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The American Ruling Class

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  • Another one of those things,

    which aren't and don't require 'rocket science'. I recall, WHEN it happened, the reporters saying that a lot of the people in Dealy plaza reported smelling gunpowder.
    I don't believe, if the only gunpowder going off came from the 3 shots supposedly fired by Oswald, that people down on the ground, i,e, 6 floors below Oswald, would have smelled gunpowder.
    Like the Jackie going BACK to get pieces of Jack, it doesn't require a lot of analyses, its just obvious.

    I can only wonder how different the story would be, if everyone had had cell phones, like we have now. Pictures/videos from 50 different angles, instead of 1 grainy 8mm film.
    Given how ubiquitous cell phones are, and peoples tendency to film the President, any future attempt on the President as part of a conspiracy like this will have to take that into account. Jim


    • Cleaners' Cannons

      Originally posted by frisco kid View Post

      50 cal taking on goats!must see - YouTube



      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        I recall, WHEN it [JFK assassination] happened, the reporters saying that a lot of the people in Dealey plaza reported smelling gunpowder. I don't believe, if the only gunpowder going off came from the 3 shots supposedly fired by Oswald, that people down on the ground, i,e, 6 floors below Oswald, would have smelled gunpowder.
        Yes, there were witnesses at ground level who smelled gunsmoke, and several witnesses who saw gunsmoke at the grassy knoll. Those who smelled gunsmoke may have smelled it because of Secret Service agents shooting towards where they believed the kill shots were fired from, or could have smelled gunsmoke carried from the grassy knoll into the street by a wind which was blowing towards the street (towards the east). Those who saw gunsmoke emanating from the picket fence area of the grassy knoll can only have seen that for just one possible reason - that a gun was fired at that location, which just happens to be the location James files said that he fired the kill shot from.

        Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        I can only wonder how different the story would be, if everyone had had cell phones, like we have now. Pictures/videos from 50 different angles, instead of 1 grainy 8mm film.
        Given how ubiquitous cell phones are, and peoples tendency to film the President, any future attempt on the President as part of a conspiracy like this will have to take that into account. Jim
        Actually, there were several people who shot video filmstrips of the events that day from different angles, including Alyea, Bell, Bronson, Couch, Daniel, Dorman, Jeffries, Hughes, Martin, Muchmore, Nix, Pashcall, Towner, Wegman, and Zapruder. It is very revealing that certain frames from corresponding time intervals in nearly all of these films were somehow "accidentally" missing or damaged. Like you say, though, there would be so many people capturing video and still shots nowadays with higher resolution cameras that engineering such "accidents" would be virtually impossible, and those planning a presidential assassination would have a much tougher task. Perhaps the best opportunity would be in using a remote controlled drone strike with a drone carrying C4 explosive. It wouldn't be the type of drone that the US military uses, of course, but rather a miniature one such as the unit linked below. This is a four motor one which can be programmed from a computer to fly to specific gps coordinates, or can be used with an onboard video camera that can transmit video to the computer in real time. It would be nearly impossible to stop an assassin armed with one of these equipped with the video camera and some C4 strapped on. It is quiet because it uses electric motors, will fly 10 to 15 minutes on just 4 AA batteries, the small handheld remote works at a distance of up to 1,000 meters, flies at up to 10 meters per second, descends straight down at 6 meters per second, and hovers to a programmed gps coordinate accuracy of less than 1 meter. These units are expensive, but amazing. I saw one of these a couple of months ago when talking to a realtor at his office. He says that he uses his to take aerial videos of houses, and that it has been a great selling tool to prospective customers.
        DJI | Phantom Features

        With something like this available, there would be no need for those plotting an assassination to require multiple hit men or guns of any kind, and the perpetrator could carry out the mission undetected and from a considerable distance, thus negating the need for an escape plan. These units are sold to the public, so you can imagine the even more heightened sophistication of what would be available for use by the CIA.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Al, who is that fella pictured in post #4983? He looks just like Barry!
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            Al, who is that fella pictured in post #4983? He looks just like Barry!
            You have to ask "frisco kid" or someone @
            The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll - Page 4 - Defending The Truth Political Forum

            Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            Those who smelled gunsmoke may have smelled it because of Secret Service agents shooting towards where they believed the kill shots were fired from, or could have smelled gunsmoke carried from the grassy knoll into the street by a wind which was blowing towards the street (towards the east).
            A cleaner may also be an assassin, as murder might be required to "clean" up a situation.
            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
            Conclusions regarding the Kennedy assassination
            On the Kennedy assassination, the HSCA concluded in its 1979 report that:

            2.Scientific acoustical evidence establishes a high probability that at least two gunmen fired at the President.

            3.The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.

            The Committee further concluded that it was probable that: four shots were fired

            United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            ..., there would be so many people capturing video and still shots nowadays with higher resolution cameras that engineering such "accidents" would be virtually impossible, and those planning a presidential assassination would have a much tougher task.

            Last edited by aljhoa; 12-26-2013, 05:34 PM.


            • Beyonce Honors 911
              Beyonce - I Was Here (Lyrics) - YouTube

              Views of the Public Enemy
              Professor Griff Drops Knowledge on Obama & the Illuminati Agenda {Part 1} - YouTube



              • Below are results from a combined Judicial Watch/Breitbart poll as released last week. The poll was conducted by the polling company Woman Trend. The results are quite telling, and give additional insight on topics we have discussed here. I would say that the results show that more and more people are awakening to the realization that politics as usual is not what we need, and that some big changes in the way that things are done in Washington need to happen.
                • GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: The vast majority of Americans (77%) are "very" (52%) or "somewhat" (25%) concerned about the issue of government corruption in Washington. Only 20% express little or no concern. Concerns about government corruption are reflected among tri-partisan majorities of Democrats (68% high level of concern), Independents (75%) and Republicans (88%).
                • GOVERNMENT'S ABILITY TO SELF-POLICE CORRUPTION: A 52% majority of Americans think the government is actually doing a worse job at policing corruption in Washington DC in the past five years, while just 18% think the government is doing better. An equal number of Democrats say corruption has worsened (33%) as say it has improved (33%) during their party's control of the White House.
                • VOTER FRAUD: Three-quarters (75%) of adults recognize voter fraud as a problem in the United States, including 36% who believe it is a "major" problem and 39% who think it is a minor problem. The percentage of adults who consider it a problem remains at above 70% among males and females; whites, blacks, and Hispanics; and all age brackets from 18 to over 65. Only 15% think voter fraud is not a problem.
                • GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY: When campaigning for the presidency in 2008, Barack Obama promised to have the most transparent government in history. Yet, a 41%-plurality of Americans now believe the federal government is actually "less transparent" since Obama became president. Four-out-of-five adults (80%) do not recognize any improvement during President Obama's tenure, compared with just 16% who say it is "more transparent."
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • A 'telling' poll,

                  Thanks for that, Rick. Corruption is an endemic problem, with ALL forms of Gov't. It, as much as anything is what brought down the Soviet form of Gov't.

                  Its long been quoted "Democracy is the WORST form of Gov't., except for all the others", or something to that effect. I am seriously beginning to doubt the sentiment.

                  Democracy, as envisioned by the founders, depended on the people, to be the final 'check' on Gov't. power and corruption. Free press to expose corruption, and the voting booth to enforce. But that depends on an electorate that is informed and involved, and there are just too many 'things' for MOST people to focus on and keep track of, while trying to lead their 'daily lives'.

                  Coach to high school football player; "Are you apethetic or STUPID?!!" Player: I don't know and I don't care! Thats the average voter, unfortunately.

                  Actually, what do we have, only about 50% of people even bother to vote? And far less people vote for municipal and state elections, compared with 'National" elections. Very few parents actually regularly attend school board meetings, etc.

                  So, I don't think democracy actually IS any better than other forms of gov't. We've been deluding ourselves, and now the inherent weaknesses of Representative Democracy and the 'Free market' economic system are beginning to show. But what 'new' form of gov't is there, to replace it? We've tried monarchies, communism/socialism, and Democracy. And, in economic systems, we've tried gov't controlled and 'free market'. Actually, what the U.S. has been doing for years is a combination of SOME Gov't 'controls' on prices, while 'allowing' others to be uncontrolled. After all, in a truly 'free' market, you wouldn't have minimum wage, or farm subsidies, etc.

                  So, if we have exhausted all forms of gov't. and found them wanting, and eaqually vulnerable to corruption, then whats left but to question the very idea of gov't at all? Anarchy is the one thing we haven't 'tried', and yet all but a few are against that. So, we are stuck.

                  Sometimes, there are insoluble problems; there just isn't ANY solution.Jim


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    So, if we have exhausted all forms of gov't. and found them wanting, and eaqually vulnerable to corruption, then whats left but to question the very idea of gov't at all? Anarchy is the one thing we haven't 'tried', and yet all but a few are against that. So, we are stuck.

                    Sometimes, there are insoluble problems; there just isn't ANY solution.Jim
                    "Freemen on the land" are a loose group of people who claim that all statute law is contractual, and that such law is applicable only if an individual consents to be governed by it. They believe that they can therefore declare themselves independent of government jurisdiction, holding that the only "true" law is common law, as they define it. The "Freeman on the land" movement has its origins in various United States-based groups in the 1970s and 1980s, reaching Ireland and the United Kingdom soon after 2000. The FBI considers "sovereign citizen extremists" to be part of a domestic terrorist movement.[1]

                    Freemen on the land - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                    • Certainly

                      the 'Freemen on the land' are right, at least to a degree. But, its an 'all or nothing' proposition. IF, and for most its a big if, you want to totally divorce yourself from society, THEN you can simply refuse, by actionsa or words, to be a party to the contract.
                      But, can't work for anyone else, (lack of SS#), etc. To totallt 'divorce' yourself would be difficult, and look at raising your kids NO public school, No innoculations, NO SS#, Homebirth, etc. It CAN be done, but the Gov't can rest easy, as it is unlikely this movement will ever garner enough memebers to be any threat, or viable alternative.
                      And of coarse, if you reject all govenrment then you reject any authority recognising you as the ownber of the property. So, I am sympathetic with the idea, but don't see it as being deemed by most to be practical. Jim


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        And of coarse, if you reject all govenrment then you reject any authority recognising you as the ownber of the property.
                        The economic concept of private property refers to the rights owners have to the exclusive use and disposal of a physical object. Property is not a table, a chair, or an acre of land. It is the bundle of rights which the owner is entitled to employ those objects. The alternative (collectivist) view is that private property consists merely of a legal deed to an object with the use and disposal of the object subject to the whims and mercies of the state. Under this latter view, the state retains ownership and may at any time regulate or even repossess the property it temporarily cedes to individuals.

                        The Founding Fathers upheld the economic view of property. They believed that private property ownership, as defined under common law, pre-existed government. The state and federal governments were the mere contractual agents of the people, not sovereign lords over them. All rights, not specifically delegated to the government, remained with the people–including the common-law provisions of private property. Consequently, the constitutional rights regarding free speech, freedom of religion, the right of assembly, and private property rights are all claims that individuals may hold and exercise against the government itself. In brief, private property refers to the rights of owners to use their possessions which are enforceable against all nonowners–even the government.

                        Read more: Private Property and Government Under the Constitution : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education



                        • Interesting post, Al

                          Makes it clear while the Founding Fathers took this view, we have gradually transitioned to a more 'collectivist' view, as a nation. O'bummercare, recent decisions regarding 'emminent domain', etc. are some obvious examples.

                          Really, no one 'owns' anything, you would have to be immortal; we're only using our 'stuff' for awhile, (until we die). It would be nice if we could all have a more 'caretaker' attitude towards our possesions, land or otherwise, unfortunately it ain't so.
                          Many H/G societies DID have this attitude, particularly towards the land; it seems a H/G lifestyle tends to encourage this kind of attitude, whereas a 'civilised' lifestyle tends to discourage such an attitude. Jim


                          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            Democracy, as envisioned by the founders, depended on the people, to be the final 'check' on Gov't. power and corruption. Free press to expose corruption, and the voting booth to enforce.
                            Actually, Jim, the Founding Fathers never intended for our form of government to be a Democracy. That's why they gave us a Republic instead. In a Democracy, if a simple majority decide that all of the people with an opposing viewpoint to the majority should be rounded up and placed into detention centers, then that's the way it goes. In other words, the non-majority have no say in the matter and no means of blocking such an action. Benjamin Franklin gives us the correct understanding of Democracy in his statement that, "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." By giving us a Republic, and a Constitution which clearly stated the rights and liberties of the People and their states, while limiting the power of the federal government, the Founders gave us a wonderful thing.

                            To assure that each state in the Union would have an equal say, regardless of how many people resided in those states, each and every state was allowed to have only two senators. Thus, even though California has a population of about 27 million people, it has no more say in the Senate than Rhode Island, which has a population of slightly more than a million people. So the Senate was clearly set up to protect the minority rights of the states and their inhabitants while the House was set up to represent the majority power of the People by apportioning the number of Representatives to each state according to their populations. Thus the House can propose legislation based upon the desires of a majority, but the Senate can effectively oppose and kill onerous legislation even if the vast majority of the People are 'for' it. And of course the President can veto bad legislative decisions even if both houses have voted for it.

                            The problems we see with our current "government" all stem from the fact that our true form of government ceased to exist after the 17th Amendment fraudulently came into being. When that happened, the states and their inhabitants effectively lost their proper Senate representation. Previously, Senators were chosen by their state legislatures, but after the 17th Amendment the choice was through popular vote. What this unfortunately means for us is that the Ruling Class elite now chooses who the candidates shall be, and through a fraudulent election system is able to ensure the election outcome goes the way that they planned. Thus the Senate is now chiefly comprised of Senators who are merely Ruling Class puppets and willing to give a rubber stamp of approval to whatever Ruling Class agenda item appears on their table. There are but a handful of principled Senators, and most of them gained their seats through the efforts of TEA Party activists. Unfortunately, though, there aren't nearly enough principled Senators to bring about a halt to the Ruling Class agenda, and even after the 2014 and 2016 elections I doubt we will see a dramatic increase of TEA Party backed members of Congress, if we see any increase at all. The potential certainly exists, but the establishment Republican and Democrat parties will not allow such an outcome. Huge amounts will be spent by both major parties to boot out current TEA Party caucus members, and especially to oppose new TEA Party backed candidates in Primary elections. We will see a lot more of the shenanigans that the GOP used against Ron Paul in the primary elections, and at the GOP's national convention. We will also see the Democrat party running every sort of smear campaign tactic possible in their attempt to discredit TEA Party backed candidates as well as the TEA Party itself, and mainstream media making their best attempt to convince the public that TEA Party backed candidates are undesirables because their election would only lead to further gridlock with nothing being accomplished in Washington. And if for some reason the public doesn't fall for those ploys, all the Ruling Class needs to do is certify false election results. It all boils down to a reflection on a statement which is attributed to Stalin, which says that "It matters not who votes, but rather only matters how the votes are counted." There are several different variations of this which can be found on the Internet, but you get the general idea. All these variations closely paraphrase what Stalin actually said, which was "I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how." The advent of electronic voting and vote counting has opened a Pandora's Box of voting fraud possibilities which allow for election results to be arranged and manipulated either before, during, or after an election. And to keep the public believing that their votes actually count, the best possible "election result" is one in which the election is a close call in which either of the major candidates seemingly could have won.

                            Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            So, if we have exhausted all forms of government and found them wanting, and equally vulnerable to corruption, then whats left but to question the very idea of government at all? Anarchy is the one thing we haven't 'tried,' and yet all but a few are against that. So, we are stuck.

                            Sometimes, there are insoluble problems; there just isn't ANY solution.
                            Jim, there is nothing wrong with the form of government that the Founding Fathers gave us, nor with our Constitution. There is a solution, but it requires that common folk like us learn what the Constitution says, especially the first ten Amendments which form The Bill of Rights. It also requires that we hold town, city, state, and federal government officials and bureaucrats responsible when they fail to abide by the Constitution or the Common Law, which are the true laws of our Republic.
                            Last edited by rickoff; 12-31-2013, 08:45 PM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Rick

                              Of coarse, you are right in your description of how our Gov't. is supposed to work. And its true that many fail to understand that we are a republic, rather than a democracy, and why/what that means.

                              Still, in the end, our system,in order to work, requires THE PEOPLE to be the ultimate 'check' on Gov't. power. The very 'sheeple' that we all decry.

                              IF a 'solution' is impractical, politcally impossible, or simply ''undo-able', its no solution. And, unfortunately, I don't see THE PEOPLE insisting the 17th amendment be repealed; and if it 'ain't going to happen', then its NOT a 'solution', its a 'pipedream'.

                              And, it also gets back to corruption. There will always be those who will 'game' the system, for their own benefit, and they will constantly be trying to work or work-over the system. And, THEY have definetly 'worked over' the system, to their benefit. These same people, having 'worked over' the system to their advantage, will fight tooth and nail to RETAIN the staus quo that advantages them, against anything they see as a threat.

                              I agree, BOTH parties will fight hard to discredit the Tea party, and have already done much to do so. It will 'go down', just as perot's party was de-fanged, and end up as a minor foot-note.

                              And the PEOPLE will watch it happen. Most will believe the lies they are told, or be apethetic; either way, they will passively accept what is being done to them.

                              Happy New Year, everyone! Should be an interesting year! Jim

