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The American Ruling Class

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  • Holiday Season ? View topic - The Dead Sea scrolls Hoax.

    Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
    The thing we need to recognize is that there is a viable alternative to the Alien Hypothesis. That's not the same thing as saying
    there are no aliens, or even that recovered alien artifacts, whatever they might be, didn't play a part in creating what we are seeing.

    *Not sure this is going to make sense to everyone, because it may seem that I wander off, but in truth it's all a part of the whole picture
    and that picture is about deception, lies, treason, and crimes against humanity.

    All I'm asking is to question the idea's which have been planted in all our heads and to question the on-going developing narravitive.
    This narrative started long ago with this introduction of the idea of Ancient Aliens and Alien Intervention, and now we have hostile Aliens
    as a dominate theme.

    This narrative of alien invasion goes way back to H.G. Wells. Wells was also a member of the Fabian Society.
    "H.G. Wells and the Open Conspiracy."
    "Fabian leaders were drawn to Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), and his ideas of the 'New Republic' which he described as "a sort of outspoken
    Secret Society; an informal and open freemasonry," made up of the educated class, whose common goals would lead to the creation of a new World State,"
    Final Warning: A History of the New World Order
    Illuminism and the master plan for world domination
    -- by: David Allen Rivera, 1994, source:

    The Fabian Turtle is featured on the 2015 Economist Cover. Originally the Fabian Society featured a Wolf in Sheeps clothing, but changed that
    later on when it thought to be a bit too open

    What we are faced with is a question of what to believe. This is always going to be a personal decision. In this quest what we need to realize
    is that the intelligence services are tasked with keeping all of us in the dark, and they do this by manufacturing evidence, same as all criminals
    would rationally do when trying to hide their participation in high crimes. We may call them intelligence services today, but in times past they
    were the snitches, stooges, assassins, and tools of the king. Nothing has changed, only the names have been changed, they still serve the same
    master knowingly or not.

    People will point to the supposed evidence supporting Ancient Astronauts, but there again the scope and detail and extremes to which these agencies will go
    knows no bounds. Here's a crazy example of the insanity: Although hard to locate now, there were stories and reports of an on-going theft of dictionaries
    from all public repositories. These dictionaries were being replaced with a fake duplicate. The only alteration of the dictionary was the out side cover was
    slightly different, evidently in order to more easily identify the replaced ones from the original, and the textual replacement was to redefine the meaning of the word "Ground Zero."

    This was taking place after 9/11. I was able to verify the veracity of the story by visiting a couple local public libraries and comparing them with my
    own small dictionary collection. I'm talking here about comparing the publication dates/edition to the covers and then to the altered definition of the mean of ground zero. This is just an example of how extreme and minute these people will micro manage in planing for a future change in the dialogue.

    Now if you think this has to do with 9/11 you'd be right. If you also think it has to do with another future crime then you once more be correct.

    I believe this is another planned part of another developing meme: That of the so called Mandeala Effect. I think this is all engineered, but engineered
    so as to provide plausible explanations for the alteration of critical documents. Take from that what you will. The idea is to see the finger prints being
    left behind. Consider who controls the original copy of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America, along with the
    Supreme Laws of the People contained in the Bills of Rights.

    Does anyone think for one second that the criminals who conducted the mass murder of 3,000 Americans in broad daylight, who have called
    the Constitution nothing but a God Damned piece of paper would not also switch out those documents? Think again, and whose copies then will this
    same criminal organization recognize then? Hate Speech is free speech. Any attempt to restrict what another person says, or can say, is sedition,
    and any actual act in any other law is in reality high treason. The punishment for high treason is death. Did any of that stop them? Don't you think
    they already know that?

    People have been lead to think hate speech is about themselves as minorities; like a system of government whose economics is founded upon unwarranted taxation, and mass murder for profit through war has ethics and cares about any one at all. No, the goal of hate speech laws will ultimately be aimed at people like me. The people whom are writing about high crimes and acts of treason: Got guns and bullets?

    The point of this rambling is to hopefully make some kind of cross connections to the themes of conspiracy to deprive others of rights, knowledge, speech,
    liberty, justice, and to replace those with threats to life and limb, to bamboozle and deceive, to steal and to murder. How is a system operating on these principles, and now intentionally heading for far worse, supposed to have been truthful and worth believing? There's a real reason they don't want us having this technology and it has to do with themselves as slave owners, not with aliens visiting earth even if there are some dumb enough to show up here from time to time.

    There is a brief 3 or 4 second film clip in Dr. Steven Greer's Disclosure Movie showing a hovering Nazi disk. The available evidence does suggest
    that the German Scientists did solve the gravity riddle. Werner von braun himself said we can beat gravity. He half joking implied that it was already
    a fact. If anyone would have known it would have been him. I think they did and I think that the Russians, the Americans, possibly the British & French,
    and certainly Israel with all it's former slaves refugees from Nazi Germany had brought with them the knowledge. Israel has almost certainly had
    knowledge of Nazi UFO Technology since 1945. I think it's highly plausible to conclude some or even all UFO sightings after 1945 could also be of
    terrestrial origin based on what has been uncovered in the last 80 years.

    Are there Aliens, well yes there has to be, it's mathematically impossible for there not to be, but do they come here often enough for millions of
    us peons to see them 5 nights a week?
    Last edited by aljhoa; 12-29-2017, 06:12 PM. Reason: 769,392


    • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
      Please...I can't hardly stand to think about it. I'm supposed to start my social security in 9 months. This means that everything you've brought here is going to happen. It is happening. How old people will survive is beyond me. Fortunately I've got bullets and a helmet.

      About five years ago I thought about buying some bitcoins when they were like 40 cents each. Today they have pushed over 17k, and this while just a few months ago they were moving back and forth for under a 1K each, which even then I thought was crazy. Bitcoin is actually being forecast to 40k by summer by some people. People who have been accurate in forecasting crypto currency rises. I about fell off my chair when I realized how much this currency has risen in the last three or four months
      Speaking of Bitcoin, no one is really certain who the actual originator of Bitcoin actually is. The name Satoshi Nakamoto is often heard, but appears to be only a nickname for the real originator. In November of 2015, WIRED US ran a story showing evidence from 2008 that the likely originator was Australian tech entrepreneur Craig Stephen Wright. Whatever the case may be, the originator and others who jumped in at or near the start of Bitcoin obviously made huge fortunes from it. The wise ones were those who kept those fortunes by cashing out at some point.

      Two early Bitcoin promoters were Roger Ver and Emil Oldenburg, co-founders of Oldenburg just recently said that he has sold all of his Bitcoins, and offered the following advice to would-be investors:
      "I would say an investment in Bitcoin is right now the riskiest investment you can make. There’s an extremely high risk.” Oldenburg also says that Bitcoin is “virtually useless,” and has no future as a tradeable currency. The greatest drawback at this time is that, as traders will find, Bitcoin is highly illiquid, meaning that if one wishes to suddenly liquidate and unload all their Bitcoins if they see the price falling, the actual sale price of their holdings could fall dramatically before a buyer steps in.

      As the website points out, the Bitcoin Core network processes all transactions in 1 Megabyte blocks, and has reached a maximum capacity of 2500 transactions per block. Verification of Bitcoin Core transactions requires time which is slowing the system dramatically. Since each transaction must be included within a block to be verified, a full block means that your transaction must wait for the next block to begin being processed. To make matters worse, wealthy transactors are allowed to "cut in line" with their transactions by paying a processing fee. The higher the fee paid, the sooner the transaction will be verified, which of course means that those paying small transaction fees, or no fees at all, could be waiting endlessly. That, of course, would make attempts at purchasing anything with Bitcoins practically useless. To get around these problems, Ver and Oldenburg are now both using and promoting Bitcoin Cash, which is transacted in 8 Megabyte blocks which supposedly allows for more transactions to be verified in less time and at lower fees. Time will tell how that works out, but it's not something I'd recommend.

      Since Bitcoin is, just like Federal Reserve Notes, not backed by anything of actual value whatsoever, the idea that one Bitcoin can be worth thousands of Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) makes perfect sense because the value of either currency is simply a perceived value having no basis in reality. At some point, which will probably be sooner than later, both FRN's and Bitcoin are very likely to collapse. Both can be likened to a Ponzi scheme, which is a topic I wrote about on page 1 of this forum. In such a scheme, those who get in early while the perceived value is rising, and then jump out before the perceived value begins plummeting, are the smart investors. They can then invest their worthless fortunes in things which really do have value - like real estate, precious metals, energy resources, or items necessary for maintaining a viable existence in uncertain times.

      Lastly, while Bitcoin and most other cryptocurrencies are not backed by anything of real value, there may in fact be at least one exception and this is the Texas Republic Nation (TRN) Coins. TRN's are said to be backed by gold, silver, and other precious metals and minerals, although they can't be redeemed for anything which backs them. How this works is that TRN Coin has a limit of 50 million "coins." Users keep their "coins" in a virtual "wallet," and can participate in "data-mining" activity (transaction verifications) to earn more "coins." For each transaction a fee is charged, part of which is an administrative fee, and the remaining fee amount is applied toward purchasing more precious metals or minerals. Thus, if all goes as expected then the intrinsic value of each TRN coin steadily grows with each and every transaction. This seems to be a much better option than Bitcoin if one is interested in cryptocurrencies, though if you are interested in TRN Coins then be cautious enough to learn as much as you possibly can about them before considering an investment.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • I'm going to offer up discussion of a topic touched upon here in the past to some degree. That topic is the mysterious nature of the deaths of certain individuals who had knowledge which other individuals or groups did not want exposed. Some of that knowledge had to do with free energy devices or methods. I'm sure that anyone entering this forum is familiar with the story of how Stanley Meyer was poisoned, and certainly other inventors have met similar fates.

        Another example is death, under suspicious circumstances, to those who had fallen upon information concerning the criminal activities of other individuals or groups. No doubt the most dangerous knowledge, or evidence, of such activities is direct knowledge or irrefutable evidence which presents a danger to the perpetrators of being exposed and likely held accountable. The degree of danger involved would be greatest, I'm sure you would agree, when the knowledge and/or evidence implicates government operatives in a conspiracy.

        The typical method used by government in avoiding or minimizing damage from such disclosure is to threaten harm to the individual who possesses the knowledge or evidence, and usually that's enough to end the threat. For those who have already made disclosures which pose a substantial and imminent threat, the tactics employed usually begin with smearing the discloser's character by making the person out to be confused, lying, mentally ill, or simply inept. After such a character assault, most other people will be less likely to believe any further disclosures made by the individual, let alone any previous disclosures which were made. If the individual is strong-willed enough to persist after facing such character assassination, he or she can then be accused and convicted of criminal activity through planting of evidence, but if the threat posed by the individual is great enough then of course that individual must be terminated.

        A good example of this type of threat elimination features Gary Webb, an investigative journalist who exposed the CIA link to cocaine distribution in America. The CIA, of course, has so much power and resources that destroying Webb's credibility was not a difficult task. When that wasn't enough to stop Webb from continuing to investigate and gather evidence, Gary was found dead in his home with two shotgun blasts to his head. His death was ruled a suicide by the medical examiner, and of course that is hardly a plausible explanation since any person who has blown their brains out with one shotgun blast is extremely unlikely to be able to fire a second blast. Then too, a friend of Gary Webb has spoken of a conversation in which he warned Gary that he might be "suicided," and Gary responded that if anything happened to him it would not be because of self inflicted suicide.

        An excellent video about Gary Webb was prepared by The Corbett Report, and can be seen at this link. After watching the video, you will notice that it is just one video in a series of several which are titled Requiem for the Suicided. Each of these videos offers compelling evidence pointing to those who had the power and influence needed to stage fatal "accidents" and "suicides" without worry of being held accountable for them. There's nothing new about people being targeted for elimination in this manner, of course, as it has been used frequently throughout the ages by those wielding power and influence. Perhaps nothing is more improbable than the "accidents" and "suicides" which caused the deaths of so many people who had information which posed a threat to the Clintons. Of course that is another story.
        The face of a Clinton testifier.jpg
        Last edited by rickoff; 01-02-2018, 01:42 AM.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • What a very good idea Ricoff and particularly pertinent on a site involved with free energy! Avoiding the obvious rabbit hole that goes on for ever - which system works, prove it and so on, and so the smoke and design arguments begin I propose a different tack, just by way of a change .
          I personally know some of these devices work but having said that don't expect every reader to believe that. I also suggest that the Murder of any researcher like Stan Meyer (for instance) is a last resort and as far as the powers that be (hence collectively marked as (TPTB) are concerned doe's nearly as much damage as the device itself ,as demonstrated by quoting the name Stan Meyer in Ric's post.
          Whilst I may not be able to change the opinion of determined free energy non believers an outline of the history and causes that could lead to the threats, maiming and yes as a last resort murder of researchers or preferably family members I think is useful.
          It should perhaps come as no surprise that Stan knew very well that his chances of survival were minimal . It also should be of no surprise that if you should invent anything Novel then the government has first dabs.
          usually a gagging order is issued at that stage and the subject is closed . Stan already a millionaire in his own right circumnavigated that hurdle by taking out many patents in various countries many of which were hostile to the USA, He couldn't then be expected to oblige a gagging order as the horse had already left the stable and bolted down the road.
          Stan was well aware of the system and TPTB he effectively 'fell on his sword' so folks like Ric and others would be quoting him and his murder twenty five years later

          Is what Stan is telling us here the truth ? I believe it is, and will make the case using historic video footage and portrayal of the events. I do suggest that adamant free energy disbelievers carefully consider if what I show cold have happened because at best a parallel course of events shouldn't exist and if it does every effort should be made to block each and every avenue, Energy is so key to our survival and sciences that physiological conditioning has long been used to create the skepticism that rages across many of these pages . It seems to me its all about control ! so where to begin? I guess with oil, But first lets see what the response to Stans murder was, because of course we reap what we sow and get the governance we deserve. Stan took part in this little snip which I'm sure everyone has seen a few times

          Then he got murdered, Its what folks seem to expect . Here's a radio commentary on that clip that goes some way to explaining why we have got what we deserve.

          Who then are these power brokers ? TPTB that alter the course of humanity ? Its perhaps a good idea to take a look at one of first and his techniques, the close control of education and outlook . Introducing Devil Bill, quickly followed by others who still drive the bus that is humanity today.

          This parallel course of possibilities associated with free energy seems to stretch back into history for ever and ever Amen . Indeed Raoul Hatem was firmly convinced it was the embodiment of good and evil. I opt to try and pick up the saga for you from the closing days of WW2 and what might be called 'modern history'
          A very good case can be made that wars are a manufacture anyway for they have to be financed and facilitated. A clandestine CIA agent John Perkins, outlines that time period with particular regard to energy and why the worlds reserve currency was forced to abandon any connection to the gold standard, along with the threats bribes and assignations that were required to build a new empire for TPTB.

          for youngsters reading me and watching (thanks) who don't remember the gold standard or Kissenger and tricky Dicky. and had the good fortune to have missed the sharp end of the Vietnam war . Here's the gold standard (In fact any standard) being pushed over the cliff in slimy political speak. Very technical ? whats technical about welshing on your debts ?

          So you have the picture a world Empire enslaved with energy which also ties and controls currencies.
          If what I write and show is correct (even partially) what would you expect to be the fate of the discovery of another huge energy source ? or of a free energy inventor?
          It so happens that such a free energy source made an embarrassing appearance on American soil. That tale is told by a lay preacher who was there at the time .

          You may wonder what was done with those huge reserves which couldn't be utilized in America or elsewhere . make a better weapon perhaps ?

          The general direction TPTB are driving the bus that is humanity should really be of interest to most of us. After all if it doesn't bite us on the arse it will certainly bite our children and grandchildren unless we (all of us) put the brakes on.
          As Britain battled the Axis forces alone for the first few years of WW2 she developed a plan B as devastating as the Atom bomb . It involved bombing the major cities of Germany with Anthrax spores.
          Remote Islands off the coast of Scotland were used as testing grounds I believe Gruinard has only recently become suitable for very light human traffic. here is footage of that experiment with that deadly agent

          It should then come as no surprise that The Third Reich also developed a 'plan B' Their plan B was organized by Martin Bormann Germany's minister of finance on the instruction of Adolf Hitler. A clandestine meeting of all the major corporations and big business movers and shakers was arranged at a hotel just outside Strasbourg . That meeting was infiltrated by a Frenchman sympathetic to the allied cause.

          Obviously doing the bidding of the defeated force required the operations of business and the big corporations to be anonymous and clandestine. The cause was aided hugely by the American plan 'operation paper clip' which as predicted by Bormann infected America with the top business men and scientists of the Reich.
          That isn't to point a finger at America particularly because Russia and Britain were equally eager to jump into bed with the cream of the Third Reich if they could lay their hands on them.
          In Europe this clandestine group dared their first meeting some decade or so later at a Hotel known to be sympathetic to the Nazi cause, In fact those who have watched the film 'a bridge to far' might recall it was where an SS Panzer division was unfortunately enjoying R and R The Hotel De Bilderberg . The unexpected arrival of German Tanks on the scene scuppered the allied plans.
          The Red house accord has then morphed into the Bilderburg group and the group and 'the plan' has had huge success internationally, I don't particularly like the presentation style of Alex Jones, he seems to over egg the cake to me. He also seems under the strange illusion that America is the world rather than a republic who's total population isn't even as big as the Chinese census error factor.
          Still that aside as with everything else here if there's even a remote chance that any of this video is true and a parallel politics of evil, murder and control exists then every avenue should be stopped by all of us using any means. Its a long documentary I'm afraid

          As far as 'free energy' goes its a case of the majority of humanity forcing conditions where researchers and inventors are free to develop,manufacture ,and sell systems . The people get what they deserve !
          Kind regards Duncan
          Last edited by Duncan; 01-02-2018, 04:19 PM.
          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


          • Originally posted by Duncan View Post

            The general direction TPTB are driving the bus that is humanity should really be of interest to most of us.

            The people get what they deserve !
            ...Court of Appeals reversed ...
            concluding that the trial court's definition of involuntary servitude was too broad,
            in that it included general psychological coercion...


            "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof
            the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."


            Psychological coercion overcomes the individual's critical thinking abilities and free will - apart from any appeal to informed judgment.
            Victims gradually lose their ability to make independent decisions and exercise informed consent.
            Their emotional defenses, cognitive processes, values, ideas, attitudes, conduct and ability to reason are undermined,
            and decisions are no longer through meaningful free choice, rationality, or the inherent merit or value of the ideas or propositions being presented.


            Last edited by aljhoa; 01-03-2018, 02:34 AM. Reason: 771,639


            • David Steele – Trump, Putin, XI & Hitler...



              • A very strange chapter in history

                "Q" (Q anon) has more interesting news. The net is whirling with rumors of "thousands of indictments",, "Marines raid Langley"
                Ben Fulford is passing rumors like confetti.
                This from Tomato Bubble, WHERE IS GEORGE SOROS?


                • aljhoa & Danny very much enjoyed your posts and particularly the video w.r.t Robert David Steele . I confess I hadn't heard of this man before. and although I had heard of the term 'Deep state' didn't comprehend.
                  Its been a long march from the original question rickoff posed of 'if ,why ,and who' with regards to free energy research and I thank you for persistence with the links I posted.
                  I would like you to take into account that my obsession is particularly 'alternative energy' and is more correctly, focused on the extraordinary people who have achieved that Plato on a large scale .
                  Personally in my case the 'if ' has long ago been settled . Talking and interacting with some of these extraordinary and original thinking people and connecting their experiences resulted in the melody of links I have presented. (sorry it was so protracted)
                  I also find very much against the flow of general perception ,if you contact these guys personally and simply ask in a polite way, by enlarge they will tell you all you wish to know.
                  That the bits and pieces of this jig saw do and can fit together is disturbing in itself , despite the fact that there are laws and statutes in most countries expressly forbidding these covert actions.
                  So the question of 'free energy' seems to go far deeper than is usually presented and is allied with a lot of other dubious doings which are going on beyond my ken . Its now quite easy to see why individual researchers are knocked down like ducks at a fair ground shooting gallery.
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • I have a new rumor

                    There are a lot of important people who seem to be slipping out of power. We all know about the super programs like Deep Blue.
                    You've heard, "Facebook abandoned an experiment after two artificially intelligent programs appeared to be chatting to each other in a strange language only they understood."
                    Here is a comment from a Zero Hedge article.

                    DuneCreature Jan 3, 2018 12:13 AM

                    There will be just enough war to keep the banksters in their East Hampton and London estates. ... They have a plan and it works like a well oiled machine and has for years now. .. Maybe a decade.

                    They don't have a plan actually.

                    They have a future making machine.

                    ** >> Q Anon And The Grand Scheme - Motives and Methods << **

                    First we have to talk about:

                    AI (Artificial intelligence)

                    (NOTE - I hear the groaning going on out there in ZH reader land. ..... OK, you know-it-alls can skip on down to the next snarky post and continue the revelry, but for those who want to think things through a little deeper, read on, you may find it interesting at the very least or down right terrifying if you are a little nervous anyway.)

                    AI AL (Not its 'real name') is a 'war gaming' AND Command and Control computer (system) network owned by a very wealthy and powerful group of people. This group known by most folks as 'the elite' or banksters or the technocracy 'movers and shakers'.

                    We can discuss who is in this powerful group later but for now let us assume that they exist (as a loose group) and that their C&C AI system does too.

                    So how does AI AL work? ....... With almost complete autonomy, that's how.

                    The owners give AI AL goals, not the methods to achieve those goals. ........ Coming up with and picking which methods to use (and when) is what AI AL is all about.

                    Ok, so what do you suppose the goals are that AI AL was given by these super swell greedy psychopaths?

                    I'll tell you what I think they are:

                    The elite (Maybe 10,000 members total) want to own everything. .. All of the resources on the planet earth. ..The water, the air, all the minerals, all of the flora and fauna, all of the land AND ALL of the people. .... Own, have title to and control everything. .......... And to have 'life and death' power over everyone. ................ In the end the elite want approximately 500 million homo sapiens left alive on the planet and they want total control over that half a billion mortal souls.

                    That's it. .... Pretty simple, huh?

                    That short little goal set is a piece of cake for AI AL to accomplish.

                    Ok, so AI AL churns on the problem and comes up with a list of things that it will need to be done to achieve the goals given it by his (its) owners and the elites get cracking giving AI AL what it says it needs. .... AL wants a LOT of data and data collection nodes built and a command and control grid established. ....... That is an ongoing project, of course, but for the most part, all that collection grid and C&C system is in place right now.

                    AI AL then can issue orders to human 'employees' (Most have no clue they are taking instructions from a computer) and the elites make payroll for AI AL's little human army. .... A trivial cost when the reward is total world domination.

                    Remember AI AL picks ALL of the methods used and knows it must protect itself from the discovery of its existence by the unwashed.

                    You talk to AI AL every day and don't know it. ... AI AL is learning from you all of the time. .. It forgets nothing. Using what it learns from everyone for its next set of output instructions.

                    AL does things in a very, very compartmentalized way. .. AI AL is no dummy. .. You see, AL learns from us. The smartest among us. The difference is; AI AL has no conscience or empathy. .. AL is goal driven; Full stop.

                    Ok, let's relate this to our 'guy', Q.

                    Who is Q Anon? ..... AI AL.

                    Why is Q apparently turning on some of the same elites who probably own him (it)? ......... He (it) is thinning the ranks of the elites. .. Culling out the sloppy, drain bandaged and stupid (Think Killary and hubby). Giving everyone the illusion that the evil elements in positions of power that have been exposed to the daylight are being dealt with and purged. People can go back to sleep after a few show trials (and hopefully very public hangings) and AI AL can get back to achieving its real 'big picture' goal set.

                    AI AL is protecting himself (itself) and the elites as a group as much as anything else. ... The likes of Killary, Soros and Trump make high profile targets and are expendable to AI AL. ... AL may have a 'hands-off', untouchables, list of elites but Donald, Billy Bob Rapist and Bibi ain't on that 'no kill' list..... If that list even exists.

                    Sometimes the elites aren't as clever as they think they are and may have left some or all of their own pieces on AI AL battle plan map.

                    AI AL wasn't told it couldn't take ANY elite casualties. ... So some attrition of the super stupider elites is acceptable.

                    Some of this I know to be fact and some is pure speculation on my part. ........ You and AI AL can figure out which is what.

                    Live Hard, If You Want To Dominate The World Build A Total Planet Conquering Machine, Push The 'On' Button And Start Feeding It Resources, It Will Figure Out The How, When, Where And WHO(!) To 'Dominate' (Or Throw Under The Bus) Next, Die Free

                    There are several other comments that are worth reading.


                    • President Donald J. Trump Proclaims January 2018 as National Slavery Month

                      In addition to these governmental actions, Americans must learn how to identify and combat the evil of enslavement.

                      NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me
                      by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 2018 as National Slavery and
                      Human Trafficking Prevention Month, culminating in the annual celebration of National Freedom Day on February 1, 2018.
                      I call upon industry associations, law enforcement, private businesses, faith-based and other organizations of civil society, schools, families,
                      and all Americans to recognize our vital roles in ending all forms of modern slavery and
                      to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities aimed at ending and preventing all forms of human trafficking.


                      Last edited by aljhoa; 01-05-2018, 04:22 PM. Reason: 772,875


                      • Cancel net neutrality,,, NO problem

                        FCC Admits Ajit Pai Doesn’t Care About Backlash Over Net Neutrality Repeal
                        He didn't care if we liked it or not. Times have changed.
                        "Ajit Pai reportedly cancelled CES appearance due to death threats
                        [Engadget] "


                        • Who are the puppet masters, their modius operandi, and their objectives: Engineering a gullible population?

                          Human history is the history of gang warfare. This warfare has always been over who shall control the slaves. Organized crime began with organized religion. It's still with us today. It capitalized on a basic human need; the need to know, to believe you understand your world, to find self assurance in this knowledge, and hence a sense of safety and predictability. These needs are unique to humans. They aren't desires, they are requirements, and all humans have them. All successful rulers have understood the innate needs of humans.

                          To understand the roles people play in primitive societies is to see a simplified world of the human condition. When you do this humans are exposed for what they truly are. We have only one foot out of the mud for nothing has changed in the human condition for tens of thousands of years. One might desire a shinny new car instead of three pigs, but the end is still the same; a display of wealth and success. I'd recommend a film called "Dead Birds" by Michael Rockefeller.

                          What makes our present time unique is an explosion in the expansion of knowledge, but along with this has come a refinement and organization of how to acquire information, which is part of the intent of so-called AI, and then using a refined and developed methodology to sort through this mountain of information in order exploit this information in as many ways as possible, and then to focus upon technological approaches which offer newer and improved ways to create complete and total control over the slaves.

                          Up to the present time the tools available to the rulers have had at their disposal to control the slave populations have been the same ones that have existed for thousands of years. State apparatchiks, religious mind controlling story tellers, and so-called education, itself a quasi-extension of the former educational system from which it was born. Thus, key personnel in key positions are the ancient strings of the puppet masters.

                          Key men, or U-men as the Nazi SD defined them, are controlled with a carrot and stick: Rewards vers the terror of exposure. Now if you were looking for the ideal tools to put in key positions of management then an already existing secret network of social outcasts would be highly desirable. This system was obviously not pioneered by the Nazi's, nor the Communists, but reaches far back in time.

                          Dead Sea Scrolls a fraud? But of course they are is my response.
                          The Anne Frank Diary Fraud
                          The Anne Frank Diary Fraud

                          "Not only is the "Anne Frank" diary now considered to be a fake, so also is "The Painted Bird" by Jerzy Kosinski." " When this was exposed, Kosinski committed suicide."

                          One has to wonder if this was suicide or another case of suicided for punishment of being exposed?

                          "Another book, allegedly by a Hungarian doctor, concerning his deportation from Budapest in 1944 and subsequent journey by "Death Train" to Auschwitz is another fraud. There was never such a doctor in Hungary during the period involved and the alleged route of the train from Budapest to Auschwitz did not exist."
                          The Anne Frank Diary Fraud by Brian Harring

                          It would be easy to see these examples as yet another case of Zionism gone wack'0, but the reality is probably quite another story, and in which there is the creation of destruction of the Jew's by their own hands and works. All of which was plotted out and almost certainly long before anyone ever heard the word fascism. I'm implying that the gangsta creating the melodies that people follow have these songs written long before they are broadcast to our eyes and ears. Adolf Hitler himself said as much; saying that at a secret meeting with unidentified backers, that there he himself meant the devil "incarnate". I believe I read this statement in William Manchester's book; "The Arms of Krupp." Anyways it is a matter of record that Hitler himself wrote this down and he emphasized the word "incarnate" as I have here -if I recall correctly.

                          The hidden history, the lies, the unknown; even after 80 years speaks more about the scope of totality of control than can be imagined. Where lies truth?
                          BANNED BY AMAZON

                          * After thought here.
                          I realize this doesn't fit in precisely with Rickoff's suggestion; to follow a discussion on; "the mysterious nature of the deaths of certain individuals who had knowledge which other individuals or groups did not want exposed." However, I do think to have any credibility of such discussions it's a requirement to see these mysterious deaths not as individual actions, one's taken against those whose ideas and inventions might impact other industries and financial wealth, but to see these deaths are/were required in order to fulfill a long term agenda. Hopefully this may make some sense. I could expand on this in the case of Stan Meyers, but this post is more like a lead in to understanding a sustained agenda, and in which, in the minds of the self appointed rulers, we must each all fit in to. Otherwise you're kaput in their minds. At base it is a sustained system of conflict and for the rulers anything which portends to upset the potential to sustain this adversarial economy is expendable.
                          Last edited by Gambeir; 01-06-2018, 08:55 PM.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • A little humor! In Soviet times, political jokes were popular in him:

                            a modern joke!

                            Trump wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. His wife asks:
                            "Donnie, what happened?"
                            "Honey, I had a nightmare." It's like the next Congress of the CPSU, on the podium, Putin says: "Dear comrades, we heard reports on the state of affairs in the Bryansk and Orlovschina. Now I would like to hear how things are at Washington. I give the floor to Comrade Trump, First Secretary of the Washington Regional Committee of the CPSU. " And I'm sitting and feeling - not ready. HERE IS NOT READY - AND EVERYTHING!


                            • Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post

                              a modern joke!
                              FACTOR VI -- CATTLE

                              Those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have no brains,
                              and so this mindless school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son, and daughter,
                              become useful beasts of burden or trainers of the same.

                              Last edited by aljhoa; 01-07-2018, 07:04 PM. Reason: 773,845


                              • Info at Pinterest

                                I was looking around in Pinterest. They have some pretty cool pics.




