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The American Ruling Class

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  • IQ and employment

    I have to add one evolving facet here. We are evolving from a society / economy that has great need of heavy physical labor to a society that has great need of very intelligent people to deal with our increasing complexity.
    Intelligence is NOT the full measure of the man. As time goes on, every one of us must deal with increasing complexity. I didn't know about touch-screens at restaurants and, it was baffling.
    At one time, pretty much everyone had to know how to ride a horse. At present, pretty much everyone must know how to interact with a computer.

    You could survive without knowing how to ride a horse but, a lot of things were closed off to you.
    You can survive with limited intelligence but, what kind of work can you get?
    I know a kid who empties bedpans as the best work he can get.
    Forest Gump may have a great heart but, how can he ever support himself? Our current society has very few job niches for people of low IQ.


    • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
      I have to add one evolving facet here. We are evolving from a society / economy that has great need of heavy physical labor to a society that has great need of very intelligent people to deal with our increasing complexity.
      Intelligence is NOT the full measure of the man. As time goes on, every one of us must deal with increasing complexity. I didn't know about touch-screens at restaurants and, it was baffling.
      At one time, pretty much everyone had to know how to ride a horse. At present, pretty much everyone must know how to interact with a computer.

      You could survive without knowing how to ride a horse but, a lot of things were closed off to you.
      You can survive with limited intelligence but, what kind of work can you get?
      I know a kid who empties bedpans as the best work he can get.
      Forest Gump may have a great heart but, how can he ever support himself? Our current society has very few job niches for people of low IQ.
      Yes, I'm with you, I get it, and of course there are hard facts people don't like to address, certainly not the propaganda press such as the consequences of a religion that promotes inbreeding and which has resulted in destroying a civilization that once had lighted streets when Europe was still in the stone age.
      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


      • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
        Interesting link aljhoa, but mainly because it illuminates a path which the author uses by way of faulty logic. Using IQ data~data is the wrong approach in this attempt to illuminate what is wrong with the world (in the authors opinion) because IQ data can only show data that corresponds to warehoused information which is valued by the rulers. In other words, the idea that someone else should define for me what is valuable is the reason that people invented firearms, had revolutions, and then tried to create governmental bodies which could serve to prevents psychopaths from parading around in purple robes and forcing everyone to bow down before them.

        Fundamentally the problem is one of values and who assigns what's valued. That is, it's top down value system, and all those who fail to abide by the rules of the rulers are not valued, which might have some value if the rules were fair, but they are not and that makes the IQ approach a quagmire.

        As if that were not bad enough, those making the rules of what is valued can then alter the values at any time, as well as knowing before hand that such changes are going to be made, so this IQ based value system is fundamentally a criminal conspiracy designed to produce the outcome which the data does correctly show.

        In the game of life what you're seeing in this supposed IQ analysis is the crooked path provided to the vast majority.

        There are many fundamental errors in the article, but ultimately he doesn't see that in this slanted game of life those at the top are a control cult, whom probably aren't even Jewish, just criminals, and who use one group of religitards as a bootstrap to stand atop all the rest, including those whom they profess to represent. This should not be surprising since all mass murdering psychopaths do masquerade as just one of the otherwise completely normal nice guys: Gee he seemed like such a nice guy ~ Even their own members are expendable cattle, as witnessed by the wholesale slaughter of them for the express political purposes of obtaining a quote "homeland." A homeland which is really a haven for international runaways and money laundering.

        I think looking at Jewish domination of culture is worthy; for all the propaganda is owned by professed Jews, and we supposedly do have anti~trust laws here in the US, though evidently the FCC in it's wisdom it has never heard of them, nor evidently Congress either, but ultimately I personally would look to the pinnacle of the pyramid and then from there to the lines of self proclaimed royal nobility, and there between the cracks the manipulators of deception will undoubtedly be found. I do agree that this is an interesting article if, in my opinion, it is examined hyper~critically. For if it is true that Jew's have constructed a slanted game of life, then it is also true their role has not been a lonely one, for there are other players whom are cross dependent on the belief systems of religions and politics for their own survival, and so it is not in the interest of any one cult to obtain too much influence for the specific reason that the world economy is one of quote, "central banks and warfare model"; a term coined by Catherine Austin Fitts.
        The most hated sort [of moneymaking], and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural use of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term usury which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money, because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of all modes of making money this is the most unnatural.
        – Aristotle (384-322 BCE)

        A Secret History of Money Power

        Approximately 80% of the Jews in the world today are Ashkenazim, with the remainder primarily Sephardic.

        Researchers who study the Ashkenazim agree that the children of Abraham are on top of the IQ chart. Steven Pinker – who lectured on “Jews, Genes, and Intelligence” in 2007 - says “their average IQ has been measured at 108-115.” Richard Lynn, author of “The Intelligence of American Jews” in 2004, says it is “only” a half-standard higher: 107.5. Henry Harpending, Jason Hardy, and Gregory Cochran, University of Utah authors of the 2005 research report, “Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence,” state that their subjects, “score .75 to 1.0 standard deviations above the general European average, corresponding to an IQ of 112-115.” Charles Murray, in his 2007 essay “Jewish Genius,” says “their mean is somewhere in the range of 107-115, with 110 being a plausible compromise.”

        Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so High? - twenty possible explanations

        Last edited by aljhoa; 08-10-2018, 03:25 PM. Reason: 833,110


        • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
          The most hated sort [of moneymaking], and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural use of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term usury which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money, because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of all modes of making money this is the most unnatural.
          – Aristotle (384-322 BCE)

          A Secret History of Money Power
          But of course and after the revolution we will cut that in stone on the steps of our reformed government upon pain of death for high treason

          Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

          Approximately 80% of the Jews in the world today are Ashkenazim, with the remainder primarily Sephardic.

          Researchers who study the Ashkenazim agree that the children of Abraham are on top of the IQ chart. Steven Pinker – who lectured on “Jews, Genes, and Intelligence” in 2007 - says “their average IQ has been measured at 108-115.” Richard Lynn, author of “The Intelligence of American Jews” in 2004, says it is “only” a half-standard higher: 107.5. Henry Harpending, Jason Hardy, and Gregory Cochran, University of Utah authors of the 2005 research report, “Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence,” state that their subjects, “score .75 to 1.0 standard deviations above the general European average, corresponding to an IQ of 112-115.” Charles Murray, in his 2007 essay “Jewish Genius,” says “their mean is somewhere in the range of 107-115, with 110 being a plausible compromise.”

          Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so High? - twenty possible explanations


          Thanks for the link. Here's my thoughts on this and sorry about the length but I just keep having more and more thoughts on all this.

          Interesting because I've been waiting for a claim on "Right to Rule" to come forward because this claim on right to rule has to be correlated with the subversion of the Supreme Laws of the People of these United States of America, and also who then is behind the mass violence taking place across America because the two go hand in hand; an overthrow of who rules these United States is underway as we speak, and so it is hardly a surprise then that the Police are being sent to Israel to be trained in State Sanctioned Terror. Mean~while, it is a virtual certainty that covert black ops, most assuredly operating from private security firms (gunmen for hire) have conducted mass murders, and while working hand in hand with mass coverage by mass media which may also involved private prison owners, whom naturally have access to the most desirable material to complete such tasks and could then be disposed of later invisibly behind walls, and but of course guess who owns all of these for they are certainly no co~op Security Corporations or Private Prison Contractors are there? Yet again, somehow even this simple and rather un~inspiring theory is just too complex for State Security to figure out for themselves? That's not very likely considering the intellectual talent available to our governments security services and so the only way that it is possible for them to not arrive at this same conclusion is if there is interference from the corrupted body politic; aka, corporate dictators stooge hirelings. So what we have now is basically ubber rich gangsters making general war upon the people of the United States while pretending to be something they are not.

          What you have here is propaganda guised in royal purple robes, and it begins with a huge lie by stating that they are more intelligent, yet again this measuring of intelligence is purely objective, and so if you wanted to make you and your kids appear to be highly intelligent than I suppose you could ask them about things they would know about, and maybe make sure few others had the opportunity to know the same things, let alone have a reason to think they would ever need to know the same things given their living situation, so this is just another deception and is no real measure of intelligence by any means. Not only that but the people who've done the measuring are these same people! Hardly a surprise that they then rank themselves the smartest of the smart. Not only is it bull crap which is assured since it's also clothed in the cloth of God Himself but more importantly it is a Red Herring and completely irrelevant to the rule to the rule of law by the people, which btw you note says rules of law by the people, whereas their idea is rule of law according to god granted rights: A highly dubious proposition I'm quite sure.

          This is extremely dangerous once you understand what is really going on here. This is a claim on right to rule by birth right, Divine Right, the same genetic right to rule claim that launched the last Global War, ya know the one where 60 million people died and 3/4ths of the planet was at war. This is no different than claiming my own naturally white skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes entitles me to lord over all the rest of you.

          This is also a claim on a right to rule based upon claims of biblical origins ~ Beware of such claims. This is a re~skinned version of Divine Rights and nothing less. A perfectly good enough reason to go out and buy a firearm because that's why guns were invented in the first place. If this is the now developing claim then revolt and revolution cannot but be assured, and because psychopaths claiming to be descended from God, or some similar line of absolute nonsense, will do what they have always done and which is to abuse, rape, loot, and murder all who oppose them; just look to Israel for the proof of that statement, or the Red Revolution, or Pol Pot's Killing Fields, or of course the Fascists and if one were to be completely truthful:Corporate dictatorship America.

          We already see the obscene wealth of corporate dictators, and while the people starve, not to mention the stolen taxation's, their criminal schemes of all manner, so what more could one expect with some claim on super superior intelligence and descended from the chosen children of God! Good Lord, sharpen your bayonets is my advice because with that kind of brazen madness at hand the only answer they will accept is one put upon them at the point of a bayonet.

          It is not by accident that the enemy inside the gates is both shilling for disarming and all the while conducting terror plots and murdering innocents, and all just to get the people to surrender their most sacred right to self preservation; after which we and our children will have a gag stuffed in our mouths for the punishment for speaking your mind. It will be as in times of old and it will be upon pain of imprisonment for merely expressing your thoughts or for failing to bow down before your betters, but it is what comes after this where the real hell will reside: A the hall mark of totalitarianism is that terror increases once success is achieved. One need only review the case histories of the communists and fascists for the proof, and now we are all to be subjected to this in the form of re~born royalty claiming super intellect, descended from God's chosen, and as the employers whom control our money, or government, and now even have their own special laws which gives them special rights as corporate bodies. All of these are the highest treason's.

          One could easily argue that the overthrow of the supreme laws of the people, by the establishment of special rights for corporations, marked the beginning of a phase in self proclaimed royalty as well as the next phase that naturally follows a grab for absolute power and which is the terror phase. So this passing in to law of these special rights for the corporate rulers really markes the return of royalty, and it also marked the official overthrow of the people as the rulers of the United States. We are now seeing the beginning of physical terrorism being conducted covertly in order to consolidate the absolute rule that these psychopaths are obsessed with: This is what is really taking place under the covers, but once total control is firmly established is when the oven doors will swing wide, and these same self professed children of God have already expressed that there are too many of us, and not enough of them, and that we need to be culled. So just like so many other times in previous history the enemy has openly professed their plans for mass murder. This plan does involve murdering you and your kids specifically. Make no mistake this is real. This is their intent: If the oven doors of Auschwitz stand for anything then they stand as the front doors of self proclaimed power and this is what we the people of earth are facing together and not just in America alone. This is where absolute power always goes. Arm yourselves now is my strong advice.

          America has been betrayed by the rich and if they are primarily Jewish than they too are to beheld in account for their crimes but that should not be simply because one happens to be a Jew, but only because it is an act of high treason to make war on the Supreme Laws of the People; for we the people are the lawful government and any attempt to overthrow those laws which define our government is defined as making war on the government, which makes all of these people seeking special corporate rights or any other special rights as traitors to the ideals of the Republic. It makes no difference how smart anyone is under the laws of the people. All are to be treated equally, not prosecuted under special privilege laws disguised as hate crimes, for that is an extremely dangerous path to follow, where following this special line of legal penalty it is but a hair's breath away from special rights laws protecting these self proclaimed rulers from phony hate speech laws, and all of these are illegal under the Bills of Rights so the treason's and traitors have made many inroads already.

          Americas' problem may be summed up by the corruption of the body politic by the rich using their corporate wealth to buy votes in a bribe for votes scheme.

          The result of this is that we now have "Two Sets Of Laws." We have those laws which are the Supreme Laws of the People encoded in the Bills of Rights, and then we have the underhanded criminal creation of "Corporate Royalty Laws," and which are in truth acts of the highest treasons against those laws which this nation stands upon: We are all caught up in an underhanded criminal overthrow of the government by people whom want to be Kings and they are all enemies of the people for that reason, and if your life is problematic and becoming increasing worse then you need look no further than the richest people on the planet because it matters not what religious faith they profess to be, nor how smart they are, nor even if they are God's own chosen. All that matters is that they abide the same laws and regulations as everyone else, and so all that really matters are their war crimes and their war making on the people of these United States, and that's really all they have done is to make war upon liberty and freedom, and for those crimes they need to taken to account as traitors and public enemies of the American People and to face the rightful charge for such offenses and for other acts of high treason which we can be positive they have been involved in.

          Last edited by Gambeir; 08-11-2018, 10:17 AM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
            The result of this is that we now have "Two Sets Of Laws." We have those laws which are the Supreme Laws of the People encoded in the Bills of Rights, and then we have the underhanded criminal creation of "Corporate Royalty Laws," and which are in truth acts of the highest treasons against those laws which this nation stands upon. We are involved in truth in an underhanded criminal overthrow by the subversion of those laws defined in the Bills of Rights. [/COLOR]
            “The emperor has no clothes”

            The 1990 oath, 104 Stat. 5124, severs the connection between the federal judiciary and the Constitution; meaning: As of March 1, 1991, officers of the federal judiciary have no obligation to discharge or perform the duties of their respective offices “agreeably to the Constitution” (62 Stat. 907), and the former judicial-branch officers are now legislative-branch officers under the exclusive control of Congress.

            “Plus peccat auctor quam actor. The instigator of a crime is worse than he who perpetrates it” (John Bouvier, Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, Third Revision (Being the Eighth Edition), revised by Francis Rawle (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1914) (hereinafter “Bouvier’s”), p. 2153)—and the instigators of the takeover of the federal courts of limited jurisdiction by municipal judges masquerading as Article III judges and usurping exercise of general jurisdiction throughout the Union, are the Members of Congress.

            The jurisdiction of federal courts of limited jurisdiction and the original (de jure) Department of Justice, 16 Stat. 162, is co-extensive with the legislative powers of Congress; to wit:

            “Those who framed the constitution [sic], intended to establish a government complete for its own purposes, supreme within its sphere, and capable of acting by its own proper powers. They intended it to consist of three co-ordinate branches, legislative, executive, and judicial. In the construction of such a government, it is an obvious maxim, ‘that the judicial power should be competent to give efficacy to the constitutional laws of the Legislature.’ [Cohens v. Virginia, 6 Wheat. Rep. 414] The judicial authority, therefore, must be co-extensive with the legislative power. . . . [The Federalist, No. 80; Cohens v. Virginia, 6 Wheat. Rep. 384]” Osborn v. Bank of United States, 9 Wheat., 738, 808 (1824).

            Fatal defect in every federal case since March 1, 1991

            Last edited by aljhoa; 08-11-2018, 03:57 AM. Reason: 833,220


            • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
              “The emperor has no clothes”

              The 1990 oath, 104 Stat. 5124, severs the connection between the federal judiciary and the Constitution; meaning: As of March 1, 1991, officers of the federal judiciary have no obligation to discharge or perform the duties of their respective offices “agreeably to the Constitution” (62 Stat. 907), and the former judicial-branch officers are now legislative-branch officers under the exclusive control of Congress.

              “Plus peccat auctor quam actor. The instigator of a crime is worse than he who perpetrates it” (John Bouvier, Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, Third Revision (Being the Eighth Edition), revised by Francis Rawle (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1914) (hereinafter “Bouvier’s”), p. 2153)—and the instigators of the takeover of the federal courts of limited jurisdiction by municipal judges masquerading as Article III judges and usurping exercise of general jurisdiction throughout the Union, are the Members of Congress.

              The jurisdiction of federal courts of limited jurisdiction and the original (de jure) Department of Justice, 16 Stat. 162, is co-extensive with the legislative powers of Congress; to wit:

              “Those who framed the constitution [sic], intended to establish a government complete for its own purposes, supreme within its sphere, and capable of acting by its own proper powers. They intended it to consist of three co-ordinate branches, legislative, executive, and judicial. In the construction of such a government, it is an obvious maxim, ‘that the judicial power should be competent to give efficacy to the constitutional laws of the Legislature.’ [Cohens v. Virginia, 6 Wheat. Rep. 414] The judicial authority, therefore, must be co-extensive with the legislative power. . . . [The Federalist, No. 80; Cohens v. Virginia, 6 Wheat. Rep. 384]” Osborn v. Bank of United States, 9 Wheat., 738, 808 (1824).

              Fatal defect in every federal case since March 1, 1991

              Thanks, I have the mouth and you have the facts ~ Lol!
              Prepare for civil war I guess: Power never concedes anything, no gangster ever agreed to stop being a criminal because people protested their criminal lifestyle and this is no different.
              I see only two paths, refusal to cooperate and to recognize authority, or civil war with those whom will serve as minions of the enemies of the people.
              Last edited by Gambeir; 08-11-2018, 06:29 AM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • HRC for prison

                The uber crime family is in the hot seat.


                • IQ isn't the question, Humanity is the question

                  I have no argument with the claim that the jews have a high IQ. I read The Bell Curve including the 430 pages of foot notes. IQ isn't the subject of debate. The subject of debate is; why are the jews so disproportionately represented in crime and genocide?
                  If you search on mass murderers, you get all holocaust BS.
                  What about other mass murders?
                  The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist – David
                  I started a thread examining the problems in israel as a real estate problem. It was an examination with no condemnation.
                  The hasbara kept trying to turn the thread into a flame war. That didn't work. I was eventually challenged to single combat
                  in the Thunderdome replica that Death Guild sets up at Burning Man.
                  Yes, single combat is permitted and encouraged in the Thunderdome. Though, the weapons are quite limited.

                  "In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. Born in 1924, Sturman grew up in Cleveland’s East Side. Initially, he sold comics and magazines, but when he realized sex magazines produced twenty times the revenue of comic books,"
                  Jews admit they control porn & subvert Christian culture - 247Sports
                  Al Goldstein - Wikipedia
                  Alvin "Al" Goldstein (January 10, 1936 – December 19, 2013) was an American pornographer and pundit known for normalizing hardcore pornography in the United States. ..... industry was dramatically overrepresented by Jews. He answered, "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks.

                  Jewish Prof Says Porn is “Atavistic Hatred” Toward Gentiles – David ...
                  Video, 0:06 / 33:08
                  Jews Control the Pornography and Sex-Trafficking Industries

                  So, the jews have been kicked out of practically everywhere. Is it because of usury? Is it because of intelligence?
                  "The Judaic Destruction Of Western Culture | Real Jew News
                  The Judaic Destruction Of Western Culture | Real Jew News
                  The degradation of Western-Christian social life did not merely happen, it was ... The Jew has attained his goal in destroying Western culture while at the same
                  The Judaic Destruction Of Western Culture | Real Jew News

                  Jewish Views on the Environment |
                  Jewish tradition teaches us to care for our planet in order to preserve that which God
                  If you read up on environmental destruction in israel, it is particularly bad. Wait, isn't this the Holy Land that must be guarded and cared for?
                  The New Environmental Degradation that's present in Israel - Opinion ...
         › Opinion

                  "Human beings believe, in their arrogance, that if they continue developing the world on the basis of an ever-expanding science and technology, they will eventually achieve an environment that will afford everyone unlimited gratification of the senses and a life of untrammeled ease and pleasure. There can be no greater error than this." — Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler[1]

                  The Talmud teaches that the First and Second Temples were destroyed because of Israel's sins: the First Temple because of idol worship, sexual immorality, and bloodshed, and the Second Temple because of senseless hatred"

                  Jews behind moral decay in the West: Part One…Remba and Jews ...
         › Old_Posts
                  If you search on jewish + organized crime, it returns about 11 million pages.
                  "Moshe Dayan who said “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
                  Think about the mentality of this remark. This leads to perpetual war.

                  There is NO QUESTION that jewish controlled interests are subverting EVERYTHING in the West. They haven't been able to accomplish this in the East, particularly in Russia. Naturally, America must bomb the snot out of Russia for their intransigence in accepting moral degradation and moral collapse.
                  Is the perfect jewish society a society over-run by organized crime,,, as in israel? This isn't a question of IQ. BUT, you would think that a smart people would want to avoid living in a crime-plagued society.

                  The Palestinians plan to bury the jews by out-populating them. The israelis have responded in a way that earns them condemnation.
                  Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms | The ...


                  • "Intelligence is not a capacity: it is not more of the same things, rather intelligence is the way one perceives the world and responds to it."
                    John Holt: How Children Learn.

                    "No God's, No Kings, Only Predator And Prey."

                    The greatest mistake a parent could make is in protecting their child against the reality of the world. Imagine being 5 years old and being taught the above statement instead of the ones you were taught. How then might you have perceived the world?

                    The world cannot be made safe and it is a fools errand to pretend that it could be made so. The insane try to make the world adapt to their desires, while the sane adapt themselves to the world. Knowing what is danger, and what isn't, is what is important and here the vast majority have it back~wards. Look at what they teach kids about firearms in schools these days: Call the police? Not the first rule of firearms: "All guns are loaded". Now which do you think is most likely to produce a safe outcome for kids that find a weapon? What's the first thing someone who knows nothing about guns does? Often time they point it at someone else and because? Yet again no one in the mass media is talking about making firearms training a mandatory part of public education are they? Do they really care about kids? What do you think?

                    John Taylor Gatto talks about the necessity of exposing a child to danger. How this critical element of exposure in early life influences success later in life.

                    We are constantly lied to by the mass media but it's important also to know that there are those whom have tried every possible way to make the aware know what the reality is, what the dangers and lies are, and perhaps no Jew has done more to expose the reality of these dangers than that of male model super sex~stallion Stephen James. Do a google search; "ADON issue 8 Model Stephen James" The man is a walking billboard, his photo shoots are pure iconographic story telling's. I would think you would have to be a jibering imbecile to not understand what he is telling you in the image below and this is only one of hundreds of posed images he is famous for.

                    Last edited by Gambeir; 08-12-2018, 04:55 PM.
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                    • While only about 1 percent of the population are psychopaths,
                      4 percent of business leaders and CEOs are psychopaths.

                      ARE IN CHARGE OF OUR LIVES."
                      -Dr. Igor Galynker, professor of psychiatry


                      -Dr. Igor Galynker, psychiatrist, professor of psychiatry

                      why psychopaths are so good at getting ahead

                      Last edited by aljhoa; 08-12-2018, 01:56 PM. Reason: 833,451


                      • Part of my point is to point out that information isn't the same in all places: location dictates what one might expect to find.

                        Now in the case of James I understand where he's coming from. He say's he embraced his Jewish roots and then shows you what these are; what's it take get people to understand? He's a Jew, he see's what is being done, he shows you what is being done, and yet again either we don't care, or we really are this stupid: What other possible conclusion could one arrive at given the brazen in your face truth telling?

                        You cannot get any more in our face without physically invading peoples living rooms. Yet again all this truth telling seems to have no effect. Maybe the vast majority are this stupid, maybe they do deserve to be treated like cattle, fed crap and then butchered for profit. If people knew they were eating other peoples' dead bodies at some fast food outlet would that even make them stop going there.

                        Are you familiar with the Movie Cloud Atlas?
                        Cloud Atlas- The Truth About Xultation Clip
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 08-12-2018, 05:02 PM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • What's the difference between gullibility and awareness?

                          A child is gullible: Is it not the ideal of most all religions to create a state of child like behaviors? A child accepts information on faith do they not?

                          When you're told to question authority what is that really saying? It isn't talking about questioning the cops, which is ill advised, rather it's about questioning what you've accepted on faith. It's talking about questioning everything you have assumed is true, even what your own parents taught you and that they thought was true and right; that's questioning authority because as every little boy knows the day your father dies is the day you lose your God.

                          The fundamental difference between criminal thinking and conventional thinking has to do with how the criminal mind perceives the world. Most criminals believe that the world is ruled by economics alone. Nothing else matters in their minds, in their lives love is itself a matter of profit and losses, and they believe that anyone else who see's the world any other way is a born loser, a tool, a mark to be exploited, and a fool. You can find this truth in a book entitled "Crooks and Squares."

                          How then does one acquire this view upon the world? (Remember when your parents didn't want you hanging around certain other kids? Well there really was a reason for that)

                          Renowned American Criminologist Edwin Sutherland:
                          "Sutherland’s approach was developed through several editions of his book Criminology (1924), arguably the most influential work in the history of the discipline. In opposition to the dominant biological and psychological explanations, Sutherland maintained that criminal behaviour is a product of normal learning through social interaction. He claimed that individual behaviour is learned through peers and that, if an individual’s peer group is delinquent, he will identify that behaviour as normal."

                          "In existing criminology there are concepts: a criminal man, a criminal profession, a criminal society, a criminal sect, and a criminal tribe, but there is no concept of a criminal state, or a criminal government, or criminal legislation. Consequently what is often regarded as "political" activity is in fact a criminal activity."
                          P.D. Ouspensky

                          What Ouspensky left out was religion and the idea that together these supposed religions may not be independent of each other but rather form a matrix creating prey items to feed upon: The original purpose of religion was that of public education, and it was tasked with creating gullible child like fools as prey items for an elite, but this mission of creating bountiful plains of fat stupid cows only began with the educational role that religion once held and which has now been expanded upon as the primary function of most all other forms of education. People are only educated to the level necessary to achieve the goals of the rulers and this is why formalized systems of education exist, and why only certified forms of education are deemed valuable though they are, in fact, corrupt and controlled. So now we arrive at the issue of what is simple gullibility and what is in fact brainwashing and mind control.
                          Last edited by Gambeir; 08-12-2018, 06:50 PM.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                            He's a Jew,
                            he see's what is being done,
                            he shows you what is being done, and
                            yet again either we don't care,
                            or we really are this stupid:
                            What other possible conclusion could one arrive at given the brazen in your face truth telling?
                            "Ego Depletion"

                            Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                            Are you familiar with the Movie Cloud Atlas?
                            No, but will try to locate it on internet.

                            Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                            So now we arrive at the issue of what is simple gullibility and
                            what is in fact brainwashing and mind control.
                            Don McLean - Psalm 137:1

                            Last edited by aljhoa; 08-13-2018, 03:10 PM. Reason: 833,750


                            • The Genetic Potential for Intelligence

                              I have long maintained that women are responsible for genetic culling. As long as women are free to choose or reject a mate, they will avoid men who are violent, lazy, crazy and shiftless.

                              "such studies have shown that ever since the Neolithic Revolution of approximately 10,000 years ago, the human genome has been changing 100 times faster than what normally occurred during evolution. It was only after the Neolithic Revolution that important traits such as lactose tolerance and the white skin of Europeans appeared. It is therefore reasonable to suggest that our genetic potential for intelligence may have changed recently, too."
                              "This rise, known as the Flynn effect, occurred all over the world for most of the 20th century and led to measured IQ rising by about 3.5 points per decade. However, the effects of better nutrition and education have reached their limit and the rise seems to be over. Recent studies have shown a decline in IQ in Britain, France, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Estonia. Fortunately, this new decline in genotypic intelligence is not very large. "

                              "If current trends continue, we will lose just over 15 points of genotypic IQ in 19 generations, or about 400 years. That is roughly the IQ gap between blacks and whites in America, and about half the gap between Europeans and Africans. Some people argue that evolution is so slow it could not possibly have produced the black-white IQ gap. In fact, evolutionary forces at work today could produce a gap of this size in as little as 19 generations,"
                              EDIT: I wanted to add one more link. Reportedly, very few males were allowed to reproduce thousands of years ago. Much like today in many species. The alpha male gets all the mates. Reportedly, marriage was invented to keep the majority of the males from fighting all the time over mates. Every tom, Dick and Harry gets a girl now. It didn't use to be like that.
                              Last edited by Danny B; 08-16-2018, 12:40 AM. Reason: Mo info


                              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                                I have long maintained that women are responsible for genetic culling. As long as women are free to choose or reject a mate, they will avoid men who are violent, lazy, crazy and shiftless.

                                "such studies have shown that ever since the Neolithic Revolution of approximately 10,000 years ago, the human genome has been changing 100 times faster than what normally occurred during evolution. It was only after the Neolithic Revolution that important traits such as lactose tolerance and the white skin of Europeans appeared. It is therefore reasonable to suggest that our genetic potential for intelligence may have changed recently, too."

                                "This rise, known as the Flynn effect, occurred all over the world for most of the 20th century and led to measured IQ rising by about 3.5 points per decade. However, the effects of better nutrition and education have reached their limit and the rise seems to be over. Recent studies have shown a decline in IQ in Britain, France, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Estonia. Fortunately, this new decline in genotypic intelligence is not very large. "

                                "If current trends continue, we will lose just over 15 points of genotypic IQ in 19 generations, or about 400 years. That is roughly the IQ gap between blacks and whites in America, and about half the gap between Europeans and Africans. Some people argue that evolution is so slow it could not possibly have produced the black-white IQ gap. In fact, evolutionary forces at work today could produce a gap of this size in as little as 19 generations,"
                                The nature of Universe is ever greater complexity and increasing complexity brings with it an ever increasing awareness. Awareness is intelligence defined. Awareness is the natural enemy of all systems of rulership. We are all caught up in a struggle created by the rulers to keep people unaware and pitted against each other instead of our own natural enemies whom are the top 1% and their hired minions.

                                Again, IQ quotients are not a reflection of intelligence. They are only a reflection of warehoused information whose value is highly dubious. Computers have vast storehouses of data but can not in any sense be called intelligent. The world is filled with highly educated people whom have contributed virtually nothing of any value whatsoever.

                                Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                                "Human beings believe, in their arrogance, that if they continue developing the world on the basis of an ever-expanding science and technology, they will eventually achieve an environment that will afford everyone unlimited gratification of the senses and a life of untrammeled ease and pleasure. There can be no greater error than this." — Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler[1]
                                I would strongly argue that this line of following IQ quotients as a measures of intelligence be weighed against the system and what it values. In other words, who does a supposed higher IQ quotient serve? If Americans and Canadian's were judged by the number of languages they could speak they would judged among the dumbest peoples on the entire planet. Everyone else on the planet has the joke about he's an American (can only speak one language). So ya know, maybe we ain't as smart as we think we are.

                                So ya see there's serious questions about who defines what. You have to ask who is served by having peoples intelligence judged? Ultimately IQ scores are supposedly about education and not about genetics according to convention and here the goals and objectives of education have nothing at all to do with helping a child become who they are inside; of fulfilling their innate talents. In other words, the mission of public education is to destroy the creativity of every child, which is to destroy their souls and it's done under the guise of helping and your kid. Believe me, you and your kid would be much better off never having been exposed to that system let alone worrying what it considers a measure of intelligence.

                                Most people are completely brainwashed and think that education will avail them a better life economically, and for most that's the last thing it will do, but having more money is not what education was ever intended to be about and so it cannot succeed in fulfilling that promise. Such a side effect may or may not take place but it is not the purpose of education specifically to produce wealth: Almost the reverse actually.

                                A real education is about "YOU" and then it's about how you can relate to the reality of the outside world by understanding and seeing it for what it really is, and which is that everything in it is about what the rulers need and want; that then is where this notion of IQ's is derived from.

                                All you have to do is to look at your own life and see how that same system destroyed who you really were in order to serve it's master and to produce a slave dependent upon that same master for survival. None of that education was about you and who you are an what you wanted out of life. Don't do that to your own kid. Don't listen to the lies of that system.

                                So this measuring of intelligence has nothing to do with intelligence. It has everything to do with exploiting people for the explicit reason of serving to profit the ruling elite. There is no profit in intelligence for the rulers. There is only profit in unaware warehouses of knowledge willing to do what is requested for a paycheck and a promise of a pension.

                                We should all be seriously questioning whether gigantic corporations and social engineering plans are the correct and needed path. I could do with a whole lot less central planning screwing up my life under the guise of government, and I'm sure that another generation doesn't need the so called education system destroying their whole life, and just in order to prevent those same kids from developing in to becoming what nature intended them to become. That's the real mission of education, it is to destroy the inner soul of your child, it is to create a dysfunctional lost and destroyed being whom can then be cast out into the world for exploitation. This is the end product of public education today as we have all known it: That's the reality.
                                Last edited by Gambeir; 08-15-2018, 04:04 PM.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

