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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
    Hey Rick,

    Here you go, check out this article and see what happened to these people for trying to establish / summons government leaders to a court or justice system other than what the government recognizes.

    Feds raid Texas secessionist meeting | XRepublic

    I know.. I know these Common Law Grand Juries are different.. they are in the constitution and have been recognized.. yadda yadda yadda… but you and I both know that the Feds and those in powers will not surrender or allow these things to go forward and so my question is then what?
    Yes, the Common Law Grand Juries are different, and are really the primary legal tool that the People have for holding courts and legislatures accountable to the Constitution. We know it, and THEY know it, and that is why they will do everything possible to oppose and delay our actions. So far, NLA's legal writs have been ignored by state and federal courts, and so obviously this will go all the way to the Supreme Court (SCOTUS). Since the SCOTUS has already ruled in United States -v- Williams that Grand Juries are Constitutionally provided for and are, in effect, a fourth branch of government to be administered directly by the People, independent of control by court magistrates or district attorneys, it follows that the SCOTUS cannot uphold the Constitution by ruling differently when this case comes before them. It is possible, of course, that the SCOTUS will simply refuse to hear the case in order to avoid the inevitable consequences that would arise from the SCOTUS ordering the lower federal courts and state courts to obey NLA's Grand Jury filings. If they do refuse to hear the case then that too will bring about consequences. I think the SCOTUS realizes that the consequences arising from allowing the People to retake their rightful place in forming and administering the Grand Juries would be far more preferable than the alternative consequences arising from denying this. A denial would be a show of contempt for the Constitution, the very legal document they have sworn to uphold and protect. If the SCOTUS will not do what they have sworn to do then the People and our Constitution are under attack, and it will be up to the People, and oath keepers in the military, National Guard, CSPOA, and elsewhere, to arrest all those who have been indicted and charge them with treason. I would definitely prefer to see the courts, and legislators, reverse course before that scenario becomes necessary, start taking the Constitution seriously, and begin upholding their oaths.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      I would definitely prefer to see the courts, and legislators, reverse course before that scenario becomes necessary, start taking the Constitution seriously, and begin upholding their oaths.
      Regarding the courts, they seem to take their oaths (to uphold the Constitution) not very seriously. Some less than others. Same for the legislators. Same for the police. Let's say, for argument's sake, I am wrong about that. If so, then WHY don't they stand up to those that dishonor their oath? it seems clear that the "peer pressure" is operating in a wrong direction. Every time I hear of abuse of power in the high places it makes me wonder why nothing serious is done about it. The "wheels of justice" need some grease.
      There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


      • Originally posted by wayne.ct View Post
        Regarding the courts, they seem to take their oaths (to uphold the Constitution) not very seriously. Some less than others. Same for the legislators. Same for the police. Let's say, for argument's sake, I am wrong about that. If so, then WHY don't they stand up to those that dishonor their oath? it seems clear that the "peer pressure" is operating in a wrong direction. Every time I hear of abuse of power in the high places it makes me wonder why nothing serious is done about it. The "wheels of justice" need some grease.

        Yes I agree and I think the best grease to use is the blood of the crooked politicians who've sold us out!
        Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


        • War fever

          10 Reasons Washington Has War Fever
          By Ron Holland - February 27, 2015
          - See more at: The Daily Bell - 10 Reasons Washington Has War Fever
          This is a very good article. I found an EXCELLENT comment;
          "Dynasties are leadership via rear view mirror. They run on fumes, the accrued goodwill of prior merit. The Bush-Clinton ping-pong game is late-stage Empire. Sclerotic power centers purged of innovation and fearful of the future. Unsustainable. The venerable labor-capital lever is breaking down. Why? AI/Transhumanism is eroding labor input. Entire industries are being replicated on desktops. Capital-intensiveness was a player in heavy industry. Information has less need of the banking paradigm. This suggests a diminished role for capital and is reflected in powerful deflationary forces. Problem? Legacy (prior era) debt and the levers of power still beholden to bankers. This is a powerful and potentially lethal anachronism. The current power structure needs to promote chaos and nihilism to survive. WW3 will be the last gasp of the old regime. The problem is WW3 may kill us all. Alas, that doesn't make it any less inevitable.

          The Plan is to retreat into neo-feudalistic central bank cantons and leave 95% of humanity in a Hobbsian plight outside the gates. For the powers-that-be, the only viable future is retreat behind electronic moats. Surveillance is designed to protect capital not labor. The road to the future is narrow and blood-soaked.--nb"


          • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
            10 Reasons Washington Has War Fever
            By Ron Holland - February 27, 2015
            - See more at: The Daily Bell - 10 Reasons Washington Has War Fever
            This is a very good article. I found an EXCELLENT comment;
            "Dynasties are leadership via rear view mirror. They run on fumes, the accrued goodwill of prior merit. The Bush-Clinton ping-pong game is late-stage Empire. Sclerotic power centers purged of innovation and fearful of the future. Unsustainable. The venerable labor-capital lever is breaking down. Why? AI/Transhumanism is eroding labor input. Entire industries are being replicated on desktops. Capital-intensiveness was a player in heavy industry. Information has less need of the banking paradigm. This suggests a diminished role for capital and is reflected in powerful deflationary forces. Problem? Legacy (prior era) debt and the levers of power still beholden to bankers. This is a powerful and potentially lethal anachronism. The current power structure needs to promote chaos and nihilism to survive. WW3 will be the last gasp of the old regime. The problem is WW3 may kill us all. Alas, that doesn't make it any less inevitable.

            The Plan is to retreat into neo-feudalistic central bank cantons and leave 95% of humanity in a Hobbsian plight outside the gates. For the powers-that-be, the only viable future is retreat behind electronic moats. Surveillance is designed to protect capital not labor. The road to the future is narrow and blood-soaked.--nb"
            Divide and Conquer


            Song To Inanna



            • Private Citizen police carry guns and make arrests, and their ranks are swelling

              Like more and more Virginians, Youlen gained his police powers using a little-known provision of state law that allows private citizens to petition the courts for the authority to carry a gun, display a badge and make arrests. The number of “special conservators of the peace” — or SCOPs, as they are known — has doubled in Virginia over the past decade to roughly 750, according to state records.

              Private police carry guns and make arrests, and their ranks are swelling

              NOTE: I added the word Citizen to the article title
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • Here's a link to view the Roll Call voting results for the US House of Representatives in regards to Boehner's proposal to pass short term funding of the amended Senate bill which had stripped out the demand that Barry's illegal alien amnesty executive order be defunded. Boehner's shameful plea was rejected by 52 House Republicans. Click the above link to see who voted for or against Boehner's cave-in proposal. Thank those who voted against it, and demand that they continue to stand in firm opposition to any DHS funding bill which does not totally defund Barry's unconstitutional executive amnesty provisions.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • The courts

                  I made a snide remark here recently about the US court system and so, when I noticed this, also recently, I thought I would post it here. It is "old" so it might reflect the idea that what happens in the courts has changed. Whether it has changed or not, I leave that question open. Without more ado, here it is.

         Judge William Young -- Shoe Bomber Sentencing
                  There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                  • "The Enemy Of Your Enemy Is Your Enemy"

                    My friends, I'm deeply humbled by the opportunity to speak for a third time
                    before the most important legislative body in the world, the U.S. Congress.

                    I want to thank you all for being here today. I know that my speech has been the subject of much controversy.
                    I deeply regret that some perceive my being here as political. That was never my intention.

                    I want to thank you, Democrats and Republicans, for your common support
                    for Israel, year after year, decade after decade.

                    And some of what the president has done for Israel might never be known,
                    because it touches on some of the most sensitive and strategic issues
                    that arise between an American president and an Israeli prime minister.

                    And Israel is grateful to you, the American Congress, for your support,
                    for supporting us in so many ways, especially in generous military assistance and missile defense, including Iron Dome.

                    For those who believe that Iran threatens the Jewish state,
                    but not the Jewish people, listen to Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah,
                    Iran's chief terrorist proxy. He said: If all the Jews gather in Israel,
                    it will save us the trouble of chasing them down around the world.

                    Iran's regime is as radical as ever, its cries of "Death to America,"
                    that same America that it calls the "Great Satan," as loud as ever.

                    Iran and ISIS are competing for the crown of militant Islam.
                    One calls itself the Islamic Republic. The other calls itself the Islamic State.
                    Both want to impose a militant Islamic empire first on the region and then on the entire world.
                    They just disagree among themselves who will be the ruler of that empire.

                    Ladies and gentlemen, I've come here today to tell you we don't have to bet
                    the security of the world on the hope that Iran will change for the better.
                    We don't have to gamble with our future and with our children's future.

                    Before lifting those restrictions, the world should demand that Iran do three things.
                    First, stop its aggression against its neighbors in the Middle East. Second...
                    Second, stop supporting terrorism around the world.
                    And third, stop threatening to annihilate my country, Israel, the one and only Jewish state.

                    And before the people of Israel entered the land of Israel,
                    Moses gave us a message that has steeled our resolve for thousands of years.
                    I leave you with his message today, (SPEAKING IN HEBREW),
                    "Be strong and resolute, neither fear nor dread them."

                    Netanyahu’s address to Congress



                    • Israel is a criminal State,, nothing less. I suspect that Bibi's days are numbered. MOSSAD has removed a prime minister before when he didn't follow the line that MOSSAD wanted. Now;
                      "A former head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency has described as “bull****” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the US Congress, saying the Israeli premier lied to the US lawmakers about Iran’s nuclear threat.

                      In an interview with Israel’s Channel Two aired on Friday, Meir Dagan said Netanyahu’s anti-Iran rant was no more than “a political speech that caused diplomatic and defense damage to Israel.”

                      He warned that Netanyahu’s policies toward the nuclear negotiations between Iran the P5+1 group of countries would only bring out the Israeli regime’s growing isolation in the international community.

                      Dagan also lashed out at the Israeli premier for antagonizing US President Barack Obama over Iran’s nuclear program.

                      Last week, the former Mossad chief accused Netanyahu of bringing “intolerable” risks upon the Israeli regime by fraying ties with the US, adding the premier’s policies are detrimental to Tel Aviv’s future and security.

                      “I feel that we are now at a critical point regarding our existence and our security… Our standing in the world is not brilliant right now. The question of Israel’s legitimacy is up for debate,” he stated, adding, “We should not erode our relations with our most important friend…This is not proper behavior for a prime minister.”


                      • Abraham Lincoln on the Jesuits

                        “This [American Civil] war [of 1861-1865] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis [President of the Confederacy] nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that under the mask of Democracy, the money and arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France, were at their disposal if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know on that subject from the knowledge of the nation, for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor [Samuel B.] Morse [Ed. Note: famous for the Morse code] has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome [i.e., at the Vatican] to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the [Roman Catholic] priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free.”

                        Call to Decision


                        • [IMG]Obama Amnesty Plan: Legalize Foreigners, 'Take Over the Host,' 'Push Citizens into the Shadows' By Selwyn Duke It was supposed to be a phone call for Obama administration ears only. But hear it the radio host did, she says. And what she heard should make your blood run cold — and perhaps your rage hot. Obama’s amnesty plan is to use illegal aliens as “seedlings,” said the federal officials. They will “navigate, not assimilate,” as they “take over the host,” create a “country within a country” and start “pushing the citizens into the shadows.” Read more: Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook[/IMG]

                          Read more here Articles: Obama Amnesty Plan: Legalize Foreigners, 'Take Over the Host,' 'Push Citizens into the Shadows'


                          • My opinion regarding the American Ruling Class and the New World Order

                            We know the two (American Ruling Class and the New World Order ) are tied hand in hand and work together for their ultimate goal of one world government and one currency where they can control everything and everyone under one rule of government.

                            It’s been my opinion for many years the USA is purposely being sabotaged by its leaders who are accumulating vast amounts of wealth through their willing participation in this ultimate goal of the complete destruction of the USA and the US Dollar. The USA dollar will crash and is purposely been raided so when that day comes the US Dollar and its government are no longer needed the UN and a world government will step in and take over total control. There is too much proof of this already being set in motion but many are still blinded by the truth.

                            Recently I finished reading a series of articles regarding the real facts behind Apartheid in South Africa. While there will always be a difference of opinions I was stuck by several things that stood out to me in this series. One interesting thing was the comments left after each article was posted and how the naysayers to the Authors work could only result to personal attacks and never once debate the argument presented with any facts or documents like the author was able to do in each of his very well researched posts.

                            Another thing that stood out for me was how in South Africa the list of languages, tribes and even the different white races were all listed (which was confusing at times) the author pointed out that the main reason for initially implementing Apartheid was so each group could rule their own area with their own customs and their own laws based on cultural history of each people. It was never a “back Vs White” type of situation which it was made out to be and perpetuated by the NWO who has a one world government agenda.

                            It wasn’t until I finished the series (which is well worth the read) that I had one of those moments of clarity where I could see how the agenda of the NWO was at work full force inside the USA as well.

                            I am making this observation here and while many might disagree with its merits and certain others might call me a racist hate monger (personal attack) I can unequivocally deny my reasons for posting such opinions are based on any racial ideology of any race being superior than another but more so along the lines of looking at it from a much wider perspective.

                            Imagine the push for mixed racial marriages and the desegregation in the USA, the gay agenda or inclusion of all types of people in the rainbow of the LBG movement and how the media, the NWO, and the UN are all pushing for this cohabitation in harmony propaganda. Anyone disagreeing or suggesting separate but equal or even separate self governing movements, identities, or governments are immediately tarred and feathered with the racial hatred brush or some other derogatory label with the intentions of causing those individuals to be pushed to the outside of social acceptance. We can agree to disagree on the motives of the actual individuals who desire such separate governing bodies what I think we should look at is the motives of those against such movements.

                            In South Africa each of the ten + major tribes were given land for their people, as well as the whites were divided up and given their own areas which were segregated by class and social standing. It was interesting to read that out of all of that that something like 78% of all tax revenue came from the whites in South African while 50%+ of tax spending was used or designated to the blacks in each tribe and area. Now while that might sound a little racist in how its presented I simply point out the fact that many of the tribal blacks were programmed to think they were getting a raw deal of some sort even though they enjoyed the most prosperity they had ever witnessed in their history.

                            Where the light came on for me after reading the series was the fact there was a huge push to end segregation (Apartheid) not because it was unfair to the blacks or that the whites were ruling the blacks in an oppressive way but rather the fact that with all these individual governments and leaders with different cultures, backgrounds, and political and religious beliefs it was impossible for the UN or the NWO to come in and take control as the single governing body that could control all the natural resources and ALL of the people.

                            By starting a successful propaganda campaign to undermine the entire Apartheid movement it was sold to the black people first as being unfair, oppressive, and even a violation of human rights. OF course this caught on then a large portion of white people were eventually convinced of this as truth too and so in the end the result was the end of Apartheid after the bloody riots and killings over the disagreement of it all.

                            This successful campaign now opened the door for one government of a rainbow of people from all races all being united under one government and one rule of law and was exactly what the UN and the NWO intended all along. The people were hoodwinked and fell for it and again this opinion of mine has nothing to with any racial agenda or white pride or any of that BS but rather the incredible realization of just how tricky those in power really are.

                            I encourage the readers here to read through the series of articles on Apartheid and see if you too can see any similarities of what’s happening in the USA with the ruling class or any of the same agendas.

                            One of the things that led me to this series of articles is the recent anniversary of the civil rights movement in Selma and of course the Movie “Selma” itself (which I have not seen) and that got me link jumping from one link to another on comments and ideology regarding the entire civil rights movement.

                            Selma today which is almost 80% black is a lot like the South Africa black tribes (I use the term tribes as they are described by that there in Africa and not as a derogatory term or description) who were granted their own land and their own rule of law and governing their own people there was still a huge push by many of those blacks to spend a great amount of energy and even a desire to leave those lands to join and live in the segregated areas under apartheid where the whites lived and worked, which was never the intention of the entire Apartheid plan.

                            The Apartheid plan was simple, each races and tribe were to be given their own area and rule it accordingly to own customs, religion, and social beliefs but that was still not enough for many of the people especially when their own rule of governing failed miserably. So back to Selma today.

                            I found Selma as a community had striking similar parallels based on the information I read on Apartheid series in South Africa (which I’ve linked below). Here is a quote from a LA Times article on Selma

                            People assume there is a correlation between political power and economic power," he said. But a black power structure — mayor, city council, police force — is not enough.

                            "You change the political power, and the white business owners just move outside the city. So you have power over a doughnut hole. We need help to climb out of the doughnut hole," he said.

                            He (Jessie Jackson) went on to describe a plan in which the government would intervene to stop people from relocating their businesses. "It's the only way," Jackson said.

                            And you might think that de-segregation or civil rights was what it was all about in Selma but in the same article this is what was said by the black leaders

                            Sanders said the problem was deeper. It's cultural. "People forget that even the Jews wanted to integrate into their society. That's why so many of them were killed before they realized what was going on," she said. "It's not unique to black people. When you see powerful people, it's a natural inclination to want to integrate with those people."

                            But wasn't that why King and so many Selma residents marched? For integration?

                            "No, no," she said. "I'm saying we need to do what the Jews have learned to do: maintain your identity."

                            Selma, 50 years after march, remains a city divided - LA Times

                            I took the liberty of highlighting the important words in the last quote as this is more along the lines of the entire argument that seems to get lost in all the propaganda and lies.

                            So the real deal is the UN and the NOW do not want individuals or any race to maintain their own identity or to segregate into pockets that they have a hard time controlling. I just find its incredibly deep how far the rabbit hole goes and just how hoodwinked we all are regardless s of our race or backgrounds, we are all at the mercy of these evil world leaders who want nothing more than total control at the expense us all of us.

                            Here is the link to the series on Apartheid , enjoy!

                            Mike Smith's Political Commentary: The entire Opening Pandora's Apartheid Box series
                            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                            • Texas bill would make recording police illegal for citizens

                              A bill introduced to the Texas House of Representatives would make it illegal for private citizens to record police within 25 feet.

                              House Bill 2918, introduced by Texas Rep. Jason Villalba (R-Dallas) on Tuesday, would make the offense a misdemeanor. Citizens who are armed would not be permitted to record police activity within 100 feet of an officer, according to the Houston Chronicle.

                              Only representatives of radio or TV organizations that hold an FCC license, newspapers and magazines would have the right to record police.
                              Texas bill would make recording police illegal for citizens

                              This GOP representative should be ousted and never allowed to run for office again, what an embarrassment to the Constitution and the people it represents.

                              While I understand he is trying to at least say not within 25 feet (to help prevent obstruction of the officers duties) the bill would allow police to lie and say camera / filming was inside the 25 feet and it will be hard to prove otherwise. There should be no LAW or rule regardless of the distance because if a camera / film person was already inside 25 feet the police could automatically charged any person with interference of official police duty so the law is not even needed.

                              All this law does is open the door to be expanded for the space of 25 feet to be abused or widened as well as its just bad for freedom. I hope this representative is recalled and never wins another race. I swear the people in office representing the people have just lost their direction
                              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                              • 5150, keep in mind that there is another facet to the turmoil in Southern Africa. You undoubtedly know who Cecil Rhodes is. The great colonizer. Ian Smith if Rhodesia lived in a plain house without guards. The Boers were hugely productive and fed much of southern Africa. Bill Clinton ( a Rhodes scholar) was sent to Africa to promote black rule, ending apartheid. Like most places, the worst people rise to a position of power. The Boers and other whites were slaughtered and the farms destroyed,,, as planned.

                                Half the gold in the world has come out of the Witwatersrand. The crust of Terra is composed of mostly light materials. The good stuff is way down deep. A large meteor? hit southern Africa and created the Vredefort crater. It broke through the mantle and has HUGE mineral deposits. The ring wall is about 300 miles across. EVERYBODY wants the oil and minerals.
                                America the beautiful bombed the snot out of the manmade river project in Lybia because it threatened to feed MENA.
                                NATO bombs the Great Man-Made River « Human rights investigations
                                We sure as hell don't want food independence for all those Africans sitting on all of our resources.
                                Cathy Buckle has written a running commentary on the conditions in Zimbabwe.
                                Cathy Buckle News from Zimbabwe

                                When the bond market here crashes, it will severely curtail food production. The central Valley of Ca. has a huge drought problem. Ukraine is VERY important for food exports. NATO has fed Africa for years. Half of Sub-Sahara Africa is on food aid. Their birth rate is pretty high. What happens when the rug (food support) gets yanked out?

