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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
    I thought that we could pretty much ignore the news from North Korea. Not so.
    Mike King shows pretty good rationale to believe that the missile alert in Hawaii was the real thing. Read his logic.
    JANUARY 2018
    Benjamin Fulford adds more,
    Keep in mind that Cheney was ready to sacrifice LOTS of American lives in Iraq with his nukes that he pried loose from Minot AFB. He got them as far as Barksdale AFB,,, the forward base for all things destined to go to Iraq.
    AF intelligence went in to full revolt and froze his bombs (cruise missiles) on the flight line.
    This wouldn't be the first time for Hawaii either.
    In this vid, Admiral Kimmel testifies that military intelligence knew exactly when the Japanese would bomb Pearl Harbor.
    He was relieved of command. The president wanted a war, thinking that it would pull America out of the Great Depression I. Wiki calls this a conspiracy theory
    Killary would have pushed the button within 5 minutes.
    As Tel Aviv and the CIA get more and more desperate to start a war before the economy collapses, there will be more provocations aimed at Russia, N.K. and Iran.

    38 Minutes of Terror: How the Ballistic Missile Threat Changed Me
    Published on January 15, 2018

    We all gathered at the center of the house, our laundry room, where there were no windows.
    This is the same room that just the day before I had complained about — the piles of laundry, and all of that.
    Now it became my only hope for survival. A refuge.

    38 Minutes of Terror: How the Ballistic Missile Threat Changed Me |

    Last edited by aljhoa; 01-17-2018, 05:39 PM. Reason: 780,187


    • Making a buck any way that you can

      Japan's central bank trims bond purchases
      Japan Gets False Missile Warning, After Hawaii Incident
      Japan buys US missile defence system to counter North Korean threat


      • the walls are closing in

        The net is ablaze with the news of / from Q-Anon. He / she / it claims that it's too late for the Clintons and MANY other criminals. The Dems are saying that Obummer is going back into politics. Chelsea wants to run for office. It isn't looking good for the republicans in 2018. It would help the republicans if they could completely blow up the Dems chances for upcoming elections.
        Now, there is a report, soon to be released? that is said to be monumentally damaging.
        "All hell is breaking loose in Washington D.C. after a four-page memo detailing extensive FISA court abuse was made available to the entire House of Representatives Thursday. The contents of the memo are so explosive, says Journalist Sara Carter, that it could lead to the removal of senior officials in the FBI and the Department of Justice and the end of Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation."
        "the report reveals extensive abuse of power and highly illegal collusion between the Obama administration, the FBI, the DOJ and the Clinton Campaign against Donald Trump and his team"

        “Part of me wishes that I didn't read it because I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much.” Crooked SOBs
        Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino says "Take it to the bank, the FBI/FISA docs are devastating for the Dems."

        The Atlantic, "Trump's Promise to Jail Clinton Is a Threat to American Democracy"
        Trump Says He'll Imprison Clinton's Lawyers, Too – Mother Jones


        • Members of Congress and state legislators are absolutely immune from civil lawsuits for their votes and official actions.
          The U.S. Supreme Court, in Bogan v. Scott-Harris, 523 U.S. 44, 118 S. Ct. 966, 140 L. Ed. 2d 79 (1998),
          extended absolute immunity to local legislators (e.g., city council members, and county commissioners) when they act in their legislative,
          rather than administrative, capacities.

          In Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 731, 102 S. Ct. 2690, 73 L. Ed. 2d 349 (1982), the U.S. Supreme Court held that former U.S. president
          RICHARD M. NIXON was entitled to absolute immunity from liability predicated on his official acts as president.
          In Nixon, a weapons analyst, A. Ernest Fitzgerald, had been fired by the U.S. Air Force after he had disclosed to Congress certain cost overruns
          within the DEFENSE DEPARTMENT.

          Despite the Court's grant of absolute immunity to the president for official actions, a president does not have immunity from civil lawsuits
          for actions that allegedly occurred before becoming president. The Court, in Clinton v. Jones, 520 U.S. 681, 117 S. Ct. 1636, 137 L. Ed. 2d 945 (1997),
          ruled that President BILL CLINTON had to defend himself in a sexual-harassment lawsuit that was based on his alleged actions while governor of Arkansas.

          Immunity - Official Immunity

          Last edited by aljhoa; 01-20-2018, 04:20 AM. Reason: 781,734


          • Military and NSA vs CIA and FBI

            EVERYTHING that the deep state does is hidden in the name of national security. It is impossible to really know what is happening and where the battle lines are drawn. I found some very good ideas in the comments section of a Zero Hedge article.

            In 1952, by the executive order of Truman, the signals intelligence division of the U.S. army and navy became the NSA. The NSA was established under the jurisdiction of the military and does not answer to the U.S. congress or any other elected body. Unlike the CIA and FBI, it also has no legal limits to the things that it may do. By both tradition and administrative structure, the NSA is subservient to the military.
            Whereas both the CIA and the FBI became partners in the monstrous Homeland Security Agency created by Bush the Younger, the NSA remains outside of "Homeland Security," although it does have some committees that coordinate its activities with Homeland Security. However, NSA remains under the exclusive command and control (if it does indeed lie in any chain of command) of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the heads of the U.S. military. The head of the NSA is a military commander in the official U.S. military chain of command.

            The NSA can and does share information that it collects with "civilian" intelligence agencies such as the CIA (which has been closely linked with both Wall Street and with the U.S. State Department since its inception at the hands of the Dulles brothers) and the FBI. However, what the NSA chooses to share with the CIA and the FBI is solely at the discretion of the NSA. In effect, what has happened in the U.S. is that the CIA is being replaced as the nexus of the "deep-state" (where Wall Street and other interests form U.S. foreign policy) by the NSA, military intelligence, and the military.

            The American people think that they voted for a populist leader who "spoke to the masses." In reality, they voted for a front-man for a military junta. They elected the U.S. version of Augusto Pinochet. The people of the U.S. are not the first to fall for this ploy. People around the world have elected military figureheads as part of supposedly populist movements against socialism, only to discover later that they had, in fact, voted for a military dictatorship.

            It will begin soon, as all of these type of things have. Soon, the "sealed indictments" will be opened exposing the "corrupt previous regime," the "traitors" and the "socialists" who have conspired with foreign powers. In most cases, these first victims of the new dictatorship actually are "traitors" and "socialists." However, it never ends there. The "traitors" and "socialists" have supporters who begin to protest the new government. Measures are taken. The leaders of the street-level "resistance" are discovered. The authorities come to their houses in the middle of the night in "no-knock" armed raids, and paople slowly begin "disappearing:"

            As to what happens next, I can make a good guess based upon historical precedent. It begins with the indictments (in this case "sealed indictments") of all the corrupt members of the prior "socialist" regime. In most cases, these people are corrupt. However, they have supporters, those who lived off their largesse or who are, at heart, socialists. The indictments of the previous regime figures produce street-level protests and a legitimate "resistance" movement that can be violent and destructive at times.
            This resistance movement must be quelled in order to maintain order. The leaders must be apprehended. The groups are infiltrated by the secret police, in this case, those elements of the CIA and FBI who swear allegiance to the new order. The houses of the leaders are "no-knock" raided by armed security forces in the middle of the night. People begin to "disappear." At first, it is only one or two: a rumor. Then, more, until everyone knows of someone who has "disappeared."

            The motives of the U.S. people are not so different from the motives of others who have elected military juntas while trying to rid their countries of "corruption" and "socialists."
            I do not support Hillary or Trump. Hillary is a creature of the "deep-state:" the nexus of Wall-Street, the State Deparment, Zionist Jews, the U.S. media, and the whole civil administration in Washington. Military juntas do not arise because one day everyone in a nation decides that they want a military dictatorship. In general, they arise in response to corruption in government and the decay of an economy from both corruption and the purchase of votes with social welfare (modern socialism).

            The CIA-led "deep-state" and the junta do not differ substantially in terms of how the U.S. should conduct foreign policy. The realties of the national interest are the realities. U.S. wealth is dependent upon the petrodollar at this point, and the petrodollar is enforced by the military. Whether the CIA or the Junta control U.S. foreign policy is inconsequential. The policy will remain, in rough terms, the same: using military might to force nations to use the USD.

            It will begin as it has so often in these cases: with the indictments (in this case "sealed indictments") of the corrupt members of the former socialist regime. These arrests and indictments produce protests and steet-level violence from the supporters of the former regime.

            I came to the conclusion some time ago that a turf war between two mafia groups is taking place in Washington. One is CIA/finance/bureaucrat (the coalition that Allen Dulles put together that led to the coup d'etat of Nov.22). The other group is centered around the Pentagon, as you say. Where I differ with your assessment is where to put the Jews (AIPAC, Zionists/neocons,Israel). I assumed that they go with the Pentagon. You seem to think that they are with CIA group.

            We don't have a country, it's an empire. And this is how an empire treats it's subjects. This grew out of the post civil war when northern states wanted to maintain martial law on the south and extended that to the western states.

            I posted this last night and, lost it. I'm going to break it up this time.


            • Military and NSA vs CIA and FBI,,, part two

              We're not a democracy under the federal government's agency governing system, which is a product of post civil war martial law.

              Federal government behavior toward subject states is the same as the treatment of the empire's subjects. The federal government is an extension of the northern war machine, it enslaved not just the southern states and western states, it has gone all over the world following the same exact pattern of the US civil war and with the same control grid used on the southern and western states.

              NYC is the capitol of the US and we're directed by NYC, at the expense of our people to do their bidding. It has nothing to do with freedom and American values.
              Trump, as unlikely a paladin as can be, was chosen to do this job (most likely by the white hats in the Pentagon as they are his only friends). As far as I'm concerned, Frodo had a much higher possibility of success to reach Mt Doom than The Donald has of defeating these Shadow Government clowns. Perhaps a better analogy is Aragorn with his army outside the gates of Mordor. He is outmanned, outgunned, and buying time for Frodo. Perhaps this 4 page memo is our Frodo.

              The stakes are not nearly so high as Roberts imagines. The U.S. is not on the path to being a fascist police-state. It is a fascist police-state bent on global domination. What is playing out in front of the U.S. public is a conflict within the police state that pits the NSA and military intellgience against the CIA and the FBI. Admiral Michael Rogers, Lieutenant Army General Michael Flynn, Marine Corps General James ¨Mad Dog¨ Mattis, and Marine Corps General John Kelly. This is the Trump government. General David Petraeus was Trump´s original selection for Secretary of State before he selected the former Exxon Mobile CEO. Do you see something here? This is not a civilian government. This is a military junta that now governs the U.S.

              It is not that these are Trump´s men. Rather, it is that Trump is their front-man. What happened was that Clinton and her coterie of corrupt gluttons sold U.S. uranium to the Russians. U.S. Military intelligence was well aware of this. Even Inspector Clouseau McCabe of the Federal Bureau of Idiots could not miss the evidence. To make matters worse, the DNC chair, Shultzermann Wasser, had hired Pakistani intelligence agents and placed all the information in the U.S. House of Representatives at their disposal.
              I assure you that U.S. military intelligence and the NSA were aware of House Sergeant Schultz's sedition long before the public was. If all of this were not bad enough, the CIA was now contracting assassinations in the U.S. to their MS-13 business partners in El Salvodor, murdering entire Navy Seal Teams to conceal their lies about bin Laden's death, and expanding their Afghan drug trade to the point where all the rural young people were addicted to narcotics and the military was having difficulty recruiting anyone who was not in the midst of a gender-change.

              The development of the NSA surveillance powers in the wake of the 9-11 false flag revealed to military intelligence the extent of the corruption in DC, in the FBI, and in the CIA. Keep in mind that the NSA does not answer to the CIA or the FBI. The NSA is military intelligence and is governed by the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency: the one that never is mentioned). The military decided to take control of the country. They chose Trump as their front-man. Rogers and Flynn were the liaisons.

              Inspector Clouseau McCabe, Pink Panther Page, Maxwell Smart Strzok, Robert Mulehead, and James Honey-comby are the willing dupes who tried to carry out the plan orchestrated by the CIA against this military take over of the opium-peddling, blackmailing, bribing, regime-changing deep-state that the CIA had run for decades without interference. None of this has anything to do with democracy, Democrats, Republicans, neo-cons, liberals, conservatives, the House of Representatives, or anything of that sort. It is merely a game of thrones between the CIA and the military to determine who controls the U.S. police-state imperium. It is fair to say that the military is "winning."

              It is not I who misunderstand Trump junta supporters. It is the Trump junta supporters who misunderstand for what they voted. They voted, in effect, for a military takeover of their government.

              Here is the original article.
              Paul Craig Roberts Warns "The Russiagate Stakes Are Extreme"


              • Daniel Greenfield

                VERY good article on the battle to control America.


                • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                  Most writers including Jim Wille, Alex Jones and Martin Armstrong avoid calling out the jews by name. They use terms like banksters, neocons, far left, etc. This is for good reason. They get attacked virulently and endlessly. This buries their message. Trump is going along with much of what israel wants. Jerusalem, Palestinian aid, etc. Though, he won't do a full-on invasion of Iran. North Korea condemned israel so, they are on the hit list. Trump has to choose his battles. He can't possibly get around the jewish-controlled congress.
                  U.S. Congress gives Israeli PM Netanyahu over 25 standing ovations ...

                  America was never a country that looked for foreign territories. Once it became rich, it attracted the historical corrupters. We've been blowing up brown people ever since. How does this affect us as a people,,, a nation? Much of the world hates our leaders. Is there really karma?

                  America was held together by mutual prosperity and fear of mutual enemies. The enemies were contrived. Was Nikita Khrushchev going to invade? I remember in '62, he came here and visited Disneyland.
                  The mutual prosperity is fast leaving. The inflationary strategies of the FED guaranteed to keep the banker class rich also guaranteed that American workers would be priced out of international markets.

                  Trump WILL make a difference but, he can't free us from the jewish yoke. The jews have turned on him 100%.
                  As several writers have pointed out, the deep state will bring down everything trying to hold on to power and control. Mainstream Judaism is NOT the problem. It is that small fraction that have always fought for control of the world. That group knows NO religion. The jewish MSM just goes along with the program working hard to promote Marxism.

                  MSM screams about "toxic masculinity". I'd like to hear them scream about "toxic zionism". Women are the nurturers of the family and society. Socialism appeals more to them more than it does to men. MSM is heavily promoting them.
                  Boxer and Feinstein are both jewish politicians. That doesn't give me much hope for the women being promoted by MSM.
                  The unfolding crash will be blamed on Trump as a way to force socialism on America. We are now in a battle. One one side, there is zionism, marxism, organized crime, courts and legislature, and FBI/CIA. On the other side is; NSA, Trump and working Americans,,, at least those who don't work for the State.
                  Oh, and don't forget the intelligentsia. Stormy Weather - Kunstler

                  I fear that Trump will fail. There are far too many people who are perfectly willing to completely tear down the country. The Cloward-Piven startegy out of Chicago calls for just that. Tear down the GOV. After it collapses, a wonderful Marxist phoenix will arise up out of the ashes.
                  Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                  The survival of the entire world depends on President Trump being impeached in the next 12 months.


                  Last edited by aljhoa; 02-02-2018, 06:11 PM. Reason: 789,583


                  • New leaders in Europe and the replacement of the old guard

                    The Kalergi Plan calls for the complete destruction of European integrity by flooding Europe with barbaric refugees. Angela Merkel recently won the Kalergi Prize. Did she think that nobody would notice? The Eurocrats have worked hard to minimise the effect of the ballot box but, they aren't there yet. Germany can't even form a new government because the ruling class is so toxic.

                    Their neighbor, Austria just elected a new, young leader who promises to bring real change and get rid of the kind of BS plaguing Germany.

                    Poland is working at pulling the country out of the influence of the EU.
                    These new young leaders represent a break from the BS of the old guard that is aligned with the Rothschild new world order.
                    France, unfortunately is saddled with a new, young leader who is a holdover from the old-money interests.
                    Macron meets Austria's new leader Sebastian Kurz - Europe - RFI
                    It is very doubtful that Macron legitimately won the election.
                    BTW, Poland refuses trashy refugees (rapefugees) and is the safest place in Europe for women.


                    • Bucky had balls

                      R Buckiminster Fuller gives a short name to the present lords of the Bank-of_England/East-India-Company/Rothschild system of corporations, corrupt governments and there instruments of international control. This passage read from Grunge of Giants expands on Fuller's story of the "Great Pirates" and "Law Capitalism" told in his two earlier works, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, and Critical Path, especially the chapter "Legally Piggily" of the latter.
                      He provides the origins, incentive structure and functioning of Grunch, as an evolved "tool" of an organized minority, a system of laws and the corporations created by law that hold the few by wrong and deleterious assumptions of "you or me" scarcity used to justify ruthless capturing of wealth in a Malthusian stingy world, because people are blind to the abundance that know-how and design for more with less have put within reach of the species.
                      It is a race, as the title of another of his books, puts it, a race between utopia or oblivion. Grunch of Giants was his last book and it shows he was true to us to the end. The book, in my view, provides strong support for replacing the current system of money and lending, giving that power to the people so they can design and realize the best possibilities for "livingry" through spontaneous interaction in whatever new patters they can design for their own improvement and happiness, or as "Bucky" would say for their success in Universe. -- Dick Eastman

                      When Steven Mnuchin declares that the dollar is free to float against other currencies, that the will not be watching the international purchasing power of the dollar, its international demand and supply he is telling currency speculators to have at it; he is telling Americans that the goods they must import following domestic deindustrialization are going to fluctuate in price.
                      When the dollar is cheap in terms of other dollars and the currencies that buy foreign goods are dearer the people will be hurt. It means our goods sold abroad will buy less and that foreigners will have a bigger share of the fruits of our labors in making goods and services and give less in return. But there will not be a build-up of American production for export simply because there is no assurance the currency prices will not reverse tomorrow, because they are not being managed, because these problems are of no interest to the big deal making president and his administration.

                      When Chrisitine LaGarde says that the world economy is in a "sweet spot" because international investing and international trade are going up and that World GDP is going up, few people understand how bad the first two are and how not-necessarily good that latter is. International investing means that foreigners are lending each of those nations its money supply at interest, money which they can and will pull out later to create the depression which will convert ownership to their hands.
                      And the increases in foreign trade always has with it the concomitant destruction of domestic businesses that formerly met that domestic demand. GDP of course is meaningless was when domestic product is measured in money terms and Goldman-Sach's profits and Boeing missile production and Chrysler tank production go up as the standard of living improving production is replaced.






                      • Antisemitism and Nazi complicity in Poland?

                        Despite objections from the United States and Israel,
                        on Tuesday Polish President Andrzej Duda signed
                        a controversial Holocaust bill into law.
                        The legislation allows the government to jail anyone who,
                        "publicly and against the facts," suggests that Poles or
                        Poland had any involvement in Nazi war crimes
                        committed during World War II.

                        Polish politicians have long called for laws that prohibit expressions
                        such as "Polish death camps" in reference to concentration camps
                        operated in Nazi-occupied Poland.
                        The law has sparked aggressive disputes within Poland as well as abroad.

                        Polish president signs controversial Holocaust bill into law | News | DW | 06.02.2018

                        Last edited by aljhoa; 02-07-2018, 04:03 PM. Reason: 791,631


                        • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                          I just want to say thanks for posting the links and info. As a boomer I'd like to say that boomers are the most mind controlled of all the population, I'd like to say that....

                          The mind control is just mind boggling. The system is big on needles. When the system isn't pushing flu shots to every gullible moron out there, it's pushing getting a wicked tattoo to the next gen of gullible morons.

                          Nanoparticles mean anything or what?
                          According to the researchers, the problem of having combustion-derived nanoparticles in children’s brains – developing brains – is very serious. These particles are ubiquitous and present in high concentrations in children as young as 3 years old. The particles contain transition neurotoxic metals and they are certainly causing extensive brain damage in key organelles. “The predominant combustion particles in young brains have properties that enable them to cause oxidative damage because these nanoparticles are capable of crossing all barriers. No barrier is spared,” Dr. Calderón-Garcidueňas emphasized.

                          The authors concluded: highly oxidative, combustion nanoparticles entering young developing brains – the culprit hidden in plain sight in Alzheimer’s disease development – constitute a very serious public health issue, with grave social and economic consequences.


                          Last edited by aljhoa; 02-12-2018, 07:14 PM. Reason: 793,840


                          • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                            According to the researchers, the problem of having combustion-derived nanoparticles in children’s brains – developing brains – is very serious. These particles are ubiquitous and present in high concentrations in children as young as 3 years old. The particles contain transition neurotoxic metals and they are certainly causing extensive brain damage in key organelles. “The predominant combustion particles in young brains have properties that enable them to cause oxidative damage because these nanoparticles are capable of crossing all barriers. No barrier is spared,” Dr. Calderón-Garcidueňas emphasized.

                            The authors concluded: highly oxidative, combustion nanoparticles entering young developing brains – the culprit hidden in plain sight in Alzheimer’s disease development – constitute a very serious public health issue, with grave social and economic consequences.


                            Thank you, I mean we've got evidence of corrupted vaccines all around us dating back to the First Gulf War. I believe it was Captain Joyce Riley who identified that many vet's have some form of excised brain matter, evidently a consequence of having been vaccinated under the guise of protecting them from WMD's, or nerve gas. Now speculating here, but nano-particles, cell towers/phones, burned out brains? Gee does ya think there might be a link?

                            This isn't about the science of vaccines, it's about a criminally implemented plot that pharmaceutical companies are manifestly involved with. Creating and implementing a program of this nature of evil design would naturally involve a number of other business associations. There is clearly something going on with vaccines, but I seriously doubt that nano-particles act independently are merely one part of a binary agent of destruction, and so the most logical and obvious connection is to microwave and other broadcast wave signals: Huge amount of information out there showing this. All one needs to do is make themselves aware. Binary agents are of course common in explosives. This is a biological bomb. It's designed to be covertly planted and then covertly detonated. Simple as that. The object is money, population reduction, control = drooling imbeciles, ect.

                            I am quite sure this corruption is linked to an on-going struggle. Please do yourselves a favor and review the linked information in detail. America is at war with evil people right now. These school shootings, other shootings, and who knows what else will come, are all linked to a design to overthrow the rights of the people and rule of law. I know this information is quite involved but it's also as fascinating as it is informative, especially considering the on-going attack on America by enemies of the people; I think these include school shootings, mass shootings, threats of war, ect.

                            I do think this guy is brilliant. I was one of the first 12 people to buy his book which he has since rewritten several times. He freely gives information and works his butt off for all of us: Of that there is no doubt in my opinion. For those reasons I shill freely, openly, and as often as possible for G.A. Stewart.

                            G.A. Stewart New Web Site: The Age of Desolation.

                            G. A. Stewart says in the following linked page;

                            "If we can accept Q’s posts as real, and President Donald J. Trump has activated the military to fight Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels, it certainly will throw the world into chaos. I suspect that The Common Person on the Street will blame the military and Trump, “All their benefits seen as misdeeds” after The Global Economic Collapse."

                            Examine this page closely.

                            Do your homework, or follow your nose as the case may be, and your gut will reveal the truth's in these links. Couple examples I backtracked from the previous linked page cited by Q.


                            Allegations in Death of Sex Worker Plague Influential West Hollywood Political Insider - WeHo Times

                            Revenge of Q
                            Last edited by Gambeir; 02-16-2018, 09:01 PM.
                            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                            • Bill Still

                              The Still Report,,, very interesting.


                              • Armstrong and Kunstler weigh in

                                Here is an excellent analysis on Mueller's game plan.
                                Kunstler has a good analysis of why this witch hunt mat cause great collateral damage.

