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  • In regards to my previous comment in post #4893 regarding what Vince Bugliosi had said about frames 312 and 313 in the Zapruder film of the JFK assassination, here's the lowdown:

    Vice pointed out that Zapruder frame 313, which is the point at which it appears that Kennedy has received the "kill shot" to his head, shows that his head has initially moved forward from its position in frame 312, and he implies that this clearly shows that the kill shot was fired from behind. In frame 312, Kennedy has already been shot through the throat, and is leaning close to Jackie, who appears to be loosening JFK's tie and shirt in order to assess the throat wound. Below, I have arranged frames 312 and 313 in such a way that they can be directly compared, and have drawn several alignment lines through both frames:

    Note that I have labeled the lines A through G. Since the frame counter always remains in a stable position throughout the film, I used this as a reference point to align the two frames using line E. Now look at frame 312 and you will see that line B is directly against the back of Kennedy's head, but in frame 313 his head has moved slightly forward while at the same time it appears that he has suffered a massive blowout wound at the front of his face. The most far reaching blowout area would seem to be the upper right area of his forehead, although his entire face appears to be erupting, from his forehead to his chin. Strange, isn't it? Strange too that Jackie's face and hair was not doused in blood from this violent outburst. Or was this, in fact, a false depiction? In other words, is this an altered film? Let's see what we can see.

    First, notice that frame 312 is in relatively good focus, but frame 313 is not nearly as clear. If Kennedy is in fact moving suddenly forward then we
    might conclude that he probably would be blurred somewhat, but what about Jackie? Note that her right elbow remains aligned with line A, and that her hat and left shoulder appear to remain aligned with lines D and C, respectively. So why is Jackie now a complete blur? And why is the top of the seat back blurred? For that matter, considerably more important is the fact that the shape of the back and upper rear portions of Kennedy's head are not maintained in this slight forward move. Has he in fact moved forward at all, or is this simply what viewers are led to believe? If one analyzes the film frame-by-frame it becomes quite apparent that at each point in the film where something of significance seems to have happened, the corresponding frame is either blurred or defaced by multiple defects.

    The original Zapruder film was shot in color at about 18 frames per second, and thus only 5.5/100ths of a second has elapsed from frame 312 to frame 313. That's hardly enough time for lighting conditions to have changed, and the blur in 313 can not reasonably be assumed to have been an instantaneous hand movement reaction by Mr Zapruder to the kill shot. So the question then becomes, what is really going on?

    First of all, the Zapruder film has been reproduced in many different forms over the years, in an effort to supposedly enhance the viewing experience. The frames above were taken from the latest "high definition" YouTube video. We can also find what is said to be the unenhanced, unaltered, and "undamaged" version of the film, but it is a sure bet that even that version cannot be trusted as being an accurate depiction of the assassination. Researchers have proven that the so-called Zapruder film is not the original one that Zapruder filmed with his camera, but instead is a manufactured fiction. A Zapruder film symposium was held at the University of Minnesota in May of 2003, and several film experts pointed out in great detail why the Zapruder film that we have been shown is a hoax. A series of 10 minute videos made at the symposium has been posted at YouTube by John Costas to inform people as to the specifics of the hoax. As Costas himself points out, a series of frames is missing near the beginning, and Zapruder stated that he never stopped filming once he had started. Also, Costas points out that as the limo proceeds down the street, before the neck shot is fired, the people standing on the left sidewalk are motionless! And the background images beyond the limo's left side have been altered to change the reality of the situation.

    Two persons who say that they actually viewed the Zapruder film, uncut and as originally filmed (but at different times), both say that the limo actually came to a full stop for about two seconds, and that it was at this time that two shots hit Kennedy in the head. One of these men is Rich DellaRosa and the other is French journalist William Reymond. Reymond is also interviewed by Jim Marrs in this video. According to DellaRosa, he saw the unaltered film at a university before the first public airing on TV, which was during the Geraldo Rivera Show in 1975. When DellaRosa saw the Rivera show film, he immediately recognized that what was being shown on TV was entirely different from what he had seen earlier. It is unknown where the copy shown at the university came from, or what later became of it. Zapruder had asked the film processor to make 3 copies of the original, and to sign an affidavit stating that no further copies were to be made at that time, but that of course does not rule out the possibility that the duplication employee did make an extra copy or two. The temptation to do so would have been practically irresistible. The copy which Reymond saw is said to have been shown to him by a French intelligence officer, and was copied from a film said to have been purchased directly from Zapruder, on the day of the assassination, by Texas billionaire oilman Howard L Hunt. Zapruder said that he gave two of the first generation copies to Forrest Sorrels of the Secret Service on November 22nd, and one of these was sent to the FBI in Washington the next day while the other found its way to the CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) the evening of the assassination day. The NPIC was a state of the art photograpic facility which had processing machines that other facilities only dreamed of in 1963, and could easily have produced the altered version of the Zapruder film within a few hours. It is said that Zapruder retained the original film plus one first gen copy, though Zapruder may well have had additional first generation copies made of the original afterwards and sold some of these. One copy was handed to Life Magazine's Dick Stolley on November 23, and that was given back to the Zapruder family in the 1970's. That one is said to have been extensively damaged when the Life technicians destroyed several frames. Life had paid Zapruder $150,000 for rights to use the images, and had published black and white frame images in one of their magazine issues. There is no way that Zapruder would have parted with the original film, and obviously he would also have retained a backup first gen copy, and the ARRB report indicated that the Zapruder family did possess an extra copy.

    In summary, we can safely say that the Zapruder film shown to the public in 1975 on the Rivera show was a manufactured hoax, and that all other films and videos made from that altered version cannot be trusted either. While the reworked Zapruder film is no doubt the most well know one taken on the day of the assassination, there were in fact several others taken that day, as well as many relevant still photos. Since all of these were considered "official assassination records," they were of course handled and examined by the FBI and CIA at some point soon after being filmed. It is notable that the ones of most importance have missing or damaged frames at the major intervals of interest. That's too strange to be mere coincidence.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Howdy all,

      How many out there are avid outdoor sportsman ?? Many of you like to go fishing ?? I'm sure there are some of you that does some type of small or large game hunting.

      Are you all ready to use "rocks" with a hole in them for fishing weights ?? Anyone out there have any ideas what to use as a replacement for that "lead" in your ammo for that gun of yours ?? How about batteries, construction materials, medical radiation protection, airport and school security scanners, military radiation protection are just a few other common uses for the metal.

      Well that fishing pole or firearm you have may just be a relic now because of the new EPA regulations from the Obama Administration and it's clean air, water and "Gun Grab" legislation.

      EPA Shutting Down Last-standing U.S. Primary Lead Smelter

      Last US Primary Lead Smelter closing due to EPA

      The import of lead to the United States if even allowed may also have restrictions attached, it appears that everything in the Obama Democratic "play book" does without exception ......

      Open Source Experimentalist
      Open Source Research and Development


      • Where is the humor in this?

        [IMG]In case you didn't think Congress was funny, they stuck a provision into Obamacare that specifies that humor can be used in a marketing campaign about preventive care. How much was allocated to be spent? Only $500 million. My guess is that someone's laughing all the way to the bank.[/IMG]

        See more here- 12 Shocking Truths About Obamacare (AET, ALXN, UNH)

        @ fuzzy, Thanks for the links. I had a feeling that lead might be as good as gold I have been stocking up for some time. Bullet & sinker casts have gone sky high, they don't want you to make your own.

        Regards, Gene


        • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
          Well that fishing pole or firearm you have may just be a relic now because of the new EPA regulations from the Obama Administration and it's clean air, water and "Gun Grab" legislation.

          EPA Shutting Down Last-standing U.S. Primary Lead Smelter
          Bang Bang -My Baby Shot Me Down- Nancy Sinatra 1966 - YouTube



          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            Yesterday, in Washington DC, a notable rally took place in Lafayette Park, across from the White House. Larry Klayman, a former Reagan Justice Department lawyer, organized the event with the help of the Reclaim America Now coalition, which is composed of about three-dozen conservative groups, including 2 Million Bikers to D.C., Jihad Watch, Freedom Watch, Gun Owners of America, Accuracy in Media, Tea Party Patriots and the Western Center for Journalism.
            Three Stages of Islam

            Jihad Three Stages - YouTube



            • As I'm sure that you are probably already aware, Harry Reid used the so-called "nuclear option" in the Senate yesterday to change Senate rules to eliminate the use of the filibuster by the opposition minority party. Previously, when a senator invoked a filibuster to oppose a proposal made by the majority party, it required 60 votes in favor of the proposal for the proposal to pass. With yesterday's rule change, all that is required now is a simple majority vote of 51. Because of this rule change, Senate Republicans might as well go home and stay there because their votes no longer count for anything. In other words, we no longer have a Republic, where the voice of the minority counted for something. We now live in a Democracy in which everything is decided by a simple majority vote. If any proposed law or presidential appointment is really good for the People, and thus our nation, then surely it should carry far more than just 51% of the senators who are voting on it. The absurdity of this rule change should be obvious and repugnant to anyone with brain matter between their ears. What's more, this absurdity was obvious even to Barry and Dirty Harry Reid as recently as 2005, when they said the following:

              Barry said, "The American people want less partisanship in this town, but everyone in this chamber knows that if the majority chooses to end the filibuster - if they choose to change the rules and put an end to democratic debate - then the fighting and the bitterness and the gridlock will only get worse."

              Dirty Harry said, "The threat to change Senate rules is a raw abuse of power and will destroy the very checks and balances our founding fathers put in place to prevent absolute power by any one branch of government."

              Just eight years later, their stated views have completely reversed, and the hypocrisy is blatant. To justify this reversal, they claim that because of gridlock it has now become "necessary" to invoke this rule change because nothing was getting accomplished. Of course that is just another lame excuse which they hope the American People will accept while they move forward at full speed and totally unobstructed in the Senate in their agenda to destroy our nation.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                Just eight years later, their stated views have completely reversed, and the hypocrisy is blatant.
                Published on Oct 25, 2013

                We look at how the United States uses drones in war, and their impact, through the eyes of one of the first U.S. drone operators to speak out. Former U.S. Air Force pilot Brandon Bryant served as a sensor operator for the Predator program from 2007 to 2011, manning the camera on the unmanned aerial vehicles that carried out attacks overseas.

                A Drone Warrior's Torment: Ex-Air Force Pilot Brandon Bryant on His Trauma From Remote Killing - YouTube



                • Here is an article listing 10 different groups in which any one of them would have been happy to see JFK’s death. But when combined he became a walking dead man.

                  Who killed JFK? And why did they do it? | Alternative News & Commentary

                  And in today’s news:
                  The DOW tops 16000! Oh wowie, gee-whiz our corporations are now back to making money again. I guess that means the recession is over and their factories can restart making their widgets and other doodads. Of course they must also be hiring bunches of workers so they can keep up with this new demand for their products. Everyone that needs a job will now be able to find one. With all these companies making record profits surely the country is on the eve of a new beginning.

                  Unless I might have missed something.


                  • For anyone who still is undecided when it comes to the single bullet theory (aka "magic bullet theory), or who firmly believes in it, here is absolute proof that it could not possibly have happened that way.

                    Go to, which displays the Zapruder film frame by frame. Look at frame 162 and you see Kennedy sitting all the way to the right side of the back seat with his arm resting on the car. From this point through frame 193 he is waving to people on the sidewalk. If you look at 193 you will notice he is still sitting in the same position, and that Connally (who is seated just in front of him) is also looking towards the people on the sidewalk. Notice also the backside of a sign and signpost at the lower right corner of the image. That's the Stemmons Freeway sign, which signals the point at which Kennedy is first struck. I think it actually occurs at 197, because if you view that point the image is terrible. In other words, something happens at that point which they don't want you to see. Pausing again at 201, you can see that Kennedy is now moved away from the side of the car, indicating that the shot has struck him. He then goes out of sight, but emerges from behind the sign at 226 and his arms begin to react and reach toward his throat. While some people believe that this is the moment Kennedy is struck, keep in mind that you have to account for reaction time, which is slow in comparison to the frame count progression of 18 frames per second. So he has definitely been hit while the car passes behind the sign, and sooner rather than later in that progression. By 228, Connally had completed a turn to be facing directly forward, and Kennedy's hands are moving closer to his throat. Connally has not been struck yet, and probably has not yet heard the shot that struck Kennedy. That's because sound travels much slower than a speeding bullet. In 230, Connally can be seen holding his hat in his right hand, which he wouldn't be doing if his wrist had already been shattered by a bullet emerging from his chest. Connally seems to hear the shot after facing forwards, and starts to turn around, at about 232. I would say that Connally appears to have been struck around 242, and at 244 his facial expression seems to indicate he is wincing from pain. Connally said that he turned because he heard a shot - not because he was hit, so he hadn't been hit yet when he began the turn. Notice in 244 that he's still holding the hat in his hand! As he continues to turn towards Kennedy, he says, 'My God, they're going to kill us all!" But notice that Connally is still holding the hat, which doesn't go out of view until 280. Around 288 Connally starts to turn away from Kennedy and leans back toward his wife Nellie, and I think this is where he has taken the hit to his wrist and thigh, just 8 frames (or 44/100ths) of a second after he sets the hat down on his lap. This is 91 frames (or 5 seconds) after Kennedy was first hit! No possible way that the bullet which first hit Kennedy also caused the 5 wounds to Connally (back entry, chest exit, wrist entry, wrist exit, and thigh entry from which the bullet later fell out onto his stretcher at the hospital).
                    Most people who view the Zapruder film never realize these things, and focus on frame 313, which purports to show the fatal headshot. To me, it looks at 313 as though the mass of blood has been painted in on the film, as it extends from the top of forehead to his chin - not what you'd expect to see from an exit wound at the top right side of the head.

                    There is nothing in the film to show an exit of blood, skull, and brain matter from the back of the head, but around 14 doctors and nurses at Parkland all said they witnessed a massive blowout wound at the back of the head.

                    As to who may have killed Kennedy, there are a lot of people who had more motive than Oswald. The vast majority of witnesses stated that after the first shot there was a long pause, and then two or more shots fired in rapid sequence about the time of the fatal shot. Someone shooting from the Book Depository could have gotten off the first shot, and perhaps the second one after the long pause, but not a third one in rapid succession to the 2nd. There was definitely more than one shooter involved, and it was a closely coordinated attack. At least two mafia hit men were identified as being in Dallas that day, and the CIA had routinely been using Mafia hit men in attempts to assassinate heads of other nations, such as in Cuba and in South America. The CIA desperately wanted Kennedy out of the way, as he had rejected their plan to execute Operation Northwoods (a 9-11 like scenario). Kennedy had also fired Allen Dulles, the CIA director. J Edgar Hoover hated the Kennedys, and although Bobby was his boss, as Attorney General, Hoover had a direct line phone to Bobby's office removed the day after President Kennedy was shot. The same day Oswald was killed, Hoover had called LBJ's presidential adviser Walter Jenkins, and had said to him, “The thing I am concerned about, and so is Mr. Katzenbach [assistant Attorney General], is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.” See the House Select Committe on Assasinations (HSCA) report, HSCA Appendix to Hearings, volume XI, page 3 (indented paragraph) for confirmation about Hoover's statement. Hoover was known to make frequent and expensive trips to a hotel resort owned by a wealthy Texas oilman, where other oilmen, LBJ, and organized crime figures also visited frequently. They all despised Kennedy. Johnson's mistress of 21 years, Madeleine Duncan Brown, told an interviewer in 2002 of a meeting at which LBJ, Hoover, Mafia kingpins, wealthy Texas oilmen, judges, and even Jack Ruby, all had met the day before the assassination at the home of Clint Murchison, another business tycoon with close links to the Genovese Mafia. When LBJ emerged from the meeting he told her that "After tomorrow those SOB's [the Kennedys] will never embarrass me again. That's not a threat - it's a promise!" Madeleine died not long after that interview, and naturally the men still living who were mentioned by her made her out to be a crackpot and denied attending such a meeting. You can read about this and see a video of the interview here. Further confirmation of LBJ's involvement came from E. Howard Hunt, the 27 year CIA operative who did time for his role in the Watergate scandal. He admitted to his son that he and other well known CIA agents had been involved in the JFK assassination plot. Hunt made audio and video tapes about this shortly before he died, and many of these can still be found on the Internet.

                    As to how many shooters there were, and who the actual shooters were, my research indicates that 5 or more professional hit men were involved. They wanted to leave no possibility open that JFK would escape being killed. Each hit man was strategically located to have the best possible opportunity for a kill shot, but only the ones who had a clear shot open to them would have fired. There has actually been an admission by a Chicago mobster hit man, James Earl Files, that he and two other associates, John Roselli and Charles Nicoletti, were three of the snipers involved in the JFK assassination. Files says that it was his shot, from a Remington Fireball which struck Kennedy in the temple just a split second after Kennedy was hit from behind by Nicoletti. You can see the video of his confession here. And here's a photo of the gun Files used:

                    Note that this is a single shot weapon, which is all that would be needed for a well aligned kill shot, and that it would have been easily concealed under a coat. After shooting from the grassy knoll area, Files could have simply mixed with the crowd scurrying up and over the knoll and simply walked away.

                    See another photo of his weapon, and read more about him here.

                    So that's where the best evidence points - to a conspiracy which included LBJ, the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and some very wealthy Texans who had all sorts of connections in Dallas (like Jack Ruby) which could help them set up Oswald as the patsy who would take the blame. In other words, all the people and organizations which had the most to gain from Kennedy being out of the way.

                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Well stated Rick. Yet the MSM wouldn’t even consider talking about any of this. My local paper for instance asked readers to submit letters saying what they were doing the day he was shot. In other words do not question the facts instead tell us what you were doing and felt that day.


                      • "the turkey shoot"

                        "The Umbrella System: Prelude to an Assassination", by Richard E. Sprague and Robert Cutler



                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          For anyone who still is undecided when it comes to the single bullet theory (aka "magic bullet theory), or who firmly believes in it, here is absolute proof that it could not possibly have happened that way.

                          Go to, which displays the Zapruder film frame by frame. Look at frame 162 and you see Kennedy sitting all the way to the right side of the back seat with his arm resting on the car. From this point through frame 193 he is waving to people on the sidewalk. If you look at 193 you will notice he is still sitting in the same position, and that Connally (who is seated just in front of him) is also looking towards the people on the sidewalk. Notice also the backside of a sign and signpost at the lower right corner of the image. That's the Stemmons Freeway sign, which signals the point at which Kennedy is first struck. I think it actually occurs at 197, because if you view that point the image is terrible. In other words, something happens at that point which they don't want you to see. Pausing again at 201, you can see that Kennedy is now moved away from the side of the car, indicating that the shot has struck him. He then goes out of sight, but emerges from behind the sign at 226 and his arms begin to react and reach toward his throat. While some people believe that this is the moment Kennedy is struck, keep in mind that you have to account for reaction time, which is slow in comparison to the frame count progression of 18 frames per second. So he has definitely been hit while the car passes behind the sign, and sooner rather than later in that progression. By 228, Connally had completed a turn to be facing directly forward, and Kennedy's hands are moving closer to his throat. Connally has not been struck yet, and probably has not yet heard the shot that struck Kennedy. That's because sound travels much slower than a speeding bullet. In 230, Connally can be seen holding his hat in his right hand, which he wouldn't be doing if his wrist had already been shattered by a bullet emerging from his chest. Connally seems to hear the shot after facing forwards, and starts to turn around, at about 232. I would say that Connally appears to have been struck around 242, and at 244 his facial expression seems to indicate he is wincing from pain. Connally said that he turned because he heard a shot - not because he was hit, so he hadn't been hit yet when he began the turn. Notice in 244 that he's still holding the hat in his hand! As he continues to turn towards Kennedy, he says, 'My God, they're going to kill us all!" But notice that Connally is still holding the hat, which doesn't go out of view until 280. Around 288 Connally starts to turn away from Kennedy and leans back toward his wife Nellie, and I think this is where he has taken the hit to his wrist and thigh, just 8 frames (or 44/100ths) of a second after he sets the hat down on his lap. This is 91 frames (or 5 seconds) after Kennedy was first hit! No possible way that the bullet which first hit Kennedy also caused the 5 wounds to Connally (back entry, chest exit, wrist entry, wrist exit, and thigh entry from which the bullet later fell out onto his stretcher at the hospital).
                          Most people who view the Zapruder film never realize these things, and focus on frame 313, which purports to show the fatal headshot. To me, it looks at 313 as though the mass of blood has been painted in on the film, as it extends from the top of forehead to his chin - not what you'd expect to see from an exit wound at the top right side of the head.

                          There is nothing in the film to show an exit of blood, skull, and brain matter from the back of the head, but around 14 doctors and nurses at Parkland all said they witnessed a massive blowout wound at the back of the head.

                          As to who may have killed Kennedy, there are a lot of people who had more motive than Oswald. The vast majority of witnesses stated that after the first shot there was a long pause, and then two or more shots fired in rapid sequence about the time of the fatal shot. Someone shooting from the Book Depository could have gotten off the first shot, and perhaps the second one after the long pause, but not a third one in rapid succession to the 2nd. There was definitely more than one shooter involved, and it was a closely coordinated attack. At least two mafia hit men were identified as being in Dallas that day, and the CIA had routinely been using Mafia hit men in attempts to assassinate heads of other nations, such as in Cuba and in South America. The CIA desperately wanted Kennedy out of the way, as he had rejected their plan to execute Operation Northwoods (a 9-11 like scenario). Kennedy had also fired Allen Dulles, the CIA director. J Edgar Hoover hated the Kennedys, and although Bobby was his boss, as Attorney General, Hoover had a direct line phone to Bobby's office removed the day after President Kennedy was shot. The same day Oswald was killed, Hoover had called LBJ's presidential adviser Walter Jenkins, and had said to him, “The thing I am concerned about, and so is Mr. Katzenbach [assistant Attorney General], is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.” See the House Select Committe on Assasinations (HSCA) report, HSCA Appendix to Hearings, volume XI, page 3 (indented paragraph) for confirmation about Hoover's statement. Hoover was known to make frequent and expensive trips to a hotel resort owned by a wealthy Texas oilman, where other oilmen, LBJ, and organized crime figures also visited frequently. They all despised Kennedy. Johnson's mistress of 21 years, Madeleine Duncan Brown, told an interviewer in 2002 of a meeting at which LBJ, Hoover, Mafia kingpins, wealthy Texas oilmen, judges, and even Jack Ruby, all had met the day before the assassination at the home of Clint Murchison, another business tycoon with close links to the Genovese Mafia. When LBJ emerged from the meeting he told her that "After tomorrow those SOB's [the Kennedys] will never embarrass me again. That's not a threat - it's a promise!" Madeleine died not long after that interview, and naturally the men still living who were mentioned by her made her out to be a crackpot and denied attending such a meeting. You can read about this and see a video of the interview here. Further confirmation of LBJ's involvement came from E. Howard Hunt, the 27 year CIA operative who did time for his role in the Watergate scandal. He admitted to his son that he and other well known CIA agents had been involved in the JFK assassination plot. Hunt made audio and video tapes about this shortly before he died, and many of these can still be found on the Internet.

                          As to how many shooters there were, and who the actual shooters were, my research indicates that 5 or more professional hit men were involved. They wanted to leave no possibility open that JFK would escape being killed. Each hit man was strategically located to have the best possible opportunity for a kill shot, but only the ones who had a clear shot open to them would have fired. There has actually been an admission by a Chicago mobster hit man, James Earl Files, that he and two other associates, John Roselli and Charles Nicoletti, were three of the snipers involved in the JFK assassination. Files says that it was his shot, from a Remington Fireball which struck Kennedy in the temple just a split second after Kennedy was hit from behind by Nicoletti. You can see the video of his confession here. And here's a photo of the gun Files used:

                          Note that this is a single shot weapon, which is all that would be needed for a well aligned kill shot, and that it would have been easily concealed under a coat. After shooting from the grassy knoll area, Files could have simply mixed with the crowd scurrying up and over the knoll and simply walked away.

                          See another photo of his weapon, and read more about him here.

                          So that's where the best evidence points - to a conspiracy which included LBJ, the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and some very wealthy Texans who had all sorts of connections in Dallas (like Jack Ruby) which could help them set up Oswald as the patsy who would take the blame. In other words, all the people and organizations which had the most to gain from Kennedy being out of the way.

                          That REMINGTON FIREBALL XP-100, is more like a "pistol griped short barreled
                          rifle without a butt", effective range from 200 to 300 meters. Perfect, a
                          properly designed .221 cartridge for the job and Bingo, could reload it in
                          seconds anyway if you were ready. Kinda looks like a "Match" class target
                          pistol made "sporty" or "hunty". I would call it a sawn-off Hyper velocity
                          hunting rifle. Melon popper.

                          A .223 is 5.56 mm I think isn't it ? If so what is a .221 in mm. Maybe I'm
                          confused, the numbers don't seem to add up.

                          Mr Files, story is interesting, rang my bell, when I read about him some time
                          ago. Still it's just a name. If he's admitting it he should be interrogated if he's still alive.


                          P.S. Does anyone know what the caliber of all the other rifles allegedly used were ?

                          A 6.5 Mauser, depending on the ammunition could be devastating or leave a
                          neat hole, "depending on what it hit on the way through and the ammo".

                          Last edited by Farmhand; 11-24-2013, 08:15 PM.


                          • The real meaning of thanksgiving.

                            Ah it is almost thanksgiving, that very special time of the year in which we get to put our priorities in order. When one is given a day to sit back, relax and carefully prepare and reflect on the up coming month of Christmas shopping. We are to use this time to meticulously consider on how to get the most out of our Christmas shopping. Should I buy now or wait for the ever popular after Christmas sales. Obviously we need to use this special time prudently and only consider those things that are truly important.


                            • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                              That REMINGTON FIREBALL XP-100, is more like a "pistol griped short barreled
                              rifle without a butt", effective range from 200 to 300 meters. Perfect, a
                              properly designed .221 cartridge for the job and Bingo, could reload it in
                              seconds anyway if you were ready. Kinda looks like a "Match" class target
                              pistol made "sporty" or "hunty". I would call it a sawn-off Hyper velocity
                              hunting rifle. Melon popper.

                              A .223 is 5.56 mm I think isn't it ? If so what is a .221 in mm. Maybe I'm
                              confused, the numbers don't seem to add up.

                              Mr Files, story is interesting, rang my bell, when I read about him some time ago. Still it's just a name. If he's admitting it he should be interrogated if he's still alive.

                              P.S. Does anyone know what the caliber of all the other rifles allegedly used were?

                              A 6.5 Mauser, depending on the ammunition could be devastating or leave a neat hole, "depending on what it hit on the way through and the ammo".
                              Hi Farmhand,

                              When the Fireball Xp-100 was first introduced in 1963, it was introduced as a .222, which is the caliber that James Files used. As a professional hit man I wouldn't be at all surprised if he made up his own loads. Incidentally, you can still find die sets for this gun, for this purpose, at eBay, though most are for the .221 version. A thin jacketed round is very destructive, and varmint hunters use these. Examples of commercially available 50 grain rounds of this type are the Nosler Expander, Hornady Super Explosive, Sierra Blitz, and Speer TNT.

                              Here's what one gun expert says about the Fireball:
                              "I found the .222 version to be quite manageable with one hand, having no more recoil than my .44 magnum, and in a 2 handed combat stance it can thread a needle at 150 yards. Up to those ranges, the Fireball would by a perfect choice for an assassination weapon if portability and concealability were at issue." - John Ritchson (SSGT. 499th TC USATC HG US Army Class of 69) (GunSmith/Ballistician,Black Eagle Gun Works) (Survivor, SE Asian Games, 11BRAVO7,Tet 1970)

                              Files is alive and doing time at the Stateville Correctional Center in Crest Hill, Illinois. Incidentally, aside from the two other shooters which he named, he also said in a 1994 interview that another man who worked for the agency (CIA) was the one who shot and killed officer Tippit. That person, Gary Eugene Marlow, was a longtime friend of Files. Files explained that this man's job was actually to meet and kill Oswald because Oswald knew too much about Files, having spent several days with him. Both Files and Oswald were under directives of the same CIA handler, David Atlee Phillips. You can read what Files told the interviewer here.

                              Files never named Marlow, who died in 2007, and that's because they were best of friends. They had grown up together, and Marlow had been best man at Files' wedding. That info came later from Marlow's wife, and that story can be found here.

                              Files has told all that he knows, and of course the FBI says that they "don't find his story credible." Of course not! If they admitted it was credible then that implicates the FBI, the CIA, the Mafia, and some bigwig political figures, and their connections, in the assassination. I myself find Files' story to be extremely credible. He and the other shooters were the top hit men in the country at that time, and they all had worked on CIA sponsored assassinations. Any story in which these guys didn't take part in Kennedy's assassination is to me the story that is incredible.

                              As you may have guessed, not only is Marlow dead, but so are the other two assassins which Files had named. John Roselli died in 1976. Roselli's decomposing body was found in a 55-gallon steel fuel drum floating in Dumfoundling Bay near Miami. Roselli had been strangled and shot, and his legs were sawn off! He had been ordered to testify before the Church Committee about his involvement as a hit man hired by the CIA to kill Castro in Operation Mongoose, and the Church Committee also wanted to know what he knew about the JFK murder plot. The other Kennedy shooter, Charles Nicoletti, died in 1977 from three .38 caliber slugs to the back of his head. He was due to appear before the House Select Committee on Assassinations at the time he died. Coincidence? I don't think so! Marlow, Roselli, Nicoletti, and Files were all Chicago mob hit men who worked contracts given to them by Sam Giancana. Giancana was the go-to guy which the CIA used whenever they wanted someone offed. As you may have guessed, yup, Giancana was also killed by multiple gunshot wounds (before Roselli), and shortly before he was also scheduled to appear before the Church Committee, which was investigating CIA involvement in hiring mobsters to perform assassinations. Strange, isn't it, how these guys are all whacked just before they are scheduled to testify.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

