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The American Ruling Class

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  • The killing has started in Oregon

    One man dead one wounded and five charged with felony

    Oregon standoff spokesman Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum killed, Bundys in custody after shooting near Burns |


    • Oregon standoff day 28

      Oregon standoff Day 28: What you need to know Friday |

      Reading the comments on this page below the vid showing the shooting is just sickening.
      They seem to be enjoying watching someone die, it's just entertainment to them. Making jokes about this and the others who may die as well, is just sick.

      I best bite my tongue now, Gene


      • What KrissAnne Hall thinks about The American Ruling Class
        and what she saw in the FBI vid.

        OK I will stop now until we here from Rick.
        I do not wish to high jack this thread.


        • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
          What KrissAnne Hall thinks about The American Ruling Class
          and what she saw in the FBI vid.

          OK I will stop now until we here from Rick.
          I do not wish to high jack this thread.
          I didn't want to jump to any conclusions and post anything that I didn't feel certain of, but after doing research on what I could find out, I'd have to agree with KrisAnne's assessment. Here's what I believe really happened:

          First, take a look at the FBI released video sequence, which starts at the point just a few minutes after the van had initially been stopped by FBI agents. At the time of that stop (but not shown in the released video), front seat passenger Ryan Payne had stuck his hands and head out the window to tell FBI agents that they were simply on their way to a meeting with a sheriff. An agent then fired what appears to have been a warning shot at Payne which missed him, and after telling agents not to shoot because there were women inside, Payne then opened the door and stepped out to talk with agents. He was quickly taken into custody. After that, the driver, La Voy Finnicum, then moved the van ahead down the road and attempted to go around the left side of the roadblock, but ended up in a snow bank. He gets out of the van and starts walking toward an FBI agent with hands outstretched at his sides. The shooting of Finicum appears to take place between the 0:31 and 0:37 time references, with the two agents closest to Finicum lowering their weapons between 0:37 and 0:38 elapsed time. It does appear that Finnicum reached towards his side, or belt line at one point, but as KrisAnne remarked, he was probably already wounded and just reaching for the wound. An audio segment synced with the video would be most enlightening regarding the point where Finnicum was first shot.

          The "official" story from FBI and media reports that only 3 shots were fired, and perhaps that may be true of the shots that struck and killed Finicum, but Victoria Sharp, a passenger riding in the middle of the van's back seat, says that the "3 shot" story is a total lie, and I'm far more inclined to believe her than to believe the "official" account. Victoria says that after Ryan Payne exited the vehicle, and the vehicle started moving forward, the FBI agents began firing at the van. She says they continued firing for what seemed like at least 5 minutes, which would be well past the time that Finicum was gunned down. It was somewhere during this time that Ryan Bundy was shot in the arm. After seeing Finicum gunned down, Victoria says that everyone inside the van hit the floor and yelled for the FBI to stop shooting, but instead the FBI continued shooting and lobbing tear gas at the vehicle. This wasn't a "road stop," folks, it was an ambush. Victoria says that there were actually dozens of agents with long guns and laser scopes participating in the ambush, and that some FBI snipers were positioned up in trees. She said that the entire left side of the vehicle was riddled with bullet holes, and that all windows on that side were shot out. Note that no "after" photos or video showing the van have been produced, and the apparent reason for that is because it would blow a hole in the "official" 3-shot story and show proof that this was highly unwarranted and excessive abuse of force.

          The only question at this point is, who should we believe? After listening to recorded audio of Victoria Sharp's eyewitness account, I find that her words definitely have what I call "the ring of truth," and thus I am far more inclined to believe her account. Note too, that she was positioned directly adjacent to where Finicum was when he was killed, and probably no more than 20 feet or so from him. Therefore, what she saw and heard is no doubt the most accurate accounting of what happened, as long as it is truthful, which I believe to be the case. That the FBI fired upon the passengers in the van is rather indisputable, since Ryan Bundy, who was shot in the arm, was shot while in the vehicle, and that fact, in and of itself, makes Victoria's statement appear to be reliable first hand witness testimony. Here's a direct link to her recorded statement. Listen to it and decide for yourselves if you, like me, also hear "the ring of truth" in her voice.
          Last edited by rickoff; 02-01-2016, 02:30 PM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


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                • Everyone already has the opportunity to vote, Bernie - even dead people and aliens, as statistics show. How about something useful instead, like a tax holiday for example (which would fall on April 15th, of course)?
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • HVD

                    The origin of this holiday for the expression of love really isn't romantic at all -- at least not in the traditional sense. Father Frank O'Gara of Whitefriars Street Church in Dublin, Ireland, tells the real story of the man behind the holiday -- St. Valentine.

                    "He was a Roman Priest at a time when there was an emperor called Claudias who persecuted the church at that particular time," Father O'Gara explains. " He also had an edict that prohibited the marriage of young people. This was based on the hypothesis that unmarried soldiers fought better than married soldiers."

                    St. Valentine, the Real Story | (beta)

                    In Ancient Rome the young male body remained a focus of male sexual attention, but relationships were between older free men, and slaves or freed youths who took the receptive role in sex. All the emperors, with the exception of Claudius, took male lovers. The Hellenophile emperor Hadrian is renowned for his relationship with Antinous.
                    In Roman patriarchal society, it was socially acceptable for an adult male citizen to take the penetrative role in same-sex relations. Freeborn male minors were strictly protected from sexual predators (see Lex Scantinia), and men who willingly played the "passive" role in homosexual relations were disparaged. No law or moral censure was directed against homosexual behaviors as such, as long as the citizen took the dominant role with a partner of lower status such as a slave, prostitute, or someone considered infamis, of no social standing.




                    • Hillary Clinton Sponsors

                      The Federal Security Service (FSB) is shockingly reporting today that it has just added
                      former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to its terrorist sponsor watchlist after it was discovered
                      this week that one of the top monetary contributors to her presidential campaign is a suspected agent of
                      Pakistan’s Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) who has funneled hundred-of-millions of dollars
                      to Islamic Sunni-backed terror groups throughout the Middle East.

                      As to what has raised the FSB’s “serious concerns” about Hillary Clinton, this report explains,
                      was her private meeting this past week in Beaumont, Texas, with Pakistani businessman Muhammad Tahir Javed at his home,
                      and attended by 250 other Muslims, that collected about $500,000 making it one of the top five private fundraisers she has had in America to date.



                      • Hi Rick,
                        Sent you a PM.
                        Regards, Gene


                        • "Feeble-minded" Manipulation Results

                          Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                          This is an absolutely astounding video. I can't refute any of it.



                          • Comment

                            • Legendary U.S. attorney 'confident' Hillary grand jury convened

                              A tale of two investigations

                              DiGenova explained to WND there are two FBI investigations going on simultaneously,
                              with the first one involving Hillary Clinton’s private server and possible violations of the national security laws
                              regarding the handling of classified information.
                              The second investigation involves what Justice Department prosecutors call an “official acts” investigation,
                              regarding a possible correlation between “official acts” performed by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state,
                              her office and the State Department, and large donations made to the Clinton Foundation by countries, corporations and individuals.

                              ‘An eruption like you cannot believe’

                              “The criminal case against Hillary Clinton is a no-brainer,” he concluded. “If people are not prosecuted for this server,
                              there will be an eruption like you cannot believe within the intelligence community.
                              “The evidence there will be an eruption comes from Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and the NSA,
                              who when being interviewed in August, said the ‘original sin’ of creating Hillary Clinton’s private server
                              as the sole communications device for the secretary can never be fixed,” he said with determination. “That starts it and ends it – it’s over –
                              the original sin of the private server creates the crime and ends the investigation. The rest is icing on the cake.
                              “You cannot believe what is going on in the intelligence community,” he added. “They are going crazy –
                              there is going to be a revolt like you have never seen if people are not indicted for this.”
                              Hillary Clinton Lesbian Lover Huma Abedin Indicted - Stew Webb Federal Whistle blower - Activist 31 years



                              • There are a lot of these.

                                The Crying Bimbo.jpg

                                There is so much fake news, I'm surprised anyone watches this stuff anymore.
                                You can spread this info far and wide and you won't get any investigative reporters to respond to it. They won't because they're scripted/spoon fed everything they tell us. You'll only see controlled opposition react to this information and they twist it to make it sound crazy.(Alex Jones ect.) We know Conspiracy theorists are all nuts anyway. Enjoy the pic. I'm sure you'll see her in the next mass shooting coming to a theater near you. The world is truly a stage

                                Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                Watch this video and then watch this one[/URL]. This woman has been caught playing crisis actor in 6 separate events:

                                1. In the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting hoax, as "someone who knew Adam Lanza's mother."
                                2. In the Watertown, Massachusetts, 2013 shooting, as an "eyewitness."
                                3. In the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing, as an "eyewitness."
                                4. In the May 2015 Amtrak 90 mph train derailment, as a "survivor."
                                5 In the December 2, 2015 San Bernardino shooting hoax, as a "news reporter."
                                6. In the Burns, Oregon TV news interview, as a "long distance hiker, fisherman, and camper."

                                Another possible appearance was at the April 28, 2013 Albuquerque, New Mexico Catholic megachurch stabbing incident, as a "churchgoing witness." Although this one also looks very much like the woman in the other videos, it is not as definitive because of the shadows across her facial features, so this one only earns a question mark in my mind.

                                I don't know about the rest of you here, but this is pretty convincing. This woman doesn't just look somewhat similar - she looks exactly the same, right down to the eyebrows that are big and bushy near her nose, and pencil thin on the other end. Same hair (except for the fake blonde wig in the train wreck vid), same mouth, nose, and facial creases. She seems to think that hiding behind a different pair of glasses in each video somehow makes her look different, but it doesn't. In the Burns video, she hikes her jacket up to cover her mouth, and wears a wool hat across her forehead to hide the thin part of her eyebrows, but the face is still a dead giveaway that shouldn't fool anyone. And the voice, of course, is another giveaway, as she can't seem to alter it enough (though she tries somewhat) to make us believe these are different people.

                                If you haven't looked into crisis actors much then you'd probably be very surprised to see how much there is about this subject posted on the Internet. Some of it is not entirely convincing, and some is most likely put there by disinfo agents to make crisis actor claims look ridiculous, but others - like this one - are very intriguing.

