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  • See colored text below
    Originally posted by thugugly View Post
    Hi JohnStone, Thank you that was a lot of help.
    Let's see if I understand this;
    Pulsed DC act's like AC in a transformer at resonance
    Yes, pulses are being transformed but not only by winding ratio but additionally by current change speed - especially switch off speed
    , which I assume i'm getting by adjusting freq and duty,
    duty less than corresponding 20 KHz ( .5 ms) required
    i used four series neons to tune for brightness, i measured with freq counter around 9 khz, i wasn't sure, but sounds right now, thanks.
    seems right. My experience is that best firing is if we ignite and then increase gap or reduce voltage as long as sparks do not stop. Then we get that firing at neg. voltage near the lowest voltage - similar to TDC at car engine

    1. If I use 12 v input, and two car coils in paralell at res, not anti-paralell, my output could be 2000 v ac, 9 khz, max.
    if anti-parralell, 4000 v at 9-18 khz.
    depends on how you operate them. They usually have ratio of 1:100.
    - If you give them a regular frequency they will perform like a transformer with lower voltage.
    - If operated with square wave near 50% duty they will give additional peaks of higher voltage.
    - As pulse transformer they give a lot of more voltage (min. 10KV) if you load them with 6-10A max per pulse and sudden stop. I've seen American makes with an output up to 40 KV. Usually you can not load them this way within 0.5 ms. So it helps if you get a transitor type (built for resistor operation) but you operatem them without resistor. Additionally you can increase the voltage to about 24V.
    - Others charge a capacitor up to 400V (primaries stand that) and shoot by a thyristor to primary. That's real pulse technology and you get extremely high and sharp pulses.
    I feel that not the highest voltage is important but if they do it this way you have very steep edges and that seems to be of invaluable.
    These are basic hints only. Play with this parameters in order to transfer knowledge into your intuition.

    2. My cap should be rated at 2000-4000 v, and a capacitance which should be low maybe .1 to 1 nf. This will not be the tuning cap value because its before the spark so i will need another cap (variable), to tune coil after spark, or will it go to natural res since after spark.
    - follow the different hints in this forum to tesla coilers. You need to tune your cap so in order to you get a spark every pulse out of your car coil.
    - Another way was shown by Zilano. You rectify your HV and connect it through a resistor to your primary cap before spark gap. See Tesla coiler links for proper tuning with inductor instead resistor. But resistor is recommended for initial tinkering.
    We have pelenty of building stones and plenty of useful combinations. Therefore we have no distinct instruction for just ONE replication.
    Nobody knows all essential parameters and therefore most replications don't work. See recent discussion regarding conditioned capacitors. How many replications were totally correct - but did'n wait for conditioning?

    I've got a 16 ga. 2 inch B & W coil, 10 turns per inch, 10 inch long, for my primary, about 57 ft. I was going to try to step down at res, using 10 ga. wire at 1/4 primary, wind my L2's at ends of L1 but opposite ( 2 coils, 10 ft each) . I see mr clean used uneven number turns for his secondaries.
    Again: many building stones and many combinations.
    I decided for Zilano three coil setup (still under construction). This is because we have in the middle a coil with many windings and as high voltage as you like while components at primary and last secondary are loaded with moderate voltage only. But I do not garantee not to change my mind. Experiments will decide.
    Please take my hints as knowledge you have to explore. There are so many different parameters involved (some unknown). All components behave as community and not as individuals only. You need to get good friends with all of them.

    Last edited by JohnStone; 02-14-2012, 08:54 PM.
    Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


    • Originally posted by dragon View Post
      I suspected the shorted ...
      I measured my 80 turn coil and found that it performs at exact the same reosnant frequency if open or shorted and exact the same voltage measured. Obviously the ends swing in exact same direction and voltage maximum. I expected the ends to have oposite voltage swing.
      Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


      • & so john .. you are telling us that Vladimirs experiments do exactly what it says on the tin?
        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


        • thanks again JohnStone,

          So , i will use 2 coils in normal parallel and order some caps to handle 10 kv.
          While i wait for caps, i think i will wind a homemade nst coil and shoot for 4000 v output.
          The 10 kv still is very large. With out step down as primary, I can't imagine how to control secondary output without big, expensive parts.

          thanks again,


          • Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
            I measured my 80 turn coil and found that it performs at exact the same reosnant frequency if open or shorted and exact the same voltage measured. Obviously the ends swing in exact same direction and voltage maximum. I expected the ends to have oposite voltage swing.
            It seems the coil wound all one direction with a center tap would have the same voltage peak on the ends with the exception of polarity. The coils wound CW-CCW would have a peak positive on the outer ends and operate more like a pump. Assuming it was driven by a DC pulse with a dominant direction.


            • I've decided to try and clear up the driver circuit needed.

              I am trying to assemble some information to make the task easier / more replicatable.

              Thanks to Farmhands explanation about the four different types of twin ignition coil wiring arrangement I believe I see some something I didn't before.

              The tank circuit primary doesn't need two ignition coils out of phase, anti parallel, parallel, series or whatever. It needs a reliable amperage at a certain frequency, at a certain voltage.

              We know Don used NSTs with typically lower than 10kv.

              So what options does that leave?

              Ferrite ignition coils are available off the shelf.

              There are more than likely others.

              What is the ideal, continuous dc pulsed like joeFr?

              Those Ventex 12v nst's would be nice but I don't think they have enough juice?

              I think working under 20kv is wise as components start getting more pricey.


              • See colored text below
                Originally posted by thugugly View Post
                thanks again JohnStone,

                So , i will use 2 coils in normal parallel and order some caps to handle 10 kv.
                While i wait for caps, i think i will wind a homemade nst coil and shoot for 4000 v output.
                Stop with new huge caps: I talked of steep edges and tey come along high voltage rise. But if you have some neons in series your capcitor will not exceed much your neon clamping voltage. Provided you have short and thick wire between coil, neon and cap - especially for GND.
                I made a quite good HV cap by hot melting Al foil inbetween laminating sheets ( You know - this office stuff). You let 1 inch free of foil and in the end you build your stack and roll the AL foil around a litz wire at both sides.

                The 10 kv still is very large. With out step down as primary, I can't imagine how to control secondary output without big, expensive parts.
                That is the reason why I plan to use the three coil setup. The high voltage coil in the middle does not have any expensive HV components. The output coils are step down coils.
                Alternatiely you apply the Zilano inverse Tesla setup pulsing the coil with many windings.
                we had some very brillinat input in this forum - use it - I do

                thanks again,
                Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                  & so john .. you are telling us that Vladimirs experiments do exactly what it says on the tin?
                  After all Vladimir and Zilano uttered same notions but use different terms sometimes.
                  Zilano focussed to complete setups while Valdimir explains buildingstones - brick after brick. Both are very sparse with explanations for mere mortals. Apart from that we lag of terms for this kind of stuff. So it is very difficult to express in a correct way. Remember our discussion regarding capacitors and please tell me what a capacitor is. Three years ago I knew - now I know what it is not: it is definitely no can for storing jammed electrons......
                  I feel that Valdimir and Zilano managed to explain a lot of Tesla's notions but there are still plenty of missing links.
                  I read Vladimir's text once a week and I find again and again new sights. I intend to experiment some of Vladimir's notions in order to learn more. I do it because I feel the writings on the can are dead on.
                  Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                  • NSTs

                    Hi all

                    I see some are looking for easy to build NSTs Look at this links below
                    the first one looks good. be sure to read everything.

                    Single transistor solid state Tesla Coil

                    Solid State Tesla Coil with 555 Timer

                    POWERLABS' High Voltage Solid State Flyback Driver

                    And here is a vid on Wireless power transmission using Tesla coils (about a 7mb file) It reminded me about Don's device.
                    Wireless power transmission using Tesla coils - YouTube

                    Best to all


                    • HV source

                      Hi folks,
                      lots of new experimenters arrived. Welcome!
                      I feel a uncertainity regarding HV source. Please do not get confused. It is important to start with any HV source available and get a feeling for it's HV bahaviour. For this task it is not essential if you have a car coil, or a flyback or other means. You can start with a CCFL HV device out of a defect LCD monitor as well (40-60 KHz). I tested electronic PCB from energy saving bulbs as well. MOTs are possible but not recommended because of the lethal danger - especially for not trained beginners. All of them pulse somehow and kick a coil for ringing. A ccfl tube can be used as spark gap as well. It is advantageous if you start with 1 -2 KV in order to not destroy your equipment too early.

                      Basicallay you have two setups:
                      - Directly pulse a pre spark gap cap and discharge it into the primary coil. Here you can not use PSUs with long duty time at output or DC ones.
                      - Indirectly: Rectified HV into a decent cap - you have DC. From there you can charge the pre spark gap cap via a resistor or later on via a adapted coil.

                      All these setups are in discussion here and at tesla coilers. Play with these setups and get an intuitive feeling what happens. You need to feel how a capacitor charges out of a sine NST or a sharp pulse.
                      Imagine a water tap filling a bin. What happens if you have a spring loaded latch in the bottom (spark gap) and it opens at certain water hight ......
                      You need to know what you are doing in order to squeese success out of your setup.

                      If you have explored this area you can proceed to the next building block - the coil setups.

                      CAUTION: Please understand that high voltage might be lethal. It is no toy. You are not ecouraged to produce or use HV unless you have appropiate knowledge.
                      Last edited by JohnStone; 02-15-2012, 12:56 PM.
                      Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                      • Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                        After all Vladimir and Zilano uttered same notions but use different terms sometimes.
                        Zilano focussed to complete setups while Valdimir explains buildingstones - brick after brick. Both are very sparse with explanations for mere mortals. Apart from that we lag of terms for this kind of stuff. So it is very difficult to express in a correct way. Remember our discussion regarding capacitors and please tell me what a capacitor is. Three years ago I knew - now I know what it is not: it is definitely no can for storing jammed electrons......
                        I feel that Valdimir and Zilano managed to explain a lot of Tesla's notions but there are still plenty of missing links.
                        I read Vladimir's text once a week and I find again and again new sights. I intend to experiment some of Vladimir's notions in order to learn more. I do it because I feel the writings on the can are dead on.
                        Thats all so very true John .. each time I read through Vladimirs excelent piece of work another little tiny beam of light seems to shine, each time I look at that pdf I think hell its only 70 pages how hard can that be? Well the answer is quite difficult, I cant help feeling it would be so much easier with no previous electrical training at all ! I'm sure then it would then be possible to simply read the work and believe it! instead of that the very foundations of classical teaching become a giant mill stone! Even the terms we all use confuse I was questioning “cold electricity” myself a page or two back why? Because it doesnt officially exsist it arrives with multiple names one mans radient energy is another mans cold electricity added to a multitude of other names..
                        One mans Luminous Aether is anothers Dirac sea and so it goes on .. hardly suprissing people get confused! Added to that trrying to describe events which we have no language for is another giant hurdle, viewed in that light the work of vladimire and for example a.King on the last page regarding conditioning command huge respect! Also the work of previous Giants Like EP Dollard are brought sharply into focus Just quickly scan his work on the Tesla coil in the light of we we are doing here and you'll see just just what a sharp cookie EPD is … Eric Dollard Condensed Intro to Tesla Coils.pdf
                        There is a huge resorse here regarding EPD and many others Tuks DrippingPedia : Links And References but I'm afraid much of it is above my head ! Also following a.kings description of “conditioning” regarding water cells I recalled Aaron demonstrating his conditioned tubes on another thread a few years ago for those interested here's the vid Water Fuel Cell | Conditioned Tubes - YouTube
                        anyone got a nice simple circuit for static conditioning to hand? a quick search gives me this any advance?

                        Best wishes Duncan
                        Last edited by Duncan; 02-15-2012, 11:16 AM.
                        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                        • [QUOTE=JohnStone;180100]Hi folks,
                          lots of new experimenters arrived. Welcome!

                          Thanks for the welcome.
                          I have been watching and learning from all of the guys just to find out how little i know, so i will remain silent for now.
                          Thanks all


                          • Originally posted by African View Post
                            I have been watching and learning from all of the guys just to find out how little i know, so i will remain silent for now.
                            Hi African,
                            welcome! The aibility to evaluate the own knowledge is the first step in order to learn. But please accept that most of us feel same lag of knowledge if we talk of OU technology. It is off official learning matter and off of usual terms. In short your feeling will be a constant from now on.
                            Please feel ecouraged to ask questions because we want all of you to proceed. Apart form that some others will not dare to ask same questions you have but then have the chance to get answers as well. We are a community!
                            rgds John
                            Last edited by JohnStone; 02-15-2012, 03:46 PM.
                            Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                            • I have an idea. Can we start from the origin ? I have done simple computation on energy in AC current and need confirmation, because it looks too simple.

                              Let's say we need 3000W in current 230V/50Hz. I computed that it's enough to use capacitor 4700uF charged to 50,53V and discharging at 1Khz frequency to obtain that power level , except of course we have to :
                              1. Find a way to continously keep that capacitor charged at 50V no matter how big load (up to 3kW) attached to output
                              2. Find a way to circulate those 3kW in primary and let nature copy the same amount in secondary. ofcourse we use only power of nature.

                              comments ?


                              • Here are my suggestions for off the shelf NSTs suitable for Tesla/Smith/Kapanadze/Zilano coils.

                                6kv 30ma $69.50

                                9kv 60ma $249.95
                                15kv 60ma $299.95

                                Neon Transformer 15kV 60ma New Tesla Coil No GFI ! | eBay

                                Both of these available from Tesla Coils, Plans, Parts, Kits Page 2 who sell them for there own Tesla coil kits.

                                Definately consider looking for the plans. The give you everything down to dimensions, materials, wiring and tuning infomation. All with clear illustrations and colour photos. There cheapest kit is $7 for the plans and it estimates $300 for the materials.

