-3521
              Chiesa NJ (202) 224-3224
              Coats IN (202) 224-5623
              Coburn OK (202) 224-5754
              Cochran MS (202) 224-5054
              Collins ME (202) 224-2523
              Corker TN (202) 224-3344
              Cornyn TX (202) 224-2934
              Graham SC (202) 224-5972
              Hoeven ND (202) 224-2551
              Isakson GA (202) 224-3643
              Johanns NE (202) 224-4224
              Johnson WI (202) 224-5323
              Kirk IL (202) 224-2854
              McCain AZ (202) 224-2235
              McConnell KY (202) 224-2541
              Murkowski AK (202) 224-6665
              Thune SD (202) 224-2321
              Wicker MS (202) 224-6253
              Last edited by rickoff; 09-27-2013, 11:53 PM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Old trick, nothing new

                One of the weaknesses in our system, the Congress. Firstly, as a GENERAL view, constituents don't really keep track of their representatives voting records. And, the Rep.'s have many ways of manipulating the system; proposing legislation the KNOW won't pass, and then saying 'Hey, it wasn't MY fault!', VOTING for legislation they know won't pass, writing 'comprehensive' legisltion, and sneaking all sorts of things into it, 'adding' amendments tht have NOTHING to do with the 'body' of the legislation, and the list goes on.
                And then of coarse, there's 'spin'; reality doesn't matter, only how you can 'spin' it. How is it that 'those damn tea party Repubs are willing to risk the 'full faith and credit' (what a joke THAT is) of the U.S. government, to de-fund O'bummercare, but the Dems aren't 'risking' the same, to preserve it??

                And yet THAT is how its being spun! I suspect either they will do yet another continueing resolution, or compromise on delaying the individual requirement mandate, which I think 'most' Americans would go for. I think they should trash the whole thing, of coarse, but i'm saying I think thats the minimum the 'tea partiers' should be willing to go along with.

                As you pointed out earlier, Rick, the (Moodies, was it) Bond rating agency made it clear, it was the budget by continueing resolution, continueing to extend the credit rating, and the 'uncertainty' cause by having a fiscal house very much OUT-of-Order, which cause the downgrade, but the Repubs took the blame.

                I figure the only chhoice 'we' have, when seeing what goes on in D.C.; either get 'mad as hell', like 5150, or LAUGH at it. I spent 10+ years carrying around a lot of anger, and it nearly killed me, eating me up, inside. So, now, I tend to try to laugh at the clowns, as there is really nothing I can do, to effect what THEY are doing. Yes, McCain's a 'sell-out', but Cruise is just running for Pres., in 2016. Jim


                • Obamacare / Social Medicine

                  Ultimately the young generation in america holds the purse strings.
                  If everyone under 35 refuses to pay for something they likely wont need, government run healthcare will collapse under its own weight.

                  I'm young, I've never had any illness, I have no allergies and maybe get a cold once every other Year.
                  I refuse to pay for health insurance when my health is not at risk.
                  According to that logic, I should buy flood insurance for my house that has never had a flood, nor will it anytime soon.

                  You insure something that is at risk. Anyone under 35 has a highly unlikely risk of major sickness.
                  Spread this message to everyone you know, if you do not want governement run medicine and you are under 35-40, do not buy into it.
                  We can force it to collapse and have real healthcare reform without the IRS being involved.

                  Everyone has always had access to healthcare, emergency rooms dont lock their doors. The idea that people have not had access to healthcare is a LIE.
                  Healthcare can be reformed and improved without Big Government taking over.
                  I think the young generation will be the final straw. The social medicine system depends on them not being sick to pay for the older people who are sick. If they dont pay, it will collapse.

                  Years ago, my father 50's didn't have health insurance and had unbearable pain in his jaw, we went to the emergency room, paid $75 for a doctors visit, got antibiotics and paid $300 to have a broken tooth pulled. That took care of the pain and got him back to good health.

                  Everyone has access to healthcare in America. It seems many people just want free healthcare.


                  • Quotable quote of the day...

                    “The House of Representatives cannot only refuse, but they alone can propose the supplies requisite for the support of the government.” - James Madison, explaining government funding in Federalist No. 58

                    Whenever a question arises as to how government should work, who is supposed to do what, and who has authority to do it, a good place to look is in the Federalist Papers, which were written by some of our most prominent Founding Fathers. These papers leave no doubt in mind as to what the Constitution, and the Founders, intended.

                    The House voted this morning to delay ObummerCare for a year, and to repeal its tax on medical devices. While a delay is better than nothing, the House should not have compromised on totally defunding ObummerCare. Even after compromising, we can be certain that Harry Reid will either reject the revised House bill or demand further compromise. Clearly the House had already made their proposal when they sent it to the Senate, and they also clearly had the right to refuse Dirty Harry Reid's amending of their bill to put Obummercare funding back in. So why not simply refuse to change their position, rather than compromising? When was the last time that Senate Democrats compromised on anything? It's all just a game, of course, and the final result will be what they all wanted in the first place.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • ?'s

                      With 26,000 pages, this 'Law' generates LOTS of questions. For instance, I have read in the media, that among those who are 'exempt' from the individual mandate, REQUIRING them to have health insurance, are those making very little income, (cause they aren't required to file for income tax, and so can't be penalised) and illegl aliens. Now, jDodson, up until now, hospital E.R.'s, by law, couldn't refuse to treat anyone who came in.
                      Even if they had no means to pay, the hospitals had to treat them. And, it has been said, that the expense of treating these peol,e with no means to pay was 'passed on' to those who COULD pay, and this was one of the major justifications for this law. BUT, if hospitals are still going to be required to treat everyone, regardless of ability to pay, WHATS going to happen; if a citizen shows up, I would assume the hospital will sign them up on medicaid, but what about any illegals? Won't the hospital continue to 'pass on' the 'cost' of treatment; The whole thing is a mess; it wasn't a 'good' system, before Un-affordable care Act, by any manner or means; the U.C.A. has just made a bad system worse.
                      Rick, from a tactics and P.R. point of view, i understand what the house repubs are doing; they KNEW good and well the first 'proposal' wouldn't pass; to de-fund O'bummer care, hey can say, (with this delay the individual mandate, and repeal the tax on medical devices) "Hey, WE'RE not the ones 'shutting down' the Gov't.; we are 'willing' to compromise, its O'bummer and the Dems who are taking an absolutist position, and refusing to compromise!" Its logical, unfortunately the media spinners and the American people aren't.
                      Repubs are known for wanting smaller gov't, Dems for wanting bigger. So, (at least conventional wisdom goes), any gov't shutdown will be presumed to be the 'fault' of repubs, and most sheeple won't follow or even care what the details are.

                      Overall, this whole question of healthcare, and healthcare insurance is just one of a long list of 'problems' WE, collectively, have created for ourselves, where there are NO practical, do-able solutions. And every time we try (generally thru the Gov't) to 'solve' one of these problems, we simply create several additional problems.

                      Note I say "do-able'; its all well and good to say "Well, we should just do THIS, problem solved!", but if 'this' is undoable, politically, or just generally something people aren't going to accept, then its un-doable, and so suggesting it is meaningless.

                      For my part, I have no interest or desire in being a recipient of healthcare; my Dad died because Dr.'s 'failed' to recognise a medical condition, despite the fact is is slow developing, and he had all the 'clssic' signs. My wife is permanently disabled, cause she took a medication which was subsequently removed from the market, my brother-in-law died, from having a 'rare but life-threatening' reaction to taking statins, and the list goes on,....I simply believe Dr.'s will either MAKE you sick, or KEEP you sick, and as for hospitals; they will KILL you. Its not a 'RELIGIOUS' belief, per se, but I MAY join the 'Christian Scientists', in order to get a religious exemption. Wonder exactly what one needs to do, to qualify for religious exemption?

                      When I die, I want to die at home, in my own bed, NOT in a hospital ICU, and its pussling to me that most people would choose otherwise. Jim


                      • How Does a Death in the House Affect Price?

                        Take the JonBenet Ramsey house in Boulder, Colorado.
                        This was the notorious home where the 6-year-old blonde model, whose photo was splashed across newspapers in 1996,
                        had been strangled and bludgeoned; her dead body left lying in the basement for hours.
                        Die in House - Did the Seller Die in the House



                        • Where There's a Whip, There's a Way

                          Where there's a whip, there's a way.
                          Where there's a whip, there's a way.
                          Where there's a whip...

                          We don't wanna go to war today
                          But the Lord of the Lash says: "nay, nay, nay!"
                          We're gonna march all day, all day, all day!
                          Where there's a whip there's a way!

                          Where there's a whip, there's a way!
                          Left, right, left, right
                          The crack on the back says we're gonna fight
                          We're gonna march all day and night and more
                          For we are the slaves of the Dark Lord's war.

                          Where there's a whip, there's a way!
                          We don't wanna go to war today!

                          We don't wanna go to war today
                          But the Lord of the Lash says: "nay, nay, nay!"
                          We're gonna march all day, all day, all day!
                          Where there's a whip there's a way!
                          Left, right, left right!

                          Where there's a whip there's a way, full version - YouTube



                          • Oh, come on!

                            When the death is a MURDER, and particularly a NOTORIOUS murder, with lots of news coverage, yeah. But when someone dies 'peacefully, in their sleep', of 'old age' I doubt the new owner knows, or even cares.
                            Besides, this is just another aspect or reflection of this insidious idea that lead to the 2008 'crash'. USED to be, you bought a house on a 30 year fixed interest mortgage; the idea was you were 'investing' in it, as a way of 'saving' for your retirement; by the time your kids were grown, and you were too old to work, the house was 'paid off', and so all you needed to pay was the property tax. And yes, after you die, your kids can either move into it or sell it.
                            Then, with the 'new economy' we developed this idea of 'trading up', and 'house-flipping'; weren't 'neighborhoods' anymore, residents were similar to apartment dwellers; why bother to 'get to know' your neighbors, cause they'll probaly move soon, or you will.
                            And of coarse, HOA's, cause God forbid my neighbor should be working on THEIR car, in THEIR driveway; it might possibly lower the 'value' of MY property!
                            Anyway, Washington, Jefferson and Adams all died in their own beds, if its good enough for them, its good enough for me!

                            Dr.s either MAKE you sick, or KEEP you sick, and hospitals will kill you! So why should i want insurance, to pay for services I have NO intention of ever using?? Jim


                            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              When the death is a MURDER, and particularly a NOTORIOUS murder, with lots of news coverage, yeah. But when someone dies 'peacefully, in their sleep', of 'old age' I doubt the new owner knows, or even cares.
                              A material fact is that which might influence a buyer's decision to purchase property or negatively impact the buyer's decision.
                              It might also alter the price and terms a buyer is willing to pay.
                              All material facts should be disclosed to a buyer.

                              Material Fact - What is a Material Fact and Why Do Home Sellers Need to Disclose Material Facts?



                              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                USED to be, you bought a house on a 30 year fixed interest mortgage; the idea was you were 'investing' in it, as a way of 'saving' for your retirement; by the time your kids were grown, and you were too old to work, the house was 'paid off', and so all you needed to pay was the property tax.
                                Yes, when we "old timers" took out the mortgages that are now paid off, we figured we'd be on easy street at retirement time, having to only pay the real estate taxes. Problem is, though, that those taxes have gone up exponentially, and to the point where the annual tax payment now amounts to more than what our mortgage payment was! Here are a couple of examples:
                                1. I bought a home and 50 acre parcel for $16,000 in 1987, with a down payment of $6,000. The mortgage payment was about $95 a month on a 15 year mortgage. The annual real estate taxes were also about $95 at that time. The taxes on that property are now about $1,500 annually, which is more than our annual mortgage payments.
                                2. When my grandparents died in 1987, my mom took over the cottage which they owned on a lake in eastern Maine. There was no mortgage, as the property was already fully paid for. As a matter of fact, there was never a mortgage, because my grandfather had purchased the property in 1915 for a very low price, and built the cottage, using low cost materials, himself with the help of some friends. In 1915, the real estate taxes were a relatively new idea, and I'm sure amounted to only a few dollars. When my mom took over the property in 1987, taxes were just $50 per year, which seemed a reasonable increase from what was paid in 1915. But now that my mom died, and I took over the property, the taxes are $1,050 annually! Think about that. The increase from 1915 to 1987, a 72 year period, was less than $50, while the increase from 1987 to 2013, a 26 year period, is $1,000! That is an astounding increase of 20 times what the tax was in 1987. That's robbery, pure and simple. At that rate, it won't be many years from now that I would have to either sell my cottage, or take out a loan in order to make the tax payments on it. Crazy, huh? Of course it is all part of the PTB plan to confiscate private property, since they know full well that at some point in the near future we will not be able to pay the taxes, and will not likely be able to find a buyer who is willing or able to pay them either.

                                Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                Dr.s either MAKE you sick, or KEEP you sick, and hospitals will kill you! So why should I want insurance, to pay for services I have NO intention of ever using?? Jim
                                Exactly, Jim. You would simply be paying for those uninformed people who DO want to make frequent trips to Dr offices and hospitals for a multitude of maladies, many of which are imagined, and for real maladies that were brought on by their chosen lifestyle (junk food, drug use, smoking, drinking, obesity, lack of exercise, etc.). Why should any of us, who do our best to take care of our health, be forced to pay the bill for those who won't bother? It's outrageous!
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

