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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Dwane
    Originally posted by dyatronn View Post

    I like the progress here! We have to figure it out before some guys lock free energy bg some commercial project of sending energy by Zenneck waves which woul make world even worse the it is today. Now if charges react to this waves you find the capicitace kmportant in tha aspect Edwin Gray notest talk about electrostatic charge every where around 😏 and Don Smith strange connection of coils and diode bridge may be just to discharge it to ground
    Hi boguslaw,
    I do not think we have to worry about Zenneck waves. Perhaps, the worry is to find a thousand willing builders of Don's device globally!

    @ ilandtan,
    Thanks again for your focus on Don's 1994 video. I had paid attention to it, but, your comments have been greatly appreciated. It is cold here in downtown Japan! 6C today. Have been off the grid with no internet, and I am pleased that there is some response to the video. I am a little sad that I have to wait until I get home to make a new build with my waxes so I can test them after reversal of charge. It is a pity that too few observers' are not contributing. But, I reckon they will once a new Don Device is shown znd clarity can be seen regarding output.



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  • boguslaw
    Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
    Cosmic radiation is not directed to a coil. It is absorbed by the charges of the environment and come in an excited state. Further, these charges, triggered by the wave front from the inductor, emit at the same frequency in the same direction along the axis of the coil, causing a voltage gain effect.
    I like the progress here! We have to figure it out before some guys lock free energy bg some commercial project of sending energy by Zenneck waves which woul make world even worse the it is today. Now if charges react to this waves you find the capicitace kmportant in tha aspect Edwin Gray notest talk about electrostatic charge every where around 😏 and Don Smith strange connection of coils and diode bridge may be just to discharge it to ground

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  • dyatronn
    Originally posted by dyatronn View Post

    What direction is the radiation pointing on a coil?
    Cosmic radiation is not directed to a coil. It is absorbed by the charges of the environment and come in an excited state. Further, these charges, triggered by the wave front from the inductor, emit at the same frequency in the same direction along the axis of the coil, causing a voltage gain effect.

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  • ilandtan
    Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
    The electrons and ions of the surrounding space are already excited. The source of excitement is the relict galactic radiation and the sun. When discharged into the inductor, a scalar wave is formed, which causes the excited charges of space to radiate at the same wavelength in the same direction. So the gain is obtained. The amplification effect lasts a few microseconds, and the energy in the circuit increases from 3 to 5 periods. At the time of maximum, it must be taken away.
    What direction is the radiation pointing on a coil?

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  • dyatronn
    [QUOTE=ilandtan;315497]The electrons and ions of the surrounding space are already excited. The source of excitement is the relict galactic radiation and the sun. When discharged into the inductor, a scalar wave is formed, which causes the excited charges of space to radiate at the same wavelength in the same direction. So the gain is obtained. The amplification effect lasts a few microseconds, and the energy in the circuit increases from 3 to 5 periods. At the time of maximum, it must be taken away.

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  • med.3012

    Hello everyone !

    i think couple of us are working on the same path ... the solution is to use an inductive charge mechanism not a capacitive .. something like a boost converter .. i did a simple experiment but the transistor fail , the good news is that it worked since it's possible to charge a Tank circuit using this method .


    edit , according latest Don smith video we have to focus on the magnetic side, this mean we have to generate a strong magnetic field even if it's a pure Reactive electric power but it's possible to convert it ...
    Last edited by med.3012; 01-04-2019, 03:56 PM.

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  • ilandtan
    Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
    Electromagnetic noise is the ambient energy Smith referred to. The space around is filled with this noise in the widest frequency range. The maximum is observed in zones of geological faults. Capture occurs on the principle of induced coherent radiation as in a laser. I cannot provide detailed charts, descriptions and videos, as it is related to a commercial secret.
    The problem with a laser of course is that it takes many Watts to excite a coherent effect, and you are NOT getting an excess of power. The mirrors are a main loss to it's system. I suppose if a DS device is creating some sort of plasma phase conjugate reflective box, you could overcome the governors that hold the universe from flying apart.

    That is a bunch of theoretical junk

    Please just show us something.

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  • ilandtan
    Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
    Soon we will power all the World with that noise I hope
    Ha! I actually thought you two might be the same person!

    I'm going to help you ilandtan, here ...use this information:

    tuna fish
    lava lamp
    dental floss


    Thanks guys, honestly
    Last edited by ilandtan; 01-03-2019, 05:00 PM. Reason: just for fun

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  • boguslaw
    Soon we will power all the World with that noise I hope

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  • ilandtan
    Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
    Electromagnetic noise is the ambient energy Smith referred to. The space around is filled with this noise in the widest frequency range. The maximum is observed in zones of geological faults. Capture occurs on the principle of induced coherent radiation as in a laser. I cannot provide detailed charts, descriptions and videos, as it is related to a commercial secret.
    If you can't show me, please let me know if the coherence happens magnetically(measurably with a Trifield meter)?

    How do you know when you have achieved coherence?

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  • dyatronn
    Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
    "electromagnetic noise" would you expand on that please?

    Are you saying that is the source of the "Ambient" and "Background" energy DS said was everywhere?

    Do you have pic or a video showing it working?
    Electromagnetic noise is the ambient energy Smith referred to. The space around is filled with this noise in the widest frequency range. The maximum is observed in zones of geological faults. Capture occurs on the principle of induced coherent radiation as in a laser. I cannot provide detailed charts, descriptions and videos, as it is related to a commercial secret.

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  • ilandtan
    Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
    Results depend on geomagnetic activity in a particular region, weather, time of day, time of year. It depends on how much electromagnetic noise the Smith coil can capture. In my case, the gain ranged from 2.25 to 7 times.
    "electromagnetic noise" would you expand on that please?

    Are you saying that is the source of the "Ambient" and "Background" energy DS said was everywhere?

    Do you have pic or a video showing it working?

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  • dyatronn
    Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
    I've seen that circuit. What are your results?
    Results depend on geomagnetic activity in a particular region, weather, time of day, time of year. It depends on how much electromagnetic noise the Smith coil can capture. In my case, the gain ranged from 2.25 to 7 times.

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  • ilandtan
    Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
    Hey. I use a double coil. I do not use a spark gap, I use a variometer and adjust to the second harmonic of the resonant coil.
    Here is part of the original Smith scheme.
    I've seen that circuit. What are your results?

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  • dyatronn
    Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
    Please expand, I am not sure what is being said.

    DS says his gaps and arrestors are always used to limit the amount of energy. Which I found is true in practice. If you place a SG in series with HV, the SG will hold the voltage down to the airgap breakdown voltage. Same is true for an arrestor. If have a 12kv secondary NST, and you put a 2kv GDT in series, the voltage will stay around 2kv.
    Hey. I use a double coil. I do not use a spark gap, I use a variometer and adjust to the second harmonic of the resonant coil.
    Here is part of the original Smith scheme.
    Attached Files

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