Originally posted by Danny B
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Thanks, I will attempt to take a peek. I've got to try to be more focused and this thread doesn't help me do that but it is annoyingly fun to mess with.
Anyways, it's just like I've said before, everything these ubber rich do is criminally designed. They knew what that crap would do and marketed it anyways with the whole intent to make it impossible to support normal crops. If we get to a point where food becomes an issue than trust me, you will need a firearm and bullets, but it's no big deal really. The powers that be like to paint a wild mad max world as the outcome. History refutes that. Daily life refutes that. The only reason you're safe most of the time in America is because a large portion of the population is walking around armed 24/7. You just don't realize that because they make people hide their guns with laws requiring a concealed weapon. Why do they do that, well it's a way too loot people of money for doing what is supposedly a civil right under the Bills of Rights, and also to create the illusion that it's they whom maintain law and order, which just isn't so. It' the armed citizens and good nature of most human beings that maintain law and order.
Why do they want to disarm you; because they want to kill you is why. I'm not kidding ~
What one person bent of murder can do when no else has a means to defend themselves is what these mass shooting prove. Since the shooters are clearly coming out of a psyop program, probably drawn from the already existing human resource pool of killers for hire (mercenary corporations) then obviously disarming yourself is suicide.
See this whole engineered disarm the population program is the same thing as the Round Up program. Think of the name Round Up. Cattle roundup? So without food and firearms where do you think you're gonna be; that's right, rounded up is where you're gonna be. Put in camps where you're going to be. The hell with that idea ~ Right?
We are doing gardening and while you can't feed yourself with that it helps and if food becomes the issue we will be totally focused on that aspect, whereupon I think the output will be quite a bit higher, so I think that just like owning a firearm is a safety measure, so too is doing gardening. It is another tool to have working on your side. If push comes to shove I think people will do whatever is required including gardening their scrawny starved legs off.
Anyone advancing any form of legislation to limit your legal right to be safe on your own person by carrying a weapon, or by any other means is a public enemy and a traitor. It is that simple and I myself would never convict anyone for defending the Bills of Rights and personal liberty.
So yes, I am with you although I have deep suspicions about this administration, not that the alternative would have been better by any means. Ultimately, we are going to be treated to some disaster of their making.
See here now, if they are messing with the Earth, and they are, then why would you think that they also aren't messing with the Sun? I saw what a black triangle/tetrahedron is capable of doing and if that came from Everett Washington, and it did, then we have better get our butts in gear. You're on a time line, a count down to a globally engineered disaster which will be geared to wipe out most of humanity. That's a stated goal of the Club of Rome. Has been for decades, and those are the upper scientific traitors and enemies of humanity that all agree there's too many of us on mother earth, but rather than reveal the Anti-gravity secret they have chosen to instead create a slave society with themselves and their financial and military backers as our new God's. That understanding is what drives me. I'm just surprised so few seem to get what long term plan is. God knows they have shown us the options they have, all produced by their pedophile run film factories of Hollywood; The Book of Eli, The Road, The Hunger Games, Star Ship Troopers, Cloud Atlas, Day After Tomorrow, and the list goes on with the potential means they have planed to use for population control and enslavement.
Movies are not just stories. They have always been a means to communicate to the aware potential outcomes. In the film "The Pelican Brief" distributed in 1993 there is a mob scene with protesting going on. Now these scenes are evidently important to take heed of. Evidently, as near as I can figure out the scenes which depict mobs of people, typically protesting, are future forecasting scenes and something to pay special attention to. So in the "Pelican Brief" the mob is holding signs. Guess what those signs have on them? Guns, guns, guns...and ...and...one in specific has the letters 9/11. Now I had never seen that film before but I caught this on HBO recently and when I saw those signs I about fell out of my chair. So see, they really do telegraph information through this film making cult.