Try the UF4007 for 1 amp and the UF5408 for the 3 amp ( not to be confused with the 1N versions ). These are the fast versions of their counterparts (75ns). Mouser or Digikey has them.
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Originally posted by cinan View PostHello all,
hectic end of old year and beginning of new one is history and I am finally back online again. I can see that forum is rolling and more people is getting involved to achieve 'goal'
Distributing of experiments is good idea and it will speed up whole process. I will take care of developing of proper driver circuit with full control over sine signal. with flexible firing angle and phase shift, etc.
Will post some info soon. I have feeling that this part of puzzle is quite critical and Mr. Clean will need it for proper tests
I know that is not easy task. I tried with Wein bridge signal generator and audio car amplifier but I cannot find any cheap chip to boost power to 100W. I ended with 10W inverter which is too low to saturate any core.
HV diodes SHOULD be ommitted if possible ! I didn't found any reliable diode available which can sustain the voltage and amperage we could be operated with in Don circuits :-(
Again one more point for using low voltage circuit prototype.
Originally posted by Guruji View PostThanks for the info John. Regarding the 1n4148 if used one have to put more than a thousand of these in series cause these diodes are only 75v on datasheet.
About sparkgap before primary coil in series or in parallel should be put? even HV diodes some schematics without
- At the input part (HV for sprak gap) we do not have frequencies in MHz range. Any reverse current is being fed from the small capacitor directly at the cathode in the KHz range from pur NST. This should be no big problem.
- The 1N4148 was added for reference only. Nobody will use it in our schematics.
- Shottky diodes (available up to 100V) are very very fast (<10ns). This is because they share another manufactoring process.
- I intend to forward the notion that every diode type owns a special personality and you do not do well if you get this individual angryYou should be able to make up your mind and select the proper diodes for a certain application
- The physics is like a crystal with many facettes. Most of them are unknown or interpreted wrongly. The standard physics cover some of them and they are not completely wrong at all. Our OU initiative deals with another set of real facettes. Nevertheless both sets of facettes are mostly real and needs to be taken in account. None are obsolete at all. If we add our spread knowledge and findings - we will be successful in the end.
@boguslaw: Omitting diodes will be of great value. But this is a matter of optimisation. I would be happy to have one functioning setup with diodes in order to heat and light my small green house some degrees.
@dragon: UF4007 is great!
rgds JohnLast edited by JohnStone; 01-12-2012, 01:50 PM.Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.
Originally posted by a.king21In our high voltage circuits, ne2 bulbs can replace diodes. If you use diodes, you can easilly blow them. Ne2 bulbs are also a good indicator of resonance for those without scopes etc. If the ne2 bulbs light up, you can use a bridge to charge caps at that point, especially if working from low current as I do for safety. This gives a good indicator of energy captured by the circuit, because cap charging can be timed and voltages easily measured and therefore power calculated. Also remember the conditioning effect of cold electricity. After 12 hours or so, the caps get a nano coating which increases their charge speed. In fact the caps go ou, before your very eyes and self charge .You can also blank the device by using a parallel plate capacitor as per Utkin. If your caps charge up fast enough then you can close the loop and start singing a high note very loudly for a long period of time(lol)
We gotta get him to try it !!!
anyone on influential terms with him?Last edited by mr.clean; 01-12-2012, 03:45 PM.In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
Originally posted by JohnStone View PostI pointed out the importance of recovery time yesterday. Now I had a look to micro wave oven diodes.
Please note that micro wave ovens do not have any electronic part built in in order to produce microwaves. The transmitter is a dumb mechanical part (magnetron) only and the diodes are supposed to rectify HV mains frequency in order to supply it with HV DC. This notion does not mean that these diodes are slow and of no use. Some are indeed. If the data sheet does not give any recovery time then this diode will be for mains fraequency only (i.e. T3512H). Treat it like 1N4007:-(
On the other hand the well konwn diode HVR-1X is quite fast and suitable for our experiments (50ns).
So please consult data sheets in order to improve your succsess in experimenting. Any success will be set to the level of the weakest part in the chain.
Explanation of recovery time:
- Recovery time is a tradeoff of forward voltage. While shottky diodes do not suffer on recovery time a short recovery time comes along with increase of forward voltage.
- The recovery time is not fixed - it's influenced by forward current before and the available reverse current when blocking.
- So please take in account that while your setups might work fine at low currents they might fail at high currents because of this very effect.
Interesting to know: step recovery diode
and tried fast recovery not long ago, but were underated ( i should still try a chain of them)
But now im using 2 MOT diodes in parallel on BOTH the secondary outputs (4 in total), and wow the lights got brighter !!
/\ just as you said and proof that they can impede outputIn the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
Are these the diodes that are recommended?|13123|uf4007.||S|p|8220813549
Forgive the basic question but can diodes be wired in parallel to allow more amperage?
Whats your thoughts on these diodes?
Both are available from:
Eastern Voltage Research - Semiconductors
Also when the neon bulbs are used instead of the diodes do they do the same job but produce light and heat?
Yeah if we could get Dr Stiffler, The Old Scientist, Horizon Delta to name a few involved that would be great. I'm surprised Lidmotor hasn't joined in yet.
I have invited The Old Scientist whose coil in TheOldScientist's Channel - YouTube would be a great test bed.
He uses 1B22 for his spark gaps.
On 'theoldscientist's' youtube channel I found Arthur Matthews recording, who was Tesla's last assistant.
TheOldScientist's Channel - YouTube
TheOldScientist's Channel - YouTube
TheOldScientist's Channel - YouTube
The quality of the recording is poor and needs cleaning up. Here is the text version.
Tesla's Last Known Living Assistant's Recorded StatementLast edited by soundiceuk; 01-12-2012, 04:17 PM.
HVR – 1X seems to be pretty much obsoleteHowever the HVM-12 is quoted at the bottom of this web page as a direct replacement for the HVR- 1X3 RECTIFIERS AND GENERAL PURPOSE DIODES
which is the quoted in turn here HVR-1X datasheet and application note, data sheet, circuit, pdf, cross reference, pinout | Datasheet Archive with a 50ns recovery time . I would of course like to see a data sheet specifically relating to the recovery time of the HVM-12 and the rest of the details but I haven’t found it yet – however it would perhaps be a suitable replacementfor the HVR-1X ??and there are certainly shed loads of HMV- 12s available on e bay and else where to wit … 20pcs Microwave Oven High Voltage HVM12 Diode Rectifier | eBay I haven’t as yet investigated the Diode chain suggested by PJK
which was 1N5408
Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
Originally posted by mr.clean View Post2. All numbers are off presently now that i switched from the 2 turn primary, still experimenting, but the freq is 143khz where the lights were brightest @ 15% Duty Cycle
Could you reverify the 143KHz by checking at the output of your square wave generator.
This seems very high for a ignition coil.
Thanks for all the info you've given.
still-image of CAP discharge...
Uploaded with
Can anyone with experience with capacitive discharges tell me if there is anything special about this ??
--Or if its no biggie, let me know... but...
This discharge can be done repetitively over and over, sounds like a gunshot! (hard to see in the vid), and input current remains unaffected .5A at 12volts.
I just dont know how to measure it.
In about 1 second it can fully charge a bank of 8 (660v) 30uf caps.In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
Originally posted by duff View PostMr. Clean,
Could you reverify the 143KHz by checking at the output of your square wave generator.
This seems very high for a ignition coil.
Thanks for all the info you've given.
Because when i pull off one HV lead, it cuts everything into slow motion on the scope.
THE OTHER keeps firing just as it was unaffected, but NO output now...
When i add the HV lead back ...buzzing of spark gap increases to a steady hiss again and lights come back on.
thats one thing i wanted to show but forgot, was the freq from the square gen.
(and i could still be wrong, but 143khz is what it readIn the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
Originally posted by JohnStone View PostHi Cinan,
welcome:-) Thanks for your initiative.
Please explain what you imagine with firing angle. Do you mean the phase shift regarding the oscillating target coil setup? Would be great for investigation!
I feel Tesla doing this by "proper adjusting" the sprk gap as he mentions again and again.
rgds John
yes, firing angle is basically phase shift of driving pulse according self oscillation of secondary circuit. And will give you freedom to fire pulse in exact position (angle) of sine wave.
Another feature will be different pulse width for each frequency. Tesla
somewhere stated, that to build full voltage on coil, 25% Duty Cycle (1/4T) is needed. Then current follows as is 90 degree delayed.... So variable D.C.
will be handy. And of course pulse width will vary with frequency and will be automatically calculated from resonant frequency of secondary or can be set manually. Whole circuit task will be to keep resonance at any condition if possible... Lets see.
Another think is frequency range. From 20kHz to 100 kHz should be OK as 100 kHz is 10us and half wave is 5us -> 2us driving pulse. Pretty short...
Higher frequency will be not practical for this... So it mean, LC of secondary must be chosen to oscillate within this range, compensate with caps.
Originally posted by mr.clean View PostDefinitely, Diodes are critical to work properly, i have in the past completely cooked some diodes, others do work. ? --thanks for the MAINS freq info!!
and tried fast recovery not long ago, but were underated ( i should still try a chain of them)
But now im using 2 MOT diodes in parallel on BOTH the secondary outputs (4 in total), and wow the lights got brighter !!
/\ just as you said and proof that they can impede output
Here is a vid demonstration.
I'm going deeper in reading Tesla works apeared that he developed an IMPULSE TECHNOLOGY as oposed with weave technology wich Marconi done . In Tesla Technology it is generated a flux of Aether wich (is belived to be of gaseos nature but without mass and electrical charge ) . Unidirectional powerful impulses(DC) (in creation of witch spark gaps have an esential role ) antrenate a flux of Aether wich "flow" over the coil and between the ends of coil it is build a great electrical potential while there is no electrical curent (made of electons ) wich flow thru the coil . When passing thru metal surfaces this curent of Aether generate in the metals electrons making the electrical curent (made by electrons) to occur .
So , from what I understood so far the cold electricity is the Ether flux (Ether in Tesla's opinion is a gasous substance made by subatomic particles much smaller than electrons - maybe the one wich is named in our days "dark matter" - wich could through every substance generating in metalic substances emision of electrons ) .
So it apears that of paramount importance to obtain this effect is to have a very high DC voltage discharged in very fast sequences of time (by spark gap) wich antrenate Aether but keep the electrons blocked in their metal latices due to inertia . Aether is belived travel with the speed of light or greater and at the intersection with metals generate electrons resulting in electrical curent as we know it . Shape of the coils and top capacitors also have great importance . ...This is what I understood so far from what I'm reading about Tesla's works . Radiant Energy = Aether fluxes ...not electrical curent (made of electrons) as we may be tempted to belive . Electrical curent ocurrs as a byproduct of Aether flux crosing metal surfaces .
spark gap
Untried untested but at this price perhaps worth investigating as a spark gap? eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace they certainly look simialar in construction to 1B22 Interesting shop with some HT gear and some Huge Russian caps enjoy!
Regards Duncan
PS 50 of them!!! if they work share them out.Last edited by Duncan; 01-12-2012, 05:17 PM.Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.