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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    What I really wanted to add is that, to my thinking, any proposed legislation that presumes to give gun owners new rights,
    or take certain rights away, is unconstitutional and unnecessary.
    UNALIENABLE. The state of a thing or right which cannot be sold.



    • Civil Asset Forfeiture

      Finally some good news and common sense

      New Mexico Gov. Signs Bill Abolishing Civil Asset Forfeiture

      New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez signed a bill to abolish civil asset forfeiture Friday.

      She signed just before the noon deadline that would have pocket vetoed the legislation.

      Civil asset forfeiture is a practice where police can seize your property and keep it even if they don’t convict or charge you with a crime. Then, you must go through the difficult, and often unsuccessful process to get your property–whether it’s a vehicle, cash or your home–back from the police.

      The new law makes two important changes:

      1. Currently, when police seize property they can keep it even if you are innocent. Under the new law, police can still take property from you for a short period, but would need a conviction or a guilty plea in order to keep it.

      2. The law changes the incentive structure for police. Under the new law, if police do get a guilty verdict and your property is forfeited, it goes to the state’s general fund rather than the police department’s budget. The difference at least adds a layer of bureaucracy and oversight between police and the funds they seize.
      more at

      BREAKING: New Mexico Gov. Signs Bill Abolishing Civil Asset Forfeiture | Ben Swann Truth In Media

      I'm glad the police will not access to these assets and thus removes their incentive for doing so... this is a huge step in the right direction to stop the thug pigs from their criminal actions against the people
      Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


      • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
        What about Convicted Felons, do they have a right to carry a weapon without being "questioned"??? See the double standard?
        In my opinion, anyone who has served time for a felony, and who is released on the basis of having been "rehabilitated" should automatically regain their right to bear arms. The Maine Supreme Court evidently disagrees, and you can read about two cases in which they ruled that the Maine statute barring felons from possessing firearms was not unconstitutional. The first case occurred before the Maine Constitution was amended to secure the right to bear arms as being an individual right, rather than a collective right for the common defense. The amendment came about as a result of gun owners being outraged by the 1986 court ruling. After the amendment, gun owners thought that the Maine Constitution's statement on gun rights - “Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms; and this right shall never be questioned.” - was crystal clear and could not be misconstrued. It clearly says "every citizen," not just some citizens. In 1990, however, the Maine Supreme Court ruled again that the statute regarding a felon in possession was not unconstitutional, their given reason being that "amended Article 1, section 16, does not prevent reasonable regulation of the constitutional right that it protects, and that it is reasonable to ban felons from possessing firearms given the disregard for law that their status as felons demonstrates."

        So go figure. The Maine Constitution is the supreme law of the State of Maine, while a decision by the Maine Supreme Court is not law, but rather is an opinion. The Maine Supreme Court makes a lot of rulings that run afoul of the Maine Constitution, as do also the Maine Superior Court and Maine District Courts, and that needs to change.

        Quote: Originally Posted by rickoff
        "What is really needed are not new gun statutes, but rather the elimination of all unconstitutional statutes that are now on the books."

        Originally posted by 5150 View Post
        I totally agree with you here but think this common sense approach should extend farther than just gun statutes to a wide variety of statues all across the entire country.
        Notice that my above statement called for "the elimination of all unconstitutional statutes that are now on the books, "and not just gun control statutes. Sorry if I didn't make that clear enough. Perhaps I should have underlined the word "all."

        Originally posted by 5150 View Post
        Maybe if the legislators spent more time eliminating more statutes (Laws) than creating so many new ones their popularity would increase but I guess you really can't fix stupid can you.
        We certainly can't expect or count on legislators to suddenly do what is right and begin following their oath to uphold the Maine and federal Constitutions by eliminating all statutes repugnant to those constitutions. Nearly all legislators, both state and federal, are lawyers, and this is where the problem lies. In their studies, they only learned statutory law, and in their careers they have only practiced statutory law. Statutes were originally intended to be regulations applying only to persons who held public office, but the lawyer legislators have, over the years, turned this around to be used as a tool to control the People. That too must end. It has nothing to do with the lawyer legislators being stupid. They know exactly what they have been doing, and that it is wrong. They, and the courts, have been duly warned to stop this treason, and we'll soon see whether they heed the warning.
        Last edited by rickoff; 04-13-2015, 04:15 AM.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Quotable quote of the day....

          "How fortunate for government that the people that they administer to don't think." - Adolf Hitler
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

            California has 17 desalination plants in the works, either partially constructed or through exploration and planning phases.[148]
            The list of locations includes Bay Point, in the Delta, Redwood City, seven in the Santa Cruz / Monterey Bay, Cambria, Oceaneo,
            Redondo Beach, Huntington Beach, Dana Point, Camp Pendleton, Oceanside and Carlsbad.

            Desalination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            Yes, California has plans for several desalinization plants, and some are already under construction, but these should have been built 30 years ago to avoid the situation that California faces today. If every one of these plants were currently on line and active, it could greatly alleviate the drought conditions caused by an 11 trillion gallon water shortage, but none are ready. Too little and too late.

            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
            WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will ask Americans to think of climate change
            as a threat not just to the environment, but also to their health.
            Dude: The CO2 levels in the atmosphere are the highest in recorded history dude and
            they are going up faster than ever seen before dude. CO2 makes water acidic. Acidic water melts calcium.
            Your bones and shells of shell fish are made of calcium dude. An acidic ocean will kill the plankton.
            Then the fish will have nothing to eat. The oceans will become big cesspools.
            Two words answer this junk science scare tactic, and they arent "Global Warming." They are "Agenda 21." Several states have finally awakened to the threat posed by the UN's Agenda 21, aka their "Sustainable Development" plan, and have introduced legislation to ban Agenda 21 in their states. Maine is one of those states, and a meeting was held at the State House Thursday April 9th to consider this ban as proposed in LD 161. More on that later.

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              Too little and too late.
              Not if yor 21



              • More on Maine's constitutional carry proposal....

                There were about four hundred Mainers who turned out to support the constitutional carry proposal. That's a lot more than could squeeze into the room where the proposal was being offered, so the majority of supporters stood in separate overflow rooms where loudspeakers had been set up so that they could hear what was going on. Forty of the supporters had requested speaking time, and the legislative committee limited each of their time slots to a maximum of three minutes. That didn't give anyone time to say very much, which was unfortunate. On the other hand, persons speaking against the proposal were allowed seemingly unlimited time, and that included police spokesmen and anti-gun groups. As it turned out, the few who spoke against the proposed bill used up as much time as the forty who spoke in support of it. It just goes to show that public servants believe they are more important than the public that they are supposed to be serving.

                Where this goes to now is anyone's guess. The same proposal last year lost by just one vote, and I'm sure that committee members who are against the bill will do everything possible to ensure it dies in committee and never sees a vote by the full legislature.

                As I said earlier, even though the constitutional carry bill would be a step in the right direction, to me it is a misstep. If one thinks about it, it doesn't make sense to ask legislators to pass a bill that allows constitutional carry when the Maine Constitution already makes it abundantly clear that the People of Maine already have gun rights that "shall never be questioned." If someone needs to obtain a license, or permit, to carry concealed then they would be asking for permission to do something they already have the right to do. That's why it's called Constitutional Carry. As it stands right now, anyone can wear or carry a handgun or rifle openly, according to this right, but if one then dons a jacket that covers the gun, that person becomes recognized as a criminal unless they possess the currently required concealed carry permit. True criminals, of course, aren't affected because they do whatever they want regardless of any statutes to the contrary. Therefore, only law abiding people are adversely affected by anti-gun legislation and regulations.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                  Yeah, Tyler lives 2 lives. Who would have known? The VERY important thing to remember is that the writers of Zero Hedge are freely giving out phenomenally accurate financial advice. All this info destroys the narrative from those who would fleece us.
                  This is a graph showing that banks are cutting off credit;
                  So, what is the result? Bankruptcies Suddenly Soar Across Corporate America, Worst First Quarter Since 2009 | Wolf Street
                  GOV is now pumping a bubble in student loans that is even bigger than the housing bubble. The default rate is way up there.
                  Gordon T Long : Global Macro Economic Research : Macro Insights
                  In a general sense, lending is coming to an end. A banker must believe that bubbles can go on forever for him to continue to loan. As credit shuts down, defaults go up. The central banks drove interest rates down to get people to borrow. This is / was VERY appealing to irresponsible people who had no hope of repaying the loans. Since all this credit creation is highly leveraged, it doesn't take a very high default rate to wipe out all reserves and collateral.
                  Evidently, the banks have had enough of liar loans to insolvent people and companies.

                  Edit, I want to add more links on illiquidity. after illiquidity comes insolvency. this is important to understand. It is an indicator that there just isn't enough money circulation in the productive loop of the economy.
                  IMF tells regulators to brace for global 'liquidity shock' - Telegraph
                  The Global Liquidity Squeeze Has Begun
                  Zero Hedge;
                  Bob Marley Babylon system



                  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                    True criminals, of course, aren't affected because they do whatever they want regardless of any statutes to the contrary. Therefore, only law abiding people are adversely affected by anti-gun legislation and regulations.
                    Call us "true criminals" or patriots or whatever name / label you want but I proudly will break any law or be called whatever you like but make no mistake about it at least I have the balls to stand up and break those unconstitutional laws. And that makes it clear that I am not a slave to conformity or submitting to such rule over me.

                    "Law abiding" citizens are hypocritical IMHO when they knowingly have a corrupt government and unconstitutional laws that are then "legally"eroding their rights away with each passing day yet do nothing but try "fixing"it all in that same broken and corrupt system thats set up against them.

                    when it gets to that point then we are all criminals when we stand up to such a government
                    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                    • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                      Call us "true criminals" or patriots or whatever name / label you want but I proudly will break any law or be called whatever you like but make no mistake about it at least I have the balls to stand up and break those unconstitutional laws. And that makes it clear that I am not a slave to conformity or submitting to such rule over me.
                      When I mention "true criminals," no one should presume that the label applies to anyone and everyone who has been convicted of a so-called crime, or served time in a jail or prison facility. In my mind, a "true criminal" is a person who knowingly, willfully, and intentionally commits an act that violates another person's natural right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. Anyone who has been convicted of a crime in which none of those natural rights have been violated has been wrongly convicted of a victimless crime, and should be set free. Those LEO's, lawyers, and judges who conspire to obtain such false convictions, as well as the legislators who wrote and passed the unconstitutional statutes that such convictions are based upon, are true criminals in the purest sense of that definition.

                      Keep in mind that any law, code, statute, or regulation that is not in accord with the federal Constitution, or a state constitution, is therefore repugnant to these constitutions and unquestionably void from the moment it is enacted. And therefore, civil disobedience to such unconstitutional enactments is not only justified but is imperative to those who wish to live in a free society and exercise their unalienable rights. To all who take such a stand for their liberties, without infringing on the natural rights of others, I applaud you.

                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        When I mention "true criminals," no one should presume that the label applies to anyone and everyone who has been convicted of a so-called crime, or served time in a jail or prison facility. In my mind, a "true criminal" is a person who knowingly, willfully, and intentionally commits an act that violates another person's natural right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness.
                        Rick with all due respect you're back peddling here because you know when I responded to you post #5872 and the last paragraph you were specifically talking only about gun rights and conceal carry laws in specific as soon as a jacket or clothing covers a gun it automatically becomes a criminal offense and then you expanded by saying "true criminals" will do whatever they please and that comment regarding true criminals was therefore in reference to gun laws and conceal carry. That in turn is what I was responding to, the conversation regarding gun rights and conceal carry and true criminals.

                        If I have a felony conviction and even after my conviction if I chose to own and carry a gun for my own protection against the laws then I am again a criminal and breaking the law. Never mind the fact there are no victims, I am not impeding on anyone else's rights, freedoms or their pursuit of happiness but simply exercising my own rights and even with all of that I am still going to be labeled a true criminal simply because I don't give a F*** what the laws say or anyone else for that matter.

                        We can split hairs all day on natural laws or even constitutional rights and all the other stuff but the fact is the government does not care what anyone thinks or what the original laws were, all they care about is the control over the slaves and how much money they can generate from said slaves.

                        / rant
                        Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                        • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                          We can split hairs all day on natural laws or even constitutional rights and all the other stuff but the fact is the government does not care what anyone thinks or what the original laws were, all they care about is the control over the slaves and how much money they can generate from said slaves.
                          DIVISION 11. RULES OF THE ROAD


                          Section 21052.

                          The provisions of this code applicable to the drivers of vehicles upon the highways apply to the drivers of all vehicles while engaged in the course of employment by this State, any political subdivision thereof, any municipal corporation, or any district, including authorized emergency vehicles subject to those exemptions granted such authorized emergency vehicles in this code.



                          • Decline and Fall

                            "When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said that a nation that continues year after year to spend more money on the military than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death he wasn’t warning us. He was warning our parents and grandparents. We’re the dead."
                            The Decline and Fall of the United States


                            • What sustains this system?

                              There is an old "story" about a "lion" that was old and unable to catch any prey out on the open savanna and, as luck would have it, discovered that humans were easy to kill and eat. The villagers, being ignorant savages, began to feed the old and sick to the beast. When that source of lion food was exhausted, they began to feed children and undesirables to the beast. It took a while, but eventually they realized they would have to STOP FEEDING THE BEAST.

                              That is what we have to do. Organize your life so that you are as independent as possible and have as little interaction as possible with the BEAST. The BEAST is starting to get hungry. The stupid villagers are loaning money to the beast and stealing from the children. That was the step that finally brought reality to the situation. Spend your pieces of paper in ways that encourage self reliance, because the big name chain store is going to fail. If you don't realize it, the shelves of the big name box are filled with stuff from China, etc. and it is going to be tough for many people when they can't afford to buy food.

                              I mixed a bunch of unrelated stuff together there at the end.... "Sorry"
                              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                                "When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said that a nation that continues year after year to spend more money on the military than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death he wasn’t warning us. He was warning our parents and grandparents. We’re the dead."
                                The Decline and Fall of the United States
                                Why America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore.

                                Overall Rankings


