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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
    By "virtue" of regulatory capture, GOV spent $ 1.53 trillion of corporate welfare last year. All the fatcats lined up at the GOV food trough to make tons of money on boondoggles like the new fighter jet that doesn’t fly. The $1.53 trillion is just the welfare part, NOT the cost of actual business. The fatcats just told GOV that they would create tons of jobs.
    Trump didn't become a billionaire by wasting money. The corporatocracy had a lock on politicians because it had become so expensive to run a campaign. They could easily buy every candidate. They owned everybody except for other billionaires.
    Trump didn't make his money from war industries so, he didn't have a vested interest in continual war. The fatcats who depend on the GOV food trough are brainstorming how to keep the swill coming.
    HuffPo's Grim: 54 Private Jets at Meeting to Stop Trump - Breitbart
    Donald Trump began reciting the lyrics to a song entitled “The Snake” at his rallies, a few weeks back, as not reported by the mainstream media.
    To tell you more would be to give away the following video or ad that is allegedly making its way through Europe.



    • Geoengineering

      Government Quietly Admits to Weather Modification Program | Wake Up World



      • Methodical Deception

        This is the first time I've seen these connections being made in relation to 9/11 - pretty interesting.

        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • My system is too slow to watch a youtube.

          I am a retired structural engineering designer and architectural designer of many years, life long, experience. In previous years I have very extensively examined the structural design of the twin towers. It is magnificently beautiful. A beautiful brute.

          In my humble opinion there is no way in Hell that the airplane could have caused the building to collapse.

          Oh, and the third building that all fell down without an airplane running into it? I like the one about Goldilocks and three bears better.

          Last edited by CANGAS; 03-19-2016, 07:18 AM.


          • Originally posted by CANGAS View Post
            I like the one about Goldilocks and three bears better.
            Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War



            • Huh? What? How did I get into this dumpster? Where are my shoes and my clothes??

              Did Cheney have anything to do with USA getting into the Iraq War?

              Well happily it all ended well with Cheney making a profit.

              And nobody got hurt.

              Last edited by CANGAS; 03-20-2016, 09:09 AM.


              • Interaction
                Superfluid with Crystalline Structure
                Polarized as Powder or Liquid


                568306 3/23/2016


                • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                  One of three choices for the prosecution of the
                  HILDABEAST are possible.

                  (1) The Fbi indicts Hillary because Obama tells the A.G
                  Attorney General to go with it and Hillary puts out a
                  hit on all of the people involved so Obama pardons her.

                  (2) No body indicts Hillary so the A.G. and Obama smear
                  their credibility for an old lady they never really liked, the
                  FBI leaks all of the information and the entire Obama admin
                  is eventually indicted on obvious corruption charges.

                  (3) Pass the prosecution to a 3rd party Judge who will
                  give Hillary plenty of time to run her campaign and let
                  the FBI leak all of the creepy details out to the public
                  all thru the elections while Trump stomps her guts out
                  in the public eye.

                  Personally I like the last one.

                  Joseph E. diGenova - Judicial Watch - Clinton Email Scandal



                  • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                    "The point is, those in power will NEVER surrender their power willingly. Donald Trump is flying in the face of people so corrupt that they would not hesitate to have him assassinated somehow, be it a plane or car crash or under the pretense of some minority who gets amazing access. This is standard operating procedure and it is dominant throughout history from ancient times to the present. They will stop Donald Trump one way or another. They cannot afford to lose control of their money machine. The press is part of the establishment, for you can see they have received their orders to portray Trump as dangerous. They should be nominated for an Oscar at the Academy Awards. This is why there is ultimately revolution."
                    SLOWLY... SLOWLY...



                    • Father says ...

                      A lot of people grew up without a father. A lot of people grew up with a father that never told them how things really work in this reality. A lot of people never had a father that taught them the important things in life and never set them free with the words, "You are on your own now." Whatever your story may be, when things get really hard in the economy you will truly be on your own unless you do some serious relation building stuff now.
                      There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                      • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                        Panama Papers (P/P) Leak Exposes Western Journalism
                        Panama Papers - Britain At Center Of Tax Avoidance
                        Panama Papers Show Massive Scale Of UK Offshore Links
                        Top Tory - P/P Crackdown Would 'Destroy Bankers' Livelihoods' !
                        You get the idea. Then, there is this!
                        THE PANAMA PAPERS: AN NWO SCAM
                        Shariah Law vs. the Constitution

                        Article VI: The Constitution is the supreme law of the land

                        Constitution: Article VI: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall
                        be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the
                        Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every
                        State shall be bound thereby”
                        Shariah: “The source of legal rulings for all acts of those who are morally responsible is
                        Allah.” (a1.1, Umdat al-salik or The Reliance of the Traveller, commonly accepted work of
                        Shariah jurisprudence); “There is only one law which ought to be followed, and that is the
                        Sharia.” (Seyed Qutb); “Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the
                        face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and program of Islam regardless of the
                        country or the nation which rules it. The purpose of Islam is to set up a State on the basis of
                        its own ideology and program.” (Seyed Abul A’ala Maududi)

                        Second Amendment: Right to self-defense

                        Constitution: Second Amendment: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not
                        be infringed."
                        Shariah: Under historic and modern dhimmi laws, non-Muslims cannot possess swords,
                        firearms or weapons of any kind.

                        more @ https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy....nstitution.pdf



                        • This article sheds some light on the political influence and the role of citizens united.
                          Some interesting arial photos of certain neighborhoods.

                          Last edited by mikrovolt; 04-07-2016, 12:36 AM.


                          • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                            This article sheds some light on the political influence and the role of citizens united.
                            Some interesting arial photos of certain neighborhoods.

                            No Elections since 1944

                            Up to the point of the quit claim deed, there was allegedly no conflict in interests between Corp. USA and its owner the national government of the United States of America, but after the quit claim deed, with the new owner being foreign and having foreign interests, there is a gigantic conflict in interests. Enter the problem nobody seemed to notice.

                            The Elections of the President of the United States of America and its Congress etc. had for many years been completely managed by the Secretary of State's office. The Secretary of State is purely a Corp. USA position, therefore when the Secretary of State held the election of those officers in 1944 (after the quit claim deed) that election could only have been for the Corp. USA offices due to the conflict in interests created by the corporations new ownership, and those corporate offices, even though they have the same names as the government offices, could no longer sit in a dual role office.

                            Separate elections must be held, but they weren't. They still aren't. Therefore there was no election of officers of the government of the United States of America. And all of America was none the wiser. The government was still there and the Constitution was still alive and well and living in Washington D. C. but once again** there was nobody sitting in the seats of the officers of government. Just like it was when the founding fathers signed the Constitution but the States had not ratified it, the government existed but nobody's home. There hasn't been an Election since, and there won't be one until America once again wakes up. This is fantastic, I know, but look at the facts! This is the only solution that makes sense. Not only that but there are piles of evidence that prove these facts and conclusions are accurate.

                            Where Do We Go From Here?

                            Where Are You? Answer: You're living in a nation where the chosen form of government is a Constitutional Republic, and where, historically, no elections of government officials have been held at least since 1944, and where a private corporation, known as the United States, owned by a foreign power (the International Monetary Fund), is responsible for providing the business needs of the government, which government again is alive and well and living in Washington, D.C.-there just are few officers of government sitting in the seats the Constitution provides, and where the corporation that most people seem to think is government is busy terrorizing the populace and paying for their acts with tax dollars, making all that participate in that program a party to their terrorism.




                            • Originally posted by CANGAS View Post
                              My system is too slow to watch a youtube.

                              I am a retired structural engineering designer and architectural designer of many years, life long, experience. In previous years I have very extensively examined the structural design of the twin towers. It is magnificently beautiful. A beautiful brute.

                              In my humble opinion there is no way in Hell that the airplane could have caused the building to collapse.

                              Oh, and the third building that all fell down without an airplane running into it? I like the one about Goldilocks and three bears better.

                              You'd be glad to see that there are now 2,500 architects and engineers who agree with you. A&E for 9/11 Truth just passed that landmark two days ago, and they have also been successful in placing a resolution into the proposals scheduled for the AIA Convention next month. The resolution can be seen in pages 38 through 41 of this pdf document. Note that the first two pages aren't numbered, so the resolution actually appears at document page 36, which is page 38 in the pdf. They hope to gain many supporters at the Convention, even if the majority fail to approve the resolution. Anyone who approves it would no doubt be blacklisted, and wouldn't be getting any government contracts, and no doubt that's the only reason why thousands more architects and engineers haven't already signed on. On the other hand, though, how many architects and engineers have signed on to the "official' story line? I'ts hard to find out, but I doubt that there are more than just a few. It only took one such architectural firm's "pancake theory" endorsement of NIST's conclusions to supposedly confirm the "official" fairy tale of what happened at the WTC on 9/11. My guess is that the endorsers walked away with some hefty new contracts since that time. What else would we expect?
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                You'd be glad to see that there are now 2,500 architects and engineers who agree with you. A&E for 9/11 Truth just passed that landmark two days ago, and they have also been successful in placing a resolution into the proposals scheduled for the AIA Convention next month. The resolution can be seen in pages 38 through 41 of this pdf document. Note that the first two pages aren't numbered, so the resolution actually appears at document page 36, which is page 38 in the pdf. They hope to gain many supporters at the Convention, even if the majority fail to approve the resolution. Anyone who approves it would no doubt be blacklisted, and wouldn't be getting any government contracts, and no doubt that's the only reason why thousands more architects and engineers haven't already signed on. On the other hand, though, how many architects and engineers have signed on to the "official' story line? I'ts hard to find out, but I doubt that there are more than just a few. It only took one such architectural firm's "pancake theory" endorsement of NIST's conclusions to supposedly confirm the "official" fairy tale of what happened at the WTC on 9/11. My guess is that the endorsers walked away with some hefty new contracts since that time. What else would we expect?
                                Thank you for the news, when I retired I was gassed from a lifetime of overly long work-weeks and deadline pressures and putting my heart and soul into my work, and I laid down my drafting pencil, turned my back, and paid no more attention to the goings on in the profession. I am very gratified to see that so many of my professional brothers and sisters have the acuity to understand what really happened and the courage to speak out.

                                To add a little to what I wrote earlier; when I analyzed that situation, I made a number of estimates of the actual floor loads probably present in the structure compared to the much greater peak loads demanded by the building code, and, accounted for the weakening of the steel structure due to the claimed heat of burning fuel and whatever. The steel had much more strength left because the building code safety factors for size of beams et al are several factors "too strong" and building code floor loads assume heavy loading by furniture and other equipment, and also heavy load by persons at a packed meeting of some nature. In every office simultaneously.

                                The towers were in extremely survivable condition after the plane strikes. It was a miracle (what do you call a miracle that has a disastrous result?) if the buildings fell down without a little help form their (non)-friends.

                                Last edited by CANGAS; 04-11-2016, 05:08 PM.

