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The American Ruling Class

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  • Suicide by Stupidity

    The New York Times has made it exquisitely clear that israel-firsters are running the show. They also make it QUITE clear that the people who run the show are both stupid and desperate. Limited war with Russia and China would last about 5 minutes. Then, it would escalate. Somebody would shoot at Iran and Iran would send 230,000 missiles to israel. They would reply with their "Samson option" and THAT would be the end of the world.
    The feces-for-brains have laid the groundwork so that any action between Putin and Trump to defuse the situation would be called "surrender". They have tried to poison any & all future dealings.

    Suicide by Stupidity - Kunstler
    Trump’s Plan To Team Up With Putin In Syria That should make him REAL popular with the israel-firsters
    Pentagon - A War Against North Korea Would Be ‘Catastrophic' That is the difference between politicians and soldiers. The politicians have NO CONCEPT of death and destruction. Maybe they played "world of Warcraft",,, and think that it all very clean.


    • Macron

      If you don't like the American Ruling Class, you could learn to REALLY hate the French ruling class.


      • Afflictions of the ruling class

        VERY good Kunstler.
        We're Good People, Really We Are! - Kunstler

        Here is an interesting and scary development.

        The Overton Bubble repost,,, sortof.
        Last edited by Danny B; 07-14-2017, 01:17 AM. Reason: moar info


        • People's republic of Canada

          While you are busy hating the American ruling class, you can spare some time to hate the Chinese ruling class. They are trying to achieve ABSOLUTE control.
          "China’s New Tool for Social Control: A Credit Rating for Everything
          Beijing wants to give every citizen a score based on behavior such as spending habits, turnstile violations and filial piety, which can blacklist citizens from loans, jobs, air travel"
          "China wants to give all of its citizens a score – and their rating could affect every area of their lives

          The Communist Party wants to encourage good behaviour by marking all its people using online data. Those who fall short will be denied basic freedoms like loans or travel."

          Hey, if it is good enough for communist china, it is good enough for Canada.


          • Another one bites the dust

            It's painfully obvious that the media HATES both Trump and Putin. There is a very good reason for that.
            "Simply put, Putin and Trump are the two most powerful nationalists in the world. Any rapprochement between Russia and the U.S. is an existential threat to the globalist agenda.

            This explains the vitriolic, hysterical, and relentless attacks on Trump and Putin. The globalists have to keep Trump and Putin separated in order to have any hope of reviving the globalist agenda."
            "Just as Trump and Putin are the champions of nationalism, President Xi Jinping of China and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany have emerged as the champions of the globalist camp."
            Yes, the 2 main countries that benefited from globalism.
            Some of the article is BS but, you get the idea.

            The jews have long championed socialism. (Jewish encyclopedia) It never works. The socialists claim that it WOULD work if nobody (and their money) could escape their grasp. They work long and hard to bring us the total control of globalism.
            Along with Putin and Trump, we see Wilders, Le Pen, Farage, Orban and others. The failure of Globalism is actually an amplified version of the failure of socialism. Too much centralization is a curse. Just the same, the chosenites won't abandon their dream of total control.

            Most people already know about the protocols of zion. EVERYBODY loudly claimed that they were a hoax and a forgery. Maybe so. BUT, the chosenites follow them so CLOSELY.
            Power of Prophecy: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
            Then, there is a quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin. It too is apparently NOT from Franklin.

            "There is a great danger for the United State of America. This great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in every land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have remained apart and unassimilated; oppressed, they attempt to strangle the nation financially, as in the case of Portugal and Spain.

            For more than seventeen hundred years they have lamented their sorrowful fate — namely, that they have been driven out of their mother land; but, gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give them back Palestine and their property, they would immediately find pressing reason for not returning there. Why? Because they are vampires and vampires cannot live on other vampires --they cannot live among themselves. They must live among Christians and others who do not belong to their race.

            If they are not expelled from the United States by the Constitution within less than one hundred years, they will stream into this country in such numbers that they will rule and destroy us and change our form of Government for which we Americans shed our blood and sacrificed our life, property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded within two hundred years, our children will be working in the field to feed Jews while they remain in the counting houses, gleefully rubbing their hands.

            I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children and your children’s children will curse you in their graves. Their ideas are not those of Americans, even when they lived among us for ten generations. The leopard cannot change his spots. The Jews are a danger to this land, and if they are allowed to enter, they will imperil our institutions. They should be excluded by the Constitution." Wiki

            OK, I get the part about sacrificing our life, property and freedom.
            “We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy, because we need a world of our own, a God-World, which it is not in your nature to build.”
            Maurice Samuel
            You Gentiles (p. 155)
            "Slowly, inexorably, the Jewish minority in America has, through stealth, deceit, cunning, and treachery, burrowed like parasitic termites into the muscle and sinew of society. Their lobby and pressure groups—the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), and many others—have bought, bribed, threatened or otherwise manipulated our Congress." I can't argue that.

            "The plot of the Wall Street Jews and their collaborators is financial tyranny and economic destruction. The Jews who run the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the FDIC, the Treasury Department, and, of course, all the globalist money control groups (IMF, World Bank, International Bank of Settlements, etc.) are now leveling America. They are busily finishing off the dollar" I can't argue that.
            "The authoritarian Communist nation beloved of the Jewish elite is replacing America in the New World Order hierarchy of nations. In fact, America is under rapid dissolution as an independent nation with a cohesive people." I can't argue that.
            Jaws of the Serpent

            The chosenites are so fearful of further persecution that they believe that they must destroy ALL nationalism. The muslim invasion is a good tool to do that.

            The East has no interest in being dominated by either the chosenites or the West. The globalists want control of all wealth and the East won't go for that. The West hopes to force in the SDR and blockchain money.
            The Globalist One World Currency Will Look A Lot Like Bitcoin | Zero Hedge
            The East wants to use gold.

            Here is a good article on State wealth control The International War on Cash | International Man
            Various States like Turkey have bought the S-400 missiles to fight off the embrace of the FED. Various States are turning East. Russia is trying to prop up Venezuela to keep Pox Americana from grabbing all the oil.
            Russia Is Beating China to Venezuela's Oil Fields | Americas Quarterly
            Pox Americana has pushed Europe TOO far, as far as sanctions against Russia. All of these things add up to a loss of power and stature for America. Under the destructive influence of the chosenites, America will go down the drain. We won't get back up either. Our $1.5 billion a day trade deficit will come to a screeching halt. Our infighting will ensure that nothing gets done right or, in time. Our standard of living will go down drastically.
            The chosenites may very well crash the West down into the dumps. They will NOT bring globalism to the East.


            • Nationalism, socialism and globalism

              The ongoing war between proponents of globalism and proponents of nationalism is showing us just who the real controllers are. Putin is anti-globalism. Killary was to start a war with them to stop their pipelines and breakaway nationalism. She (they) hoped to strangle Russia economically by blocking the pipeline to Europe. Trump got elected and the globalists and socialists are trying to make the best of it.
              They are betting on using the 25th amendment and a small cadre of globalists to remove Trump.
              Words and Deeds - Kunstler

              The U.S. congress doesn't want to leave ANY doubt about who they work for.
              "What I’m referring to is the recent Russia/Iran/North Korea sanctions bill passed by the House of Representatives in a frighteningly lopsided 419-3 vote."
              Kim Jong Un is a nationalist also.
              Congress wonders why they have such an abysmally approval rating. The drug and insurance companies LOVE obamacare. SO, we get to keep obamacare.
              The chosenites own congress. Socialists and globalists, every one of them.

              Meanwhile, flyover country is increasingly pissed off at the urban areas.
              The country is so polarized that everything will lock up.


              • TAE,,, permeated by dysfunction

                For all practical purposes, the Anglo-American war machine is controlled from Tel Aviv. Blowing up the world for profit and control might work for a while but, the world has closed ranks against us. The spineless bought & paid for congress has just one master and, it isn't the American people. Tel Aviv found / created a whole class of spineless lackeys who worry about re-election and nothing else. These lackeys are not capable of holding the country together. Self-interest and their masters in Tel Aviv are the only things that are important.
                They have manacled the hands of the president in the name of maintaining control. The swamp has grown to be an ocean. Mesmerized by their dreams of world control, they are blind and oblivious to the fast approaching dis-integration. They have all drunk from the goblet of poison. There are no leaders left.



                  Great article.
                  Bitcoin is the end of centralized power by the government run banksters

                  Bitcoin is the Gold Standard of the Digital Age.
                  Its not the only one. Hundreds of crytocurrencies exist making it a great investment opportunity to rid yourself of your Fiat Dollars that will soon crash as our debt is unsustainable.


                  • We have been conditioned to react to the television.

                    This way we become distracted from noticing censorship
                    for example what did CNN publish on G20 ?

                    What was censored out by German mass media ?


                    • Illegal foreign aid

                      Setback for Jewish Lobby as Court Denies CIA Attempt to Smother Lawsuit on US Intelligence Aid to Israel - The New Observer


                      • The tide is turning

                        “Netanyahu’s panic and his incessant warnings regarding ‘Iranian expansion’ may be the most hopeful sign that Tel Aviv is losing its stranglehold over Washington,” Janice Kortkamp from Leesburg, Virginia, said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency."
                        "Israel is in a panic right now with the victory in the strategic Qalamoun region over Daesh. Israel’s goal has been to keep the war in Syria going indefinitely - for it to bleed to death - to weaken the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) and Hezbollah just as they had wanted the war in Iraq to weaken both it and Iran. "
                        "The opposite outcome has occurred with Hezbollah stronger and more respected than ever; the alliance and coordination between Syria, Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia also stronger; Iraq is also cooperating in many regards with that alliance, and President Putin is now seen as the predominant global strategist. "
                        " Netanyahu’s emotional entreaties to President Putin seemed to have fallen on deaf ears according to Pravda’s report of August 25 on the meeting, saying Israel’s Prime Minister failed to convince President Putin on the need to stop “Iran’s expansion in the Middle East.”

                        "Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is pushing the panic button over the collapse of the Saudi-Israeli jihadist proxies in Syria and now threatening to launch a major air war, as ex-British diplomat Alastair Crooke describes."
                        "Russia’s Pravda wrote, “according to eyewitnesses of the open part of the talks, the Israeli prime minister was too emotional and at times even close to panic. He described a picture of the apocalypse to the Russian president that the world may see, if no efforts are taken to contain Iran, which, as Netanyahu believes, is determined to destroy Israel.”
                        "what is absolutely clear (from Israeli sources) is that both in Washington and at Sochi, the Israeli officials were heard out, but got nothing. Israel stands alone. "
                        "It is not really in a position to demand anything. It will not get an American enforced buffer zone beyond the Golan armistice line, nor will the Iraqi-Syrian border be closed, or somehow “supervised” on Israel’s behalf.

                        Of course, the Syrian aspect is important, but to focus only on that, would be to “miss the forest for the trees.” The 2006 war by Israel to destroy Hizbullah (egged on by the U.S., Saudi Arabia – and even a few Lebanese) was a failure. Symbolically, for the first time in the Middle East, a technologically sophisticated, and lavishly armed, Western nation-state simply failed."
                        "Against Hizbullah, Israel had thrown its full military force (though Israelis always say, now, that they could have done more). And against Syria, the U.S., Europe, the Gulf States (and Israel in the background) have thrown the kitchen sink: jihadists, al-Qaeda, ISIS (yes), weapons, bribes, sanctions and the most overwhelming information war yet witnessed"
                        "Already, we see the Gulf Cooperation Council, which originally was founded in 1981 by six Gulf tribal leaders for the sole purpose of preserving their hereditary tribal rule in the Peninsula, now warring with each other, in what is likely to be a protracted and bitter internal fight."

                        "the Syrian President has made clear that his government intends to recover “all Syria” – and all Syria includes the occupied Golan Heights. And this week, Hassan Nasrallah called on the Lebanese government “to devise a plan and take a sovereign decision to liberate the Shebaa Farms and the Kfarshouba Hills” from Israel.

                        A number Israeli commentators already are saying that the “writing is on the wall” – and that it would be better for Israel to cede territory unilaterally, rather than risk the loss of hundreds of lives of Israeli servicemen in a futile attempt to retain it."
                        Trillions of dollars spent and millions of lives lost just so that israel could try to carve out and maintain a garrison in hostile territory. So far, they have failed to start the necessary war with Iran. If the tail can no longer wag the dog, what will it do next?


                        • Joe Rogan has a very good podcast. This is a great discussion below with Alex Jones. I was never a big fan of alex jones. I always thought he was a sensationalist attention grabber, but I can appreciate the fact that he has sources and information that people pass on to him knowing he has a big microphone and will spread the word.


                          Joe Rogan has a very realistic, show me the evidence, approach which is refreshing.
                          Last edited by ethan; 09-12-2017, 11:26 PM.


                          • Sorry I haven't posted in a while. In early July I took a really hard fall and landed on my right shoulder, the result being that I required surgery to reattach two major tendons that were torn loose. I wasn't able to move my arm at all, and after the August 1st surgery I had to continue to wear an immobilizing arm sling up until this point in time. Recovery has been very slow and painful, with physical therapy sessions twice a week after week two. Attempting to type anything with one finger of my left hand has been a real bummer, and even now with fingers of both hands typing it is very tedious and quickly wears me out. Still, I had meant to post something when 9/11 rolled around, but missed that opportunity because I was in much pain that day from a previous physical therapy session. Those therapists should be called physical terrorists! Anyways, what I wanted to share is some news about the latest ongoing effort by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

                            Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth introduced the proposed Bobby McIlvaine Act to all members of Congress this September 11th, demanding that Congress open an unbiased investigation and use its subpoena power to uncover the full truth surrounding the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers. There are now about 3,000 architects, structural engineers, and demolition experts saying that WTC buildings 1, 2, and 7 were brought down by controlled demolition, that the NIST report was false and unsupportable, and that a new investigation with full subpoena powers must be done. I guess we'll soon see what Congress thinks of that. My guess is that if they do the investigation, it will end up the same as all other congressional investigations - with no one ever being held accountable. Still, they'd have to let the experts speak on the record, and perhaps that would wake up a lot of people who have continued to be duped by the "official" 9/11 storyline. The lamestream media would all say it is just hogwash of course, but these days there aren't many who would believe them. After all, who knows more about high rise structures - architects and structural engineers, or TV pundits and corrupt government apologists and naysayers?
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Judicial Watch Presents:
                              'Exposing the Deep State'


                              Last edited by aljhoa; 09-16-2017, 02:10 PM. Reason: 710,882


                              • The Judicial Watch discussion that was linked to by Al in his above post is well worth watching. I enjoy listening to Gorka, as he always speaks very matter of factly, and the others in this panel are also well studied, but perhaps the best way to summarize the points of this discussion is to listen to what Judicial Watch senior attorney James Peterson has to say.

                                Peterson makes the point that while most everyone who was pleased with the outcome of the 2016 presidential election expected that we would be seeing positive changes in the way that "government" departments like the State Department and Justice Department operate and interact with the public, and with public advocates like Judicial Watch, the expected changes never happened - that the State Department and Justice Department continue to deliberately delay and otherwise suppress release of FOIA requested documents. Judicial Watch normally ends up suing for release of such documents, and the process can often take more than a year before anything is released. Furthermore, even when certain documents have been released in accordance with court orders, the affected Department or agency is given latitude in determining which documents fall within the scope of the FOIA request, and what information within those documents may be redacted (blacked out) to be kept secret.

                                Worst of all, of course, is that the intervening time period between the initial FOIA request and the court order allows the affected Department or agency plenty of time to expunge any documents that are potentially very damaging and incriminating to them and their employees. For example, e-mails and word processor documents can be edited to remove such information, paper documents can be shredded, and records stored on hard drives or other media can become "misplaced," "lost," or otherwise be said to have suffered loss due to some human error or computer glitch. And even when ample evidence points to specific wrongdoing, such as is the case with Hillary Clinton, Barry Soetoro, Lois Lerner, James Comey, and many others, not one of these bad actors is ever held accountable.

                                My best guess is that Trump really believed that he would somehow have the power to bring about many needed changes, and to, as he put it, "drain the swamp" that Washington has become. I doubt that he understood just how deeply entrenched the establishment politicians of both major parties are, or that they are merely puppets of the Ruling Class elite. Trump's major accomplishment so far has been in making at least half of Americans aware of the fact that Mainstream Media is largely just fake news, and that alone is quite an accomplishment, but of course the other half of Americans believe that everything they see on TV news shows trouncing Trump and the Trump administration members is factual. For those who aren't so easily deceived, and who understand what the "Deep State" really is, there is no need to look way down some rabbit hole to discover what is really going on. As Gorka pointed out, the deep state agenda is right out in the open these days, and should be extremely obvious to anyone with the ability to discern truth.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

