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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
    You have to be playing chess to lose at chess.

    Feel the earth between your toes, hug your kids or grandkids. That's REAL

    I don't fight battles I won't win.

    I don't think about issues I see no path to a solution.

    I sleep well most of the time, and understand human evolution is a violent event. When it happens, no one will notice because we probably won't think of issues on the same terms.

    I'm pretty stupid.

    AWOLNATION - Wake Up

    Last edited by aljhoa; 01-18-2019, 04:11 PM. Reason: 867,636


    • Removed because this thread is useless
      Last edited by ilandtan; 06-23-2020, 09:15 PM.


      • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post

        No thanks, fear only fosters consumerism.
        If you look at that fear, and ask the question why we fear, you'll see why we don't evolve.

        Copula (probability theory))

        In quantitative finance copulas are applied to risk management, to portfolio management and optimization, and to derivatives pricing.

        For the former, copulas are used to perform stress-tests and robustness checks that are especially important during "downside/crisis/panic regimes" where extreme downside events may occur (e.g., the global financial crisis of 2007–2008). The formula was also adapted for financial markets and was used to estimate the probability distribution of losses on pools of loans or bonds.

        The users of the formula have been criticized for creating "evaluation cultures" that continued to use simple copulæ despite the simple versions being acknowledged as inadequate for that purpose.[18] Thus, previously, scalable copula models for large dimensions only allowed the modelling of elliptical dependence structures (i.e., Gaussian and Student-t copulas) that do not allow for correlation asymmetries where correlations differ on the upside or downside regimes.

        Therefore, modeling approaches using the Gaussian copula exhibit a poor representation of extreme events.[28][29] There have been attempts to propose models rectifying some of the copula limitations.

        Additional to CDOs, Copulas have been applied to other asset classes as a flexible tool in analyzing multi-asset derivative products. The first such application outside credit was to use a copula to construct an basket implied volatility surface,[32] taking into account the volatility smile of basket components. Copulas have since gained popularity in pricing and risk management[33] of options on multi-assets in the presence of a volatility smile, in equity-, foreign exchange- and fixed income derivatives.

        Last edited by aljhoa; 01-19-2019, 07:21 PM. Reason: 867,903


        • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
          If you look at that fear, and ask the question why we fear, you'll see why we don't evolve.
          I'm afraid that most of what you two are bickering about eludes me, but as to the nature of fear, in the processes of evolution, then one must see that evolution is not the over-arching objective of nature, because the end goal isn't evolution, rather it is survival, and survival favors the prepared, hence fear is an innate part of the condition of life for most species, but evidently not all species, not even some which may be of significant intelligence.

          Question the assumption that there is an advantage found in evolution, and ask whether or not evolution is, in and of itself, a good thing? Evolution can lead to extinction almost as easily as not evolving at all: Species can evolve but there is no requirement to evolve. I don't know if anyone really can say why evolution even takes place. Remember, survival is what matters, not intelligence, and not anything else. See my former room mates paper on the negative effects of technological evolution below. Yes, I actually have read the entire ...ah...manifesto.

          Last edited by Gambeir; 01-19-2019, 08:44 PM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • I read his manifesto. He is very astute, perceptive and articulate. He points out most of the reasons that advanced societies will crash.


            • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
              See my former room mates paper on the negative effects of technological evolution below. Yes, I actually have read the entire ...ah...manifesto.
              Technology by design takes over our lives.
              Something to think about

              Last edited by aljhoa; 01-20-2019, 04:20 AM. Reason: 868,035


              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                Technology by design takes over our lives.
                Something to think about

                Thanks, finally got some time to listen to the video. It's an excellent video and the video nailed the morphing image story, but is completely off in the weeds with the hypothesis involving big oil and climate change. In fact he's so far out of it knowledge wise that it almost makes him appear to be part of a more complex longer term mission.
                The Unabomber-Zodiac Connection

                I think this post is spot on; that there has been a long running program (still running BTW) and which is specifically all about the things mentioned in this posters response to the video.

                St. Longinus
                6 months ago
                "Your ideas about the un.a.bomber are interesting and I don't doubt the Feds knew where Kaczynski was and who he was all along. They don't usually let their test subjects go quietly into the night. However, I disagree with your conclusion that the case was about the environmental movement. It may have been a side benefit to make real environmentalism look kooky, but the fear of carbon dioxide as a 'greenhouse' gas is absurd. If anything, the un.a.bomber case was a psychological operation to ensure people didn't worry too much about technology encroaching on their lives (exactly what Kaczynski was supposedly worried about enough to kill to make his point).
                In addition, the real environmental catastrophe which the government didn't want the public to look at was the beginning of the very heavy geo-engineering (aka chemtrails or chem spraying) in 1998. The government had been laying down heavy metals in the skies since right after WWII, (it's visible in outdoor scenes in old movies) but the daily, non-stop spraying began in 1998, and was world-wide and continues to this day.
                Given that Kaczynski's "cabin" was taken by the FBI and locked away permanently for no one to be able to examine it, and that his "defense" attorney made statements to the jury basically admitting Kaczynski's guilt before the trial ever started should have been cause for an immediate mistrial. The whole story stinks."
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • An amusing but true story is that my parents were actually in the tiny town of Lincoln Montana on the day before Kaczynski was arrested, and what's amusing about this is that both my parents were sitting at a hamburger joint in the car when my mother told my pop that there was something odd going on, and what she noticed was that there were all these men there ordering food and all of them had brand new jeans, boots, and general attire such that my own mother said that these guy's all looked like FBI agents trying to blend in with the locals. My pop agreed and of course the next day this proved to be true.

                  Also for a quick study on mind control via information take a look at the Wikipedia article on Ted Kaczynski. The intro looks like it was written by the Brookings Institute, but to be fair the over all article is informative if a bit slanted.
                  Last edited by Gambeir; 01-25-2019, 02:19 PM.
                  "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                  • Ted was of course wrong about technology being the enemy. It is and always has been the psychopathology that comes from unrestricted power that is the enemy. In our time, as in most all other times, that unrestricted power really comes from unrestricted and uncontrolled wealth.

                    Today as the State of Oregon seeks to use communist legislation to obliterate the bills of rights, and as Washington State and California follow suit, the real enemy of the people is still the rich. Specifically the ultra rich whom right now are the puppet masters of the Left Right Goose Step towards backdoor dictatorship. People don't realize that the rich don't need the police. We the people need the police and we need them on our side, not on their side, but today we have the police working to uphold and enforce laws which were never introduced at the hands of the people, but rather at the hands of billionaires like Michael Bloomberg and others like the late Paul Allen and his counter part

                    Ya see, the thing is these people have no love of liberty, nor do they have any experience with defending it on any level. They have no education in history, no appreciation for the sacrifices it has taken to create a nation like the United States of America. These people think, wrongly, that their wealth can buy them anything they want. While these people, traitors really, work to undermine our rights, they also work to make America weak and open to attack. These people don't seem to notice that today you're a big bad bear, but tomorrow you might just become a rug on someone else's floor, and that's very odd considering the events which take place on the global stage, because these people above all others should know this, after all they surround themselves with armed guards, police, and state security, but somehow these artifacts of protection give them the delusional notion that they are untouchable despite the every now and again checkmate moves that do happen on the global stage such as the recent Saudi Arabian coup d'état.

                    The problem with all this, aside from being enslaved of course, is that who is it that gets a rifle and bayonet shoved in to their hands when their incompetency brings on the inevitable? That's right, it's you, me, and your kid brother and sister; that's who and where do these snooks go? Oh yea, they run off somewhere's and make more money on our suffering. Remember here now that while these A-holes work to convince precious snowflakes of the evil of firearms, they at the same time are working to start a global war with China and Russia, and ya know unlike Japan those two nations will invade if these same nut jobs succeed. Not that I think we should bother fighting either one, after all by that time we would probably be better off with either one as our new rulers considering what the alternative under billionaires will lead to.

                    This is why we have no democracy in the US. Treason is what money can buy as evidenced by the edicts coming out of Salem Oregon, Olympia Washington, and of course that bastion of idiocy in Sacramento in the once beautiful state of California.

                    Rule by money.
                    Lobbying spending reaches $3.4 billion in 2018, highest in 8 years
                    Last edited by Gambeir; 01-28-2019, 12:30 AM.
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                    • Of course most of my views are the views of a bygone age, well maybe, but by no means without reason. More in line with the planned future is this excellent article which I highly recommend. This is an interview with Shoshana Zuboff. Shoshana Zuboff coined the term "Surveillance Capitalism" in 2015.

                      Welcome to the age of 'surveillance capitalism' where the goal is to 'automate us.' By John Naughton in The Guardian

                      Last edited by Gambeir; 01-28-2019, 02:03 AM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • Meanwhile in Switzerland

                        1,500 private jets converge on Davos so globalist elites can lecture peasants on how they should consume energy.

                        But...but...The Davos panel on disability was practically empty

                        The world's billionaires are growing $2.5 billion richer every day

                        As France nears civil war JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon proclaims he is a huge fan of French President Emmanuel Macron.

                        Saudi Arabia: We'll pump the 'last barrel' of oil

                        Bank of America CEO: Get ready for bank mergers in the US

                        Chinese regulator says Democracy is ‘not working very well’

                        Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's tax plan dissed at Davos; this bumbling fool, a New York Democrat, suggested earlier this month that a 70% tax on income over $10 million could fund a climate change plan she's pushing called the "Green New Deal.” Look for her to become a causality in the next election while she wonders why; was it something I said?

                        But...but...Plastic is the new nuclear waste

                        Jane Goodall, brought a toy stuffed chimpanzee to her discussion with CNN's Fareed Zakaria

                        Christ Sakes, what planet am I living on anyways? All this an more and just from CNN which is quite possibly the least trustworthy name in News in my opinion.
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 01-28-2019, 05:21 AM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • Removed because this thread is useless
                          Last edited by ilandtan; 06-23-2020, 08:25 PM.


                          • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                            Strategically: I want a free energy something, so I can build a pyramid on an island and hide like a rat so I can inherit the world with the other rats. Or give my children the ability to do that.

                            Tactically: Either bury the device in technology so people have it and don't know, or create education centers to build said device, in a grass roots manor.
                            What's wrong with this "picture"?



                            • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                              Meet 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg
                              "Some people say that the climate crisis is something that we will have created,
                              but that is not true, because if everyone is guilty then no one is to blame.
                              And someone is to blame," Thunberg said flatly. "Some people,
                              some companies, some decision-makers in particular,
                              have known exactly what priceless values they have been sacrificing
                              to continue making unimaginable amounts of money.
                              And I think many of you here today belong to that group of people."
                              Last edited by aljhoa; 01-29-2019, 06:59 AM. Reason: 869,802


                              • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post

                                Gambeir - The Unabomber was your roommate?(Giggle) I agree with a preparedness for the impending. Frank Herbert made it clear that you can't lose our predative tendency for survival, or the huns get ya. However I was speaking of evolution in this context: We are on a free-energy forum, and there is a high probability that people have solved certain topics but can't evolve to "give it away" because their survival instinct drives them to patent it, get rich, and live on a beach with some rockin' body with nice cones.

                                Strategically: I want a free energy something, so I can build a pyramid on an island and hide like a rat so I can inherit the world with the other rats. Or give my children the ability to do that.

                                Tactically: Either bury the device in technology so people have it and don't know, or create education centers to build said device, in a grass roots manor.
                                I understand what you're saying. Honestly I do. However, divert to the true history behind the theory of evolution because in that you may find that Frank Herbert may be more right than we care to imagine. Now, I only encountered the true history of Darwinism after listening to John Taylor Gatto's lectures. Darwin's theory of evolution is not accidental. It's really a fingerprint of the ruling powers that be. It's a carefully crafted idea but one which is only now being brought in to question in some circles.

                                The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Intro + Hour 1 of 5)

                                What we have mistaken for evolution may instead be hybrid breeding. Right now we have wolves and coyotes that have formed a sub species resulting from wolves being hunted to near extinction and the survivors looking to breed with the closest available relative. Applying hybridization instead of evolution may show us that evolution is not what we have been lead to believe.

                                The reason for bearing this in mind is that the whole notion of evolving and of evolution can be seen as a designed plot by the ruling elites, and that what evolves is really their story telling as part of their bid to maintain and consolidate power as well as a type of warfare. Ideas like evolution significantly changed how people came to see their world and to reduce peoples belief in God, and thus it is a kind of war on the power of the church. This whole business about evolution is significant in the grand scheme of global power change which is really what evolution is actually about.

                                The idea that we can evolve is probably misplaced and what that say's is that change comes from outside and not internally. Now in the context of time, the people who think this stuff up and who market it have a long history and track record. Societies such as the Fabian Society work on very long generational time lines to bring about changes in societies, and in the evolving story of evolution morphing in to hybridization, what we can now see is the story is evolving in to selling a new idea, one of change coming from outside, and specifically hybridization works well in the evolving story line about about a superior alien species interbreeding with humans. This story line has a lot to do with the idea of a natural right to rule, and here you may detect the ancient right of kings, so really we are being taken back to the dark ages in many ways.

                                See, unlike 99.8% of the people that have ever lived, the ruling powers are a closed society who pass on to their children the idea that they are entrusted with ruling, have a right to rule, and that without them guiding the human race the entire planet would sink back in to the muck. Darwin classified the human race in to some 53 different levels of advancement, and if you think the lowest of the low is dark skinned you'd be dead wrong, but I'm not going to tell who is the least evolved according to Darwin, for that you're going to have to invest time in listening to John Taylor Gatto: I don't want to wreck the movie as the saying goes.

                                OK, so now we have to ask if this rat holing is our true nature or if it's a quality that's exploitable? Surveillance Capitalism is about predicting our behavior. Knowing how we will react to events enables the control of our behavior. So maybe it's not that people actually want to rat hole what they have discovered so much as it is they don't want to have to try to deal with the tactics which are confrontational and offensive. Those tactics are really behavioral modifications being put out to change what we do.

                                For example, who is going to replicate the Alexey Device and then bring a video and their story here when the price for doing that is to be accused of fraud, belittled, insulted and attacked? Probably not too many people is my answer. Now is that merely accidental or is it because it's being directed? See, the powers that be began selling this idea of debunking with various TV shills, Youtube channels, and of course a small army of counter intel types who think they are doing God's work for Uncle Sam or something similar.

                                So the purpose of these dumbunkers is to actually do behavior modification across the entire spectrum having to do with anything not quote "officially approved." We got that right here. The only way to combat this is to have an informed and active moderation of the site which recognizes the damage it is doing. If allowed to continue unchecked it will kill the site entirely.

                                I think a lot of people want to do the right thing. I think most people are good people, but in all societies there are like 2% that are psychopaths/natural born killers/predators. Typically between 6% to 8% of any population is responsible for about 80% of the problems, so you have the opportunity where an unscrupulous 2% can then empower and use another less evolved portion of society to their own ends. aren't you the one who said all you need is love? Have faith, most people do want the right things, they just don' know how to get from A to B and the people on top sure as hell don't want them to know how to do it either. That's the point of this, they are out there working against reason, love, justice, liberty and freedom because if we had that then where would that leave them: What, as equals? God forbid that thought.
                                Last edited by Gambeir; 01-29-2019, 06:07 PM.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

