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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    No offense but this is what you are brainwashed to believe. With this mind set our leaders could and will call you young guys to active duty and YOU will slaughter your own people using your previous excuses.

    Humans are your target as you have been instructed. Now like a big boy video game you can lock and load.

    Everything is under control just keep saying yes to the media machine.



    Let me assure you that I think for myself, and although I have fallen short at times in my decisions, I do take responsibility for both my thoughts and actions.

    You will never see me wear any uniform and go to war or fight for any government or country! Kissinger is rumored to have summed it up correctly,

    Henry Kissinger- “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

    And those who are to blind and stupid to see this will return home after serving their country to the rewards of being respected and treated with dignity such as all those men and women treated to the VA services, just expect to wait a few months for your appointment.

    However I agree with you there are many brainwashed people out there and that does scare me. They are so quick to “react” and have no capacity to think for themselves. These are the people you should fear just as much than those who are brainwashing them.
    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


    • Good to hear it

      Originally posted by 5150 View Post

      Let me assure you that I think for myself, and although I have fallen short at times in my decisions, I do take responsibility for both my thoughts and actions.

      You will never see me wear any uniform and go to war or fight for any government or country! Kissinger is rumored to have summed it up correctly,

      Henry Kissinger- “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

      And those who are to blind and stupid to see this will return home after serving their country to the rewards of being respected and treated with dignity such as all those men and women treated to the VA services, just expect to wait a few months for your appointment.

      However I agree with you there are many brainwashed people out there and that does scare me. They are so quick to “react” and have no capacity to think for themselves. These are the people you should fear just as much than those who are brainwashing them.
      Sounds good that you don't want to lock and load as a military man to get the job done that way, so how do you plan to cut out this humankind infectious bunch.

      Also do you have some sort of code or rule book based on anything that let's you pick and choose like a god who lives and who dies in your infinite wisdom.

      No offense but this attitude is sort of playing GOD isn't it?

      I mean after all we would need to spend way more time than this to decide who qualifies to live and who can't stay.

      In 10 years your views about everything will have changed and changed again in another 10, so what if your choices to do away with folks were wrong in each proceeding 10???

      The true is we are not wise enough to make THAT decision. However the mass media banks on young peoples need to be right and young folks tend to be high-minded and are easy to horn swoggle.

      True that many poor people seem like they are worthless but who is going to judge which ones are better than the rest based on how many should we keep?????????????????????

      See my problem??? What if we all just go along with the mass media that keeps telling us that humans are the problem and we must cut off a bunch of them??? Do you really think the people in charge will set up a good judging panel to do the right thing?

      Will these on the judgment board or panel be praying to God asking HIM if they are making the right selection as to who will be cast into the incinerator that day?

      So taking responsibility for cutting out the cancer based on who's rules?

      I gotta hear your reply about how you would select.



      • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
        Sounds good that you don't want to lock and load as a military man to get the job done that way, so how do you plan to cut out this humankind infectious bunch.

        Also do you have some sort of code or rule book based on anything that let's you pick and choose like a god who lives and who dies in your infinite wisdom.

        No offense but this attitude is sort of playing GOD isn't it?

        I mean after all we would need to spend way more time than this to decide who qualifies to live and who can't stay.

        In 10 years your views about everything will have changed and changed again in another 10, so what if your choices to do away with folks were wrong in each proceeding 10???

        The true is we are not wise enough to make THAT decision. However the mass media banks on young peoples need to be right and young folks tend to be high-minded and are easy to horn swoggle.

        True that many poor people seem like they are worthless but who is going to judge which ones are better than the rest based on how many should we keep?????????????????????

        See my problem??? What if we all just go along with the mass media that keeps telling us that humans are the problem and we must cut off a bunch of them??? Do you really think the people in charge will set up a good judging panel to do the right thing?

        Will these on the judgment board or panel be praying to God asking HIM if they are making the right selection as to who will be cast into the incinerator that day?

        So taking responsibility for cutting out the cancer based on who's rules?

        I gotta hear your reply about how you would select.

        An informed populace will naturally take care of all of the problems with which you are concerned. Never stop waking people up to the lies via factual evidence. They may lash out at you, but you are planting a seed to mature at a later date when their mental soil is ready. You cannot instantly change the direction of a large ship moving at full speed. The transition is slow but steady.



        • She wont make it

          Hillary Clinton

          We all know Hillary is going to make another attempt and run for president. Some will argue she feels entitled to the position or just feels she wants to be the woman who is the first Female president of the Free world, however she will not become the next president and here are a few reasons why.

          She is not sincere

          Hillary is very manipulative and cunning. Her every move is based on political moves and self advancement. She comes off cold and empty and in my opinion is the worst kind of entitlement mentality type, sponging her entire life off the taxpayer without any real return for our money spent.

          She is bitter and angry

          Her fake smile and claims of being an all around mother (and soon to be grandmother) she fails to pass the real litmus test of being congenial. She comes across as a bitter, angry, and frustrated woman who is simply smiling as she knows the cameras are always on her. In reality she is a ruthless, calculating, humiliated, scorned woman who feels she has paid her dues and now “Deserves” her reward for her patience and submission.

          No qualifications

          While she does posses the resume with the positions of First Lady, Senator, and even Secretary of State, it’s clear the position of Senator and Secretary of State were simply holding patterns for her overall objective and goals of bidding her time and gaining experience so she could possibly become president one day.

          However those positions like that of First Lady were just positions she took because there really wasn’t any other options. During those jobs it’s hard to define anything she accomplished other than filling her own resume. There is not one super achievement that stands out that defines her service to the People but it’s clear she has used those positions to server her own goals.
          While the American People are gullible to some extent they are not stupid and they have seen through Hillary’s manipulation and con game.

          Too connected to Obama

          Hillary’s biggest mistake in my opinion was that after she had it out with Obama during the first Obama election (She was literally at war with him) she lost the election only then to join his team. This goes back to not only having no other options and just trying staying current while working on her resume.

          What she failed to predict was that this move exposed her for the calculating and manipulating person she really is, as she will sleep with the enemy if it means she can benefit or get ahead.

          History will indicate that Obama was at the bottom of Presidents in regards of accomplishments right next to Carter, and Hillary’s name will be attached to that same administration.

          First Woman President

          Like Obama who was elected widely due to the fact America wanted to believe in a black man for president to help heal the divides, Hillary is going to push her presidency on the same concept but hers as the first Woman President to help show the world how progress the United States is. However America simply learned its lesson with Obama and many of the people who stood firm behind Obama are disillusioned to some extent. This will reveal itself as an unseen undercurrent that will raise its head and cut short Hillary’s chances of becoming president.

          Eric Cantor

          The recent defeat of Eric Cantor to a widely unknown candidate illustrates the people are standing up against the establishment and are not happy with the progressive agenda. I predict Hillary will also have her ass handed to her in any attempts she has to become the next president. America is simply finished at this time with unproven experiments simply due to some progressive agenda of voting for something politically correct as the First Black man or the first Woman president, and combined with her entrenched “establishment” record I think even Bill Clinton won’t be able to pull any magic rabbits out of his political hat to help her.

          I feel this is how many Americans now think regarding Hillary and while I don’t think there is currently another Democrat who can run with her connections or experience I feel the Democratic party has a better chance at winning if the run a person who is considered a “nobody” in terms of politics rather than taking a chance at losing with Hillary.

          As for the Republicans, they too are toast and I predict we will see another race where if it’s just between the two political parties we will see “none of the above” win the vote.
          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


          • Good to hear you say that.

            Originally posted by 5150 View Post
            Hillary Clinton

            We all know Hillary is going to make another attempt and run for president. Some will argue she feels entitled to the position or just feels she wants to be the woman who is the first Female president of the Free world, however she will not become the next president and here are a few reasons why.

            She is not sincere

            Hillary is very manipulative and cunning. Her every move is based on political moves and self advancement. She comes off cold and empty and in my opinion is the worst kind of entitlement mentality type, sponging her entire life off the taxpayer without any real return for our money spent.

            She is bitter and angry

            Her fake smile and claims of being an all around mother (and soon to be grandmother) she fails to pass the real litmus test of being congenial. She comes across as a bitter, angry, and frustrated woman who is simply smiling as she knows the cameras are always on her. In reality she is a ruthless, calculating, humiliated, scorned woman who feels she has paid her dues and now “Deserves” her reward for her patience and submission.

            No qualifications

            While she does posses the resume with the positions of First Lady, Senator, and even Secretary of State, it’s clear the position of Senator and Secretary of State were simply holding patterns for her overall objective and goals of bidding her time and gaining experience so she could possibly become president one day.

            However those positions like that of First Lady were just positions she took because there really wasn’t any other options. During those jobs it’s hard to define anything she accomplished other than filling her own resume. There is not one super achievement that stands out that defines her service to the People but it’s clear she has used those positions to server her own goals.
            While the American People are gullible to some extent they are not stupid and they have seen through Hillary’s manipulation and con game.

            Too connected to Obama

            Hillary’s biggest mistake in my opinion was that after she had it out with Obama during the first Obama election (She was literally at war with him) she lost the election only then to join his team. This goes back to not only having no other options and just trying staying current while working on her resume.

            What she failed to predict was that this move exposed her for the calculating and manipulating person she really is, as she will sleep with the enemy if it means she can benefit or get ahead.

            History will indicate that Obama was at the bottom of Presidents in regards of accomplishments right next to Carter, and Hillary’s name will be attached to that same administration.

            First Woman President

            Like Obama who was elected widely due to the fact America wanted to believe in a black man for president to help heal the divides, Hillary is going to push her presidency on the same concept but hers as the first Woman President to help show the world how progress the United States is. However America simply learned its lesson with Obama and many of the people who stood firm behind Obama are disillusioned to some extent. This will reveal itself as an unseen undercurrent that will raise its head and cut short Hillary’s chances of becoming president.

            Eric Cantor

            The recent defeat of Eric Cantor to a widely unknown candidate illustrates the people are standing up against the establishment and are not happy with the progressive agenda. I predict Hillary will also have her ass handed to her in any attempts she has to become the next president. America is simply finished at this time with unproven experiments simply due to some progressive agenda of voting for something politically correct as the First Black man or the first Woman president, and combined with her entrenched “establishment” record I think even Bill Clinton won’t be able to pull any magic rabbits out of his political hat to help her.

            I feel this is how many Americans now think regarding Hillary and while I don’t think there is currently another Democrat who can run with her connections or experience I feel the Democratic party has a better chance at winning if the run a person who is considered a “nobody” in terms of politics rather than taking a chance at losing with Hillary.

            As for the Republicans, they too are toast and I predict we will see another race where if it’s just between the two political parties we will see “none of the above” win the vote.
            I always value everyone's opinion. Keep trying to figure it all out. Let me give you some very important information about the people who run this world.

            They shoot whoever gets in their way or drug or buy off or divert so while your essay is presented with clarity and good reasoning, it won't stop these filthy leaders from doing what they will.

            Nothing wrong with trying to stop injustice as long as you are not the one willing or unwillingly committing the crimes.

            These people you point out will soon have their day before THE SELF EXISTENT ONE. HE is forever in the present tense. HE never sleeps and does not miss anything and it comes around and goes around, trust me.

            Just keep duckin and stay free.



            • Sup Doc?

              Originally posted by Web000x View Post
              An informed populace will naturally take care of all of the problems with which you are concerned. Never stop waking people up to the lies via factual evidence. They may lash out at you, but you are planting a seed to mature at a later date when their mental soil is ready. You cannot instantly change the direction of a large ship moving at full speed. The transition is slow but steady.

              Hi Dave

              People are easily tricked into about anything and want to be right. When you live a little while you find out we all fly off the handle and mess up, Same Ole?

              Just keep forgiving is the only proper response, however if folks what to keep running over my big toe I may forgive them and run. Or stay out of their way.

              I won't run over you and you don't run over me and everything is copacetic.

              The young man pointed out Hillary Clinton. I can't think of a more demon possessed figure set before the world. She is an Illuminati. So they live their whole lives in allegiance to Lucifier. The do not hide that, they serve the darkness.

              Now I sort of see where all of this is going.

              This is a discussion about LIGHT against DARKNESS.

              Well I have to end by says that either side hates the other and those truly in THE LIGHT differ in one very important way. They won't murder to have their way, instead with patience will stand back and wait for judgment to fall like a hammer.

              When the judgment of evil comes everyone sees and not one tear is shed.

              How Long? How Long? is the cry for judgment coming from the people.

              Thanks Dave for hearing me rant.



              • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                Hi Dave

                People are easily tricked into about anything and want to be right. When you live a little while you find out we all fly off the handle and mess up, Same Ole?

                Just keep forgiving is the only proper response, however if folks what to keep running over my big toe I may forgive them and run. Or stay out of their way.

                I won't run over you and you don't run over me and everything is copacetic.

                The young man pointed out Hillary Clinton. I can't think of a more demon possessed figure set before the world. She is an Illuminati. So they live their whole lives in allegiance to Lucifier. The do not hide that, they serve the darkness.

                Now I sort of see where all of this is going.

                This is a discussion about LIGHT against DARKNESS.

                Well I have to end by says that either side hates the other and those truly in THE LIGHT differ in one very important way. They won't murder to have their way, instead with patience will stand back and wait for judgment to fall like a hammer.

                When the judgment of evil comes everyone sees and not one tear is shed.

                How Long? How Long? is the cry for judgment coming from the people.

                Thanks Dave for hearing me rant.

                I know what you mean and how you feel. It is easier to be a little more at peace with everything that is going on if you have a Buddhist mentality of souls and the conscious experience. You as one person can only do so much. Do what you feel is right and follow your own intuition. Everything will work out if you find your own peace first and foremost. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to accomplish something that is not ready to be accomplished. You can't interfere with another's freewill without causing more problems. The most you can do is enlighten. We're all here to have an experience. It's all about spiritual evolution, no matter how it manifests.



                • The most unusual thing abot Brat's victory over Cantor is that he was outspent $5 million to $400K I believe.

                  I sense people are starting to see through the propaganda.

                  Doesn't matter to me though. The governments at every level are simply criminal enterprises. Changing staff doesn't alter the principals they operate under.


                  • Amen Corner

                    Originally posted by indio007 View Post
                    The most unusual thing abot Brat's victory over Cantor is that he was outspent $5 million to $400K I believe.

                    I sense people are starting to see through the propaganda.

                    Doesn't matter to me though. The governments at every level are simply criminal enterprises. Changing staff doesn't alter the principals they operate under.
                    That is a cool statement indio007

                    You said it all. These dogs including and especially the POPES of religious lies are all in bed together eating their own kind like any cannibalistic class does.

                    As far as I am concerned the only evolution going on is people are seeing through all of the media brainwashing lies.

                    When they all finally get enough the people will help who they will and hate governments. The people of the earth will help each other when they see the blood shed propagated by governments.

                    I home school my young man because they are permitted to learn the real truth of governmental history of consistent genocide.

                    The world gov leaders who make policy party every year for 2 weeks at bohemian grove in California near San Fran. This club/grove of redwood trees is their place to hang out with other men only and bring in the queers for servicing.

                    These are documented facts and all of the elite rich politicians movie stars have been filmed going in and out of that place for 80 years plus.

                    These leader do not hide the fact that they worship MOLECH/ Lucifier who is the good GOD so they say. The owl statue is 40 feet tall where the elite in hoods like the KKK uses go round some water and the owl at night with lit torches chanting to their gOd.

                    These elite fund all of the drug wars, these elite buy guns and ammo for both sides of the murdering factions running every country side geeked up and raping the women/murdering for fun you see now in the name of Allah.

                    These elite honor the gOds of brutal forces in direct obedience to Lucifier.

                    To them Lucifier is a wonderful good gOd who takes care of them and brings them riches. Skull and bones, Muslim brotherhood, Illuminati, counsel on foreign relations, KKK, Knights Templar, committee of 300, Freemasons, Trilateral commission, Al-Qaeda, Freedom fighters, CIA, FBI, CDC, Sharia, liberation army, Hamas, Taliban, Jihad.

                    They are all birds of a feather and birds of a feather flock together because they love to make money for murdering.

                    Hail Satan for HE is their gOd.

                    Now for the rest of us normal folks we will see clearly and help one another so someone will be left after the slaughter.

                    Peace to You my friend.



                    • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                      These elite fund all of the drug wars, these elite buy guns and ammo for both sides of the murdering factions running every country side geeked up and raping the women/murdering for fun you see now in the name of Allah.

                      These elite honor the gOds of brutal forces in direct obedience to Lucifier.

                      To them Lucifier is a wonderful good gOd who takes care of them and brings them riches. Skull and bones, Muslim brotherhood, Illuminati, counsel on foreign relations, KKK, Knights Templar, committee of 300, Freemasons, Trilateral commission, Al-Qaeda, Freedom fighters, CIA, FBI, CDC, Sharia, liberation army, Hamas, Taliban, Jihad.

                      They are all birds of a feather and birds of a feather flock together because they love to make money for murdering.
                      Who is the 1% of 1%?



                      • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                        The world gov leaders who make policy party every year for 2 weeks at bohemian grove in California near San Fran. This club/grove of redwood trees is their place to hang out with other men only and bring in the queers for servicing.

                        Peace to You my friend.

                        The oddest name I've seen on a stolen Bohemian Grove guest list was Alexander Shulgin. He created MDMA. Why in god's name would a chemist be hob-nobbing with the power elite?


                        • Paul/Warren in 2016

                          Now THAT would be a ticket! Combine the anger of the TEA party, and the 'Occupy' movement, and unite behind the things they agree on! (Bailout, 'too BIG to fail', etc.)

                          Won't happen, of coarse, but boy would it make for great theatre!

                          "Kill em ALL, and let GOD sort it out!" Evolution (or 'survival of the fittest') is the way nature decides who should live, and who should die. Thing is, whether your talking economics, (such as 'bailing out' GM and other 'too big to fail' companies) or food stamp, etc. programs that preserve those who 'nature' would weed out of the 'gene' pool, and just as importantly prevent from pissing in the pool, by procreating, we've been f*cking up 'survival of the fittest', for a long time nowIn fact, we're standing it on its head, by insuring the least 'fit' survive.

                          Its all for nought, and endless chatter about it doesn't make a damn bit of difference.Jim


                          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            "Kill em ALL, and let GOD sort it out!" Evolution (or 'survival of the fittest') is the way nature decides who should live, and who should die.
                            Mark Dice
                            2 days ago
                            Billionaires and celebrities don't have accidents, they're perfect Gods, and only die if the Illuminati authorizes it. That's sarcasm, folks. Oh, you don't get it? Grab a dictionary, and look up "Sarcasm." Have a nice weekend!

                            Rockefeller Killed in Plane Crash, Friday the 13th, Illuminati Murder or Accident? - YouTube



                            • Good Thing Jim Ain't operating the incinerator.

                              Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              Now THAT would be a ticket! Combine the anger of the TEA party, and the 'Occupy' movement, and unite behind the things they agree on! (Bailout, 'too BIG to fail', etc.)

                              Won't happen, of coarse, but boy would it make for great theatre!

                              "Kill em ALL, and let GOD sort it out!" Evolution (or 'survival of the fittest') is the way nature decides who should live, and who should die. Thing is, whether your talking economics, (such as 'bailing out' GM and other 'too big to fail' companies) or food stamp, etc. programs that preserve those who 'nature' would weed out of the 'gene' pool, and just as importantly prevent from pissing in the pool, by procreating, we've been f*cking up 'survival of the fittest', for a long time nowIn fact, we're standing it on its head, by insuring the least 'fit' survive.

                              Its all for nought, and endless chatter about it doesn't make a damn bit of difference.Jim
                              Hey Jim

                              You will never get to be in charge with such an uneducated view point. Take away all of the ENRON's, Bail outs and stamps or soup kitchens and the elite will still make you think you are paying everyone elses way with your big job tittle.

                              Mind washed .

                              News Flash Dude I am on your side and I feel your frustration. My recommendation to you and those running with the pack is to turn off CNN. This will require you stop watching the ball games because all of the big media flashes their propaganda between endings.

                              I have worked for the Car companies (GM) and the more you make the more you spend never seem to get ahead and the big media is fueling the fires of hatred to fight each other based the fictitious lines you mudder.

                              I don't mean to be cruel but there is no way to get through if you keep watching CNN with all of the twisted lines.

                              You want war and hate, you will get your wish and it's just what the planners want you to feel. Smokin and cokin, drinkin and partying will only drive you further into this fraudulent tail spin you seem bent on.

                              This is not a physical war, this is a war for your thinking process and as long as you buy into the lines put across by big media, you with suffer.

                              I hope you can understand my sincerity here, but really I understand their is no way to reach someone in one transmission. You will think I am wrong and I will think you are wrong and the confusion continues.

                              We are divided and the big Media planting all of these thoughts from childhood we spew in their behalf, is conquering the people. All of the college teachers ruin all of their students with this high mind silliness.

                              It is not bad enough that a child is bombarded by the one eyes cyclops

                              (TV BS)

                              But the same man will enter university level indoctrination for further mind control.

                              May God help us all to see more clearly than that we should follow the dream of the media machine who wants us to kill one another.

                              That is the spirit of your communication as far as I can tell.

                              You may not see it so I point it out, probably to my own scorn.

                              I am attempting to help you as any older man might try. I am one of the baby boomers who grew up in the 60's drug culture near Detroit Michigan.

                              I have witnessed the slaughter for 40 years.

                              Our cities are boarded up instead of polishing the glass, no jobs, no money, young beautiful girls running wild in the street and young men have no way to take one home without money to start a real life.

                              On top of that all they have seen is shooting and drug trafficking because this is what pays their way. If you join a gang and help the gov run drug cartel you are well honored and protected.

                              The south American races are and have been running Pontiac Michigan for years at the beckon call of the FEDs who secretly run these groups.

                              The real world is something you will never see.

                              I hope you don't do what Hollywood wants you to do with this communication and think I am writing a script for another movie.

                              This is a real world thing. My buddies got into these groups and some of them went to their graves with a few getting free. The cops are dirty, the officials are in on it, some are not but one or two rats inside is all they need.

                              The American Ruling Class is a group of young people and getting younger by the day as the 30 years old on the streets are replace upon death.

                              White limos and fine suits sporting and packing is a common site.

                              You have no idea who and how the large cities are run.

                              After hour drug houses and prostitution 24/7 all supported and funded by leading citizens, child porno as well. Child prostitution. If you want to play you half to pay, it is that simple but remember the life expectancy is short.

                              This is THE American Ruling class, the one who is willing to shoot and oppress and bully to get millions.

                              Now believe what you want about who you think runs everything and tell that to someone with a gun inside the drug mafia who wants control.

                              Who do you think is really going to win? The good folks like you Jim won't stand a chance. So many men have found out the hard way.

                              This business of some kind of an American Ruling class the way it is being projected is pure fantasy.



                              • Tu Mu quotes #: "The skilful employer of men will employ the wise man, the brave man, the covetous man, and the stupid man. For the wise man delights in establishing his merit, the brave man likes to show his courage in action, the covetous man is quick at seizing advantages, and the stupid man has no fear of death."
                                The Art of War: III. Attack By Stratagem

                                Bild gesucht zu: Wenn sich zwei streiten freut sich der Dritte! (spruch, fantasie, bildbearbeitung)


