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The American Ruling Class
Hebo BS
It seems that France just voted to support Palestine.
It seems that France just had an attack.
Paul Craig Roberts – This New Crisis Is Worse Than Russia Unleashing Black Swans Against The West | King World News
In 2011, Norway had the same experience. 91 killed, most of them kids. After they voted to support Palestine.
Apparently, the earthquake in Japan was one year to the day after Japan voted to support Palestine.
Haiti had a bad earthquake 2 weeks after they voted the wrong way. A LOT of coincidences.
Originally posted by Danny B View PostIt seems that France just voted to support Palestine.
It seems that France just had an attack.
Paul Craig Roberts – This New Crisis Is Worse Than Russia Unleashing Black Swans Against The West | King World News
In 2011, Norway had the same experience. 91 killed, most of them kids. After they voted to support Palestine.
Apparently, the earthquake in Japan was one year to the day after Japan voted to support Palestine.
Haiti had a bad earthquake 2 weeks after they voted the wrong way. A LOT of coincidences.
Are American evangelical organizations Illuminati fronts?
With the initial turn to apostasy by the Church through Kabbalism in the 15th and 16 centuries, it’s no surprise that churches today, particularly the American evangelical movement, are continuing this anti-Christ tradition.
Following the Jewish subversion of the Universal Church in the 15th century and the ensuing Protestant movement, which was a direct result, Kabbalism became the fiery pit between sound doctrine and full on heresy and apostasy that gripped Christendom.
Today, this Kabbalistic-Illuminati tradition has been championed by evangelical organizations in the United States of America, which have been deceiving and thieving in the name of Christ since the 1960s cultural revolution, when the Illuminati decided to step up its revolutionary activities under the guise of Christian revivalism and Jesus-rock.
It’s not hard to spot this Illuminist infiltration of Christianity. It basically works on the foundation of Christian Zionism (dispensationalism) under seductive doctrines…
Kabbalah and Freemasonry
Robert Schuler, Billy Graham, and Kenneth Copeland—all high-ranking Freemasons—are veteran preachers at TBN. Freemasonry, which is based on the Jewish Kabbalah, is Judaism for gentiles and functions as the assembling mechanism for the WASP establishment, as it was in 16th century England. With Masonic symbols like the Ordo Templi Orientis’ downward dove featured in the TBN logo and that of Calvary Chapel, it’s likely that the Evangelical movement is crawling with Freemasons. Masonic affiliation is likely a prerequisite to making it in the big-money world of televangelism. TBN’s logo is characterized by a coat of arms bearing a strong resemblance to that of the Jewish-Illuminati Rothschild’s, but that is hardly a surprise with emphasis on Zionist dispensationalism throughout their ministries. TBN also features The Omega Code, which teaches Jewish magic, particularly gematria, to its audience, despite the fact that Kabbalism and Christianity are polar opposites. One is the teachings of men and demons while the other is the Word of the Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ.
YHVH: Taking the Mask Off of Christianity
Originally posted by BroMikey
In God we trust (meaning money)
In Conclusion
Baphomet is a composite creation symbolic of alchemical realization through the union of opposite forces. Occultists believe that, through the mastery of life force, one is able to produce magick and spiritual enlightenment. Eliphas Levi’s depiction of Baphomet included several symbols alluding to the raising of the kundalini – serpentine power – which ultimately leads to the activation of the pineal gland, also known as the “third eye”. So, from an esoteric point of view, Baphomet represents this occult process.
However, over time the symbol has come to signify much more than its esoteric meaning. Through controversies, Baphomet became, depending of the point of view, a representation of everything that is good in occultism or everything that is evil in occultism. It is, in fact, the ultimate “scapegoat”, the face of witchcraft, black magick and Satanism. The fact that the symbol is rather monstrous and grotesque has probably helped propel the symbol to its level of infamy as it never fails to shock organized religions while attracting those who rebel against them.
Since gaining widespread recognition in popular culture, the image of Baphomet is now used as a symbol of anything regarding occultism and ritualism. In corporate-owned mass media, which has ties with secret societies, the figure of Baphomet appears in the oddest places, often to audiences too young to understand the occult reference. Is Baphomet used in pop culture as a symbol of the power of the occult elite over the ignorant masses?
After centuries of myths, hoaxes, propaganda and disinformation on both sides of the spectrum, can we truly answer the the original question posed by this article: “Who is Baphomet?”. Is it a symbol of Satan or of spiritual enlightenment? Is it a symbol of good or evil? The answer lies within the symbol itself: It is both. In Egyptian mythology, Toth Hermes was a mediating power between good and evil, making sure neither had a decisive victory over the other. Baphomet represents the accomplishment on this cosmic task on a very small scale, within oneself. Once perfect equilibrium is attained on a personal level, the occult initiate can point one hand towards the heavens and one hand towards the earth and pronounce this hermetic axiom which reverberated through millenniums: “As Above, So Below”.
Who is Baphomet?
Resembling a wisp of smoke under the microscope the minuscule organism, could hold the key to the long-pondered question “are we alone?”.
Professor Wainwright said: “This is nothing short of a New Year’s present from outer space.
“The width of a human hair and resembling a chiffon scarf with a ghostly appearance, the particle is definitely biological.
“We can speculate that in its space environment this ‘ghost particle’ is a living balloon which an alien microscopic organism might inflate with lighter than air gasses allowing it to float in the air or the seas of an unknown space environment.
“The particle in the picture looks is more like a collapsed balloon, however in its natural state is probably inflated”.
George Washington University researchers have discovered the long-speculated part of the brain that triggers people’s consciousness.
Neurologist Mohamed Koubeissi and his colleagues have proven that there is indeed a sort of “on/off” switch in the brain that triggers consciousness. When stimulated, the claustrum, a thin, sheet-like structure deep inside the brain, can make people lose consciousness but remain awake — meaning they appear to be awake but have no use of the other elements that constitute being “awake.”
Originally posted by BroMikeyWild BILL is a friend of mine, he is the back bone of American values.
He is a great yodeler Too
My main man, take it BILL
AlLast edited by aljhoa; 01-21-2015, 04:25 PM.
Originally posted by BroMikey
It is a sick religion.
Give me freedom or give me death, is a quote I am beginning to understand.
44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.
45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and
members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.
46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and
can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
Kingdom of heaven in 9 minutes
Originally posted by BroMikey
Most do not see clearly as the Bible is a highly complex read.I have read the Bible over and over for the past 45 years.
I can show you where you missed it.
Keep reading, there is alot in there.
As a result of this warning (as documented in their magazine) they cancelled all major church events in the weeks prior to 9/11 and replaced them with 4 prayer meetings every week.
These prophecies reveal that God will never allow the world to be destroyed and that one day Christ will return in the midst of a great world crisis to bring peace and justice.
Originally posted by aljhoa View PostLeviticus 25:44-46New International Version (NIV)
44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.
45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and
members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.
46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and
can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.Originally posted by BroMikeySlaves that were not slaves before became wealthy by comparison to the conditions they lived in before they were slaves. And slaves earned their freedom in just 7 short years of which they most of the time loved their master/Leaders/ Bosses and kept right on working making the big money.
Buying a poor man to use as a slave was mercy for that man if GOD's protocol was properly followed.
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
What they're saying is by the very fact of being human, we must and will always struggle to
a) survive and defend our lives
b) struggle to be free to think and act on our notions, and
c) meet and fill our needs as we and only we perceive them, to create a life for ourselves we are satisfied with.
Regardless of whether we are in the worst situation--prisoners, refugees of war, starving masses downtrodden by tyrants; or
if we are in the best situation, rich, influential, striving to bring into being our ever-larger dreams—
we will always, always fight for our lives, our freedoms, and our hopes for our future. Why?
We dunno--humans are just built that way. By their “Creator”, whoever that is.
Inalienable Rights and the Constitution
Originally posted by BroMikey
The RULING CLASS Symbolism in
The court also ruled that the stops were Constitutional even if largely based on apparent Mexican ancestry.[2]
However the court added that restrictions still exist: "We have held that checkpoint searches are constitutional only if justified by consent or probable cause to search" (though the court did hold that the probable cause bar was low for permanent checkpoints with limited impact on motorists). The Court also held, "our holding today is limited to the type of stops described in this opinion. -[A]ny further detention...must be based on consent or probable cause. Our prior cases have limited significantly the reach of this congressional authorization, requiring probable cause for any vehicle search in the interior and reasonable suspicion for inquiry stops by roving patrols [as opposed to permanent checkpoints]." 428 U.S. 543, 567 (1976).
2 weeks ago
Stories like this make it seem like the terrorists are winning.
Andromeda - crystal-clear image of space
AlLast edited by aljhoa; 01-25-2015, 04:36 PM.
Originally posted by BroMikey
Fortunately, there are still Patriots who know that our Constitution is brilliant and timeless and that it’s not a living document that should change with the current mood.
the consttitution is timeless
Our DNA is the very essence of who we are. It determines every feature and characteristic about us, ranging from hair and eye color to aptitude for math and science. In this day of plastic surgery mania, DNA is the one human feature that is virtually unchangeable. But recent research into the amazing field of epigenetics has suggested that that may not be completely true. Here are a few rather surprising ways that you can show Mother Nature who's boss and do the unthinkable: change your genetic makeup.
dna can change
The United States government claims 100% ownership over all your DNA and reproductive rights. This astonishing revelation has emerged from the fact that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office claims the power to assign ownership of your DNA to private companies and universities who apply for patents on your genes.
genetic slavery
Originally posted by BroMikeyRuling Class Bullies. Everything about THE RULING CLASS makes the people guilty as charged without any offense being commited.
we should over militarize police
roadside court - ii
agenda 21 vs "sovereign city"
Global commerce and governance can be better accomplished without overstepping the U.S. Constitution,
pulling America into “entangling alliances”, and surrendering America’s sovereignty.
If America’s leaders desire to embrace capital “G” Globalism, they should lay these issues honestly before
the American public for open dialogue and debate, rather than subtly and incrementally merging the U.S. into
a globalist commune without the thoroughly informed consent of the American people.
Global Governance vs. American Sovereignty - Agenda 21 News
Bill Johnson - California's Cliven Bundy