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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
I'm trying to catch up here. Wish I could contribute.
When you "crack it", Drak, pls let us know. A solid replication would be most welcomed! and appreciated.
@Zilano, Drak, all -- is there some kind of motion here that is itself part of the resonance? perhaps motion between the core and the output coils?
Very interesting stuff. Great to have a woman researching also! reminds me of the very talented electronics gal Jeri Ellsworth.
Originally posted by drak View PostMike,
Im my previous tests here and here I was using a series spark gap. According to zilano you can't get OU with a series spark gap. I'm still trying to get my parallel spark gap to fire. Those pictures are of a parallel gap setup and I got no results with them yet. I'm still having trouble matching between NST and primary. I don't remember the inductance of those coils right off hand. Matching resonant frequencies is easy if you have a scope and a function generator. Or you can just measure the inductance and use on line calculator. I have resonance between NST and primary, but still parallel gap will not fire. Not sure whats going on.
Your 2 videos with the different coil configurations also looked interesting. Nice work and craftsmanship.
Not knowing what your circuit diagram looked like I can't help you on your spark gap questions. Zilano's is saying that parallel or series spark gap should work with the correct capacitor configurations.
Since you are just testing different setups you might also want to take a look at Dynatron's circuit design, as his is also an all air core transformer setup like your setups so far and has developed to the point with all the circuit component values given. There are already several experimenters replicating OU by following the design.
Here is todays video of one researcher powering his 2200 watt disk grinder from the circuit. (Russian)
До�ка Смита питает угловую шлиф. машину..flv - YouTube
Did you notice any step down in voltage on your 3 turns primary to the 10 turns secondary on you first video?
The sliding in of the primary coil in/out was interesting to see the difference in the wave output on your scope at different positions inside the secondary coil. It looked cleanest at the far end just before going into the secondary. With your single CW secondary that makes sense since standard Tesla Coils have the primary at the bottom of the secondary.
In bipolar Tesla coils with center tap, the primary is in the middle of the secondary coil and is what is the standard configuration. With Zilano & Dynatron's setups the secondary is wound half CW and the other half CCW with center tap so their primary coil works best at the center of the secondary bifilar coil.
In the photo above there are 16 CW and 16 CCW secondary winding over a 4 turn primary winding to get the 1 to 4 windings ratio. Zilano's latests design also incorporates this windings ratio.
Also notice the tall tower coils that are the secondary output "choke" coils that Zilano incorporates in the latest design. I liked how the output diodes are in water (probably distilled) to cool them down.
Cheers Mike
ps forgot to link the circuit edited by vrand; 08-31-2011, 05:29 AM.
Originally posted by zilanoHi Mike!
there is no choke here. choke can be put across output. here r 4 coils
1 primary.
2 secondary bifilar
3 output1
4 output 2
output 1 and output 2 are joined parallel for final output.
coils wound over ferrite rings and if u cant find ferrite rings u can use cu coated welding rods in pvc tube and wind bifilar first then secondaries at ends and finally primary in centre. mark leads of each coils coz later they will confuse u if same wire is used. use different colored wire. so identificable.
bifilar is shunted and earthed. lengths must be exact 246/freq in mhz=Z
divide z by suitable number so u get 1 feet or so adn make each bifilar 4 ft. if the division is not exact then use fractional part also else coil will be needing caps to match pri n sec resonance.
Your design by adding the "shunted coils" looks VERY promising.
It looks like Kapanadze was also using it!
Here are some photos comparing to his famous little green and blue coil unit.
How do you calculate the number of turns needed for the output1 and output2 coils ?
Will having the output1 & 2 coils on the same ferrite core as the secondary and primary, will they interfere with the magnetic fields?
Cheers Mike
Last edited by vrand; 08-31-2011, 07:16 AM.
I'm attaching translation of one Russian guy procedure to obtain working Don Smith design with NST. It's slightly different then zilano so don't be distracted too much,however it drop a little light on topic I think. Maybe zilano method is far more efficient and that's why dynatron got only 2,5 kW output ?
Note : this procedure is for NST and for step up voltage ( original Don circuit), however I think it may be easily accomodated for flyback circuit. I have even checked my very small NST and it seems to match required multiplicity of frequency to pulse duration.
I have a theory how it may work if you are interested.Lenz law violation by "natural resonance" againts normally used "forced resonance"
Sorry, forgot to attach text.Here you are :
Spread a very useful dock from Nicholas! Merged with rialstrannika.
* 2.doc (1654 KB - downloaded 286 times.)
It is recommended to read the file immediately after "DonSmith_ru.pdf"
My comment:
1) Sampling frequency is determined by the duration of the pulses neonika neonika. In a variant of the Smith - 210 kHz. All dances by this frequency.
2) Pulse rate neonika must be a multiple of the duration of the pulses. No more requirements to it does not. In a variant of Smith's 35.1 kHz (multiplicity = 210/35 = 6).
3) The length of the wire coil L1 is chosen in the area of 27 MHz quarter wave resonance (cable length = 75.29 / frequency in MHz).
4) Mota is on the frame. Measure our inductance (attachment to the sound card + software - kick-ass thing. Going for 2 resistors). Must be for these frequencies 3 mH. If different, then change the distance between the turns or winding diameter. The length of the wires do not touch.
5) we catch in parallel Conder 0.2 uF (with a voltage greater than 1 volt).
6) measure our response (attachment to zvukovuhe + program). If the resonance is not 210 kHz - inductance change (as in 4).
7) Take the wire to 4 times longer than the first wire MUST. Mota on the large coil in a single layer from the middle to any edge. Measure our inductance. Should be 12 uH. Select inductance as in step 4.
8) We hang Conder .047 uF too low voltage. Measure our response. Catch a resonance at the same 210 kHz.
9) Replace Conder on high, add the diodes. Donastraivaem by Smith (with neonkoy).
Run and enjoy.
It is not clear yet how does the geometry of the location and connection of large output Conder, because they are connected in parallel and are charged in series of a traveling wave.
Who thinks about these Conder?
Program and the scheme:
* Zmeter.rar (479.32 KB - downloaded 207 times.)
am submitting amendments:
_8) After paragraph 8 to another reel the same coil from the middle to the other end of the pipe and set it on the same frequency.
10) Because most sound cards can not measure the frequency of more than 48 kHz, at the time of measurement Conder need to put in 5-6 times and adjust accordingly the frequency of 5-6 times lower. After adjustment for zvukovuhe replace Conder at 0.2 and 0.047 uF to naprugami 4000 and 8000, respectively. Who has the normal instrumentation, the tunes at once with these Conder 210 kHz.
Original text in russian:
Выкладываю очень полезный док от Николая!!! Слил с риалстранника.
* 2.doc (1654 Кб - загружено 286 раз.)
Рекомендуется читать сразу после файла "DonSmith_ru.pdf"
Мои коментарии:
1) Задающая частота неоника определяется ДЛИТЕЛЬНОСТЬЮ импульсов неоника. В варианте самого Смита - 210 кГц. Все пляшет от этой частоты.
2) Частота импульсов неоника должна быть кратна длительности этих импульсов. Больше никаких требований к ней нет. В варианте Смита 35,1 кГц (кратность =210/35=6).
3) Длину провода катушки L1 выбираем в районе 27 Мгц на четверть волновом резонансе ( длина провода = 75,29/частоту в МГц).
4) Мотаем это на каркас. Меряем индуктивность (приставка к звуковой карте+программа - обалденная вещь. Собирается на 2-х резисторах). Должна быть для этих частот 3 мкГн. Если отличается, то меняем расстояния между витками или диаметр намотки. Длину провода не трогаем.
5) Цепляем в параллель кондер 0,2 мкФ (с напряжением больше 1 ВОЛЬТА).
6) Меряем АЧХ (приставка к звуковухе + программа). Если резонанс не 210 кГц - изменяем индуктивность (как в п.4).
7) Берем провод в 4 раза длиней первого провода ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО. Мотаем на бОльшую катушку в один слой от середины к любому краю. Меряем индуктивность. Должна быть 12 мкГн. Подбирать индуктивность как в п.4.
8) Вешаем кондер 0,047 мкФ тоже с низким напряж. Меряем АЧХ. Ловим резонанс на той же 210 кГц.
9) Заменяем кондеры на высоковольтные, Добавляем диоды. Донастраиваем по Смиту (с неонкой).
Запускаем и радуемся.
Непонятно пока как влияет геометрия расположения и подключения больших выходных кондеров, т.к. они включены параллельно, а заряжаются последовательно бегущей волной.
Кто что думает по поводу этих кондеров?
Программа и схема:
* Zmeter.rar (479.32 Кб - загружено 207 раз.)
вношу дополнения:
_8) После пункта 8 нужно намотать еще одну такую же обмотку от середины к другому концу трубы и настроить ее на ту же частоту.
10) Так как большинство звуковых карт не могут мерять частоты больше 48 кГц, то на время измерений кондеры нужно ставить в 5-6 раз больше и частоту настраивать соответственно в 5-6 раз ниже. После настройки на звуковухе заменить кондеры на 0,2 и 0,047 мкФ с напругами 4000 и 8000 В соответственно. У кого есть нормальные измерительные приборы, тот настраивает сразу с этими кондерами 210 кГц.
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostI'm attaching translation of one Russian guy procedure to obtain working Don Smith design with NST. It's slightly different then zilano so don't be distracted too much,however it drop a little light on topic I think. Maybe zilano method is far more efficient and that's why dynatron got only 2,5 kW output ?
Note : this procedure is for NST and for step up voltage ( original Don circuit), however I think it may be easily accomodated for flyback circuit. I have even checked my very small NST and it seems to match required multiplicity of frequency to pulse duration.
I have a theory how it may work if you are interested.Lenz law violation by "natural resonance" againts normally used "forced resonance"
Also what was the url for the original Russian post?
Cheers Mike
That was somewhere in this thread afaik : Donald L. Smith
Sorry, it was a couple of weeks ago.
My theory is very simple (Well , that simplified version). If we accept that resonance is the key to efficient usage of the same energy MANY TIMES then of course in HV and high frequency parallel RCL circuit it could reach mega watts. The only problem is we have to SPIKE energy into it in precise moments to not disturb it. Thats why duration of spike has to be strictly related to frequency of RCL circuit.1/4 wavelength assuming we are spiking in magnetic field (we can do it otherwise in electric field also) is to ADD energy precisely to magnetic field of coil of this HV HF RCL . Meanwhile frequency of spikes has to be also correlated to the harmonic of that RCL and also match rersonant frequency (or higher harmonic) of primary RCL circuit - that's simply to minimize primary source load or to maximize voltage on primary winding (depending on capacitor and spark gap configuration).
Forced resonance is what we use today everywhere - matching resonant frequency , it means that RCL circuit is 1/2 of time working "with power source", while next 1/2 working "against power source" by Lenz law.
Strike a bell hanging freely on small rope, then strike again when holding tight in hand - and you will know the difference.
The same problem with have with load attached to the RCL circuit - it has to be via spark or other such device which let the excess energy ONLY be used for powering load while RCL is still oscillating.
But please remember that the best way to find theory is to experiment, got results (like zilano did) and then find theory. I wish I could have her skills ! Once I sit over my workbench I could only make an ugly not working crapwhich makes me horribly mad and sad...
@Bogus Law, how do you tune a musical instrument....
It is always in relations to the previous key, and in the musical scale, the golden ratio is king
"I consider this extremely important,. said Mr. Tesla. "Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether..“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Originally posted by vrand View PostHi Drak,
Your 2 videos with the different coil configurations also looked interesting. Nice work and craftsmanship.
The sliding in of the primary coil in/out was interesting to see the difference in the wave output on your scope at different positions inside the secondary coil. It looked cleanest at the far end just before going into the secondary. With your single CW secondary that makes sense since standard Tesla Coils have the primary at the bottom of the secondary.
Any time there is a spark, its next to impossible to measure on a scope which is why it looked clean, there was no spark. Like another forum member said, It really messes with electronics when the spark happens. My LED lighting will dim and flicker in in that room when the spark is going. I have fried the controlling part of a power supply so I had to buy another. Not to mention my computer will reset sometimes. I have measured the distance of about 300 feet away from the coils with a scanner before the clicking went away. God knows what its doing to my brain, lol. I would do what zilano suggests and turn off electronic equipment when sparking.
Originally posted by zilanoHi Muon!
Here we just try to blow a small wind of electrical and magnetic disturbance in primary coils which triggers higher disturbance in secondary and thus resonance is created and this resonance disturbs the ambient( or air) which already contains electrons yet we dont see em. they r disturbed and xcited and change their state and become ionized and they try to come back in former shape thus constitute energy we see as amperes. the core just help to make larger storm. more strong the storm more power produced. strength of storm depends on voltage frequency and the core material and amps fed to primary.
ferrite is a 1.8 inch outside diameter and one inch long.
I use flyback transformer with diode built inside.
What will be the value of capacitor placed between flyback transformer and spark-gap?Last edited by nico; 08-31-2011, 04:56 PM.