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The American Ruling Class

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  • 117 RINO Republicans

    Today 117 RINO Republican traitors (30 in the Senate, and 87 in the House of Representatives) voted to both keep Obamacare intact and raise the Debt Ceiling. Go here to see who these traitors were.

    As fully expected, the end result was not even a compromise. Barry and Dirty Harry were given everything they wanted by the RINO's who sold us out. These traitors put on a show, hoping to gain the admiration and support of grassroots conservatives, by voting to defund ObummerCare, but like Senator John McCain they all were determined that the TEA Party caucus effort to defund ObummerCare and hold the line on a debt ceiling increase would fail. Boehner, the head House RINO, was heard saying "We fought the good fight. We just didn't win." Bull****! If all Republicans in the Senate and House had stood firm, they would have won. Caving in is not standing on principle and fighting. Every one of these traitors who is up for reelection in 2014 must be booted out of office and replaced by principled men and women.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Its frustrating to see republicans cave in...
      I dont know what the numbers are...but heres the question: Are conservatives the minority?
      Did the system work exactly as it should? Did the majority get what they wanted?
      Obama was re-elected while touting Obamacare.

      9 Trillion has been borrowed in 10 years. The country should be unified in outrage.
      Instead a large percentage of people are only angry at republicans who want the budget reduced.

      Are the majority already dependent on big government?
      Is that why republicans caved, are they afraid of not being re-elected by the majority?


      • One of the things

        that bothers me, is the argument "Obama was re-elected while touting Obamacare." Its part of the litany of arguments made, to say Obummercare is 'the law of the land, so just get over it! There were many reasons for NOT voting for Romoney, and one of them was that even his adamant supporters had to have real doubts as to his intantions, regarding Obummercare; he was, after all, the 'father' of this bastard child, and all he said was that "on day one, he would do what he could to abolish it.
        If, instead of an Presidential election, we had had a national vote, straight up or down, on whether to have O'bummercare or not, in Nov. of 2012, does anyone think it would have passed?
        So, I wish people would stop using the National results of a Presidentil election, as an indication of Obummercares 'legitimacy'. Romoney was the worst possible candidate to put up against Obummer, (from the Republican and conservative point of view), and the best, from o'bummers. Most voters were not thinking about o'bummercare, when they went into the voting booth!Jim


        • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
          Are the majority already dependent on big government? Is that why republicans caved, are they afraid of not being re-elected by the majority?
          I can assure you that all 117 Republicans who caved will now have a lot more to worry about when the 2014 elections roll around than they would have if they had stood firm. They didn't vote as they did because of worrying about voter backlash. They voted that way because that was the establishment Republican plan all along. They wanted to make it look, to real conservatives, like they supported the effort to defund ObummerCare and stop the debt ceiling from being raised, but their final vote exposed them for the traitors that they are.

          Take just one of these traitors, for example. I had written letters to Republicans who looked like they might be prepared to cave, urging them to stand firm, and one of these was Illinois Representative Rodney Davis. Here's what Davis wrote to me in reply:

          Dear Richard,
          I want to thank good conservatives like you for standing by me during this difficult time in Washington, D.C. The refusal of Democrats in the Senate and the President to negotiate has put our nation in an unfortunate position. I am deeply concerned about the effects that Obamacare will have on your healthcare as well as my own.

          I am also uncomfortable with programs like Obamacare that will increase our nation's debt. It is irresponsible to burden our future generations with misguided policies that do not consider our long-term obligations. Please be assured that as we move forward I will continue to keep your thoughts in mind.
          Rodney Davis

          Here's what I wrote back to Davis after his cowardly vote:
          "When I read the letter that you sent me I felt reassured that you would stand on principle and see this fight through, but now I see that you, along with 86 other House Republicans, abandoned your stand and sided with Democrats to not only fund ObamaCare, but to also raise the debt limit and essentially give Barry a blank check for continued wasteful spending above sequester levels. There was no need to cave in, or even to compromise, if you and the other 86 House Republican traitors had stood firm. I, and all other true conservatives, find your vote to be insulting to our intelligence, especially after what you said in your letter. You were correct in stating that, "It is irresponsible to burden our future generations with misguided policies that do not consider our long-term obligations," and yet you are now counted among those who acted irresponsibly. There is no excuse you can now make that will be acceptable to us, and we will do our best to ensure that you are booted out of office in 2014 and replaced by someone who will stand on principle."
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Well the dog and pony show is over at least for the moment but will probably be replayed in a couple months or so.
            However did anyone really expect a different outcome from this perfectly choreographed script? The republicans on queue jumped up, screamed and shouted, offered numerous revisions and amendments while the democrats rejected it all and offered nothing in return.

            Meanwhile the real PTB through their control media claimed that it was the republicans who were not willing to compromise and it was they who were the sole reason for the government shut down. In reality both republicans and democrats got exactly what they wanted, no change in the current system. However it made good theater for the unwashed masses.

            Of course lurking into the background is an economic and banking meltdown, naturally we are not supposed to be aware or even concerned about such a thing. Just ignore that it is just now being reported the national debt increased by 400 billion in the one day since the government began borrowing again, this shatters all previous records by a factor of almost 2 times.

            analysts say China, whose Communist leaders are due to hold a key policy meeting next month, may step up a push for global acceptance of its currency, the yuan or renminbi, as an alternative to the U.S. dollar in international trade.
            But don’t worry go back to your TV sports & video games the PTB have plans to take good care of us, real good care.


            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
              ... it is just now being reported the national debt increased by 400 billion in the one day since the government began borrowing again, this shatters all previous records by a factor of almost 2 times.
              Remember Barry saying that raising the debt limit "won't add a dime" to the national debt? “It does not increase our debt,” Barry said. “It does not grow our deficits. All it does is allow the Treasury Department to pay for what Congress has already spent.”

              Some of what Barry said is a half-truth, since raising the debt limit certainly in and of itself does not constitute a higher national debt. What increases the debt is the fact that Congress always wants to spend whatever additional amount is included in the raise of the debt ceiling, right up to its limit, and to spend that amount as quickly as possible.

              The part where Barry stated a bold-faced lie was in claiming that it was necessary to raise the debt ceiling so that Congress could pay for what it had already spent. That statement is totally false, and totally illogical as well, for the reason that since Congress was already restrained from spending more than the debt ceiling allowed, they couldn't possibly have rung up a bill that we would need additional funds to pay for. That's the whole idea of a debt limit - once you reach that limit you cannot go beyond it.

              Holding the line and preventing a debt ceiling increase would not have caused a default on already promised payments, as Barry has often suggested. That would be impossible unless the funds allocated to spending programs had already exceeded the debt limit.

              It's amazing that so many people can listen to Barry's flip-flopping and lies, and eat it up as though it is sensible gospel truth.

              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • From the Washington Times:

                Usually Congress sets a borrowing limit, or debt ceiling, that caps the total amount the government can be in the red.

                But under the terms of this week’s deal, Congress set a deadline instead of a dollar cap. That means debt will rise by as much as the government spends between now and the Feb. 7 deadline.
                Hello! I guess just raising the borrowing limit was not enough. They need just gave themselves a blank check!


                • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                  I guess just raising the borrowing limit was not enough. They just gave themselves a blank check!
                  That's correct, MS. They didn't raise the debt limit, they removed it until the next scheduled "debt crisis," which is set for February 7, 2014. There's no restraint, and no limits during that time, on what Barry and Congressional traitors can spend on wasteful and unnecessary pork projects. And get this - the debt limit as of February 7 will be slated at whatever the actual debt is as of that date! That's why Congress will race to pile on as much debt as possible so that by Feb 7th it will be at a figure that they will feel comfortable with holding at for an extended period of time if they can't get the support for further raise.

                  By the way, at the same time that Barry's administration cut off funding to cancer research at the National Institute of Health (NIH), and closed down all National Parks because both of these items were considered "non-essential services," the administration sent a $445,000,000 check to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) - on the first day of the "shutdown!" They of course did not want to see one of their main propaganda assets go without the funds needed to continue that propaganda campaign.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Heres a funny clip which shows how local news all read from the same script.
                    The "media" is nothing more than the mouthpiece of the propaganda machine.

                    Media Reacts: Yeah, Baby Edition - YouTube


                    • A couple of points;

                      I believe the 'deal' they struck doesn't negate the 'sequester'; it is STLILL in effect. Oh so I've been given to understand.

                      Think about this; IF the Gov't doesn't get its act together, real soon, with this sign-up website, the IRS will be fining people for failing to get health insurance, when they COULDN'T get it, because the system was out of order.

                      Unless Obama 'agrees' to delay the individual mandate for say,....1 year. Which is exactly the 'deal' submitted by House 'tes party' repubs, which if he had taken it, would have avoided the whole 'shutdown' mess. This isn't over yet,by any mannner or means.

                      A lot of this (Shutdown, and Tea Party 'strategy') has been 'spearheaded' by the Heritage foundation. I saw a Fox interview of the CEO of Heritage, and he was saying exactly what I've been thinking; Republican party as the 'party of Reagan'; Populist, limited Gov't., individual responsibility.

                      And, he said (and I agree), if THAT is the Republican party, and the Dems are pushing the Woodrow Wilson all inclusive and in our lives Gov't., the Repubs will win.

                      Anyway, this is just round 1, in the o'bummmercare fight, and there is a lot farther to go, till its over! Ain't no 'fat lady singing', yet. Even IF they get the major problems in the website, etc. worked out by Dec. 15, which is highly doubtful, there is the whole question of are they going to persuade several million 'young, healthy' people to do something which is not inherently in their best interest? If not, the program spirals; the premiums for everyone who does sign up will go up, and up, and up. Its a clusterf*ck, and its only going to get worse. And as each new revelation occurs, (just wait until it comes out the website has been 'hacked' and millions of peoples personal info is 'out there'!) those who have remained firmly against this monstrosity wil be able to say "I TOLD you! Jim


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        Anyway, this is just round 1, in the o'bummmercare fight, and there is a lot farther to go, till its over! Ain't no 'fat lady singing', yet.
                        Obamacare Summed Up in One Sentence - YouTube



                        • WELCOME TO THE 21ST CENTURY!
                          *Our Phones ~ Wireless
                          *Cooking ~ Fireless
                          *Cars ~ Keyless
                          *Food ~ Fatless
                          *Tires ~ Tubeless
                          *Dress ~ Sleeveless
                          *Youth ~ Jobless
                          *Leaders ~ Shameless
                          *Relationships ~ Meaningless
                          *Attitude ~ Careless
                          *Babies ~ Fatherless
                          *Feelings ~ Heartless
                          *Education ~ Valueless
                          *Children ~ Mannerless

                          Everything is becoming LESS
                          but still our hopes are ~ Endless.
                          In fact we are ~ Speechless
                          And Congress is –CLUELESS.
                          And our President is –WORTHLESS!!

                          Pretty well sums it all up. WELCOME TO THE 21ST CENTURY!



                          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            I believe the 'deal' they struck doesn't negate the 'sequester'; it is STLILL in effect. Oh so I've been given to understand.
                            Partially correct. The sequester is only temporarily suspended, and is set to go back into effect February 7, 2014 unless the congressional bozos reach a deal before then, which they probably will. Thing is, since the debt limit will be slated to whatever the debt happens to be on February 7th, this won't have any adverse effect on Barry and Dirty Harry's spending plans. These creeps are going to pile on enough debt to make certain of that.

                            Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            Think about this; IF the Gov't doesn't get its act together, real soon, with this sign-up website, the IRS will be fining people for failing to get health insurance, when they COULDN'T get it, because the system was out of order.
                            They'll have rotten luck trying to pull that off.

                            Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            Unless Obama 'agrees' to delay the individual mandate for say,....1 year. Which is exactly the 'deal' submitted by House 'tea party' repubs, which if he had taken it, would have avoided the whole 'shutdown' mess. This isn't over yet,by any manner or means.
                            Nope, the TEA Party Republicans did not submit that idea. They have stood firm all along on totally defunding ObummerCare with absolutely no compromising, while funding all the rest of government. It was establishment Republicans like Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Boehner, etc., that submitted all the various compromise plans, which none of the TEA Party Republicans voted for. As I said earlier, Republicans could have won on defunding ObummerCare and stopping a debt increase if they had all simply stood together and refused to budge. Their tactic should have been to increase their demands each time Dirty Harry rejected a proposal, rather than to cave in further and further by offering compromises. Their increased demands could have been to include defunding other unconstitutional programs of wasteful spending in addition to ObummerCare. As the demands increase each time Dirty Harry rejects an offer, Dirty Harry would come to the conclusion that it would be better to accept the proposal which has the least number of demands - in other words, the original one to defund ObummerCare.

                            Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            there is the whole question of are they going to persuade several million 'young, healthy' people to do something which is not inherently in their best interest?
                            The young and healthy, as well as the young and sickly, aren't going to worry at all (as long as they are not over 26) because they will remain under their parents' coverage under ObummerCare. Granted, though, healthy folks ages 27 through 47 or so won't like having to sign up unless they are folks living off welfare. This age group is comprised mostly of people who have been working, though, and getting employer health plans which have saved them considerable expense. Those who think they are going to get a good bargain under ObummerCare are in for quite a surprise. The “bronze” plan, which has the least expensive monthly premiums, only covers about 60% of your projected health care costs and has the most expensive annual deductibles – as high as or higher than $6,350 for you and $12,700 for your family. Talk about “sticker shock!”
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • I don't know if any of you caught the interview of Ted Cruz done by CNN's Dana Bash and shown this morning, bu if you missed it you can still see it at this link on YouTube. Dana (pronounced Danna) Bash is about as pro-Barry as you can get, and every question she asked Ted was designed to either get him to badmouth the Republican party, defend himself against establishment Republican attacks, or answer charges from Democrats blaming him and the TEA party caucus for shutting down the government. Ted handled these questions superbly, and never stumbled. He said what he wanted to say, and what needed to be said, and totally owned Dana Bash and the conversation. In one of his answers Cruz said, "What we're trying to do is really change the way that Washington operates. The reason people are so frustrated is because career politicians, in both parties, they aren't listening to you. And even more than that, the American people have the sense, for good reason, the system is rigged." When Cruz talked about how bad ObummerCare really is, Bash asked if Republicans shouldn't just let it play out, asking if it wouldn't help the Republican cause if it really is so bad. To that, Cruz said, "I profoundly disagree with that message. Number one, I consider that theory the bad Samaritan view - basically, inflict a lot of harm on the American people and hope that we benefit from it. What a terrible, cynical approach! I'm not interested in seeing the American people suffer just because my party might benefit politically if they blame the Democrats for the foolish policies that have been imposed." Freeze the playback at 15:32, just after Cruz says this, and notice the look on Bash's face. She knows full well that she lost control of this interview from the start, and didn't score any of the points she had hoped to make.

                              I like Cruz, because he stands on principle and tells it like it is, saying the same things I believe. You won't see him reading from a teleprompter, or interjecting any "er's" or "uh's" as Barry frequently does. Mike Lee is an excellent speaker too, and the two of these men would make a red hot ticket for a TEA Party presidential ticket. Some will suggest that these two are just playing the people to advance their political aspirations, but I don't accept that view. I say keep your eyes on the potential candidates whom the media, and the career politicians of both parties, criticize the most, as those will be the ones most deserving of your vote in 2016. If the GOP wants to win in 2016 they would do well to get behind Cruz and Lee. That's because establishment Republican voters will vote for whoever is on the Republican ticket, including Cruz and Lee, while TEA Party supporters, independents, constitutionalists, and libertarians probably won't unless people like Cruz and Lee are on the ballot. Without the support of these groups in 2016, the Republican party doesn't stand a chance of gaining ground, or even holding what they now have.
                              Last edited by rickoff; 10-21-2013, 01:24 AM.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                ..... snip .....

                                Think about this; IF the Gov't doesn't get its act together, real soon, with this sign-up website, the IRS will be fining people for failing to get health insurance, when they COULDN'T get it, because the system was out of order.

                                What if ..... everyone said they were Amish or another exempt religion ??? Even if they weren't ???

                                How could the government prove and enforce a unknown personal belief ???
                                Open Source Experimentalist
                                Open Source Research and Development

