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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
    (Does anyone else SEE it?)

    thereby supporting ARC's initial premise and main justification for its existence and actions.

    I see it alright, I see that you dont see.

    Since the time of the ancient Greeks and before, there has been an intelligencia , typical "sheeple", and the "GREASE" that lubes the machine of society, the human fodder that does the medial garbage of society

    its ALWAYS been that way, it ALWAYS WILL BE THAT WAY

    Like it or lump it

    What you call the ARC is just the natural intelligencia.

    Helium balloons float, and cream rises

    .......despite your objections.


    • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
      its ALWAYS been that way, it ALWAYS WILL BE THAT WAY
      Like it or lump it
      Mind Fu*k USA - YouTube


      The path to the elder Gods - YouTube



      • My vote

        If this were something I could vote on, I would vote that people who use ad hominem attacks be barred. I prefer polite conversation.
        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


        • Breaking News?

          It is all over the lamestream media news this morning that the FBI says they have identified 'Jihadi John,' the speaker and knife wielder who appeared in the YouTube videos purporting to show the beheadings of 3 individuals. Why is this being pushed by the networks as "BREAKING NEWS," when the FBI won't even disclose the name of the person they say they have identified, and when this announcement comes a month after British MI6 had already identified the person as former British rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary?

          British intel IDs Foley killer as former London rapper
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • @All

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            While we support challenges against any argument made, we ask that it be done respectfully without name calling, profanity, etc...

            @All, keep your posts respectful.
            Energetic Forum Administrator


            • its ALWAYS been that way, it ALWAYS WILL BE THAT WAY
              So certain of that which you do not know.
              The future is only an assumption of what tomorrow will be based on what yesterday was.
              The keyword: assumption.

              The ARC is only natural as long as enough people (like you) continue to give consent.
              Not only are you human fodder, your smart enough to realize it, and you still don't care.
              That's the problem.


              • Originally posted by ethan View Post
                So certain of that which you do not know.
                The future is only an assumption of what tomorrow will be based on what yesterday was.
                The keyword: assumption.

                The ARC is only natural as long as enough people (like you) continue to give consent.
                Not only are you human fodder, your smart enough to realize it, and you still don't care.
                That's the problem.
                Lives in the Balance is the eighth album by American singer/songwriter Jackson Browne, released in 1986 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Jackson Browne - Lives in the Balance - original video, sound fixed - YouTube

                Jackson Browne Lives In the Balance - YouTube



                • Surely most readers here are well aware that, on September 25, Eric Holder announced his resignation as attorney general of the corporation US Department of inJustice. That's a long overdue announcement, and a welcome one, but some may wonder what prompted it. Holder has been deeply involved in several administration scandals (Black Panther voter intimidation, encouragement of voting fraud, involvement in the IRS targeting of conservative groups, illegal spying on news reporters, and the Fast and Furious gun-running operation, to name a few) and was the subject of a contempt of Congress vote for lying to Congress about the Fast and Furious operation. Incidentally, that was the first time in US history that a sitting attorney general was held in contempt by Congress. Holder's involvement in any one of these scandals should have been enough to unseat him, but it appears that the Fast and Furious related case, brought against Holder by Judicial Watch, is what ultimately prompted Holder's resignation.

                  Just two days before Holder's resignation announcement, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that by October 22, the Department of inJustice (DOJ) must submit a “Vaughn index” listing Fast and Furious materials Judicial Watch sought in its June 2012 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and JW's subsequent September 2012 FOIA lawsuit. Holder stonewalled and obstructed all attempts by Congress to obtain documents related to the Fast and Furious operation, but Judicial Watch vigorously pursued their FOIA requests and won, and now the Department of inJustice must comply. Whether the DOJ will actually hand over the FOIA requested documents, or claim that somehow they have been "lost," remains to be seen, but either way Holder will be implicated and thus the administration knew that Holder had to go.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Your on top of it, once again, Rick

                    Like many, my first reaction was "Ding, Dong, the witch is dead" or at least resigned. Holder has been right in the thick of it, all along. His 'decision' NOT to argue for Defence of Marriage was the start of the O'bummer Admin deciding that legislation passed by the Congress is just kind of an advisory, which the Admin can choose to enforce or not as they choose.

                    He led the fight against voter I.d., pushing hard the obsurd argument that such laws were inherently discriminatory, etc.

                    But, even tho I realise we will undoubtedly get a 'same old wine, in a brand new bottle' replacement, it didn't really occur to me to wonder WHY, and WHY now?

                    Curious, does Congress have no enforcement measures it can take against a serving member of the administration, BEYOND finding it in contempt?

                    We talked before how its hard to believe that b*itch from the IRS can claim the 5th, while a government employee, but hey she's protected by the Constitution. But can't see how Holder could continue, with contempt hanging over him.

                    Anyway, your post 'sounds right', and I'm sure it is; you answered the question it hadn't even occurred for me to ask; Why NOW? Jim


                    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      Curious, does Congress have no enforcement measures it can take against a serving member of the administration, BEYOND finding it in contempt?
                      Congress could have impeached Holder for any of his numerous wrongdoings, and called for his resignation, but chose not to.

                      Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      We talked before how its hard to believe that b*itch from the IRS can claim the 5th, while a government employee, but hey she's protected by the Constitution.
                      Actually Lerner gave up that Constitutional protection against self-incrimination when she lied to Congress and declared that she had done nothing wrong and had no part in targeting conservative groups - instead blaming that on some lower level rogue employees. Once again, Judicial Watch has taken Lois and the IRS to task and has dug up plenty enough dirt to convict Lerner, other top IRS officials, and complicit FEC and DOJ officials as well. You would probably find the Judicial Watch reports listed here quite interesting, especially this one which shows that Lerner's "missing or lost" e-mails were never missing, and had in fact been backed up.

                      Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      But can't see how Holder could continue, with contempt hanging over him.
                      That's simple, really. Holder said that the vote to hold him in Contempt meant nothing to him, considering who had voted in that manner. While of course the majority of yes votes were Republican, I believe there were also 17 Democrats who joined in. Holder simply didn't care, because he knew Barry wouldn't fire him for doing what Barry wanted him to do.

                      Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      Anyway, your post 'sounds right', and I'm sure it is; you answered the question it hadn't even occurred for me to ask; Why NOW? Jim
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Another 'blind' spot?

                        One of the things Holders being 'credited' with, is making efforts to reduce prison populations, reduce sentencing for drug offences and reduce mandatory minimums. He's not the first to voice this, just the first to try to address it.

                        The main argument seems to be its not reducing CRIME, and 'Violent crime'. And yet, FBI statistics, (yeah, I KNOW, but its the source everybody seems to rely on) in fact show a steady, measurable decline in crime and violent crime over the last 10+ years. And yet nobody seems to be considering that these 'crime rates' may be down BECAUSE of these increased incarceration rates.

                        I'm conficted in this, as I am generally 'Libertarian', but the logic seems convoluted. Incarceration is up, and crime is down, but there is NO correlation between the 2??? Its just weird! NOBODY (that I have seen) is recognising this. Kind of a 'blind spot' in peoples thinking,...

                        Here's another one, tho 'off topic' of the thread,....

                        SETI has been 'listening' for many years, to the cosmos, searching for radio signals that are 'unnatural' phenominom, (such as a signal with the first 100 prime #'s, in sequence, repeated over and over). And yet, 'we' aren't sending OUT such a signal, to the cosmos. Isn't it possible that there are 100's or 1000's of 'intelligent' life forms in the universe, ALL listening, but NONE of whom are sending? Wouldn't THAT be a hoot!!!


                        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                          SETI has been 'listening' for many years, to the cosmos, searching for radio signals that are 'unnatural' phenominom, (such as a signal with the first 100 prime #'s, in sequence, repeated over and over). And yet, 'we' aren't sending OUT such a signal, to the cosmos. Isn't it possible that there are 100's or 1000's of 'intelligent' life forms in the universe, ALL listening, but NONE of whom are sending? Wouldn't THAT be a hoot!!!
                          Signals actually have been sent from Earth in hopes of establishing communications with other worlds. Tesla stated that he had both received and transmitted signals from and to intelligent extraterrestrial beings. Later, Marconi and others also experimented in this manner, and then in 1974 Frank Drake, who was the director of the SETI project for 12 years, sent a message from the Arecibo radio telescope to outer space. More precisely, according to Frank Drake, it was aimed at the globular star cluster known as Messier 13. Interestingly, when Frank was asked, during a 2007 interview, how long it would take for the signal to reach that area and possibly be received by intelligent beings, he said that it would take 25,000 years. So, as we can see, SETI is not currently listening for a response to that message, but rather listening for any form of intelligible broadcast.

                          It is interesting to note that Frank Drake, along with help from Carl Sagan, designed plaques that were carried into space aboard the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft. The Pioneer plaques featured symbolic messages designed to be understood by any aliens the spacecraft might encounter as they travel outside our solar system.

                          Drake also worked with Sagan on the Voyager "Golden Record." Containing sounds and images of life on Earth, the record was sent on both the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft. These Voyager and Pioneer communication attempts, of course, at least in my opinion, would be far more likely to be intercepted by aliens during our lifetime than the 1974 Arecibo broadcast. That's because stellar travelers could be expected to sight and then investigate a man-made object moving through space, but would only happen to arrive upon the interception point of the narrowly focused Arecibo radio waves early on against odds that would almost totally exclude that possibility.

                          I would tend to think that, whereas our scientists are now able to locate planets outside our solar system where life is most apt to exist, the most intelligent extraterrestrial life forms had also long ago, and similarly, discovered our planet Earth and traveled here. And if that is true then such life forms may still be here and capturing every form of Earthly communications, much as the NSA does. If having done so, I think we could safely assume that these beings have full knowledge of the ARC and their agenda, so exploring that possibility certainly doesn't put us off topic.
                          Last edited by rickoff; 10-01-2014, 07:24 PM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Most of us have by now seen the televised images of multitudes of people on the streets of Hong Kong who are protesting the manner in which elections are carried out. While these people do have the right to vote for a candidate, they say that what they want is the right to choose the candidates that they will be voting for, rather than the Chinese Ruling Class choosing them. Folks there say they want to have a voting system like ours, but what they don't seem to understand is that they already have the same system. As we know, the American Ruling Class are the ones who actually dictate who our candidates will be, and any candidate (such as Ron Paul, for example) who actually succeeds, through grassroots efforts, at winning primary elections is effectively canceled out afterwards by any means necessary.

                            I'm not sure whether I should be laughing or crying when I see people in our country expressing the opinion that they hope the Hong Kong people will succeed in their quest to attain a voting system more like ours. The only difference, really, is that the Chinese Ruling Class rules with an iron fist which they do not attempt to disguise, while the American Ruling Class creates an illusion (which most people buy into) that whatever takes place politically is the result of us exercising our freedom of choice.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Published on Jul 1, 2014

                              The Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights has ruled that France's ban on full-face veils does not breach religious freedom.
                              That means the so-called burqa ban is legal and will stay.
                              The ruling was in relation to a case brought by a woman, described as "a devout Muslim," who wears the burqa for religious, personal and cultural reasons.
                              France has the largest Muslim minority in Europe, around 5 million, and some of the continent's most restrictive laws about expressing faith in publi...

                              France: burqa ban is legal and will stay - European Human Rights Court - YouTube



                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                Most of us have by.

                                Did someone buy you one of those "Conspiracy a Day" calendars as a Xmas gift?

