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The American Ruling Class

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  • This isn't going to end nicely

    It is amazing how normal people turn rabid when you mention Trump. I suppose that I feel the same way about the Hildebeast.
    Hermann Goering said that; if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. MSM never relents on pounding the anti-Trump drums. The alienation is growing.
    The rich have hollowed out America and the poverty is getting much worse.


    • The Corporatocracy

      Very hard-hitting article.
      There is much speculation about a coming civil war. This is actually a misnomer. It would be far closer to a revolutionary war. The War of Northern Aggression was precipitated by taxes that the North laid on the South. There were battle lines, indistinct for sure but, still battle lines.
      Buchanan resupplied Ft. Sumter after the sovereign State of North Carolina threw the Feds out. Lincoln did everything that he could to provoke an attack. The northern bankers finally got the war that they wanted.

      The current "complaint" is against the national poverty brought on by the cabalistic Central Bank. Very few people can actually pinpoint just where and how the got screwed. They will probably just lash out at the State.
      The war-mongers and empire builders could not wage war while America was on a gold standard. They had to introduce PRIVATE MONEY to create the amount of currency inflation needed to wage major wars. This currency inflation always outran wage inflation. The working man sent much of his wages to the war mongers. Now, we are poor.


      • SiiP, HART and INTERPOL,,, voice print

        The Chinese collect every bit of data and, give you a good-or-bad citizen score. The West is evidently not far behind. Hundreds of law enforcement groups are contributing to a huge voice recognition database. Here is a great excerpt.
        "The Intercept reported in January, the National Security Agency has been using speaker recognition to monitor terrorists, politicians, drug lords, spies, and agency employees "
        So, they group politicians with terrorists and drug lords.


        • The European (German) ruling class

          “In 1942 when the Germans still thought they were going to win the war they produced a report entitled the Europaische Wirtschafts Gemeinschaft – which translates as the European Economic Community,”
          "“This report was written by various bankers and academics and laid out a plan for how Germany would manage the economies of the conquered countries of Europe after a German victory. The report was drawn up under the leadership of Professor Walter Funk the Reich’s Economics Minister and President of the Reichsbank."

          " It proposed the ‘harmonisation’ of European currencies and a harmonised currency system. “If this all sounds all very familiar it is because the basic plan for the European Economic Community of 1942 was very similar to the actual European Economic Community that came into existence in 1957 under the Treaty of Rome.”

          The vid is very good.


          • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
            “In 1942 when the Germans still thought they were going to win the war they produced a report entitled the Europaische Wirtschafts Gemeinschaft – which translates as the European Economic Community,”
            "“This report was written by various bankers and academics and laid out a plan for how Germany would manage the economies of the conquered countries of Europe after a German victory. The report was drawn up under the leadership of Professor Walter Funk the Reich’s Economics Minister and President of the Reichsbank."

            " It proposed the ‘harmonisation’ of European currencies and a harmonised currency system. “If this all sounds all very familiar it is because the basic plan for the European Economic Community of 1942 was very similar to the actual European Economic Community that came into existence in 1957 under the Treaty of Rome.”
            The vid is very good.
            Very Nice Danny. I'd say combine this with John Taylor Gatto's video series; "The Ultimate History Lesson" and for a more complete understanding of programming a society for the purposes of slavery and exploitation because the roots of this are all traceable back to the rulers and their century planning committee's.

            The Germans are legendary for this kind of thing ya know, but it's not unique to them, rather it's a form of educated life style. It's the sort of life style which President George Washington warned his countrymen about, about the old world rulers and how they would forever be at the front door of America trying to destroy our liberty and freedoms.

            Some Americans think the motto of; "never give up never surrender" has it's roots in the psychic of America, but it doesn't, the roots to that thinking are purely Germanic. Even as the clouds of defeat hovered over the Kaiser (the German word for "emperor") the German General Staff was planning on phase II of operation over~lord, aka Global War Redux. Defeat does not exist in the mind of the Imperial General Staff. Forget about the Russians is my advice.

            The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination by Mae Brussell

            Last edited by Gambeir; 07-08-2018, 08:48 PM.
            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


            • Here's your video.. really is good. Wake up and smell the coffee dudes.
              Goddamnit... where is my armband anyways?

              Last edited by Gambeir; 07-08-2018, 08:49 PM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • Chris Hedges

                Excellent vid,



                  This tribe of black gentry work more effectually against us, than the enemy’s arms.
                  p. 126

                  They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties. and the great cause we are engaged in. [1779.]


                  It is much to be lamented, that each State, long ere this, has not hunted them down, as pests to society, and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.

                  I would to God, that some one of the most atrocious in each State, was hung upon a gallows, five times as high as the one prepared for Haman.

                  No punishment, in my opinion, is too great for the man who can build his greatness upon his country’s ruin. [1778.]

                  (The reference to Haman is a reference to the mythical character of the Book of Esther, the Persian who would have killed all of the jews. While we do not esteem Esther to be a canonical book of Scripture, we can appreciate Washington's reference in connection with the "tribe of black gentry", since it clearly shows whom he was talking about! - WRF)

                  George Washington's Maxims on Finance


                  George Washington: "This tribe of black gentry"

                  Last edited by aljhoa; 07-10-2018, 05:36 AM. Reason: 827,875


                  • Block peace at all costs

                    "So, imagine my shock, Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted twelve Russian intelligence officers on the eve of a summit between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
                    Trump is on a search and destroy mission all across Europe right now attacking the pillars of the post-WWII institutional order.
                    While in Washington, Congress devolved into an episode of Jerry Springer during the Peter Strzok hearings yesterday. Both Strzok and Rosenstein have literally destroyed their credibility by stonewalling Congress over the investigations into Hillary Clinton’s email server, which, conveniently Mueller now has enough information to take to the Grand Jury.

                    In my mind, this is a level of panic and desperation unseen in the annals of Washington D.C. coverups. Both Strzok and Rosenstein know that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is completely compromised and can do nothing to stop them from obstructing investigations and turning our justice system into something worse than farce.

                    "Trump continues, in his circuitous way, to stick a fork in the eye of the globalists
                    Now with Trump prepared to sit down with Putin and potentially hammer out a major agreement on many outstanding issues like Syria, arms control, NATO’s purpose, energy policy and terrorism the Deep State/Globalist/Davos Crowd needed something to saddle him with to prevent this from happening.
                    So, the trap is set for the Democrats, Never Trumpers and media to hang Trump next week with whatever agreement he signs with Putin.
                    Terms like isolationist, conspiracy theorist, nativist and racist are all used as bludgeons to shame people for feeling outraged at the corruption they see with their own eyes.

                    "Ron Ridenour’s masterfully-written indictment of U.S. militarism and its take-all-prisoners imperial project is of such breathtaking scope and astonishing depth, it would be hard to exaggerate its value and timeliness, as the foreign policy of the Empire of Chaos now as never before in recorded history, steers the world toward apocalyptic confrontation and puts the survival of the entire human race at risk."


                    • "backward country"


                      An exchange between Rep. Trey Gowdy and
                      FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok


                      Last edited by aljhoa; 07-15-2018, 03:17 PM. Reason: 828,951


                      • Far-fetched?

                        Last edited by aljhoa; 07-20-2018, 03:08 PM. Reason: 829,885


                        • Re: farfetched

                          Naw, just one more coincidence.
                          6 Latin American leaders who criticised US policies fall ill of cancer ...


                          • Draining the Kazarian swamp

                            Pretty much everyone has heard of the Khazarian Mafia. Not to be confused with the various other mafia groups operating in israel and the R.O.W. Keep in mind what Douglas Mac Arthur said. 'History shows no example of a society that underwent moral collapse and, did not also collapse economically and politically. World leaders are WELL aware of what it would mean for a society as complex as ours to collapse. A severe interruption in deliveries of energy would put our cities back to the 17th century.
                            World leaders have looked into the abyss and, they don't even see personal survival,,, let alone survival of society. MANY leaders, plus law enforcement are trying to help drain the swamp. The swamp brings death on a huge scale.

                            Benjamin Fulford writes about the stuff that nobody else hears about. His narrative that the Hawaii missile warning was an actual fact holds up very well.
                            There are reports of attempts on Trump's life in Scotland. Both from a D.E.W. and, an attempt at poisoning.
                            New Report! Trump Scotland Assassination Attempt! Food Taster Murdered - Deep State Coup Attempt! | Alternative
                            Back to Fulford. I'll link to an article that makes fantastic claims. It centers around the effort to take out the Kazarian mafia from world politics / control.
                            It DOES have corroborating links and info.

                            He writes about various deep state members being discharged. There is other corroboration.
                            Two more officials cited in FBI texts step down - POLITICO
                            2 top Comey advisers resign from FBI - POLITICO
                            FBI officials Lisa Page and James Baker resign - CNNPolitics -


                            Keep in mind that Sephardic jews have suffered enormously because of the actions of the Khazarian "jews". Much of the world is focused on removing the khazarian mafia from power. This can't be done without attacking them at their base. When will that be done?
                            When Trump refused to bomb the Syrian army in it's advances to retake Syrian territory, he had the Embassy in Amman, Jordan notify the ISIS mercenaries that they would get no more help. The Russians set up surrender & transportation points to get the fighters off the battlefield.

                            I suspect that a lot of the swamp creatures will be given the same offer. Fulford talks about a lot of indictments and arrests coming in the fall.


                            • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                              Keep in mind that Sephardic jews have suffered enormously because of the actions of the Khazarian "jews". Much of the world is focused on removing the khazarian mafia from power. This can't be done without attacking them at their base. When will that be done?

                              Last edited by aljhoa; 07-23-2018, 10:24 PM. Reason: 830,399


                              • Good blood

                                I have no good idea of where to put these articles. They don't need a new thread.
                                "with a technique by which an old mouse is surgically connected to a young mouse, shares its blood, and within weeks becomes younger."
                                Silicon Valley’s Quest to Live Forever

                                A startup is buying teenagers' blood and selling it to the rich so they can live forever

                                I can NOT open this page from google for more than a few seconds. It shuts down my computer.
                                Trump-Linked Pastor: Hollywood Is Full Of Satanists Who Drink ...
                                Oct 20, 2017 - Trump-Linked Pastor: Hollywood Is Full Of Satanists Who Drink Children's Blood ... who engage in human sacrifice and drink the blood of children.

                                Moving on to the research.
                                DNA methylation age of blood predicts all-cause mortality in later life

                                DNA methylation-derived measures of accelerated aging are heritable traits that predict mortality independently of health status, lifestyle factors, and known genetic factors."

                                According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States -- that's roughly 2,000 per day.

