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The American Ruling Class

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  • Soros

    The American ruling class is definitely under Hungarian influence.
    The Soros Subversion Machine on a Platter | New Eastern Outlook
    The antifa protesters got their butts kicked in Berkeley (aka Berzerkeley)
    Their answer, brings guns next time, There Will Be Blood: Left Prepares For War After Berkeley Beat Down: "Combat Training, Better Equipment, Guns..." | The Daily Sheeple
    I'm sure that Soros is quite proud of them. Shades of Maidan.


    • The French Ruling class

      French politicians have long been apologists for muslim crimes and violence. They appear to be onboard with the Kalergi Plan of replacing the tribes of Europe with dumb, brown people. One wonders how these politicians could be induced to espouse and implement racial suicide of well-adjusted groups and replace them with violent nutcases.

      "French Presidential Favourite Macron: Terrorism ‘Part of Our Daily Lives for Years to Come’ After Paris Shooting"
      OK, he's the "favorite". What do other candidates have to say"
      "Far-Left Presidential Candidate Blames ‘Discrimination’ and ‘State’ for Islamist Paris Attack"
      It isn't just France, The Germans and the Swedes are told that they must get used to the idea of living in fear.

      The Election is today. Campaigning was called off after the Paris attack. SO, the last input that people will have is; a random attack on whoever happened to be handy. The politicians who are pushing the Kalergi Plan and the destruction have told the voters; you must become accustomed to living in FEAR. Violence will be an everyday occurrence.
      The French get daily reminders on just how bad the situation WILL become. All they have to do is to look at Marseilles. The crime is legendary.

      The Marxists may possibly be able to replace the indigenous populations of Europe with stupid brown people who are more controllable BUT, this control is an illusion. Europe will be completely submerged in battles between different races and factions, Sunni, Shia, Somalis, Afghanis, Pakistanis and dozens of others. The financial crash will cut off money for the dole and the fighting will be to the death.
      Rather than becoming a multi-culti paradise, Europe will become a multi-culti battleground.

      The PTB do not want Le Pen to win. She hopes to block the Kalergi plan. I wish her luck.


      • ZH comment

        I found another comment from Zero Hedge that is entertaining,

        " DuneCreature Apr 24, 2017 10:51 AM

        WHAT? ....... They have LIED to us AGAIN?!?

        You know, it's really hard to figure out who is driving the bus these days.

        Alex Jones is on crank and escorts, McCain is off of his chain, Kim is off his Rodman and under the bus doing a Boston brakes job on the Xi's massive military presence, Pompeo wants more intelligence (which he desperately needs, BTW.) and Trump is on something and it might have been 13 years old.

        The Pen is mightier than the bank account, fracking is in and out like a mechanical phucking machine turned on 'frantic'. Boots are all over the ground except where they are needed, AT THE BORDERS. The fuzzy muzzie refugees are still pouring in and setting up no-go zones and Bibi is just Bibi and that's as bad as it gets without your TV busting into flames in the middle of your living room while you're refueling your kerosene space heaters and oil lamps watching Oprah for extended life tips.

        The FBI is still on the case and that's 99% of the problem right there.

        Congress is saying the US government is about to shut down indefinably.....but that's just a big tease. .... We all wish it were true but no such luck, I assure you.

        Putin is quietly eating his popcorn.

        WW III has already started but it's taking its sweet time getting finished. ... We were all promised it would be over really quick. ... Quick, my a$$. .... Not enough torment, suffering and MIC sales in a quick war.

        And ZH is flooded with peace, love and understanding trolls all getting along like one big hive of bees in a field of blooming clover.

        The clover, however, is now all GMO and deadly to happy troll bees. The hive will be kaput by winter.

        How are we supposed to sort out the facts when there aren't any facts to find in the any of the story contents?

        I don't remember getting on this bus! .. I don't even remember it stopping for me. ... AND I sure as $hit didn't buy a ticket for this trip!

        Why the phuck are there tic-tac-toe lines in my sky????

        Live Hard, Sighed - Perplexed In The State Of Confusion, Die Free "


        • “We have an ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump’s dangerous mental illness,”
          Dr. John Gartner said on Thursday. He was joined by more than 30 psychiatrists who gathered at Yale this week
          to discuss the mental fitness of the current commander-in-chief.

          Gartner added, “Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist, in addition he is paranoid, delusional and
          grandiose thinking and he proved that to the country the first day he was President,” referring to
          Trump’s continued insistence that his inauguration crowd size was the largest ever.

          Gartner’s organization Duty to Warn met at Yale on Thursday to discuss Trump’s mental health.
          The group is urging Congress to remove President Trump from office due to his psychological instability, and
          started a petition months ago requesting support for their position, which has garnered more than 40,000 signatures at this time.
          Top Psychiatrists at Yale Conference Release Terrifying Diagnosis Of Trump

          John Gartner Ph.D. started this petition with a single signature, and
          now has 51,980 supporters.
          Mental Health Professionals Declare Trump is Mentally Ill And Must Be Removed

          Last edited by aljhoa; 04-25-2017, 02:06 PM. Reason: 655,984


          • Bang the drum louder

            First, the headlines,
            Military Warns US Lawmakers N Korea Threat
            Legitimate - Navy Says Crisis 'Worst' Yet
            Senators Told North Korea Is An 'Urgent National
            Security Threat' And That US Military Ready To Act
            Seoul Urges Beijing Against Retaliating Over
            US THAAD Deployment in South Korea
            Chinese Troops On Korean Border Prepare For Combat
            US Missile Shield Is A Cover For Sudden US Nuclear
            Strike Against Russia

            The closer we get to economic collapse, the more that the PTB beat the war drums to scare everybody. A State is a very diverse and complex collection of groups of people with widely varying desires. In the good times, the nation is held together by mutual economic prosperity. In the bad times, the people must be bound tight to the State by as much fear as can be generated.

            This is even more true for China. They don't have a fully developed safety net. The economic crash will bring a lot of death. China can't really survive a revolution. The beat the war drums over the South China Sea. BUT, notice that they have built an overland railroad to Europe to ship by land. This is the new Silk Road.
            Russia isn't beating the war drums because they already underwent economic collapse. The U.S. and China pound the drums as they sink under the waves,


            • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
              The U.S. and China pound the drums as they sink under the waves,

              China turns two powerful US and UK destroyers into worthless buckets
              US Obama administration had been informed about the dangers of the chips,
              but the Pentagon continued purchasing them even after it was reported that the chips cause failures for US military networks.
              The chips were thus used in almost all recent American and British military equipment and systems.

              Last edited by aljhoa; 04-28-2017, 07:21 PM. Reason: 656,761


              • For France, it isn't suicide, it is murder

                Le Pen wants to stop it;
                Why The Jews Loathe Le Pen | Real Jew News
                Last edited by Danny B; 04-29-2017, 04:51 PM. Reason: spelllling


                • WORLD NEWS | Sat Sep 13, 2014 | 2:01pm EDT
                  Pope says world's many conflicts amount to piecemeal World War Three

                  Pope Francis said on Saturday the spate of conflicts around the globe today were effectively a "piecemeal" Third World War, condemning the arms trade and "plotters of terrorism" sowing death and destruction.

                  "Humanity needs to weep and this is the time to weep," Francis said in the homily of a Mass during a visit to Italy's largest war memorial, a large, Fascist-era monument where more than 100,000 soldiers who died in World War One are buried.

                  Pope says world's many conflicts amount to piecemeal World War Three | Reuters


                  Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                  Back on topic.
                  "And so, by 1939, the New World Order crime syndicate and the British & French chauvinists had nearly run out of all options and all propaganda pretexts for instigating another war "
                  Neither of these countries had a border with Germany so, they were hard pressed to create a cause celebre for initiating a war with Germany. They found a true nut-case egomaniac in Marshall Smigly. He was running Poland at the time and the West goaded him on to attack Germany. The West led him to believe that they would back him up. He dutifully attacked Germany to get WW II rolling along.

                  The nut-case neocons got Georgia to attack South Ossetia. "Georgia’s defense minister, Davit Kezerashvili, is a former Israeli who is fluent in Hebrew "
                  Georgia immediately got their butt kicked and Russia withdrew. They are NOT interested in expansion.
                  BUT, this Russian protection of South Ossetia was used as an excuse to pander fear to the rest of Europe.

                  Moving back to Poland. After the shoot-up in South Ossetia, the Poles were convinced to accept a "defensive" missile shield. It was ostensibly slated to be used as protection from Missiles from Iran.
                  Moving on, the rabble-rousers created havoc in the Ukraine. The purpose was to deny Russia access to it's only warm-water port, Sevastopol.
                  At the same time, more and more missiles and bases were built at, or close to Russia’s borders.

                  "As I explained previously, the theory behind this insane scheme is that after America’s preemptive strike Russia will be so devastated that Russia would not retaliate with any remaining forces out of fear that Washington would launch a second major strike."
                  "In previous posts in recent years I have pointed out both written documents and changes in US war doctrine that indicate that Washington is preparing a preemptive nuclear attack on Russia and China. More recently, I have shown that Washington’s demonization of Russia and President Putin, the incessant lies about Russian deeds and intentions, and the refusal of Washington to cooperate with Russia on any issue have convinced the Russian government that Washington is preparing the Western populations for an attack on Russia."

                  "Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir, Deputy Head of Operations of the Russian General Staff has concluded that Washington in pursuit of global hegemony is implementing an anti-ballistic missile system that Washington believes can prevent a Russian nuclear response to a US pre-emptive attack. US forces preparing sudden nuclear strike on Russia - Moscow Security Conference - Fort Russ

                  "Careful studies have convinced the Russians that Washington is investing in and arranging components that have no other function than to devastate Russia and cripple the country’s retaliatory capability. In short, Washington is preparing to launch a nuclear war.
                  Washington Plans to Nuke Russia and China -

                  So, Romania and Poland are to be loaded up with short-range missiles. This will knock out much of Russia's defences. America, being farther away will count on it's interceptors.
                  As Paul Craig Roberts states, there is no doubt about the missiles,,, only the intentions. The missiles based close to Russia are of no value as interceptors since Russia has long-range cruise missiles. ABMs don't work for cruise missiles.
                  The neocons are trying to make their intentions CRYSTAL CLEAR. By upsetting North Korea, they can justify filling up South Korea with missiles to attack China.

                  "Washington has quietly upgraded its nuclear weapons arsenal to create, according to three leading American scientists, “exactly what one would expect to see, if a nuclear-armed state were planning to have the capacity to fight and win a nuclear war by disarming enemies with a surprise first strike.”
                  “Under the veil of an otherwise-legitimate warhead life-extension program,” the U.S. military has vastly expanded the “killing power” of its warheads such that it can “now destroy all of Russia’s ICBM silos.”

                  "The upgrade—part of the Obama administration’s $1 trillion modernization of America’s nuclear forces—allows Washington to destroy Russia’s land-based nuclear weapons, while still retaining 80 percent of the U.S.’s warheads in reserve. If Russia chose to retaliate, it would be reduced to ash."
                  "But MAD is not a U.S. military doctrine. A “first strike” attack has always been central to U.S. military planning, until recently, however, there was no guarantee that such an attack would so cripple an opponent that it would be unable—or unwilling, given the consequences of total annihilation— to retaliate."

                  " While the military downplays these events, former Secretary of Defense William Perry argues that it is pure luck that we have avoided a nuclear exchange, and that the possibility of nuclear war is greater today than it was at the height of the Cold War."
                  "What that means is that while the U.S. would have about 30 minutes warning time to investigate whether an attack was really taking place, the Russians would have 15 minutes or less."

                  "A recent study found that a nuclear war between India and Pakistan using Hiroshima-sized weapons would generate a nuclear winter that would make it impossible to grow wheat in Russia and Canada and cut the Asian Monsoon’s rainfall by 10 percent. The result would be up to 100 million deaths by starvation. Imagine what the outcome would be if the weapons were the size used by Russia, China or the U.S."

                  "Russian President Valdimir Putin charged that U.S. anti-missile systems in Poland and Rumania were not aimed at Iran, but Russia and China. “The Iranian threat does not exist, but missile defense systems continue to be positioned"
                  This is why the ongoing demonization of Iran. An excuse to point more missiles at Russia.
                  North Korea, like South Ossetia is just a pawn.
                  McMaster - Be Prepared For War Against North Korea
                  NATO Pushing For New Balkan War - Russia
                  Russia Leads Superweapons Arms Race

                  The politicians seem to believe that nukes are the ultimate weapon.
                  ‘US Strategic Assets’ (Nukes) To Be Deployed In S Korea
                  US Seeks Permanent Deployment Of Strategic
                  Assets (Nukes And THAAD) In South Korea

                  The British war mongers set up to Poland to get WW II started. Who will they use to get WW III started?
                  Last edited by aljhoa; 05-02-2017, 01:41 PM. Reason: 657,737


                  • Looking back at what I said in post#6317 on January 1, 2017 speaking of Trump's proposed tariffs on foreign produce and merchandise:

                    "What the tariffs will actually accomplish is that American farmers will now be able to compete against previously cheap Mexican imports which have benefited due to cheap labor, and this is not just about fruits and vegetables. Think about how many goods we see in American stores that are manufactured in Mexico and China. With the prices for Mexican and Chinese imports raised by tariffs, Americans will choose to buy American produce and goods every time they shop. Farming and manufacturing in America will become popular again, and job growth will soar. Supply and demand economics will lower and keep prices for American produce and goods reasonable, and the only way that Mexican and Chinese imports will be able to compete is if they drastically reduce their prices."

                    And looking at Allcanadian's reply to that in post#6319:

                    Your talking like a socialist Rick and if your labor prices are too high then the labor should be fired and replaced with cheaper labor. Like most real conservatives I believe if you cannot compete in a free market then you shouldn't be in business...period. Your what we refer to as a closet liberal pretending to be conservative. Sure farming and manufacturing will become popular because you will have instituted a socialist taxpayer subsidized ponzi scheme to replace a capitalist free market system. So your intent is to rig the system because people are either too stupid or incompetent to compete one on one like real men?. Sad Rick, very sad.
                    It would seem that Allcanadian simply has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to American labor. He says that if our labor prices are too high, "the labor should be fired and replaced with cheaper labor." What he doesn't appear to understand is that the labor prices aren't too high for agricultural workers - they're actually too low, and that is why very few Americans are working these low paying jobs. The reason why they are low paying jobs is because illegal aliens are being employed and paid substandard wages. If those employers were forced to use E-Verify to hire only legally eligible workers, the labor rate would naturally be higher, and these jobs would be filled by American citizens and legal immigrants.

                    I believe that Allcanadian would say that the higher labor rate would probably either put farmers out of business or necessarily raise food prices to where consumers would find it very costly to buy American produce, but I can show that isn't the case. For example, Philip Martin, of the Commission on Agricultural Workers, reports that raising farmworkers’ wages by 40 percent would increase a family’s annual food budget by only $16, which breaks down to about 4 cents per day. By hiring legal workers and paying a livable wage, we would save taxpayers the cost of poverty programs, and government would get more in taxes. The National Academy of Sciences makes it clear that illegal immigrants are currently a huge fiscal drain. In 2013, the fiscal deficit – taxes paid by illegals minus services used – was $279 billion. But why? Their wages are low because most are unskilled. Bottom line: Taxpayers are actually subsidizing cheap labor for the employers. Thus Allcanadian's statement that Trump would be setting up a "socialist taxpayer subsidized ponzi scheme" is far more correct when applied to the system that already exists.

                    Allcanadian may also use the popular liberal leftist argument that if illegal immigrants left their farm jobs, produce would almost surely rot in the fields because Americans simply wouldn't do the work - that illegals only do work that Americans won't do, but that doesn't fly either. Alabama’s agricultural output rose in the three years after passage of its “draconian” immigration law. In addition, the H2A visa program, which allows farmers to employ foreign guest workers, has no caps. In other words, if not enough American workers can be found to do this work, employers can legally bring in as many legal guest foreign workers as needed via the H2A visa process. There’s no excuse for any illegal workers picking our produce, or doing any other work that Americans and legal immigrants could be doing.

                    Is it really the case that Americans won't do agricultural work? No, that is a false belief promoted by leftists. As Nobel economist Paul Krugman states, “The willingness of Americans to do a job depends on how much that job pays – and the reason some jobs pay too little to attract native-born Americans is competition from poorly paid immigrants.” And even those poorly paid immigrants are always looking for the jobs that pay best, or where work is easiest. Because of that, some crops would not get picked if farmers didn't raise wages. When garlic farmers couldn’t find enough workers, they recently increased wages by $2 an hour, advertised, and were flooded with legal applicants. Surprise! Americans picking produce! Normally, farmers don't even bother to advertise because enough illegal immigrants will show up to do the work, and the employers know that they won't be prosecuted and fined for hiring them. Because they don't advertise, Americans don't apply for those jobs and probably wouldn't take the jobs if offered substandard wages that illegals would accept. Without those illegals, the farmers would raise wages, advertise the jobs, and be employing Americans that are currently either unemployed or underemployed. Is that really so difficult to understand?
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Neutering Trump

                      Trump wanted a wall. "They" told him, no money for the wall. They can toss a $ billion for THAAD for S. Korea because it fits in with their war plans.
                      Trump wanted rapprochement with Russia so, they dumped his guy and put in a war hawk.
                      MAY 2017
                      He ordered immigration restrictions. Various judges blocked him.

                      The failed election of Killary pushed back the timetable for war with Russia and China. The neocons seem to be really rushing the preparations now.

                      BTW, many years ago, I worked picking melons. It really wasn't that bad a job.
                      How many of you have worked as a picker?


                      • The atomic bomb is mightier than the pen

                        Many years ago, Henry Ford wrote pamphlets and complained about the international jews who just went around the world stealing and wrecking whatever they could.
                        Adolph Hitler spoke about the international jews who went around the world like big hungry parasites destroying everything they touched,,, for a profit.
                        The latest, "Lawrence Summers complained of “the development of stateless elites whose allegiance is to global economic success and their own prosperity rather than the interests of the nation where they are headquartered.”

                        "Dani Rodrik, one of the world’s leading international economists, talks of the “global trilemma.” We cannot simultaneously pursue democracy, national determination, and economic globalization. They are incompatible. One of them has to go."

                        China DEMANDS Trump IMMEDIATELY
                        Stop THAAD Deployment To SK
                        THAAD System Now Deployed And Operational In S Korea
                        Kim Warns 'US Gangsters' Pushing To Brink Of Nuke War
                        N Korea's True Crime - It's Not Dominated By The US !

                        "In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

                        North Korea
                        The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:

                        North Korea

                        After the instigated protests and riots in the Arab countries the Rothschild finally paved their way into establishing Central Banks, and getting rid of many leaders, which put them into more power.

                        First attack will be on Iran. We're getting softer with Cuba and it won't be long before we impose a private central bank.

                        North Korea will be the final state standing up to the U.S."
                        This should pretty much tell you what we are doing in North Korea.


                        • Civil war in America,,, peace in Korea

                          Here is something that I see more and more,
                          Will The Second Civil War Turn Violent? | Zero Hedge
                          I guess that we are just going to sleep-walk into it.
                          Pox Americana is broke. FED GOV loudly rattles all it sabers to cause capital flight from the targeted area. These affected States are supposed to send up all their dollars to buy Treasury debt.
                          America?s Financial War Strategy | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

                          When all is said and done, nobody wants a war; Who Is Interested In A Conflict In North Korea? | Zero Hedge

                          Allen Raymond says that the plan is; pay off the entire ruling family and stipulate that they LEAVE Korea,


                          • Crooked judges,,,, crooked prosecutors,,, crooked courts.

                            Armstrong as some very good observations on the subject.
                            "The entire problem stems from ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY! The US government cannot be sued
                            One Judge, U.S. District Judge Leigh Martin May, ruled that the SEC courts established by Roosevelt are unconstitutional. Government just ignored the ruling.
                            They declared that those who are prosecutors of judges have ABSOLUTE immunity from being prosecuted for wrongful prosecution even if they know they are abusing their authority or committing a crime because they might be afraid to prosecute someone if they could be prosecuted in return.

                            prosecutors must have absolute immunity for acts committed in their prosecutorial role. This decision has unleashed the most abusive legal system ever on the face of this Earth. The most notorious court in history had been that of Hitler where it had a 90% conviction rate. The Supreme Court, has stripped every possible human right we have fought for since the dawn of civilization. The conviction rate now exceeds 98% in the US federal courts.
                            Only a fool would believe what government says in any case and are typically the idiots who think government is really there to help them too

                            Take Bernie Madoff’s case and why did he plead guilty so fast? That was to shut down the investigation for he was protecting someone.
                            The banks claimed they had no idea it was a fraud. Madoff was asked if the banks knew once he was in prison. He said of course. In fact, only a fool would believe the banks were not also involved. I was interviewed by a journalist at the NY Post. I was asked if the bank in my case claiming they had no idea where the $1 billion was, was in fact laundering money in my accounts for the Russian Mafia and Colombian drug cartels “as they were doing in Madoff?”
                            hand those in power absolute immunity, and you destroy the entire moral fabric of society."
                            WAIT, what about the corporations having legal immunity?


                            • Armstrong

                              A bit more on his ordeal,


                              • I have been following this thread on and off for years. Great stuff rick. I'm hanging in to the hopes trumpy might bring about some good changes despite all the liberal lunacy running media a muck
                                Alberta is under attack...

                                Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P

