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  • jim glinski

    Yes that's very close just I did hang my negative line up in the air trying to make sure there was no way a return path even if the inverter and battery were on rubber and in a bus with rubber wheels. I was stumped by the expanding the cap string because of the switching involved. I think I may have found a way. Jim out

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  • jim glinski
    not really yes and yes

    You can use the wall plug for bata testing principal. But you may get slammed from some crazy people concerning over unity. And yes to my lay out I just thought OS something I'm having trouble getting the layout posted here but over on overunity .com I was able to do it.
    Look for the string some thing like real free energy Thu capacitor induction ? In the index may be one of you can get it here?. I'm getting flax from establishment.acidemia closed circuit robots. You know danger will Roberson danger ! 🍺

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  • wayne.ct
    How many caps with what values?

    I read you don't have a closed circuit. That tells me you are dealing with an AC component which could be high frequency or on/off transitions at some frequency of repetition. Please give us an example of a setup that works well for you. It doesn't need to be the optimum or best result you have had, just one that works well. So, are you using an actual hand operated switch to charge the caps? How many in series are needed, practically speaking. Would 10 or 12 work okay? You said 400 volts, is that your recomendation? Are you doing some circuits to operate the on/off? Is this once every ten seconds or something else?

    Thanks for giving us a little push in the right directions.

    Also, do you have a second switch to discharge the "middle" caps and light the bulb? Is that what you are saying? You don't use the charge on the first cap in the string? Is that so you gain your efficiency? Also, please answer each of these questions specifically. Don't just say, yes, you are correct. Tell me what I am correct about and what I need to do to see what you are seeing. Thanks.

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  • citfta
    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for sharing. Let me see if I can describe this correctly. Please correct any mistakes I make. You are using a 12 volt battery to power an inverter. The inverter is putting out 110 volts AC. You are then using a bridge rectifier to convert the AC to DC. You are NOT connecting the negative side of the bridge to anything. The positive side of the bridge gets connected to one end of the capacitor string. You are using 60 uf AC motor capacitors. You have two or more of them connected in series. The other end is connected to a ground rod that is actually driven into the ground. After the voltage settles down you can go from cap to cap and discharge the cap by lighting up your 4 to 7 watt bulb. As long as you don't keep discharging the same cap you can do this over and over again and the ammeter shows the caps being recharged from the ground connection. Do I have all that correct?


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  • Wistiti
    Hi Jim. Have you try it with an inverter or just with a powersupply plug in the wall??

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  • jim glinski
    I know what happened

    This forum is the one I haven't been able to post pics yet very sorry about this I had a blond moment . my email is. send me a note and I can return to you a pic of it .
    Hope that will help hell maybe you will be able to post it here if you have experience in that I got no where with it. Jim out 🍺

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  • jim glinski

    You know maybe I missed what you were trying to say maybe you just missed it on the forum please just look a round a little more and if that doesn't work I will repost for you. Jim

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  • jim glinski
    I thought I did post one

    What I posted wasn't what was needed ? Thought it was very simple with all the parts and info of each part . some times simple standard schematics don't give as much communication as my layout did if there's a question concerning it ask and I will answer. What i think the problem may be is people have been programmed to closed circuits thinking and have a real hard time with open systems is real hard to unlearn something's. Only bench work can help them. You can show them the truth and it will not help. Like doctors with bad health problems will die before concerning any thing other than there own dogma. Serves the right . death by a mean stupid stubborn spirit. Sorry about the rant I'm just not sure just would make this right . Jim out. PS I put closed circuit people right next to flat earthers. And acidemia. All living in cloud never touching the ground running if one makes a mistake it's copied as truth and goes a round the be for the real truth gets its shoes on.🍺

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  • sinergicus
    jim glinski thank you for your posting ; some people are visual inclined to understand better what you say; a basic schematic will be helpful to be more clear what you say ...

    Thank you

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  • jim glinski
    free energy and DC with caps

    As far as free energy is concerned I've found it. And it was so in my face the hole time. Here I go again! When you look at the formula for a set of caps in series each one is a reciprocal of the total every were you look on the net you get that answer and it's true as far as they go .what they didn't tell you was that the capacity is spread out being that the plates are spread out .the total is equal to the original single cap so they say that there's no real advantage that is if they are all the same uf. To start with .what's not said is by spreading out the charge you increase the inductance side of the charge and reduce the conductive side .with 5 caps is a series the first plate is charged by conductance the rest by inductance aka free. The string is under strain by the first positive plate and has to regauge. It's potential to match the first plates level and there by balance every thing out . the energy to do this is pulled from the earth .you can put a amp meter in line with the ground and see it working. Then when the string settles down the caps can be fired off and evey thing started again and again and again. I've done this .with a inverter a bridge rectifier and two big caps 60 uf I could repeatedly flash off a 4 or7 watt light blub on both caps and watch the amp meter as every thing refilled over and over the thing with the string the more caps the less energy you need to do this. Each new cap splits off some of the total charge and the charging plate needs less charge to fill it. I've used around 119 volts DC Thu my inverter and let the negative lead hang unconnected in mid air !. With more caps the charge gets smaller on each one but each one has the same charge on it the voltage is reduced witch can be a good thing because that gets you to the point that you can use solid state but the total charge is still there but a lot less is needed to create it. The only ground is Thu the last cap. If you just use two caps you get 50/50 on the system you pay for one you get one free ! But if you use more caps the energy is divided up but the conductance and inductance remains and the ratio changes between them. Ben Franklin demonstrated this and referred to it as a economical way to charge Leyden jars. Could you tell me how my light bulbs are firing off with out my negative connected ? by the way with an small isolation transformer and a bridge rectifier you can do this on both the positive and negative lead using the same ground ! The transformer will be a door bell transformer used in reverse so I can get 400 volts to get close to by caps rating of 450. And a choke cap before it to reduce the power down to be safe . well there's most of it .PS don't be confused by the different voltages on the caps in the string the charge is all the same on each but the capacitance has changed due to the string series. Jim out. Please replicate .

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  • med.3012
    Originally posted by Wistiti View Post
    My software detect a virus in your document...
    i scanned all the file and no detected virus, all is OK .

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  • Wistiti
    Originally posted by deggers View Post
    I scanned the entire archive again, and found no threats,
    Which file name is causing the problem?
    I dont know. I delete it... Sorry! 😕

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  • deggers
    I scanned the entire archive again, and found no threats,
    Which file name is causing the problem?

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  • Wistiti
    My software detect a virus in your document...

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  • med.3012
    Originally posted by deggers View Post
    This is 300+ MB if that's what you are looking for Jed.

    Thanks for sharing this , i see some new document here awesome !


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