Hi Woopy, That will collect from pretty much any frequency hitting the antenna. If it's placed in close proximity of your kacher it will charge quite fast and to a much higher voltage level. If you connect the antenna to a copper plate and place the plate under the battery driving the kacher it will charge the cap extremely fast. It shouldn't effect the input to the kacher at all. If you ground it as in my early schematic you'll force the energy back into the battery indirectly. You should be able to light bulbs in your hand using your body capacitance on the outer rim and touch the battery terminals with the pos end of the bulbs. Also you'll be able to create a capacitive link to the battery which can be used to charge other batteries using the same 3 plate connection your using now.
This group does seem to have become a "catch all" for different variations but I suppose it all boils down to the same end goal.
have fun !
This group does seem to have become a "catch all" for different variations but I suppose it all boils down to the same end goal.
have fun !