This wind charm thingy reminded me of our researches a bit so I bought it. The
coils are wound the same direction but the outer one goes down inside itself and
the inner one goes out around itself kinda like the toroid animations, Imagine if it
was wide and short it would resemble the folding in on itself thing a toroid does.
Wind charm.wmv - YouTube
Like in this video. The dolphins know
They are showing that the rotating and
spiraling folding in on and around itself torus is defying buoyancy by it's action
and energy retention, well that's my opinion anyway. Looks like a kind of gravity
generation to me
It's funny how air rings and smoke rings hold their form and direction laterally.
Another funny thing is how common it is in nature.
Extraordinary Toroidal Vortices - YouTube
coils are wound the same direction but the outer one goes down inside itself and
the inner one goes out around itself kinda like the toroid animations, Imagine if it
was wide and short it would resemble the folding in on itself thing a toroid does.
Wind charm.wmv - YouTube
Like in this video. The dolphins know

spiraling folding in on and around itself torus is defying buoyancy by it's action
and energy retention, well that's my opinion anyway. Looks like a kind of gravity
generation to me

Another funny thing is how common it is in nature.
Extraordinary Toroidal Vortices - YouTube
