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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by aljhoa
    Here is more on the subject of "psychopaths’ civilization":

    Moreover, they have a unique biology:
    ranging from increased corpus callosums - which orchestrates complex interactions between the attention, arousal and emotion (Raine, et al. 2003),
    smaller amygdalas - long recognized as a key component in emotional processing, moral reasoning, and social interaction (Yang, et al, 2009), and
    fMRI scans which show a distinct failure of normal brain activation when psychopaths are charged with an emotive task (Kiehl, et al, 2006).
    These few examples are but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their biological differences from normal humans.

    As such, the problem is quite evolutionary;
    without an understanding of this new subspecies,
    their capabilities, and
    how they differ from us we
    will be 'as sheep amongst the wolves',
    ripe for the picking.

    Given the political and economic scandals of the last ten years, it's amazing that this topic has not received further attention.
    It also explains how large banking conglomerates, corporations and intelligence agencies can function without
    a moral compass, sacrificing the lives of countless innocent people and justifying their actions with an appropriate ideological mask.
    The phenomenon of psychopathy affects the lives of everyone on the planet, and we as a society require a comprehensive understanding
    if we are to navigate the difficult waters of the new millennium.
    Originally posted by Gambeir
    Now then, I have studied the field of psychopathology. I read nearly every day myself, I do find that the article misses the mark.

    Actually this isn't exactly accurate: One could cite Hannah Arendt and "The Origins of Totalitarianism" as an exemplary text on the topic. What History Teaches; is that bureaucracy and laws are the tools of evil. Bureaucracies create laws to serve themselves and to serve those who profit by their expansion and existence. Bureaucratic "law making" enabled mass murder under the Communists, under the Nazi's, and now under Corporations and Banks; and as always it's about the money and so behind mass murder is another layer of evil.

    I actually see focusing on the failures of individuals as psychopaths as a form of obfuscation and by this same form of totalitarianism now disguised as Corporations and Banks. Criminality is an expertise for the Police, whom are adept in this field, and it is more important for us, we the people, to understand how an individual or corporate collection of criminals sieze power and then use the understanding I put forward here for their own ends: Hitler understood this, Mao understood this, Stalin understood this, and now we have a highly organized collection of billionaries whom also understand it.

    The first rule in the book for all totalitarian systems is to blame the people and then the individual. This same trick is clearly visible in the blame being placed upon the people of the planet for global warming. Bureaucratic criminals, ruled over by political stooges and their appointed minions, have already judged you and I as being responsible for global warming, and just as in the other cases, these political stooges and their servants are dependent upon the financial support of their owners, and more importantly, upon the owners ownership over the minds of the masses through the control and ownership of the propaganda systems, otherwise called the mass media.

    Mass murder by cultures, by civilizations, are the product of impersonal and inhuman bureaucratic institutions which follow orders.
    {"The more laws, the less justice"} Marcus Tullius Cicero

    Congress is passing over 117 new laws in 2016, and in each one are tens of hundreds of new laws, rules, and regulations. This is the greatest threat to your life today.

    *Note: I underlined and put in quotes "law making" since the minions on your news stations insist on repeating over and over that we now have "law makers" , instead of elected representative, their lawful title BTW. These servants are programmers: Repeat the lie often enough and it will become the truth. In a real democracy, we the people are the law makers, and they are our choices for ensuring our laws are upheld.

    The second greatest threat to our lives are the liars on the television, in the news papers, an on the radio stations: History again teaches us this truth.
    Actually this isn't exactly accurate: One could cite Hannah Arendt and "The Origins of Totalitarianism" as an exemplary text on the topic.
    The political philosopher, Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1906, the only child of secular Jews...
    In the subsequent years, she continued her involvement in Jewish and Zionist politics, which began from 1926 onwards.

    see excerpts from the book

    Tragedy and Hope
    A History of the World in Our Time

    by Carroll Quigley, 1966

    History again teaches us this truth.

    Meet the Man who Started WWII

    Oy vey!

    Last edited by aljhoa; 05-15-2017, 04:08 AM. Reason: 661,296


    • New Yahoo TOS

      "You agree to not use the Yahoo Services to:
      upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable;"
      "You acknowledge that Yahoo may or may not pre-screen Content, but that Yahoo and its designees shall have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to pre-screen, refuse, or remove any Content that is available via the Yahoo Services. Without limiting the foregoing, Yahoo and its designees shall have the right to remove any Content that violates the TOS or is otherwise objectionable. "
      So, just what is considered "objectionable?
      How about this?


      • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
        So, just what is considered "objectionable?
        How about this?
        Say, "Indeed, my prayer, and my rites of sacrifice, and my living, and my dying (are) for Allah, Lord (of) the worlds.
        al-An`am 6:162

        No partners for Him; and with that I have been commanded. And I am (the) first (of) the ones who surrender (to Him).
        al-An`am 6:163

        Last edited by aljhoa; 05-21-2017, 04:55 AM. Reason: 663,472


        • The Deep State

          Originally posted by kcarring View Post
          I have been following this thread on and off for years. Great stuff rick. I'm hanging in to the hopes trumpy might bring about some good changes despite all the liberal lunacy running media a muck
          Thanks for being a continuing reader here. There is so much that could be written about both the history and ongoing deceptions perpetrated by the Ruling Class that it would truly be impossible to expound upon all of it here. In years gone by, since beginning this thread, I attempted to explain the history, showing how the Ruling Class elite gained and maintained control of the United States government, and turned that government into a corporation which has shredded our Constitution and usurped powers that were never granted or intended by the Constitution's framers. I also showed how the BAR and the media have been complicit in this. Many of us who were born as "baby boomers" around the end of World War II can now see that we have literally been lied to our entire lives.

          Lately we have been hearing much about the "Deep State," and perhaps some people are wondering what this really is. The simplest way to define it is to say that it encompasses all of the programs, agencies, and bureaucracies that the Ruling Class has established over time to ensure their own protection, ensure that their agenda is carried forward, and that any opposition to their agenda is quickly eradicated. What we have been seeing throughout the mainstream media, the Congress, the Judicial branch, the "intelligence" agencies, and the myriad of other corporate "government" agencies, is how the Deep State uses all of this to block anything and everything of importance that Trump attempts to do, while at the same time working non-stop to mold public perception against Trump in such a way as to promote Trump's impeachment and removal.

          We have to remember that in Trump's inaugural address, he literally declared war on the Deep State, and we had to realize they wouldn't just take that lying down. I won't even hazard a guess as to how all of this will turn out, but I do believe that the final outcome is dependent upon two things - the resolve of the people to back Trump's initiatives while demanding that Congress follows through on them, and the military's loyalty to their commander in chief.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Before and after Sharia Law

            Texas Church

            Last edited by aljhoa; 05-26-2017, 03:06 PM. Reason: 665,364


            • Big moves behind the scenes

              Trump has taken pot-shots at NATO and particularly, Germany. "They" are going to get together and figure out what to do about him.
              Germany's Schulz - 'Trump Is A Destroyer Of Western Values'
              What about all those muslims in Germany who are destroying ALL values?

              Did I sleep through something?
              Beijing Wants ‘Active Role’ In Mideast Peace
              Israel Must Keep W. Bank Control Under Any Deal - Bibi

              Israel Builds Mock Lebanese Village To Train Troops To Fight Hezbollah
              The chosenites went into Lebanon a few years ago and got their butts kicked. Hezbollah now talks about returning the favor.

              The chosenites are frothing at the mouth over the prospect of Iran growing stronger and stronger. The Iranian Republican Guard are definitely a force to be reckoned with. Trump can bad-mouth Iran all day and night. That won't stop anything.
              What "deal" is Bibi talking about? The chosenites seem to have lost the "pipeline wars". What does China mean by an "active role"? There are some BIG moves going on and I DIDN'T get the memo.


              • Russian President Vladimir Putin joked on Friday about
                US President Donald Trump's decision to pull the US
                out of the Paris climate accord...

                "By the way, we should be grateful to President Trump.
                In Moscow, it's raining and cold and even, they say, some snow,"
                Putin told an audience at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

                George Carlin on Global Warming

                Last edited by aljhoa; 06-03-2017, 01:19 AM. Reason: 668,132


                • The NO party runs D.C.

                  The DNC signed on with a major criminal. Now, they are in complete DISARRAY. They don't have a clue what to do,,, to re-invent the party. It has gone TOO far from it's roots and now, has no roots.
                  In the case of Seth Rich, the DNC proved that the Dems will eat their young if necessary. A big % of the young voted for Sanders. They aren't likely to just hang on to whatever criminal the DNC chooses next.

                  Trump went to D.C. without a party behind him. The war party is bound & determined to get rid of him. They are already jockeying around to fill the upcoming power vacuum.
                  The Great Betrayal of Middle America

                  There is little that Trump can accomplish on his own. Without a party machine, the war party can block him at almost every turn.
                  Also, there seems to be a wild card in the deck;
                  New Report Claims Israel is Planning Mass Evacuation for Potential War
                  The chosenites can't very well nuke Lebanon. They also, can't win a ground war with Hezbollah.


                  • The dysfunctional English ruling class

                    A good article on the plight of England.


                    • Crank the fear ratchet.... justify a police State

                      Soros is at the top of his game, George Soros letter reveals globalist plan to destroy the First World by eliminating national borders with global migrant blitzkreig invasions -
                      London Suspect In London Bridge Linked To MI5 Why would that be?
                      Majority Of British Back State Surveillance In Face Of Terrorist Attacks - Save Us!
                      Majority of UK Citizens in Favor of Arming Police
                      We DEMAND a police State and total surveillance.
                      Very Smart! UK Plans to Cut Funding Of Office For Security And Counterterrorism We (they) need lots of terrorists to justify a police State.
                      Police Defend Inaction After London Attacker Seen In Terrorist Documentary They ran away.
                      London Muslim Mayor - 'There Are Too Many Whites'

                      OK, so the State ratchets up the FEAR. That way, they can justify a police State.
                      That's a big part of what 9/11 was about. The inception of our wonderful patriot act.


                      • Comey and impeachment.. Trump and his NUMEROUS enemies

                        "Comey is expected to do his utmost to now overthrow Trump for the establishment. It really does not matter what the truth is, the press and Congress will make whatever he says absolute fact. "
                        "Make no mistake about it, these three mainstream medias are out for blood and if it leads to a civil war, so be it. It is their way or no way."
                        "Impeachment will depend upon the Republicans and it has been McCain and Graham who are leading the charge to overthrow Trump to preserve the Deep State and corruption even if it is at the expense of the Republican Party."

                        Mc Cain has a lot to fear. There are rumors that he is the money tied to the pizzagate fiasco. This would not be a big surprise. Podesta's brother is a GOV official responsible for a exploited children safety program.
                        Podesta has proved to be a total weirdo.

                        So, Comey will sing as loudly as possible. There are a LOT of heads on the chopping block and they all want Trump to swing.
                        So buckle up. It will be show-time.
                        So, while the FED is purportedly working to maintain stability, the Uber-pedophile class may bring it all down anyway.

                        Trump could put a LOT of politicians in danger;
                        Massive pedophile ring busted; 230 kids saved - US news
                        Massive paedophile ring uncovered by police in Norway
                        Europol, FBI arrest nearly 900 in crackdown on global pedophile ring
                        Belgian Aristocratic Pedophile Ring Exposed! » Alex Jones' Infowars

                        "6 Case Studies That Point to a Massive Child Pedophile Ring at the Highest Levels of Power"
                        Yep, Trump has a lot of enemies


                        • The Economics of warfare

                          I found an article that everybody should read. It covers a LOT of areas. Agenda 21 is supposed to cram us all in cities. A lot of new tech is pushing us to de-centralize. The article also talks about the cost of warfare.

                          "You’d be forgiven for thinking that everything was going to keep getting bigger, more grandiose, more centralised, and more expensive "
                          "Look around you and you’ll realise that everything is becoming decentralised or distributed and deflationary as a result.

                          This is a result of the economics of business changing as a consequence of technological changes. Micro power grids replacing nationalised power grids, 3D printing allowing localised manufacture, ride sharing decentralising taxi cartels, peer-to-peer lending decentralising traditional bank lending, file sharing disrupting the entertainment industry, the Internet itself disrupting the newspaper industry, Facebook disrupting and decentralising content"

                          "What we’re seeing is power shifting into the hands of individuals or at least small groups as apposed to large groups.
                          This same dynamic is at work with respect to war."
                          "Now, imagine this army is invisible. You can’t spot the soldiers because they look like so many other normal people. Furthermore, this army has no discernible head to cut off. There is no HQ to attack. The soldiers are dispersed, almost impossible to detect, and have already infiltrated the enemy’s borders. Heck, they’ve been invited in." (terrorists)

                          "The Western governments of the world are both clueless, ignorant and stupid. They’re also too afraid to call a spade a spade for fear of being demonised for being politically incorrect. But most importantly, they’re broke. This is a good thing because nation states which are a relic of the Industrial era are going to go away as well but that’s a conversation for another day."
                          "Clearly they’re not going to solve these problems anyway, and, in fact, the economics of war have changed so radically that it ensures they’ll go away.

                          Remember, the most basic social contract a citizen has with his government is that of security and government cannot provide it."
                          "The truth is the economics of war have changed and that means that the technology that won the last war isn’t going to be the one that wins this one."


                          • A video that points to top of the pyramid
                            Who controls the controllers ?


                            • WW III for profit

                              Armstrong has an excellent article about MSM and fake news. He mentions over and over about the media demonizing the president for profit and ratings. CNN is trying to get ratings by starting WW III. This was previously done by Hearst to start the Spanish-American war.
                              "They’re also too afraid to call a spade a spade"
                              He goes on and on about how crooked the media is but, he won't use the J word.


                              • a smelly tangle of special interests

                                Damn good article;
                                oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Our Political Parties Are Obsolete

