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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by LtBolo View Post
    I appreciate what you are saying Zilano, but many have tried and failed to convert apparent power (high VARS) into real power. If it were truly that simple I think this would have been solved many years ago.

    Is the key the reverse Tesla coil? Or is the key in the high frequency to low frequency crystal radio conversion? Or is the key in the spark + resonance?

    If it is spark + resonance, and the other things are just about converting the power to a usable voltage, current, and frequency, then I would strongly suggest that the extra power is coming from some quantum source and what appears to be a conversion of apparent power to real power is really just an impedance matching of the power already gained up in the primary.

    But that's just my opinion. You are the one with the functional generator, I'm just wanting one.
    Same here!

    Looking forward to when you start selling them.

    Cheers Mike


    • Originally posted by zilano
      well buddy!

      the power comes from spark gap and resonance and resonance is termed as ambient of zpe=zero point energy or radiant energy. but its resonance of electrons. they r xcited and comes back to normal and release energy.


      I can easily believe some variation of that...meaning...none of us really fully understand the source, even if we have a pretty good sense of where it is.

      So if spark + resonance is the key, then everything else is what we in the engineering world call "implementation detail". The reverse Tesla isn't the source of energy, it is the mechanism for converting high voltage, high frequency, high impedance energy into a usable current. Which is a pretty big deal, mind you, since the kinds of voltages that exist in a high Q resonant systems are a PITA to do anything with, especially at high frequency.

      I had theorized years ago that a Tesla coil was OU as it sat, and that Tesla well knew the difference between 'magnification' of energy vs 'amplification' of voltage. But I wasn't convinced strongly enough of it being OU to work through whatever it was going to take to convert that wispy sparky purple power into something usable...which is exactly what your reverse Tesla is...and is exactly what Tesla showed in many, many of his drawings. The clues were there if we had just paid attention. It always bothered me that Tesla believed the magnifying transmitter to be his greatest invention, and it is one that we really use the least.

      Thank you for taking the time to lead us through this, and thank you for taking the time to work through it yourself. I'm gonna be very pissed if you are yanking our chain...


      • Originally posted by zilano
        hI FOLKS!



        MUST VIEW pic attached


        zilano zeis zane
        Thank you Zilano

        - The attached pic was not really clear.

        1. In between the NST and the air coil primary there looks like a cap (parallel), then a spark gap with center tap to earth (parallel), then another cap (parallel), then the air core primary 80 turns.

        - So there are 2 caps in there?

        2. After the air core 5CW/5CCW bifalar secondary there is a cap in parallel to the whole coil.

        - This version is missing the center tap to earth?
        - Is this version for the non-bifilar version?

        Maybe it would be easier if you labeled each version of your circuit, A, B, C etc... as that will make it easier for researchers to read.

        Cheers Mike


        • Originally posted by zilano
          Hi mike!

          i will upload more clear arrangement. so wait for that. yes there is cap across 80 turns and there is centre earth too but position changed. its parallel now. it is bifilar version. coil is bifilar.

          Thanks Zilano

          If possible also include some R/L/C values that you found worked in your experiments. It would really help me and other researchers that are experimenting with your designs.

          Some photos of your setup would explain a lot. As the saying goes one picture is worth a 1000 words. We need to follow the kiss principle "keep it seriously simple" so researchers can get replication a whole lot easier!

          Cheers Mike


          • Thats kinda vague, lol. But I get your point.


            • Hi ZILANO !

              Very interesting design !
              What about C1 and L2-L3 ?

              Are these parts the same that
              Don's design ? A isolation 1:1 transformer
              and a high voltage capacitor bank ?

              There is a 10KVA transformer on
              your actual device ? A bit expensive...

              Best regards and thanks again
              for all you share with us !


              • Originally posted by zilano
                Hi mike!

                i will upload more clear arrangement. so wait for that. yes there is cap across 80 turns and there is centre earth too but position changed. its parallel now. it is bifilar version. coil is bifilar.

                Hi Zilano

                So the above design is for the R1 circuit to convert the secondary to 60hz output?

                And the below circuit is for inverter output?
                The below circuit only has 1 capacitor between the NST and the primary, while the above circuit it has 2 capacitors. Is that correct?

                Cheers Mike
                Last edited by vrand; 08-18-2011, 03:02 PM.


                • Originally posted by zilano

                  Hi mike!

                  this circuit i sent to drak! to make him understand how to use spark gap b4 L and C combination. and how bifilar is connected. its the raw circuit it wont convert hf to 60 hertz

                  Hi Zilano

                  Thank you for the clarification.

                  The spark gap (SG1) should also have a center post to ground? Is that needed?

                  Cheers Mike


                  • Thoughts on This Way Cool Thread.

                    Hi. Few things...

                    1. I am very excited to see some interest / movement in this area. I have failed at a Bedini replication... i believe because the tuning was hard and because taking measurements off the battery was a slow going cycle (at least the way that I had structured my charge / discharge tests).

                    The Don Smith device (in my mind and after having read this thread) seems a bit less complex.

                    2. I'm interested in some feedback on my understanding of the theory.

                    I had seen the experimental evidence on the spark gap producing extra power a few years ago and it had always driven me toward the pure tesla stuff.

                    If I had to explain what is going on, i'd say that the extra energy comes off the spark and as collected in the resonant LC circuit. When the LC circuit is at resonance, it has effectively zero resistance and so collects and preserves the power without losses.

                    Large gauge for the secondary (for amps) also makes sense to me since we are simply trying to eliminate the resistance on charge carriers.

                    It also makes sense that it really doesn't matter whether your step up or down, since the gain is in the spark gap. This seems to prove out with the spark gap experiments that drive the output of the gap directly into a capacitor.

                    It's just that different collectors (capacitors, batteries, LC circuits) have different capacities to collect charge coming off of the gap. Capacitors can't be pulsed to hard or frequently cause they have limited total charge capacity. Batteries have lots of charge capacity, but particular resonant frequencies that require the driver to hit them less frequently (i.e. and therefore at lower power).

                    But the LC circuit. Ah. With a great big coil, you can store lots of power. And you can tune the thing to extremely high resonant frequencies, so you can drive the gap at huge cycles per second, which means big gains. And further, they are easy to tap.

                    I like your approach zzz to avoid the rectification and inversion. I kindof always wondered... why?

                    3. One thing I really liked about the Bedini SSG project was the awesome experimenters guide.

                    It covered "theory" "objectives" "parts" "safety" "measurements" etc. All in one. I'm thinking of producing such a guide for this before I start. I don't like the feeling of having to search through the forums over and over for hints and tips. It should be in one place.

                    4. On subject of videos...

                    I understand, zzz, the importance of people learning these principles deeply themselves. I'm a big fan of teaching people to fish. Our society is too spoon fed. We are intellectually lazy overall. However, there are many smart people on this forum that could and would easily learn the principles if they had the confidence that their time was well spent. I, personally, don't want to invest another year into something that doesn't work out. I feel like there is enough knowledge out here that we should all be able to produce 10kW systems for our homes. The more of these that make it out into the wild, the better, and the more people get exposed to them, take and interest in them, and learn how they work. It's like this... I dissassembled a lawnmower engine when I was 12... because it was there. I probably wouldn't dissassemble my home power station while it was in use, but I would definitely pull off the cover and take a look. And maybe even try to replicated it. So, in short... I'm a big fan of videos and pictures. As a professional software engineer in the media business, I believe that video is the new email. It's rapidly becoming the new preferred medium of communication. Particularly by young people. I make games. I know. :-)

                    People just need to know what to pay attention too. Give them something inspiring and the revolution will proceed... (just in time for 2012. :-).

                    5. Practical advice...

                    I found a good supplier of NSTs... High Voltage Current Limited Transformers

                    Which one should I use for this experiment. I want 10kW. ;-)


                    PS. I was up until 2am reading this last night. And I guess I'm not the only one. zzz you are one of the most insightful experimenters I have seen posting in any forum. :-) Many thanks for your late nights and interest in this forum.


                    • Originally posted by jharmon View Post
                      5. Practical advice...

                      I found a good supplier of NSTs... High Voltage Current Limited Transformers

                      Which one should I use for this experiment. I want 10kW. ;-)

                      Welcome to the forum and this thread.

                      Zilano custom made his 35khz 4kv NST from a flyback transformer. That site also sells HF flyback transformers:
                      High Voltage Transformers

                      What you are looking for is a NST that outputs over 20khz min. and min. of 4kv output (to jump the spark gap SG1).

                      Don Smiths theory of tapping the free energy from resonating the "ambient environment" with HV & HF. The higher the voltage & frequency the more free energy you can tap. Zilano says 30-35khz & 4kv is a good range to tap 10kw for powering homes.

                      Cheers Mike


                      • Originally posted by jharmon View Post
                        Hi. Few things...

                        1. I am very excited to see some interest / movement in this area. I have failed at a Bedini replication... i believe because the tuning was hard and because taking measurements off the battery was a slow going cycle (at least the way that I had structured my charge / discharge tests).

                        The Don Smith device (in my mind and after having read this thread) seems a bit less complex.

                        2. I'm interested in some feedback on my understanding of the theory.

                        I had seen the experimental evidence on the spark gap producing extra power a few years ago and it had always driven me toward the pure tesla stuff.

                        If I had to explain what is going on, i'd say that the extra energy comes off the spark and as collected in the resonant LC circuit. When the LC circuit is at resonance, it has effectively zero resistance and so collects and preserves the power without losses.

                        Large gauge for the secondary (for amps) also makes sense to me since we are simply trying to eliminate the resistance on charge carriers.

                        It also makes sense that it really doesn't matter whether your step up or down, since the gain is in the spark gap. This seems to prove out with the spark gap experiments that drive the output of the gap directly into a capacitor.

                        It's just that different collectors (capacitors, batteries, LC circuits) have different capacities to collect charge coming off of the gap. Capacitors can't be pulsed to hard or frequently cause they have limited total charge capacity. Batteries have lots of charge capacity, but particular resonant frequencies that require the driver to hit them less frequently (i.e. and therefore at lower power).

                        But the LC circuit. Ah. With a great big coil, you can store lots of power. And you can tune the thing to extremely high resonant frequencies, so you can drive the gap at huge cycles per second, which means big gains. And further, they are easy to tap.

                        I like your approach zzz to avoid the rectification and inversion. I kindof always wondered... why?

                        3. One thing I really liked about the Bedini SSG project was the awesome experimenters guide.

                        It covered "theory" "objectives" "parts" "safety" "measurements" etc. All in one. I'm thinking of producing such a guide for this before I start. I don't like the feeling of having to search through the forums over and over for hints and tips. It should be in one place.

                        4. On subject of videos...

                        I understand, zzz, the importance of people learning these principles deeply themselves. I'm a big fan of teaching people to fish. Our society is too spoon fed. We are intellectually lazy overall. However, there are many smart people on this forum that could and would easily learn the principles if they had the confidence that their time was well spent. I, personally, don't want to invest another year into something that doesn't work out. I feel like there is enough knowledge out here that we should all be able to produce 10kW systems for our homes. The more of these that make it out into the wild, the better, and the more people get exposed to them, take and interest in them, and learn how they work. It's like this... I dissassembled a lawnmower engine when I was 12... because it was there. I probably wouldn't dissassemble my home power station while it was in use, but I would definitely pull off the cover and take a look. And maybe even try to replicated it. So, in short... I'm a big fan of videos and pictures. As a professional software engineer in the media business, I believe that video is the new email. It's rapidly becoming the new preferred medium of communication. Particularly by young people. I make games. I know. :-)

                        People just need to know what to pay attention too. Give them something inspiring and the revolution will proceed... (just in time for 2012. :-).

                        5. Practical advice...

                        I found a good supplier of NSTs... High Voltage Current Limited Transformers

                        Which one should I use for this experiment. I want 10kW. ;-)


                        PS. I was up until 2am reading this last night. And I guess I'm not the only one. zzz you are one of the most insightful experimenters I have seen posting in any forum. :-) Many thanks for your late nights and interest in this forum.
                        Hi jharmon
                        A warm welcome to you too. You seem like you could be a valuable addition to this forum and to the rest of the group here -
                        Concerning the Neon transformers --please read Zilano's post on Page 3, #64 -2nd paragraph -It explains that some of these transformers may not be suitable -due to the-old ones with steal cores and the newer ones with GFI'S in them--Like vrand said, it might be cheaper or easier to build one from an old tv flyback.-- Just some more info for ya---Paul


                        • Originally posted by vrand View Post
                          Hi Zilano

                          So the above design is for the R1 circuit to convert the secondary to 60hz output?

                          And the below circuit is for inverter output?
                          The below circuit only has 1 capacitor between the NST and the primary, while the above circuit it has 2 capacitors. Is that correct?

                          Cheers Mike
                          Hi Zilano,

                          Is there any benefits to copper coated welding rods vs non copper coated?

                          Cheers Mike


                          • ,,,,,
                            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                            • Originally posted by jharmon View Post
                              It covered "theory" "objectives" "parts" "safety" "measurements" etc. All in one. I'm thinking of producing such a guide for this before I start. I don't like the feeling of having to search through the forums over and over for hints and tips. It should be in one place.
                              That would be really really nice.


                              • hi zilano
                                many thanks for your advice

