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The American Ruling Class

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  • Swamp meeting,,, the dirtiest corner of the swamp

    The establishment is having their BIG meeting where they criticise the snot out of everybody that they don't like. Trump won't be going. He could have sent a ferocious man eating panther to the meeting. Instead, he sent Kellyanne Conway. Trump Shuns Establishment 'Board Meeting' | Zero Hedge
    She is female and cute,,, just like the cute blond in Kill Bill.

    Kellyanne; https://localtvwdaf.files.wordpress....y=85&strip=all

    The Dutch want to get along with Trump; This Dutch video on Trump has gone viral because, well, just watch it

    Trump Gives Pentagon 30 Days To Figure Out
    How To Destroy ISIS In Irag And Syria

    ISIS is run by MOSSAD and the CIA. Trump is going head-to head with the jews when it come to immigration. Russia bombed the snot out of the operations center,,, just days after the British operatives pulled out.
    Apparently, Trump is willing to let Netanyahooo build lots of stuff in East Jerusalem and he is blocking obummer money to Palestine. BUT, he ostensibly wants to get to the bottom of the 9/11 attack.
    It maybe appears that Trump will go along with israel BUT, attack the criminal intelligence agencies.
    The crimes of the CIA seem to grow even faster than the U.S. debt bubble,,, if that is even possible.
    US Senator Blows the Whistle: Americans Kept in the Dark as CIA Wages Covert Wars Across the Globe


    • Re: Trump's tariffs and wall-building

      Liberals argue that placing tariffs on foreign produce grown in Mexico will only cause Americans to pay higher prices for those imported fruits and vegetables, thus resulting in Americans paying the tariffs, since importers will simply pass the cost of the tariffs on to American consumers. Where their argument fails, however, is in the fact that Americans don't have to buy Mexican produce when they shop.

      What the tariffs will actually accomplish is that American farmers will now be able to compete against previously cheap Mexican imports which have benefited due to cheap labor, and this is not just about fruits and vegetables. Think about how many goods we see in American stores that are manufactured in Mexico and China. With the prices for Mexican and Chinese imports raised by tariffs, Americans will choose to buy American produce and goods every time they shop. Farming and manufacturing in America will become popular again, and job growth will soar. Supply and demand economics will lower and keep prices for American produce and goods reasonable, and the only way that Mexican and Chinese imports will be able to compete is if they drastically reduce their prices. If they do that, Trump will raise the tariff on foreign imports so that America always wins.

      Another commonly mistaken idea circulating among liberals is that Trump will foolishly be relying upon the tariffs to pay for building the wall at our border with Mexico. They say that Americans will pay for the wall twice - once when the wall is built, and again by paying the tariffs through increased prices. They are wrong. The tariffs are not what is going to pay for building the wall. That will be paid for through the savings realized by deporting illegals. Illegal alien households currently cost America $113 Billion per year in welfare programs, while illegal workers in these households only reduce that amount by the $13 Billion in taxes that they pay. Since our net cost is $100 billion, and completing the border wall may end up costing $10 Billion, you can see that we'd get the job done in one year or less and have saved $90 Billion in the process, which could be diverted to helping American veterans, the homeless, and the elderly, as well as improving schools. Of course, much of the benefit to American school children would be realized simply because of funds currently spent on schooling illegals being reallocated to American children. The jobs that are vacated by illegals would then be filled by currently unemployed Americans, and welfare costs would be vastly downsized. See how well things can work for America and Americans when we get our priorities on the right track and start using common sense?

      Speaking of common sense, there is a way that we could accomplish illegal immigrant reductions without deportations or wall building, and that would only entail a few minor and uncostly changes which would include:
      1. Mandatory use of E-verify to ensure that only US citizens and legal resident aliens can hold jobs.
      2. Employer fines of $20,000 for a first offense of employing an illegal worker, and $50,000 for each illegal worker found to be employed by that employer thereafter, $10,000 of which, in all instances, would be awarded as a bounty to any legal citizen who alerts authorities to such illegal employment.
      3. So-called birthright anchor baby citizenship, which is not authorized by the Constitution and was never intended by framers of the 14th Amendment (which was never properly ratified) is abolished.
      4. Free housing, free education, and free medical care, along with all other welfare benefits currently paid to illegal alien households is ended.
      5. Sanctuary cities lose all federal funding, and states that allow sanctuary cities to remain in operation will lose all federal funding until they force those cities to comply. With all the incentives for coming here having been removed, illegals will begin a mass exodus on their own, and will not return.

      All problems resulting from illegal immigration solved! Best of all, this could all be accomplished very rapidly and at relatively zero cost. Common sense offers the best solutions to all problems, and it is high time that our government began using some.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • @Rick
        You may enjoy socialism's advance throughout Canada, and we won't complain about that if this is what Canadians really want, but our country was not founded upon a socialist ideology and conservative, liberty loving American patriots don't want it here. Don't get me wrong - I have many Canadian friends that I think very highly of, and would never resort to labeling them, or large numbers of Canadians, as "deranged" even if they disagree with me.
        We may be a little socialist with our universal health care but I can assure you we are very conservative in our nature.

        I see Trump just applied a travel/immigration ban. Here in Canada this is considered guilt by association. In effect a hate crime based on religion, beliefs and the color of ones skin. I might expect this in some petty third world dictatorship but I thought our friends south of the border were better than this.

        On the upside, if nothing else, it has everyone here in Canada saying thank god we don't live in America. Sure we have problems but they are small and almost insignificant by comparison and we are thankful for that.

        Last edited by Allcanadian; 01-30-2017, 12:42 AM.


        • @Rick
          What the tariffs will actually accomplish is that American farmers will now be able to compete against previously cheap Mexican imports which have benefited due to cheap labor, and this is not just about fruits and vegetables. Think about how many goods we see in American stores that are manufactured in Mexico and China. With the prices for Mexican and Chinese imports raised by tariffs, Americans will choose to buy American produce and goods every time they shop.
          Your talking like a socialist Rick and if your labor prices are too high then the labor should be fired and replaced with cheaper labor. Like most real conservatives I believe if you cannot compete in a free market then you shouldn't be in business...period. Your what we refer to as a closet liberal pretending to be conservative.

          Farming and manufacturing in America will become popular again, and job growth will soar. Supply and demand economics will lower and keep prices for American produce and goods reasonable, and the only way that Mexican and Chinese imports will be able to compete is if they drastically reduce their prices.
          Sure farming and manufacturing will become popular because you will have instituted a socialist taxpayer subsidized ponzi scheme to replace a capitalist free market system.

          If they do that, Trump will raise the tariff on foreign imports so that America always wins.
          So your intent is to rig the system because people are either too stupid or incompetent to compete one on one like real men?. Sad Rick, very sad.

          Last edited by Allcanadian; 01-30-2017, 03:43 AM.


          • Exorcising zionism

            Henry Ford wrote a 4 book set titled, "The International Jew". The world's foremost problem.
            He absolutely distinguished between the average jew and those few who were super-parasites. There is endless literature about how zionism is destroying Judaism. Political Zionism is destroying a culture and a people, and intentionally so – Mondoweiss
            There are plenty of vids from Rabbis decrying the destruction of Judaism.

            Trump is making a lot of moves that seem to attack zionism. Trump is making a lot of moves that support Judaism. Remember that Trump caused a meltdown in the DemoPubs where they had to ALL declare against him regardless of party affiliation. Imagine if Trump could get the zionists to declare against Judaism.
            The zionists have co-mingled with the jews until both groups suffer from the same poison. Trump is doing things that support israel and jews. At the same time, he is doing things that force zionists to declare against him.

            Sen Dems Bash Trump's Efforts To Control Muslim
            Terror Threat - Zionist Schumer Vows Fierce Fight
            European Communist Leaders Rip Trump's Muslim Ban
            Hollande Urges EU Leaders To Unite Against Trump

            Hillary Backs Protests vs Trump's Entry Ban For Muslims
            Roberts - Bannon Is 100% Right - Media Is Now The Opposition

            Trumps Picks 11 More Jews To Serve In Administration
            Putin, Trump Agree On 'Real Coordination' Against ISIS In Syria
            ISIS is run by zionists and other communist fronts.
            Lavrov Declares End Of US Regime Change Dominoes The neocons and zionists have constantly pushed regime change no matter how expensive it is and how many are killed.
            Malala And Jewish Groups Attack Trump Over immig

            UN Urges Trump To Not Ban Muslims
            Zuckerberg Slams Trump On Immigration Wants Doors Left Wide Open For Muslims

            Sniegoski - Liberals Morph from Peaceniks to Warhawks
            Trump Weighing Callista Gingrich For Vatican Ambassador
            Is Trump going to take on the Vatican too?

            OK, so the jewish owned media has declared against him. The communists have declared against him. The United nations have declared against him. The zionists have declared against him. The jewish neocons have declared against him. Trump will continue to support israel regardless of the cost to the Palestinians.
            The neocons, communists, liberals and Marxists will continue to attack him regardless of how much he helps israel and the average Israeli. Eventually, the Marxists and war-mongers, and yes, the Kharzarians will all gang up on him to the point that they will be unmasked. Mainstream Judaism will perceive how they have been drug down. No matter how many jews Trump hires for his administration, the zionists will scream.

            Victoria Nuland (Nudelmeyer) represents the absolute worst of the Jewish neocons. Trump fired her. Trump has always thought BIG. Is he planning from rescuing the world from the evil powers of Zionism?
            YOU'RE FIRED: A Video Tribute to Unemployed Cookie Monster Victoria Nuland
            If he can get the truly evil minority to go rabid even though he is helping israel, he may just accomplish that dream.


            • Here is transcript of this Historic Keynote Address by Gordon Duff at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremist Conference held in Damascus, Syria first week of December, 2014. Gaps are where his speech was translated to listeners.

              Gordon Duff: Too many people have died for people to continue speaking in terms that are unclear and just not speaking the truth.
              It’s time we simply said what we know, whether it’s classified information or not.
              All of you have seen the results of what we’re saying.
              What we’re saying will fit what has happened here and what facts you’ve been able to bring out…
              Our hypothesis is based on solid information, solid research on the ground, using human signals intelligence from our extensive capabilities.
              We don’t guess.
              We know what we’re talking about here.
              Their motivation is largely economic.
              They’re a criminal organization but they are part of a worldwide criminal organization.
              And they’re here in your territory, taking your things – your factories, your lives, your people – for the enrichment of a specific group of people who need to be held to account.
              It’s almost as though it’s a police problem.
              This is crime.
              This terrorism you’re suffering is worldwide crime on a scale we have never seen before.
              There has never been anything like this.

              Gordon Duff: I appreciate your statements and I recognize the truth and honesty of what you were saying but I do believe there are areas of misunderstanding how the United States works politically.
              And this is a problem, a tremendous problem in the Middle East and one of the things that’s driven us here is it’s very difficult to understand what has happened as far as Israeli control of American politics and I will, as succinctly as possible, I will explain this to you.

              Gordon Duff: In 2005, the Supreme Court of the United States had a decision on a case called Citizens United.
              The decision of the Supreme Court legalized unlimited corporate bribery.
              This turned control of the Congress of the United States over to human traffickers, narcotics traffickers and in particular, the most powerful individual in the United States today is a gambling boss named Sheldon Adelson, an Israeli citizen who fled the US living in Macau.
              He spent over one billion dollars in the last election and bought control of both Houses of Congress.
              Now Senator John McCain, the father of al Nusra, the father of ISIS, will be running US legislative and military foreign policy.

              Gordon Duff: American generals like General McInerny and General Paul Vallely, specialists in psychological warfare, helped organize Daish.
              They have traveled in and out of your country here, Syria, over and over, as had Senator John McCain.
              Meeting with al Qaeda – an organization created by the American, Saudi and Israeli Defense Forces and Intelligence Services.

              Gordon Duff: Only a week ago, the US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, resigned.
              Chuck Hagel was the individual that stopped the United States from bombing Syria over the false flag gas attacks near Aleppo.

              Gordon Duff: It was our organization here that supplied the intelligence that stopped those attacks.

              Gordon Duff: It’s our goal here, while we are here, to try to establish a method of communication that will allow Syria and other nations within the area to understand Israel’s control of the US, the control of the US by organized crime and how the US government is subservient to a worldwide criminal organization.

              Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today delivered an Historic Keynote Address at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism held in Damascus, Syria. This speech is sending shock-waves around the World.

              Last edited by aljhoa; 01-30-2017, 05:38 AM. Reason: 625,255


              • Re-organizing the economy to fit the world

                After WW I, America wanted even less to do with European wars. The London bankers wanted war with Germany because it tossed out the international bankers. Churchill made that VERY clear.
                Benjamin Strong, the FED chairman had ties to all the jewish bankers. He illegally sold U.S. bonds on the secondary market and started us out on inflation. The FED inflated the economy so bad that the markets crashed in '29. Roosevelt unwisely believed that joining WW II would pull America out of the depression.
                Americans wanted nothing to do with European wars. Roosevelt "arranged" for the Japanese to do a "sneak " attack to get Americans riled up. England had bitten off more than it could chew and was going to lose the war. The bankers liked war but, they didn't want to lose it. This wasn't enough so, Her Majesty's Government sent over a Canadian to work on getting America dragged into the war.
                The Real 007 Used Fake News to Get the U.S. into World War II - The Daily Beast

                "Despite the transformation of the world order, recent US presidents have failed to recognize the need to re-organize the American political economy. Instead of recognizing, adapting and accepting shifts in power and market relations, they sought to intensify previous patterns of dominance through war, military intervention and bloody destructive ‘regime changes’ – thus devastating, rather than creating markets for US goods."
                "Early in his campaign, Trump recognized the new world realities and proposed to change the substance, symbols, rhetoric and relations with adversaries and allies – adding up to a New Economy."
                President Trump: Nationalist Capitalism, An Alternative to Globalization - The Unz Review

                "Among the historical constants I discussed in the posts and the book was the way that governing elites and their affluent supporters stop adapting their policies to changing political and economic conditions, and demand instead that political and economic conditions should conform to their preferred policies. That’s all over today’s headlines, as the governing elites of the industrial world cower before the furious backlash sparked by their rigid commitment to the failed neoliberal nostrums of global trade and open borders. "

                "A lot can be said about anacyclosis, but the detail that’s relevant just now is the crisis phase, when power has become so gridlocked among competing power centers that it becomes impossible for the system to break out of even the most hopelessly counterproductive policies. That ends, according to Polybius, when a charismatic demagogue gets into power, overturns the existing political order, and sets in motion a general free-for-all in which old alliances shatter and improbable new ones take shape. "
                The Archdruid Report: How Great the Fall Can Be

                "The top-secret TPP free trade agreement was one of the worst trade deals ever crafted by Washington’s pay-to-play culture of corruption, Feierstein stated.

                "How could any rational individual or sovereign be supportive of a secret ‘trade deal’ with zero transparency and legal language drafted by multi-national corporations?" he asked.

                The TPP was deliberately crafted to ensure a form of "globalization" so that these same corporations who designed the "rules" could operate in the dark with total impunity while stripping member nations of their sovereignty and denying consumers of all their rights and protections, "

                Paul Craig Roberts, Trump and the media, "Yet presstitutes declare that if Trump lifts the sanctions it proves that Trump is a Russian agent. It is paradoxical that the Democrats and the liberal-progressive-left are mobilizing the anti-war movement to oppose Trump’s anti-war policy!"
                Paul Craig Roberts’ Ominous Warning For What Promises To Be A Very Dangerous 2017 | King World News


                • @Aljhoa
                  Donald Trump’s Contract with the American Voter
                  Last edited by Allcanadian; 02-02-2017, 03:09 PM.


                  • The Mexican ruling class

                    Trump seems to be a master at getting people to declare against him in ways that previously couldn't be imagined.
                    "On the other hand, Labrousse considers that after the opening of trade in Mexico through NAFTA (North American Free Trade), drug trafficking became a key issue for international finances and for national economy:
                    At the end of this decade, when Carlos Salinas de Gortari and George Bush come to power simultaneously, drug trafficking become a matter of international finances and a mainstay of the Mexican economy "
                    "The country's financial authorities asked the drug traffickers to invest their income in an economy undercapitalized, and in return, the police and army turned a blind eye on drug trafficking."

                    Most Americans have no idea about how much drug trafficking has permeated the economy of Mexico. Trump has prodded the Mexican government and they have come out and announced to the world that the Mexican government is held in thrall to the drug barons.
                    Mexican Official Threatens To Combat President Trump By "Unleashing Drug Cartels" | Zero Hedge

                    The CFR, "Officials estimate that the drug trade makes up 3 to 4 percent of Mexico's $1.2 trillion annual GDP—totaling as much as $30 billion—and employs at least half a million people."
                    Mexico's Drug War - Council on Foreign Relations
                    The cartels are even fronting politicians for office. MEXICO UNDER SIEGE: Mexico drug traffickers corrupt politics - LA Times
                    It would be nice to think that Trump could make a difference in the corruption in Mexico.


                    • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                      I agree with Trump in many respects and in principal however not his socialist leanings.
                      Airport Trump Protestor Gives Interview REGRETS It Immediately!!

                      Last edited by aljhoa; 02-01-2017, 03:39 PM. Reason: 626,182


                      • we don't need no stinking facts

                        However, the text of Trump’s executive order calling for a temporary ban on immigration from seven countries does not include the word “religion.”
                        Or “faith.” Or “Muslim.” Or “Islam.”

                        In fact, the list of seven countries named in Trump’s order came from a bipartisan bill Obama himself signed into law, restricting visa waivers for people from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen.

                        Obama’s criticism of Trump’s order simply is not accurate because he is objecting to something that demonstrably did not happen: categorizing immigrants by religion or faith.
                        And yet that claim is the basis for virtually all the leftist protests against the order.

                        WND - A Free Press for a Free People
                        Keep in mind that these 7 States are probably very pissed off at us because Obummer bombed FIVE of them.

                        The Alternative Fact of the Cashless Society - GoldCore Gold Bullion Dealer
                        “The US military has literally blown up more than a billion dollars worth of ISIS’s stockpiles of physical cash during airstrikes.
                        But this hasn’t affected their terrorist activities one bit."

                        Congresswoman Who Says U.S. Funds ISIS Just Got Back from Syria: Here's What She Found | Zero Hedge
                        Last edited by Danny B; 02-02-2017, 01:20 AM. Reason: Moar info


                        • Nigel talks to Donald

                          Back on topic. This is very important. The technocrats and the corporatocracy are hard at work to eliminate democracy. It is very inconvenient for them. The whole construct of the eurozone was/is an effort to ensure corporate profits without any popular backlash at the polls. "They" made a big mistake allowing the Brexit vote to go ahead. As our wages and disposable income fell, the corporatocracy searched for ways to rescue their profit margins. Getting rid of burdensome regulations about labor laws and pensions and protecting the environment was their priority. America had fraudulent elections. Europe was on it's way to having NO elections at all.

                          The Europeans voted on entering the EU over and over until they got it right. Once they succumbed to the deadly embrace of Brussels, they found that voting was no longer necessary,,, or possible. The fascism from Brussels led to a pendulum swing towards nationalism. The eurocrats deemed it necessary to have a Eurozone army that could quash any dissent. The Eurocrats KNEW all along that the Eurozone would crash financially. Armstrong and history told them that a crash was unavoidable. Draghi helped it along.
                          The plan was to use the crash to tighten the embrace of the bankers and bureaucrats.
                          We see the Greek example where the State crashes,,, the bankers privatize everything that the GOV once owned. Of course, the bankers are happy to loan endless amounts to stupid GOVs. The bankers plan to own all the infrastructure after the dust settles.
                          Western States swing towards socialism and borrow too much to keep everybody happy. Meanwhile, the bankers are unfolding fascism to take over when the inevitable crash comes. Brexit was a pretty big bump in the road but, still containable. Nigel Farage made himself a giant pain in the A$$ for the corporatocracy but, he was "contained" in Great Britain.

                          Enter Donald Trump from stage-right. The minute that he got elected, Nigel Farage jumped on a plane to America to volunteer his services as a possible ambassador from America to the European Union governing body. Trump suggested Nigel as the British Ambassador to America. The blue-bloods had a bloody conniption fit.

                          Democracy was near dead in Europe. Here is a great vid of Nigel rubbing their faces in it. Nigel claims that they are "anti-American". I'm not really sure where that is coming from. Farage has enunciated the criminality of the corporatocracy.

                          Trump, for his part, told the Eurocrats that he would kill NATO if they formed a European army. Trump is doing his part to rescue democracy in Europe. The Euro and Eurozone are crashing badly. They aren't expected to survive more than 12--18 months. Goldman Sachs got several of their alumni running a few States to ensure a smooth transition to bankruptcy.

                          2011, What price the new democracy? Goldman Sachs conquers Europe | The Independent
                          2012, The Goldman Sachs Project to take over Europe nearly complete
                          2017, 26 Goldman Sachs Alumni Who Run the World (GS) | Investopedia

                          This planned shift to fascism in Europe is primarily controlled and inspired by Goldman Sachs. Not so much by the corporatocracy at large. The U.S. military is the enforcement arm of the IRS and the FED. The European army was to be the enforcement arm of Goldman Sachs in Europe.

                          YES, Trump does have some Wall street bankers in his cabinet. Unlike Reagan, Trump is too smart in finance for them to easily do an end run around him in financial matters. He slit the throat of the acting Attorney General when she deviated from his plan. This serves notice that he is NOT going to be nice to people who stray.

                          Putin is called a "traitor" to the NWO. The corporatocracy, through their mouthpieces demand that Russia be attacked. It is also telling / damning that Russia is having a big resurgence in Christianity. ISIS is a product of jewish neocons, and israel with a little Saudi Arabia tossed in. ISIS made a point of attacking Syrian Christians. It is safe to conclude that ISIS, Wahabists and neocons and zionists are anti-Christian.
                          The New Testament is an instruction book on co-existence and getting along. Neither the Koran, nor the Talmud can make this claim.

                          Trump can't push Europe back to it's democratic roots unless he can root out GS. The FED did not raise rates at their latest meeting so, apparently, they aren't ready to knock heads with him just yet. The crash in Europe will take down GS and Deutsche bank. If Trump refuses to bail out GS, maybe he can kill it.

                          As far as Christianity, the Democrats get honorable mention;
                          Bishop Urges Blacks To Oppose 'Anti-Christian' Democrat Party ...
                          Can You Be Christian and a Democrat? - The Christian Post
                          Wake Up, Christians. There Is No Place For You In The Democrat ...
                          It's Official: Democratic Party Is Godless -


                          • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                            Trump, Bannon, Conway,,, they are all smart people. Soros is making great progress on his America version of the "color revolution". Trump needs to correct a lot of mis-information and he needs to go on attack. Soros is undoubtedly chuckling on how easy it is to lead so many "Americans" to attack their own country. Did you notice the resemblance between Soros and Jabba the Hutt.

                            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                            Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                            It has two yellow-red reptilian eyes.
                            Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                            The supreme court is looking at hearing case to invalidate the election. Here is an article about the neocons fighting a full-on war against Trump. The article suggests that the only way that he can hope to survive is to unmask those who did 9/11.
                            A “color revolution” is under way in the United States | The Vineyard of the Saker

                            Reptilians Behind Trump's Presidency


                            Last edited by aljhoa; 02-07-2017, 12:13 AM. Reason: 627,390


                            • Repetitive destruction of cultures

                              Goldman Sachs chairman Sutherland says that we MUST absorb all the immigrants (trash). Reportedly, Agenda 21 calls for the European tribes to be replaced by much stupider people.
                              Goldman Sachs alumni are running much of Europe. They are on their way to destroying the people and culture of Europe. The Kalergi plan is being forced on everyone.
                              Why the destruction of vibrant peaceful cultures? Who is behind the destruction? The SAME people who are always behind cultural destruction.
                              People are starting to wake up but, the mass media has them mostly anaesthetized as they (unknowingly) await their slaughter.
                              Merkel won the Kalergi prize for doing her best to destroy Germany. She will probably be replaced (as predicted by Armstrong) but, there is sure to be an equally bad replacement waiting in the wings.

                              Why are so many European leaders willing to aid and abet the death of their country and their countrymen? Everywhere you look, there are whites calling for the destruction of the white race. Go to a 8hithole country like Pakistan and tell me that is where you want to live.
                              Go to Marseilles and tell me that they have culture, society and safety. India where 650 million people practice open defecation (WHO). 4,000 die every day from starvation.
                              The barbarity of the ignorant sector of islam is the stuff of nightmares and legend. Forced marriage and the madrassas endure it's perpetuation.
                              The whites are the pinnacle of culture in the West. The Chinese are too, in their domain. We can count a lot of sins of the whites but, the sins of the people of the whole of Africa are much worse. Even the Indians long for the good old days of British rule.
                              Much has been written about the cultural suicide of the West. It should be written as murder rather than suicide.


                              • nationalism and unmasking the globalists

                                Here is an article touting the benefits of globalization.
                                "His (Trump) stance on global trade, the Paris climate deal and the Iran nuclear deal threaten to unpick key elements of global governance."
                                "Trump has taken office at a time when Europe is drifting away from “integration” in response to a rise of nationalist sentiment across the Continent. The conventional wisdom is that the elections this year — in the Netherlands, France, Germany and possibly Italy and Spain — will further erode EU cooperation and deepen divisions. "
                                "With Trump in the White House issuing erratic executive orders, complacency becomes more difficult; the dangers of populism are there for all to see."
                                Oh, so, we can have democracy but, populism is dangerous,,, OBVIOUSLY.

                                "Instead, the EU must speak with one voice to defend international agreements and basic human rights, including the right of refuge." right of refuge, my a$$
                                Somehow the "right of refuge" does NOT include israel or the arab States. They won't take any.
                                "Similarly, Europe has a pressing need to stabilize its immediate periphery — especially the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and North Africa." Won't happen on this planet.
                                "This is not to say the EU needs a “European army.” Damned right. Only 5 of the 28 NATO countries are paying their share of NATO dues.

                                "European military action must be grounded in the diverse domestic politics of its key member countries and include non-EU countries like Norway, Turkey and, later, the U.K." Yeah right,, include Turkey which is about 98% muslim.
                                The author is from the CFR,,, but, you could have guessed that.
                                How Trump will save Europe – POLITICO

