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The American Ruling Class

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  • The need for immigration

    If you live in a particular country,,, your family and clan is in a particular country, you tend to remain in your country. The main reason for emigration is to seek an economic climate that is less competitive than your home country. OK, it would seem that emigration is the province of those who are not particularly suited to compete.
    I spent 10 years, about 5 months a year driving around Mexico. In general, Mexicans like Mexico. They go north for economic opportunity that is not available to THEM in their home country. The Poles go to Great Britain, etc
    The intelligent people who can easily find a job niche in their home country stay home. Australians are the exception.
    Those who are not qualified, look for a country that has available jobs for the unqualified.
    The PTB have determined that unlimited immigration is the key to breaking down cohesive societies to usher in world collectivism. Nothing new there.
    I found an article that justifies high immigration by claiming that it is necessary to attract the best and brightest STUDENTS.

    "The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said."
    "Mr Sutherland recently argued, in a lecture to the London School of Economics, of which he is chairman, that there was a "shift from states selecting migrants to migrants selecting states" and the EU's ability to compete at a "global level" was at risk."
    BBC News - EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief

    So, lets look at that. France has 750 areas where the police can not enter because it will set off instant riots. Marseilles is a murder capital. The Nordic countries have been introduced to waves of violent sex crimes.
    The Poles are living on barbecued rats.
    Homeless Poles living on barbecued rats and alcoholic handwash | UK news | The Guardian

    The article is pathetically honest about trying to destroy national identity.


    • 40 Reasons to OPPOSE the 2013 Comprehensive Immigration Reform - Senate Bill (S. 744)
      (aka) ‘‘Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act’’

      1.] Allows DHS to grant legal status (registered provision immigrant, or RPI status) in 6 months, before any measure to secure the border has been taken. (Sec. 3, p. 10; Sec.5, p. 24)

      2.] Includes the DREAM Act, which puts illegal aliens who entered the U.S. before 16 on a 5 - year path to citizenship. However, unlike previous versions of the bill, there is no age limit and DHS may waive the work/study requirement. (Sec. 2103, p. 112)

      3.] Grants amnesty to illegal farm workers and gives them green cards in five years. (Sec. 2211, p. 155; Sec. 2212, p. 177)

      4.] Does not require a biometric exit system at all land, air and sea ports of entry to track aliens who enter and leave the U.S., per current law. Instead, Section 3303 requires only a biographic exit system only at air and sea ports that merely collects information on a form or scans your identification document. (Sec. 3303, p. 556)

      5.] Does not require any additional border fencing or completion of current border fence requirements. Instead, it requires DHS to submit to Congress a fencing “strategy,”in which DHS recommends what additional fencing is needed along the U.S. - Mexico border, if any. (Sec. 5, p. 24)

      6.] Does not require illegal aliens to pay back taxes before getting legal status (RPI status). It only requires RPI applicants to pay back taxes “assessed” at the time of application. (Sec. 2101, p. 70)

      7.] Does not require illegal aliens to learn English before receiving amnesty or even a green card. Under Section 2101, an RPI alien who applies for a green card to merely demonstrate that the alien is satisfactorily pursuing a course of study "to achieve an understanding of English and knowledge and understanding" of civics (Sec. 2101, p.105)

      8.] Allows illegal aliens who have been deported (for any reason) and/or who have re-entered illegally to apply for RPI status if they have certain family members in the U.S. (Sec. 2101, p. 73)

      9.] Does not add any additional Border Patrol agents, who patrol the vast territory between ports of entry. Instead, S.744 adds 3,500 Customs and Border Protection officers, many of whom do only customs work, and are stationed at official ports of entry.

      10.] Does not require any border security measures be taken on the northern border or along the coasts where more illegal aliens are arriving to avoid border patrol agents and drug cartels. Instead, it only requires that DHS prepare a border security strategy for the U.S.- Mexico border.

      11.] Allows states to grant in-state tuition to illegal aliens — not the aliens who receive amnesty, but all illegal aliens who arrive in the future. (Sec. 2103, p. 119)

      12.] Does not end abuse of prosecutorial discretion or administrative amnesty by the Obama administration. Instead, it leaves in place policies direct immigration agents to release illegal aliens the Administration deems “low priority.”

      13.] Allows DHS to waive multiple misdemeanor convictions when granting amnesty, so an alien with three or more misdemeanors still may be eligible for legal status (RPI status). (Sec.2101, pp. 64 - 67)

      14.] Also authorizes DHS to waive a broad array of unlawful behavior for the purpose of determining whether illegal aliens are admissible, including:
      a) Gang-related crimes and gang membership;
      b) Three or more drunk driving offenses;
      c) Domestic violence, stalking, child abuse, and violation of protective orders;
      d) Committing crimes of moral turpitude;
      e) Violating federal or state drug laws;
      f) Trafficking in passports;
      g) Providing fraudulent immigration services;
      h) Trafficking immigration documents, including document fraud;
      i) Prostitution;
      j) Misrepresenting a material fact to procure visas or other immigration benefits (if done for any purpose other than submitting an amnesty application);
      k) Violating student visas;
      l) Falsely claiming citizenship; and
      m) Illegally re-entering the U.S. after deportation (which is a felony); (Sec. 2101, p.66)
      n) All other grounds not specifically listed in the bill. (Sec. 2101 INA245B(b)(3)(i), p.65)

      15.] Is not tough on employers who hire illegal aliens. In fact, the bill exempts certain employers from existing penalties for hiring illegal workers. These include persons or entities that hire individuals for employment “that is not casual, sporadic, irregular or intermittent (as defined by the Secretary).” This will exempt employers who hire day laborers or other temporary workers,giving employers an incentive to hire cheaper, illegal workers instead of legal residents or citizens. (Sec. 3101, p. 415)

      16.] Also delays implementation of E - Verify to appease big business and illegal workers. The bill provides that mandatory E - Verify won’t go into effect for all employers until four years after DHS issues regulations implementing the mandatory program. That means (based on the amnesty time frame) it could be at least a decade before E - Verify becomes mandatory for large companies and 14 years before all employers are phased into the program. (Sec. 3101, p. 437)

      17.] Voids state and local E - Verify laws. (Sec. 3101, p. 511)

      18.] Prohibits the enforcement of immigration laws against any illegal alien apprehended between the time of enactment and the end of the application period. Under Section 2101, DHS may not detain or remove an alien – for any reason – if the alien is “prima facie eligible,” or at first sight appears to be eligible, for RPI status until DHS has made a decision on the alien’s application. (Sec. 2101, p. 72)

      19.] Prohibits immigration enforcement actions, including arrests, surveillance, searches, or even interviews by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents or Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in “sensitive locations. ”Sensitive locations include hospitals and health clinics; public and private schools of all educational levels including vocational and trade schools; organizations assisting children, pregnant women, victims of crime or abuse, or individuals with mental or physical disabilities; churches, synagogues, mosques, and other places of worship; and such other locations as the DHS Secretary determines.

      20.] Does not expressly punish or require the deportation of any alien who makes false statements in an RPI application. However, it does create criminal penalties and a $10,000 fine for any federal official who discloses information found in RPI applications in violation of the law. (Sec. 2105, p. 133)

      21.] Does not require the deportation of a single illegal alien. DHS is never required to deport an alien whose RPI application is denied — for any reason.

      22.] Allows immigration judges to ignore U.S. immigration law. Section 2313 authorizes immigration judges to “exercise discretion” to decline to order the alien deported AND terminate proceedings if the judge determines deporting the alien “is against the public interest or would result in hardship to the alien’s U.S. citizen or LPR parent spouse or child...” (Sec. 2313, p. 341)

      23.] Allows the Secretary of DHS to ignore U.S. immigration law. Section 2313 provides that DHS may “exercise discretion to waive a ground of inadmissibility or deport ability of the Secretary determines that such removal or refusal of admission is against the public interest” or would result in “hardship” to the alien’s U.S. citizen or LPR parent spouse or child. (Sec. 2313, p. 343)

      24.] Grants DHS sole discretion in making asylum decisions, taking the process out of the hands of an immigration judge. (Sec. 3404, p. 571)

      25.] Allows DHS to contract out the screening, supervision and custody of illegal aliens to community - based organizations. (Sec. 3715. p. 660)

      26.] Authorizes illegal aliens to bring class action lawsuits against the government for a denial of RPI status. (Sec. 2104, p. 131)

      27.] Allows the Department of Homeland Security to appoint counsel to illegal aliens fighting deportation at taxpayer expense. (Sec.3502, p. 583)

      28.] Creates a new bureaucracy, the Office of Legal Access Programs, to provide illegal aliens with "legal orientation programs" that help fight deportation. The bill requires DHS to make these programs available to the aliens within 5 days of being taken into custody. Section 3503 also authorizes the Office of Legal Access Programs to provide services, including legal services, to aliens in deportation hearings. (Sec. 3503, p. 585)

      29.] Doubles legal immigration within a decade after enactment — and triples it if you include the 12 million amnestied illegal aliens. This is the equivalent of adding the population of Canada – nearly 34 million people, virtually all of whom will need jobs — in a decade. Moreover, this estimate relates to legal permanent residents only, not temporary workers.

      30.] Increases the number of guest workers by 50 percent over the decade after enactment.

      31.] Creates a new unskilled guest worker program, through a new W visa, to bring in up to 200,000 additional workers each year. (Sec. 4703, p. 834)

      32.] Triples the number of so-called skilled (H - 1B) guest workers who may enter the U.S. annually. (Sec. 4101, p. 674)

      33.] Also grants work authorization to the spouses of H -1B and W visa holders.

      34.] Exempts immigrants (green card holders) with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering and math, also referred to as STEM fields, from the cap on employment - based immigration. This will dramatically increase competition for Americans entering or working in those fields. (Sec. 2307, p. 315 - 16)

      35.] Requires that DHS waive the public charge law when determining which aliens are eligible for amnesty. (Sec. 2101, p.65) That law prohibits DHS from admitting any alien who is likely to become a public charge.

      36.] Provides that when an RPI alien applies for legal permanent resident status – a point at which many federal benefits become available — the alien need only demonstrate income or resources equal to 125 percent of the federal poverty level. (Sec.2102, INA 245C(a) and (b) p. 94)

      37.] Does not prohibit state and local jurisdictions from giving benefits to newly legalized aliens. Many states, such as California, give benefits to illegal aliens and non immigrants (temporary aliens) such as taxpayer funded health care and welfare benefits. (Sec. 2101, p. 92)

      38.] Creates a “slush fund” for nonprofits that help implement the amnesty. Section 2537 authorizes DHS to award newly - created "Initial Entry, Adjustment, and Citizenship Assistance" (IEACA) grants to nonprofit organizations that help illegal aliens navigate the amnesty process. The bill appropriates $100 million for IEACA grants for the first five years and "such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 2019 and subsequent fiscal years." (Sec. 2537, pp. 397-99)

      39.] Does not end chain migration, which leads to the admission of large numbers of low - skilled, less educated immigrants. While at first it appears that the bill repeals two family - based categories for admission, it eliminates the effect of doing so by giving family members extra weight in the merit - based immigration program and by including spouses and children of legal permanent residents in the definition of immediate relatives, significantly expanding legal immigration. (Sec. 2301, p. 264; Sec. 2305, p.282)

      40.] When fully implemented, S.744 will cost U.S. taxpayers $6.3 trillion in federal, state, and local benefits and taxes over the course of 50 years.

      2013 Comprehensive Immigration Reform - Senate Bill (S. 744) (1198 pages)

      Open Source Experimentalist
      Open Source Research and Development


      • American Rulers Religion

        Originally posted by rickoff View Post
        I wasn't aware that there was any such ongoing discussion. If there is one then this isn't the place for it. Long ago I asked readers here to refrain from using this American Ruling Class thread to post unrelated items, or to engage in religious arguments with others. Late arriving readers and posters here may be unaware of this, so I once again ask that this thread policy be respected. There are other threads here at Energetic Forum which are more appropriate for carrying on religious or philosophical discussions. Bible related discussions, for example, might best be posted in the Bible thread. Just remember that participants in any discussion, in any thread where there is disagreement, should refrain from making any type of personal attacks. Thanks in advance to everyone for helping to keep this American Ruling Class thread on topic and respectful to all those who read and post herein.

        Hello Rick

        I agree

        Though the religious aspects of the so called rulers is a motivating factor in their decision making, such as bringing small children in to the country to violate them sexually, I don't think endless religious theological studies qualify for this thread.

        However please make this notation:

        " The projection of religion into any discussion is often a brazen parade. These rulers are without conscience as their counterparts are so religion makes what they do seem to be righteous for their cause. We can not forget their motivations though religious teachings AND their PRACTICES."

        Like you say Rick this is a strategy on the part of people following the money in high office, they are using the 'Bleeding Heart" tactic. In other words THAT religious philosophy is saying to the good Christian Mom's and Dad's of America "Can you and your God really abandon all these poor children???" while they proceed to abuse them by slaving them out for any reason at all.

        Now I am not going to study Hindu religion on the thread as it turns my gut and only enrages me.

        Thanks-A-Million Rick you are a lifesaver.



        • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
          Hello Rick
          Now I am not going to study Hindu religion on the thread as it turns my gut and only enrages me.

          Let me correct a small error of yours above:

          The word "Hinduism" comes from the word sindhu, the Indo-prakrit word for "the sea," and came to apply to the peoples in the region east of the Indus River.
          The word “Hinduism” has no connection to any specific religion at all but a peoples and area.
          [P.S. Deshmukh,Religion in Vedic Literature, 198].

          "Hinduism has never prepared a body of canonical scriptures or a common prayer book; it has never held a general council or convocation; never defined the relation between laity and clergy; never regulated the canonization of saints or their worship; never established a single centre of religious life; never prescribed a course of training for its priests"
          -- [Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics 6:712 ]

          "Hinduism has never prepared a body of canonical scriptures or a common prayer book; it has never held a general council or convocation" -- [Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics 6:712 ]

          You might consider, as a recommendation, you are resoundingly confusing metaphysics and philosophy with "religion"

          I have no connected to religion of any kind whatsoever.

          If words on a paper "turn your gut and enrage" you, then the issue is not sourced in the words, but in the incapacity of the reader.

          No offense is meant.

          Lux et Veritas
          Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 07-06-2014, 09:42 PM.


          • Relig

            Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
            Let me correct a small error of yours above:

            The word "Hinduism" comes from the word sindhu, the Indo-prakrit word for "the sea," and came to apply to the peoples in the region east of the Indus River.
            The word “Hinduism” has no connection to any specific religion at all but a peoples and area.
            [P.S. Deshmukh,Religion in Vedic Literature, 198].

            "Hinduism has never prepared a body of canonical scriptures or a common prayer book; it has never held a general council or convocation; never defined the relation between laity and clergy; never regulated the canonization of saints or their worship; never established a single centre of religious life; never prescribed a course of training for its priests"
            -- [Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics 6:712 ]

            "Hinduism has never prepared a body of canonical scriptures or a common prayer book; it has never held a general council or convocation" -- [Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics 6:712 ]

            You might consider, as a recommendation, you are resoundingly confusing metaphysics and philosophy with "religion"

            I have no connected to religion of any kind whatsoever.

            If words on a paper "turn your gut and enrage" you, then the issue is not sourced in the words, but in the incapacity of the reader.

            No offense is meant.

            Lux et Veritas
            Hey theo

            Like the man said we need our own thread to talk relig IDOLOGY.

            Later, Mike


            • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              Need I say more than to post this link?

              Laugh if you will and snicker if you must but do yourselves a favor and finish reading this site from top to bottom. It looks like a tabloid but is all very true.

              Clint Eastwood, all of the big names go there to sacrifice to Moloch.

              Pedophilic Yehudim Satanists From Hell – Part 2 | Goyim Gazette

              Oh yeah don't forget the magick mushrooms. They are inbred pedophiles.

              Hail Satan for HE is Lord.

              Open your eyes you blind guides.

              Are satanic jews blood drinking cannibals?
              NO silly, cannibals eat their own kind, satanic jews only drink and
              eat the flesh and blood of gentiles.

              Artist Evan Dorkin offers you an unusual recipe.
              Click here for the full comic.
              Hijinx » Heeb



              • Immigration 'debate'; WRONG focus

                I truly wonder if the 'Tea party' is actually being led astray, or what?

                I understand the history; in the LAST immigration reform effort, during the Reagan admin., there were 3 parts; 1, 'amnesty' for those already living here, 2, increased border enforcement, and MOST importantly 3; increased INTERIOR enforcenent. And, the Government DID 'toughen' the border; which had the effect of making it more difficult for illegals to cross, so that instead of going home they stayed. But, the real problem was that the Chamber of Commerce lobbied Congress, which then put pressure on Customs and Immigration, to 'lay off' the employers.

                Now the Tea Party position is "not till our borders are 'secure'. There is NO border between countries, in the world that is 'secure'; not Iran, China, North korea, Russia; there never has been, and there never WILL be.

                More importantly, its not neccesary, at least to deal with illegal immigration.
                We COULD gratly reduce, if not totally eliminate illegal immigration, and even 'Constitutionally'. If EVERY state passed an 'Employer Sanctions Law', like the one passed in Arizona (with one KEY difference), and then enforced it, illegal immigration would 'dry up'. The one difference is, the Arizona law ss employers can ONLY be prosecuted, and lose their license to do business, if they can be shown, in court, to be KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens.

                If the law were written to say that failure to use the federal verification system to ensure all their employees were legally entitled to work in the U.S. constitutes a violation, i.e. that they have an obligation to ensure they are only hiring legally entitled to work here employees, and that failure to meet this obligation would result in loss of license, the jobs for illegals would 'dry up', and illegals would quit coming. f coarse 'we' (the Government) would have to greatly expand the verification program, its computers and personell, (and we all know what a GREAT job the Government does with computer programs!) but it would be less expensive than all the $ thats been spent on 'securing the border'.

                And, with the flood of 'illegals' dropping to a trickle, customs could concentrate on drugs and terrorists.

                They come here, PRIMARILY, for jobs. Eliminate the realistic possibility of Jobs, they won't come. We saw it in Arizona, after the law was passed; there was a migration, as illegals left arizona, and moved to other states. In some cases, large apartment complexes lost over half their residents, within a month!

                But, there is no 'will' to do this. Businesses don't want to have such laws passed, and will spend their $ to lobby Congress and state legislatures to prevent such laws being passed. And so nothing will continue to happen.

                And the Tea Party will continue this rant about 'secure the border', rather than focusing on interior enforcement, which could actually work. Jim


                • Howdy all,

                  Whats next ?? The Left wing radical liberals saying we have land for 500 million more immigrants , line up those boat loads of Iranians, Somalians, North Koreans, Slovenians, Yemenis, Lebanese, Pakistanis and Palestinians we cant be RACIEST. Ya .... that's the ticket, just get into US waters or territory, BINGO BANGO your a citizen !!!! I think NOT .... the last I checked the United States is a country of Laws most of which none of us agree with.

                  The United States "secured boarder" that 52,000 CHILDREN walked across and are now being detained ..... who were the ADULTS that didn't get caught ???

                  The Detention Management Division, part of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE). The Detention Management Division currently houses detainees in more than 250 local and state facilities. Nearly 67 percent of the ICE detained population are housed in local or state facilities, 17 percent are housed in contract detention facilities, 13 percent are housed in ICE-owned facilities (service processing centers), and 3 percent are housed in Bureau of Prisons facilities, which are funded either through congressional appropriations to the bureau or through ICE reimbursement.

                  Detention Centers List (published known)
                  ( detention centers throughout the United States that detain illegal aliens who are apprehended and placed into removal proceedings )

                  Etowah County Detention Center

                  Central Arizona Correctional Center
                  Eloy Detention Center
                  Florence Correctional Center
                  Florence SPC
                  Pinal County Adult Detention Center

                  Denver Contract Detention Facility

                  Adelanto Detention Center
                  El Centro Service Processing Center
                  Lerdo Detention Center
                  Mira Loma Detention Center
                  Otay Detention Center
                  Sacramento County Jail
                  Santa Ana City Jail
                  West County Detention Center
                  Yuba County Jail

                  Baker County Detention Facility
                  Broward Transitional Center
                  Glades County Detention Center
                  Krome Detention Center
                  Wakulla County Jail

                  Atlanta City Detention Center
                  Irwin County Detention Center
                  North Georgia Detention Center
                  Stewart Detention Cente

                  Jefferson County Justice Center
                  McHenry County Jail
                  Tri-County Detention Center

                  Clay County Jail

                  Hardin County Correctional Center

                  Boone County Jail

                  Lasalle Detention Center
                  Oakdale Detention Center
                  South Louisiana Detention Center

                  Worcester County Detention Center

                  Bristol County Jail
                  Plymouth County Correctional Facility
                  Suffolk County Jail

                  Calhoun County Jail
                  Monroe County Jail
                  Seneca County Jail

                  Freeborn County Adult Detention Center
                  Ramsey County Adult Detention Center
                  Centro de Detencion para Adultos del Condado de Ramsey
                  Sherburne County Facility

                  Montgomery County Jail

                  Douglas County Department of Corrections
                  Hall County Department of Corrections

                  New Jersey
                  Bergen County Jail
                  Delaney Hall Detention Facility
                  Elizabeth Contract Detention Facility
                  Essex County Correctional Facility
                  Hudson County Correctional Facility
                  Monmouth County Correctional Institution

                  New Mexico
                  Albuquerque Immigration Office
                  Otero County Processing Center

                  New York
                  Buffalo Federal Detention Facility
                  Orange County Correctional Facility

                  Bedford Heights City Jail
                  Butler County Correctional Complex
                  Morrow County Correctional Facility
                  Seneca County Jail

                  David L. Moss CJC Tulsa OK

                  Clinton County Correctional Facility
                  Lackawanna County Prison
                  Pike County Correctional Facility
                  York County Prison

                  Dallas Immigration Detention Center
                  Don Hutto Residential Center
                  El Paso Processing Center
                  Houston Immigration Detention Center
                  Joe Corley Detention Facility
                  Johnson County Detention Center
                  Karnes County Civil Detention Center
                  Laredo Contract Detention Facility
                  Polk County Adult Detention Center
                  Port Isabel Service Processing Center
                  Rolling Plains Correctional Facility
                  South Texas Detention Center
                  T. Don Hutto Residential Center
                  West Texas Detention Facility

                  Utah County Facility
                  Weber County Correctional Facility

                  Farmville Field Office
                  Hampton Roads Regional Jail
                  Rappahannock Regional Facility

                  Tacoma Northwest Detention Center

                  Dodge Detention Facility
                  Kenosha County Detention Center

                  "America's Secret ICE Castles "
                  America's Secret ICE Castles | The Nation
                  ICE maintains 186 unlisted and unmarked subfield offices, which are NOT subject to ICE Detention Standards, and amount to secret detention.
                  ( )

                  Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Endorsement ( ICE )
                  "The Secure Communities Process"

                  Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (flyer)

                  DHS Secretary's Memo on Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children (PDF | 96 KB)

                  Director Morton's Memo about Individuals Who Entered the United States as Children (PDF | 200 KB)

                  Enforcement Actions at or Focused on Sensitive Locations (PDF | 290 KB)

                  ICE Policy Directive Number 11061.1, Facilitating the Return to the United States of Certain Lawfully Removed Aliens.

                  How Do I Request Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Brochure

                  ICE Total Removals

                  ICE Detention Compliance Oversight

                  Fact Sheet: Detention Management
                  Fact Sheet: Detention Management

                  Open Source Experimentalist
                  Open Source Research and Development


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    They [illegal immigrants] come here, PRIMARILY, for jobs. Eliminate the realistic possibility of Jobs, they won't come.
                    Yes, many do come here seeking employment, but huge numbers also come to gain birthright citizenship for a child while also getting free hospital maternity benefits at taxpayer expense. Parkland Hospital in Texas, for example, (yes, the same hospital where Kennedy and Oswald were declared expired) annually admits over 16,000 illegal alien birth mothers, and that's just one hospital in one state! Count all the hospitals that are required to offer these services to illegals, as well as other healthcare services, and the cost to taxpayers is staggering. And of course that is just the beginning of further costs and entitlements since the "anchor babies" allow their parents and siblings, aunts and uncles, etc., to come and stay here, and to receive many additional and costly benefits such as housing, food stamps, and schooling. And with all of this offered as freebies, why would any of these illegal immigrants even want to work when it would only mean a deduction in the amount of their entitlements?

                    Furthermore, none of the people 17 years of age and under who are currently streaming across the southern border are coming here for jobs. They are only coming for what they can get for free. Incidentally, we keep hearing that the parents of these children are paying around $5,000 to traffickers to take their children to the US. If this is so, then the parents of these children are better off financially than most US citizens, and there should be no need to send their unaccompanied children here other than to help them skirt immigration laws and jump ahead of those working to come here legally. And surely the best and brightest in their countries, the doers and entrepreneurs, will rise to the top of their societies and be happy living in their own country, while the ones that leave will be those who don't have such knowledge, ability, skills, or the inherent desire to succeed. They have failed, and most will fail here too.

                    You're right - true border security is just about impossible, and the focus should be on first eliminating all the situations that entice illegals to come here in the first place, and then sending home all the illegals currently here. No work without E-Verify, tough fines for all employers who violate E-Verify and hire illegals, and no more birthright citizenship for illegals. Those would be good starts at resolving illegal immigration issues, but I doubt that Congress will take those simple and long overdue steps. A one page bill could implement all of these steps, but Congress will instead insist on thousands of pages of so-called "immigration reform' legislation which no one will read, no one will understand, and which will be unenforceable. Anyone with viable brain matter between their ears can easily understand the real solutions. Understanding why Congress won't implement real solutions is simply a matter of understanding that the current US Congress is merely a tool of Corporation US and TPTB of the Ruling Class which really makes all decisions affecting us, based upon their agenda.
                    Last edited by rickoff; 07-09-2014, 03:24 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Hey, Rick

                      You remember what nancy said; We have to PASS the bill, before we can read it and see whats in it, (or whatever). LOL

                      Yes, of coarse these kids aren't coming here for jobs, but they ARE coming here for a future. INTERIOR enforcement, such as you and I are describing WOULD resolve the problem.

                      But DC doesn't WANT to SOLVE the problem. And based on their last attempt, they will only make things worse. So, the 'status quo' is unsustainable, but any change made will only make matters worse. Sounds to me like an unresolvable conundrum.

                      And a very common situation, these days. We have a whole series of problems WE have created, and for which there is no 'do-able' solution.

                      Interior enforcement is an example of a solution thats not do-able; as you say, while it would work, THEY won't do it.

                      "Lets call the whole thing off!" (its the ONLY way) Jim


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        And a very common situation, these days. We have a whole series of problems WE have created, and for which there is no 'do-able' solution.
                        Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”?
                        The Soviet is not a Russian but a Jewish institution. Nor is it the invention of Russian Jews of the present time, a new political device which has been set up as a vehicle of the ideas of Lenin and Trotsky; it is of ancient Jewish origin, a device which the Jews themselves invented to maintain their distinctive racial and national life after the conquest of Palestine by the Romans.

                        It is therefore no new thing that has arisen in Russia. It is the imposition by the Jewish revolutionists upon Gentile Russia of a form of control in which Judaism has been schooled from the earliest times of its contact with the world. Soviet Russia could not have been possible had not 90 per cent of the commissars been Jewish. Soviet Hungary could not have been possible had not Bela Kun, the chief Red, been a Jew, and had not 18 of his 24 commissars been Jews. The Jews are the only group schooled in the erection and administration of the Kahal.

                        Is the Jewish "Kahal" the Modern "Soviet"?



                        • “To Bigotry No Sanction; to Persecution No Assistance”
                          George Washington's Letter to the
                          Jews of Newport, Rhode Island

                          On August 17, 1790, Moses Seixas, the warden of Congregation Kahal Kadosh Yeshuat Israel, better known as the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island, penned an epistle to George Washington, welcoming the newly elected first president of the United States on his visit to that city.

                          Moses Seixas’s letter on behalf of the congregation – he described them as “the children of the Stock of Abraham” – expressed the Jewish community’s esteem for President Washington and joined “with our fellow citizens in welcoming [him] to New Port.” The congregation expressed its pleasure that the God of Israel, who had protected King David, had also protected General Washington, and that the same spirit which resided in the bosom of Daniel and allowed him to govern over the “Babylonish Empire” now rested upon Washington.

                          Seixas expressed his vision of an American government in words that have become a part of the national lexicon. He beheld in the United States “a Government which to bigotry gives no sanction, to persecution no assistance—but generously affording to All liberty of conscience, and immunities of citizenship: - deeming every one, of whatever nation, tongue or language equal parts of the great Governmental Machine: – This so ample and extensive federal union whose basis is Philanthropy, mutual confidence, and public virtue, we cannot but acknowledge to be the work of the Great God, who ruleth the Armies of Heaven, and among the Inhabitants of the Earth, doing whatsoever seemeth [to Him] good.”

                          Not surprisingly, it is Washington’s response, ... Washington then borrowed ideas – and actual words – directly from Seixas’s letter:

                          The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for giving to Mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection, should demean themselves as good citizens.

                          Washington’s concluding paragraph perfectly expresses the ideal relationship among the government, its individual citizens and religious groups:

                          May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.



                          • The "Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism" pdf file @

                            explains the phenomena shown in the following segment
                            Bizarre Magnetic Inner-Action With Aluminium - YouTube



                            • Quotable quotes of the day....

                              The following quotes are the words of Congressman Steve Stockman, of Texas:

                              “There are more people coming across the border than we sent to invade France in World War II. That is an invasion of our nation, and most of them are coming into Texas. We need to take quick action.”

                              “We need to return the families back home so we send a message, ‘You come up here, you’re going to be sent home quickly.’”

                              Asked if these illegals are refugees simply trying to escape from the violence in their home countries, as the Obama administration and media pundits are claiming, Stockman said, “No, there are many U.S. cities that have a higher murder rate than Guatemala. Does that mean we’re going to get refugees from Chicago?”

                              Nice jab, Steve!

                              The New York Times reports an estimated 290,000 illegal immigrants, including 52,000 unaccompanied children, have crossed the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley to cities around the county, just in recent months.

                              Ray Stevens has put out a new song titled "Come To America," and it would be hilarious if the song lyrics were not so sadly true.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Why not, and WHY?

                                O.K., so why don't we say there is a 'humanitarian crises'; there are "X" # of children, (citisens OF he U.S., who are 'homeless'), as well as "X" # of VETERANS who are 'homeless', "X" # of FAMILIES and individuals who are homeless, and living (in most cases) in the most abject poverty, (in this country) and open up these 'detention' centers to THEM, where they can recieve the kind of aid being afforded these immigrants?

                                Why don't we BILL the governments of Guatamala, Honduras and El Salvador for the cost of housing, clothing, feeding, otherwise caring for,...and transporting back home EVERY citisen of their country we 'detain'?

                                Why don't we initiate INTERIOR enforcement methods, that would make it clear if you want to come to this country, do it by working within the system, rather than coing in illegally? And, while we are at it, streamline the system to make it less cumbersome to migrate legally?

                                For instance, as a legal immigrant, going thru the process, you better not move once during the 7-15 years it takes to become legal; if you DO, the immigration idiotsill inevitably send your notice for a hearing to the 'old' address, you will miss your appointment, and have to start all over. Publishers Clearing House, any credit card conmpany, etc. can follow you, even if you move every 2 months, but filing a 'change of address' with immigration is a waste of time. Typical Beurocratic incompetence!

                                Having seen first hand, in Arizona, the vast migration of illegals after sb1070 was passed, I can assure you; INTERIOR enforcement works! We saw whole apartment complexes empty, within a month, once 'illegals' believed they were going to be apprehended and deported.

                                We also saw a significant reduction after 2008, when jobs became scarce. But no one is talking about interior enforcement; its all about 'securing the border'. Take away the incentive, and they won't come. So why are we talking about the wrong things, and not talking about or doing the right things???Jim

