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Apparatus for Utilization of Radiant Energy aka COP infinity circuit

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  • #46
    great work
    one thing to ad you can bump charge a battey with a scr,cap and neon. it in this video using a sec but i think it will work here?
    YouTube - sec on a old sofa


    • #47
      Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
      Normally a capacitor has a standing voltage of its own. They will always show potential on a meter. But after charged and discharged several times with a radiant generator, they show a higher standing voltage. The longer the cap is run through the process the higher the potential in the cap at standing will grow.
      mvanders in imhoteplab forum experience this too. And I think me too although at much lower scale (10V). I guess capacitor can become conditioned faster than battery. And if battery conditioned at the same level as this kind of capacitor it can become self charging too.

      Currently experiment on battery dumping. Using the same circuit as capacitor dumping, I replace the dumping capacitor with battery, and the battery with light bulb.


      • #48
        Here is panacea document of capacitor turn into electret:


        • #49
          Capacitors also become unconditioned quicker. I would say you could let it self charge and then discharge probably a dozen time or so before they start to wear out. Where as a battery can be conditioned to the point it can absorb radiant right out of the air. Try discharging capacitors charged with radiant through stainless or aluminum (Green spark) same room with a well conditioned battery. You'll see the battery voltage will creep up. You can also feel the effect on yourself. A penny taste in your mouth is a common thing. Tingling in your face or exposed skin.
          I have lit off some big green sparks before, they do funny things.

          It may prove beneficial to condition the receiving metal of the apparatus described above in the thread. This may polarize it to receive a more proportional charge in one direction from another. IE allow more negatives than positives to absorb.
          A magnetic field may do this as well. They very well may repel opposite charges. Most likely if both a positive and negatively charged particle strike the plate at the same time they will cancel each others charge to some extent.

          I don't know though just some thoughts



          • #50
            Hi Nenad,

            great topic ... just noticed it now!

            Keep up the great work

            @Matt, I enjoyed your self charging capacitor video

            Can you share the Radient circuit you used to condition those caps. Also what uf value and voltage rating are they?

            Thank you all for sharing



            • #51
              Can you share the Radiant circuit you used to condition those caps. Also what uf value and voltage rating are they?
              Heck Ya I can.

              The caps are 100v 1000uf

              The charger I have been using latley is new. It send radiant spikes to both poles of the battery. I haven't got it developed enough to time or give much detail on it. It was kind of an accident I found it.

              Both Pole Monopole

              One pole pulls in the magnet the other pushes it away like normal. I drive both sides of the coil so you have 2 wheels instead of one, but I am not sure that matters. My camera batt is dead, I'll get a picture up soon.

              I have also charged them with regular monopoles, but like I always do I run a wheel on both sides of the coil, instead of just one.

              If you need more detail PM me.

              Last edited by Matthew Jones; 07-08-2014, 02:51 AM.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post

                My camera batt is dead, I'll get a picture up soon.

                Thanks for the details Matt. Looking forward in seeing a picture or video of it. If you have posted a picture of it in another topic you can just post the link if that's easier.

                I find it impressive that a 100v rated 1000uf cap could recharge itself to 40% of its capacity on its own. I think this deserves a topic of its own. Please do direct me if one has been started.

                Thanks for sharing



                • #53
                  I concur

                  Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                  Thanks for the details Matt. Looking forward in seeing a picture or video of it. If you have posted a picture of it in another topic you can just post the link if that's easier.

                  I find it impressive that a 100v rated 1000uf cap could recharge itself to 40% of its capacity on its own. I think this deserves a topic of its own. Please do direct me if one has been started.

                  Thanks for sharing

                  I agree, this has great potential (pun intended) and deserves a concerted effort
                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • #54
                    I am putting a movie up now.

                    I find it impressive that a 100v rated 1000uf cap could recharge itself to 40%
                    Its actually 3 caps at those specs in series.



                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                      I am putting a movie up now.

                      Its actually 3 caps at those specs in series.

                      Okay Matt but maybe you should start a new topic once your video is ready so not to change this topic.

                      I think that three 100v rated 1000uf caps connected in series would be like a 333uf 300v cap

                      Thanks for taking the time to do this new video.



                      • #56
                        I moved it here.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                          Capacitors also become unconditioned quicker. I would say you could let it self charge and then discharge probably a dozen time or so before they start to wear out. Where as a battery can be conditioned to the point it can absorb radiant right out of the air.
                          I see, thanks fo rthe info. I guess capacitor electret property is the best way to test the performance of our circuit. Once we confirm that our device can make an electret, we just need to use it on battery.

                          Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                          I have lit off some big green sparks before, they do funny things.
                          I notice the green spark, but never notice the effect. I guess I have to start noticing.


                          • #58
                            This thread was going in another direction so I wanted to report my other observations on the subject of collecting radiant energy. I manage to make a one wire artificial illumination described in Tesla patent "System of Electric Lighting" no. 454,622 and collect radiant energy from it (I think better name for this type of energy is dielectric current). The circuit I used is uploaded here. Input of the circuit is signal from the sound card of my computer. Software that I used as a signal generator can be found here Soundcard Scope. The reason why I didn't use 555 or any other oscillator IC is that I wanted to monitor the frequency and I had amplifier circuit laying around that can do the job. As a source I used a laptop 60W,15 Volt battery charger. This is not the best source but it is only one that I had at a moment. The same thing goes for 2n3055 and 2n6254 transistors. One wire from the Ignition coil is connected to the 20 Wat neon lamp. As a plate I used aluminum foil, and taped it around the lamp. I have measured the amp draw and it was some where about 15-20mA when tuned properly (neon at full brightens). The circuit was limited at 22kHz what is the maximum output from the sound card. With 10% duty cycle at frequency of 21.1kHz I saw the best results. I was able to collect radiant energy from the lamp and use it to light a small neon bulb and charge the capacitor. The video is coming soon...
                            Just to note that I can play music on this lamp ) I will record that to ))
                            Attached Files


                            • #59
                              Radiant Energy

                              Originally posted by cody View Post

                              You may very well be correct
                              But it could not be a bad thing for people to make this simple device so we can prove, as tesla did, that this radiant energy exists. Although we may never get much power using this simple way, at least its a good and simple example that might help prove to the nonbelievers that radiant energy does exist. Showing people things that dont use batteries or any other power source might be a little more persuasive. Either way i find it to be interesting. But thanks for bringing that point up

                              We need to clarify our terms:
                              @ Cody
                              I believe boguslaw was referring not to the cosmic radiant energy, but to the radiant energy coming off of Teslas high voltage towers ( although there may be a use for cosmic energy on high rise building roof tops!)

                              Im pretty sure that if the power company set things up like this, that it would be very hard to impose a metering device and collect money, because anyone within a specific distance could set up an antenna and get free power!

                              no wonder Edison disliked Tesla!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by nenadilic84 View Post
                                This thread was going in another direction so I wanted to report my other observations on the subject of collecting radiant energy. I manage to make a one wire artificial illumination described in Tesla patent "System of Electric Lighting" no. 454,622 and collect radiant energy from it (I think better name for this type of energy is dielectric current). The circuit I used is uploaded here. Input of the circuit is signal from the sound card of my computer. Software that I used as a signal generator can be found here Soundcard Scope. The reason why I didn't use 555 or any other oscillator IC is that I wanted to monitor the frequency and I had amplifier circuit laying around that can do the job. As a source I used a laptop 60W,15 Volt battery charger. This is not the best source but it is only one that I had at a moment. The same thing goes for 2n3055 and 2n6254 transistors. One wire from the Ignition coil is connected to the 20 Wat neon lamp. As a plate I used aluminum foil, and taped it around the lamp. I have measured the amp draw and it was some where about 15-20mA when tuned properly (neon at full brightens). The circuit was limited at 22kHz what is the maximum output from the sound card. With 10% duty cycle at frequency of 21.1kHz I saw the best results. I was able to collect radiant energy from the lamp and use it to light a small neon bulb and charge the capacitor. The video is coming soon...
                                Just to note that I can play music on this lamp ) I will record that to ))
                                Very interesting circuit and experiment Nenad

                                Looking forward to your video demo.

                                Thanks for sharing


