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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by zilano
    the actual scenerio.

    the centre dual split coil is + and the two outer ends negative. it has dual outputs. the output is dc when pulsed dc is used to oscillate coil. output does not change polarity under resonance. it actually uses two mode one is generator mode and other is back emf mode. both cycles produce outputs under resonance.
    Mmmmm! Confused! Did I miss something?
    1. It is not Tesla reverse. The 2 times 20 turns should produce high voltage. (At least conforming my brain)
    2. I do not underdstand the function of the components from + to NST
    rgds John
    Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


    • Thanks!

      Patrick I want to join the others in expressing my sincere thanks for the wonderful work you have done.

      Everytime I read sections of the pdf the fog lifts even more.My favourite chapters to date Chapters 3, 5 and 6.Yes the pulsing devices.

      Thoughly enjoyed the Forensic/CSI like presentation on the Toroid Device,Utkin document and the Double Tuned Crystal Radio.

      I am surprised to see the numerous patents that has been issued.Many based on the principles discussed here, magnets coils, caps,spark gaps, resonance.

      If anyone on this forum has not seen Kelly's PDF, I recommend that you get it.In fact it was that pdf that got me started in the first place.

      Thanks again for the step you have made for all of us as your work definately embodies the spirit of sharing research and discovery!

      Still learning,

      Last edited by Gedfire; 01-05-2012, 08:22 PM.


      • I would like to replicate this and wondered if someone could answer my questions.

        1. Do the primary and secondary need to have a ratio of 1:4 for length of coil and weight?

        2. What is the turns ratio? If the primary has 2 turns, does the secondary have 8, 4 CW & 4 CCW?

        3. Can car audio cable be used as it has many strands and is made with good insulation against interference?

        4. Is there any two wires available off the shelf that have the cross sectional area ratio we need? If not we could do a group buy on some. Any ideas?

        5. Can anyone make a rough parts list to build on?

        6. Can the coil be adapted for just voltage (no1 coil on Tesla's patent) by just making the secondary turns CW? This will power any of the bulbs that people are using on the joule ringer thread.

        7. Would making the distance of the coil turns a ratio of 1:4 make the resonance stronger?

        8. Almost all Tesla coils that make sparks have a pankake (planar) coil as the primary. It makes sense to me that this would work better too. The spacing of turns would probably make the resonance stronger too?

        9. This is the big question, but just rolling around in my head! 'theoldscientist' on youtube said something to me that made me realise that the magnifying transmitter is actually wound transmitting coil CW and receiving coil CCW.

        Therefore all receiving coils place no extra load on primary! lol

        The magnifying transmitter is a bit like a hairpin circuit, but sending scalar waves through the ground.

        Your thoughts on any of these questions/ideas hopefully will carry us forward little.

        PS Also thought this might be useful to some people who have never seen it before:

        Tesla Memorial Society - VIDEOS and PUBLICATIONS


        • hi all

          just an idea to get high voltage very simply

          thanks to young french guys ( at incroyables experiences ) modified circuitery

          hope this can help

          good luck at all


          High voltage very simple generator 1 .wmv - YouTube


          • Something I believe relavent to the discussion:

            Leedskalnin's Double Helical Magnetic Interaction - YouTube

            Excellent Woopy, does it have to have 20 turns to work?

            Sounds like it would be good with Metglas or Nanoperm.
            Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-06-2012, 12:21 AM.


            • Originally posted by Gedfire View Post
              Patrick I want to join the others in expressing my sincere thanks for the wonderful work you have done.

              Everytime I read sections of the pdf the fog lifts even more.My favourite chapters to date Chapters 3, 5 and 6.Yes the pulsing devices.

              Thoughly enjoyed the Forensic/CSI like presentation on the Toroid Device,Utkin document and the Double Tuned Crystal Radio.

              I am surprised to see the numerous patents that has been issued.Many based on the principles discussed here, magnets coils, caps,spark gaps, resonance.

              If anyone on this forum has not seen Kelly's PDF, I recommend that you get it.In fact it was that pdf that got me started in the first place.

              Thanks again for the step you have made for all of us as your work definately embodies the spirit of sharing research and discovery!

              Still learning,

              I cant seem to find the pdf anyone gota link
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question




                • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                  I cant seem to find the pdf anyone gota link
         chapter 3 page 40 onwards is Patrick's rendition of Zilano's work Dave and also visit chapter 5 page 57>128 the work of Utkin is all very relevent particularly re the coil windings... I would also respectfully suggest a visit to this forum thread Tesla- Kapanadze generator paying particular attention to T1000 (Its quite clear he's also got the Tshirt)
                  Last edited by Duncan; 01-06-2012, 10:43 AM.
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • Originally posted by zilano
                    the actual scenerio.

                    the centre dual split coil is + and the two outer ends negative. it has dual outputs. the output is dc when pulsed dc is used to oscillate coil. output does not change polarity under resonance. it actually uses two mode one is generator mode and other is back emf mode. both cycles produce outputs under resonance.
                    Hello, kdkinen here
                    interesting notation, im not sure i understand it lol
                    You are prob explaining something, but i am taking pos from the outter ends of L2s, and neg connection to center tap, as the usual.

                    After looking over some designs i am compelled to look a second time at the Stout Copper Bars / Hairpin Circuit.

                    In my vid 13 i basically have "that" hooked up, but didnt realize it LOL

                    That was the best light i have gotten with induction, so im gonna play around with the NEW High Freq setup, with this older design...
                    Don Smith Device Project Part 13: B&W Inductor Coils - YouTube

                    Don Smith Device Project Part 16: 30 volts input & FULL brightness? - YouTube
                    In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                    In the expert's mind there are few.
                    -Shunryu Suzuki


                    • Simplified circuit

                      Hi guys did you see this vid with very simplified circuit using a MOT lighting 10 150w bulbs?

                      Spark-Gap Generator (SGG) - YouTube

                      Another interesting vid with a bedini to a car coil and spark gap creating more current:

                      Bodkins/Bedini Experiment with SPARK-GAP to Ground -- watch out ... ZAP CITY! - YouTube
                      Last edited by Guruji; 01-06-2012, 09:05 PM.


                      • Originally posted by zilano
                        the actual scenerio.

                        the centre dual split coil is + and the two outer ends negative. it has dual outputs. the output is dc when pulsed dc is used to oscillate coil. output does not change polarity under resonance. it actually uses two mode one is generator mode and other is back emf mode. both cycles produce outputs under resonance.
                        hi zilano good work your doing and all
                        so are we saying about 4000v in and 12v out ? and are they the same eath rod or separate eath rods ?
                        Last edited by shimo; 01-07-2012, 10:58 AM.


                        • Hi Zilano

                          Can you please help me with custom made high voltage NST which I made today per instructions in PJK book. I wound 4000 turns of 0.315mm diameter wire on 50mm diameter and 140mm length PVC tube. I then wound 8 turns primary with 1mm diameter stranded wire and 4 turns for feedback.

                          The problem is that I cant get higher frequency than 9.8Khz. If I put ferrite rods inside PVC tube the frequency drops to 3.5Khz. I have to use 27ohm resistor instead of 220 ohm resistor to get better output.
                          I put different capacitors parallel to 8 turn primary but frequency does not change.

                          Do you have any suggestion what to do, to get 35Khz HV frequency ?

                          Here is the picture of my setup, scope shot and circuit used:

                          Last edited by joefr; 01-07-2012, 08:41 PM.


                          • Coil measurments

                            Today I manufactored and measured some air cored coils one being CW and the other CW/CCW. Apart form the split winding type they are identical.

                            core diameter:...76mm
                            core material:....cardboard
                            wire length:.......18m
                            wire diameter:....1.2mm
                            wire spacing:.....1.2mm

                            It was very surprising for me that both coils perform at about same natural resonant frequency of about 2.2 MHz. Yes! The cw/ccw in series perform identical at resonant point!
                            This frequency is more than I expected!

                            The cw and ccw alone perform at about 3.3 MHz. (no pic)

                            Those were the only resonant points found between 20 KHz and 25 MHz.
                            I remember Don talking of a frequency in lower MHz range. So this seems to be true.

                            Inserting a bar of ferrite magnets did change slightly the resonant point but there is no change in the max voltage. This is a hint that these kind of ferrites perform at lower frequencies only.
                            rgds John
                            Last edited by JohnStone; 01-11-2013, 10:04 PM.
                            Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                            • Originally posted by joefr View Post
                              Can you please help me .....
                              Just some hints. Might be very basic but possible!
                              - Have you any large capacitance in parallel to primary load coil?
                              - Are you shure not to have C and E terminal interchanged (3055). Transistors perform as well in this case but very lazy and have very poor current amplification.
                              - It might be a problem of inductance. These kind of transformers have usually the size of a TV flyback transformer. So the length of wires is considerably shorter. (not shure about this - just a hint)

                              Please note: Pattrick shows the principle only. His schematic is no elaborated instructable.
                              - Protect the base from excessive negative voltage. 5 V minus is ok but at intended operation it will be more. -> Insert a diode between emitter and base in order to short the neg. voltage (reverse to direction of BE diode). This will speed your transistor up as well.
                              - Protect the collector from high voltage not to exceed 70 V absolute max. (Bedini uses small neon)
                              - Prevent excessive base current. Transisors become lazy and hot. So you need to adapt the base current to operation voltage.
                              3055 current gain (collector current vs. base current) at 4A = 20 / 10A = 5

                              rgds John
                              Last edited by JohnStone; 01-07-2012, 11:39 PM.
                              Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                              • To Joefr

                                Winding anything, even electrical insulating tape, over 4,000 turns of fine wire will ruin it as an inductor.
                                Also winding many turns over PVC not as good as glass, ceramic, insulating ribs or even dry card.
                                Just anchor the ends, as per John's photo.
                                High voltage step up windings tend to be multilayered to maintain field coupling with the energising primary; these being quite different to the spaced+resonant 'energy' coils.
                                Last edited by GSM; 01-07-2012, 11:53 PM.

