White House now boasts that more than 10 million Americans have signed up for Obamacare- but only after Medicaid enrollees and PRISON INMATES are added
LMFAO! This is such spin and total lies it’s outright laughable. Their arguments that inmates in jail when discharged who don’t have an insurance plan are expected to have recidivism rate of 100% just by the fact they have no insurance plan. LMFAO
Could never be to the fact that discrimination, poor economy, drug addiction, mental problems or a whole host of other social and economical issues place inmates a huge disadvantage all of which having a medical insurance plan can fix.
Let’s look at the faulty thinking and the lie here. So these inmates leave prison and since they have no healthcare they want to return to prison to live where they are given free healthcare is the basis of this argument. Well under the ACA if they are destitute on the street they still qualify for the ACA with vouchers and other programs so they can get health care coverage, after all that was the entire point of the ACA so EVERYONE would be covered regardless of circumstance. So their argument is faulty and is basically scare tactics.
Like this article points out, “IF” the white house is now using prison populations for boosting th'e number of enrollee's then these are shallow enrollment numbers because although all those inmates might be signed up as a number, they’re in prison they are getting free healthcare and not paying for it. How can the ACA claim the enrollment numbers are leading to success? Again the tax payers are on the hook paying the inmates insurance plans until the day the ACA magically takes off and becomes self sufficient like in Obama’s wet dream of it working.
This will never happen and it’s clear they are reaching out to find enrollment numbers anywhere they can just to sell it as a success. They could enroll 100 million people and still proclaim a success but if all 100 million are not paying for the insurance how can it be successful?
White House boasts over 10 million Americans signed up for Obamacare | Mail Online
When someone gets discharged from the jail and they don’t have insurance and they don’t have a plan, we can pretty much set our watch to when we’re going see them again,’ Chicago’s Cook County Sheriff’s office spokesman Ben Breit told Bloomberg Businessweek.

LMFAO! This is such spin and total lies it’s outright laughable. Their arguments that inmates in jail when discharged who don’t have an insurance plan are expected to have recidivism rate of 100% just by the fact they have no insurance plan. LMFAO

Could never be to the fact that discrimination, poor economy, drug addiction, mental problems or a whole host of other social and economical issues place inmates a huge disadvantage all of which having a medical insurance plan can fix.
Let’s look at the faulty thinking and the lie here. So these inmates leave prison and since they have no healthcare they want to return to prison to live where they are given free healthcare is the basis of this argument. Well under the ACA if they are destitute on the street they still qualify for the ACA with vouchers and other programs so they can get health care coverage, after all that was the entire point of the ACA so EVERYONE would be covered regardless of circumstance. So their argument is faulty and is basically scare tactics.
Like this article points out, “IF” the white house is now using prison populations for boosting th'e number of enrollee's then these are shallow enrollment numbers because although all those inmates might be signed up as a number, they’re in prison they are getting free healthcare and not paying for it. How can the ACA claim the enrollment numbers are leading to success? Again the tax payers are on the hook paying the inmates insurance plans until the day the ACA magically takes off and becomes self sufficient like in Obama’s wet dream of it working.
This will never happen and it’s clear they are reaching out to find enrollment numbers anywhere they can just to sell it as a success. They could enroll 100 million people and still proclaim a success but if all 100 million are not paying for the insurance how can it be successful?
White House boasts over 10 million Americans signed up for Obamacare | Mail Online
Big day: President Obama talked about the new milestones for the Affordable Care Act in a speech held in the White House Rose Garden, but TV networks denied his request to have it televised
