Interesting indeed. I have seen this circuit a few places before.
I did this experiment some months ago.
Proven #1: You do get radiant energy. (everything in existance radiates)
Proven #2: Low voltage (I was actually able to charge my mobile phone on it)
Proven #3: In thailand I got ave 50hz; which made me suspisious.
Radiant energy is from all things in the universe, planets, stars, galaxies - and also including you, rocks, mobile towers and electrical grits.
By the way, power from earth is anywhere in the world available; plenty and for free! Do you have any idea how much electricity is 'pumped' into the ground worldwide?
I did this experiment some months ago.
Proven #1: You do get radiant energy. (everything in existance radiates)
Proven #2: Low voltage (I was actually able to charge my mobile phone on it)
Proven #3: In thailand I got ave 50hz; which made me suspisious.
Radiant energy is from all things in the universe, planets, stars, galaxies - and also including you, rocks, mobile towers and electrical grits.
By the way, power from earth is anywhere in the world available; plenty and for free! Do you have any idea how much electricity is 'pumped' into the ground worldwide?