I know Bruce Perreault was fairly close with Don Smith and had a lot of contact with him. Don was on Bruce's energy discussion group a lot years ago. You could ask Bruce if he was the one involved by joining his Yahoo discussion group at nuenergy. He also has another group there by invite only I believe but that one should get you an answer.
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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
Hi Guruji
I dont know if anyone used ZVS driver in Don Smith setup ?
I know other replicators ( me too ) used car ignition coils, electronic NST and heavy neon sign transformer with iron core. If you post simple schematic how you have everything connected we can help you get some output on secondary coil. Where in circuit you have spark gap ?
Also have you tried any car light bulb 12V 5-60Wats ?
Do you have any cap parallel to secondary coil ?
Originally posted by joefr View PostHi Guruji
I dont know if anyone used ZVS driver in Don Smith setup ?
I know other replicators ( me too ) used car ignition coils, electronic NST and heavy neon sign transformer with iron core. If you post simple schematic how you have everything connected we can help you get some output on secondary coil. Where in circuit you have spark gap ?
Also have you tried any car light bulb 12V 5-60Wats ?
Do you have any cap parallel to secondary coil ?
This is as Mr clean setup regarding primary coil.
Yes I connected a 60w car bulb.
No I don't have any caps to secondary yet.
Hi Guruji
What is the size of the Primary LC CAP bank in nano Farads ?
And if you can measure the inductance of primary and secondary CW coil.
Make one test with 12V 5Wats car light bulb to see if you get some blinking.
I started with low wattage car light bulbs and then proceed with higher wattage.
Originally posted by T-1000 View PostIt was general observation from what I encountered over results posted in forums. People like to say "it cannot be" and skip repeating experiment then all goes into opposition..
Gas filled tubes.. One type of them are Thyratron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaLast edited by dragon; 02-17-2012, 11:25 PM.
Originally posted by Duncan View PostLooking at your number of posts that shouldn’t be too difficult! I suspect T1000 was making a general observation, even if he wasn't I would say Its rather a compliment than an Insult! Talk about Whinging POM , So your off to another thread … I bet their waiting with baited Breathfor a visit from yet another nay sayer with a bucket of cold water!
I don’t think you'll be sadly missed here anyway ! However If previous astute observations made by others are correct I can assume we'll see you again representing the opposition as soon as things become interesting again..... as far as I'm concerned Good Riddance .. go and hose down another hot spot, but remember eventually the truth will out!
However If previous astute observations made by others are correct I can assume we'll see you again representing the opposition as soon as things become interesting again..... as far as I'm concerned Good Riddance .. go and hose down another hot spot, but remember eventually the truth will out!
This thread is NOT your thread or Zilano's thread. It's been dominated by
Zilano's BS and distractions from near the beginning. I'm not participating in
this thread through my own free will. And out of courtesy to others. If I want
to post here I will.
Yes the truth will come out, and it will have nothing bad to say about me.
Take notice of the sign off names in the first few pages you'll notice
something curious.
By the way I'm an Aussie, I'm not an Englishman.
T1000 ought to word his posts better. I read it as directed to me.
I don't need other people's hijacked threads to have a place to post.
I will however reply to any posts referring to me or directed to me. If I choose.
P.S. Since it has been indirectly insinuated that I am a deliberate distractor
from the truth. In my own defence, I present the following thread. The thread
was an obvious hoax, take note of those who were duped or just replied
without thinking. Take note of those who expressed doubt, then take note of
the reaction of the person who expressed doubt (who immediately apologized
for being right). Then take note of how the duped keep posting. Then
take note of the eventual truth of the matter.
Notice how some people became angry, I think some were angry at
themselves because they "just believed", but they took out their anger on Mark.
I don't necessarily agree with what Mark did or how he did it. I wasn't
concerned about Mark, I was concerned about the truth. I'm not the only one
that showed doubts so this is not an "I told you so" thing, I'm just making a
point in my own defence.
Remember this stuff stays online forever unless it is deleted. I think right next
to a persons post counter there should be a deleted posts counter. So we
can see how many posts a person deletes and the reasons.
..Last edited by Farmhand; 02-18-2012, 02:02 AM.
Farmhand you were being really helpful in one way with spark gap info.
This device has a cop of more than 1 to put it lightly.
Swallow the other pill or fovever be an agent in the matrix.
You obviously know more than a few on here messing round with microwave oven transformers.
Please replicate and join us on this rollercoaster.
My 2 cents
I for one believe there is something to be found. Whether anyone here has found it remains to be seen. I've been following this thread for quite a while and am slowly putting some things together. I say dissent away. If the path is real, questions won't stop it. I think we all have to be skeptical. If it was easy, it would be everywhere.
I'm not buying or selling, just soaking up the info and trying to find truth. So hang in there.
@ Farmhand
Nothing wrong with being skeptical and I consider all of your points valid. Science is based on hope & skepticism. Replications are based on the science of repeatability. If it can't be repeated, then be skeptical. Too many well meaning people get sucked into " I want to believe" and it is completely understandable.
What is the difference between a optimist and a realist? Experience.
Originally posted by Farmhand View PostIf you are referring to me, then all I have to say is OMG.
I wasn't trained in school or university anything to do with electronics. I've
never attended a university. I've only attended high school general science
classes up to year 10. No physics classes. My high school science classes
covered a few very basic chemistry area's some physiology and stuff but I
don't remember doing any physics, I avoided it by not taking any advanced
science classes I also avoided advance maths.
This is a perfect example of what I tried to convey in my previous post. I do
plenty of experiments I just don't scream OU when i see a bulb light up.
There is no way science and blind faith can be compatible.
There is no point to me trying to contribute here.
I give up. All the best folks. I refuse to be offended, so I'll just
move on. If I have anything to share I'll just find another thread to do it in.
Cheers all.
As you have stated before, you can light a bulb brighter with HV/HF, but that does not mean you have OU. Just a more efficient way of doing what we have always done. You don't need a degree in science or physics, you just need the tools and the will to be able to measure and study. I have seen some of your experiments and you definitely know what you are doing. I am skeptical about over unity, but that does not mean there is not energy all around us to be tapped that the public has not found yet.
When someone accurately measures input vs output and can show more out then in, or something running by itself, then I will try it also. It doesn't mean over unity, it just means the energy is coming from somewhere we don't understand yet. Keep up the good work Farmhand.
Originally posted by joefr View PostHi Guruji
What is the size of the Primary LC CAP bank in nano Farads ?
And if you can measure the inductance of primary and secondary CW coil.
Make one test with 12V 5Wats car light bulb to see if you get some blinking.
I started with low wattage car light bulbs and then proceed with higher wattage.
Cause I had alot of HV caps and connected them to each other but I will see how much I have. But 30kv for sure.
I am noticing that you had another capacitor to L2 whom I did not do. I should do one and try. When I hooked a MM to my L2 it was giving me about 18amps flickering and above 1000v not sure if my MM is reading well.
I think the secondary's need to be larger gauge wire, think transformer, the voltage coming from your nst is high, you need to step it down, therefore the primary should be small gauge and the secondary's large gauge, bring the voltage down and amps up.Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question