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Technical Information on Otis T. Carr's Circular-Foil Spacecraft

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  • Technical Information on Otis T. Carr's Circular-Foil Spacecraft


    The purpose of this topic in the forums is lay out what technical knowledge I have obtained of analyzing Otis T. Carr's work. I have read much of Carr's work, and it's helped me put together a clearer picture of how his devices operate. After analyzing many transcripts of radio interviews, listening to interviews of witnesses in the story of Otis Carr's work (Ralph Ring, Jim Murray, etc...), and reading many documents associated with this, I believe there is enough available information now to engineer PROPER working models of the OTC-X1 Circular-Foil Spacecraft. However, due to how scattered information of the OTC-X1 is, it has lead to many misconceptions and false trails surrounding it. I will attempt to clear all of those in this topic by setting people on a clear path and with a clear picture in mind.

    No pyramid-power utron stuff...
    No homopolar dynamo junk...
    No interjecting useless new components...
    No unneeded "improvements"...
    No Bedini motor and back e.m.f....
    No "Radiant Energy" or "Cold Electricity"...
    No worshipping wild and unproven "theories"...

    Just a simple battery-powered pulsed D.C. motor, with a few new components that add a little twist to things. This should be very SIMPLE, just as Otis Carr wanted it. Seriously, after researching for many hours on this subject, I've come to the conclusion that the "motor" used in the OTC-X1 is a variation of a D.C. pulse motor. There are several differences however, and I will get into the details in future posts. For now I want everyone to trash all the useless concepts, if the final goal is to engineer a proper working model of the OTC-X1, we need to DROP all the ideas that will interfere with this process. All I did to find this information is to READ and LISTEN to Otis Carr with his other associates, but look and listen CAREFULLY or you will miss things that many others have. All the information is there, at least what's left in the remnants. I'm surprised I never heard of anyone else coming to the same conclusions as I have, I sure hope it's not that I'm the only one who read and listened carefully to most of the work of Carr.

    Of course, everyone has their own little conclusions of things, perhaps there may be things I've missed or not considered before. But, do not be mislead by Otis Carr's own words. I've found his own theories to be traps that many people seem to fall into, then you're just a dog chasing your own tail. So, DO NOT go in with the preconception that all of Carr's ideas are correct, along with other preconceptions that have formulated over the years. We cannot put these ideas or people on a pedestal and expect us as "followers" to be correct in every way. Just read and listen to the material from Otis Carr, then start putting the pieces together as I have done over time, but do your research and think carefully.

    There is more to come soon, the next post will be a summarization of the main/noticeable components of the OTC-X1 Circular-Foil Spacecraft.

  • #2
    "Main" Component Summary

    The following post will cover my summarization of what I consider the "main" components of the OTC-X1 Circular-Foil Spacecraft. I have been making notes on this path for many weeks or even months, so I will borrow from those too. In future posts however, I want to cover components more individually so I can list important quotations of where these conclusions I am making come from. Also, I will address some of the "misconceptions" of the OTC-X1 in my opinion, in the individual overviews of components in the future.

    Name List:
    • Central Utron (1 in total, made of aluminum).
    • Generative Utrons (6 in total, made of aluminum).
    • Trunnions (12 in total, made of dielectric material).
    • U-Shaped Capacitor Plates (6 in total, made of aluminum).
    • Main Spar (1 in total, made of dielectric material).
    • Laminated Electromagnets (12 in total, each made of 3 lamination sheets of ferromagnetic material and copper coil winding).
    • Circuit Breakers (at least 12 in total).
    • Main Spar Commutators (2 in total).
    • Outer Hull (1 in total, made of aluminum and makes the "circular-foil" part of the model).
    • Remote-Control Circuit (1 in total).
    • Equatorial Field Correlator (1 in total, made of dielectric material).
    • Top and Bottom Mid Ribs (24 in total, made of balsa wood or aluminum depending on model).
    • Landing Gear (1 in total, likely made of metal like aluminum).
    • Main Shaft Halves (2 in total, made of metallic-looking material).

    Purpose of Each Component:
    • (Central Utron): The central utron has a hollow spherical cavity which is filled with an electrolyte, and presumably specific materials to form battery cells. This allows the central utron to function as an electrochemical source of electricity. The hollow cavity may be in other shapes or dimensions, and is commonly constructed through two separate halves put together. The central utron is made of aluminum.
    • (Generative Utons):The generative utrons are meant to act as “accumulators” that are induced with and electromotive force from the pulsing electromagnets. The “accumulated” electromotive force is naturally pulsed into the central utron, which helps recharge the central utron. It’s hinted the utrons may be solid aluminum, or have a hollow cavity with a dielectric material. Also, it’s recommended that the utrons are wound with a coiled copper wire from apex to apex, this assists the electromotive force produced and in recharging the central utron.
    • (Trunnions): The trunnions act as an electrical path through the main spar, and to other components such as the u-shaped capacitor plates or the central utron. The trunnions are made of the same dielectric material as the main spar.
    • (U-Shaped Capacitor Plates): The u-shaped capacitor plates act to induce dielectric induction onto the outer hull. The u-shaped capacitor plates gradually accumulate over time from the pulsing generative utrons and the central utron’s electrochemical resources. Also, the u-shaped capacitor plates are made of aluminum.
    • (Main Spar): The main spar is a disc made from a dielectric material that is the same as the trunnions, and the main spar acts as a holder for several components in rotation. The u-shaped capacitor plates, generative utrons, trunnions, and central utron are all attached to the main spar to rotate clockwise which is the opposite direction of the outer hull.
    • (Laminated Electromagnets): The laminated electromagnets are pulsed with direct current to induce rotary motion of the outer hull and main spar. The laminated electromagnets are attached to the structure forming the outer hull, and there seem to be only three laminations from the electromagnets present which indicates the electromagnets and circuit breakers operated in the audio frequency range.
    • (Circuit Breakers): The circuit breakers act as electrical switches that is indicated to switch as fast as the end of the audio frequency range. The circuit breakers act as controllers to pulse direct current coming from the central utron, and it’s said there is a circuit breaker to control each laminated electromagnet. Also, it’s indicated that each circuit breaker would be linked to a control system through the remote-control circuit.
    • (Main Spar Commutators): The main spar commutators are meant to act as commutators to connect the clockwise rotating central utron to the counterclockwise rotating laminated electromagnets. This connects the circuit of the main spar to the laminated electromagnets and circuit breakers.
    • (Outer Hull): The outer hull is made from aluminum and holds the laminated electromagnets, circuit breakers, or other components. The conductive aluminum is necessary for the u-shaped capacitor plates to induce a charge. Also, the outer hull rotates in a counterclockwise direction at the same rotational rate as the main spar.
    • (Remote-Control Circuit): The remote-control circuit is said by Otis Carr to come from a model plane shop. The remote-control circuit acts as a communication means to control OTC-X1 models wirelessly, and the circuit controls each of the circuit breakers switching speeds. Also, it’s said that the remote-controller circuit stops functioning properly when an OTC-X1 model has “lifted” off the ground, so a form of shielding is likely needed to protect the circuit.
    • (Equatorial Field Correlator): The equatorial field correlator is a ring made from presumably a dielectric material the same as the main spar and trunnions. Also, the equatorial field correlator helps form a connection for the top and bottom mid ribs.
    • (Top and Bottom Mid Ribs): The top and bottom mid ribs connect up other circular ribs and form the outer hull. This allows the OTC-X1 to be structurally stable when suspended under the high rotation speeds needed in operation. The top and bottom mid ribs in OTC-X1 models can be made of wood or aluminum, balsa wood would probably be the best wood choice.
    • (Landing Gear): The landing gear is composed of an armature that is connected to the bottom of the main shaft. The armature of the landing gear has three “legs” the stick outward from each other angled at 120 degrees from the center of the armature. There are three metal hemispheres on the landing gear and each one is positioned at the end of each “leg”. Also, there’s an “alcove” that allows the landing gear to fit below the outer hull’s surface, which renders that landing gear stationary relative to the counter-rotating components along with the crew cabin.
    • (Crew Cabin): The crew cabin allows people to be inhabited inside the allocated area in larger OTC-X1 craft. The crew cabin appears to house the controls to an OTC-X1, this means the remote-control circuit would be located in that area possibly. Also, the top of the main shaft from the top of the central utron pokes through the center of the crew cabin and out the top of the OTC-X1 craft. Also, the crew cabin is stationary and does not rotate like other components, just like the landing gear it has an “alcove” at the top center of the outer hull.
    • (Main Shaft): The main shaft is composed in two parts that act as spindles in the top and bottom halves of an OTC-X1 craft. The top part of the main shaft connects into the top of the central utron, and continues through the crew cabin out the top of the OTC-X1. The bottom part of the main shaft connects to the bottom of the central utron and connects up to the landing gear, however it shouldn’t interfere with the stationary aspect of the landing gear. Also, the main shaft parts seem to hold parts of the main spar commutators.

    Again, the specifics and details will be gone over on later posts, along with some of the references I used. Feel free to contemplate and do your own research.
    Last edited by Doofus Nugget; 11-02-2020, 11:56 PM.


    • #3
      Perhaps this thread is time specific. Meaning that for this period of time, for humankind, there will be a new understanding of the true nature Universe. It is happening now. I am hopeful that your future posts may stretch our understanding as well as your own; I'm hopeful for another torch bearer, as it were, and to carry forwards an unraveling of the old order of corrupted weaponized science which was unleashed upon an unsuspecting public under the guise of becoming knowledgeable.

      Apparently the OTC-X1 was a working machine. It also apparently came with some unique attributes for it's passengers. All of which seem to line up well with what I think might come about from such a machine. For me it's what the stories I heard Ralph Ring tell about the machine which ring true with this being at one time a working machine.

      When it comes to understanding how these machine work it is the work of Ken Wheeler that has it right in ways that no one else has ever had it right; except perhaps a few unrecognized minds.

      Wheeler has said that there can be only two types of anti-gravity machines, a repulsine, or a false mass drive. There may be some form of hybrids but essentially only two forms can exist.

      What I will say is something I've said previously and will repeat here with the idea of being something to consider and not to be combative: It isn't helpful to try to understand these devices by relying on either the corrupted physics of our time, and which pretends to be knowledge forwarded through the weaponized education system, nor is it helpful to employ our backwards understanding of what we think powers electrical appliances.

      To piece together the machine is not the same as understanding the machine. It is an error to dismiss shape and form as inconsistent with natures' production of energy. The ultron form is specific and has a purpose which cannot be ignored. The experiments of Joe Parr are proof positive of that, and is so all is not junk and purposeless, and the form is a reflection of Tesla's works. The Ultrons form is assured to be an enabling aspect to why the machine works at all. In short, to be critical without trying to be combative, and speaking from experience here, what you think now will change if truth is your objective.

      Again, I am looking forward to the future and the idea here in my reply is to simply say caution. You're going too far in tossing the baby out with the bath water. We are only now understanding where energy comes from and I would say that to understand that requires an understanding Ken Wheelers dielectric theory of magnetism.

      What I hope is that as your posts move forwards the components of the machine can be related to how they interact with the energy field of the Universe. If we can do that then your contribution towards the liberation of humanity will be considerably increased.
      Last edited by Gambeir; 11-03-2020, 03:50 PM.
      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
        Perhaps this thread is time specific. Meaning that for this period of time, for humankind, there will be a new understanding of the true nature Universe. It is happening now. I am hopeful that your future posts may stretch our understanding as well as your own; I'm hopeful for another torch bearer, as it were, and to carry forwards an unraveling of the old order of corrupted weaponized science which was unleashed upon an unsuspecting public under the guise of becoming knowledgeable.

        Apparently the OTC-X1 was a working machine. It also apparently came with some unique attributes for it's passengers. All of which seem to line up well with what I think might come about from such a machine. For me it's what the stories I heard Ralph Ring tell about the machine which ring true with this being at one time a working machine.

        When it comes to understanding how these machine work it is the work of Ken Wheeler that has it right in ways that no one else has ever had it right; except perhaps a few unrecognized minds.

        Wheeler has said that there can be only two types of anti-gravity machines, a repulsine, or a false mass drive. There may be some form of hybrids but essentially only two forms can exist.

        What I will say is something I've said previously and will repeat here with the idea of being something to consider and not to be combative: It isn't helpful to try to understand these devices by relying on either the corrupted physics of our time, and which pretends to be knowledge forwarded through the weaponized education system, nor is it helpful to employ our backwards understanding of what we think powers electrical appliances.

        To piece together the machine is not the same as understanding the machine. It is an error to dismiss shape and form as inconsistent with natures' production of energy. The ultron form is specific and has a purpose which cannot be ignored. The experiments of Joe Parr are proof positive of that, and is so all is not junk and purposeless, and the form is a reflection of Tesla's works. The Ultrons form is assured to be an enabling aspect to why the machine works at all. In short, to be critical without trying to be combative, and speaking from experience here, what you think now will change if truth is your objective.

        Again, I am looking forward to the future and the idea here in my reply is to simply say caution. You're going too far in tossing the baby out with the bath water. We are only now understanding where energy comes from and I would say that to understand that requires an understanding Ken Wheelers dielectric theory of magnetism.

        What I hope is that as your posts move forwards the components of the machine can be related to how they interact with the energy field of the Universe. If we can do that then your contribution towards the liberation of humanity will be considerably increased.
        Hi Gambeir, I understand where you come from in those aspects, but I'll try to communicate what I mean in this post and clarify a little more. What I've seen and researched I understand there is definitely stuff there with Joe Parr and "pyramid power", the pyramid power phenomena definitely is real, as well as other aspects you've brought up, I've considered several things similar to what you're saying. The problem I feel in my opinion, which has resulted in not much progress of Otis T. Carr's work, is the fact people focus too MUCH on specific concepts and don't get the big picture that much. Along with lack of research, which can really twist things into the wrong directions.

        Now, may there actually be increased "re-generative" effects with a pyramidal geometry, of course we can give an educated guess on this with known information. But, one of the main misconceptions I want to address about the Utrons (which I'm currently writing in separate word documents for future posts) is that, the regeneration action occurring, I feel, plays a much bigger role in HOW the circuit is arranged rather than the geometry of the Utrons themselves.

        The circuit of the OTC-X1 I feel is going to be closer to something like this:

        In this case what you have is a D.C. motor powered by a battery, then because a generator is on the same shaft as the motor, you can extract electrical power from generator, although it would be a little less power than input due to resistances. So, if you still have the battery connected to the motor, and attach the output of the generator to the input of the motor, because you already have an input power with the battery, it'll create a self-compounding effect until the apparatus destroys itself. I believe that the OTC-X1, from all the information I've taken in, operates in a similar manner, except you are using the MAGNETIC INDUCTION of the Electromagnets inducing an e.m.f. onto the orbiting Utrons. This e.m.f. returns to the Central Utron which recharges the battery, then travels up a commutator along with the electric power provided by the Central Utron into the Electromagnets to start this self-compounding process again, this process would be controlled by circuit breakers or electric switches (which ever term you prefer) in the circuit. Then this comes together with other components. This is also why OTC Enterprises emphasized and recommended that the smaller Utrons have coils wrapped around them, because this helps induce greater electric power through magnetic induction. I hope you see where I am going with this Gambeir.

        As for the theories and how the thing levitates or "flies", I don't think we can really say we know yet. I think it's best that an engineerable foundation is created, so people who know how to build stuff, have something more concise to follow or branch off of rather than information scattered in many places. That is what I want to do here in these posts, so people have a better foundation to go off of rather than going with ideas that may be partially unproven or unknown. I'm not a follower of Ken Wheeler's ideas, he seems to get lots of things from other people and arrange it into his own understandings of the world. That creativity is not necessary a bad thing in all cases, however I find he misrepresents some aspects of electricity or other topics in his videos. I stick with the people he got his ideas from, rather than himself because it can turn into a game of telephone quickly if you don't double-check or research. Ultimately my understanding of electricity comes directly from Eric P. Dollard, I've done what he's advised to go back and read all about these "electrical masters". It may be hard for some inducing me, but that's the way to learn, I'm still learning it to this day.

        But, I think if you want to get on how the OTC-X1 may POSSIBLY levitate, I think the J. J. Thomson concepts on the Aether is where things may be heading (this is my opinion, it has not be proven this is actually the case yet). He has whole concepts and mathematics (be careful on his math, it can get shoddy) on how inertia and momentum is stored mechanically due to the motion of the dielectric tubes of force themselves. Some of Thomson's books I'd recommend reading to get the concepts are:

        Electricity and Matter (1904), Better for the "Layman"
        Notes on Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism (1892)

        Another person with his own take on those concepts is William Lyne. Some of the books where he talks on these concepts are:

        Pentagon Aliens (1999)
        Occult Ether Physics (1998)
        Occult Science Dictatorship (2002)

        Some of the books you could find off of Remember do your own research and double check the concepts, William Lyne has misinterpreted some things and it can be hard to tell where gets his statements from unless you read the sources he's seen. On a side note I feel gravity may be more connected to a Le Sage mechanical concept (Tesla's ultrafine gas particles or primary solar rays) or even Wilhelm Reich's concepts. But, all this is still largely unknown, we are not at a finality, there's plenty more to experiment with and discover, so I may very well be wrong.

        Anyway, I hope I've given you satisfying answer Gambeir to clarify things. Again these things are something still needed to be investigated by the experimenter and engineer, theories or ideas don't mean that much unless it has a practical or consistent use. I put those things in the introduction so people don't fall off course or get distracted with other things that may be unrelated. Along, with the fact I have many more information to go over, it may take a while to explain all the information in multiple posts (weeks or months). More is to come soon...

        P.S. I'm definitely open to integrating more philosophical concepts, in similar ways you've implied. But, for now I want the information I'm putting out currently to target the people who can build things. If I start incorporating philosophical ideas and assertions about the universe right now, it may put people to focus on concepts that aren't necessary to the current goal, to form a foundation to which the engineer can build something functional and substantial. A different forum to convey philosophies may be currently better suited in a different forum, at least right now.
        Last edited by Doofus Nugget; 11-04-2020, 04:48 AM.


        • #5
          Part 1, Central Utron

          Some of the main talk and confusion with the OTC-X1 seems to surround several components, which include: the Central Utron, the Generative Utrons, and the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates. Hopefully by the end of this post much some of that baggage will start being cleared off. Just as Oliver Heaviside cleared the baggage off of Maxwell’s work for the engineer to grasp things in simple algebraic situations, I would like these posts to serve the same analogous purpose as Heaviside’s own work. Anyway, let’s begin with an analysis of the components.

          Let’s start with the Central Utron. From what I’ve deduced the Central Utron is the electrochemical source which powers the OTC-X1. This is done through an electrolytic component and presumably the cells of batteries which fill a central cavity present in this Central Utron. Below are some quotes from Otis T. Carr and OTC Enterprises on this component, so keep in mind the following:

          “Let us say by analogy, that the Utron electrical accumulator in the center is the Sun of this system. Within its physical material walls of curvilinear dissimilars there pulsates an electrochemical heart of a billion-billion atomic and subatomic hatcheries that are its inertial energy potential.” (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, Page 1, 1958).

          “The Utron may be uni-cellular or multi-cellular. The central cavity of the Utron may be altered from the spherical to other desired shapes. The central cavity of the Utron may be chemically and/or physically activated by any of thousands fluid or solid compounds from plain water and weak acids to metallic elements and rare earths either inorganic or organic composition.” (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, Page 6, 1958).

          “The Utron may be activated productively in many ways as a voltaic cell, as a battery…” (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, page 6, 1958).

          “Mel Shironey: Well… then… is this one of the components… of the drive… this is the battery?
          Otis T. Carr: This is the central power core.
          Mel Shironey: This generates electricity?
          Otis T. Carr: This is right. This is… this is a storage cell for electrical energy. In operation… it… generates electricity at the same time it puts out electromotive force. This is the central power system… for our spacecraft.” (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

          “We will a… use a… this statement that we used… an electrified center. It’s a central power core. Now this is what we call… an accumulator. In a vernacular sense… it is a battery. It is a storage cell… an accumulation of storage cells… which provide… electromotive force in the same manner… that any known battery… produces an electromotive force.” (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

          Have you read them all? I hope these quotes give a clearer picture to the purpose of the Central Utron. Now, the Central Utron would need to contain rechargeable battery cells, charging non-rechargeable batteries will result in explosions, the last thing we want to happen to the power supply of a spacecraft. There may be the possibility that you could use batteries outside the Central Utron, and the Central Utron could be filled with a dielectric and act as a capacitor instead. However, it would probably be best to be consistent with the design, so not to introduce complications.

          There is talk of not only the Central Utron, but the Generative Utrons acting as “resonant cavities”. Although, it seems this is more geared toward an idea of the Generative Utrons “accumulate” in that manner, which will be addressed in part 2. This idea seems to be traced back to the video below.

          Ralph Ring (the guy on the far left) states at some point in the interview that the Utron acts like a “resonant cavity”, and several other things to explain his simplistic view of reality. Note: although Ralph Ring is an important part in piecing the Otis T. Carr story, he was not an "active builder" of OTC-X1 models as in other OTC Enterprises employees, Ralph worked as a general helper more and often grabbed food for everyone. I admire his way of thinking, and some of the concepts he talks of do play a role in this. As in operating/controlling an OTC-X1 spacecraft with consciousness and intention, for a lack of a better term. There is a connection with that in some of Otis T. Carr’s work, however it must be set aside for now to be returned to very soon, so that we may get to the end of the rainbow (our goal). Right now, I’m concerned with the mechanical aspects of engineering the OTC-X1, but if this works, the other concepts may come into play in the future.

          From what we see, I feel it’s more consistent and simpler to go with the fact the Central Utron is indeed a rechargeable battery. Otis T. Carr and OTC Enterprises have stated this multiple times, so I feel it’s safe to engineer it in such a way.

          I’ve really found no indication the OTC-X1 operates on A.C., so this “resonant cavity” idea may not be practical in actual engineering. There is an idea purported around the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates and the Generative Utrons can resonate, however it doesn’t seem necessary from the information present. Although it appears that it could’ve worked, Walter Baumgartner has reportedly built functioning models according to Ralph Ring in the 1980s. Baumgartner indicates this in some notes that were rediscovered about 30 years earlier by Walter M. Nowosad Jr., while searching in boxes that Ralph Ring had given him to look for information in. Overall, trying to get resonant conditions along with a concept that hasn’t been shown in operation (resonant cavity Central Utron), may just contribute unnecessary complication into the design.

          There is also talk of using high voltage in the OTC-X1, which was probably assumed by many due to the seemingly high voltage nature of “electro-gravity” (Thomas Townsend Brown, Eugene Podkletnov, John Roy Robert Searl, Ning Li, and others). Though, voltages that high have only be described as being in larger OTC-X1 craft, the Central Utron of a 45-foot/15-meter craft would output only 12,000 volts. Perhaps we could use “higher voltages” in smaller OTC-X1 models, however components and circuitry would need to be adjusted accordingly to deal with this. And concerning the nature of operation is heavily similar to a D.C. pulse motor, back e.m.f. spikes would be another issue to consider with higher energizing voltages (whether such voltages could even be compacted into smaller Central Utrons).

          “In the plan of our… 45 foot craft… we plan to have a 12,000 volt battery. Which will extend an electromotive force of 12,000 volts to energize the electromagnets and capacitor plates and the regenerative coils in turn will… put back into the battery… in this system the same amount of volts as going out.” (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

          To summarize, the Central Utron would be best considered the main electrochemical source for most if not all components on board an OTC-X1 Circular-Foil Spacecraft. The “body” of the Central Utron would be aluminum since it isn’t terribly expensive and its conductivity allows other important components to connect themselves (along with aluminum’s use being commonly used for construction back in the 1950s and 1960s, where aluminum was ordered in bulk). The battery cells should be rechargeable and preferably some measure should be taken to prevent the electrolytes corroding the aluminum of the Central Utron. Perhaps lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery cells may be of use, due to high energy densities, and the polymer electrolyte of lithium-polymer batteries wouldn’t corrode aluminum. So, different battery cells would be something to test.

          The next post (part 2) will cover the Generative Utrons in detail.

          Some References to Look at:

          Ralph Ring Interview:
          Long John Nebel Interview Transcripts:
          Information Relating to the OTC-X1 by Walter Nowosad:
          Otis T. Carr Facebook (Many Pictures and Videos):
          Last edited by Doofus Nugget; 11-04-2020, 07:36 PM.


          • #6
            Part 2, Generative Utrons

            This post will detail the what I refer to as the Generative Utrons, there's six in total. Here's some visual examples to start seeing how each component fits together.

            OTC-X1 Toy Plans Side View.PNG
            X-Ray View Of Cutaway Section.PNG
            You may already see some of the familiar components in the above pictures. The smaller Utrons mounted on the visible disc which is attached around the periphery of the Central Utron (this disc is also referred to as the "Main Spar"). You may see these Generative Utrons are mounted on what looks like "holders", these are referred to as the Trunnions, there are two Trunnions each to hold one Generative Utron in place. Just like the Central Utron, the Generative Utrons were commonly made out of aluminum, however they may be made of different materials according to OTC Enterprises and Otis T. Carr.

            "The Utron itself may be comprised of any of thousands of substances or combinations of substances, some components or entities being either dia - or para-magnetic in character. The Utron can be put into effective function in basic form, in any of the compound forms categorized, or in further combination with coil windings, printed circuits, inherent electronic components or circuitry, and/or many other physio-chemical components too numerous to delineate." (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, Page 6, 1958).

            Again, aluminum would be one of the better materials to use, since manufacturing materials of such a shape may turn out expensive. Now, with 3D-printable aluminum being a reality through specialized 3D-printers, that may be something else to consider when components are manufactured. You may also see in the above quote it mentions the Utron can be coil-wound, below are some quotes that are important to consider in this context and future contexts.

            "One such characteristic which is basic in novel concept, and important as new and profound translation of natural physical phenomena, is one manner in which the Utron may be coil-wound to act as an armature in an activated magnetic field; The winding is begun at the Utron's conical apex, spiraled to and across its equator, and terminated at the opposite apex." (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, Page 6, 1958).

            "These round-and-square Utron electrical accumulators, which are employed as generators (coil wound in continuous expanding and contracting concentric spiral in real use) travel their loops in the magnetic fields to press electromotive forces toward the center Utron. For your model, make them the same as you make the large Utron except remember not truncate the apexes. (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, Page 9, 1958).

            "We have the electrochemical system... then to provide us with all the energy that we need. And have a recharging system... in a manner of a regenerative coil... that a... recharge this battery... in the same manner... in which... your storage battery in your automobile is recharged now by a generator." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

            "Otis T. Carr: Well... what we have here... is the central... section of the cones... that is our Utron Electrical Accumulator... that is the power system. This system activates these electro-magnets... and in turn... activates...
            Ben Isquith: Does this system... the thing inside... activates the electromagnets on the outside?
            Otis T. Carr: That is true... yes. Now we do this by... contracting... this lead wires from the positive and negative poles of this battery to the a... electromagnets. And then we have circuit breakers... from these electromagnets... and we have counter-rotation. This... electromagnet... a... electromagnets... will rotate in this instance... a counter clockwise... while... the internal... area is... rotating clockwise.
            Ben Isquith: Well... are these coils of wire... on the model itself... are... are they magnetized also?
            Otis T. Carr: The... the coils of wire... (?)...
            Ben Isquith: From inside the ring.
            Otis T. Carr: Well now these... inside the ring... these coils are regenerative coils... they are... electromotive force coil. And they... assist in regenerating the battery. Because they are loops of wire conducted... a... brought through... a magnetic field... which sets up an electromotive force. These others are capacitor plates... and these are also activated... by the central power core. But... these capacitor plates... which can accept... very high charge... through mutual conductance... also a... through... the process of ionization... utilize atmospheric electricity." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

            If you didn't read all the quotes above, you really should! Some of the most valuable information in how the craft recharges itself is in the above quotes, they are no longer hiding they're out in the open now. One of the main aspects you may hopefully realize now, is that the Generative Utrons depended heavily upon the circuit arrangement for "regeneration" to occur, its regenerative action is not a sole product of the geometry of the Utrons, but of the circuit arrangement itself! This rediscovery, sitting around in an available radio interview which many people could listen or read transcripts of, which has awaited for its return to dominance for 62 years, I feel will soon collapse much of the mystery surrounding the OTC-X1 circuit, forever.

            Now let's go over an example of the above quotation of how the Generative Utrons work into the circuit. Firstly, we have a few components to bring up, these are: the Circuit Breakers (another name for an electrical relay), the Main Spar Commutators (the "lead wire" which Otis Carr mentions, and is a part of this commutation component), and the Laminated Electromagnets. A raw example of how the circuitry is arranged may go as follows.

            1. When the circuit is closed through a switch: the Central Utron utilizes its electrochemical resources to multiple components mounted on the Main Spar.
            2. Electric power from the Central Utron travels from the negative pole to the directly above to the Main Spar Commutator.
            3. The "flow of electricity" will pass the first Main Spar Commutator and travel through the Laminated Electromagnets, where the Laminated Electromagnets may likely be connected in parallel, and each parallel-connected Laminated Electromagnet having a Circuit Breaker connected in series (this makes at least 12 Circuit Breakers and 12 Laminated Electromagnets).
            4. Due to the rapid switching of the Circuit Breakers, the magnetic fields are constantly oscillating, this allows the Generative Utrons to be induced with an electromotive force.
            5. The e.m.f. induced into the coil-wounded Generative Utrons, directs itself through the Trunnions, and through the Main Spar while some of the current returns to the Central Utron.
            6. The original current flowing through the electromagnets, makes itself back through toward the positive pole of the Central Utron, by the way of the second Main Spar Commutator, this completes the cycle.
            7. Due to the extra present e.m.f. which was induced by the Laminated Electromagnets, combined with the steady flow of current out of the Central Utron, what we have here is an opportunity for a "self-compounding situation". This means the e.m.f. from the Generative Utrons is added upon the already present Central Utron electric power source, these two sources flow in one stream as in steps 1-6, except that the properties of this electric current are magnified due to the two sources combining.
            8. This self-compounding effect may be controlled through the Circuit Breakers present or the addition of new ones, however the speed and strength of the motor will keep on building until self-destruction, this is why we use the Circuit Breakers to control this.

            A great analogy for this process is similar in this video:
            In the video the person uses a D.C. motor and generator with a battery, but the overall concept is the same.

            Again, this is the raw form and idea of it, but there is definite/strong evidence in support of it, even by the man himself, Otis T. Carr. Of course, there should be experimentation done on such methods and slight variations of the above circuitry idea. Now considering the other stuff surrounding these Utrons, I don't think there's any resonance necessary with these Generative Utrons and the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates. Otis Carr himself states the purpose of the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates in one of the interviews (I will list this quote in the next post when I cover the capacitor plates), nothing is ever even said about resonance in any radio interview or material from OTC Enterprises. A lot of the "resonance" ideas seem to originate from Ralph Ring, or other sources after Otis Carr was "shut down". As for pyramid power correlations (Joe Parr, and others), there may possibly be effects with the present with the geometry of the Generative Utrons, but it's something that needs to be investigated experimentally to determine whether such an effect plays a role in a functional OTC-X1 model. For now, we are starting to put together a rough ideas of a circuit the engineer can use, which is a good start.

            So, put the pyramid power stuff on the shelf for now, take all the: Forbes homopolar dynamo ideas (the idea was an artifact from ideas being tossed around by "2012-era" attempts to build OTC-X1 models, there is no direct indication of this homopolar action occurring and there's no sliding contacts from pictures/OTC Enterprises/Otis T. Carr), Bedini motor ideas (the regenerative action IS OCCURING in the coil-wound Generative Utrons, not the Laminated Electromagnets), and the "It came from Tesla!" ideas (Otis Carr's relationship with Nikola Tesla occurred between 1925-1928 where Carr was in an apprentice-master situation, however Otis Carr has always referred to the principles leading to the OTC-X1 as HIS own discovery, not something Tesla directly because Tesla only inspired him to pursue the path of spaceflight). Take all the outdated concepts and put them to rest, we no longer need them, we have evolved from those false trails by now.

            To summarize the Generative Utron, its purpose is to act as a coil-wound structure to "capture" the magnetic pulses from the Laminated Electromagnets, which allows for the recharging and self-compounding processes to manifest themselves. The Generative Utron may be made from diamagnetic or paramagnetic elements, however aluminum would be cheap and simpler than other elements to use. Also, there's no spindle going through the Generative Utrons, there are only thin aluminum extensions from the apexes of the Generative Utrons, these fit into the Trunnions. There is talk of whether the Generative Utrons are solid or hollowed out in some way, in my opinion hollowing it out may affect how the effective the coils wound around are, so it may be best to stick with solid aluminum for now. One last note, for sake of accuracy don't truncate the Generative Utrons, and there may possibly be "pyramid power" effects so we shouldn't truncate them in case of those unknown factors too (the truncation thing is mentioned in the quotations I've put earlier in the post). The Central Utron is truncated however, remember: truncated = trapezoidal (Central Utron), and non-truncated = pointy (Generative Utrons).

            That's it for the Generative Utrons, the next post will cover the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates.

            Additional References to Look at:

            Ralph Ring's Website (Some Documents and Toy Kit Plans):
            Ralph Ring's Website (General Otis T. Carr Info):
            Long John Nebel Radio Transcripts (Ignore the Tesla Venusian stuff and other unnecessary things, focus on reading the transcripts, they have very valuable information):
            Last edited by Doofus Nugget; 11-04-2020, 07:35 PM.


            • #7

              Please continue.
              Last edited by Gambeir; 11-05-2020, 10:34 AM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                Please continue.
                I'm still doing this, I've just been taking a break from writing these because they take a while (a few hours sometimes), and reach the word limit very fast. Hopefully, I'll have time today to post information on the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates (it should be a shorter post hopefully). You know, I need to get all the quotations and reread the information to put it in a nice little package. But the information is all there in what is said, if you go and read these references very carefully, you strangely find things that no one else talks of. That's one thing I just wish people interested in this topic spend time doing, good solid research.


                • #9
                  Part 3, U-Shaped Capacitor Plates and Other Clarifications

                  Now I'm going to cover another component with many assumptions and unnecessary mysticism, the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates. Now there may be no more of the mysticism since the below quotation will show a specific quote from Otis T. Carr, that describes the functioning purpose of the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates.

                  "Right... now... what we have added here are... mutually conducting capacitor plates. Which to our knowledge have not been used in this sense before by anybody. These plates which become charged in this field and release their charge... release it... into... the entire outer shell of our craft. Thereby... setting up this force field... which makes it possible for us... travelling in our own vacuum." (Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview).

                  Here we may see now that the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates, gradually build their "charge" through the motoring process, and induce dielectric induction onto the Outer Hull (the Outer Hull would be aluminum, along with the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates). These plates would be mounted to the Main Spar (dielectric disc), below are some pictures to get an idea of how this is played out.

                  OTC-X1 Toy Top and Bottom Halves.PNG
                  X-Ray View Of Cutaway Section.PNG
                  OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans Picture.PNG
                  I feel there isn't too much to be said about the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates currently. However, it should be noted that if the Generative Utrons or U-Shaped Capacitor Plates were even in a resonant condition, it may mess with the pulsing of the Laminated Electromagnets, since you would have an oscillating current (O.C.) with its interchanging polarity effecting the repulsion capabilities of the Laminated Electromagnets, and the generative action of the Generative Utrons may throw the timing of the OTC-X1's motoring system completely. Walter Baumgartner has done tests trying to resonate these components, although it is currently unknown whether Baumgartner's successful models still used that aspect. I would recommend not worrying about resonating the components electrically, since the system is built upon the Main Spar rotating clockwise, and the Outer Hull rotating counterclockwise. Any deviance to oppose Newton's Third Law of Motion, would burden the craft's capability to reach equal counter-rotation speeds.

                  "The consequent pressure energy of these uni-polarized space-forces gives an equal and opposite push against the two opposing assemblies (one being the hull, the other being the center disc) and causes them to rotate counter to each other with equal velocity." (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, 1958).

                  This gets equal and opposite push very easily gets into the Jim Murray mechanical advantage concepts, although the concepts aren't involved in the OTC-X1 to amplify rotation or torque (a former electronics technician of Otis T. Carr started working on an electric car to harness this equal and opposite torque created by a motor, Jim Murray is involved with this which is how Murray eventually met Otis Carr). Now before I summarize the overall U-Shaped Capacitor Plates, I'm going to clarify a few things in the previous post about the Generative Utrons I should've mentioned. First, another decision to make the Generative Utrons solid aluminum was also based on a quote from Ralph Ring directly. Below is the quote from a 2011 interview:

                  "Question: The Central Accumulator is a large hollow aluminum utron. The outer utrons mounted to the central rotating assembly are solid aluminum and don't spin?
                  Ralph Ring: Yeah true, they uh... the outer ones differ in... in... in the uh... sense that they were solid. That they were suspended on both tips like the diamond.. the double tetrahedron so that they could turn... if... if the natural flows of energy cause them to turn, so what or... we didn't care and it may... could... have been used to its advantage if we understood it, but it wasn't necessary. So we just had them suspended through... and they were going through the horseshoe magnets." (Ralph Ring Q&A Video Interview, 0:39:31-0:40:12, 2011).

                  Hopefully, this will put much speculation on whether the Generative Utrons had a hollow cavity or not to rest. Of course, you could experiment on such things.

                  Another thing I wanted to clarify were on the Circuit Breakers. Now I forgot this existed, so I apologize for not mentioning it, but rheostats probably play a role in controlling the quantity of current flowing in the OTC-X1 circuitry.

                  "Ellery Lanier: What kinds of control devices do you have in there... an instrument panel from which you a... regulate...
                  Otis T. Carr: Yes... now... this... the circuit breaker rheostat... a... a... regulators... and all of the standard electrical equipment. We have really unique control... panel... which has... for each electromagnet where the circuit is first made... and where the power system begins... we have one control for that. So that our control panel here consists... of... a circle... of twelve... of these controls. Now... bisecting this by... a horizontal and vertical line... we can go in any direction... by changing this field. As these magnets... magnets go through this field... by reducing them... we go in this direction." (Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview).

                  So, that's something to consider that there may be other components involved to control the current and according values, not just relays or switches.

                  Anyway, to summarize the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates, their purpose is to induce "charge" onto the Outer Hull. This forms a thermal protection barrier and may even contribute to the levitative action of the OTC-X1 itself. The U-Shaped Capacitor Plates are typically aluminum like most other components, and mounted onto the Main Spar (they could be attached by bolts perhaps, this was mentioned in "2012-era" replication attempts of the OTC-X1). The plates are also in a pie-like shape as indicated in pictures or videos.

                  More to come soon...

                  Ralph Ring Q&A Video Interview:
                  Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview Transcript:

                  Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview Audio:
                  Walter Baumgartner Notes:
                  OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans:
                  Dimensions of Mystery (a book by Otis T. Carr that encodes some information on the OTC-X1 Circular-Foil Spacecraft in the first part of the book):
                  Tesla's Hidden Discoveries Video (Jim Murray touches briefly on Otis T. Carr):
                  Last edited by Doofus Nugget; 11-06-2020, 02:43 AM.


                  • #10
                    Part 4, Laminated Electromagnets

                    The Laminated Electromagnets, what are commonly referred to as just electromagnets or "field coils" of an OTC-X1 model, are a key functioning part to the motoring process. Of course, a pulsed D.C. motor without electromagnets wouldn't seem quite right, so it's self explanatory as why they're a part of the system. Overall, there's not too much to be said that hasn't in previous posts about the Laminated Electromagnets, below are some quotations about the Laminated Electromagnets.

                    "Otis T. Carr: In the plan of our... 45 foot craft... we plan to have a 12,000 volt battery. Which will expend an electromotive force of 12,000 volts to energize the a... electromagnets and the capacitor plates and the regenerative coils in turn will... put back into the battery... in this system the same amount of volts as going out. Until there is a breakdown of electrochemicals... and then of course... a... a wear out the system. This could last as long as our average storage battery in an automobile.
                    David Bell: Then in order to start the rotor off originally it would be necessary to... a... cause... a flow of electricity through one set of the coils.
                    Otis T. Carr: That's True.
                    David Bell: Al right... is there any magnetic force in the other set of coils at this particular point?
                    Otis T. Carr: They... they are individually... a... operate by circuit breakers. And the first motion begins to start... a repetition the same as we have... in a motor that has a... a... well a... the opposite of a commutator... which is a... a accumulation contact points... where in each coil is energized as the current... a... flows through this coil. Then... this starts the motion... and then a repetition of this motion... brings the... whole motor into phase and in the same sense a... our a... accumulator and the magnets become... speeded up and the circuits are... made and broken... as they rotate." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

                    "Otis T. Carr: Well... what we have here... is the central... section of the cones... that is our Utron Electrical Accumulator... that is the power system. This system activates these electro-magnets... and in turn... activates...
                    Ben Isquith: Does this system... the thing inside... activates the electromagnets on the outside?
                    Otis T. Carr: That is true... yes. Now we do this by... contracting... this lead wires from the positive and negative poles of this battery to the a... electromagnets. And then we have circuit breakers... from these electromagnets... and we have counter-rotation. This... electromagnet... a... electromagnets... will rotate in this instance... a counter clockwise... while... the internal... area is... rotating clockwise.
                    Ben Isquith: Well... are these coils of wire... on the model itself... are... are they magnetized also?
                    Otis T. Carr: The... the coils of wire... (?)...
                    Ben Isquith: From inside the ring.
                    Otis T. Carr: Well now these... inside the ring... these coils are regenerative coils... they are... electromotive force coil. And they... assist in regenerating the battery. Because they are loops of wire conducted... a... brought through... a magnetic field... which sets up an electromotive force. These others are capacitor plates... and these are also activated... by the central power core. But... these capacitor plates... which can accept... very high charge... through mutual conductance... also a... through... the process of ionization... utilize atmospheric electricity." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

                    These Laminated Electromagnets are also shaped in a specific manner, as indicated by some previously posted pictures. Their shape is like a horseshoe magnet, and is constructed of multiple laminated sheets of likely a ferromagnetic material, which have holes probably for bolts to keep the sheets together. Below are some pictures that illustrate the appearance of the laminations in the cores of the electromagnets, along with the holes for bolts to fit in. I'll also throw in a few pictures showing how the components fit together with the Laminated Electromagnets.

                    OTC-X1 Inside.jpg

                    OTC_X1 Bottom Half.PNG

                    OTC-X1 Incomplete.PNG

                    If you look closely, you may be able to make out 3 distinct laminations in the electromagnet's cores of this OTC-X1 model. This number of laminations seems to imply the electrical flow was oscillating at lower frequencies (remember, not an oscillation of an alternating current, but a pulsed direct current), probably in the audio frequency range. It would be more practical to increase the amount of core laminations in construction of actual OTC-X1 models, since losses in the magnetic core's heating by the eddy currents would be reduced. There is no implication by Otis Carr's material at all that altering the amount of laminations is not intended, so it's an aspect that may be altered for beneficial means without a determent in operation of the OTC-X1.

                    Now, these Laminated Electromagnets would have a coil of copper wrapped around the horseshoe-like core, as in traditional electromagnets. There is no exact information on the Laminated Electromagnets available that can be applied directly to electrical engineering equations, in other words, optimal characteristics of the copper coils still need to be determined by experiments. Also, as mentioned in my other posts, the circuit of the Laminated Electromagnets are connected to the Central Utron through the Main Spar Commutators, then traditional circuit controlling components should be implemented to control the Laminated Electromagnets. Some of these components are known and have been mentioned, the Circuit Breakers (electrical relays supposedly, they would switch the circuit to each Laminated Electromagnet on and off to constantly vary the magnetic field, as in traditional motors to obtain motion), and rheostats (a type of variable resistor to limit the current flow in an electric circuit). Due to the obscurity of what components control the circuit of the OTC-X1, I believe some improvisation is justified in experimentation of an optimal circuit. As seen in pictures and quotations from Otis Carr, there are 12 Laminated Electromagnets attached to the ribs that hold the Outer Hull and the rest of the OTC-X1 together. These Laminated Electromagnets, are pulsed direct current and induce an electromotive force onto the Generative Utrons, which allows the recharging process to take place. This starts the self-compounding situation for the OTC-X1 models to get to high operating rotation speeds, now the rotation speed is however, strictly a function of how wide (diameter) the model is. I will get into the equation of determining OTC-X1 model diameter or rotation speeds in another post, for now, there are more quotations below I recommend reading for the use of the Laminated Electromagnets.

                    "Otis T. Carr: The shaft of the accumulator... goes through the cabin... and there is a bearing. Now just as this stays stationary when this is rotated... so will the cabin. Because there are two rotating forces. You have... the... counter... the clockwise rotation... of the accumulator... the capacitor plates and the regenerative coils. You have a counter clockwise rotation... of the entire circular area of the craft which hold... which is the... a... largest diameter part which... a... housed the electromagnets. Therefore when you have rotation in one direction and counter rotation in the other... the cabin itself is like a barracks. Like the... like the... center part. It's a... you might say it's an extenuation of the shaft." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

                    "The consequent pressure energy of these uni-polarized space-forces gives an equal and opposite push against the two opposing assemblies (one being the hull, the other being the center disc) and causes them to rotate counter to each other with equal velocity." (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, 1958).

                    It's important to note that the Laminated Electromagnets motoring process, should result in according equal-velocity and opposite direction-rotation. Some of the components rotating clockwise being: the Central Utron, the Generative Utrons, the Trunnions, the Main Spar, and the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates. Some of the components rotating counterclockwise being: the Laminated Electromagnets, the Outer Hull, the circuitry components (Circuit Breakers, Rheostats, etc...), and the structural frame components that hold the OTC-X1 together.

                    To summarize the Laminated Electromagnets, they are composed of a copper coil winding and laminated sheets with a core material, just like traditional electromagnets or motors. The Laminated Electromagnets should be controlled through appropriate components, and may result in the oscillation of the electrical flow needed to achieve rotation of the components (clockwise and counterclockwise respectively).

                    To be continued in Part 5.

                    Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview Video:
                    Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview Transcripts:
                    Part 1:
                    Part 2:
                    Otis T. Carr Facebook Page (many pictures found there):
                    Magnetic Core Wikipedia:
                    Resistors Wikipedia (contains a bit on variable resistors):
                    OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans:
                    The Life and Legend of Otis T. Carr Parts 1-3 (fantastic research done here on Otis Carr, probably one of the best summarizations of Otis Carr's history currently in existence, would recommend reading to get a grasp on the history, keep in mind the authors' perspectives and opinions on Otis Carr is not in agreement that Carr was legitimate, also keep in mind there are new conflicting details with accounts of Otis Carr's story that need to be worked out with the introduction of this material):
                    Part 1: https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blo...r-part_46.html
                    Part 2: https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blo...rr-part_5.html
                    Part 3: https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blo...carr-part.html
                    Last edited by Doofus Nugget; 11-09-2020, 06:07 AM.


                    • #11
                      Part 5, Main Spar, Trunnions, Main Spar Commutator

                      Let's start with the Main Spar then. The Main Spar is a disc seen mounting many obvious components of the OTC-X1. These components being: the Central Utron, the Generative Utrons, the Trunnions, and the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates. The Main Spar is made of a dielectric or insulating material which can contrast with the aluminum of the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates. It should be noted that the Central Utron does NOT sit on the Main Spar itself, meaning if the Central Utron is built from two halves, the halves DON'T sandwich together between the Main Spar. This almost unnoticeable error should be fixed, as it has been ingrained into many people that they should sandwich the Central Utron halves. Keep the below pictures in mind with what I've just said.

                      OTC-X1 Side View Close Up.PNG
                      OTC-X1 Toy Plans Side View.PNG

                      In all of these pictures, you the common trait that the Central Utron is not sandwiched between the Main Spar, but it's a whole component that fits into the Main Spar's dielectric itself. Another way of saying this is that the Main Spar "warps around" the periphery of the Central Utron. This doesn't necessarily mean that the Central Utrons need to be completely "pointed out" at its diameter that touches the Main Spar. Some below pictures seem to be an example of this.

                      OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans Picture.PNG

                      X-Ray View Of Cutaway Section.PNG

                      It can be seen with these pictures that the Central Utrons' periphery has been "shaven" to not stick out too much. It almost seems as if the Main Spar's dielectric material extends into the Central Utron itself, but I heavily doubt this. It's very well indicated by the other pictures that the Central Utron isn't sandwiched between the Main Spar, so do not get tricked by the pictures. Another thing noticeable is that some of the Main Spars have openings. In actual real pictures of OTC-X1 models however, this is never incorporated, and the openings are probably there in the illustration to highlight normally unseen details in my opinion. It's also something to note that the Central Utron doesn't appear to be limited in its diameter by the above pictures. An example of this is the below picture, which shows a prototype model, the larger Central Utron could be incorporated to increase the electrical power "stored" in the battery cells/electrolyte. Keep in mind the prototype model is a "mock-up", or a replica, so I may just be justifying such a larger Central Utron for no good reason.

                      OTC-X1 Prototype and Model Boat.jpg

                      Now, the I should mention that the Trunnions are the things on the Main Spar hold the Generative Utrons in place. There are two Trunnions to hold one Generative Utron in place, in total there's 12 Trunnions to hold the 6 Generative Utrons (they are held in place by "tips" sticking at each of pole of a Generative Utron, these tips slide into a circular holding as a part of the Trunnions). The Trunnions appear to be made of the same dielectric material as the Main Spar. When considering a dielectric for both, it should not be forgotten that the Trunnions and Main Spar serve as "conductive paths" toward specific components, whether it be to the Central Utron, or to the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates. Remember, the Trunnions bridge the gap for the "generated" e.m.f. to recharge the Central Utron. Also, the Trunnions should be able to fit between the horseshoe-shaped Laminated Electromagnets, if the Trunnions aren't angled correctly, it could mean the Trunnions colliding into the core of the Laminated Electromagnets. Another thing I should remind is that the components resting on the Main Spar, and the Main Spar itself rotate clockwise, while the Outer Hull and its components rotate counterclockwise.

                      Let's talk about what I call the Main Spar Commutators. These commutators are integral to the regenerating system, they connect the Central Utron to the circuit with the Laminated Electromagnets, which allows the Laminated Electromagnets to pulse the Gnerative Utrons, then the pulse of the Generative Utrons returns to the Central Utron, recharges the Central Utron, and the extra electric power travels through the Main Spar Commutators along with the Central Utron's battery power (this starts a positive feedback loop, if uncontrolled the motor could easily destroy itself). I have mentioned important quotations before, heavily implying there must be some kind of commutation system to connect the Main Spar and the Outer Hull's structure, I will list some of these again below.

                      "Otis T. Carr: Well... what we have here... is the central... section of the cones... that is our Utron Electrical Accumulator... that is the power system. This system activates these electro-magnets... and in turn... activates...
                      Ben Isquith: Does this system... the thing inside... activates the electromagnets on the outside?
                      Otis T. Carr: That is true... yes. Now we do this by... contracting... this lead wires from the positive and negative poles of this battery to the a... electromagnets. And then we have circuit breakers... from these electromagnets... and we have counter-rotation. This... electromagnet... a... electromagnets... will rotate in this instance... a counter clockwise... while... the internal... area is... rotating clockwise.
                      Ben Isquith: Well... are these coils of wire... on the model itself... are... are they magnetized also?
                      Otis T. Carr: The... the coils of wire... (?)...
                      Ben Isquith: From inside the ring.
                      Otis T. Carr: Well now these... inside the ring... these coils are regenerative coils... they are... electromotive force coil. And they... assist in regenerating the battery. Because they are loops of wire conducted... a... brought through... a magnetic field... which sets up an electromotive force. These others are capacitor plates... and these are also activated... by the central power core. But... these capacitor plates... which can accept... very high charge... through mutual conductance... also a... through... the process of ionization... utilize atmospheric electricity." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview)

                      "Otis T. Carr: In the plan of our... 45 foot craft... we plan to have a 12,000 volt battery. Which will expend an electromotive force of 12,000 volts to energize the a... electromagnets and the capacitor plates and the regenerative coils in turn will... put back into the battery... in this system the same amount of volts as going out. Until there is a breakdown of electrochemicals... and then of course... a... a wear out the system. This could last as long as our average storage battery in an automobile.
                      David Bell: Then in order to start the rotor off originally it would be necessary to... a... cause... a flow of electricity through one set of the coils.
                      Otis T. Carr: That's True.
                      David Bell: Al right... is there any magnetic force in the other set of coils at this particular point?
                      Otis T. Carr: They... they are individually... a... operate by circuit breakers. And the first motion begins to start... a repetition the same as we have... in a motor that has a... a... well a... the opposite of a commutator... which is a... a accumulation contact points... where in each coil is energized as the current... a... flows through this coil. Then... this starts the motion... and then a repetition of this motion... brings the... whole motor into phase and in the same sense a... our a... accumulator and the magnets become... speeded up and the circuits are... made and broken... as they rotate." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

                      The "lead wires" mentioned, are like brush contacts to the commutation system, and these "lead wires" are located at each pole of the Central Utron, this makes the two Main Spar Commutators. Since the motoring process operates off of pulsed direct current, then the Main Spar Commutators should be such that they automatically rectify alternating currents (or any electrical currents oscillating their flow direction). This means disruptions of the motoring system (if any) will appear less severe than pure current flow reversals.

                      To summarize the three components:

                      1. The Main Spar is made of a dielectric material, and mounts several components rotating clockwise. These components attached to the Main Spar are: the Central Utron (Main Spar wraps around its periphery), the Generative Utrons (held in place by the Trunnions), the Trunnions, and the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates. The Main Spar can act as a path for electric power to flow to other components on the Main Spar itself.
                      2. The Trunnions are designed to hold in place the Generative Utrons (12 Trunnions for 6 Generative Utrons), while the Trunnions are mounted to the Main Spar. The Trunnions should fit between the Laminated Electromagnets, to rotate without collision. These Trunnions holding each Generative Utron act as a path for the electricity to flow back to the Central Utron and other components on the Main Spar. Also, the Trunnions have should allow the Generative Utrons to spin on their axes freely.
                      3. The Main Spar Commutators allow electricity to flow from the poles of the Central Utron/Main Spar, to the Outer Hull circuitry. There are two Main Spar Commutators in total, each one is positioned at each of pole of the Central Utron. The Main Spar Commutators should be fitted to rectify electric currents that alternate in direction.

                      Otis T. Carr and Dimensions of Mystery Facebook:
                      The Saucers That Time Forgot Part 1: https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blo...r-part_46.html
                      Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview Transcript:
                      Part 1:
                      Part 2:
                      Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview Audio:
                      OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans:
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Part 6, Equatorial Field Correlator, Outer Hull

                        In this post I will cover the Equatorial Field Correlator and the Outer Hull. First, we'll start with the Equatorial Field Correlator. The Equatorial Field Correlator is torus shaped hoop (like a hula hoop shape) that wraps around the OTC-X1, and acts as an attachment point for the end of the Top and Bottom Mid Ribs (the Top and Bottom Mid Ribs hold the Laminated Electromagnets to its structure).

                        OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans Picture.PNG

                        Equatorial Field Correlator, Top Mid Rib, Bottom Mid Rib.PNG

                        "You can laugh if you want, but it seems more than coincidence that the Hula Hoop came into wide favor at the exact right time to help you complete your model OTC-X1. So happens that these styrene hoops very closely simulate the actual dialectric material that will serve on full-scale flight models as the equatorial field-correlator." (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, Page 9, 1958).

                        As seen in the above quote and pictures, the main properties of the Equatorial Field Correlator has been established. It's important to note that the Equatorial Field Correlator is made of a dielectric material.

                        Now, I'll cover the Outer Hull of the OTC-X1. The Outer Hull is the "circular-foil" part, of the OTC-X1 Circular-Foil Spacecraft. The Outer Hull is made of aluminum, which allows "charges" from the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates to be induced onto the Outer Hull itself. This "accumulation" on the Outer Hull also sets up a thermal barrier that is meant to act as a protective shield. The charge accumulation on the Outer Hull seems to play a role into the levitation itself of the OTC-X1.

                        "Otis T. Carr: On this craft... insofar as the individuals concerned... they can travel the same as on a... pressurized airliner or in a submarine. We have... we don't have the problem of a... G-suits that a... are brought about by high velocity. We don't have the problem of a... a... thermal barriers... which are spoken about... because the electromagnetic... a... system sets up... a protective shield in our craft which enables us... to overcome these barriers without any discomfort to the... a... occupants who are... a... passengers and operators of the craft. And we can a... very slowly... rise to the a... a... and we can... once we are outside this atmosphere... accelerate to tremendous velocity of a... well with perfection... in certain systems between planets... up to near the velocity of light itself." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

                        "David Bell: I just calculated... that the... speed of the circumference is... one thousand two hundred sixty three miles per hour. It gets kind of hot... doesn't it?
                        Otis T. Carr: No it won't. Because a... it has its own... protectional shield... which is... its electromagnetic activation." (
                        Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

                        "Translated into familiar terms, this scientific explanation means that the above described assembly of counter-rotating charged masses become weightless and will escape the immediate attractive gravitational forces." (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, Page 10, 1958).

                        "Right... now... what we have added here are... mutually conducting capacitor plates. Which to our knowledge have not been used in this sense before by anybody. These plates which become charged in this field and release their charge... release it... into... the entire outer shell of our craft. Thereby... setting up this force field... which makes it possible for us... travelling in our own vacuum." (Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview).

                        With these things considered, also remember that the Outer Hull rotates counterclockwise with a few other components. These components including the Top and Bottom Mid Ribs, the Laminated Electromagnets, the Outer Hull itself, and other circuitry. Consider the following pictures below to see how the aluminum Outer Hull fits onto the structure of the OTC-X1.

                        Evolution Of Rumor Into Fact.PNG

                        X-Ray View Of Cutaway Section.PNG


                        1. The Equatorial Field Correlator is a torus/hoop shape made of a dielectric material. The Top and Bottom Mid Ribs connect to the Equatorial Field Correlator, which forms the main "saucer shape" of the OTC-X1.
                        2. The Outer Hull is made of aluminum and wraps around the Top and Bottom Mid Ribs structure connected to the Equatorial Field Correlator. The Outer Hull also serves as a core component of the levitation system according to Otis T. Carr himself with his main principles. And, the process of dielectric induction allows "charge" to be induced from the U-Shaped Capacitor Plates to the Outer Hull, the resulting field creating is meant to act as a " electrical force field" for protection against heat or other cosmic dangers in outer space.

                        Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview Transcript:
                        Part 1:
                        Part 2:

                        Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview Audio:
                        Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview Transcript:
                        Part 1:
                        Part 2:
                        Part 3:

                        Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview Audio:
                        OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans:


                        • #13
                          [QUOTE=Doofus Nugget;n500963]Part 2, Generative Utrons

                          You don't have to respond to this Nugget. It's just my feedback. This is certainly interesting and thank you for the fantastic job you are doing.

                          Generative Utrons are mounted on what looks like "holders", these are referred to as the Trunnions, there are two Trunnions each to hold one Generative Utron in place. Just like the Central Utron, the Generative Utrons were commonly made out of aluminum, however they may be made of different materials according to OTC Enterprises and Otis T. Carr.

                          I'm sure you realize this Nugget but to clarify; all the trunnion refers to is a cylindrical protrusion which creates a pivoting or rotational point.The Utrons trunnion's fit in to ball bearings which are then held by bearing blocks, and these bearing blocks are machined to hold sealed ball bearings and those are what the bearing blocks actually grasp.

                          The bearings held by the bearing blocks are what the trunnions of the Utron would physically be machined to fit; to slide inside of, because you absolutely would have to have bearings, either oil bathed sleeved bearings like those used in 99.8% of todays cars. Not that that's a good thing or a superior design by any means, or needle bearings which are often used in industrial motors, which is a type of bearing that is vastly superior to a sleeved bearing, and would offer considerable long life along with structural integrity to a long shafted trunnion which is depicted on the Utrons.

                          The best bearing to use here would be a magnetic bearing, but the best practical bearing might be a high speed sealed ceramic bearing, and if capable of handling the speed it would be preferable to use needle bearings, but likely an inexpensive high speed sealed ball bearing is what you would end up using.

                          "The Utron itself may be comprised of any of thousands of substances or combinations of substances, some components or entities being either dia - or para-magnetic in character. The Utron can be put into effective function in basic form, in any of the compound forms categorized, or in further combination with coil windings, printed circuits, inherent electronic components or circuitry, and/or many other physio-chemical components too numerous to delineate." (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, Page 6, 1958).

                          I think this is essentially a true statement but the key here seems to me to be the reference to diamagnetic or paramagnetic materials. It is also a very interesting statement where it implies layering of materials, and or the use of components which are not in themselves either diamagnetic or paramagnetic, but rather may mimic the qualities of those materials.

                          Again, aluminum would be one of the better materials to use, since manufacturing materials of such a shape may turn out expensive. Now, with 3D-printable aluminum being a reality through specialized 3D-printers, that may be something else to consider when components are manufactured. You may also see in the above quote it mentions the Utron can be coil-wound, below are some quotes that are important to consider in this context and future contexts.

                          Where there's a will, there is a way; A primary concern is structural integrity since the forces involved with gyroscopic rotational velocities demand either absolutely balanced construction or a means to compensate for any imbalance. Ideally one would use a machined Utron but, simplicity and resources could allow for experimentation with a wide range of potentials. For example, a Utron cut from wood on a lathe, electroplated first with copper, and then with silver would be possible. A wooden Utron again cut on a wood lathe and wrapped with aluminum wire and sealed in an epoxy matrix of aluminum composite and then cleaned up on a lathe. A Utron formed by twin cones cut from aluminum sheet and whose points ride inside a coned needle bearing block or some other similar arrangement. Possibly a Utron cast in a composite matrix (epoxy) of carbonfiber and graphite in a mold and then cleaned up on a simple lathe. These or others may be feasible including sinstering Utrons using a home cast mold fired in an electric or gas kiln. Generally any could be made to work if being made to work was required for lack of resources. Electrplating is not to be overlooked as a binder for aiding structural integrity.

                          * It appears to me that the outer Utron's are, among other possible actions, creating a series of electrostatic fields which are then spinning (moving) & inside an electro~magnetic field, thereby resulting in a feedback loop by generating an electrical feed back to the central Utron, and as the whole rotates with the revolving outer Utrons, the effect is to create a dielectric field collector which is a de facto accretion disk.

                          The materials used to create these outer Utrons can be as stated and constructed from a wide range of materials. I would consider that aluminum is one, graphite may be another, and PZT ceramics a strong possibility. As the Utron's spin through the electro-magnetic field, then I would think that a PZT would be generating a superior electrostatic field, as opposed to pure aluminum.

                          "One such characteristic which is basic in novel concept, and important as new and profound translation of natural physical phenomena, is one manner in which the Utron may be coil-wound to act as an armature in an activated magnetic field; The winding is begun at the Utron's conical apex, spiraled to and across its equator, and terminated at the opposite apex." (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, Page 6, 1958).

                          "These round-and-square Utron electrical accumulators, which are employed as generators (coil wound in continuous expanding and contracting concentric spiral in real use) travel their loops in the magnetic fields to press electromotive forces toward the center Utron. For your model, make them the same as you make the large Utron except remember not truncate the apexes. (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, Page 9, 1958).

                          "We have the electrochemical system... then to provide us with all the energy that we need. And have a recharging system... in a manner of a regenerative coil... that a... recharge this battery... in the same manner... in which... your storage battery in your automobile is recharged now by a generator." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

                          "Otis T. Carr: Well... what we have here... is the central... section of the cones... that is our Utron Electrical Accumulator... that is the power system. This system activates these electro-magnets... and in turn... activates...
                          Ben Isquith: Does this system... the thing inside... activates the electromagnets on the outside?
                          Otis T. Carr: That is true... yes. Now we do this by... contracting... this lead wires from the positive and negative poles of this battery to the a... electromagnets. And then we have circuit breakers... from these electromagnets... and we have counter-rotation. This... electromagnet... a... electromagnets... will rotate in this instance... a counter clockwise... while... the internal... area is... rotating clockwise.
                          Ben Isquith: Well... are these coils of wire... on the model itself... are... are they magnetized also?
                          Otis T. Carr: The... the coils of wire... (?)...
                          Ben Isquith: From inside the ring.
                          Otis T. Carr: Well now these... inside the ring... these coils are regenerative coils... they are... electromotive force coil. And they... assist in regenerating the battery. Because they are loops of wire conducted... a... brought through... a magnetic field... which sets up an electromotive force. These others are capacitor plates... and these are also activated... by the central power core. But... these capacitor plates... which can accept... very high charge... through mutual conductance... also a... through... the process of ionization... utilize atmospheric electricity." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

                          To summarize the Generative Utron, its purpose is to act as a coil-wound structure to "capture" the magnetic pulses from the Laminated Electromagnets, which allows for the recharging and self-compounding processes to manifest themselves. The Generative Utron may be made from diamagnetic or paramagnetic elements.
                          Last edited by Gambeir; 11-12-2020, 10:26 PM.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Doofus Nugget View Post
                            Part 2, Generative Utrons

                            You don't have to respond to this Nugget. It's just my feedback. This is certainly interesting and thank you for the fantastic job you are doing.

                            Generative Utrons are mounted on what looks like "holders", these are referred to as the Trunnions, there are two Trunnions each to hold one Generative Utron in place. Just like the Central Utron, the Generative Utrons were commonly made out of aluminum, however they may be made of different materials according to OTC Enterprises and Otis T. Carr.

                            I'm sure you realize this Nugget but to clarify; all the trunnion refers to is a cylindrical protrusion which creates a pivoting or rotational point.The Utrons trunnion's fit in to ball bearings which are then held by bearing blocks, and these bearing blocks are machined to hold sealed ball bearings and those are what the bearing blocks actually grasp.

                            The bearings held by the bearing blocks are what the trunnions of the Utron would physically be machined to fit; to slide inside of, because you absolutely would have to have bearings, either oil bathed sleeved bearings like those used in 99.8% of todays cars. Not that that's a good thing or a superior design by any means, or needle bearings which are often used in industrial motors, which is a type of bearing that is vastly superior to a sleeved bearing, and would offer considerable long life along with structural integrity to a long shafted trunnion which is depicted on the Utrons.

                            The best bearing to use here would be a magnetic bearing, but the best practical bearing might be a high speed sealed ceramic bearing, and if capable of handling the speed it would be preferable to use needle bearings, but likely an inexpensive high speed sealed ball bearing is what you would end up using.

                            "The Utron itself may be comprised of any of thousands of substances or combinations of substances, some components or entities being either dia - or para-magnetic in character. The Utron can be put into effective function in basic form, in any of the compound forms categorized, or in further combination with coil windings, printed circuits, inherent electronic components or circuitry, and/or many other physio-chemical components too numerous to delineate." (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, Page 6, 1958).

                            I think this is essentially a true statement but the key here seems to me to be the reference to diamagnetic or paramagnetic materials. It is also a very interesting statement where it implies layering of materials, and or the use of components which are not in themselves either diamagnetic or paramagnetic, but rather may mimic the qualities of those materials.

                            Again, aluminum would be one of the better materials to use, since manufacturing materials of such a shape may turn out expensive. Now, with 3D-printable aluminum being a reality through specialized 3D-printers, that may be something else to consider when components are manufactured. You may also see in the above quote it mentions the Utron can be coil-wound, below are some quotes that are important to consider in this context and future contexts.

                            Where there's a will, there is a way; A primary concern is structural integrity since the forces involved with gyroscopic rotational velocities demand either absolutely balanced construction or a means to compensate for any imbalance. Ideally one would use a machined Utron but, simplicity and resources could allow for experimentation with a wide range of potentials. For example, a Utron cut from wood on a lathe, electroplated first with copper, and then with silver would be possible. A wooden Utron again cut on a wood lathe and wrapped with aluminum wire and sealed in an epoxy matrix of aluminum composite and then cleaned up on a lathe. A Utron formed by twin cones cut from aluminum sheet and whose points ride inside a coned needle bearing block or some other similar arrangement. Possibly a Utron cast in a composite matrix (epoxy) of carbonfiber and graphite in a mold and then cleaned up on a simple lathe. These or others may be feasible including sinstering Utrons using a home cast mold fired in an electric or gas kiln. Generally any could be made to work if being made to work was required for lack of resources. Electrplating is not to be overlooked as a binder for aiding structural integrity.

                            * It appears to me that the outer Utron's are, among other possible actions, creating a series of electrostatic fields which are then spinning (moving) & inside an electro~magnetic field, thereby resulting in a feedback loop by generating an electrical feed back to the central Utron, and as the whole rotates with the revolving outer Utrons, the effect is to create a dielectric field collector which is a de facto accretion disk.

                            The materials used to create these outer Utrons can be as stated and constructed from a wide range of materials. I would consider that aluminum is one, graphite may be another, and PZT ceramics a strong possibility. As the Utron's spin through the electro-magnetic field, then I would think that a PZT would be generating a superior electrostatic field, as opposed to pure aluminum.

                            "One such characteristic which is basic in novel concept, and important as new and profound translation of natural physical phenomena, is one manner in which the Utron may be coil-wound to act as an armature in an activated magnetic field; The winding is begun at the Utron's conical apex, spiraled to and across its equator, and terminated at the opposite apex." (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, Page 6, 1958).

                            "These round-and-square Utron electrical accumulators, which are employed as generators (coil wound in continuous expanding and contracting concentric spiral in real use) travel their loops in the magnetic fields to press electromotive forces toward the center Utron. For your model, make them the same as you make the large Utron except remember not truncate the apexes. (OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans, OTC Enterprises, Page 9, 1958).

                            "We have the electrochemical system... then to provide us with all the energy that we need. And have a recharging system... in a manner of a regenerative coil... that a... recharge this battery... in the same manner... in which... your storage battery in your automobile is recharged now by a generator." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

                            "Otis T. Carr: Well... what we have here... is the central... section of the cones... that is our Utron Electrical Accumulator... that is the power system. This system activates these electro-magnets... and in turn... activates...
                            Ben Isquith: Does this system... the thing inside... activates the electromagnets on the outside?
                            Otis T. Carr: That is true... yes. Now we do this by... contracting... this lead wires from the positive and negative poles of this battery to the a... electromagnets. And then we have circuit breakers... from these electromagnets... and we have counter-rotation. This... electromagnet... a... electromagnets... will rotate in this instance... a counter clockwise... while... the internal... area is... rotating clockwise.
                            Ben Isquith: Well... are these coils of wire... on the model itself... are... are they magnetized also?
                            Otis T. Carr: The... the coils of wire... (?)...
                            Ben Isquith: From inside the ring.
                            Otis T. Carr: Well now these... inside the ring... these coils are regenerative coils... they are... electromotive force coil. And they... assist in regenerating the battery. Because they are loops of wire conducted... a... brought through... a magnetic field... which sets up an electromotive force. These others are capacitor plates... and these are also activated... by the central power core. But... these capacitor plates... which can accept... very high charge... through mutual conductance... also a... through... the process of ionization... utilize atmospheric electricity." (Long John Nebel 4-19-1958 Radio Interview).

                            To summarize the Generative Utron, its purpose is to act as a coil-wound structure to "capture" the magnetic pulses from the Laminated Electromagnets, which allows for the recharging and self-compounding processes to manifest themselves. The Generative Utron may be made from diamagnetic or paramagnetic elements.
                            Gambeir, the Trunnions in the context of the OTC-X1 refer to the supports for holding the Generative Utrons. Keep in mind the following picture.

                            Regenerating Accumulator Toy Kit PLans.PNG

                            As you should hopefully see, what is the "Bearing Trunion" is "holding" the Generative Utrons in place. The spelling for Trunnion is different, but that's what I mean when I say "Trunnion". I see what you mean, and it seems like a discrepancy in the definitions I am using. From what I know, it seems that the word "Trunnion" can be used to refer to what you're saying, or an actual structural support. So, I use the word "Trunnion" in the context of the OTC-X1 to refer to the structural holders of the Generative Utrons.

                            "1. either of the two cylindrical projections on a cannon, one on each side for supporting the cannon on its carriage.
                            2. any of various similar supports for machinery." (, Trunnion).

                            So, you see in the quote from's definition that, a Trunnion may be referred to as a cylindrical extension, or a structural support, I use the latter definition. I don't call the "tip" or extensions from the Generative Utrons as Trunnions though, that's just by the preferred wording I tend to use.

                            The materials of the Generative Utrons, I can understand being something to consider. But, I don't think we should over focus on this. If a builder wants to build their very first model attempts of the OTC-X1, then aluminum I would recommend very much. If they study enough, and get the thing to work, good, now we can build different models with differences in materials, and see what happens. Ultimately, the OTC-X1 acts as a motor, but also as a generator. Trying best to stick with these simplistic understandings for actual building, I believe is best. However, keep in mind the below quote I found too.

                            "Otis T. Carr: Now what is rather unusual in these coils that you're seeing... is that they... are... not only a vortex... but a vertex. Which means... that we have here... as far as I know... the first time in electrical history an application... an expansion and contraction coil. We have been able... in this development... to utilize... a... something that... so far as we know... has not been used in electrical machine... the... eddy current. And this is done by... dimension and form... just as much as it was done by a... a... other systems incorporated. Being able to utilize the... eddy current... we are able... so far as I know... for the first time... to increase... permeability... of para-magnetic substances... over what was grasps... as our saturation point. This is a... a novel... secret discovery... of this development. We're confident... that when this knowledge has been made public... and the application of these principles... principles are concerned. That this... knowledge... applied... in the communications field... will set up... something... almost fabulous." (Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview).

                            This "harnessing the eddy current" thing, may be considered another reason to stick with aluminum and paramagnetic materials. It sounds really interesting to experiment with that idea, and if it's just with paramagnetic materials or active other materials.


                   Trunnion Definition:
                            OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans:
                            Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview Transcript:
                            Part 1:
                            Part 2:
                            Part 3:
                            Last edited by Doofus Nugget; 11-13-2020, 08:24 AM.


                            • #15
                              Part 7, Main Shaft Halves and Top/Bottom Mid Ribs

                              This post will cover what I call the, "Main Shaft Halves" and the "Top/Bottom Mid Ribs. I will talk about the Main Shaft Halves first.

                              Now, the Main Shaft Halves are two cylindrical rods that fit on the poles of the Central Utron. In the below picture you may see that dashed-lines that represent these two rods.

                              Main Shaft with Central Utron.PNG

                              However, keep in mind that the OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans (which is where the above picture originates), is meant to build a REPLICA, not an actual working device. So, it's depicted that a shaft goes through the Central Utron, DON'T DO THIS if you plan to actually build a functional device. Shoving a rod up the cavity of the Central Utron will only mess with the galvanic action that's meant to occur, and completely destroys the Central Utron's functional use (there's no evidence I've found that indicates the Central Utron is meant to have a shaft shoved through its cavity). In this case now, the Main Shaft Halves should be connected in such a way that the Central Utron acts like an "extension" or extrusion of the Main Shaft Halves. Therefore, the Main Shaft Halves, Central Utron, and several other components will rotate clockwise. The bearings you also may see in the above picture, which help couple the counter-rotating components and structures of the OTC-X1, are implied to be "counter-rotating bearings", or "Roller Skate Bearings".

                              "Otis T. Carr: ... it was built light. Believe me... it was built the same as a model airplane. Now... and the heaviest part about it was the... was the... roller skate bearings... which we got for nineteen cents... union hardware.
                              Ellery Lanier: I know those bearings.
                              Otis T. Carr: Right.
                              Ellery Lanier: Very good.
                              Otis T. Carr: They were our... counter rotating bearings. And... the... other... material... weighed approximately a little over... sixteen pounds. Now... we had... a little electronic... built by the guy from the model shop... the same... as the boys use... in model airplanes... a little timer... and this functioned beautifully... with a... couple of batteries. So that a... a... we had... a system of remote control... shutting on and off power. Which worked on the ground. But when this... craft became airborne... my little system... refused to work... and I lost this craft. It went out of sight." (Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview).

                              Now, the "top" of the Main Shaft Halves protrudes through the Crew Cabin and out the top of the OTC-X1. Remember, the Crew Cabin is stationary and does not rotate, the same with the Landing Gear. This means that the Main Shaft Halves need to be aligned in such a way that they shouldn't interfere with the intended stationary function of the Crew Cabin and Landing Gear. Unfortunately, it seems unknown what material was used for the Main Shaft Halves. I'd recommend that it'd be an insulating material that wouldn't allow electricity to flow in unwanted places.

                              X-Ray View Of Cutaway Section.PNG

                              There's one last thing I want to comment on the Main Shaft Halves. Below there is a picture of what appears to be a shaft going through the whole OTC-X1 structure while being constructed (this model was the Oklahoma City model that failed to take off on its publicly scheduled "flight" date). Do not be concerned with the conflicting information on what I've been saying in these posts. In my opinion, the shaft present in the picture below was meant to serve as something to hold the structure in place, while the structure was being put together.

                              OTC-X1 Oklahoma Model Construction.jpg

                              We'll touch upon the Top/Bottom Mid Ribs now. They're name comes from the below picture just for clarification.

                              Equatorial Field Correlator, Top Mid Rib, Bottom Mid Rib.PNG

                              You see there are two parts that form one "rib", which make 12 of these ribs in total, and each rib holds in place one of the twelve Laminated Electromagnets as indicated by other pictures in the past. So, the formation of one rib requires the top and bottom rib parts, thus the Top/Bottom Mid Ribs, which makes 12 "top ribs" and 12 "bottom ribs" in total. These ribs come together with other structural components in the above picture to keep the OTC-X1 craft structurally stable. The "leading edge" in the picture simply refers to the outer diameter of the Equatorial Field Correlator (the torus shape in the picture above), this diameter also determines the required rotational speeds for your OTC-X1 Circular-Foil Spacecraft.

                              These Top/Bottom Mid Ribs can be made of wood, OTC Enterprises built many original models out of balsa wood before moving to aluminum for more structural components, this resulted in their original models being very light.

                              "Ellery Lanier: What was the size of the... of this model?
                              Otis T. Carr: The last one was six feet... when we put a leading edge around... a... six inches... a... of diameter... great than it was before. The... these... the last model that we flew... six feet in diameter... hand made believe me... all but the machine made parts... of the electromagnet and the accumulator.
                              Ellery Lanier: What was the weight... of this...?
                              Otis T. Carr: The mechanical parts in the model... weighed... a little over... 16 pounds. The... the actual... a frame of the model... weighed two pounds and 7 ounces..." (Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview).

                              Another thing to keep in mind, is if building the main structural components out of "conductive" materials, PLEASE remember that electricity could flow in unwanted places unless sufficiently protected and isnulated. The following quote will be from one of Otis Carr's former electronic technicians (Eugene Carini), he describes what I'm talking about.

                              "Eugene Carini: When I first saw the craft at the warehouse, and examined it closely, I was really shocked and taken aback because I knew the circuitry, the properly designed circuitry, that I had to put in it would not work. And the reason being… is that when it was built and fabricated at [Aircraftsmen, Inc.], they had built the internal gridwork out of aluminum struts and girder work... Now the top and bottom half of the craft had a capacitor effect action, and they were supposed to be insulated, so therefore, any circuitry that I connected to the top and bottom half of the craft, when I threw the switch, would be a dead short to the batteries. And when I mentioned that to Otis, he got very upset and said, ‘Don't tell anybody.’ And then he disappeared and ended up in the hospital...” (The Saucers That Time Forgot, The Life and Legend of Otis T. Carr - Part 2, 2020).

                              So, if anyone plans/intentions to build any functional OTC-X1 models, make sure if you use conductive structural components, insulate them properly from electrical sources, either that or use balsa wood for your first models (remember to insulate the components still even when using an insulator as the structure, just in case).


                              1. The Main Shaft Halves are meant to connect to each pole of the Central Utron. The resultant shaft-shape extrudes down to the Landing Gear and up through the top of the Crew Cabin. The Main Shaft Halves would probably be made of an insulating material (also recommend insulating the Main Shaft Halves from electrical sources in the circuit), and the Main Shaft Halves should be coupled to the counter rotating Outer Hull structures through appropriate bearings. The Main Shaft Halves rotate with the Main Spar and its components in a clockwise direction.
                              2. The Top/Bottom Mid Ribs help structurally hold together the OTC-X1 and the Laminated Electromagnets. The Top/Bottom Mid Ribs should be properly insulated from the main circuitry whether made of conductive or insulating materials. The Top/Bottom Mid Ribs also rotate with the Outer Hull's components in the counterclockwise direction. There's 12 top ribs and 12 bottom ribs, one of each type of rib forms the v-shaped ribs commonly seen in pictures, this makes 24 Top/Bottom Mid Ribs in total and 12 "connected" v-shaped ribs.

                              Long John Nebel 11-15-1958 Radio Interview Transcript:
                              Part 1:
                              Part 2:
                              Part 3:
                              OTC-X1 Toy Kit Plans:
                              The Life and Legend of Otis T. Carr - Part 2: https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blo...rr-part_5.html

