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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by zilano
    Hi folks!

    i saw here that there are many people who have more intellect even greater than Tesla. So its better i leave the reins into the hands of these people and hope they guide all with their wisdom and experience and ability to judge and express opinion with sprinkles of salt and pepper wrapped up beautifully.

    Hi Zilano

    Great to hear from you! The confusion I had was the many different circuits. Could you please post your circuit that you got to work with the component values ? That would greatly simplify for other researchers trying to replicate a working unit!

    Cheers Mike


    • i never posted on this maybe i thought lets see where we will end up , but i must respect you in what you have been telling us for long time, well the energy you have put in replying all the queries is incredible and outstanding. I am sure the device will be working at your home..... Just 2 advice , don't disappear just stop the private messages that is fine... and block the people with negative vibes , you know who i am talking about ... and concentrate on the people who have a device prototype in working stage looking at their pictures.. and advice them only when they get struck on their project .. Block negative people .. Just be there i am also joining in making a project on this.. .. All the best ..We need you!!


      • ........too good to be true.......
        Every problem has always at least two solutions: Find.
        The strength of the strong and able to traverse the ordeal with calm eyes.


        • Keeping it Practical (and with Teamwork)...

          zzz. Great to see you again. I've read your threads and the Don stuff and I get the idea. I, for one, will...

          1. Draw my circuit.
          2. Calculate preliminary component values.
          3. Order components.
          4. Clean my garage so I have some room to experiment again.
          5. Wire everything up one stage at a time.

          I see it now as a series of "signal transformations". Pretty simple when you look at it that way. I'm going to stop focusing on the "how it works" for a bit and focus on the "what to do to make it work".

          I'll take pictures and ask questions as I go. It will probably take a few months cause I don't have much time to devote to it. Just promise to stick around and answer questions now and then.

          No more pontificating for me. And please everyone. No more bashing until we have (as a team) built the device with zzz's guidance and proved that it works or it doesn't. AFAIK. Nobody on this forum has done that yet.

          I'd say Mr. Clean, so far, is in the lead.



          • working example - tmz..

            Kapanadze 3KW selfrunning free energy generator unit - YouTube

            Here is working example of what has been in discussion , it is self sustaining and just needs a trigger from 9v or 12v battery..


            • Just FYI, as I was reading the various posts, It seems to me That Z is talking mainly about Resonance, if I'm correct ; did a little search, i think you could understand what he means by reading the following Patent:


              SELF-RESONANT COIL, NON-CONTACT ... - Google Patents

              ELECTROMAGNETIC SYSTEMS WITH DOUBLE ... - Google Patents

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-25-2011, 11:04 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by h2ocommuter
                I wanted to tell you today my feelings about you not being recognised as a woman and how that personally offended me.
                Z is a She? Wouldn't have guessed that, but only because the largest majority of electronics people are male, and I don't ever recall a specific reference to gender.

                I do have to agree though, some of you guys are complete a$$es. I think a great deal of what Z said made very good sense, and given the very real concern of unwelcome visits (ala RomeroUK), I would personally be very reluctant to post videos or pictures of functional devices. The burden is not on Z to prove is up to all else to decide if they believe what is being suggested, and then follow it or not.

                Zilano, I sincerely hope you will reconsider and hang around for a while.


                • Originally posted by LtBolo View Post
                  I don't ever recall a specific reference to gender.
                  One of the avatars gave it away for me.


                  • Howdy!

                    Originally posted by zilano
                    Hi folks!

                    i saw here that there are many people who have more intellect even greater than Tesla. So its better i leave the reins into the hands of these people and hope they guide all with their wisdom and experience and ability to judge and express opinion with sprinkles of salt and pepper wrapped up beautifully.

                    Hey Zilano! Thanks for stopping back in. I was sorry to see that you had deleted all your pics. I'd like to chat. Please message me with your email address.

                    Dude, you're curving my space-time.


                    • Never before...

                      such a collection of visionary idealists devoted to ending suffering on earth. To all energy researchers out there... hats off. I love you all.


                      • offended

                        Originally posted by h2ocommuter
                        Zilano I am sorry that the people that offended you do not care to understand what you have said. I want to compliment you on the amount of work and determination you have done to accomplish what you have.

                        I wanted to tell you today my feelings about you not being recognised as a woman and how that personally offended me.

                        I want to give you love and peace for all your days. May the wind be allways at your back and the peace of compassions allways be near your heart.

                        Originally posted by LtBolo View Post

                        I do have to agree though, some of you guys are complete a$$es. I think a great deal of what Z said made very good sense, and given the very real concern of unwelcome visits (ala RomeroUK), I would personally be very reluctant to post videos or pictures of functional devices. The burden is not on Z to prove is up to all else to decide if they believe what is being suggested, and then follow it or not.

                        Zilano, I sincerely hope you will reconsider and hang around for a while.
                        Well Said h2ocommuter and LtBolo ! Much Respect 4 u Zilano


                        • Originally posted by zilano
                          hI PINOY_TECH



                          Hi Zilano

                          Is the air core transformer full of copper welding rods to increase the coils L inductance? Or are the welding rods only used for tuning the L1 & L2 transformer coils and the 2" pipe is not full of welding rods?

                          Cheers Mike


                          • Originally posted by zilano
                            Hi mike!

                            plz quote which circuit u r talking about.

                            Hi Zilano

                            This one where it says "copper coated welding rods". Is the coil tube full of these welding rods to increase the inductance?

                            Cheers Mike
                            Last edited by vrand; 08-26-2011, 02:43 PM.


                            • Originally posted by zilano
                              hI FOLKS!

                              MUST VIEW ! better than all sites

                              for all ur clarifications and needs about don circuits. and sr 193

                              just scroll down in dynatrons link page and see don smith circuit working and circuit diagram and sr 193 diagram and kapanadze too

                              DYNATRON / Главная / FreeEnergyLT

                              for all other free energy devices and downloads pdfs and videos and iso html text
                              free info for all

                              Главная / FreeEnergyLT


                              Wow! Thanks zilano


                              • Originally posted by zilano
                                hI FOLKS!

                                MUST VIEW ! better than all sites

                                for all ur clarifications and needs about don circuits. and sr 193

                                just scroll down in dynatrons link page and see don smith circuit working and circuit diagram and sr 193 diagram and kapanadze too

                                DYNATRON / Главна� / FreeEnergyLT

                                for all other free energy devices and downloads pdfs and videos and iso html text
                                free info for all

                                Главна� / FreeEnergyLT


                                Hi Zilano

                                That site has LOTS of circuits! Which one is yours that makes 5-10kw energy that powers your house!

                                I could not find it!

                                Cheers Mike

